In the gym: circuit training to burn fat for girls

Circuit training is considered very effective in burning fat. In just 30-40 minutes they help to work out all the muscles and activate the weight loss process. By using this type of training, we get all the benefits of increasing strength and endurance along with active cardio. Let's look at what circuit training for weight loss is and how it can be done.

What is circuit training

Circuit training for fat burning is an excellent option for losing weight in combination with a healthy diet. Muscles make the most of the body's glycogen stores and force the body to use stored fats as an energy source. The essence of circuit training is as follows:

  • The workout includes 6-10 exercises, repeated one after another.
  • Each exercise is done a certain number of times or over a certain time interval.
  • Exercises within a cycle are separated by a short rest period. Between individual cycles the rest will be longer.

The total number of cycles performed during training can range from two to six and is determined by the following:

  • Fitness level.
  • Duration of the training stage (preparatory or before the competition).
  • The purpose of the training is to lose weight, dry, increase endurance.

Circuit training for fat burning: advantages and disadvantages

Please note that circuit training is very intense, and it is recommended to consult a doctor first, especially if you have hypertension, problems with the heart and blood vessels.

During exercise, blood glucose levels decrease, which can be dangerous for diabetics and people on a low-carb diet.

People with arthritis should choose exercises that don't put too much stress on their joints.

Also, circuit training may not be suitable for people with knee or back problems. After a recovery period and consultation with a specialist and trainer, you can adjust the program to minimize the risk of re-injury.

As for the benefits of circuit training, they are as follows:

  • Development of strength and endurance;
  • Versatility – Circuit training can be used for most types of activity.
  • The training can be adjusted depending on your health, age, and physical fitness.
  • Circuit training exercises are quite simple.
  • A large selection of exercises, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable ones.
  • Time efficiency.
  • Opportunity to work out both in the gym and at home.

The disadvantages of circuit training include the following:

  • For many exercises you need this or that equipment: a ball, dumbbells, a bench, a barbell, certain exercise machines.
  • Exercises require space depending on the type of exercise.
  • Intense training has a number of contraindications, which we discussed above. Therefore, a figure is a figure, and you need to treat your health responsibly.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of training in CrossFit?

Circuit training involves performing a certain number of cycles of 10 or more sports ligaments with short intervals for recovery. In this case, rest for 2-4 minutes is done only between different cycles.

The basic possibility of such training is fairly rapid fat burning without loss of muscle mass. Therefore, these classes are extremely popular for getting rid of excess weight and drying.

Circuit training has the following advantages:

  1. Involves even the smallest, auxiliary muscles.
  2. A stressful load on the verge of the body’s natural capabilities activates internal resources and increases performance in a short period of time.
  3. Helps strengthen various body systems (trains the respiratory system, strengthens the heart and blood vessels).
  4. The short duration and high pace of training allow you not only to work out all zones, but also to add a specialized load.
  5. Quickly achieve a sports goal due to the variety of strength ligaments.
  6. The ability to increase the overall endurance of the body during exercise.
  7. Classes can be carried out anywhere - the gym, outdoors, at home.

One of the significant disadvantages of CrossFit for athletes is its poor compatibility with weight gain.
To quickly grow muscle mass, you need active strength exercises with low repetitions and fairly long breaks for quality rest. By its principles, circuit training contradicts this approach and cannot be used for mass gain. Negative aspects of training are also possible if the technique is not followed or if there are health problems. They are individual in nature, so before starting classes you should consult a doctor and a qualified trainer.

Be sure to check out: Exercises and programs for losing weight in the gym An effective program for men in the gym: tips for beginners The most effective complexes for working out the hips and buttocks Where to start working out in the gym: instructions for beginners

The principle of constructing circuit training

Circuit training for girls should be structured so that each part of the body is worked out in one cycle in a specific order. It could be as follows:

  • full body;
  • upper body;
  • lower body;
  • frame.

For convenience, write down 3-4 cycles on a piece of paper, including 6-10 exercises that can be performed with the resources you have. Each cycle should not include more than two exercises for the same muscle group. For example, don't do push-ups after lifting weights overhead.

Before starting your workout, be sure to warm up. It will help prepare the muscles and body for the upcoming loads. Cool down at the end. This may include simple stretching exercises.

The duration of each exercise in a cycle can be determined by one of two methods:

  • based on a fixed time, for example, 30 seconds;
  • Based on half the number of repetitions of an exercise you can perform in a minute using maximum effort.

