Endomorph nutrition - diet, products and sample menu


Quite often among gym goers you can find fairly well-fed men with a high percentage of subcutaneous fat and a small amount of muscle. These are the same endomorphs - or, according to the Russian classification, hypersthenics. You will find the general rules for training such athletes in our special training program for endomorphs, but we will tell you in this article what an endomorph’s diet should be like to lose weight and gain muscle mass so that all the efforts spent in the gym are not in vain.

Nutritional features of an endomorph

A person with a pronounced endomorphic (hypersthenic) physique has, relatively speaking, “spherical” shapes - a round full face, a large belly and buttocks. The chest and torso are usually wide, but the ankles and wrists, on the contrary, are thin, which gives the torso some awkwardness.

People with a hypersthenic constitution predominantly suffer from excess weight. Even if they are athletes, their percentage of subcutaneous fat will always be higher than that of ectomorphs and mesomorphs. Fat deposits tend to accumulate primarily in the waist, chest, hips and shoulders. It is for this reason that it is impossible for endomorphs to achieve good results in building a sculpted body without a properly selected diet and a well-thought-out meal schedule.

Proper nutrition for an endomorph is the basis of the entire training process. Without it, an athlete may be able to build good muscle mass, but it will not be visible at all under a layer of fat.

There are several main nutritional features of hypersthenics:

  1. The diet should be designed in such a way that food either excludes or contains a minimum amount of simple carbohydrates.
  2. There should be more protein in the diet.
  3. It is necessary to strictly regulate the amount of calories consumed. There should be significantly fewer of them than for a mesomorph.
  4. To obtain visible results and high-quality relief, hypersthenics cannot do without special sports nutrition with a fat-burning effect.
  5. From time to time, an endomorph needs to use special diets to dry out the body.


Nutrition for an endomorph to gain muscle mass should be structured in such a way as to take into account everything: calories, the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the presence of micronutrients, water consumption and other factors.

Calorie calculation

The first thing you need to do to build the right diet is to calculate your energy needs using the Harris Benedict formula, not by actual weight, but by desired weight. This will allow you to consume fewer calories than you actually expend, which will ultimately lead to the body starting to “extract” the “missing” calories by breaking down fat reserves. The formula for calculating calories is given below.

40 calories X body weight X daily activity level (1 to 1.5) = number of calories

This will be your approximate norm for gaining muscle mass. To lose weight, we subtract 100-150 calories from this weekly, then the drying will take place without damage to muscle mass.

Endomorphs who do not monitor the calorie content of their diet and the quality of the products they eat have a direct path only to the super-heavy weight category in strength sports. But if your goal is a beautiful athletic body and functional development in all respects, do not be lazy to calculate the calorie content of your diet.

BJU ratio

An endomorph needs to consume approximately 2-3 g of protein, 4 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of fat per 1 kg of body weight every day. This ratio will allow you to gradually gain high-quality muscle mass without creating excess fat deposits. If you feel that your progress in gaining muscle mass has stopped and you don’t have enough energy, slightly increase the amount of carbohydrates you consume.

To effectively lose weight, you need to reduce your caloric intake. This is done by reducing the quantitative content of carbohydrates and fats in the diet. Gradually reduce carbohydrates to 2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight (or less), and fats to 0.5 grams per 1 kg of weight. Please note that preference should be given to monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fats, and their total amount should not exceed 10% of the athlete’s daily diet. You need to consume the same amount of protein as during weight gain, otherwise the body simply will not recover.

Recommended and prohibited products

Compared to ectomorphs and mesomorphs, hypersthenics are the most limited in their choice of food. Among the recommended products for consumption are the following:

  • red meat (beef, veal);
  • white poultry (chicken, turkey);
  • fish, fish oil;
  • vegetables and herbs;
  • rice;
  • fruits (in moderation);
  • linseed oil;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • low-fat cheese and dehydrated cottage cheese;
  • nuts.

Products containing carbohydrates should have a low glycemic index so as not to provoke insulin spikes. And you should definitely consume unsaturated fatty acids to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, because this is a common problem for overweight people.

All fast food, fatty foods, sweets and starchy foods are strictly prohibited.


Many overweight people, having heard advice to eat less, mistakenly believe that we are talking about the frequency of meals. In fact, what we mean is the volume of writing. But the number of receptions, on the contrary, should be increased - there should be 5-7 throughout the day. These are three hearty, full meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and two to four light snacks between main meals. As a snack, you can serve either some fruit or a portion of a protein shake. The last “dense” meal (dinner) should be organized no later than 2-2.5 hours before bedtime. Ideally, it is advisable to have dinner with a mixture of protein and fiber (cottage cheese/fish/lean beef/venison + vegetables/greens). After eating, before going to bed, take a good walk for 40-50 minutes - this has a beneficial effect on the digestive processes.

At the same time, watch your reflection in the mirror and do not forget to take anthropometric measurements - the thickness of the arm, hip, neck, chest. Plus, track your progress in strength movements. If your weight has dropped to a level that satisfies you, but your muscle volume increases, everything is in order, continue to eat as you are. But if your weight stays the same, and the numbers in the mirror and on the measuring tape are still disappointing, adjust your diet. Do not forget that nutrition correction is something that awaits you constantly, and, at first, in order to lose weight, then to maintain it.

