7 components of sports nutrition. Harm or benefit? Reminder for a newbie!

Sports nutrition - What is this? Each of us, coming to the gym, has more than once thought about the need to use sports nutrition. For what? In order for your results to be better, as they say, HIGHER, FASTER, STRONGER! The fitness industry is huge and the trends in fitness nutrition are so diverse that it is not at all easy for a beginner to understand it all. In advanced fitness clubs, lectures on sports nutrition are held. But what if you haven't visited them? There was no time, money, opportunity. In this article you will find many answers to your questions. We will also dispel myths about the dangers of sports nutrition and how to use it correctly, otherwise you will not only not get the desired result, but can also harm your health.

If you look at Wikipedia, sports nutrition is a special group of food products produced primarily for people leading an active lifestyle, involved in sports and fitness.

What is the purpose of taking it? First of all, it improves your athletic performance. Increases strength and endurance of the body, improves health, increases muscle volume. Helps normalize metabolism, achieve optimal body weight and generally increases the quality and length of life.

So, let's figure out what types of sports nutrition there are and why each of them is needed.


Protein is a supplement that is based on concentrated protein. This is the same protein found in everyday foods: eggs, chicken, milk. It differs from them only in consistency and concentration. Protein is used to quickly gain

Get a portion of protein without exhausting yourself by eating chicken breasts.

Protein can easily replace one meal a day. And you need to eat often, up to 6 times a day. It also helps a lot in situations when you urgently need to eat a portion of protein, but there is no way to cook it.

The only downside is that you need to choose your protein wisely, as some types have a disgusting taste. And you will drink it often.

whey protein the fastest (it is also the richest in amino acids), the slowest is casein protein (it is taken as a forced food replacement or at night to support growth and recovery even during sleep). There is also a comprehensive option. Therefore, when choosing, you should consider the time when you plan to use the supplement: in the morning, between lunch and dinner, or at night.

For example, in the Art Life assortment of protein cocktails, you can choose the one that suits you in terms of composition and direction of action. They also have a delicious taste; they are a real delicacy.

The optimal dose of protein per day is 1.5 g. per 1 kg of body weight. Check if you are getting the required amount of protein per day. In addition to protein shakes, “Protein bars” can be an excellent addition to your daily diet.

The composition of Dietalika bars from Art Life is represented by high-quality proteins with varying degrees of digestibility. This is a great alternative to traditional sweets and an excellent assistant in maintaining the required diet. On the one hand, your body will receive everything it needs (proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins), on the other hand, fewer calories compared to chocolate or other desserts. One bar contains 11.06 g of protein

Beginners or pros? Proteins help increase muscle mass and improve the body's physical capabilities. Shown to everyone without exception.


A gainer is a protein-carbohydrate mixture for actively gaining muscle mass. The percentage of carbohydrate component often ranges from 50 to 80. Girls for the most part do not use it, because... rarely strive to increase in volume. Another thing is men who have a hard time gaining muscle mass. If you are prone to obesity, then a gainer is even contraindicated for you!

Beginners or pros? Definitely for the pros. They will help quickly gain muscle mass for those who actively work out in the gym. Carbohydrates provide timely supplies of “fuel”, and proteins provide building material for muscles.

Protein supplements

Protein mixtures are the most widespread and popular category of supplements in the industry. Protein is a protein of plant or animal origin. In the body, it is broken down into amino acids, which are needed not only for the functioning and building of muscles, but also for a huge number of biochemical processes.

The sports nutrition industry uses predominantly animal proteins; they have the best amino acid profile. However, there is also a category of complex proteins, which often include soy, bean or pea protein. Vegan supplements stand out separately; they include only plant proteins, although they have not found widespread use in sports. Depending on what the supplement is made from, its value for athletes is determined.

Used in the industry (by popularity, in descending order):

  1. Whey;
  2. Lactic;
  3. Casein;
  4. Egg;
  5. Soy;
  6. Other plant proteins.

Additives are also divided according to the degree of processing of raw materials. According to this parameter, there are three main types:

  • Concentrate – a serving contains a small amount of fat and carbohydrates, the proportion of protein ranges from 50 to 80%;
  • Isolate is a completely or partially purified protein. Fats and carbohydrates are completely removed (or present in minimal quantities, from 0.3 to 2 grams per serving). Many supplements are lactose-free. The amount of protein per serving is from 85 to 95%;
  • Hydrolyzate is a fermented protein that is partially broken down into amino acids.