If your training is based on repetitions, then to ensure progress, take a repeat test every four weeks to determine the maximum number of repetitions you can perform for each exercise in a minute.

Training can be organized as follows in a four-week cycle: easy, medium, hard week and then a test/recovery week. The load is adjusted by changing the number of exercises, duration of execution, number of approaches and recovery period.

The optimal frequency of circuit training is 2-4 times a week. More often it is not necessary, since they are very intense.

Iron Health

In our last article, we looked at the features and example of circuit training for men. Today we will look at the issue regarding circuit training for girls. Let us immediately note that men's and women's training differ significantly from each other, and therefore are rarely universal. And circuit training is no exception.

A circuit training program is a set of physical exercises based on performing each exercise one after another with a minimum rest period. Such workouts are great during periods of dieting and fat burning, as well as for beginners, as they allow you to prepare your muscles and cardiorespiratory system for future strength work. In addition, this training method is well suited for girls, as it does not lead to an increase in muscle mass, and quite effectively strengthens the main muscle groups.

Circuit training for girls – Program

Main program parameters:

  • Training 3 times a week: Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday.
  • Total duration of the program: 6 weeks.
  • In the first weeks, use only 1 training circuit, then move on to 2 (when you feel ready for it).
  • The program focuses on the most important muscle groups for girls - legs, buttocks and back.
  • Before performing the program, do a deep warm-up of all muscle groups.

Day 1

ExercisesApproachesRepetitionsRest between exercises
Squats115-2030 sec
Romanian deadlift with dumbbells115-2030 sec
Hummer press115-2030 sec
Wide-grip chest row on a block115-2030 sec
Crunches on a Roman bench115-2030 sec
Hyperextensions in the simulator115-2030 sec

The table shows 1 lap of the first training day. If you need to do 2 circuits, do this program 2 times. Rest between circles: 2-3 minutes. Day #2

ExercisesApproachesRepetitionsRest between exercises
Pull-ups in the simulator1Max.30 sec
Dumbbell Bench Press115-2030 sec
Alternating dumbbell curls for biceps115-2030 sec
Extension of arms on the upper block while standing115-2030 sec
Bulgarian lunges115-2030 sec
Leg bending in the simulator115-2030 sec

The table shows 1 lap of the second training day. If you need to do 2 circuits, do this program 2 times. Rest between circles: 2-3 minutes.

Day #3

ExercisesApproachesRepetitionsRest between exercises
Standing chest press115-2030 sec
Dumbbell row lying on stomach115-2030 sec
Leg abduction in the simulator115-2030 sec
Breeding legs in the simulator115-2030 sec
Bend forward with a barbell on your shoulders115-2030 sec
Reverse crunches115-2030 sec

The table shows 1 lap of the third training day. If you need to do 2 circuits, do this program 2 times. Rest between circles: 2-3 minutes.

More articles on the topic of women's training:

  • The best exercises for women in the gym

Circuit training: program and exercises

Circuit training for fat burning for girls and men can be designed individually. It is recommended to first coordinate it with a specialist. Classic exercises for such activities are as follows:

  • Squats . The exercise is aimed at building the gluteal muscles. You can use only your own body weight or increase the load with dumbbells or a barbell.
  • Push ups . During push-ups, the arms and pectoral muscles are worked. Use your own body weight.
  • Emphasis crouching. The starting position in this case will be the same as for push-ups, and after jumping you need to move to the squatting position.
  • Starfish jumps . During the jump, you need to spread your legs and arms to the sides and jump as quickly as possible.
  • Abs pumping. This exercise helps strengthen your abs. You need to pump up both the upper and lower abs.
  • Jumping rope. A wonderful exercise that works the leg muscles.
  • Shuttle run . During the entire time allotted for this exercise, you need to run from one end of the room to the other, while you need to sit down and touch the floor. It's better to run as fast as possible.

At the end of your workout, you can go for a short run.

Strength training program for girls

Strength training is designed to increase the body's endurance and tone the muscles. Such techniques can and should include working on “problem” areas - buttocks, oblique abdominal muscles, arms and chest.

The lesson must begin with a warm-up, which lasts 10 minutes. You can jog on a treadmill uphill, or jumping rope is also suitable. For the upper body - light stretching and push-ups.

