Calorie content of boiled, stewed and fried zucchini

Everyone knows zucchini. Its homeland is Mexico, however, only its seeds are consumed there. But it has spread throughout the world, and many dishes have appeared where it is used. Moreover, these can be a variety of options for stewing, frying, boiling, baking and even canning. And in all of these ways it is especially tasty and interesting.

Interestingly, the calorie content of zucchini per 100 grams largely depends on the method of preparation, but it is still a dietary vegetable, even if it is fried. Belongs to the pumpkin family. Few people know, but it is consumed exclusively in its unripe form. It is important that the seeds do not become coarse and that the pulp does not contain a large amount of hard fibers.

Calorie content

So, BJU of 100 grams of zucchini is:

Carbohydrates5.2 g
Fats300 mg
Squirrels600 mg

True, we are talking about a raw vegetable. How many calories are in fried or baked zucchini, for example, must be calculated separately. It can vary from 17 to 24 calories. The glycemic index, if we take into account its raw form, is 15 units, and when fried this figure is five times higher.

In fact, the benefit lies not only in its low calorie content, but also in the fact that this vegetable has a very good chemical composition. It contains 93% water, and is also filled with fiber, organic acids, mineral salts, and vitamins. But even this is not the main thing, they are all in perfect balance with each other. And this is very beneficial for the body.

So, the product includes:

VitaminsMicroelementsMacronutrientsThe nutritional value
Vitamin C 15 mgIron 0.4 mgPotassium 238 mgProteins 0.6 g
Vitamin H 0.4 mgCalcium 15 mgCarbohydrates 4.6 g
Vitamin A 5 mcgPhosphorus 12 mgFat 0.3 g
Vitamin PP 0.6 mgSodium 2 mgWater 93 g
Vitamin B1 0.03 mgMagnesium 9 mgFatty acidsSaturated 0.1 g
Vitamin B2 0.03 mgFatty acidsUnsaturated0.1 g
Vitamin B5 0.1 mgDietary fiber 1 g
Vitamin B6 0.1 mgOrganic Acids 0.1 g
Vitamin B9 14 mcgAsh 0.4 g
Vitamin E 0.1 mg
Beta-carotene 0.03 mg

Pasta salad

Raw zucchini, which can be eaten in combination with hearty foods, is actively used in the preparation of salads. Zucchini pasta salad is a light dinner option that contains the optimal amount of carbohydrates and fiber.

Composition of ingredients

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 100 g fresh zucchini;
  • 250 g pasta;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g soft cheese;
  • 1 handful of basil greens;
  • 15 ml olive or vegetable oil;
  • spices and salt - to taste.

These ingredients are enough to prepare a dish for 2-3 servings. 100 g of prepared salad contains about 160 kilocalories.

Step-by-step cooking process

The step-by-step cooking process is simple:

  1. Boil pasta in salted water. To prepare the dish, you can use spaghetti or horns - your choice.

  2. Rinse the zucchini under running water. Cut the product into small pieces and place in a bowl.
  3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater or crumble it in any convenient way.
  4. Pour hot water over the tomatoes and leave for 1-2 minutes. After a certain time, place in a bowl with ice and remove the skin.
  5. Cut the peeled tomatoes into small pieces and place in a bowl with food.
  6. Place the finished pasta in a colander and rinse under cold running water. Place in a common container.
  7. Peel the garlic and chop finely.
  8. Add washed basil leaves to a common container, pour in oil and add garlic.

Mix all products well and add spices and salt as desired.

How to serve a dish

The dish must be served immediately after preparation. You can use lettuce leaves as a decoration - as a base. Additionally, you can add some greens or grated nuts.

Benefits of vegetables

The main “advantage” is its low calorie content, which means it is perfect for diabetics and people losing weight. But this is not the only plus. The fruits are excellent for stomach disorders, particularly during bowel movements. Interestingly, the fruits of this plant save you from stool, and very delicately, without causing diarrhea.


The “plus” of the vegetable is also in lowering cholesterol levels. In addition, he:

  • Relieves puffiness
  • Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system
  • Activates the circulatory system
  • Improves blood quality

Sodium and potassium are in ideal proportion. And this makes it possible to normalize the water balance in the body.