Based on wiki data and sales responses, the best selling and most sought after type of protein supplement is whey concentrate. The second most popular category is isolate. Hydrolyzate is disappearing en masse from the markets, since this form is too expensive to produce and does not provide any advantages over the isolate.

Among all scientific publications on sports nutrition, protein supplements have the maximum evidence base.

Amino acids

Amino acids are the elements that make up proteins. Muscle is 35% composed of three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine . They are not produced in the body, therefore they are irreplaceable. This element also plays a key role in the process of preventing the destruction of muscle protein that occurs during intense physical activity. Amino acids are also involved in the regulation of leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite.

Most often, amino acids are drunk in the morning, before bed or during training, since catabolic processes are at their strongest at this time, and amino acids prevent these processes.

The best option is when amino acids are contained in protein shakes along with protein. Then you do not need to select the required doses of these substances; the manufacturer has carefully done this for you. Amino acids also come in flavor and pure form. Professionals recommend drinking pure amino acids, but this is just wild crap. So the best option is to drink protein shakes with an optimally selected composition of proteins and amino acids. This is exactly what Art Life protein shakes are.

Beginners or pros? All actively training athletes and bodybuilders, including those who want to lose weight.


Creatine is an organic acid that supplies energy to muscles during intense workouts. This promotes active growth of muscle mass. The main purpose of creatine is to increase muscle strength. It is used when it is necessary to improve performance in high-intensity sports that are characterized by repetition (jumping, tennis, boxing).

This happens due to the fact that when performing exercises, muscles use up ATP reserves (adenosine triphosphate), and creatine replenishes these reserves.

But, despite the fact that this substance is not a hormonal drug, it should not be taken for too long. This is due to the fact that addiction gradually develops, and the body stops producing its own creatine. Therefore, take this sports supplement in short courses and be sure to take a break.

Some experts consider keratin completely harmless. When taken in reasonable doses, others claim that the substance puts a noticeable strain on the kidneys and liver. If an athlete has chronic kidney or liver disease, then it is better not to risk his health and refuse to take such sports nutrition.

Beginners or pros? Anyone who needs to improve their performance in high-intensity sports.

Advantages and disadvantages of sports nutrition

The main advantages of sports supplements include:

  • The ability to receive all micro and macronutrients, regardless of the quality of the diet;
  • Sports nutrition significantly eases the load on the gastrointestinal tract and digestion (there is no need to eat huge portions of food to get the required amount of nutrients);
  • Supplements are easy and convenient to use;
  • Sports nutrition contains only those substances that the body needs (for example, unlike meat or dairy products, a serving of protein consists almost entirely of pure protein);
  • Many supplements and substances have a scientific evidence base and significantly accelerate progression in sports.

Cons of sports supplements:

  • Increasingly, ineffective and useless supplements appear on the sports nutrition market, which are promoted solely through powerful marketing;
  • When choosing a sports nutrition, not all athletes understand what it is and when it should be consumed (they allow chaotic methods or simply transfer supplements);
  • Overestimated expectations - many athletes do not fully understand what supplements are for and attribute non-existent properties to them.

Another significant drawback is the large number of myths about sports nutrition. Despite the fact that almost everything is known about sports nutrition, myths about it are only multiplying. Even Wikipedia often publishes incorrect materials, increasing the number of misconceptions.

Testosterone boosters

Testosterone boosters are biologically active complexes containing, as a rule, natural components that stimulate the growth of testosterone. The effectiveness of testosterone boosters is controversial, yet they remain popular sports supplements.

Beginners or pros? Pros - men over 30 years of age and older who want to build muscle mass. Testosterone boosters should not be taken by boys under 23 years of age to avoid hormonal imbalance. CONTRAINDICATED FOR WOMEN!

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Sports vitamin-mineral complexes (VMC) are slightly different from the usual ones, which can be bought at any pharmacy. Among the main differences:

  • high concentration of vitamins and minerals;
  • a slightly different composition, which is more suitable for sports activities.

