Recipe for ginger with lemon and honey. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

There are products that not only speed up the loss of excess weight, but also eliminate the causes of its appearance. Do you know about these? Then read how to use ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss!

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/09/2020

For effective and healthy weight loss, all nutritionists unanimously recommend using diets and sports. But both methods require a lot of patience and willpower, while with the help of some healthy foods you can significantly speed up this process and lose weight without significant restrictions, but only with minor adjustments to your diet. Recently, a mixture of crushed ginger root and lemon fruits, sweetened with honey, has been actively used as such a natural fat-burning agent. It is consumed in its pure form, prepared in drinks or added as a seasoning to various dishes. Properly using ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss, you can gradually tidy up your figure and improve the health of your body as a whole.

Beneficial properties of ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss

The benefits of this composition are due to ideally selected components, each of which is capable of exerting a powerful beneficial effect on internal processes, including those responsible for normalizing body weight. In addition, due to the general healing effect, self-regulation mechanisms are launched in the body, thanks to which the causes of excess weight are eliminated and natural weight loss occurs against the background of healing and rejuvenation. Moreover, each ingredient of such a mixture not only exhibits its own beneficial properties, but in a synergistic connection enhances the qualities of other components.

Important! The use of ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss is allowed only as an adjunct that enhances the effectiveness of the diet and helps to achieve results faster. The use of the specified combination of products to maintain a mono-diet is strictly prohibited; such nutrition can cause irreparable harm to the stomach.

Each of the components in itself promotes weight loss, and in combination with the other two gives a faster and more pronounced effect. But when losing weight on such a product, you should not expect lightning-fast results. You need to take the product regularly, without interrupting the started course for at least 14 days, otherwise there will simply be no benefit.


Ginger root has long been used as a digestive aid by East Asian nobility, whose gluttony is legendary. Ginger saved not only from indigestion and nausea, but also prevented the development of obesity. In modern official and folk medicine, the unique qualities of this plant are used much more widely and bring even more benefits.

The beneficial properties of ginger provide the following results:

  • metabolism accelerates, which eliminates the formation of new fat deposits;
  • existing fat reserves are more actively broken down;
  • Cholesterol levels are reduced and the formation of cholesterol plaques is prevented;
  • the processes of removing excess water, harmful waste and toxins are launched;
  • the gastrointestinal microflora is improved;
  • anthelmintic effect is produced;
  • food is digested faster and better;
  • the feeling of hunger is dulled;
  • more energy is produced;
  • the condition of joints and skin improves;
  • headache is eliminated;
  • depression goes away, mood improves;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • Smooth weight loss occurs without creating stress for the body.

Ginger, called a “product of fire” by Eastern doctors, intensively cleanses the blood and contributes to a significant improvement in well-being. The large number of antioxidants present in the root fights free radicals, preventing premature aging and the development of dangerous diseases.

The main beneficial properties of ginger root for weight loss are due to the presence of a special substance - gingerol. According to the latest research, it is this chemical compound that increases the speed and quality of food digestion, has a beneficial effect on metabolic reactions and actively promotes weight loss. This component also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and along with a whole complex of other biologically active elements, it produces a powerful healing and rejuvenating effect, which is significantly enhanced in a synergistic connection with the beneficial substances of lemon and honey.


Lemon fruits are very actively used in medicine for treatment and healing, as well as in dietetics for active weight loss. The main beneficial qualities of lemon are manifested in its beneficial effects on the digestive tract and immune system. In addition, regular dosed consumption of this fruit gives a number of other positive results:

  • improves the process of absorption of nutrients;
  • reduces hunger, suppresses appetite;
  • produces a mild diuretic effect;
  • accelerates the elimination of toxins and waste;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • stimulates the secretion of gastric juice;
  • helps break down fats and get rid of extra pounds;
  • eliminates feelings of anxiety, normalizes the emotional and mental background.

Lemon fruits contain many vitamins and minerals, as well as pectins, fruit acids, phytoncides, bioflavonoids, and essential oils. These useful micro- and macroelements ensure the normal functioning of the body, launching the natural processes of weight loss, rejuvenation and healing. In combination with a ginger-honey mixture, lemon significantly enhances its beneficial qualities and the power of its effect on the human body. This ensures effective cleansing, accelerates cellular metabolism, and produces a tonic and invigorating effect.