Practical advice: Doctors recommend using it as food for those suffering from cholecystitis, colitis, hypertension, hepatitis, and diabetes. It is known that this has a good effect on the human nervous system, blocking the possibility of developing atherosclerosis.

A decoction is prepared from the flowers of the plant; it is an excellent assistant in the fight against dermatological diseases.

Harmful use

Despite the fact that zucchini has a very good and healthy composition, as well as low calorie content, it can still cause harm to the body. In particular, it should not be consumed by those who suffer from gastritis and stomach ulcers. It is also contraindicated for people with impaired kidney function, because potassium is poorly excreted from the body. Harm can also be caused by the fact that it contains a lot of fiber, because it is not processed by the body and can only leave the body as a food bolus.


The most popular recipes for dietary zucchini dishes

Zucchini has a positive effect on all body systems, promotes weight loss, and is included in the list of simple and affordable dietary products.

A dietary recipe for zucchini will become a lifesaver in a healthy home menu for those who want not only to diversify their summer diet, but also to achieve the desired body curves.

Calorie content for different cooking methods

There are a huge number of zucchini dishes, which is why every day you can delight yourself with new zucchini dishes and excellent tastes. The ideal time for this is summer, because there are even more such dietary recipes, characterized by low calorie content, in the arsenal of any housewife. And therefore, everyone who wants to lose extra pounds will be able to do it tasty and simple. In addition, it is so easy to rid the body of harmful substances. Zucchini dishes can be stewed, fried, boiled, baked, you can prepare caviar, zucchini puree soups, zucchini pancakes and many other tasty and unusual things.

Please note: depending on how the zucchini is cooked, the calorie content of the vegetable may vary, and its energy value also changes.

So, stewed zucchini without sunflower oil and other related products contain only 30 calories per 100 grams. If you boil the zucchini and make zucchini puree from it, the calorie content will be the same in its raw form - 24 kcal. Zucchini juice has the same energy value. If you bake it in the oven, the calorie content will be 30 calories, and if you add butter to the dish, the calorie content will soar to 100 kcal. Zucchini cooked with cheese has 98 calories. Zucchini rooks with butter - 56 calories. Of course, with mayonnaise the dish will be even more high-calorie. If you prepare squash caviar, you must use a large amount of other products, which is why such a dish will no longer be dietary, because its calorie content is 97 calories. If you stuff the vegetable with other products, it will become more caloric - 105 kcal.


You can also fry them in different ways. Some do it in flour, cook it in batter, the figure will be 88 kcal, added mayonnaise doubles the energy value. In short, you can experiment with zucchini dishes in different ways, and most importantly, they contain a small amount of calories.

Spicy zucchini salad for the winter

Prepare a delicious mix of vegetables for the winter! A spicy zucchini salad prepared for the winter will help out the housewife more than once. This salad can be complemented with any side dish, as well as meat dishes. If the zucchini is not the youngest, then the skin needs to be peeled and the seeds removed. In this case, vegetables should be weighed after peeling. Bell peppers can also be peeled from a thin film or left as is. The recipe doesn't clean it up, but you can do that if you want. The amount of chili pepper can be adjusted to taste, add a little more or less.

What are the benefits of zucchini for women?

A slim figure is one of the main indicators of beauty for the weaker half of humanity. You can get a beautiful and slender silhouette by including dishes made from this vegetable in your diet. Just a couple of times a week, it is enough to do yourself fasting, so-called zucchini days, and this will allow you to lose up to 4 kilograms in just a month.

If you wish, you can go on a strict zucchini diet, which is low in calories, which will allow you to lose weight well and at the same time perfectly cleanse your body. It is important that you cannot stay on such a diet for more than 5 days.

You can eat this vegetable during pregnancy, however, we must not forget that the diet should also be filled with other nutrients, which means you should not abuse foods with low calorie content.

Experts say that for greater nutritional value, these vegetables can be combined with meat. The benefits during pregnancy are very great, because they normalize stools and relieve swelling on the body. And this is very important during pregnancy. It is neutral in taste, so the taste of breast milk will not be affected. Therefore, you can eat during the feeding period. In this case, it is best to stew the vegetables. Only those mothers who did not eat it at all during pregnancy need to pay attention to the amount of vegetables consumed.

BZHU zucchini pancakes

There are several options for baking zucchini pancakes. Prepared meals will vary in calorie content. If you use the standard recipe, the calorie content for every 100 g of ready-made vegetable pancakes will be approximately 140 kcal.

