BJU of raw, boiled and fried eggs

Egg white is a powerful immunostimulant that has pronounced bactericidal properties.
It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that has adhesive properties. When whipped, it acquires a dense foam-like consistency. It turns white during heat treatment. The product improves brain function and participates in hematopoiesis processes. In terms of nutritional value, one egg replaces 50 g of meat and 200 ml of milk. Protein has the highest degree of digestibility among animal products (98%).

Beneficial features

The main advantage of egg white is the absence of fat in its composition. This is an absolutely dietary product, approved for use during weight loss.


  • Beneficial features
  • Harm and contraindications
  • Use in cooking
  • Chemical composition
  • The effect of protein on muscle mass
  • FAQ
  • Conclusion

Chicken egg white is a source of protein for the human body, which performs protective, catalytic, transport, and regulatory functions. It is part of the cells of the immune system, increases barrier properties, and prevents further penetration and development of viruses and bacteria. The regulatory function is to normalize hormonal levels, the transport function is to deliver oxygen to organs and tissues, the catalytic function is to carry out metabolic reactions. In addition, protein is the main building material of muscle fibers, bones and skin. It acts like an "energy bomb". Recommended for use for diseases of the liver, gall bladder and stomach disorders.

Easily digestible phosphorus and calcium maintain the strength of teeth and nails. Iron accelerates the process of skin regeneration, wound healing, and mucous membranes. Tocopherol prevents aging and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Amino acids concentrated in egg whites help activate the brain, renew cells, cleanse blood vessels, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and improve the functioning of the heart. The vitamins included in the product stimulate the production of sex hormones, normalize blood clotting, and prevent the formation of defects in the fetus during pregnancy.

Healing the body from the inside, protein is used to care for oily facial skin, combat pigmentation, enlarged pores, and excessive secretion of subcutaneous sebum. In addition, hair masks based on this product accelerate hair growth, prevent split ends and baldness.

How many calories are in the boiled egg white of one egg without yolk, how many calories are in the egg white

Most of the protein is ordinary water, and only the natural protein itself is allocated only 20% of its total mass. One cannot help but be interested in the question of how many calories are in egg whites, if they are so valuable and healthy. Protein itself is a low-calorie food product and is mainly albumin. Protein contains many useful ingredients and substances that have a positive effect on the human body. Consists of:

  • Vitamins K and group B;
  • Neocin;
  • Choline;
  • Protein;
  • Amino acids;
  • Minerals.

Each of these components has an auxiliary function for the body, because it helps various metabolic processes occur faster, promotes the appearance of cells and hormones, and also has tonic and antitoxic effects. So, how many calories are in an egg white without the yolk? The average caloric content of 100 grams of protein is 44.4 calories. This is very little, so even people on a diet can safely eat this product and not count calories.

Considering that the size of the eggs is ambiguous, and the weight as well, it is impossible to talk about the exact number of calories in the egg white of one egg. There are small, medium and large eggs. Their calorie content will vary from 70 to 80 or more calories. 1 white of one egg contains no more than 20 units. It is recommended to eat the egg boiled or fried, that is, after undergoing heat treatment. Such an egg is absorbed by the body much faster and more voluminously than the raw product.

Harm and contraindications

Egg product increases cholesterol levels. However, this does not apply to bad cholesterol, but to good one. Hard-boiled yolk causes more harm.

Egg white is a strong allergen, so it should not be consumed if you have an individual intolerance to poultry. In its raw form, it contains an antitrypsin enzyme, which destroys the digestive enzyme, making it extremely difficult to digest.

How to properly boil a chicken egg

BZHU, the caloric content of a boiled egg is equal to the corresponding indicators in a raw one. And this is a big plus, since many people cannot eat raw eggs, but boiled eggs have much better taste, while completely retaining all the benefits for the body.

Before boiling eggs, they need to be removed from the refrigerator and left at room temperature. This is done so that when they get into boiling water they do not burst. After they are washed, they can be cooked. The cooking time depends on the result you want to get: soft-boiled - 1-3 minutes, “in a bag” - 4-5 minutes, hard-boiled - 7-8 minutes. In this case, you need to expect that large eggs will take longer to cook, which means they should be pulled out last. If the eggs have been boiled for more than 10 minutes, they will be overcooked, which means that the yolk will lose its taste and become covered with a greenish coating, and the white will become rubbery.

To preserve all the fatty acids that are in the yolk, eggs need to be boiled as follows: put them in boiling water and after 1 minute turn off the gas, without removing them for another 5 minutes. As a result, the white will have time to cook, but the yolk will remain liquid.

Boiling is the best way to cook eggs while maintaining their nutritional value. When frying, egg whites do not retain their structure, and due to the use of oil, carcinogens enter the body, which damage the liver and digestive system.

Use in cooking

Egg whites are the basis for making the airy meringue dessert. Meringue is deposited both in the form of a cake and used as a layer for cakes. To do this, the protein mass is applied to the pie and baked until a crispy crust forms. The main condition is not to burn the baked goods. The meringue is prepared for at least 1 hour at a temperature of 70 degrees.

