Olive oil - composition, benefits and harm to human health

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Olive oil is an indispensable product in the diet of those who follow a healthy diet. In addition, the oil has been used by women for cosmetic purposes since ancient times to give the skin freshness, softness and elasticity. Using the product, you can lose weight and fill your body with energy after a hard physical workout, which is especially valuable for athletes. Olive oil is deservedly considered a universal and healthy product due to its composition, rich in fatty acids, trace elements and vitamins.

However, in order to achieve the desired result, you need to know what kind of oil you are buying - refined or unrefined, what both are used for, how to properly store the product and for whom olive oil is strictly contraindicated. Read about all this in our article.

Calorie content of olive oil and chemical composition

The calorie content of olive oil per 100 g is 897.8 kcal, and the chemical composition is rich in fatty acids and has an extensive list of beneficial effects on the human body.

Chemical composition of unrefined oil per 100 g in table form:

Item nameQuantitative indicator
Omega-6, g11,8
Oleic, g63,8
Palmitoleic, g1,61
Palmitic, g12,8
Arachidonic, g0,79
Stearic, g2,8
Iron, mg0,5
Choline, mg0,4
Vitamin E, mg12,3
Vitamin K, mg0,07
Phosphorus, mg2,1
Potassium, mg1,1
Sodium, mg1,9
Calcium, mg1,2
Beta Sitosterol, mg99,8
Linoleic, g12,1
Omega-9, g0,6

During processing, olive oil wastes a large number of beneficial elements, so for cosmetic or medicinal purposes it is best to use unrefined oil.

Nutritional value of olive oil per 100 g:

  • carbohydrates – 0 g;
  • fats – 98.9 g;
  • proteins – 0 g;
  • dietary fiber – 0 g;
  • water – 1.1 g.

The BZHU ratio is 0/1/0, respectively. The calorie content of 1 tablespoon of oil is 152.6 kcal, in 1 teaspoon - 44.8 kcal.

How to choose olive oil?

Which olive oil should you buy? There are several types of it.


  • extra virgin (unrefined)
  • pomace (refined)

What kind of olive oil for salads? -Extra virgin is more useful for salad dressing as it contains more nutrients. Pomace is more suitable for frying, as it is usually cheaper and retains its heat-resistant properties.

How to choose the right olive oil?

Pay attention to the expiration date. The fresher the oil, the more vitamins it contains.

Benefit for health

The benefits of using olive oil for human health are great and multifaceted. The product not only improves overall well-being, but also has a beneficial effect on almost internal organs, normalizing their functioning and acting as a preventative against various diseases.

  1. Olive oil reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and increases the amount of good cholesterol. In addition, the product strengthens the heart muscle. Scientific research shows that people who regularly consume foods rich in fatty acids have a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
  2. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Inflammatory reactions often occur due to constant stress, irregular or unhealthy diet, and then develop into more serious diseases. The oil helps neutralize the effects of inflammatory processes, as well as reduce the frequency of their occurrence.
  3. The oil has a positive effect on the strength of the walls of blood vessels and also normalizes blood pressure.
  4. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, olive oil is used to prevent cancer.
  5. Olive oil helps you lose weight and is considered an excellent preventative against obesity, of course, if you consume the product in moderation.
  6. Increases brain performance. Systematic consumption of oil, regardless of whether in its pure form or as a dressing for dishes, improves memory, concentration and attentiveness.

In addition, the oil acts as a preventative against Alzheimer's disease - it slows down the decline in cognitive function.

