How Marina Afrikantova actually lost weight: features, diet and reviews

Fans of the well-known talk show “Dom-2” are tormenting themselves with the question of how Marina Afrikantova, one of the brightest participants in the project, lost weight. In her life, the girl had to go through many quarrels with her loved one and friends, which is why her excess weight began to grow rapidly. Within the project, she did not have the opportunity to again become a beautiful blonde, attracting the attention of many guys, but after meeting Alla Dukhova, everything changed dramatically.


Few people know that Alla studied ballet, but her excessive obesity prevented her from achieving the desired results, so she had to give up her favorite activity. The strong-willed athlete couldn’t just give up; she was ready to do anything for her dream. Alla Dukhova quickly lost weight for the sake of her cherished goal, which attracted the attention of Marina Afrikantova. Having met at one of the presentations, the girls discussed all the shortcomings of the Dom-2 participant, and Marina received a couple of practical tips from the dancer. From that moment on, the girl took care of herself and achieved truly wonderful results. Now many young talk show viewers dream of learning the secret and achieving the same results for themselves.

How Afrikantova Marina really lost weight

Fans of the Dom-2 participant and the project itself have already come up with several versions regarding the star’s weight loss. Some say with complete confidence that they had plastic surgery, while others are more inclined to believe that a special diet helped the girl.

In fact, the opinion about diet is correct. Marina ate right and regularly visited the gym, where sympathetic people helped her create the right program that accelerated the process of losing weight. It is worth considering the important fact that her height is 177 centimeters, and she managed to lose weight from 78 to 53 kilograms.

The diet that Afrikantova used, of course, has certain advantages. First of all, it is necessary to note its high efficiency - in an extremely short period of time it is possible to get rid of quite a lot of weight. In addition, the menu includes food products that not only burn fat, but also improve health. Cleansing the body with natural ingredients is a really important benefit that many diets do not have.

Before this diet, as well as before using other weight loss methods, you should consult a doctor. This diet is strictly prohibited for people suffering from chronic diseases, and it is also not recommended for pregnant or lactating women to go on any diet. A consultation with a doctor will prevent any unpleasant consequences from occurring.

Diet of Marina Afrikantova

The diet that Marina offers is designed for a twenty-day period, during which high-calorie foods are prohibited. For a faster process of burning calories and toning your body, you should also run or walk very quickly for 20-25 minutes every day. That’s the whole secret that allowed Marina to cope with almost three dozen kilograms of excess weight.

Light cardio exercises allowed Marina to gain a toned body

Among the products that are prohibited for consumption, Marina lists:

  • bakery products, sweet pastries, noodles, pasta and confectionery products;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • potatoes of any type and method of preparation;
  • any foods high in fat;
  • sweet sparkling water.

Afrikantova warns that after three weeks of a low-calorie diet, the body will not receive many important microelements, so it is important to take fortified complexes. Taking multivitamin supplements is a must, otherwise you may end up with unpleasant health problems or, at the very least, find that your hair has become dull, your skin has become dry, and your nails have become brittle.

How to eat?

Marina’s diet is a cyclical diet, that is, a certain set of foods will be repeated sooner or later. In this case, the products recommended by Afrikantova are distributed over 6 days, after which the cycle is repeated two more times.

Girls who find such a low-calorie diet too difficult can add several snacks to their daily routine, consisting of a portion of vegetables or light fruits (for example, apples). However, Marina warns that the effectiveness of the diet may suffer from this, although it will be much easier for you to tolerate. The most difficult, according to Afrikantova’s reviews, are the first few days.

Low-calorie cyclical diet - Afrikantova’s secret to losing weight

Secrets of losing weight

Based on all the previous facts, it is impossible to understand exactly how Marina Afrikantova from “House-2” lost weight. What exactly should be present or absent in the diet?

You should start with what you should not eat during the diet, even in minimal quantities:

  1. Bakery products (with additives).
  2. Confectionery (even dark chocolate is prohibited).
  3. Carbonated drinks.
  4. Fried foods.
  5. Flour products.

