Sesame oil: a favorite of Ayurveda and a friend of pregnant women

Beneficial properties of sesame oil

This vegetable oil will be useful for the following applications:

· when removing excess toxins from the body and skin;

· to relax the nervous system of the body;

· oil components activate brain function, increase concentration, improve memory;

· for pregnant women acts as a substance that removes stretch marks on the abdomen;

· makes ligaments and muscles elastic;

· thanks to the pleasant aroma, the impact of stress is reduced and mood improves;

· increases the density of tooth enamel;

· rubbing your temples can relieve headaches and migraines;

· to nourish the skin during massage;

· strengthens blood vessels, cleanses them of cholesterol.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

Sesame oil is good for women's health. Doctors do not prohibit its use even during pregnancy. Consuming and using sesame oil is acceptable during normal pregnancy. At the first sign of allergic reactions, the product is discarded. It is important to remember the high calorie content, and girls with a tendency to quickly gain weight are not recommended to consume it.

In the absence of contraindications, the product will become a source of useful substances and will help solve the problem of stretch marks. It is suitable for cosmetic consumption. A natural product will help keep your hair, face and body skin in perfect condition. Ginger, bananas, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, sea buckthorn and coffee in the diet of a pregnant woman.

What to look for before buying sesame oil

Sesame seed oil is considered an elite product, but even in this case, you can find counterfeit and vegetable oil made from low-quality raw materials. Before purchasing sesame oil in a store, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

· Region of production. Today, real oils can be considered those that are imported from the countries in which this herbaceous crop is grown. As a rule, these are India, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Iran and a number of other eastern countries.

· Price category. Natural oil will not be cheap. The product can contain diluted chemical components at a relatively low price.

· Product labeling. You should study the sesame oil label in detail. It must have the inscription “Sesame Oil” in Latin letters. The name of the raw material from which the oil is made must also be indicated - “Sesamum indicum”.

Recipes from the field of traditional medicine

Warmed “sesame oil” is an excellent healer for colds, ENT diseases, and flu.

The oil must be heated (exclusively in a water bath) and rubbed onto the chest area and back. Afterwards, warm up. It is ideal to carry out the procedure before bed.

It will help cure a sore throat or pharyngitis (as an additional remedy in combination with medications). Taking the oil internally, also heated - 1 teaspoon per day - is quite enough.

Disorders of the stomach (gastritis, colitis) will be eliminated by drinking a teaspoon of sesame on an empty stomach, a couple of times a day.

Against otitis, the oil is carefully instilled into the ear, slightly heated.

Right before meals, it is useful to swallow a spoonful of sesame oil, which helps increase platelets and improve blood clotting.

Don't forget that this is a miracle cure for skin diseases. If redness, pimples, or peeling appear, apply sesame oil to the affected area.

It is important to know! When fighting acne and dermatitis, it will be effective to make a powerful oil complex by mixing several components. For example, sesame, grape, olive oil, aloe juice or Kalanchoe. It will make an excellent “fighter” against rashes.

Painful, sensitive gums and teeth can also be soothed by rubbing the oil directly into the gums or mixing it with toothpaste.

Sesame oil, as a treasure trove of vitamins and microelements, is often taken (1 tsp in the morning) as a comprehensive preparation for maintaining healthy body tone.

What does sesame oil treat and how does it help?

This vegetable oil has a wide range of medicinal properties. It can be used as:

· Anti-inflammatory agent that eliminates dry cough, viral infections, and pulmonary diseases.

· Source for normalizing the digestive tract and improving metabolism. It heals ulcers, increases gastric motility, and has a good effect on the functioning of the liver and pancreas.

· Laxative. It is very useful for people suffering from stool problems; sesame oil can also get rid of worms.

· A means to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The product increases the number of platelets in the blood and improves clotting. It has a beneficial effect on circulatory disorders and various pathological heart diseases.

"Sesame" beauty recipes

Those who are going to the sea will not be amiss to know that the miraculous qualities of the oil help both from the ultraviolet rays of the resort sun and from sea water. It also saves you from the chlorine contained in swimming pools. Therefore, feel free to rub your skin with this “jewel”.

To help your skin/hair/nails, mix sesame oil into your regular balm/cream/mask, or use it as a base for a variety of folk masks.

