Recipe Dietary curd cheese. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Eat right08/04/2018

Each of us wants to stay slim or wants to achieve the “ideal” figure for ourselves. Agree, it’s hard to resist when there’s a lot of goodies around. But proper nutrition is no less tasty if you know some tricks. For example, I really love low-calorie cheese. We have many PP recipes for meat, salads and vegetables with cheese. But what kind of cheese should you add to your diet if you are watching your figure and health?


(soy milk cheese) is the lowest calorie cheese and has the lowest fat content. Only 2 - 4.5 g of fat per 100 g and calorie content - 85.3 kcal. The protein in this cheese is 9.7 g, note that this is vegetable protein, it is absorbed much better than animal protein. For people with lactose intolerance, this cheese can completely replace milk. It tastes like Adyghe cheese or unsalted feta cheese. Soy cheese can be eaten salty with spices and herbs, or sweet with honey or fruit.

List of low-fat cheeses

In any case, cheese contains a percentage of fat.

According to its percentage content, all varieties are classified into:

  • low fat – contain less than 15%;
  • lungs – from 15 to 40%;
  • normal – from 40 to 60%.

Percentage of fat in lean varieties

Be sure to read: Adyghe cheese: calorie content per 100 grams, composition, is it possible for weight loss, beneficial properties

Variety nameFat content, %
Lithuanian cottage cheese5
Chechil smoked10
Mozzarellaup to 15
Kaserei Champignon15
Valio Polar16
Chechil (regular)18
Arla ApetinaUp to 20
Arla Apetina Light25
Galbani Mazzarella Light30

Hard cheeses

Hard varieties include:

  • Parmesan;
  • Maasdam;
  • Emmental;
  • Gruyere;
  • Frisien;
  • Romano;
  • Raclette and others.

Durum varieties contain lecithin. It stimulates the process of lipid breakdown and normalizes cholesterol levels. Hard cheese takes a long time to mature. Popular varieties - 2-3 months or more. Elite ones can last for years, for example 5-6 years.

Popular varieties of hard cheeses

VarietyFat content, %Peculiarities
Swiss45It has a sweetish taste, structure with small holes. Ripens up to six months.
Parmesan32French variety. The ripening period is six months or more. The taste is refined. The structure is fragile.
Cheddar33-45English variety. The structure is plastic, there are practically no holes. The taste is rich, spicy and salty.
Dutch45Structure with small holes. The taste is delicate, quite salty, with a slight sour aftertaste.
Russian45-50The taste is creamy-sweet. The structure is plastic.

Soft cheeses

Mild varieties have a creamier and less spicy taste. They are made from low-fat milk.

Popular varieties

VarietyFat content, %Peculiarities
Dorogobuzhsky45Transparent mucus is visible on top. Bright spicy taste. No hole structure.
Camembert28-50The crust is covered with white mold on top.
Smolensky45Covered with mucus on top.

Homemade low-fat cheese

Cheese made at home does not contain any additives, unlike store-bought cheese. The aging process occurs naturally, so this product is completely natural and therefore healthy.


  1. Low Fat. You will need 2 liters of skim milk. Pour the milk into a saucepan, place on low heat, add 0.5 tsp. salt and sugar. The mixture is heated to 80-85 degrees and pour in 2 tsp. lemon juice, stir. A reaction will occur: the milk will curdle. You need to wait until the milk turns into white flakes and leave it to cool for 30-40 minutes. Then the whey is decanted, and the curd is shaped and placed in the refrigerator.
  2. Solid . 400 grams of low-fat store-bought or homemade cottage cheese are mixed with 200 ml of milk and 2 eggs are added. The mixture is put on fire and boiled for about half an hour, then poured into a mold and added 1 tsp. soda The mold must be closed and placed in a cool place, placing a weight on top for 5-6 hours.
  3. Homemade mozzarella. Heat 1.5 liters of milk in a saucepan on the stove, add 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tsp. salt. The whey is decanted and the resulting flakes are set aside. Pepsin (rennet) is mixed with 2 tbsp. water and add to cottage cheese. 180 ml of water is heated in a separate container. Put cottage cheese there. When it becomes plastic, it is taken out, given the desired shape and placed under a press for several hours.