There are synthetic and natural ones, respectively, some are more expensive, others are cheaper. Each has a written composition, so you need to read and compare. There are protein shakes that contain the necessary composition of vitamins.

For beginners, this will be enough, but only if you have no old joint injuries. With increased weight loads they will suffer. And here it will be necessary to use glucosamine and chondroitin to meet the basic needs of connective tissue and joints for nutrition, restoration and protection. One of the leaders among biological complexes for the restoration of the osteoarticular apparatus are “Joint Flex” and “Calcimax” from the Art Life company. But more on this in a separate article.

Many studies prove that synthetic vitamins do not have a significant effect on human health, and in some cases are even harmful. At the same time, vitamins obtained from natural products are of great benefit.

Beginners or pros? Natural IUDs are shown to everyone without exception, in reasonable doses and of high quality.

Fat burners

Fat burners are special drugs that help reduce fat deposits. Please do not have any illusions that these drugs will remove those extra pounds from you. They can help you, but only if you add them to your workouts and proper nutrition.

Their action can be different, they have their own classification:

  • diuretics (remove excess fluid from the body);
  • anoretic (reduce appetite);
  • lipotropics (destroy fat cells and prevent the body from absorbing fat);
  • thermogenics (increase body temperature);
  • metabolism stimulants.

What kind of substances are these?

  • guarana;
  • chitosan;
  • caffeine;
  • green tea extract;
  • tyramine;
  • Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • L-carnitini etc.

As soon as you start using fat burners, you will feel incredibly euphoric, as if you drank a bunch of cans of energy drinks. During training, you will not think about anything other than working in the gym. There is an incredible concentration of attention.

But not everything is so good. Fat burners are quite hard on the psyche. Firstly, the packaging contains a warning that they should not be taken less than 5 hours before bedtime.

Do not forget that this is quite a strong load on the body, and the fact that your body will constantly maintain a temperature 1-2 degrees higher than normal will definitely not have a positive effect on it. If you have any health problems, be sure to consult your doctor.

If you are a beginner and do not want to risk your health, take an isotonic drink enriched with L-carnitine , vitamins and minerals in a balanced composition. It helps maintain optimal water-salt balance in the body. Quickly quenches thirst, increases endurance and performance. This is also available in: “Isotonic drink Aqua Balance”. The amount of L-carnitine in it is enough for an effective workout. In addition, you will not worry about your health.

The range of Art Life products includes Cereal Zaryad bars . They are enriched with L-carnitine, taurine, ginseng extracts, green tea and B vitamins. They promote rapid restoration of strength after prolonged mental stress and sports. They help you easily cope with increased physical and emotional stress. B vitamins activate energy metabolism and increase physical and mental performance. L-carnitine increases oxygen saturation of cells, stimulates brain activity, fights fatigue and promotes the conversion of fats into energy. Taurine supports energy processes in the body and is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and heart. Cereals (rye, oats and barley) are a source of vitamins, microelements and valuable plant fiber necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Beginners or pros? All actively training athletes and bodybuilders, including those who want to lose weight.

Key benefits of sports nutrition

  1. Really brings the desired result when used correctly
  2. It is convenient to store and use.
  3. The amount of protein is greater than in meat, and the cost is lower.
  4. Very high nutritional value
  5. Convenience of dosing large doses of nutrients (for example, to get 1 teaspoon of creatine monohydrate, you need to eat about 1 kg of beef).

Pay attention to the composition, side effects and contraindications

Often, various sports require the use of a specific drug that allows you to create and maintain the desired shape and develop a certain quality. Properties of some components:

  • Supplements containing large amounts of carbohydrates are indicated for proper gain of body weight (muscle and fat mass);
  • Preparations containing protein help restore muscles and build muscle mass;
  • Amino acid supplements help achieve greater endurance;
  • Supplements containing caffeine are intended to increase energy during workouts;
  • Creatine supplements will increase your endurance and give you more strength;

Some situations require the correct ratio of all components, while others require the active use of only one drug and a complete contraindication to others. Therefore, you need to carefully study all the information about the supplement. Sometimes it is advisable to use a ready-made course, for example, a specially selected course for effective fat burning.

Can sports nutrition be harmful?

