Lost weight on apples and kefir: fasting days menu and diet

Why is apple kefir weight loss so effective?

This diet is considered one of the most severe diets, since you have to greatly adjust your diet. But there are many options and interpretations here - for example, violation of the order of food consumption is allowed and strict quantitative limits are not defined.

Reviews from those who have lost weight say that using kefir and apples you can lose two to five kilograms, and this is an excellent indicator for short and strict diets.

Kefir is “responsible” for its rejuvenating function, normalizes the acid balance and microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, helps strengthen the immune system, restores impaired metabolism, perfectly removes toxins, and has a beneficial effect on liver function. Kefir contains probiotics and other microelements.

Apples contain vitamins A, C, B, PP and E, as well as iodine, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, iron, and selenium. They help us survive stressful situations, strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve brain function, and help eliminate excess cholesterol. By including these products in one diet, you can safely expect amazing results in maintaining excellent physical shape.

About the benefits of apples

Kefir in combination with apples (preferably green, unsweetened) is an excellent method of combating the hated excess weight. It gives people who have been overweight since childhood the opportunity to say goodbye to 2-4 kilograms in seven days, and up to 5 kilograms for eating disordered people. Along with losing extra pounds, following this diet will cleanse your body of toxins and waste.

Kefir - benefits and harm

Harm from kefir is, perhaps, only possible if there are serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In other cases, due to the large amount of probiotics, minerals and vitamins it contains, this product is ideal for humans.

kefir is one of the most common ingredients in various diets

Those who need to lose weight value it for its low calorie content and ability to cleanse the body of harmful substances. It calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, restores water balance and metabolic processes.

Apples with kefir: compatibility

Nutritionists are sure that this combination is compatible. The use of apples and kefir comprehensively enriches the body with beneficial microelements. These are low-calorie and tasty products. A diet based on these products is one of the most effective, most often recommended to clients by specialists in the field of proper nutrition, since it contains both fiber and protein.

Negative aspects of such weight loss

Along with the numerous advantages of the apple-kefir diet, there are a number of disadvantages that should be taken into account when planning it:

  • Systematic feeling of hunger. Apples and kefir saturate the body for a short time, so you need to tune in to a positive result, be patient and resilient in the face of emerging attacks of appetite. It will be difficult for those who were accustomed to uncontrollably eating fried foods, salads dressed with mayonnaise, and confectionery before the diet. They will often have a need to eat something.
  • During a diet, those losing weight are especially irritable, some even have nervous breakdowns - and as a result, they break off the diet.
  • The result is short-term. When you return to your usual way of eating after it ends, the old indicators will not only appear again on the scales, but will also be reflected in your weight gain. Therefore, it is necessary to end the diet and return to normal nutrition wisely.
  • Keep in mind that kefir and apples are rich in acid. This is fraught with gastrointestinal problems (gastritis, bloating, etc.) if you maintain this diet for a long time.

Before carrying out fasting days, be sure to consult your doctor.
If you have no contraindications, hudeem-bez-problem ru advises trying a fasting day.

Main rules

To achieve amazing success while following a diet, choosing delicious apples and high-quality kefir is not enough. It is necessary to follow the key points that will help you achieve your goal much faster:

  • Use low-fat kefir or one containing 1% fat. Pay attention to the expiration date. The presence of preservatives in it indicates that this is a shelf-stable product. The freshest one is better.
  • You should eat green apples - the rest are high in sugar.
  • Control your drinking regime. Make it a rule to drink at least one and a half liters of pure water. Remember, the more you weigh, the more water you need to drink. Other drinks (herbal infusions, green tea) do not replace water.

During this period, you can use a medicinal infusion for flatulence and pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Three times a day before meals, drink an infusion of mint and chamomile, at the rate of half a teaspoon of each type of dry herb per 350 ml. boiling water (leave for forty minutes).

It is better to prepare your body before starting a diet by consuming low-calorie, raw and cooked foods throughout the day.

If you are already tired of fresh apples, you can eat baked ones, with the addition of spices and natural honey. This method will not affect the effectiveness of the diet and will have a detrimental effect on the body.

It is extremely important to carefully determine the diet period, taking into account upcoming important events (holidays, trips, business trips, sessions, etc.). If any are planned, hudeem-bez-problem recommends holding off on the diet. Fitness will also have to be put on hold. An alternative is to simply take a daily walk in the fresh air.

