Guarchibao – complex for weight loss

Guarchibao FatCaps for weight loss: real reviews from consumers and doctors, instructions for use and price. © Guarchibao FatCaps for weight loss: real reviews of those losing weight

Natalya, 37 years old,

I decided to leave a review about Guarchibao as a token of gratitude to those who sell it (we are, of course, talking about the original drug). So, I am Natalya Yuryevna Zotova, 37 years old, I live in a small town in the Perm Territory, I work as an accountant in a private company.

I experienced weight loss with this product at the beginning of summer, when after a diet with salads my weight did not move an ounce. Then I decided to use the “heavy artillery” and chose this powder. Result: in a month with guarchibao fatcaps I lost 8 kilograms. This figure may seem insignificant to some, but for me it is a decent result. Besides, I haven’t stopped – I’ve been drinking the cocktail for 2 weeks already!

Weightloss remedy

Until I was 35, it never even occurred to me to use any fat burners to lose weight, and I never used diets or – God forbid – jogging at all. My weight was constantly subject to seasonal fluctuations: over the winter I steadily gained about 7 kg, in the spring I lost about 2-3 kg, and in the summer at the dacha, I again returned to my usual norm without any problems.

This has always been the case except for the last two years. I don’t know why, but physical activity in the garden and vegetable food ceased to be a panacea - winter accumulations remained in place. The first year I still survived this, but in the second year, when I gained 12 kg of excess weight, I began to study the Internet. It was then that I turned my attention to natural weight loss products.

I can’t say that I was very pleased when I saw it - the choice of such products is simply huge! My eyes widened, and it was unclear which of them really helped, and which were ordinary advertised dummies. In addition, I would like not only to lose weight, but also to improve my own health a little - to normalize, for example, my sugar level (the tests were not very good), to improve my bowel movements, to improve my performance...

In general, having studied enough information, I decided to settle on guarchibao - it was the one that suited me in all respects:

  • decreased appetite;
  • helped regulate metabolism;
  • gave vigor.

Positive reviews about Guarchibao with results in the form of “before and after” photos

People who left their comments on the forums underwent therapy with this drug and received convincing results. They shared stories of their victory over excess weight, with the goal of helping others. After all, only those who have encountered a similar problem know how difficult it can be to feel powerless in the face of circumstances and the laws of nature.

We have selected the most informative real reviews from forums about Guarchibao:

The whole truth about the Guarchibao FatCaps weight loss program >>>

An effective remedy for menopausal women

Irina Stepanova, 53 years old, Kiev: “All my life I was a slender, spectacular lady who “basked” in the attention and admiration of men. She carefully monitored her health. I tried to eat a balanced diet, led an active lifestyle: I did gymnastics, yoga, visited the pool on a regular basis, and took massage courses. Body weight from a young age remained within the normal range. I couldn’t even imagine how the situation would change overnight. Having crossed the 45-year-old threshold, I began to rapidly gain weight. The onset of menopause nullified my efforts. In just 2 years I gained 22 kg. The numbers on the scale changed from 58 to 80.

I decided I couldn’t cope on my own and went to the doctor. I took tests and it turned out that there was a hormonal imbalance due to menopause, and my blood sugar was also slightly elevated. The doctor prescribed medications and sent me home. After a month of taking it, the hot flashes decreased, the sugar level decreased, but the weight remained the same. It was then that I became completely depressed and no longer took care of myself. After 5 years, she began to weigh 120 kg. I couldn’t look in the mirror and practically didn’t leave the house.

On one of the forums I found reviews about the weight loss product Guarchibao, talked there with women who had lost weight with the help of this product, and decided to take a risk. I ordered 4 packs. During the first month I managed to get rid of 6 kg. Not the 10 kilograms mentioned in the advertisement, but still the result. Probably, in the first month the hormonal levels were restored, which is why the loss of kilograms was not so significant. Over the next 2 courses I managed to lose another 16 kg. And at the end of the fourth, my joy knew no bounds, because I became even slimmer than before! Now I weigh 56 kg. A year has passed since the end of taking Guarchibao, but no reverse effect has occurred. I recommend the complex to everyone, because it is effective and natural, and the reviews are good and the price in Ukraine for a weight correction product is quite acceptable.”