Zucchini pancakes KBZHU:

  • proteins – 3.6 g;
  • fats – 7.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 15.10 g;
  • calorie content – ​​139.4 kcal.

The rather high energy value is due to the use of oil for frying. If vegetable pancakes are considered as a dietary dish, then oil must be excluded from the recipe. This will reduce calories.

Frying without oil in a non-stick pan is suitable for a recipe that includes only a basic set of ingredients - vegetable pulp, eggs and flour.

You cannot exclude flour from the recipe - it is a basic flour. Cooking pancakes in the oven will allow you to reduce calories and make the dish more dietary. The calorie content of the finished dish will be 80 kcal. This indicator is quite enough to consider it as a snack or light diet dinner.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the BZHU of kefir

Use in cosmetology

Interestingly, zucchini is useful not only when you eat it. For example, if you grate a vegetable and make a zucchini mask out of it, you can lighten your face and even out your tone. To enhance the effect, take zucchini juice mixed with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. After this, the cloth is wetted and applied to the face. It is enough to keep this mask on your face for 15-20 minutes and rinse with water.


Serves as an excellent softener for rough skin on the feet. You need to chop the zucchini and just apply it to your heels. Wrap your foot in film and leave it like that for half an hour. After this, you need to rinse your feet, clean your heels with pumice stone and lubricate them with a nourishing cream. Zucchini even strengthens hair. It is grated and mixed in half with chopped onions. The mixture should be applied to the roots, this mask should be left for half an hour. The zucchini mask washes off perfectly with regular shampoo. In short, this is a universal vegetable that has almost no contraindications, and is also an excellent food product for diabetics and those losing weight. And a large number of options for its delicious preparation makes it possible to use it in different ways. And if you want to improve your appearance, then zucchini is a great helper here too.


Zucchini has universal qualities; it can be combined with any set of products. The fruits are prepared in different ways: steamed, baked, boiled, stewed, and young zucchini becomes an ingredient for both salad and lunch.

We bring to your attention the most popular step-by-step recipes for zucchini dishes that can be prepared at a fast pace.

In the oven

Fruit mugs cooked in the oven with the addition of aromatic herbs are suitable as a light, simple snack.


  • 2 medium-sized young zucchini;
  • a mixture of aromatic herbs: basil, oregano;
  • hard cheese;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • garlic powder.


  • Cut the fruit into circles 2 cm thick.
  • In a stone mortar, grind a mixture of aromatic herbs, garlic powder along with salt.
  • Rub the zucchini with the resulting mixture and sprinkle with olive oil.
  • Place the mugs on a baking sheet and sprinkle with cheese and parsley.
  • You need to further bake in the oven for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

In a slow cooker

Zucchini can be served as an independent dish.


  • 1 zucchini;
  • 3 tomatoes with thick skin;
  • garlic, onion, parsley;
  • a little sour cream.


  • Cut the zucchini into pieces, chop the onion, cut the tomatoes into slices, and grind the garlic to a thick paste.
  • Pour oil into the bottom of the multicooker pan, and in the “Baking” mode, simmer the zucchini and onions until softened.
  • Add tomatoes, garlic pulp, parsley and salt.
  • If desired, add a little low-fat sour cream.
  • We wait for the signal about the end of the mode on the multicooker, turn on “Heating” and bring the dish to readiness.

In the microwave


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic clove;
  • cheese 150 g;
  • sour cream;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  • Cut the zucchini into thin slices, grind the garlic to a pulp, grate the cheese.
  • Season the slices with a little salt, pepper, and rub the garlic on top.
  • Place the vegetables on a tray, grease each slice with sour cream, and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  • Cook on medium power in the microwave for 15 minutes.

Zucchini with champignons and onions


  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • khmeli-suneli;
  • salt to taste;
  • onion - 1 pc.


  • Cut 200 grams of zucchini into thin slices and fry in vegetable oil.
  • Separately, fry 200 grams of champignons along with onions, add salt, and throw in a pinch of suneli hops.
  • All that remains is to combine the vegetables with mushrooms and onions on a platter.

Zucchini pancakes


  • 1 zucchini;
  • 1 egg;
  • skim cheese;
  • flour;
  • salt.


