Sports nutrition complex for weight loss

To understand how to choose sports nutrition for weight loss, let’s figure out how fat burners work. These are dietary supplements of natural and synthetic origin, aimed at burning subcutaneous and visceral fat (fat accumulation around the abdominal organs). They have the same goal, but the mechanism of action is different. Based on the principle of operation, such additives are divided into four groups.

Thermogenic fat burners

Thermogenic fat burners stimulate thermogenesis, which is the process of generating heat necessary for the body to function (digestion of food, blood circulation, intracellular processes, etc.). For burning subcutaneous fat and visceral deposits, the process of thermogenesis is important because as body temperature rises, energy consumption increases; to compensate for it, the body uses glucose from glycogen stores and breaks down subcutaneous fat, which is sensitive to thermal stress.

An example of a thermogenic fat burner is synephrine hydrochloride; it stimulates the breakdown of adipose tissue into fatty acids, which are transported by ATP molecules to the muscles during intense physical activity. Simultaneously with fat burning, this process supplies the muscles with additional energy. contains 6% synephrine, therefore it also belongs to thermogenics.

Fat burners

This includes a whole range of drugs. I distinguish between mono fat burners and complex fat burners. Mono refers to drugs that act in only one direction. For example, they suppress appetite, or prevent the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, or increase body temperature... That is, they have only one function.

As you might guess, an integrated approach is much better than just one thing. Therefore, the sports nutrition market offers a wide selection of complex fat burners. They contain several active ingredients that have different principles of action. As a rule, all such drugs have at least three functions:

  • Appetite suppression
  • Acceleration of metabolism,
  • Increased body temperature.

With the help of the substances included in their composition, these fat burners work in these three directions (and sometimes more), helping you lose weight. I emphasize that they HELP you lose weight, and do not do your work for you. You can read more about the types of fat burners in this article.

Personally, I recommend taking complex fat burners. They are more expensive, but they are also more useful. Of these drugs, I can recommend the LIPO 6 and Cloma Pharma series of drugs: Methyldren 25.

Lipotropic fat burners

Lipotropic fat burners speed up metabolism. Stimulating metabolic processes increases the rate of release of fatty acids from adipose tissue, so accelerating metabolism is an effective way to lose weight. Unlike thermogenics, lipotropics do not increase body temperature, but some types of sports nutrition for weight loss combine both functions (for example, synephrine).

An example of a lipotropic fat burner is raspberry ketones. They speed up metabolism (experimental studies by Ch. Marimoto and K. Park), but the exact mechanism of action is unknown. Presumably, raspberry ketones stimulate norepinephrine-induced lipolysis, accelerating the oxidation of fatty acids directly in fat structures at the cellular level. Caffeine and green tea extract are also classified as lipotropics.

How to choose sports nutrition for weight loss

For persons who are overweight (this does not mean 2-3 kg, but more than 10 kg), recommendations on the selection and use of sports nutrition should be given by a doctor. Often, they are first advised to lose weight using a standard, proper diet with the introduction of complex preparations with L-carnitine and other microelements, and then add high loads and take sports nutrition in order to effectively lose weight. If you decide to choose such a remedy yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the main categories of these drugs.

Effective fat burners

Today, the range of drugs of this type is huge, but the key point remains their natural origin. Due to them, fat-burning sports nutrition for weight loss is the same for men and women, and girls do not need to choose separate complexes for themselves. According to doctors, maximum effectiveness is ensured by:

  • guarana;
  • caffeine;
  • naringin;
  • tyramine;
  • dopamine

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Amino acids bcaa

Losing weight with this type of sports nutrition will not be as obvious as with the fat burners mentioned above - mainly BCAAs work on muscle growth and have an anti-catabolic effect. Unlike other amino acids, they are not formed in the body independently. The BCAA content is as follows:

  • isoleucine;
  • leucine;
  • valine

BCAA is rarely used as a sports nutrition to lose weight, since the effect of these amino acids on body fat has not been scientifically proven. Experts also argue about increasing strength indicators and even increasing muscle mass. The only advantage of BCAA is the increase in results from taking other types of sports nutrition, so they are used as an additional element, and not the main one.