It's no secret that sports nutrition has had a bad reputation in our country for many years. The main reason is that completely harmless natural supplements were confused with hormonal drugs, which could well give a similar effect. Despite the fact that hormones are not milkshakes, but come in the form of ampoules or tablets, fears were strong.

However, over the years, as sports nutrition became widely available and sports literacy increased, ignorance began to recede. But does this mean that sports nutrition is completely safe and harmless? Not so simple.

Sports nutrition is a natural supplement made from regular foods. If you choose a high-quality product that has not expired, then it cannot cause any more harm than regular food. It would seem that the question is closed? One “but” prevents us from putting a bold point.

Regular food products also have side effects and contraindications.

  1. Individual intolerance to product components.
  2. Problems with the digestive system (heartburn, nausea, bloating, diarrhea).
  3. Skin allergies.
  4. Addiction to protein mixtures threatens dehydration, gout, and calcium loss.
  1. Incorrect use of drugs.
  2. Poor quality products.

Mandatory rules of use and contraindications:

  1. Carefully study the composition of any product you use if you have an individual intolerance or allergy to the components of the products from which the dietary supplement is made.
  2. Time to take medications. If you have problems with the absorption of proteins or gainers, then do not take them in the morning on an empty stomach. Take them an hour after breakfast, when the digestive system has already “woke up” and is not completely empty.
  3. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, taking amino acids on an empty stomach is especially not recommended. They can cause simple discomfort in the stomach or even lead to an exacerbation when pain in the stomach haunts you on a constant basis.
  4. Mutually exclusive use of drugs. There are frequent cases of taking drugs for the opposite purpose. For example, gainers and fat burners. It is almost impossible to gain muscle mass and burn subcutaneous fat at the same time. These are different processes and, accordingly, the intake of supplements should be different.
  5. Abuse. Many athletes ignore the dosages specified by the manufacturer, acting on the principle “the more, the better.” Forgetting that an excess of a substance is sometimes worse than its deficiency. The resources of the digestive system are not endless. Exceeding the serving size of protein, for example, can lead to a significant portion of it not being absorbed. And this is a direct path to fermentation, the formation of gases and further abdominal disorders. Exceeding the dosage of amino acids or other drugs can also negatively affect the condition of the stomach and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. Exceeding dosages of vitamins or special preparations overloads the liver, and abuse of certain special supplements will place increased stress on the pancreas. Well, don’t forget that the kidneys need to excrete the excess - they won’t be happy either.
  1. It is not recommended to take drugs that affect metabolism during adolescence, during pregnancy, or for people with cancer problems. Let us especially emphasize once again that sports nutrition is not hormonal drugs . But some of them can create good preconditions for enhancing hormone production. By the way, even simple physical activity or sports accelerates the production of hormones. For 90% of athletes this is a big plus and benefit. But there is also another 10%.
  2. Taking amino acids, creatine, glutamine, BCAA and other pure amino acids on an empty stomach is not recommended for people with stomach problems. In case of serious problems (ulcers, periods of exacerbation of gastritis, etc.), taking amino acids (not as part of cocktails) should be avoided.
  3. It is not recommended to take gainers and other high-carbohydrate drinks if you have diabetes or other problems with the endocrine system.
  4. It is not recommended to take caffeine-containing medications if you have blood pressure or heart problems.
  5. If indicated, use biological complexes for the musculoskeletal system and gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose sports nutrition?

Properly chosen sports nutrition in combination with physical activity is the secret to success in achieving and improving your sports results. Many athletes use sports nutrition, which is suitable for both beginners and experienced people in the field of sports. There are various formulas for calculating your daily calorie intake, but not everyone manages to comply with it. That is why many brands produce various lines of sports nutrition. A significant factor when choosing sports nutrition is brand reputation. In this article we will talk about sports nutrition products from the following brands: SiS, Multipower, Genetic Force.

SiS (Science in Sport)

SiS is a British company, one of the world's leading producers of professional sports nutrition. Was founded in 1992. The brand produces specialized products to increase energy, hydration, and muscle recovery, and therefore enjoys high confidence among athletes. At the 2012 Olympic Games, 24 professional athletes who chose SiS won prize medals. The products produced include energy carbohydrate and immune gels, protein-carbohydrate drinks, BCAA amino acids, protein bars and much more. All products have been tested and certified by Informed Sport, a global quality assurance program for sports nutrition in accordance with WADA requirements.