  • You need to stock up on 1 zucchini, an egg, half a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, salt and flour.
  • Grate the peeled zucchini on a coarse grater.
  • The resulting mass is too watery, squeeze out the excess liquid.
  • Beat in the egg, add cottage cheese, a little salt and a handful of flour.
  • Place the pancakes in a frying pan with a ladle and fry until golden brown.

Zucchini casserole


  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • flour;
  • greenery.


  • Pass the zucchini and onion through a meat grinder and set aside on a sieve.
  • Boil one egg, chop, mix into the zucchini mass, beat in the remaining 2 eggs, salt, add a handful of flour and herbs.
  • Grease the pan with oil and pour in the casserole mixture.
  • Bake in the oven for about an hour.

Zucchini soup


  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • flour;
  • ginger;
  • greenery.


  • Fry the chopped onion in a frying pan along with the zucchini cubes.
  • Bring the vegetables until soft, then add apple cider vinegar.
  • Heat the flour in a frying pan until the aroma appears, gradually pour in the broth.
  • Dip vegetables from the pan into the liquid and boil.
  • Add chopped protein, ginger and herbs to the soup.

Zucchini soup


  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • Provençal herbs;
  • cheese.


  • In 3 cups of vegetable broth, bring chopped vegetables (1 zucchini, potato and carrot) until soft.
  • Add a glass of milk and then puree with a blender.
  • Season the dish to taste with a pinch of chopped aromatic herbs and grated sharp cheese.

Soup with zucchini and mushrooms


  • porcini mushrooms - 80 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • greenery.


  • Boil about 80 g of porcini mushrooms in water.
  • Separately, add 100 ml of milk to a liter of water and boil.
  • Dip the mushrooms into boiling water with milk, add chopped vegetables: 1 zucchini, a couple of potatoes, carrots and tomatoes.
  • A couple of minutes before readiness, add salt and sprinkle with any chopped herbs.

Squash caviar


  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt to taste.


  • Pour water into a saucepan, put it on the fire, bring to a boil.
  • Throw chopped carrots, zucchini and bell peppers into boiling water.
  • First, remove the seed chamber from the pepper, and clean the zucchini from the peel and seeds.
  • To add a bright taste, fry the onion in a frying pan.
  • We pass all the vegetables through a meat grinder or chop them using a blender.
  • Pour the caviar back into the pan, add salt and add chopped garlic.
  • Boil until excess moisture evaporates.
  • You can also roll caviar into jars for the winter.

Baked zucchini


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil.


  • For baking, cut young fruits into slices or circles.
  • Using a soft brush, brush the vegetables with olive oil.
  • Place the mugs on a wire rack, which we place in a preheated oven and cook until soft.

Stewed zucchini


  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • pepper - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  • For one zucchini you will need two tomatoes, one onion, one pepper and one carrot.
  • Onions, peppers and carrots are simmered in a frying pan.
  • Place fried vegetables and diced zucchini into the pan.
  • Fill with water and boil.
  • Fry the flour in a frying pan, dilute with water, add chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper.
  • Pour the tomato mixture into the stewed vegetables, bring to a boil, and leave to simmer.

Zucchini with minced meat


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • veal - 400 gr;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • cheese - 100 gr.


  • Cut the young vegetables into 4 parts, scoop out the middle with the seeds with a spoon to make barrels.
  • For the filling, mix lean veal, salt and pepper.
  • Fill the zucchini with the prepared minced meat.
  • Place in the oven for 45 minutes, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Porridge with zucchini


  • half a zucchini;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • mushrooms;
  • greenery;
  • salt to taste;
  • rice;
  • milk - 150 g.


  • Half the zucchini is cut, mixed with grated carrots, fried mushrooms and herbs.
  • The mixture is salted and some is placed in a saucepan.
  • Place the washed rice on the vegetables, and again the vegetable layer.
  • Fill everything with hot water and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Pour in 150 g of milk and bring to a boil.

Zucchini with chicken


  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • ground black pepper;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove.


  • Fry the diced chicken fillet in a frying pan until golden brown, sprinkle with a pinch of pepper mixture.
  • We cut the zucchini into cubes, the tomato into slices, grate the carrots, and chop the garlic clove.
  • Place vegetables on top of the fried chicken, add salt and a little paprika, and cook until done.