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Medicinal properties of olive oil

The healing properties of olive oil have long been used in folk medicine:

  1. Regular use of the product prevents depression and nervous disorders. The oil normalizes hormonal balance, due to fluctuations in which the mood often deteriorates for no reason. In addition, by systematically taking the oil, you can strengthen your sleep and achieve positive thinking.
  2. It is believed that olive oil reduces the risk of diabetes. The fats included in the product normalize sugar and insulin levels. If you like foods that are rich in sugar and carbohydrates, you can slow down the process of glucose entering the bloodstream with a small amount of oil.
  3. Olive oil normalizes digestion, prevents constipation and bloating, and helps in the treatment of intestinal diseases.
  4. The use of the product helps to restore strength after surgery or a serious illness.
  5. Oil removes poisons, toxins and excess salts from the body. Moreover, the product will help cleanse the respiratory tract and reduce the negative effects of nicotine on the lungs.
  6. Regular consumption of oil reduces the appearance of varicose veins and prevents its development due to its ability to thin the blood. The product prevents the formation of blood clots and makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic. In addition, the oil is used externally for rubbing into the skin in areas where varicose veins appear.
  7. The product treats gum inflammation. To do this, you need to heat the oil (slightly warmer than room temperature) and lubricate the gums with a soft toothbrush. If the operation is painful, you can simply rinse your mouth with warm oil for 10-12 minutes.

Oil belongs to a small list of products that are almost 100% absorbed by the body due to their diverse chemical composition, the components of which contribute to the rapid absorption of each other. For example, the antioxidants it contains help the body absorb vitamin K.

For women's health

Olive oil has a positive effect on women's health:

  1. Regular addition of the product to the diet normalizes hormonal balance, which fluctuates during menopause or before PMS.
  2. The oil is used in the treatment of infertility. For these purposes, special diets often include a product high in fatty acids and nutrients, and olive oil is a champion in this area.
  3. The functioning of the thyroid gland and the production of estrogen are normalized.
  4. The oil is recommended to be consumed during pregnancy, as it will have a positive effect not only on the well-being of the mother, but also on the baby. In addition, the product helps fight chronic fatigue.

During breastfeeding, consuming oil will reduce the occurrence of colic in the baby.

Olive oil for men

Olive oil also has beneficial effects on men's health:

  1. Regular use of the product will improve potency by increasing blood circulation.
  2. The product improves reproductive function.
  3. The oil energizes you before grueling sports training.

The oil is especially useful for strength athletes who need to gain muscle mass or show the best results in competitions.

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Shelf life of olive oil

According to Appendix No. 3 TR CU 024/2011, olive oil is divided into 4 categories:

  • Extra virgin olive oil – unrefined olive oil of the highest quality. This is the healthiest and most expensive oil, which is obtained by cold pressing from the highest quality fruits. The shelf life of this product is 18 to 24 months.
  • Fine virgin olive oil is unrefined olive oil, also produced by cold pressing, but from lower quality olives. The shelf life of this product is 1 year.
  • Olive oil is a mixture of refined and unrefined olive oils, the recommended storage period is 12 months.
  • Olive pomace oil is second-pressed olive oil from pomace and a mixture of refined and unrefined products. It is advisable to use it within 6 months.

Application in cosmetology

In cosmetology, olive oil is used to improve skin condition, strengthen hair and eyelashes:

  1. To increase the thickness of your eyelashes, simply lubricate your eyelashes with olive oil every day before going to bed. After a month of use, the first results should be noticeable. In addition, the oil is used as a makeup remover.
  2. To get shiny and thick hair, as well as to make it soft and stimulate further growth, you need to make masks based on nourishing cream and olive oil, rubbing them into the roots and evenly distributing them along the length of the hair.
  3. The oil moisturizes the skin and protects against harmful environmental influences, such as ultraviolet radiation and toxins, and also prevents flaking and roughening. Moreover, simply regular consumption of unrefined olive oil helps, but if you make hand or face creams with the addition of oil, the effect will increase significantly.
  4. The oil is used in body wraps and anti-cellulite massage procedures. These same steps will help make stretch marks less noticeable.
  5. At home, you can get rid of acne or redness, but only if you do not have oily skin, otherwise the pores will simply become clogged and irritation will increase.

In addition to the above, the product accelerates wound healing and relieves pain and redness from minor burns. For cosmetic effects, use unrefined, cold (first) pressed oil.


Olive oil is traditionally used as food and used for preparing various products. It can be used both raw and used for frying. Cuisines of many countries around the world include this oil in the most delicious recipes. Particular attention to this oil should be given to those who suffer from vascular diseases, as it helps remove cholesterol from the body. In addition, olive oil is widely used in the food industry as an important component of complex formulations.