Be sure to read: Recipes for delicious dietary dishes made from cottage cheese + how many calories are in 100 grams of product

Cheese made with your own hands definitely does not contain vegetable fat components, stabilizers, emulsifiers and other “extra” ingredients.


This cheese is made with skim milk, so the fat content is 22%. Mozzarella is sold in the form of balls in a salty solution. Contains protein - 22.17 g, fat - 22.35 g, carbohydrates - 2.19 g, energy value - 280 kcal. Mozzarella cheese comes from Italy, and of course, where would we be without Italian pizza? Mozzarella is simply perfect for this kind of thing. And what a delicious salad with this cheese, just bomb. For example, caprese , which is on my website, is delicious, light and fast. Follow the link and write down the recipe.

Is it possible to eat cheese while on a diet?

The question of whether it is possible to eat cheese on a diet worries many people who want to lose weight, because this product is used in the diet of almost any person and it is difficult to give it up. Nutritionists recommend choosing low-calorie cheese for your diet, avoiding hard and overly seasoned varieties (especially salty and spicy ones), as well as varieties with fillers. The main selection criterion is quality and shelf life: you should not eat moldy ones, even after cutting off the areas with mold, because this is fraught with serious poisoning.

How to distinguish a low-quality product:

  • carefully consider the composition on the packaging (admixtures of palm oil or other vegetable fats are not allowed);
  • uniform color, without bright spots and traces of “revival” (soaking, cutting);
  • catch the aroma, absence of foreign odors;
  • can't be cheap.

Cheese diet

A large number of weight loss programs allow the consumption of rennet products. Recently, a diet based on cheese and coffee has been gaining particular popularity, because there is no need to constantly cook something, and this saves a lot of time. Its duration is 10 days. While losing weight, it is forbidden to eat vegetables and fruits; only eggs and fermented milk drinks (a glass of kefir or homemade yogurt without fillers) are allowed. But there are other variations - a cheese and wine diet or a standard cheese diet (you can add soup or salad with vegetables to the diet).

Ducan's diet

France, as you know, is the birthplace of cheese making, so this product could not be avoided in the food system from the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan. Taking into account the peculiarities of the nutritional system, the question of whether cheese is possible on the Dukan diet cannot be answered unequivocally. The nutrition system is divided into 4 stages, the diet of each of them has its own characteristics, for example, at all stages (even at the attack) low-fat cheese is allowed, at the alternating stage you can introduce 30 grams, with a fat content of up to 6.5%. During fixation, fat content up to 20% is permissible, but in small quantities.

Japanese diet

One of the toughest but most effective nutritional systems for weight loss is the 14-day Japanese diet. Those wishing to lose weight are prohibited from changing their diet, confusing the sequence of days, or consuming salt, alcohol, sugar and sweets. A prerequisite is to drink 1.5 liters of mineral still or boiled water. On the Japanese diet, cheese is allowed to be eaten, but not more than 1 piece (15 grams) per day, as an addition to the menu. You can’t call such a nutrition program “hungry”, because it contains a lot of fish, meat, vegetables and fruits (unsweetened). You are allowed to drink coffee and unsweetened tea.

Is it possible to have cheese on the Maggi diet?

Among those who want to lose weight, the so-called egg diet is gaining popularity. There is no need to count calories on it, since it is based on biochemical reactions in the body. Just be sure to strictly follow the diet. There are no contraindications to such a weight loss system; it can be used by people of absolutely any age and initial weight. It is allowed to eat meat and fish dishes, eggs, vegetables and fruits, but cheese is not suitable for the Maggi diet. For hard varieties, a fat content of 17% is acceptable, but they can be replaced with low-fat cottage cheese, feta cheese or mozzarella.

On a protein diet

Low-carbohydrate diets (including protein) involve eating meat, fish and eggs. Is it possible to have cheese on a protein diet? The high level of protein and low carbohydrates in this product allows it to serve as an excellent addition to such a nutritional system. True, you are allowed to eat only low-fat or low-fat varieties (Adyghe, feta, tofu). This method is very effective for losing weight if you combine it with regular training, because proteins are the building material for muscle mass. It is prohibited to add baked goods, high-calorie fruits and carbonated drinks to the menu.