Multipower is a German company that produces a wide line of sports nutrition (energy gels, amino acids, protein bars, etc.). Certified according to DIN ISO 9001:2008. The production has passed a high level of international nutrition standard (IFS) inspection. The main task of this product is to increase the effectiveness of training.

Genetic Force

Genetic Force is a German company that produces a range of products for sports and fitness (L-carnitine, collagen drinks, drinks for strengthening joints and ligaments, and much more). The founder is the American scientist Dan Duchamp. The entire line of Genetic Force sports nutrition has a pleasant fruity aroma. The production uses high-quality raw materials that have passed laboratory tests.

Sports nutrition for fat burning

Excess weight is a common problem for most men and women. The Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology found that 50% of men and 60% of men are overweight. When there are so many temptations around, it's hard to resist. This can be corrected by exercising vigorously and planning your diet wisely. Do you want to lose fat as quickly as possible? Physical activity combined with sports nutrition will help bring you the desired result!


Protein is the basis of proper sports nutrition. The body is not able to synthesize and store protein in the required quantities, so most often we consume it from food. Whey protein isolate is the best option for effective fat burning. It is easily and quickly absorbed, providing muscles with all the necessary amino acids. Protein bars are a great substitute for sweets. For a snack, eat a SiS Rego Proteine ​​Bar. It is low-calorie and contains only useful substances necessary to restore strength and provide the body with energy. You can use sports bars before and after training.

Amino acids BCAA

BCAA is a type of branched amino acids, which include leucine, valine, and isoleucine. Beginners who want to burn fat as quickly as possible exhaust themselves with workouts and diets, without thinking about the condition of their body. During physical activity, it is very important to saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins. Without consuming amino acids, it will be difficult for you to reduce your fat intake. The amino acids in SiS BCAA Powder increase calorie expenditure by increasing the rate of protein synthesis while preserving muscle mass. With a lack of BCAA, the body begins to consume its own muscle mass. Amino acids serve as a source of energy, contributing to an effective workout. Prevents muscle catabolism after exercise.


This substance removes fatty acids from the body. It is an excellent tool for burning fat. L-carnitine has the following values:

  • optimizes energy balance;
  • increases endurance;
  • has detoxifying properties;
  • improves metabolism;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • prevents vasoconstriction;
  • promotes mental activity.

L-carnitine Genetic Force L-Carnitine 3000 will help you monitor your weight and achieve a slim, toned body!

Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass

If your priority is gaining muscle mass, it is important that your diet is rich not only in carbohydrates, but also in proteins, amino acids, electrolytes, etc. For a high-quality set, the diet requires an increase in the daily calorie intake. In combination with sports nutrition, such a diet will quickly bring you the expected results. Sports nutrition is your reliable assistant in this matter! If you want to gain muscle mass without compromising your health, one sports supplement will not be enough. It is necessary to use sports nutrition in a comprehensive manner. To ensure that every workout brings benefits, you cannot do without protein-carbohydrate drinks, which help quickly recover after exercise and stimulate muscle growth. The protein-carbohydrate drink SiS Rego Rapid Recovery is perfect for athletes who associate their lives with heavy strength training. Has a pleasant chocolate taste. Just shake in a shaker and the potion is ready! The drink is also available in single-packs of 50 grams.

When professionally playing sports, one should not forget about the loss of fluid and electrolytes in the body. From the point of view of physical activity, the most important of them are sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium salts. If there is a lack of electrolytes in the body, such unpleasant consequences as decreased ability to work, spasms, muscle cramps, and others may appear.

How to replenish lost electrolytes?

The isotonic carbohydrate gel SiS Go Isotonic Energy will help improve performance; in addition to providing a boost of energy, it will replenish the body’s supply of electrolytes lost as a result of intense training. Don't ignore taking amino acids! BCAA is a complex consisting of several amino acids: isoleucine, leucine, valine. This remedy is one of the most important sports supplements for building muscles.

Energetic drinks

Such drinks contain caffeine, which increases concentration and stimulates the fat burning process. An energy drink in ampoules is suitable as an additional source of energy. Take it before physical activity.