This is a source of additional energy and a valuable vitamin and mineral complex. Honey contains the “right sugar”, including fructose and glucose, which improves the taste of the entire mixture, and also supplies the body with healthy carbohydrates that help burn rather than store fat. In general, the valuable properties of this beekeeping product are very diverse - it has a beneficial effect on almost all organs and systems, significantly improving functionality and general condition.

In addition, the biologically active substances of the honey composition produce a number of beneficial effects:

  • quickly satisfy hunger and maintain a long-lasting feeling of satiety;
  • support cell nutrition during weight loss on a limited diet;
  • increase resistance to infections;
  • create an antioxidant effect by neutralizing free radicals, which are formed in increased quantities during a low-calorie diet;
  • improves emotional and mental state, preventing breakdowns and cravings for sweets during a diet;
  • normalize sleep, eliminate depression;
  • improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increase overall tone and add vitality.

When combined with a ginger-lemon mixture, honey components significantly increase not only their own qualities, but also the beneficial properties of other components. The result is a powerful remedy that can solve many problems and restore the natural state of the body.

Important! When using a mixture of ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss, you must carefully monitor your health and stop taking it immediately if any negative reactions occur. To avoid this situation, it is recommended to take the product for no more than 14 days in a row and repeat the course with a break of at least 10-14 days.

Also, you should not believe in the miraculous power of this remedy and hope that the process of losing weight using ginger with lemon and honey will proceed independently without any effort on the part of the person losing weight. You won’t be able to get rid of extra pounds only with the help of this, albeit very useful, composition. This does not require strict diets and grueling workouts in the gym. But reasonable restrictions in the diet, avoiding foods that are harmful to your figure, and light physical activity, including morning exercises and walking, are simply necessary. In combination with the use of a strong fortified product, this approach will allow you to achieve excellent weight loss results without stress on the body.

Secrets, nuances, recommendations

On the one hand, preparing a ginger drink with lemon and honey for weight loss is quite easy, knowing the technology and proportions. On the other hand, there are many nuances, without taking into account which the cocktail may not work and remain nothing more than an ordinary thirst quencher in hot weather.

But in order to make him burn the hated fats, you need to follow the recommendations compiled by nutritionists.

How to cook ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss?

Wash the ginger root, dry it, grind it on a grater or in a blender. Pour in distilled (filtered, non-carbonated mineral, melted) water at room temperature. Boil. Cool, strain.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon by hand. Do not dilute with water. You can use citrus slices along with the peel (it must first be washed and scalded with boiling water), pulp and seeds. But the latter can give the cocktail an undesirable bitter taste.

It is better to take dark varieties of honey, as they contain more antioxidants. The ideal option for this recipe is buckwheat.

After all these manipulations, combine the ginger decoction, lemon juice (or citrus slices), honey and mix thoroughly.

What should be the proportions of ginger, lemon and honey?

According to the classic recipe, the number of ingredients should be as follows: 50 grams of ginger root, a glass of water, 30 ml of lemon juice (or 2 citrus slices), 10 ml of honey.

What is the difference between tea, cocktail, smoothie made from ginger, honey and lemon?

In different sources, these drinks may differ in the technology of their preparation. For example, the classic given above is a recipe for tea with ginger, lemon and honey for weight loss, as the root decoction is brought to a boil. It does not have to be mixed in a blender - this is done by hand.

The cocktail involves adding various products that also promote weight loss. It could be kiwi or cinnamon, kefir or garlic. And it definitely involves mixing in a blender.

The smoothie is prepared using lemon zest and the pulp of other fruits. The result is a thicker and richer cocktail that satisfies hunger for a long time.

Article on the topic: “Ginger water for weight loss.”

Is a mono-diet possible?

You cannot lose weight by eating only a mixture of ginger with lemon and honey, which can burn the stomach lining, which will lead to the development of gastritis or even ulcers. It can only be drunk as an auxiliary product as part of any diet (for example, protein, carbohydrate). Its task is to support the body and enhance the effectiveness of weight loss.

How to take ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss?

