Classic Mimosa salad - 8 delicious homemade recipes

We all love salad appetizers - these dishes are always present on holiday tables, regardless of the scale of the holiday. However, this type of dish has one significant drawback - such delicacies are usually seasoned with mayonnaise, and therefore, for example, the traditional mimosa salad has a fairly high calorie content. Today we will figure out how to eliminate this unpleasant feature, and also tell you about two low-calorie recipes for those who are watching their figure.

How many calories are in a classic mimosa salad?

First, let's figure out what the calorie content of a salad prepared in the traditional way is.

As you know, the generally accepted “classic” recipe contains high-calorie foods such as potatoes, mayonnaise, cheese and egg yolks.

Thanks to this set of carbohydrate foods, the calorie content of mimosa salad reaches about 300 kilocalories per 100 grams. It turns out that one serving of the product contains just under 600 kcal, which, you see, is a lot.

Of course, the real GOST recipe does not imply the addition of boiled potatoes, but this salad appetizer uses butter, and in quite a large volume, and therefore the calorie content of such a Soviet variation of the salad is even higher than in the previous case.

Mimosa salad with saury: classic recipe

“Mimosa” is one of the most popular snacks on the Russian table. The classic recipe for Mimosa salad with saury is quite simple, and knowing the cooking details, you can make it the main dish of the evening.

We started preparing it recently: in the 70s, at a time when it was not easy to get food. Soviet people fell in love with the dish for its simplicity and accessibility. Years later, the Mimosa recipe became equal in importance to Olivier. Today, on any holiday you can see this snack on the table. Some housewives prepare salad in everyday life as an appetizer for main courses. The taste of childhood, which everyone remembers so well, makes you plunge into the atmosphere of celebration and carefreeness.

How to make low-calorie mimosa at home

So, how can you reduce the energy value of mimosa without harming its taste? In fact, this is quite simple to do; you just need to choose the right ingredients and replace others with low-calorie analogues.

  • The main component of any mimosa is fish. Traditionally, canned food is used for this salad, so pay attention to the canning method. Choose only the product in its own juice. Fish in vegetable oil is not only high in calories, but is also harmful to health due to the not very high quality of the fat used.
  • We all love mimosa for its charming yellow “cap”, which is made from grated egg yolk. Boiled eggs themselves are not very high in calories, but there are quite a lot of them in this salad. And if there are no restrictions regarding the volume of protein, then it is better to reduce the number of yolks. For example, you can use only a third or a quarter of the total volume.

  • It is better to exclude butter, which is found in many mimosa recipes, from the salad altogether. Of course, it gives characteristic tenderness to this dish, but the price of such tenderness is a lot of calories.
  • Potatoes can be left even in low-calorie mimosa. The fact is that when boiled, its energy value is quite low, and therefore this ingredient has little effect on the overall calorie content of the dish. The only thing you should pay attention to is that it is better to cook potatoes without skins, so they will lose excess starch, and, therefore, will become even lighter.
  • The main problem with mimosa is mayonnaise. This sauce is so fatty and high in calories that it is strictly forbidden to consume it while following almost any diet. Alternatively, you can use the diet version of this dressing, but it most often contains a large number of preservatives, emulsifiers and other things. Therefore, it is better to choose low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt.
  • If desired, you can replace the potatoes with a fresh apple. This way your salad will lose a few calories, but will gain an interesting sourness.

All these tips will allow you to experiment on your own and create your own low-calorie culinary masterpiece. However, if you do not want to make a mistake or upset the proportions of the ingredients, we recommend using one of our recipes presented below.

"Mimosa" for Protasov's diet

If you limit yourself in nutrition, this is not a reason to deny yourself pleasure and not enjoy your favorite New Year's salad. Eliminate potatoes from the ingredients, and replace boiled carrots with raw ones, they are high in fiber and vitamins. Canned pink salmon is perfect as a fish component. They contain only 120 kcal per 100 g.


  • canned pink salmon - 1/2 can;
  • green apple (sour);
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 tbsp. natural yogurt without additives.