What is a fasting day in essence?

A fasting day is designed to help the body get a good rest in a short time. To achieve this, only light food should enter the stomach so that you do not have to waste time on digesting it. Thanks to this, the self-cleaning mechanism is launched.

After all, if previously the next portion of food had already entered the stomach, when the remnants of the previous one had not yet had time to be eliminated, now all that is unnecessary and unnecessary will finally go away. Thus, by regularly spending fasting days, we bring great benefits to our body, and also effectively fight excess weight.

How do fasting days affect weight? The fact is that they help the body cleanse itself and rid all organs of toxins.

Interesting fact: more than 150 types of harmful substances are removed from a person’s lungs alone during a fasting day! Also, such days help cleanse blood vessels and remove uric acid salts. (We have an article on our website about what a diet should be if there is high uric acid in the blood).

On the advice of nutritionists, you should not arrange fasting days more than once or twice a week. Observing such days is, in principle, quite easy. You just need to be determined and strictly follow the instructions of the chosen way to spend such a day. And there are quite a lot of them.

Moreover, if you plan to combine different types of fasting days, then you need to choose products that are similar in composition. The following combinations are accepted: vegetables-berries, rice-fruits, meat-fish, kefir-fruits. You can prepare nutritious and healthy smoothies based on vegetables and fruits.

There is also a “zero” fasting day, when only drinking water is allowed. This promotes skin rejuvenation, the complexion is evened out, the skin becomes elastic, wrinkles and folds disappear.

Is it possible to have an apple with kefir at night?

Is it acceptable to have an apple at night when losing weight, when dreams of a beautiful figure haunt you, but the treacherous rumbling in your stomach makes you think only about food?

In this case, nutritionists recommend not kefir with apples at night, since they are harmful, causing fermentation and bloating, but a light dish of boiled vegetables. Apples contain saccharides, so eating them at night is excluded, since the carbohydrates received by the body will be stored in fat.

Those who adhere to PN are advised to eat protein foods at night when they feel hungry. As a last resort, you can drink kefir without apples right before bed.

Eating an apple with protein food really speeds up weight loss. An apple with kefir, but not immediately before bed, but for dinner is an excellent choice for nutritionists.

  • In combination with proteins, an apple perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger.
  • Apples take longer to digest.
  • Thanks to the fiber in apples, the intestines are cleansed and constipation is eliminated.

Smoothie based on kefir with apple and cinnamon
Apple-kefir cocktail for evening weight loss (not at night!)

For it, you need to grind an apple with peel in a blender, add a glass of kefir to the resulting mass. Use without sugar, but you can use spices or vanillin.

Why fasting and not fasting?

Unfortunately, quite often people prefer simple fasting rather than dietary and fasting nutrition systems. This may seem like a simpler way with obvious results. But in fact, fasting harms the body! Thus, it is easy to disrupt metabolic processes. Fasting negatively affects the functioning of the digestive, endocrine and immune systems, as well as the cardiovascular system.

Experts note: when weight comes off quickly during strict fasting, then it also quickly returns.

That is, you still won’t get the desired effect, because the result will be temporary.

The best solution is a reasonable one-day diet, the so-called fasting day. It is recommended in two cases:

  1. For quick weight loss, for example, before an important event;
  2. To maintain good shape, this is especially important after going through a long diet.

A good option is to hold fasting days weekly, for example on Saturday or Friday. It is advisable not to choose a time for them when you have serious work or significant physical activity ahead of you.

The optimal products for fasting days were kefir, apples, fruits and vegetables, cereals, and low-fat dairy products. The high content of valuable microelements, vitamins and minerals is of great importance. Such products suppress the feeling of hunger and provide an easy reduction in portion sizes. Of course, proper drinking regime is also important. You should drink before meals, and drink at least 2.5 liters of purified water throughout the day. You should avoid carbonated water.

Be sure to read: The effectiveness of eating tangerines for weight loss

Fasting day on kefir and apples – 4 options

Try to have a fasting day once every 10 days. It’s excellent if the unloading falls on a non-working day, when there is a chance to pay more attention to walks and relaxation. Losing weight-without-problems has prepared 4 unloading options for you:

1 option

Eat five small meals throughout the day.