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Recommended Products

Let's look by brand to see what kind of cheese you can eat on a diet and proper nutrition:

✅Light cheese from . And also Edam from the same company does not contain harmful additives.

✅Cheese from Lambert “Tizilter” has a high fat content, but a few slices will not harm your figure.

Cream cheese from “A Thousand Lakes” is also a little fatty, but in moderate quantities it will not harm.

✅ Fortunately, Edam cheese from Golden Europe . It has a high proportion of fat, but is quite safe for the body if consumed in moderation.

✅And Suluguni from Granabella . This product does not contain harmful additives.

Weight loss and cottage cheese in the diet

Not everything is as bad as one might expect. Curd cheese is not only possible, but also should be consumed when losing weight. Today there are thousands of varieties of curd cheese in the world, and most of them are quite low-calorie and useful on the way to a slim figure.

It should be added that to reduce calorie content in the diet, nutritionists advise consuming curd cheeses made from cow's milk, not sheep's or goat's milk.

Here are the well-known types of curd cheese that can be eaten while losing weight: ricotta, feta cheese, mozzarella, tofu, mascarpone. Curd cheeses go well with vegetables in salads, are added to food compositions with lean meat or fish, and are used in fruit salads and desserts.

And what a variety of curd cheese lovers will find on store shelves. These are soft-consistency curd cheeses: Gorgonzola, Hochland Cremette and Almette, Violette, Kremalotye, Emmental curd cheese, Unagrande or Bonfesto Ricotta and other types.

They can be applied to bread or toast, sprinkled with sesame seeds, decorated with cucumber or tomato, herbs, lettuce, red fish or a slice of boiled chicken breast.

Of course, curd cheese has been and remains a worthy product in the diet of those who strive for a good figure and a healthy lifestyle.

The presence of calcium and protein is one of the benefits of any type of cheese, although it is often excluded from weight loss plans because the concentration of fat and calories does not contribute to achieving a negative caloric balance. Therefore, many people believe that cheese should not be consumed during a diet. The truth is that this food is a constant in any appetizer worth its salt, because when hunger strikes, people would rather kill a worm with a piece of Parmesan. So, let's figure out whether you can eat cheese while losing weight.

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Nutritional properties

Is it possible to eat fatty cheese while on a diet? Is it possible to eat Russian cheese while losing weight? Is sausage cheese good for weight loss? You don't have to sacrifice the products you love so much. These foods are a source of protein, vitamin B, folic acid - so necessary for pregnant women - and even prevent tooth decay.

It is better to use your favorite product, but control the dose and frequency of use. It is necessary to pay attention to limiting the content of poor quality fats in other foods. While it is true that there are many varieties of a product and each of them has its own specific characteristics, it is also true that some general criteria may be established when choosing a particular product.

How to lose weight: 2. Analog approach

We use less fatty products among similar ones.

For example, cottage cheese can have a fat content of 0, 5, 7 and even 18%. It is clear that by using low-fat cottage cheese instead of fatty one, we avoid a fat load of 18-20 g per serving.

Standard mayonnaise has a fat content of about 72-80%, but there are also light varieties with a fat content of 25-30%. The use of this mayonnaise instead of the traditional one allows you to reduce the fat content of each serving of salad by an average of 5-6 g

How to choose dumplings if you want to lose weight? Dumplings with the addition of lard have a fat content of 35-40 g per serving. Poultry dumplings have a fat content of about 5-7 g. Win, about 30 g of “uneaten” fat for each serving.

Milk. Its fat content can also vary from 0.05% to 6%. Accordingly, a glass of milk can contain 0.1 and 12 g of fat. It is clear that the first is much better for us than the second. This fully applies to fermented milk products - yoghurts, curdled milk, and so on.

It is somewhat more difficult to find replacements for cheeses and sour cream. But here, too, you can pick up something. For example, instead of sour cream, the so-called “sour cream” is ideal, which we actively recommend to our patients - soft, low-fat cottage cheese mixed in a 1:1 ratio with fermented baked milk. In taste, consistency and properties, this mixture is very similar to regular sour cream. But it contains 15 times less fat.