How to cook:

Peel the raw carrots and grate them. Mash the pink salmon with a fork. Boil the egg, separate the white from the yolk. Grate the white on a coarse grater and the yolk on a fine grater. Remove the peel from the apple, cut out the seed chamber and grind the pulp to make a puree.

First place the apple layer in the salad dish, pressing it to the bottom with a fork, then pink salmon, egg whites, and carrots. Coat each new layer with yogurt soak and do not forget to add a little salt. At the end, sprinkle the dish with grated yolk and arrange sprigs of fresh herbs in a circle.

PP recipe for traditional mimosa with canned food and sour cream


  • Canned fish without oil – 1 can + –
  • Red or white onion - 1 pc. + —
  • Carrots - 2 pcs. + —
  • Low-fat cheese – 100 g + –
  • Potatoes – 1 tuber + –
  • Large chicken eggs - 3 pcs. + —
  • Low-fat sour cream – 250 g + –
  • Greens - for decoration + -

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How to quickly and easily make light mimosa at home with your own hands

  1. First, we clean the vegetables; we will boil them without peeling, so that the potatoes give up some of their starch and lose some calories along with it. It is best to cut the root vegetable into 4 parts before putting it into the pan - it will be more difficult to grate, but it will cook better.
  2. We also boil eggs. They must first be washed and the water in which they will be cooked must be added with salt. This way the shell will maintain its integrity. The boiling time for mimosa eggs is 10 minutes, no more.
  3. While some of the products are undergoing heat treatment, we are working on other ingredients. Remove the husks from the onions and cut them into small pieces, or into three on a coarse grater.
  4. We also grate the cheese and finely chop our fresh herbs. We put it aside for now. You need to drain the water from the canned fish and crush the pulp itself a little with a fork - this way our mimosa will acquire the necessary tenderness.
  5. By this point, the vegetables and eggs should already be boiled. Let them cool. Three potatoes and carrots on a fine grater. We clean the eggs, separate them into yolks and whites. We rub each of them separately.
  6. We begin to collect mimosa. First place the grated potatoes on the bottom of the salad bowl. You can add a little salt to it, then generously grease it with sour cream.
  7. Then cover the potatoes with fish and chopped onion. Coat with sour cream again.
  8. Now cover everything with a layer of carrots, grated protein and cheese. Lubricate generously with sour cream.
  9. Sprinkle grated yolks and chopped herbs on top of our mimosa. Then put it in the refrigerator for an hour to soak.

The calorie content of such a delicious mimosa is only 130-140 kcal, which is very good. This recipe is a kind of golden mean of taste and lightness of the dish. Although we have significantly reduced the energy value of the dish, it has not lost any of its taste.

Detailed composition, per 100 grams of the finished dish: “Mimosa Salad”