The drink consumption pattern is selected individually. In the absence of contraindications and health problems - three times a day, about 30 minutes before meals. Preferably on an empty stomach. If discomfort and a burning sensation “in the pit of the stomach” appear after this, reduce the intake of the drink to 2, or even 1 time.

The maximum daily norm is 600 ml, i.e. it turns out to be approximately 200 ml glass at a time.

How long should you drink this drink?

It depends on the chosen diet: from 3 to 14 days, but no longer. Then it is advisable to take a 2-week break and start again.

What additional ingredients can be added to the main ones?

Fat-burning ginger tea with lemon and honey for weight loss already copes well with extra pounds, coupled with the chosen diet. But if you want to diversify the recipe and try a new taste, you can add other products that are famous for their fat-burning properties. These are cinnamon, pepper, garlic, herbs, kiwi, kefir, etc.

Is there any health risk in this recipe?

If you follow the recommendations of nutritionists, do not ignore contraindications, observe the proportions and duration of the course, a tincture for weight loss from ginger root with lemon and honey will not harm.

Is it necessary to play sports?

Any diet involves physical activity, which will help burn off the calories received. Thanks to this, the desired result can be achieved in the shortest possible time. So, don’t be lazy when drinking tea with ginger, lemon and honey to lose weight. You can always find time for an evening walk or morning exercise. And if it’s jogging or swimming, after a couple of weeks you should forget about any problems with your figure.

To properly prepare ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss, you will need recipes. You can alternate them with each other or use only one that best suits your taste. Try different drinks first to compare them and choose the best one.

Keep in mind. If a lemon is bitter, it will have little benefit, so don't use it for weight loss.


It is very important to understand that the mixture in question includes very active and even somewhat aggressive products. Therefore, you need to use it carefully, following the recommendations and making sure that there are no contraindications to each ingredient separately. Moreover, before taking such a remedy, it is recommended to undergo an examination and consult a doctor, because some pathological conditions for which it is prohibited may be hidden.

If there are no contraindications, then the harm from taking ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss can only be caused by an overdose and exceeding the duration of the course. The negative consequences of such violations are very diverse, as they are caused by the action of all three products. The most common symptoms are:

  • diarrhea, heartburn, belching, nausea and vomiting;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, stomach and intestines;
  • pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • dizziness, increased body temperature;
  • blurred vision;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • rapid mood changes;
  • insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness;
  • increased dryness of the skin, rashes, itching;
  • destruction of tooth enamel, development of caries;
  • increased risk of obesity and diabetes;
  • worsening of cutaneous and internal inflammatory processes;
  • increased bleeding of wounds, deterioration of the healing process;
  • disruption of the liver and pancreas;
  • increased blood pressure.

In case of increased sensitivity (idiosyncrasy) to the constituent products, such a mixture can cause serious allergic reactions or complete individual intolerance. But you should not be afraid of such an extensive list of possible harmful consequences. With the correct dosed use of ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss, they are quite rare and at the first manifestations they are mild, therefore, with a timely response, they quickly go away on their own.


Including ginger with lemon and honey in any weight loss program significantly increases efficiency and speeds up obtaining the desired result. But such a useful remedy is best combined with a healthy, balanced diet or proper nutrition. A well-chosen diet, combined with regular dosed intake of such a vitamin cocktail, helps you make a good investment in your health and future longevity, increasing the strength of your brain and nervous system, “pumping up” your heart and cleansing your blood vessels. Against this background, losing excess weight looks like just a pleasant bonus. But it is precisely this opportunity that often becomes the main motivation for switching to a balanced diet plan with the use of ginger-lemon-honey elixir, which can be prepared according to one of the recipes below. You can choose it according to your desire and preferred consumption pattern, combining it with almost any, but better balanced diet.


When losing weight on a healthy diet, you need to take into account the composition and calorie content of the diet, portion size, meal times and the amount of fluid you drink. At the same time, the menu should contain sufficient quantities of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. To determine an individual daily caloric intake, age, weight and physical activity are taken into account, but daily you need to consume at least 1200–1300 calories and drink 1.5–2 liters of clean water. Calories and liquids listed do not include ginger-lemon-honey mixture as it is a healthy addition to a healthy diet. When using such a diet program, you can choose any of the recipes below and the regimen for taking ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss. To create a menu for the week, you can use the following example:


  • breakfast - 200 g of oatmeal with water, 1 boiled egg, any tea or coffee with milk;
  • lunch - 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese with pieces of 1 banana;
  • lunch - 200 g of baked fish with 3 tbsp. l. side dish of brown rice, 200 g of tomato-cucumber salad with herbs;
  • afternoon snack - 250 ml fresh apple-carrot juice, 1 whole grain bread;
  • dinner - 200 g of beef, cabbage salad.


