Ready-made menu for a week for weight loss: a healthy diet for 1500 kcal

Why exactly 1400-1500?

In general, such calorie content is not a panacea, as we know, everything is individual and depends on height, weight, age, lifestyle and gender. The older, shorter and thinner a person is, the fewer calories they need, and vice versa.

Typically, this norm is suitable for a girl of average height, middle age, with a body weight of 60 to 80 kg, subject to a couple of gentle workouts in the gym.

By the way, a lenten (vegetarian) menu for a week with 1400-1500 kcal has appeared on the website!

Why 1500 kcal?

If a person is sedentary and does not play sports, then he spends no more than 1,700 calories per day. It may seem that 1500 calories is not enough. But if you plan your diet correctly, you can not only eat a varied diet, but also tighten your figure without harming your body.

This amount of calories will allow you to avoid overeating and starving.

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How much weight can you lose and how quickly?

The most pressing question is the numbers.

If you don’t mess around, follow the drinking regime and go strictly according to plan, then I guarantee that you will lose 10 kg in 3 months! Moreover, exactly 10 kg of fat will be lost!

Weight loss will look something like this: 2-3 kg in the first or second week, and then 300-400 g each next.

Yes, there will be jumps, there will be plateaus, but focus not only on the scales - the volumes will steadily decrease!

A balanced menu of 1400-1500 kcal per day can also be used to lose 2-3 kg before some event. Of course, I don’t welcome this, but it’s still better than strict diets, after which there is a steady return to the previous numbers.

For example, if you buy groceries now and eat only what is on the menu, then you will definitely see minus 4-5 kg ​​on the scales in 3 weeks.

But that’s not even the most important thing! just 3 weeks of eating this way, you will get used to it, because it’s not for nothing that they say that a habit is formed in 21 days!

Basic criteria for proper nutrition menu for 1500 calories per day

A balanced menu is a prerequisite for any diet. It is this condition that allows you to achieve the desired results.

First you need to get acquainted with kbju and find out what it is and why it is needed.

Kbzhu is an abbreviation often used when prescribing a diet. Consists of capital letters - calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

These are the four components of success. Thanks to the correct selection of each component, we get the desired result.

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Briefly about the principles of the pp menu for weight loss

We have already talked about the basics of proper nutrition while losing weight; there is no need to repeat them. Let me remind you of the main rules for safe and effective weight loss:

  1. The most important thing, the first thing, is to drink water every day to lose weight! Clean! We start the day with a glass of water, breakfast - after 20-30 minutes.
  2. We try to prevent hunger, that is, we eat 5 times a day at regular intervals - from 2 to 4 hours.
  3. We eat in portions of no more than 500 ml at a time (this includes everything, even just tea!). This is necessary so as not to break your stomach. Less is possible, but there is no need for more.
  4. We get carbohydrates only from cereals, fruits, vegetables and only before 15:00.
  5. Sugar, honey, flour products (even croutons in salads), lemonade, booze - taboo!
  6. Protein is our everything! Fish, meat, offal, cottage cheese, cheese (just don’t get carried away with cheese).
  7. We have dinner after 18 o'clock! Not a glass of kefir, not an apple, but dinner! Read more about the principles of dinner here.

By blood

There are quite a few types of diets today, most of them combine two key requirements - limiting the amount of food a person consumes per day and focusing on a certain set of foods.

Eat and get slimmer: nutritionists name foods that help you lose weight

Many of them will help not only get rid of excess weight, but also improve your diet.

At the same time, simply giving up junk food - for example, fatty, sweet or fried foods, without reducing portions - will certainly have a positive effect on the condition of the body and even, possibly, lead to minor weight loss. But it’s unlikely to help you lose weight.

The diet and meal schedule depend on the chosen diet. Some experts, among other things, recommend focusing on the characteristics of the body inherent in us by nature.

Thus, the diet of American Peter D'Adamo is based on the assumption that people with different blood types need different foods.