  • In the morning 1 glass of kefir;
  • At lunch, after 4 hours - a glass of kefir and two apples;
  • Afternoon snack after 3 hours - one baked apple + 1 fresh apple and a glass of kefir;
  • After 4 hours - for dinner 1 apple and 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1 glass of kefir before bed.

Don't forget about your drinking regime during the day. Herbal teas are allowed twenty minutes before meals.

Option 2

Suitable for those who are not used to eating on time and paying attention to the quantitative composition of portions. The principle of this method is to consume two liters of kefir and apples in unlimited quantities per day.

Drinking regimen - ¾ glass of water or decoction of berries (hawthorn, rose hips) every hour. Avoid drinking water two hours before bedtime.

Option 3

Divide two kilograms of apples into 5 parts equally.

  • Breakfast – peel 1 piece of fruit, pour 200 milliliters of kefir. A decoction of rose hips is recommended as a drink.
  • The next dose is three hours after breakfast. Fresh fruits, green tea.
  • For lunch - baked fruit, a glass of kefir.
  • For afternoon snack – 4th serving.
  • In the evening – remaining apples, kefir with herbs or cinnamon.

Option 4

The method is rough, but effective. In advance, two kilograms of apples with cinnamon are baked in the oven, and 1 liter of kefir is stored.

In the morning, everything is divided into equal four parts. This is eaten during the day; besides this, it is strictly forbidden to eat anything else. If you feel hungry, 1 tbsp is acceptable. still mineral water.

Breathing practices or yoga classes are encouraged before bed.

Duration and menu

The kefir and apples diet is designed for 3, 5, 7 and 9 days. For those who are trying this kind of food for the first time, it is better to resort to a fasting day or a three-day diet.
After losing weight, it is not recommended to indulge in unhealthy foods; it is better to eat healthy foods so that the extra pounds do not return.

Menu for fasting day:

  1. Breakfast: kefir – 200 gr.
  2. Second breakfast: apple – 1 pc.
  3. Lunch: boiled fish – 200 gr.
  4. Afternoon snack: fermented milk drink – 200 gr.
  5. Dinner : applesauce – 100 gr.
  6. At night: fermented milk drink – 200g.

Menu for three days:

TimeFirst daySecond dayThe third day
BreakfastCocktail with kefir and grated appleFresh or baked appleA glass of kefir with honey
LunchKefir – 100 gApplesauceApple juice
DinnerOne appleCottage cheese with 0% fat contentCocktail with kefir, grated apple and a spoonful of oatmeal
Afternoon snackKefir – 100 gApple and a handful of nutsOne apple of any kind
DinnerApplesauceFresh appleOne grated apple with honey
Before bedtimeKefirKefirA glass of kefir

Kefir-apple diet for 3 days from Marina Neelova

3 days is enough to lose weight up to five kilograms, remove fluids, normalize digestion, eliminate toxic waste and toxins without harming the body. Ideal for use after vacations, long weekends, holidays, etc. The diet is allowed once every two to three months.

You need to eat up to six large apples (preferably green) and two liters of fermented milk drink per day. You can experiment with apples: bake them, eat them in salads, grate them, eat them raw. Green tea, rosehip decoction, and drinking water are allowed in unlimited quantities.

Kefir-based diet from Marina Neelova

The transience of the proposed diet does not exclude contraindications:

  • childhood and adolescence;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • problems with immunity;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • exhaustion;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • recovery after surgery and injury.

Be sure to consult a specialist!

Menu for weight loss for 3 days

General rules

The kefir-apple diet is based on the consumption of only two products - kefir and apples. This is a fairly strict, low-calorie and stress diet with high efficiency. With strict adherence to the diet, weight decreases quite quickly (on average, 400-500 g/day). This option for a set of products is more often used for fasting days ( kefir-apple fasting day ), since the diet is physiologically inferior and unbalanced in all food nutrients.
This diet is suitable for those who need quick and guaranteed weight loss results. Like any low-calorie diet program, the diet on apples and kefir is accompanied by a feeling of hunger, and for those who cannot tolerate this feeling, such a diet is not suitable. The diet is designed for healthy people who are not prone to hypoglycemic conditions and have no contraindications from the gastrointestinal tract. A low-calorie diet can negatively affect overall health in the form of weakness, lethargy, dizziness , darkening of the eyes, and fatigue.