  • breakfast - 200 ml of liquid oatmeal with milk, 1 grapefruit, coffee or mint tea;
  • lunch - 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese with pieces of 1 pear;
  • lunch - 200 g of stewed cabbage, 150 g of boiled breast;
  • afternoon snack - 250 ml citrus juice, 1 rye bread toast;
  • dinner - 200 g of boiled shrimp, 200 g of tomato-cucumber salad with herbs.


  • breakfast - 200 g buckwheat porridge, 250 ml citrus juice, 1 banana;
  • lunch - 250 ml of fresh tomato juice, 2 whole grain breads;
  • lunch - 200 g cabbage salad, 200 g baked chicken breast with 3 tbsp. l. side dish of brown rice;
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of cottage cheese with pieces of 1 apple;
  • dinner - 200 g of boiled veal with herbs, 2 tomatoes.


  • breakfast - 100 g of oatmeal, 2 eggs, 250 ml of fresh fruit;
  • lunch - 150 g of apple and pear salad with natural yogurt dressing;
  • lunch - 200 g steamed fish fillet, 2 tbsp. l. buckwheat, 150 g chopped tomatoes with herbs;
  • afternoon snack - 150 g of cottage cheese with prunes;
  • dinner - 200 g of boiled veal, 150 g of sauerkraut.


  • breakfast - 200 g of unsweetened muesli, 250 ml of kefir with the pulp of 1 banana;
  • lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese with dried fruits;
  • lunch - 200 g breast, 1 potato, 150 g tomato-cucumber salad;
  • afternoon snack - 200 g apple-citrus salad with yogurt dressing;
  • dinner - 200 g of grilled fish, 150 g of cabbage and tomato salad with herbs.


  • breakfast - 200 ml of oatmeal with milk, any tea, coffee or cocoa;
  • lunch - 100 g of cottage cheese with grated banana;
  • lunch - 200 g of boiled fish with 3 tbsp. l. brown rice, tomatoes and herbs;
  • afternoon snack - 250 ml citrus juice, 2 whole grain breads;
  • dinner - 200 g of grilled meat, 200 g of cucumber salad with herbs.


  • breakfast - omelet of 2 eggs and 100 ml of milk, 250 ml of fresh apple juice;
  • lunch - 150 g of cottage cheese with berries;
  • lunch - 200 g of boiled veal liver, 200 g of cabbage salad;
  • afternoon snack - 250 ml of yogurt with prunes;
  • dinner - 200 g steamed chicken breast, 2 cucumbers.

Important! A healthy diet can be maintained for a long time and can even be your main eating plan for life. But for faster weight loss, ginger with lemon and honey can be used for no longer than 2 weeks. Then you need to take a break for 2 weeks and you can repeat the course again.

This scheme, which includes 2 weeks of taking the mixture and 2 weeks off, can be used indefinitely until the desired result is achieved and in the future to maintain health, youth and slimness. But even after just 1 course of following the principles of proper nutrition with the use of a ginger-lemon-honey cocktail, the body will noticeably improve, getting rid of everything unnecessary, including 6-8 extra pounds. And the beneficial substances that come with healthy food and a vitamin mixture will provide it with everything it needs for full functioning.


If you follow the basic truths of proper nutrition and properly dosed consumption of ginger with lemon and honey, losing weight will be easy and not stressful for the body. Such a “light” diet implies a clear distinction between the foods consumed:

  • in the morning - carbohydrates;
  • during the day - carbohydrates and proteins;
  • in the evening - squirrels.

Moreover, carbohydrates must be correct, that is, complex. These include vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals, and whole grains. Based on this, an approximate nutrition plan would be as follows:

  • breakfast - oatmeal with dried fruits, fruits, whole grain bread;
  • lunch - vegetable salad, boiled meat or baked fish, cereal porridge;
  • dinner - low-fat cottage cheese, an omelette of 2 whites and 1 yolk with vegetables or boiled chicken breast.