If you cross out all these foods from the menu, weight loss will be noticeable within a week. But Marina herself recommends buying must-have products specifically for the diet period:

  1. Vegetables.
  2. Fresh juices.
  3. Eggs (exclusively boiled).
  4. Natural honey.
  5. Protein products.
  6. Herbal teas.

Secrets of being slim

Like most girls who want to lose weight, Marina has tried many methods by which she can build weight in the shortest possible time. It was a thorny path, but it was crowned with success - the star lost weight. She was able to lose those extra pounds by strictly following some rules:

  • complete exclusion of baked goods and sweets from the menu;
  • the main product is cabbage;
  • eating large quantities of vegetable stews;
  • buckwheat porridge without oil and seasonings;
  • drinking non-carbonated mineral water.

Most fans doubted that the secret of a magnificent figure lies only in the right diet. The girl decided to reveal her personal technique that allowed her to acquire a beautiful appearance. Marina said that she does endurance exercises and sticks to a low-fat menu. In her opinion, it is not difficult at all: it only requires desire and perseverance. The first step is to set an exact date for starting the diet, this is very important.

The girl emphasizes that such restrictions should be adhered to for three weeks. She reports that it is necessary to eliminate high-calorie foods from the daily menu. For the diet to bring even better results, you should engage in physical exercise, or rather, cardio exercise for at least half an hour a day. Afrikantova said that she walked a lot, so she was able to achieve rapid and significant weight loss. The star’s diet strictly prescribes eliminating the following foods from the menu:

  • flour products, baked goods with sugar, spaghetti, horns and sweets;
  • alcohol;
  • potatoes in any version;
  • sweetened soda;
  • foods high in fat.

The girl reports that it is advisable to take vitamins during the process of losing weight. Without this, your health can seriously deteriorate. Marina says that during the diet she did not take special supplements, as a result of which she experienced hair loss and splitting nails. Today, the blonde closely monitors the condition of her body and no longer allows rash actions, because it is likely that the birth of a child will soon follow, and for this you need to be healthy.

How much can you lose?

Young girls want to find out how much weight Marina Afrikantova has lost in order to achieve the same result themselves. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that the number of kilograms lost will depend on the height and weight of each person. For example, for Marina herself, the ideal weight lost was that hated 25 kilograms, but with a fairly tall height. Nutritionists recommend that before starting any diet, examine your parameters and calculate how much weight you need to lose so as not to harm your health.

The calorie content of the diet does not go beyond 600-1000 Kcal per day. In order to maintain such a diet, you must have willpower and a great desire to achieve your goal. In general, in a week, any person can lose from 3 to 5 kilograms if all the rules are followed.

Basic principles of nutrition

Observe the following principles:

  1. Do not eat fried, salty and sweet foods, as well as baked goods, potatoes and pasta. Due to this, cholesterol levels are lowered and the caloric content of the diet is reduced.
  2. Eat healthy foods to help cleanse your body of toxic substances.
  3. There should be at least 5 meals daily. Eat small portions.
  4. To normalize metabolism and cleanse the body, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water without gas per day.
  5. Marina recommends running at least 20 minutes every day.
  6. Avoid alcoholic drinks, they slow down your metabolism and prevent fat burning.
  7. Consume no more than 1000 kcal per day.

Products that should be on the menu every day:

  • Herb tea.
  • Hard cheese.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Bee Honey.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products.

Many girls are interested in how many kilograms Marina Afrikantova has lost. The star herself claims that the exact result depends on the person’s weight and height. Let's say Marina managed to get rid of 25 kg of excess weight, this is with a height of 177 cm. Experts recommend calculating your ideal weight so as not to harm your health. And if you adhere to the principles described above, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​in 7 days.

Diet menu

Of course, there was also a clear menu. There are no simple tips on what foods to eat at a particular meal, but only specific dishes.

MondayA glass of low-fat kefir and a slice of black breadA glass of milk and a slice of stale black breadHalf a glass of kefir and a fresh apple
TuesdayA glass of tomato juiceTomato juice and black breadLiter of natural tomato juice
WednesdayA small sandwich of black bread and a thin slice of cheeseBoiled fish (100 grams) and brothBoiled chicken meat (100 grams)
ThursdayOatmeal with honeyChicken bouillonA couple of boiled eggs
Friday2 apples and fresh juiceLight vegetable soupVegetable salad
SaturdayA couple of small oranges and teaVinaigrette and fresh fruit juiceFruit salad and two glasses of low-fat kefir

After the 6-day diet has expired, it should be repeated again. It is not recommended to adhere to such a diet for more than 20 days.