Nutrition principles for an endomorph

Previously, we talked about nutrition for eternally thin ectomorphs, and now let's talk about endomorphs. This somatotype has the exact opposite problem - how to lose weight.

Let us immediately clarify that not every overweight person is an endomorph. Those of our regular readers who still remember William Sheldon’s typology know that this body type is characterized primarily by a wide “middle part.” Everything about them is wide in the center - belly, waist, hips, while they have narrow, sloping shoulders and plump, short limbs.

If among ectomorphs it is mainly men who suffer because of their somatotype, then here both sexes suffer. Endomorphs try very hard to “shrink in the middle”, often go on extreme diets, after which they break down, or rush to the treadmill. Unfortunately, aerobic exercise practically does not help to change the proportions, and failures on diets do not bring anything good at all.

But endomorphs have a natural bonus - they pump up their muscles well. And, it would seem, after properly working out the muscles, the cherished goal of “appearing slimmer” will be achieved. Moreover, muscles themselves contribute to fat burning. But it was not there. When an endomorph “swings,” the fat layer also grows along with muscle mass. And this is where diet really comes in handy. And we’ll tell you which one now.

KBZHU for endomorph

To calculate the number of calories, any online calculator with the Harris-Benedict and Mifflin-San Jeor formulas is suitable. An endomorph should calculate the number of calories not by actual weight, but by desired weight. As a result, calorie consumption will exceed the planned intake and the weight loss process will begin. However, there is an important nuance: you should not consume less than 80% of the basic calorie intake.

With BZHU the situation is twofold. On the one hand, endomorph belongs to the protein type. People of this type have a high rate of cell oxidation, and the parasympathetic department of the vegetative system dominates in them. The parasympathetic nervous system promotes digestion and relaxation. Since they digest quickly, they need nutritious and even fatty foods. On low-calorie diets, such people suffer. Therefore, the general ratio of BJU for an endomorph looks like this:

  • 20% complex carbohydrates,
  • 50% quality proteins,
  • 30% healthy fats.

At a young age, a large amount of purines is welcome (beef, lamb, liver, mussels and oysters, cocoa). After 35 years, it is better to give preference to unsaturated fats.

As for carbohydrates, we won’t even mention fast food and sweets. Of course, such products are prohibited. But the amount of healthy carbohydrates in the diet should be low. If only because carbohydrates burn out very quickly, and if the owner of the protein type eats mainly on them, he is doomed to a continuous desire to eat.

And if we are talking about losing weight (and endomorphs very often do), then the amount of fat should also be reduced, and, on the contrary, more protein should be consumed. At least like this:

  • 60–65% proteins;
  • 15-20% carbohydrates;
  • 15% fat.

Usually, in terms of diet, an endomorph is suitable for alternating KBZHU for weight gain and KBZHU for weight loss.

Nutrition strategy

But how can one still fit in a smaller amount of calories if there is a “trademark” for an endomorph continuous desire to eat? And this is just good news. With a continuous desire, you can do nothing at all.

It is absolutely necessary to eat 5-7 times a day (yes, less does not mean less often!). These are three hearty, full meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and two to four light snacks between main meals.

As a snack, you can serve either some fruit or a portion of a protein shake. It is better to organize the last “heavy” meal (dinner) no later than 2–2.5 hours before bedtime (you will still have to say goodbye to the “night watch”). After eating food, before going to bed, take a good walk for 40-50 minutes - this has a beneficial effect on the digestive processes.

But how then to reduce calories? Calories need to be reduced due to portion sizes. In other words, you need to eat more often, but less. Here are some tips to avoid overeating:

  • buy yourself smaller plates (a large half-empty plate only makes you sad, but a small and full plate is what you need);
  • put as much food on the plate as can fit in your cupped palms;
  • TV, phone and laptop - separately, food - separately;
  • chew each piece thoroughly, as you were taught in childhood; after each bite, you can even put your knife and fork on the table;
  • do not rush with the supplement - most likely, after 10 minutes it will turn out that hunger is no longer so terrible;
  • put food away from temptation so that it does not stand all the time in a visible place where it is easy to get.

At the same time, you need to admire your reflection in the mirror and do not forget to take anthropometric measurements: arm, hip, neck, chest circumference. If the numbers on the measuring tape stubbornly do not change, adjust your diet.

And, perhaps, the most important thing is not to wait for quick changes. You need to stay on a new diet for at least 2 months to draw a conclusion about the necessary correction. And all sorts of extreme jerks and “lose weight in 2 weeks” - you’ve already done all this, right?

Sports nutrition

Protein shakes are perfect for an endomorph, since getting the right amount of protein with daily food is quite difficult, even with a strictly balanced diet and a well-thought-out menu. Fans of homemade healthy food can prepare protein shakes at home.