Instead of cheese, you can sometimes use thick sunflower cottage cheese

By the way, pay attention - according to GOST, the fat content in cheeses is indicated in terms of dry residue. Since cheeses always contain water, their actual fat content is usually one and a half to two times lower than declared

That is, if the label of Russian cheese indicates 45% fat content, then in reality it is unlikely to contain more than 25%. The so-called soft cheeses have even less fat content - Suluguni, Adygei, feta cheese, and so on. There, the actual fat content usually does not exceed 12%. Finally, homemade cheese is now on sale, which, by the way, is very tasty. So, its fat content is not higher than 5%.

Desserts and sweets. A serving of dairy ice cream contains 10 g less fat than a serving of cream ice cream. The fat content of a standard 100 gram chocolate bar is 45-55 g, while in no case should you forbid yourself from fatty foods. There are many ways we can eat them, enjoy them, and lose weight at the same time.

A 100 g serving of marshmallows, or marmalade, contains no fat at all.

Let's repeat it again. We are not talking about a complete 100% replacement of fatty foods with less fatty analogues. To lose weight, simply change the ratios. For example, previously a person ate 4 servings of regular dumplings and one serving of dumplings with poultry meat per week, and in total received 145 g of fat per week with dumplings. Now, on the contrary, 4 servings of poultry dumplings and one serving of regular ones. Total – 60 g of fat. A gain of 85 grams per week, or 12 grams per day, or more than four kilograms per year.

Well, and of course, do not forget about non-fat products for losing weight, specially developed at the Research Institute of Dietetics and Diet Therapy, which, despite their low calorie content, have a high satiating ability. Today these are cocktails, cereals and soups. All these instant products are enough to have a kettle with hot water on hand. Maximum pleasure for every calorie consumed!

List of low-fat cheeses: names, composition, method of preparation

There are 9 main low-calorie cheeses: Suluguni, Feta, Ricotta, Tofu, Brest-Litovsky Light, Roquefort, Fitness Cheese, Lakomo “Light”, dietary Ichalki. They are approved for use during diets. Each product has a specific taste, smell, color, preparation method, and composition. These cheeses contain a large number of micro- and macroelements, such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, selenium, and vitamins.


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List of names of the lowest-fat varieties of cheese:

  1. 1. Suluguni.
  2. 2. Feta.
  3. 3. Ricotta.
  4. 4. Tofu.
  5. 5. Brest-Litovsk light.
  6. 6. Roquefort.
  7. 7. Fitness cheese.
  8. 8. Lakomo “Light”.
  9. 9. Dietary cheese Ichalki.

Brine traditional Georgian low-calorie cheese. Suluguni tastes moderately salty and has a dense, layered consistency. The color of the product is white, the presence of voids and irregularly shaped eyes is allowed. A crust does not form on the cheese. It has 5% fat content.


  • pasteurized cow's milk - 12 l;
  • rennet starter - 1.4 mg.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Milk is heated to 35 degrees, rennet is added, the product is fermented - a dense curd is obtained, which must be crushed into small pieces and pressed.
  2. 2. After this, the cheese is cut into ropes and melted on the stove at a temperature of 80 degrees, stirring until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. 3. The resulting mass is divided into equal pieces and formed by placing it in molds.
  4. 4. The molds with the product are placed in cold water for a few minutes, and then the cheese heads are taken out and kept in brine for several days until they are salted.

After salting, the cheese is ready for consumption.

100 g of product contains :

  • water - 51 g;
  • proteins - 18.5 g;
  • fats - 23 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.0 g.

Dietary aspect

Often, when going on a diet, people completely abandon the product in question, believing that in this way they will ensure rapid weight loss and at the same time improve their health. This is completely the wrong approach. Cheese is an extremely healthy type of food. He:

  • quickly and very easily digested;
  • contains many essential microelements;
  • supplies the body with vitamins;
  • provides protein and the same fat (it usually contains no carbohydrates).

How to use the product? There is a special rule prohibiting the introduction of only cheeses with a fat content of no more than 35 percent into the diet. Otherwise, such a diet does not limit the choice of variety and, as practice shows, is very effective. Moreover, a person gets rid of the oppressive feeling of hunger.

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