Protein for weight loss and muscle gain

According to statistics, the most popular sports nutrition for losing weight quickly is protein. This is the only supplement that helps achieve everything from muscle growth and endurance to an anti-catabolic effect. The protein contains protein mixtures necessary for muscle tissue and more. The number of functions they perform in the body of a person who has decided to lose weight is very large, so if you have a specific goal, you need to choose a separate type of protein nutrition:

  • For those who want to lose weight, it is advisable to use whey protein or casein: the latter belongs to the group of slow proteins that are absorbed within 8 hours. Some experts mention soy protein, but the effectiveness of this type of sports nutrition is disputed.
  • Whey protein is also used for muscle growth, but more actively than for weight loss. Meat protein is also called a natural and effective option.

Taking l-carnitine

According to doctors, you should use sports nutrition to lose weight only in combination with physical activity, but L-carnitine is an exception: it is allowed to be taken even by people who are not familiar with sports. Dosage regimens vary depending on this factor:

  • For athletes and those who attend fitness (and other aerobic exercise), doctors advise using up to 1200 mg of L-carnitine per day to lose weight. The indicated amount is divided into 2 parts: 600 mg is divided into 3 doses, each of which is before meals. The remaining 600 mg must be taken before physical activity (half an hour before), preferably from an ampoule rather than a capsule.
  • If there is no sports in your life, but you are trying different sports supplements for weight loss, the dosage of L-carnitine will be lower: no more than 6 capsules per day, 2 before each meal. Increasing the dosage to effectively lose weight is only allowed for overweight people - they can drink up to 12 capsules.

Vitamin-mineral complex

The safest, but at the same time the least effective, are products that are complexes of vitamins and essential microelements for the body, designed to replenish the need for them during strict diets. These are not effective sports fat burners, but nutritional supplements that help the body function properly so that weight stagnation does not occur. For women and men, such drugs must be selected separately.

Fat and carbohydrate blockers

Carbohydrate blockers reduce the rate of absorption of target substances in the digestive tract by blocking enzymes that break down carbohydrates or by binding them so that they leave the digestive tract undigested. As a result, the body receives fewer calories and during training burns fat more intensely for energy.

Fat blockers act in a similar way, but do not block amylase (the enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates), but lipase, which is responsible for the breakdown of fats in the digestive tract. An example of a fat blocker is chitosan, a polysaccharide that increases the viscosity of intestinal contents and binds bile acids necessary for the digestion of fats.

Appetite Suppressant Supplements

Appetite suppressants (also known as anorexigenic drugs or anorectics) help reduce body weight by suppressing the feeling of hunger. An example of an appetite suppressant supplement is guarana extract, which simultaneously stimulates metabolism while serving as a lipotropic. Chromium picolinate is also used to regulate appetite and suppress sugar cravings.

Thermogenics often help you lose weight quickly because they additionally suppress your appetite. For example, geranium extract and synephrine reduce the need for satiety by stimulating the breakdown of subcutaneous fat, so that the body receives more nutrients.

Sports supplements for weight loss are not a panacea; they are not enough to get rid of excess fat deposits with a sedentary lifestyle in the absence of a balanced diet. There are conditions for burning fat, determined by human metabolism, only when they are fulfilled do we begin to lose weight. Ignorance of these conditions has given rise to many myths, here are the most popular.

Myth number one: losing weight without physical activity

According to a common statement, it is possible to lose weight without exercise, at home. In fact, this is not true. The body only loses weight when the number of calories burned exceeds the number of calories consumed. And without physical activity, energy expenditure is minimal.

Taking synephrine, geranium and other thermogenics is useless without training. A clear example of a targeted reduction in the percentage of body fat is “cutting” in bodybuilding, when a special training program, a well-thought-out diet and sports nutrition for weight loss are combined to achieve muscle definition and reduce subcutaneous fat deposits.