I wear the clothes I want and enjoy life

Raisa Fokina, 34 years old, Kherson: “Extra pounds have been my problem since my youth. She began to recover during adolescence and remained plump until she was 33 years old. But I always dreamed of being thin and graceful, but with a height of 158 and a weight of 86 kg, there was no need to even talk about the gracefulness of a doe. I was chubby and lazy. I was never good at sports, I liked to eat sweet, a lot and unhealthy food. Therefore, it is still strange that in the end it was not 100 kg, but only 86. And yet the dream of losing weight was ripening in my head.

A completely stranger at the pharmacy helped me. She saw that I was choosing tea for weight loss and spoke to me. She told me about the drug Guarchibao, with which you can lose weight without effort. Her daughter underwent a course of treatment with it and lost 14 kg after giving birth. I didn’t find any negative reviews from buyers or doctors about Guarchibao. I only came across positive ones, so I decided to try it. Saw Guarchibao once a day, one package (sachet). Only after two weeks the results became noticeable. At 33, my dream came true, I became a truly elegant young lady. Now I weigh 56 kg, I wear whatever clothes I want. There were no side effects. I started playing sports and tightened my muscles. The main thing that the drug did was to quell my insatiable appetite. I just stopped chewing endlessly, and the process of losing weight began. I’m happy with the result, but I want to lose a couple more kg.”

We also recommend that you pay attention to the drug Aminocarnit. By clicking on the link you can read reviews about Aminocarnit.

Good result - the weight is gone!

Olga Piskunova, 40 years old, Moscow: “I’m skeptical about such powders, I tried it simply because of an argument with a friend. She praised Guarchibao so much, it became interesting. I started taking the complex to prove to her that it was complete nonsense, but just in case, I read doctors’ reviews about the drug Guarchibao, so as not to harm myself. After the first 2 weeks I lost 3 kg. without any physical activity. And in a month I lost 7 kg, I didn’t restrict myself in food, and even specifically in the evening I emptied the refrigerator almost through force, when I saw how the kilograms began to fall off. To be honest, I didn’t feel hungry at all, but I’m a gambling person. I had to take my words back and admit that this program is a worthwhile thing. And, by the way, the skin did not sag during weight loss, although at the moment 8 kg have already been lost. No flabbiness appeared, apparently the manufacturer thought this through. Good product, it really works. You just need to buy the powder from a trusted seller, as there are fakes.”

Composition of Guarchibao

Taught by life experience: trust, but check - I was not too lazy to clarify the data on the components of the composition. I chose specialized sources and looked at the real properties of the substances contained in the medicinal powder. Here are the results of our own “scientific” research:

Baobab: the fruits of the tree, in any form, are very beneficial for the intestines. Fresh or dried, they stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora, making it easy to cope with diarrhea or constipation. Plus, powder from baobab pulp activates the immune system, relieves pain during menstruation, lowers cholesterol and sugar levels; have a very good effect on the skin, relieving inflammation and improving its external condition.

Guarana: the plant burns fat and accelerates metabolic processes. It also turns out that the use of guarana is very widespread among athletes as a natural doping. Thanks to it, they quickly restore strength after training and gain additional energy.

It also contains chia meal. The name caused confusion at first, since I had never heard of such a plant. But it turned out that this is not the name of the plant at all, but an ordinary chia seed cake. It has dietary properties, since almost half of it consists of dietary fiber, due to which a feeling of fullness appears.

Having prepared, I placed an order and, after receiving the parcel, began the practical part. But first I looked at what the instructions said.

How does Guarchibao work?

According to reviews, Guarchibao quickly restores metabolic processes and stabilizes nervous tension. Now, in order to lose weight once and for all, you don’t need to be observed in a clinic or go to expensive appointments with nutritionists.

I immediately decided to clarify for myself how the system affects the body and how such quick results are achieved. And here’s what experts note in their reviews:

  1. The body receives a large dose of essential substances and vitamins.
  2. There is no longer a restless appetite, moreover, interest in sweets and fatty foods immediately disappears.
  3. The Guarchibao complex protects against aging and has regenerative properties.
  4. In just a few weeks, the bulk of toxins and waste accumulated over many years is eliminated.
  5. The immune system is noticeably strengthened, illnesses and colds are less likely to occur.

In addition, internal organs receive a large dose of macro- and microelements from Guarchibao, and the body’s immune defense increases. After all, the main stress and nervous breakdowns that result in extra pounds are often associated with a lack of essential vitamins and minerals.