Protein cream is widely used in the confectionery industry for decorating cakes and filling baskets, eclairs, and tubes. To diversify the taste and color, flavors and dyes are added to its composition.

Fresh proteins are placed in raw minced meat as a binding agent so that finished products (cutlets, meatballs) do not fall apart. Boiled eggs are added to appetizers, salads, and soups.

Folk recipes

Chicken egg white is used for medical purposes to stop severe nosebleeds, relieve pain from burns, restore a lost voice, and eliminate a sore throat.

Traditional recipes:

  1. In case of poisoning with mercury and copper salts. To delay the absorption of toxic substances, it is recommended to eat raw egg whites.
  2. For cuts. The film under the shell can be used as a plaster.
  3. For headaches. Migraines that occur due to nervousness are recommended to be treated with a cocktail made from raw eggs and hot milk.
  4. During a neurological attack. It is useful to apply boiled protein to a place with intense pain. It is believed that as the egg cools, the attack weakens.
  5. For sprains, dislocations. The injured area is lubricated with balm, the recipe of which is borrowed from Tibetan medicine. To prepare it, 10 ml of alcohol is mixed with the white of one egg and flour until a mushy mixture is obtained. The balm is left for at least 2 hours. The compress is bandaged tightly.
  6. For burns. The burned area is smeared with a white-yolk mixture of a raw egg.
  7. For sore throat. Raw protein from two chicken eggs is mixed with 30 g of butter, 10 g of flour and 10 ml of natural honey. The resulting mixture is taken 15 g 2-3 times a day.
  8. For uterine bleeding. Lemon juice (10 ml) is mixed with fresh proteins (6 pcs.), The resulting cocktail is drunk on an empty stomach, provided there are no digestive problems.

Remember, eggs are not only a tasty and nutritious product, they are a natural remedy to combat many ailments. Poultry protein is used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology to create confectionery products, snacks, salads, and improve the condition of the body from the outside and inside.

Chemical composition

100 g of egg white contains 48 kcal. Due to its low nutritional value, the product is classified as dietary and is approved for use during weight loss. However, you must ensure that the eggs are fresh. To determine their “age” they need to be placed in water.

A fresh egg lies horizontally at the bottom of the dish.
A product aged for 7-10 days is turned over with its blunt end up and begins to float. The vertical position of the egg, suspended in water, indicates 2-3 weeks of age, and the floating one indicates 6-7 weeks of “experience”. The fact is that a puga (air chamber) is formed between the albumen and subshell membranes. Over time, moisture evaporates through the pores, which helps to increase this space. As a result, the older the egg, the larger the air chamber and, accordingly, its ability to float. The optimal shelf life of the product is 2 weeks. Nutritional value of raw egg white

ComponentsContent per 100 g of product, g
Essential amino acids7,33
Nonessential amino acids5,44
Mono- and disaccharides1,0

Chemical composition of raw egg white

NameNutrient content per 100 g of product, mg
Choline (B4)39,0
Riboflavin (B2)0,61
Pantothenic acid (B5)0,24
Niacin (B3)0,2
Pyridoxine (B6)0,01
Biotin (H)0,007
Folic acid (B9)0,0011
Cyanocobalamin (B12)0,00008

Interestingly, Mexico is the world leader in egg consumption per capita. It is believed that each resident eats about 21.9 kg of product per year. This corresponds to 1.5 pcs. eggs a day.

Why is the white opaque? The reason for this phenomenon is the abundance of carbon dioxide in the egg. The cloudy white hue of the protein is a sign of the freshness of the product. It is believed that CO2 has not yet had time to escape, while in old eggs it evaporates through the pores of the shell.

The effect of protein on muscle mass

Why do all bodybuilders eat eggs? The fact is that they contain a lot of protein, which is necessary for gaining muscle mass. Without regular physical activity and protein intake, muscles will not grow.

In addition, during intense strength training, protein fibers are damaged, resulting in the need to restore them, and the need for amino acids increases.

Should I drink powdered eggs? This product contains 3 times more protein than boiled eggs. Therefore, it is necessary to use the supplement correctly.

Egg protein increases the level of hemoglobin and testosterone, supplies a large amount of leucine (BCAA amino acid), effectively satisfies the feeling of hunger, increases the athlete's strength capabilities, restores damaged fibers after training, and is completely absorbed.

Protein is taken based on the calculation of 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. Thus, the daily dose of egg powder is 3-4 scoops. During a training day, the product is consumed four times: in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before training, immediately after it and immediately before bed.

After gaining weight, “drying” should occur on the eggs. First, the muscles increase mass, then get rid of excess fluid, making the body look lean.

Intensive training while “drying” muscles helps to acquire beautiful relief.

Studies have found that eating 3 eggs in the morning on an empty stomach doubles the growth rate of muscle mass. It is not recommended to give up yolks, as they improve protein absorption.