Don’t forget about aroma combing, when a couple of drops of oil are dripped onto the brush and the curls are carefully and evenly combed.

Rubbing heated (warm, but not hot) sesame oil into the skin will perfectly strengthen the hair roots. After this action, you need to wrap your head in a warm towel and wait about half an hour. Afterwards, wash your hair.

If you want to carry out a treatment course (when your hair is “sick” and noticeably depleted), then rub it in for 1 month, every other day. For a standard strengthening and vitamin course, 1 time per week is enough.

Use of sesame oil on the farm

Sesame oil also has cosmetic properties. It can be used for household purposes, hair care, body care, and as a means for rubbing during massage.

This product can also be useful for household purposes. For example, lubricate squeaky doors, stuck zippers, add shine to leather products and prevent this material from cracking. You can lubricate the fur of your pets with this oil; the components of sesame seeds have a beneficial effect on the organs and skin of animals, so this product will not cause any harm.

Use in cooking

Unrefined sesame oil has a rich, rich, aromatic flavor, which is widely used mainly in Asian cuisine: Chinese and Cantonese, Thai and Korean, Japanese.

It is almost always added to rice dishes. This distinctive taste is also found in marinades/dressings for meat, seafood, and salads.

Of course, everyone knows oriental sweets sprinkled with sesame seeds.

It is important to know! Sesame is not allowed for frying. It is added to the dish immediately upon serving.

Due to the high nutritional value and comparatively (compared to other oils) low calorie content of the product, it is indispensable for vegans or people on a diet.

Sesame oil is shown to children as a source of nutrients that are often not enough for a young body. So, you can season food, for example, or give your child this golden substance a spoonful.

For kids 1-3 years old, 3-5 drops per day is enough. For 3-6 year olds - 5-10 drops, and for older children a full teaspoon is acceptable.

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How to select and store a product


Light has a detrimental effect on any oil, so a high-quality product must be poured into a dark glass bottle or have a protective cardboard box. But don’t even expect to buy good quality butter in a plastic container. This budget option definitely will not preserve the beneficial properties of sesame.

Your next step is to check the bottling and storage dates. From them you can determine how the oil was obtained. If done mechanically without refining and deodorizing, it will be stored from four to six months. And with additional chemical cleaning, the oil may not lose its properties for up to one and a half years. Only the manufacturer knows how many of those useful qualities remain.

Be sure to read the description on the label. If it is indicated that the oil can be used for massage, then beware of taking it - most likely it contains paraffin, which is not suitable for food.


Already at home you will be able to more fully evaluate the purchased product. Pour some butter into a saucer. A good unrefined one will have a golden yellow color and a delicate but rich aroma, and the taste will be soft and pleasant.

The dark brown color and distinct smell indicate that the oil is made from pre-roasted seeds. It will taste like oriental sesame halva or the familiar fried sunflower seeds. It's not that useful anymore.

And you shouldn’t even take refined oil. It has no taste, no smell, and a complete absence of useful components.

It is better to keep the treasured bottle in the refrigerator; at room temperature it can go rancid or oxidize. If you nevertheless bought the oil in a transparent container, then protect it from light by wrapping it in thick paper or pouring it into another dark glass bottle.

It is not recommended to store any oily substance for more than a month after opening, so try to use the oil for its intended purpose. Don't have time to eat it with salads? Then use it for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Traditional medicine in Eastern countries is well aware of the benefits of sesame oil, but an explanation for this fact has only been obtained in our days.

The fact is that its composition is dominated by unsaturated fatty acids, which are especially beneficial for the body, as well as quite a lot of phytosterols - substances that help get rid of “bad” cholesterol.

Sesame oil also contains vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting, promotes the absorption of calcium and vitamin E, an indispensable participant in metabolic processes and tissue respiration.

Vitamin nameIn 100 gr.In a tablespoon
The nutritional value884 Kcal120 Kcal
Monounsaturated fats39,75,4
Polyunsaturated fats41,75,67
Saturated fats14,21,93
Phytosterols360-473 mg1.20 mg
Vitamin K13.6 mcg1.8 mcg
Vitamin E1.4 mg0,19

Table data: Eatthismuch

A significant part of the benefits of sesame oil comes from the content of tocopherols, in particular, sesamin and sesamol, with the help of which the body is freed from excessive amounts of free radicals in tissue cells.

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