What is also important is that there will be no more disorders and various discomforts in the gastrointestinal tract. The girls wrote in reviews that diarrhea and constipation disappeared.

The instructions for Guarchibao say that the basis of the drug is natural ingredients. For example, guarana fruit extract breaks down the thin subcutaneous fat layer and increases the effect of physical activity throughout the day. Chia seed extract gives girls essential amino acids, which results in a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Baobab nourishes the body with vitamins and minerals, tones the muscles and nourishes it a little.

“For normal life, a person needs to receive the necessary fatty acids every day. In this case, they are part of Guarchibao. Unfortunately, most of my patients are deficient in these substances in their bodies; for this reason, metabolic processes are often disrupted. A complex of vitamins, which is regularly prescribed to those who play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle, improves endurance and increases mental activity. Scientists have proven that it is the balance of everything a person needs that helps keep his body in great shape.” Svyatoslav K., nutritionist, 40 years old, St. Petersburg

By taking the drug for several days, you can safely lose up to 3-4 kilograms. Within a month, up to 10-15% of the total body weight disappears. This is a lot!!!

Guarchibao is easy to use. You should open the bag and pour the powder into a glass of clean water. Next, mix well and use the solution internally. This procedure should be performed twenty minutes before the first meal, consumed only once a day.

How to take correctly (instructions for use)

There were no ambiguities here: one package contains 5 sachets, the contents of each of them should be dissolved in approximately half a glass of water and drunk once a day before meals. That is, the amount of sachet is designed for 5 days of use, after which you need to take a break for 2 days, and then you can start the second course.

At the same time, on the days of taking guarchibao, it is recommended to increase the amount of water drunk to 2-2.5 liters. I calculated, it turned out that from approximately 8 am to 8 pm, every hour you need to drink one glass of water.

In general, I started the process savvy in all the rules and on the first day I did everything as written. On the second, I decided to prolong the pleasure a little, and compiled my own instructions for using guarchibao. The only difference from the original one was that I divided the bag into two parts and drank the contents in the morning and evening; the future showed that this result had no effect.

I would like to note that I had sachets with vanilla flavor, but somehow it was not particularly noticeable. The drink is quite pleasant to drink, and the consistency is similar to liquid jelly. I tried diluting it in milk (this is also possible), but I didn’t really like it - in my opinion, such a drink turns out to be too “fatty”.

I personally didn’t have any side effects, although where would they come from, since the composition of guarchibao has no contraindications because completely natural.

Where to buy (price in pharmacy)

So I come to the most important detail: where to buy the original drug, so as not to overpay and be sure that it is not a fake.

I'll start with a warning - run away from sites where they offer you goods for 1 ruble. – this is a promotion for suckers! At first I almost fell for the “lure”, because the promise really does sound tempting. But - as I found out later - under the beautiful wrapper, there is no candy hidden at all.

The usual trick that scammers use is to lure you with one ruble, and when you place an order with them, it turns out that the one “magically” turned into the number 2 with three zeros, and this is the minimum. In addition, since it all initially started with deception, it is unknown what is contained in the boxes sold by scammers. I am sure that the contents of such “medicinal” products are very far from the advertised annotations, and, God grant, that it does not in any way undermine the health of gullible buyers!

If you do the calculations, then the real guarchibao (it always has a certificate of quality), which I bought here, cost me only 990 rubles per package, and if you count by portions, then the cost is only 198 rubles.

But, I note, this is all accounting. My personal opinion is that a good result is more important than any money, and I got it.

Summing up the results of my monthly weight loss (I took 4 packages, 2 vanilla, raspberries and pineapple), I will say: guarchibao really helps to get rid of extra pounds if you follow the instructions. That is, you need to conduct the course without lazy pauses. Otherwise I drank today, didn’t drink tomorrow, a week later there were zero results, and I went to write negative reviews, like guarchibao fatcaps - another scam!

I already said that I managed to lose 8 kg in 30 days. Moreover, in the first week I only lost half a kilo, but from the second I began to lose it more and more: two kilograms, two and a half, three. An additional bonus was the news that my blood sugar had normalized (I took tests a week after the course).

I hope my review will help those who are still at a crossroads, but passionately want to have a slim body, make a decision.

Look how I look now, I think there is no need for comments here.

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