Afterwards, you can move on to strength training with the following exercises:

  • squats with a barbell - 10-12 repetitions;
  • bar deadlift – 10-12 reps;
  • lunges with dumbbells - 10-12 times on each leg;
  • barbell or dumbbell bench press – 10-15 times;
  • lifting with dumbbells on a plinth - 15 times on each leg;
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar - to the maximum;
  • pulling the upper block behind the back – 10-15 times.

At the end of each workout, you should definitely do a cool-down (stretching). Thanks to this, muscles recover better and hurt less after training.

Circuit training at home

Circuit training for women

A huge advantage that circuit training has for women is its accessibility and the ability to do it at home. Some of the most popular and effective bodyweight exercises are:

  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • jumping;
  • press raises;
  • swing your legs;
  • exercise "bicycle";
  • lunges;
  • run.

An example of a circuit training for girls at home for fat burning

Using an example, let's look at circuit training with dumbbells for beginners. If you have a kettlebell or body bar at home, you can easily incorporate them into this set of exercises.

  • Perform each exercise 15-20 times, depending on the weight of the dumbbells and physical fitness, for a total of 3 circles.
  • At first, start with two circuits 2 times a week, then add another circuit and a third workout per week, repeating the first day.

At the end of your workout, be sure to stretch all your muscles.

Day 1

  1. Medium leg squats.

  1. Stepping up the hill one at a time.

  1. Swing your legs back or to the sides.

  1. Bent-over dumbbell rows.

  1. Lying dumbbell flyes.

  1. French press with dumbbells.

  1. Bending arms with supination alternately.

  1. Short crunches while lying down.

  1. Lying leg raises.

Day 2

  1. Plie squats.

  1. Scissor lunges.

  1. Deadlift.

  1. Raise your arms in front of you in a bent position.

  1. Elevated push-ups.

  1. Extension of arms from behind the head.

  1. Hammer.

  1. Side fold.

  1. Plank.

Circuit training example

Circuit training for fat burning can be designed so that you work a specific muscle group during one session. For example, on Monday you work on the chest, on Wednesday – buttocks and legs, on Friday – abs and arms. Using this scheme, you will achieve greater results. Now let's look at the circuit training program for a week.


  • Dumbbell chest press in a lying position;
  • Upper block thrust;
  • Static curls with dumbbells;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Hand spreads on a crossover;
  • Bent-over dumbbell row;
  • Push ups;
  • Running at the end of the lesson.


  • Squats with dumbbells;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Walking on an orbit track;
  • Lunges with dumbbells;
  • Leg curls;
  • Deadlift with dumbbells;
  • Swing your legs;
  • Leg curls;
  • Running at the end.


  • Static curls with dumbbells;
  • Arm curls on the upper block;
  • Arm curls on the lower block;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Tilts;
  • Swinging of the upper and lower press;
  • Walking on an orbit track;
  • Finally, run.

Regular circuit training helps build endurance and accelerates the processes of burning subcutaneous fat and metabolism. In addition, due to the principle of repetition, muscle elasticity increases and the functioning of the heart and blood vessels improves. By independently determining which area of ​​the body needs more work, you can achieve ideal physical shape. Thanks to the constant flow of oxygen into the blood, the body actively starts recovery processes that slow down aging.

Circuit training is ideal for both women and men. The former can choose easier exercises without weights, which help to lose weight, while representatives of the stronger sex often use weights in their training. Where to practice - in the gym or at home, decide for yourself. The only important thing is regularity and safety - monitor your condition, and if training provokes negative consequences in the form of dizziness, joint pain, and so on, if possible, consult with a specialist and adjust the load. In addition, remember that proper nutrition is very important to achieve results. A balanced healthy diet combined with regular exercise will help achieve excellent results.

The most effective fat burning exercises

Circuit training in the gym encourages a girl’s body to accumulate energy for muscle energy, rather than pushing extra calories under the skin. The most effective exercises for fat burning are strength training with light weights (2-5 kg). They must be performed as many times as possible.

You can include the following 7 exercises in one circuit:

  1. Pull-up on the bar;
  2. Push-ups from the floor or from a bench (triceps work);
  3. Jumping lunges;
  4. Lunges with dumbbells 5 kg;
  5. Squats - arms with 3 kg dumbbells extended in front;
  6. In a lying position, twisting (squeezing) the abs;
  7. Jumping rope.

Everything must be repeated up to 20 times. After the circle, relax (rest) for up to 2 minutes. Perform 2-3 laps in one workout. This set of exercises is carried out on one of the three days of circuit training, thereby adding variety to the training.

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