At the stage of active weight loss, to speed up the process of fat breakdown, you can use sports nutrition with a fat-burning effect, so-called fat burners. But only if you do not have health problems: if you have high blood pressure or “bad cholesterol,” it is better to avoid fat burners, since they all contain various combinations of psychostimulants.

For those who actively train, BCAAs and amino acids can be added to the diet. This will increase the duration of the training and help the growth of muscles that will form a beautiful figure.

Irina Kaynova

Photo depositphotos.com

Sample menu for the day

The daily menu for an endomorph may look like this:

EatingSample menu
  • 4-5 egg whites;
  • 300 g of porridge with water or boiled potatoes;
  • a piece of whole grain bread;
  • green or herbal tea
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese or low-fat cheese;
  • 1-2 apples or banana
  • vegetable salad;
  • a piece of beef (you can also replace beef with poultry or fish);
  • a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice (with a little sugar)
Pre-workout snack (30 minutes to 1 hour before)
  • protein cocktail;
  • maybe 1-2 apples
Post-workout snack (20-30 minutes after exercise)
  • protein cocktail
  • vegetable salad;
  • fish or poultry;
  • a handful of rice on the side
Snack before bed (20-50 minutes before bedtime)
  • cottage cheese;
  • a glass of low-fat kefir or a serving of protein shake

If you eat everything listed in the table above in moderate portions, it will be approximately 1500-2000 calories, and the protein content will be about 300-350 g.

Diet for the Endomorph

The cherished dream of almost all endomorphs is a slim figure. Due to their slow metabolism, these people are mostly overweight. It is due to

Proper nutrition is the key to success in the fight against excess weight for all endomorphs. If, for example, you train long and hard (thinking that you are losing calories and, accordingly, excess weight) and when you come home from training you eat fast carbohydrates (something tasty), then you will restore the supply of all the calories you spent (which you tried so hard to get rid of), and as a result, your training was largely wasted. This is why it is so important to monitor your nutrition and know what and when to consume in your diet, so as not to waste energy and time on training. Below is a diet for an endomorph; if you don’t know which somatotype you belong to, then read the article “Body Types”.

Required amount of calories and nutritional supplements

It is extremely important for an endomorph to limit the intake of saturated fats, so the amount of fat consumed as a percentage should not exceed 10-15% of the total diet. The next thing you should also give up is fast carbohydrates. Their consumption should be limited as much as possible, because this is your biggest enemy. As for complex carbohydrates, your diet should contain no more than 35-45% complex carbohydrates of the entire diet. And then we still have proteins, which, by the way, we cannot do without during periods of weight loss, in order not to lose muscle mass during training. The amount of protein consumed in your diet should not be less than 40%. Protein is not only your building block of muscle, but also by reducing carbohydrates and increasing protein in your diet, you can achieve weight loss and also increase lean muscle mass.

So, we got it: fats 10-15%, proteins 40-50% and carbohydrates 35-45%. If you are a typical endomorph, and let’s say you spend 3000 thousand calories a day, then you need to limit your calorie intake by an average of 200-300 kcal (max400).

We get: Fats-280/9= 31 grams of fat, Proteins-1400/4= 350 grams. protein, carbohydrates - 1120/4 = 280 gr. carbohydrates. If you don't experience any changes, then limit your calorie intake from carbohydrates, add more cardio (aerobic activity) to your workouts, and don't oversleep.

Nutritional recommendations for the Endomorph

  • Sources of protein: egg whites, exclusively lean meat and fish, as well as fermented milk products.
  • Sources of carbohydrates: porridge (buckwheat/rice), boiled potatoes, as well as vegetables and fruits
  • Sources of fat: unsaturated fats (omega 3 and 6), nuts, avocados.
  • Eat frequently (every 2 hours on average) to speed up your metabolism
  • It is necessary to increase the intake of protein foods.
  • Reduce your fat intake (give preference to unsaturated fats)
  • Limit intake of simple and increase intake of complex carbohydrates
  • Carbohydrate intake should be reduced by the afternoon.
  • In the evening, eat more protein foods than carbohydrates.


The following diet for an endomorph will help you in the fight against excess weight, as well as understand how to properly structure your diet and what you need to start from.

  • (6:45) - Half a glass of water (preferably mineral and still)
  • (7:00) - buckwheat porridge 50/70 gr. with milk
  • (9:00) - 1-2 apples + cottage cheese 100g. (low fat)
  • (11:00) - 50/70g. rice + chicken breasts + vegetables/greens (cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes..)
  • (13:00) – Vegetable soup with egg
  • (15:30) – Several eggs + vegetables (pre-workout)
  • 15:30-16:30 TRAINING
  • (16:40) - Protein or a few egg whites (after training)
  • (19:00) - 50 gr. buckwheat + 150g. chicken + (greens or vegetables)
  • (21:00) - Long-lasting protein (casein) or low-fat cottage cheese 150g. + kefir (before bedtime)

Do not forget also about taking water, the amount of which should be at least 2 liters per day. Also, in addition to strength training, it is important to give preference to cardio training, especially running and swimming. They should be included after strength training, as well as on days when you rest (especially in the morning). The frequency of aerobic training should not be less than 3 times a week.

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