Sports nutrition to support body shape

Achieving the desired shape is a victory, but any experienced athlete knows that you need to constantly maintain muscle tone. Regular training, controlling the amount of calories, and supplying the body with the amino acids and trace elements necessary to support muscles will help you maintain your beautiful shape.

Don't be fooled by temptations! Do you want to eat something sweet? Better eat a sports protein bar Multipower Protein Fit, which will not harm your figure. It's perfect as a snack, or before and after a workout to replenish your energy.

To preserve muscles, drink protein-carbohydrate drinks and consume amino acids.

Protect your ligaments and joints while playing sports. The following supplements will help you keep your ligaments and joints healthy:

- glucosamine sulfate; - chondroitin sulfate; - collagen; – calcium and vitamin D

You can immediately purchase a drink that contains all these necessary elements - Liquid Energy Plus from Genetic Force. A drink for strengthening joints and ligaments will increase your performance, provide you with energy and endurance during training.

Don't forget to drink water!

One of the biggest mistakes in sports is not drinking water. Losing 1% of fluid from body weight significantly reduces performance, as a result of which training becomes less effective. Before training, you should drink up to 500 ml of water or a sports drink to prepare your body for the stress. If you don't like drinking regular water, choose the isotonic drink SiS Go Hydro Tablet with a pleasant taste! To summarize, it is worth saying that the role of sports nutrition in the life of an athlete is great. It helps to achieve the desired results in a short time, improve well-being, reduce the risk of injury and achieve other positive effects. We hope that this article was useful and interesting. Thank you for your attention and wish you success in sports!

What to choose?

  1. Quality products.
  2. Optimal balanced compositions for Professionals and beginners.
  3. Sports nutrition should not contain dyes or preservatives.

Unfortunately, this is the most common reason. There are very few manufacturers on the Russian market that you can truly trust. At the same time, there is such a variety in specialized stores that it is quite difficult to choose a truly high-quality product. The Art Life company has been in the healthy food market for 20 years. With their compositions and components, the complexes are adapted to the Russian consumer. And sports nutrition products are no exception. Only natural ingredients and advanced developments of Russian scientists. There are all necessary certificates of state registration and certificates of product conformity. You can trust Art Life company with your health!

If you are a professional , then all of the above information is not new to you. You are great at using terms and names. You can easily choose the types of sports nutrition you need and calculate your doses.

BUT, if you are a beginner and you do not play sports professionally, you do not have the goal of becoming a “bodybuilder” and putting on pounds of muscle. And the main goal is to improve your health, strengthen your corset muscles, and get your figure in order, then the choice of sports nutrition is completely different.

  1. Firstly, it is a fractional, complete and varied diet with the required amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Limiting daily caloric intake. And also the use of Sports nutrition, which contains a balanced combination of all the substances you need: proteins, amino acids, vitamins.
  2. It is imperative to maintain a water-salt regime using plain water and isotonic drinks.
  3. Sports nutrition must contain only natural ingredients, no dyes or preservatives.
  4. It is also necessary to support and correct those body systems that have chronic or systemic diseases.

We can say with complete confidence that the range of phytocomplexes and sports nutrition from Art Life will suit you perfectly. Armed with the knowledge you have gained in this article, making a choice will not be difficult for you.

Everything has its time

Sports nutrition is more than just a supplement. For maximum benefit, it should be consumed at those moments when its intake is highly desirable.

For example, breakfast : if you want to stay full for half a day, then you won’t find anything better than oatmeal. Prepare your favorite oatmeal with milk and add 30-50 g of peanut butter to it. Wash it down with some protein milk and go about your business. The thing is that you will consume a relatively small amount of carbohydrates with a large amount of fat from peanut butter (tasty and healthy, by the way). In addition, you will get 30-40 g of complete protein from whey protein and milk, which we so need in the morning. All this will take a long time to digest, your body will gradually receive the necessary amino acids, and the blood sugar level will not rise quickly, which will not lead to a sharp rise in insulin levels.

This delicious and healthy breakfast, consisting of healthy fats, various types of carbohydrates, proteins and dietary fiber, will fuel you until lunchtime, you will not feel drowsy and you will not be hungry in just a couple of hours. In addition, this food is compact and your stomach will not be full in the morning.

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