The optimal duration of the hard option is a kefir-apple diet for 3 days. The diet is extremely simple: low-fat (1-1.5%) kefir in an amount of 1 liter and green apples (1-1.5 kg). The daily intake of products is divided into 5-6 doses. And so all 3 days. At the same time, the consumption of free liquid should be at least 1.5 liters in the form of still mineral table water, herbal/green tea, rosehip infusion or coffee (for those who cannot live without it). It is also important to pay attention to the timing of kefir production, since daily storage kefir has a laxative effect, and 3-day kefir, on the contrary, strengthens.

A short-term diet of kefir and apples is certainly beneficial for the body. After such a diet, in addition to losing weight, other positive aspects appear - lightness, vigor, skin cleanses and acquires a healthy color. This is facilitated by kefir, which contains a large set of vitamins and minerals (vitamins B, A, PP, beta-carotene, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, chlorine, copper, sulfur, zinc, iodine, iron, chromium, magnesium, potassium, fluorine, manganese , selenium, molybdenum), amino acids and fatty acids. In addition, kefir regulates intestinal microflora, restores the balance of beneficial bacteria, probiotics cholesterol levels in the blood , normalizes intestinal motility, improving overall digestion and absorption of foods.

Green apples are also rich in vitamins (B, C, PP) and minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, chlorine, iodine, magnesium), flavonoids, fiber and pectin which are extremely useful for maintaining normal intestinal function, removing heavy/radioactive metals, removing cholesterol from the intestines. Apples stimulate metabolic .

A diet based on kefir and apples is quite low in calories: the calorie content of low-fat kefir is 40 kcal/100 g (400 kcal/1 liter), and of apples - 45 kcal/100 g (675 kcal in 1.5 kg of apples), in general —1000-1100 kcal/day. In general, the diet of such a diet contains 42 g of protein, 15.0 g of fat and about 150 g of carbohydrates, which indicates that it is unbalanced in almost all food nutrients and, accordingly, it is not recommended to practice such a dietary program for more than 3 days, since this is fraught development of protein starvation and impaired fat metabolism.

Some authors suggest extending the kefir-apple diet for 7 days. It must be emphasized that it is not recommended to do this in a strict version (mono-diet), unless, of course, you are interested in your health, and not just weight loss indicators. For those who really really want to extend such a diet to 7 days, it is recommended to increase the protein component in the diet, otherwise the body will begin to use muscle proteins rather than fat for energy. As a protein component, you can include chicken breast, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, and chicken egg whites in your diet. It is recommended to consume 250-300 g of any of these products daily at lunch. You can alternate these products daily.

There is no need to supplement them with kefir and apples; it is better to drink green tea. Also, in order to increase the amount of fat component, it is recommended to replace dietary kefir with kefir 3.2% fat. If you want to slightly increase the carbohydrate content, you can use “kefir soup”, which contains finely chopped vegetables (tomato, cucumber, garden herbs, green peas), poured with a glass of kefir. The calorie content of such a diet is slightly higher (about 1500-1800 kcal/day), but this is enough for a comfortable weight loss regimen without any serious risk to your health.

During this period, it is recommended to reduce physical activity and also take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Kefir-apple diet for 7 days

The diet is similar to M. Neelova’s diet for 3 days. To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which is burdened with processing huge amounts of fiber, it is necessary to dilute the diet with baked apples. This will make it easier to digest. If the body finds it difficult to tolerate a diet, you can adjust the diet by introducing dishes from boiled vegetables.

The diet is determined by a similar diet, but kefir can be consumed with a fat content of 2.5-3.2%. Kefir and apples 1.5 kg each. in a day. Apples and kefir are divided throughout the day, or consumed on the same day, monitoring food intake with minor time breaks. It is recommended to include in the menu dishes with baked or boiled vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, and natural honey. This makes it easier to fight hunger.

This diet allows you to lose up to 5 kg. The weighing numbers will please you even if the initial weight is insignificant. If you weigh significantly more than the statistical norm, you can lose 6-7 kg. The diet is quite strict - those who lose weight experience frequent breakdowns. If certain breakdowns occur during the diet, it is necessary to continue the established nutritional algorithm. Efficiency will decrease, but this is not a reason to abandon the plans.

Apples are sometimes allowed to be replaced with other fruits. Use berries, kiwi, grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, pomelo.

Strictly prohibited: plums, grapes, bananas, avocados, apricots. These are high calorie. Kefir can be replaced with fermented baked milk, sourdough, or yogurt.