Zucchini cutlets


  • zucchini - 6 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • 2 eggs;
  • onion;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • salt.


  • Grate the zucchini and leave on a sieve.
  • Mix zucchini with boiled grated potatoes, chopped onions, eggs, flour, and salt.
  • Form cutlets with wet hands and fry in a small amount of oil.

Vegetable stew with zucchini


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • cauliflower;
  • White cabbage;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • greenery;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  • Cut the zucchini into cubes.
  • Divide the cauliflower into florets and finely chop the white cabbage.
  • Cut the onion into half rings, remove the seeds from the bell pepper and cut it too.
  • Grate the carrots, chop the tomatoes, add herbs.
  • Place all the vegetables in a deep container, fill with water, salt and pepper, throw in a bay leaf.
  • The stew should simmer over low heat for about an hour.

Stuffed zucchini


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • Champignon;
  • chicken fillet;
  • corn;
  • greenery;
  • cheese.


  • Cut the fruit lengthwise, remove the pulp, leaving the walls 6 mm.
  • Using a pastry brush, grease the molds and place in the oven for 20 minutes.
  • In a frying pan, fry chopped onions with garlic, chopped champignons and chicken.
  • Fill the stuffed zucchini with the mixture, sprinkle corn, chopped herbs and cheese on top.

Zucchini paste


  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt and sugar


  • For a vegetable side dish, take zucchini, an onion, a couple of carrots, salt and sugar.
  • We grate zucchini and carrots with long threads on a special grater.
  • Fry the chopped onion in a frying pan, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and sugar, stir.
  • Separately fry the prepared vegetables.
  • Place the ingredients of the dish in layers on a plate.

Zucchini with eggplant


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • eggplants - 2 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.


  • Cut the zucchini and eggplant into circles, add salt, and leave for a while.
  • For the sauce, cook the chopped onion in a hot frying pan until translucent.
  • Add grated tomatoes, chopped bell pepper, a little salt and pepper.
  • Place the mugs of vegetables in the mold one by one and pour the sauce over them.
  • Sprinkle with vegetable oil and bake in the oven.

Zucchini Lasagna


  • 300 grams of minced chicken;
  • 400 grams of zucchini;
  • egg;
  • tomato paste;
  • onion; carrot;
  • yogurt;
  • hard cheese;
  • salt and pepper.


  • Fry 300 grams of minced meat in oil, grated carrots, chopped onions, a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste, salt and pepper.
  • Cut the zucchini into thin strips and place in a fireproof dish.
  • Place some minced meat fried with tomatoes on top of the vegetables.
  • In a separate container, beat the yogurt with the egg, add salt, and pour over the meat.
  • We repeat the layers several times, sprinkle grated cheese on top, and bake.

Zucchini with garlic


  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • garlic clove;
  • salt to taste;
  • sour cream.


  • Cut vegetables into slices.
  • Prepare a mixture of grated cheese, sour cream, a little chopped garlic and salt.
  • Place the vegetable mugs on a baking sheet, grease with the garlic mixture, and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Dukan zucchini muffins in the microwave


  • 30 grams of finely grated zucchini;
  • 2 tbsp oat bran;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. low-fat milk;
  • 1 gram of baking powder or soda;
  • a pinch of salt.


  • Bring the vegetable pulp to softness in the microwave.
  • Separately, beat the egg with bran, milk, salt, baking powder and zucchini.
  • Transfer the mixture into a cup and cook for no more than 2 minutes in the microwave.

Diet borscht with zucchini


  • chicken breast - 300 g;
  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • cabbage;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper; - 1 PC.
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.


  • Boil the chicken breast along with the beets in a saucepan.
  • Shred the cabbage, grate the carrots, cut the onions, zucchini, bell peppers, and tomatoes.
  • Remove the beets from the broth, cool, and grate. Add pepper and cabbage to the broth.
  • In a frying pan we make the dressing: fry onions, carrots, tomatoes, boiled beets, add salt.
  • Place zucchini, chopped garlic and dressing into the pan.

Zucchini salad with pineapple


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • cheese;
  • canned pineapple.


  • Cut the zucchini into rings, add salt, and fry until soft.
  • Cut hard cheese into rectangles, canned pineapples into triangles.
  • On a plate, place zucchini rings, pineapples, and cheese in random order.
  • Sprinkle sweet corn on top, season with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Chicken breast with zucchini


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • chicken breast;
  • cheese.