Without this diet, it will be difficult to achieve the ideal result of a star. Therefore, you will have to limit yourself to some products, but the result is shocking, as the Dom-2 participant herself says. A photo of how Marina Afrikantova lost weight (before and after) is shown below.


Reviews from nutritionists say that the girl’s method of losing weight is not harmful to health and is quite effective for any weight. Not only the 6-day menu, but also cooking recipes will tell you how Afrikantova Marina actually lost weight.

How to prepare the salad:

  1. The cabbage is thoroughly chopped.
  2. The apple is passed through a fine grater.
  3. All this is mixed and seasoned with lemon juice.

Preparation of monastery tea:

  1. It is necessary to mix together the inflorescences of linden, dandelion and black elderberry with peppermint.
  2. Then fennel fruits are added.
  3. All together pour boiling water and infuse for about 20 minutes.

Vegetable soup recipe:

  1. Finely chop carrots, onions, herbs and, if desired, bell peppers.
  2. Everything is boiled in one pan.
  3. After 15 minutes of cooking, sprinkle with herbs and spices.

Dish recipes

You know how Marina Afrikantova lost weight and what menu she followed. Let's look at a few dish recipes. The cooking process is simple, so you definitely won’t leave hungry.

Cabbage salad


  • Cabbage – 100 g.
  • Apple – 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Using a sharp knife, chop the cabbage. Mash the straw with your hands to release the juice and place in a salad bowl.
  2. Rinse the apple with water and chop it using any grater.
  3. Add apple to cabbage. Pour over lemon juice, stir and serve.

NOTE: instead of an apple, you can add chopped carrots, radishes, or cucumber. A lower-calorie salad is made with orange root vegetables.

Dietary vinaigrette


  • Beets – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Green peas – 2 tbsp.
  • Sauerkraut – 60 g.
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Sea salt – 0.15 tsp.
  • Lemon juice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the boiled root vegetables and cut into cubes.
  2. Add peas and sauerkraut.
  3. Season the salad with oil and juice, add salt to taste.

Vegetable soup


  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Dill - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse all vegetables and herbs under water. Peel and grind.
  2. Place vegetables in a pot of water.
  3. Boil until tender and add fresh herbs at the end. After 15 minutes, serve.

Vegetable salad with yogurt


  • Cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Cabbage – 80 g.
  • Radishes – 3 pcs.
  • Yogurt – 50 ml.
  • Dill - to taste.
  • Parsley - to taste.
  • Small tomatoes - for serving.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the greens under water and chop.
  2. Pour natural yoghurt into the bowl with the herbs, stir and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Then add chopped vegetables. Garnish the salad with small tomatoes, you can cut them into halves.

Read also: Chromium will relieve cravings for sweets

Boiled fish


  • Hake – 200 g.
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut whole fish or fillets into pieces.
  2. Fill with water and bring to a boil, skim off the foam.
  3. Add salt and bay leaf, simmer for approximately 20 minutes.

Monastic tea


  • Water
  • Dandelion
  • Linden
  • Black elderberry
  • Peppermint
  • Fennel

Cooking method:

  1. Combine linden, black elderberry and dandelion flowers with mint.
  2. Sprinkle in fennel fruit.
  3. Pour boiling water over the collection and cover with a lid. Leave for 25-30 minutes, then strain.

Reviews about the diet

Undoubtedly, there are different reviews about how Marina Afrikantova lost weight. It is almost impossible to convince people who are confident in plastic surgery, so they don’t even think about diet.

But those who from the very beginning believed in the girl’s success speak only from the positive side. This diet is suitable for many girls, because it provides excellent results.

Knowing how much weight Marina Afrikantova lost, it’s no longer scary to go on a diet yourself. The girl shows everyone that fortitude and the desire for a goal are the most important traits in the character of any person.

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