Sweet and sour fruits, fermented milk drinks with whole grain bread, and nuts are ideal snacks. You also need to choose only healthy fats - these are unrefined vegetable oils.

Important! To maintain women's health, it is recommended to drink 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. l. cold pressed vegetable oil. In this case, immediately after waking up, you first need to drink 1 glass of water, after 10 minutes - oil, and after another 20 minutes - 1 glass of ginger-lemon-honey drink prepared according to one of the recipes below.

You can have breakfast in 20 minutes. In addition, for more active weight loss, ginger with lemon and honey should be consumed 20 minutes before each meal during the day.


To eat rationally and at the same time quickly get rid of excess weight, you need to follow a balanced diet and use ginger with lemon and honey to speed up weight loss. The considered quick program for normalizing body weight implies compliance with the following rules:

  • the basis of the menu should be predominantly non-starchy vegetables and herbs, as well as unsweetened fruits;
  • you need to drink a sufficient amount of healthy fluid - about 1.5–2 liters of pure water and herbal infusions per day;
  • Be sure to avoid consuming high-calorie carbohydrate foods, fatty and fried foods, processed foods and other foods harmful to your health and figure.

It is advisable to have breakfast with porridge with pieces of fruit or dried fruits, for lunch with fish or meat with vegetables, and for dinner with lactic acid products. At the same time, you should consume a mixture of ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss by choosing one or more recipes from the recipes below. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to use only one mixture for all 14 days. You can make a new recipe every day to see which one works best.

An approximate weekly menu for a quick diet for rational weight loss with ginger, lemon and honey could be as follows:


  • breakfast - 200 g of oatmeal in water with fruit and honey sauce;
  • lunch - 1 banana;
  • lunch - 200 g of raw vegetables and herbs, 200 g of steamed breast;
  • afternoon snack - 250 ml yogurt with prunes (4 pcs.);
  • dinner - 150 g of cottage cheese 5% fat, 1 orange.


  • breakfast - 200 g of buckwheat stewed with vegetables;
  • lunch - 2 apples;
  • lunch - 200 g of boiled beef, 200 g of cabbage and cucumber salad;
  • afternoon snack - 150 g of cottage cheese up to 5% fat;
  • dinner - 200 g of fish stewed with herbs, 1 grapefruit.


  • breakfast - 200 g of boiled brown rice with vegetables;
  • lunch - 50 g of walnut kernels in honey filling;
  • lunch - 200 g of veal, 150 g of boiled beets;
  • afternoon snack - 250 ml kefir;
  • dinner - 2 eggs, 2 tomatoes.


  • breakfast - 200 g of durum pasta with the addition of 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch - 150 g apple-banana salad with yogurt dressing;
  • lunch - 200 g beef liver, 150 g boiled beans, 2 cucumbers;
  • afternoon snack – 250 ml of milk, a handful of prunes;
  • dinner - 200 g of seafood.


  • breakfast - 200 g of boiled pearl barley, 100 g of boiled fish;
  • lunch - a handful of dried apricots with nuts;
  • lunch - 200 g vegetable stew;
  • afternoon snack - 2 soft-boiled eggs, 2 cucumbers;
  • dinner - 200 g grilled breast, 2 tomatoes.


  • breakfast - 200 ml of milk oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • lunch - 200 g of sliced ​​fruit;
  • lunch - 200 ml of chicken broth with herbs, 100 g of chicken meat, 150 g of shredded cabbage;
  • afternoon snack - 50 g of low-fat hard cheese, 250 ml of kefir;
  • dinner - 200 g of cottage cheese.


  • breakfast - 200 g vinaigrette;
  • lunch - 1 apple;
  • lunch - 200 g veal, 1 grapefruit;
  • afternoon snack - 250 ml yogurt;
  • dinner - 200 g of cottage cheese, 1 cucumber.

You should also increase physical activity, especially with sedentary work and constant employment. It doesn't have to be full-fledged sports training. It is enough to take daily walks, go to the pool, ride a bike or dance.