  • Cut the zucchini into long slices, grease with oil, salt, and cook until soft in the oven.
  • Marinate thin slices of chicken breast in garlic and salt.
  • Place strips of meat and cheese on the vegetables and brush with paprika sauce.
  • We make rolls, fasten with toothpicks, and bake.

Fried zucchini


  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • salt to taste;
  • flour;
  • seasonings;
  • ground red pepper.


  • Cut the vegetables into circles, add salt and squeeze.
  • Mix flour, seasonings, a pinch of nutmeg and ground red pepper in a separate bowl.
  • Dip the zucchini in breading and fry in oil until softened.

Mushrooms with zucchini


  • champignons - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream;
  • garlic - 1 clove.


  • Fry small champignons in a frying pan, add chopped onion along with grated carrots.
  • After the onions and carrots are browned, you can add diced zucchini to the frying pan.
  • Stir, season with a couple of spoons of sour cream.
  • Salt and pepper, simmer until tender, add garlic and cheese if desired.

Pancakes with zucchini


  • 2 eggs;
  • milk;
  • salt and sugar;
  • a glass of flour;
  • vegetable oil;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • two zucchini;
  • ground black pepper;
  • cheese - 150 g.


  • Pancake dough: beat 2 eggs, sugar and salt in 2 glasses of milk, mix in a little vegetable oil and a glass of flour.
  • We bake thin pancakes.
  • For the filling: fry chopped onion, a couple of small zucchini in vegetable oil, add salt and pepper, add grated cheese.
  • Place the filling in the middle of each pancake and fold it in half.

Zucchini soufflé


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • milk - 3 tablespoons;
  • semolina - 2 teaspoons;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • butter.


  • Simmer the chopped zucchini in water, add some salt, pour in 3 tablespoons of milk, 2 teaspoons of semolina.
  • Let the mixture cool, beat in the egg, add a piece of butter, and puree with an immersion blender.
  • Grease silicone molds with oil and lay out the soufflé.
  • Place the dish in a steamer for 20 minutes.

Zucchini cake


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • flour;
  • sour cream;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • greenery;
  • cheese.


  • Grate a kilogram of zucchini on a coarse grater and squeeze.
  • Beat in 5 chicken eggs, salt and pepper, add flour, bring the dough to the consistency of sour cream.
  • Fry the cakes in a frying pan.
  • For the cream, mix sour cream, grated garlic, salt and pepper.
  • For the filling, cut tomatoes into slices, chop herbs, grate cheese.
  • We fold the cake: grease each cooled cake with cream, lay out the filling on top, repeat the layers.

Zucchini pizza


  • 400 grams of zucchini;
  • 3 eggs;
  • greenery;
  • baking powder;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.


  • Grate 400 grams of vegetables, mix in 3 eggs, dill, salt, herbs, baking powder.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and pour out the dough.
  • Place the tomatoes cut into circles on top.
  • Bake in the oven, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Zucchini pancakes


  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour.


  • Grate any number of zucchini on a fine grater.
  • Drain the liquid
  • Combine with salt, soda, egg and flour.
  • Fry potato pancakes in vegetable oil for a minute on each side.

Salad with raw zucchini



  • Mix thinly sliced ​​zucchini with tomato slices in a salad bowl.
  • Add chopped herbs, salt, ground pepper, garlic.
  • Season the salad with kefir.

Olivier with zucchini


  • 0.6 kg zucchini;
  • 500 grams of boiled chicken;
  • green pea;
  • pickle;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • sour cream.


  • Ingredients: 0.6 kg of zucchini, 500 grams of boiled chicken, green peas, a couple of pickles and boiled carrots.
  • Zucchini is sliced ​​and baked in the oven.
  • All vegetables are cut, mixed, salted and peppered.
  • For dressing use low-fat sour cream or yogurt.

Baked zucchini boats


  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • greenery;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • cheese - 150 g.


  • For the filling, fry the onion with carrots and minced meat until tender, add tomato slices, herbs, salt and pepper.
  • We take out the middle of the zucchini so that they resemble boats.
  • Place in boiling water and cook until soft.
  • Place the prepared forms on a baking sheet and fill with minced meat.
  • Cook in the oven, sprinkle the boats with grated cheese.
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