In addition to using the oil as food, it is often included in various skin care cosmetics, as well as in some medicines.

In folk medicine, there are a number of recipes for various diseases that are treated with olive oil. These include problems with digestion, skin, hair, colds, and weak immunity.

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How to use when losing weight?

To lose weight, it is recommended to drink 1 tsp on an empty stomach. unrefined olive oil. Over time, the dose is increased to 1 tablespoon. After taking the oil, it is strictly forbidden to eat or drink anything for 40, or preferably 60 minutes. Otherwise, it will be impossible to achieve the desired result. Optionally, when your body gets used to the morning dose of 1 tbsp. spoon, you can add another dose of oil at night in the same amount (but you need to start again with 1 tsp).

The tendency to overeat appears in humans, among other things, due to a lack of oleulethanolamide in the body. When olive oil begins to interact with the intestinal mucosa, it acts as a catalyst, thanks to which the production of this substance begins.

The essence of the technique is that by saturating the body with essential fatty acids, you will prevent the possibility of overeating and reduce the number of unnecessary snacks: the feeling of fullness in the stomach will remain for a longer time.

Important! To lose weight, use unrefined oil. But it is better not to use such oil for heat treatment of food.

In addition, you can take one tablespoon of oil mixed with lemon juice. This will cleanse the liver of accumulated bile, improve its functioning, and therefore speed up the process of losing weight.

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Olive Oil Recipes

Tomatoes with olive oil

We present you a recipe for a delicious and healthy snack.


  • 0.5 l dried cherry tomatoes
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • to taste Salt, sugar, pepper mixture
  • 3 cloves of garlic

How to cook:

  1. Wash the cherry tomatoes, dry them, cut them in half and place them on a drying tray. About three pallets of raw cherries yields a half-liter jar of dried cherries.
  2. Make a mixture: salt, a mixture of peppers, sugar in a ratio of 1:2:1, sprinkle it over the laid out tomatoes and place in the dryer for 12-14 hours at 70 degrees. Swap trays every two hours.
  3. Place the dried tomatoes in a liter jar on the floor. Pour oil into a frying pan, add medium-chopped garlic and heat until the garlic is browned.
  4. Pour oil and garlic over the tomatoes, cover with a lid and leave to cool. Keep refrigerated. Can be consumed as a stand-alone snack with a black baguette, or added to pasta, pizza, and salads.

Harm from olive oil and contraindications

Harm from olive oil, as from most other substances, in most cases is caused by abuse or the purchase of a low-quality product, as well as an allergy to it. It is contraindicated to consume more than 2 tbsp per day. l. oils:

  1. People who are obese or on a diet, as the product is high in calories.
  2. People who have cholecystitis, kidney stones or gall bladder stones should first consult a doctor before consuming the product and should never drink it on an empty stomach.
  3. When taking the product above the recommended daily dose, your blood pressure may drop critically.
  4. A low-quality product can cause poisoning and heart failure.
  5. Abuse can cause stomach upset, the formation of kidney stones, cause inflammation and a critical decrease in blood sugar levels.

In addition, it is worth remembering the high calorie content of oil and consuming it moderately, in doses recommended by nutritionists.

Do they fry in olive oil?

Is it possible to fry in olive oil? Many people are interested in trying to get maximum benefits and minimum harm from food. Let's talk.

Olive oil can be used for frying, and is even more suitable for this than the more popular sunflower oil. Its combustion temperature is 210 degrees. Sunflower has 120. Therefore, it is capable of not burning longer and not becoming a carcinogen.

Another question is what oil to fry in: extra virgin (unrefined) or pomace (refined)? It turns out that even with a higher degree of purification, olive oil retains its properties relative to temperature. And there is not much difference. But refined oil certainly contains fewer beneficial nutrients. In this connection, extra virgin is chosen for dressing salads and dishes, and pomace for cooking.

Do you know if it is possible to fry in unrefined olive oil?

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