Contraindications for following a fast diet include diseases that require special nutrition, as well as periods of pregnancy and lactation, when it is impossible to reduce the caloric content of the diet. It should also be borne in mind that using ginger with lemon and honey to speed up weight loss also has its limitations that cannot be ignored.

In the absence of contraindications, the use of this technique will help develop correct eating habits, improve health and get rid of 5-6 kg in 2 weeks. At the same time, positive changes will affect your appearance - the condition of your skin and hair will noticeably improve, your body will become fit and slender. The emotional and psychological background will also stabilize, chronic fatigue will disappear, sleep will normalize and your mood will improve.

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Recipes for weight loss

There are many recipes for weight loss using lemon, ginger and honey. In most cases, their difference lies in the proportions of certain components. Which one is right for you depends on personal taste preferences.

Ginger tea

The most interesting thing about the classic recipe for tea with ginger is that it cannot be called tea. In essence, this is a ginger drink, for the preparation of which you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. grated or finely diced ginger root;
  • half a lemon;
  • 1 teaspoon honey;
  • 1 cup hot water.

Place crushed ginger in a teapot and pour boiling water over it. After 10–15 minutes, filter the drink, add honey and the juice of half a lemon. It is recommended to consume 15-20 minutes before meals.

Apple compote with ginger

To make apple drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2–3 apples;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 3 tbsp. l. minced or diced ginger;
  • 2–3 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 2 liters of water.

Squeeze the juice from the lemons into a glass and place the zest into the pan. Add diced apples and ginger and cover with water. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 2-3 minutes and let it brew for about 20 minutes.

After compote, you need to strain, add honey and lemon juice. Take one glass before or during meals, either cold or warm. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 1.5–2 days.

Kefir cocktail

The recipe is useful for people with digestive problems. To make a kefir cocktail you will need:

  • 1 tsp ginger powder;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • Juice of a piece (half) of a lemon;
  • 1 glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 1/3 tsp. cinnamon - optional.

Mix all ingredients. You can add a little cinnamon or turmeric to taste.

Ginger mixture

To prepare the weight loss mixture in equal quantities, approximately 150–200 g, you will need: lemon, honey and ginger. Grind the peeled ginger root and lemon along with the peel in a meat grinder. It is recommended to remove the seeds first.

After grinding, add honey and mix everything. Place in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment for 8–10 hours. Take 2-3 teaspoons with meals. You can drink it with water or warm tea. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Cocktail with pepper

Swedish nutritionists recommend this remedy both for weight loss and for enhancing libido - sexual desire. For production you need:

  • 35–40 g ginger;
  • 2 tbsp. honey;
  • 2 g red chili pepper;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 2 liters of boiled, cooled water.

Grind the peeled ginger root on a fine grater or in a meat grinder. Fill it with cooled boiled water, add honey, lemon juice and pepper. It is recommended to take 100–130 ml of the drink half an hour before meals.


Quite hot and very aggressive in its beneficial effects, the weight loss mixture of ginger with lemon and honey has an extensive list of contraindications, which include the following pathological conditions:

  • diabetes;
  • emphysema, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis;
  • heart attack, post-infarction period, other problems with cardiac activity;
  • diseases of the digestive system - ulcers, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, etc.;
  • the presence of stones in the gall bladder and other organs;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity – stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • kidney and urinary tract problems;
  • high body temperature (from 38º C);
  • haemorrhoids;
  • rheumatism;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diathesis and other dermatological disorders;
  • allergies or individual intolerance to components.

It is also not recommended to use ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss for pregnant women from the second half of the term and after childbirth during breastfeeding. Active use of the mixture while ignoring these contraindications can lead to exacerbation of diseases, a significant deterioration in the condition and course of the disease, as well as a host of other negative consequences.

If there are no restrictions regarding the use of ginger with lemon and honey for weight loss, then this remedy should be consumed in reasonable quantities and with strict adherence to the recommended course duration. Then such a vitamin cocktail will be an excellent assistant in the fight against excess weight or in rejuvenating the body and improving health in general.

How to take it correctly and in what form

There are three main types of drink traditionally prepared from the ingredients in question: water, tea and tincture. Which type you prefer depends on your lifestyle and culinary preferences. The main thing is to observe the proportions when preparing drinks and consume them regularly. Below are the easiest to prepare recipes with the most pleasant taste.