Apple kefir diet for a week

Who is the nutrition method suitable for?

The diet has a lot of advantages, but, like any dietary restriction, it is not without contraindications:

  1. weak vessel walls;
  2. hypertension;
  3. increased stomach acidity;
  4. diabetes;
  5. formation of ulcers and wounds;
  6. obesity (a diet of kefir and apples for 3 days can cause a sharp fluctuation in calorie content, resulting in various diseases).

Note. It is not recommended to use the figure correction method for teenagers either, since a sudden change in diet and a reduction in calories can lead to abnormal development.

Diet for 9 days

This diet is one of the toughest, but most effective ways to lose weight. It can help you lose up to six kilograms of excess weight. If you feel a deterioration in your condition in the form of shortness of breath, loss of strength, apathy, drink warm water with honey. If it gets worse, slowly return to your usual way of eating.

Nine-day kefir diet with apples


If you eat these two foods throughout the day, the result will already be noticeable the next morning. A kilogram of apples contains only about 600 kcal, and the availability of this fruit is obvious, unlike exotic fruits.

Fasting days on apples are a great way to lose two or three extra pounds and improve your body health. After all, these fruits are a complete source of:

  • B vitamins.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin RR.
  • Folic acid.
  • Potassium.
  • Gland.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Iodine (in fruit seeds).
  • Beta-carotene (in red and yellow varieties).

But that's not all. Apples are a storehouse of antioxidants; they fight factors such as harmful environmental influences and aging of the body. No wonder these fruits are called “rejuvenating”.

And the fiber contained in apples stimulates intestinal function and fights problems such as dysbiosis and constipation. Research confirms that pectin, which is found in apples in huge quantities, helps improve skin condition, lower cholesterol, remove toxins and speed up metabolism.

The right way out of the diet

Such diets have a set of side effects - for example, kilograms instantly return.

But it is very possible to record the results of losing weight. To do this, you will need patience - for about five days you will have to eat like this:

  • 1 day – 250 gr. boiled lean chicken, rabbit or veal, a small amount of boiled vegetables. Salt and spices are excluded. Meals no more than five times.
  • On the following days, lenten soups, vegetable stews, berries and nuts are allowed.
  • And only after 6 days you can eat fatty broths, red meat and fish.

Subsequently, you eat right and this maintains the result. Everything will be in vain if you switch to cutlets with potatoes and palmenis with mayonnaise.

How to start and end a diet correctly

Any diet is stressful for the body. This may lead to a breakdown or malfunction of the nervous system. To prevent such situations from happening, you need to properly prepare for the diet several days in advance:

  • Avoid sweet, fried, fatty foods and processed foods.
  • Minimize your intake of salty foods.
  • Gradually introduce vegetables, fruits, fermented milk products, cereals, soups or broths into your daily diet.
  • Do not drink alcoholic or carbonated drinks.
  • Steam or boil lean meats and fish.

The kefir-apple diet assumes a smooth exit, in which the lost kilograms will not be able to return:

  • Low-fat broths or vegetable soups should be introduced for several days.
  • Fresh vegetables and other dairy products can then be added.
  • Apple consumption should begin to be reduced from the third day after completion.
  • The diet recommends, if possible, permanently giving up or minimizing the consumption of sweet, fried and fatty foods.

Nutritionist's opinion

Nutritionist Timofeeva Elena thinks this:

“You need to understand what exactly a person loses on a kefir-apple diet, because to lose one kilogram of fat you need to spend 7,000 kcal. Without allowing yourself to eat what you want, it is unrealistic to spend that amount of energy per day. And getting rid of 3 liters of liquid is easy. So the essence of the kefir-apple diet and fasting day, according to the nutritionist, is to rid the body of water, not fat. This is why the kilograms come back so quickly “with their comrades.”

How quickly do you lose weight on a diet?

If you follow the basic rules of the diet, you can start losing weight from the first days of being on the diet. The apple-kefir diet gives excellent results - in the first 3 days you can lose up to 3 kg in weight, and even a little more, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the initial weight.

The duration of the kefir-apple diet should not exceed 7-9 days. During this time, weight decreases significantly, and the person loses 10 kilograms or more. However, such a long-term diet can cause great harm to the body, so only completely healthy people who do not have chronic diseases or mental disorders can follow it.

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