Pea soup with chicken - 8 step-by-step recipes

Is it possible to eat pea soup while losing weight?

If you follow a healthy diet, you already know that it is extremely important to include enough protein and fiber in your diet. Pea soup is a great option to add more of both to your diet.

100 grams of peas contain about 20 grams of protein, which is a good addition to your diet if you find it difficult to get the right amount of protein per day. In addition, the high fiber content in this product also perfectly cleanses the intestines and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. So when losing weight, you can and should add peas to your diet.

One of the best and most delicious pea-based dishes is pea soup! It is usually prepared with fatty meat, ribs or even sausage, and the resulting soup is rich, thick and very high in calories. Of course, such recipes are not entirely suitable for proper dietary nutrition, so we will teach you how to prepare a delicious pp soup that can be safely included in the diet menu. So, what you need to know about pea soup:

  • The very first rule is to use only lean meats when preparing this soup. If you are on a diet, then chicken or turkey fillet is an ideal option. If you want to make the dish completely low in calories, you can boil the meat in advance and add it to the finished dish.
  • We replace potatoes with other healthy products. You might be surprised, but replacing potatoes with pp is actually very simple. There are a lot of healthy and delicious foods that are great for making soups, but contain fewer calories and more benefits. What should you pay attention to? Cauliflower, celery, pumpkin, Brussels sprouts, broccoli. All of these vegetables are excellent substitutes for potatoes. A good option for replacing potatoes is white beans! You can add ready-made canned beans to a ready-made dish.
  • The soup can be prepared without first frying the vegetables. This is especially true if you cook it on chicken or turkey. But if you decide to fry vegetables, then you should do this with a minimum amount of vegetable oil. One tablespoon of vegetable oil will be enough.
  • To prepare such a soup, you can use not only dry peas, but also green ones. You can safely use frozen green peas; they make excellent creamy soups.

Such soups can be safely included not only in the daytime, but also in the evening diet, without worrying about your figure! Now that you know all the secrets, you can safely move on to cooking!

Is it possible to eat canned peas on a diet?

The chemical composition of products that have undergone special processing for long-term storage differs greatly from fresh ones, especially if the process was factory-made. From this position, the degree of their benefit decreases. Canned peas are no exception, which receive a large dose of salt, which is known to retain liquid and slow down the rate of weight loss. However, when losing weight, canned peas are not completely prohibited - they are only limited, because minus the salt, they remain the same (if there are no “chemicals” in the composition). The calorie content of canned peas is 55 kcal.

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Pea soup - dietary recipe

The classic recipe for this famous soup contains quite a lot of calories. But this is not surprising, because such a soup is prepared with smoked meat or ribs, and these products cannot in any way be called dietary. We offer you a simple recipe for your favorite soup.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 carrot. Grind on a grater.
  • 1 onion. Finely chop.
  • 1 cup of peas. It is best to soak it in water overnight.
  • 2 medium potatoes.
  • Salt and spices to taste.
  • 1 spoon of vegetable oil.

Fill the peas with one liter of water and set to cook. Be sure to add salt. Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil and add to the peas. Cook the soup until the peas are completely cooked, then add the potatoes, add more salt to taste and pepper. Cook for about 15 minutes - and the soup is ready! The calorie content of this soup is about 40 calories per 100 grams.

Fragrant pea soup with chicken and smoked sausage

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