We recommend: ginger cocktail for weight loss with the addition of apples, lemon and cinnamon.

Water with ginger, lemon and honey

You will need:

  • peeled ginger root - 2 tsp;
  • lemon with peel - 2 thin slices;
  • honey - 2 tsp;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Peel the root and grate it on a fine grater. Cut 2 thin slices of citrus as finely as possible. Mix the prepared ingredients. Pour boiling water over the resulting mixture and let it brew for at least 15 minutes. When the drink becomes warm, add 2 tsp. honey and stir well.

Drink at least 0.5 liters of ginger water per day, warm or cool, depending on the time of year. It is especially useful to start your day with this wonderful remedy if you want to lose weight quickly and correctly.

Important! You need to add honey not to a hot drink, but to a warm one, as it loses its beneficial qualities in very hot water.


Required ingredients:

  • black, green or hibiscus tea - 2 tsp;
  • ginger - 50–80 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 10 tsp.

First you need to make a blank. To do this, wash the root and peel it, then grind it in a blender. Wash the lemon and cut it thinly. In a glass jar, place in layers: lemon slice, honey, grated ginger.

Keep the jar with the mixture in the refrigerator. Brew your favorite tea and let it cool slightly, then add 1-2 tsp to the tea. ginger mixture. Drink tea with the weight loss mixture at least 3 times a day.


There are a large number of recipes for tinctures of lemon, ginger and honey with alcohol or vodka. However, mixtures infused with alcoholic beverages are not suitable for those on a diet for several reasons.

Firstly , alcohol will have an aggressive effect on the body during a diet, when the body’s intake of calories is strictly limited. Secondly , alcohol tinctures are not always convenient to take daily, as the smell of alcohol may linger. Thirdly , any alcoholic drink is a high-calorie product that is unlikely to help in the fight against extra pounds.

Important! Those who want to get rid of extra pounds need to take honey into account when calculating their glucose intake. Honey in ginger drinks can easily replace your daily sugar intake.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Irina, 32 years old, Volgograd

I tried my best to lose weight over the past ten years after giving birth. But it was not possible to achieve sustainable success - the weight came off with great effort, then it came back again, I went on a diet again and again the result was short-term. Desperate, I was ready to take any pills just to stabilize my readings. In search of some useful remedy, I read on one website about a mixture of ginger, honey and lemon for weight loss, reviews of which spoke of a very tangible result, although they were contradictory. After analyzing the information, I concluded that this remedy should be used against the backdrop of a reasonable diet and increased physical activity. I was no stranger to dietary restrictions, so I simply added this delicious drink to my diet menu. I don’t know what’s going on inside, but the main thing is that hunger and cravings for sweets are significantly reduced. I took it according to the 15/15 regimen, that is, I drank for half a month, and took a break for half a month. I timed the period of leaving the diet to coincide with the period of taking the mixture, so that the process would be more comfortable. Now I continue to use this miracle remedy and the weight really does not return.

Liliya, 41 years old, Derbent

Losing weight is always difficult for me, so I constantly experiment with various folk remedies - teas, mixtures, herbal decoctions, etc. But I’ll be honest - all this is a waste of time and effort, since at least it costs a little money. Approximately the same result was obtained after taking a ginger-lemon-honey drink. I put everything through a meat grinder, mixed it and stored it in the refrigerator, and then simply diluted it with clean water and drank a glass 3-4 times a day. True, I didn’t change my diet and didn’t play sports, but I already stick to proper nutrition and lead a fairly active lifestyle. But adding this product had absolutely no effect on my weight. I hope that I at least received a complex of vitamins and minerals to support my health.

Nina, 29 years old, Tolyatti

Recently I followed a very strict low-calorie diet, during which I struggled with the constant debilitating feeling of hunger. A friend, seeing my suffering, recommended a useful and effective remedy - a ginger-lemon-honey mixture. I took it 1 tablespoon throughout the day when hunger became unbearable. Indeed, it helped perfectly - for about 2 hours after that I didn’t feel like eating at all, and then fairly tolerable hunger urges appeared. After finishing the diet course, I continue to take this wonderful and healthy product to control my diet. It helps a lot, I recommend trying it.

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