compoundquantityproduct with the highest content
Proteins, g6.87saury blanched in oil (44%)
Fats, g7.59mayonnaise (61%)
Carbohydrates, g7.57potatoes (75%)
Calorie content, kcal124.28mayonnaise (35%)
Water, g73.99potatoes (37%)
Vanadium, mcg58.79potatoes (88%)
Vitamin A, mg0.66carrots (89%)
Vitamin B1, mg0.06potatoes (57%)
Vitamin B12, mcg0.10chicken egg (100%)
Vitamin B2, mg0.11chicken egg (70%)
Vitamin B5, mg
Vitamin B6, mg0.14potatoes (71%)
Vitamin B9, mcg6.02potatoes (46%)
Vitamin C, mg8.66potatoes (81%)
Vitamin D, mcg0.45chicken egg (100%)
Vitamin E, mg2.75mayonnaise (81%)
Vitamin H, mcg4.32chicken egg (96%)
Vitamin PP, mg0.59potatoes (77%)
Aluminum, µg375.63potatoes (80%)
Boron, µg79.82potatoes (50%)
Iron, mg1.05chicken egg (48%)
Ash, g0.88potatoes (43%)
Iodine, mcg6.60chicken egg (62%)
Potassium, mg267.71potatoes (74%)
Calcium, mg22.66chicken egg (50%)
Cobalt, µg4.60chicken egg (44%)
Starch, g5.28potatoes (99%)
Silicon, mg
Lithium, mcg27.41potatoes (98%)
Magnesium, mg15.65potatoes (51%)
Manganese, mcg109.04potatoes (54%)
Copper, µg82.67potatoes (59%)
Molybdenum, mcg6.06potatoes (46%)
Mono- and disaccharides, g2.10onions (50%)
Sodium, mg66.93mayonnaise (53%)
Unsaturated fatty acids, g0.65chicken egg (94%)
Nickel, µg3.59potatoes (48%)
Tin, µg
Organic acids, g0.15potatoes (44%)
Dietary fiber, g1.04potatoes (47%)
Rubidium, mcg238.07potatoes (73%)
Selenium, mcg
Sulfur, mg56.45chicken egg (64%)
Strontium, mcg
Titanium, µg
Phosphorus, mg74.68chicken egg (52%)
Fluorine, mcg105.00saury blanched in oil (71%)
Chlorine, mg88.89chicken egg (36%)
Cholesterol, mg117.50chicken egg (100%)
Choline, mg52.74chicken egg (98%)
Chromium, µg14.44saury blanched in oil (66%)
Zinc, mcg616.09chicken egg (37%)
Glycemic index,32.78potatoes (74%)
view: detail
| briefly | carbohydrates | calories

Recipe for making Mimosa with a minimum of calories

If you want to make a salad that will be suitable even for those diets where the number of calories is very limited, then you should familiarize yourself with this recipe.

In this case, the calorie content of mimosa will be only about 90 kcal, which is suitable even for those people who strictly monitor their diet.


  • Canned tuna – 1 can;
  • Natural unsweetened yogurt – 150 ml;
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Salad or red onion – 1 head;
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Apple – 1 pc.

How to make mimosa salad with minimum energy value per 100 grams

Here we will definitely need a deep salad bowl, since yogurt is somewhat thinner than mayonnaise or sour cream.

  1. We send the carrots and eggs to cook in different saucepans. The root vegetable can be boiled directly in the peel.
  2. In the meantime, peel the apples and remove the seeds from them. Three on a fine grater.
  3. We remove the peel from the onion and also grate it, but on a coarse grater. Excess juice can be drained.
  4. You need to pour the liquid out of the tuna can. If you find bones, remove them and mash the fish a little with a fork.
  5. We clean the boiled carrots and grate them on a fine grater.
  6. Place the eggs in a bowl of cool water, remove the shells and separate the whites and yolks. We only need 2 yolks.
  7. Finely chop the egg white and grate the yolks on a coarse grater.
  8. First, place the finely chopped protein on the bottom of the salad bowl. We cover it with fish pulp and pour a little yogurt over it.
  9. Now comes the apple layer, we also cover it a little with yogurt dressing.
  10. A layer of carrots and onions completes the low-calorie mimosa. We pour the remaining yogurt onto it and distribute it carefully with a spoon.
  11. Sprinkle the assembled salad with grated yolk and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

A similar mimosa salad has extremely low calorie content, but its taste is very similar to the classic variation of the dish. Of course, you can hardly call it filling, but this is usually not required for food for fasting days.

Mimosa salad with saury

  • boiled eggs – 3 pcs.
  • hard cheese – 100 gr.
  • carrot – 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise.
  • saury in its own juice – 1 jar

Categories by ingredients: canned fish raw eggs carrots mayonnaise / all

Main ingredients:Fish, Cheese, Egg
Difficulty of cooking:Average
Number of servings:2 servings
Cooking time:20 minutes
Publication date:24/08/2012 01:13
Posted by:COOK
Views:9 110
Nutritional value (per 100 g):254 kcal.
Fats:21.23 gr.
Carbohydrates:1.61 gr.
Proteins:13.79 gr.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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