A chicken egg is one of the healthiest foods for a bodybuilder’s body, containing all the essential amino acids for nutrition and muscle recovery after sports. In order to support the body, it is recommended to consume exclusively thermally cooked protein. This way it is absorbed faster and does not pose a threat of salmonellosis infection.

To gain muscle mass, it is recommended to eat 6-8 eggs per day. At the same time, protein should account for 25-30% of the daily diet. The more intense the load, the higher the body's need for proteins. In addition to eggs, the athlete’s menu should include seafood, legumes, cottage cheese, milk, and low-fat meat.

Remember, gaining muscle mass is only possible through a combination of two key factors: a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Protein alone will not increase your muscle mass. To grow, muscles need “fuel”, which is supplied to the body by carbohydrates. Glucose deficiency triggers the processes of using up glycogen reserves and destroying your own protein. As a result, a person will practice without getting results.

For muscle development, 55-65% of the daily diet should come from complex carbohydrates: brown rice, bananas, pears, hard grain flour products, porridge. You should not give up fats, they ensure the normal functioning of metabolism. Lipids account for 10-15%. Preference should be given to fats of vegetable origin (olive, corn oil).


What's the best way to cook egg whites? Cook. This method of heat treatment preserves its nutritional value and beneficial properties. To destroy the dangerous salmonella bacillus, 10-12 minutes of cooking is enough. Frying protein is not recommended because it disrupts the structure of the product (the denaturation process starts), resulting in a decrease in the energy value of the product. In addition, this method of heat treatment leads to the entry of oil into the body, which carries carcinogens that are dangerous to the digestive system and liver.

Interestingly, egg white begins to “set” at a temperature of +60 degrees, and hardens at +65 degrees. At the same time, the yolk acquires a dense consistency at +65 degrees, and at +73 degrees it becomes completely hard.

What does egg white consist of? From fats (0.3%), carbohydrates (0.7%), proteins (13%), water (85%), vitamins, enzymes. It contains all the important amino acids for the construction of protein in the human body. In addition, it contains lysozyme, a compound that neutralizes harmful microorganisms, including putrefactive ones.

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How long can a boiled egg be stored? No more than one week. However, to avoid loss of beneficial properties, the product is recommended to be consumed within 3 days after preparation. Raw eggs are stored in the refrigerator at +4 degrees for up to 5 weeks.

BJU fried egg

Many people start the day with scrambled eggs, without thinking about the benefits of such a product, and how many carbohydrates are in a fried egg. But these questions are relevant, because this method of preparation leads to an increase in calorie content due to the presence of fats in the oil used.

That is why, when calculating the calorie content of a dish, it is worth taking into account the calories contained in the frying composition. So, when using vegetable oil, the calorie content of the dish increases to 180 kcal , and when using butter - 275 kcal . These indicators show that when you are on a diet, eating fried foods is not recommended.

For adherents of this dish, there is a way out - reducing calories by cooking only proteins that contain no fat and almost no carbohydrates.

Omelette is a favorite dish for many. To prepare it, you need to beat the eggs with milk, add salt and fry in a frying pan. When calculating calorie content, take into account the following factors - how much carbohydrates and fats are in a chicken egg, as well as what kind of butter and milk is used during cooking. In addition, cheese and tomatoes are often added to the omelet, which also affects the calculated indicator. The total calorie content of an omelet made from two eggs reaches 400-500 kcal .

Below we will consider the calorie content taking into account cooking methods (per 100 g of product):

  • frying without oil - 175 kcal ;
  • frying in vegetable oil - 180 kcal ;
  • frying in butter - 275 kcal ;
  • with sausage - 200 kcal ;
  • with tomatoes - 130 kcal .

What does an egg contain? Composition (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) per 100 grams of dish:

  1. Frying without oil:
      proteins - 14.6 g ;
  2. carbohydrates - 0.7 g ;
  3. fats - 13 g .
  4. Frying in vegetable oil:
      proteins - 11 g ;
  5. carbohydrates - 0.7 g ;
  6. fats - 12 g .
  7. Frying in butter:
      proteins - 10 g ;
  8. carbohydrates - 0.7 g ;
  9. fats - 26 g .
  10. With added sausage:
      proteins - 12.2 g;
  11. carbohydrates - 2.3 g ;
  12. fats - 16 g .
  13. With added tomatoes:
      proteins - 6.2 g ;
  14. carbohydrates - 2.3 g ;
  15. fats - 10 g .

To prepare the fried egg, heat the oil slightly, then pour the eggs into the bottom of the pan. Be careful not to damage the integrity of the yolk. Then salt the dish and hold it for 1-2 minutes on the stove, then another 3-4 minutes in the oven (preheat the oven). Next, the fried egg is served on the table and sprinkled with herbs.

Before cooking, determine the freshness of the product. To do this, dip it in salted water. If the egg sinks to the bottom, then it is fresh, but if it floats to the surface, the opposite conclusion can be drawn.

Optimal storage is in the refrigerator . When choosing a period, take into account the classification mentioned above.

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