Myth two – losing weight without a proper diet

Millions of girls are wondering how to lose weight without dieting. The correct answer is no, this is another myth. A balanced diet is the basis of a program for losing excess weight; it is complemented by training and sports nutrition for weight loss. If the body receives too much fat and carbohydrates without having time to spend them during the day, then the excess food forms energy reserves - fat deposits.

Physical training does not burn subcutaneous and visceral fat reserves intensively enough if the amount of calories in is higher than the amount of calories expended. You need a nutrition plan that takes into account the caloric content of the diet and the number of meals. Diet directly affects your metabolic rate. Diet additions include fat and carbohydrate blockers, as well as appetite suppressants. Dietary fiber is relevant here; it improves intestinal motility, removes undigested food and slows down the absorption of other substances (including fats and carbohydrates). Inulin, being a prebiotic, stimulates the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli and accelerates metabolism.


Everyone will say: how come, he’s for the masses! Well, it depends on how you use it. If taken along with a low-calorie diet, it will help preserve your muscles. But you want only fat to go away, and muscles to be preserved as much as possible?

Therefore, protein does not promote weight loss, but promotes muscle preservation. And I believe that proper weight loss is when you strive to maintain your muscle mass. Some people call it "drying."

When losing weight, you need to take protein at the rate of approximately 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. But this is despite the fact that your regular food should be rich in protein. It is better to dilute in water or skim milk. Moreover, it is advisable to buy a protein that contains a maximum of protein and a minimum of fats and carbohydrates. You can read more about how to use protein for weight loss here.

I can recommend the following protein for weight loss:

  • Dymatize: ISO-100 (83% protein).
  • Ultimate Nutrition Iso-Sensation 93 (93% protein).
  • Prostar Whey (83% protein).
  • Syntrax: Nectar (86% protein).

Myth three – complete exclusion of carbohydrates and fats

Complete exclusion of carbohydrates from the diet is unacceptable, since the body needs energy to function, especially during physical activity. A lack of carbohydrates leads to digestive disorders, disruptions in the functioning of the immune system and other body systems. According to current research by Dr. Z. Harcombe, carbohydrates should make up at least 30% of the total calorie intake, it is preferable to consume carbohydrates with a low absorption rate (for example, isomaltulose), they will supply the body with energy for a long time. Carbohydrates with a high absorption rate (for example, amylopectin) are in demand during physical activity (muscles get more energy and get less tired) and after them (for accelerated recovery).

The complete exclusion of fats is dangerous because the body needs fats for cellular synthesis, transport of nutrients across cell membranes, and functioning of the immune system. The absorption of vitamins A, E, K, D, B2, trace elements calcium and magnesium is impossible without the participation of fats. According to research by Z. Harcombe, fats should make up at least 10% of the calorie intake.

To burn excess fat, in combination with diet and physical training, polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 from fish oil and Omega-3-6-9 from flaxseed oil are used. Both complexes include alpha-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, which slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, stimulate metabolism, stabilize metabolism and lipid metabolism. CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) accelerates metabolic reactions, stimulates glucose metabolism and mobilizes lipolysis (the rationale for its use as a fat burner has been proven in detail in the research work of L. Whigham).

Amino acids

The same principle as with protein, since protein is nothing more than a chain of amino acids. It’s just that the amino acids are already freed from fat and carbohydrates. And there is no need to digest them anymore. But they also cost more.

I advise you to purchase either protein or amino acids. Who likes what more? If you drink both at the same time, there will be nothing bad about it. You will simply spend money inefficiently.

I can recommend these amino acids:

  • Dymatize Super Amino 6000
  • Scitec Nutrition: Amino 5600
  • Hardlabz Aminoz

Conclusions about fat burners and weight loss

There are no “most effective” drugs for fat burning; supplements differ in their mechanism of action and can be combined (for example, as part of pre-workout complexes). The type of fat burner is selected based on contraindications and metabolic characteristics; for this, consult your doctor and personal trainer.

Losing weight with sports nutrition is ineffective without a well-thought-out diet and training program. Fat burners help you quickly achieve the desired effect and achieve your desired shape.

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