According to the scientist, people with the first blood group (it is the most common, about 40% of the world's population have it) are closer to a meat diet, which requires the presence of protein. Eating fish and poultry with limited carbohydrates, grains and legumes is also suitable.

Blood type, genotype and daily routine

Photo: Depositphotos/timolina

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“The author calls people with the second blood group farmers. Its owners are approximately 39% of the world's population. Accordingly, their diet should be dominated by vegetables, fruits, legumes, and gluten-free grains. But meat, dairy and fermented milk products, coffee and alcohol should be limited,” Ulyana Rumyantseva, candidate of medical sciences, endocrinologist, nutritionist at SM-Clinic, told Izvestia.

People with the third blood group in this system are considered nomads - this is approximately 15% of the world's population. Experts recommend that they eat mainly vegetables, fruits, dairy and fermented milk products, and any meat except chicken. It is recommended to exclude seafood and products made from wheat flour.

The fourth blood group is the smallest. It is present in approximately 6% of the population and, according to Peter D'Adamo, has inherited the features of the second and third groups. Such people, according to the author of the theory, can eat almost anything. It is suggested to exclude beef (and red meat in general), corn, beans and alcoholic beverages. And fish, any meat except red, dairy and fermented milk products, legumes, grains, vegetables and fruits can be especially suitable for them.

Ready-made healthy nutrition menu for 1500 kcal for a week

Well, now, as they say, from words to deeds - catch an approximate diet of 1500 for a week with the amount of food in grams and an indication of the KBJU.

As soon as you understand the principle, get used to the multiplicity and volume of portions, you will be able to compose a continuation yourself.

The first day

Well, with the beginning of a new life!


Oatmeal with berries, cottage cheese, coffee or tea, of course, without sugar. Add stevia in powder or liquid form to your oatmeal.

In general, stevia powder is an excellent saxam that you can add to any dish. There are no calories in it, it’s natural and it’s a real lifesaver when you want something sweet.


It’s easy to cook porridge: 3 tbsp. Bring the flakes to a boil in a glass of a mixture of water and milk (50/50), add a little salt, stir, turn off.

After 10 minutes you can eat (more recipes here).

Then add a small handful of any berries (can be frozen, for example, raspberries), a full tablespoon of cottage cheese, sugar and the yummy is ready!

Here we talk about why there is protein (cottage cheese) in the morning, what food is ideal to start the day, etc.)

KBJU: 316 kcal/15.9 g protein/8.2 g fat/44 g carbohydrates (then there will be just numbers)


Delicious gelatin curd dessert with fruit (a whole serving - 300 g!), tea

KBZHU: 265/28/2.4/33


Chicken broth with noodles and egg, (300 gram serving), a piece of bread (half black).

Prepare the soup from half of what is indicated on the website - enough for one person for 2 days.

KBZHU: 286/ 16.1/ 3.6/ 47


Banana smoothie with milk and oatmeal (300-350 ml), 4 walnuts

KBZHU: 330/10.3/13.5/34


300 g of stewed fish with onions and carrots in cream (the first recipe here), 200 g of salad from any fresh vegetables, seasoned with 1 tsp. vegetable oil

KBZHU: 330/55/5/15

Total for the day: Proteins 125.3 Fats 32.6 Carbohydrates 180. Calories (or rather kcal) - 1527 B-J-U: 33% - 19% - 48%

Day #2

It’s still a little difficult, but you’re not hungry, are you?


Oatmeal with banana and chocolate as described here.

Coffee\tea, a piece of low-fat cheese, for example, suluguni (25% fat) - 30 g

KBZHU: 357/15/9/56


Spicy pumpkin baked with herbs (300-350 g). Green tea.

KBZHU: 210/8.8/15.8/28.5


Yesterday's leftover chicken broth with noodles and egg, (300 gram serving), a piece of bread (half black). Remember when we immediately prepared for 2 days?

KBZHU: 286/ 16.1/ 3.6/ 47


200-250 g of cottage cheese with a good handful of any berries (don’t forget about stevia powder for sweetness), coffee or tea.

KBZHU: 347/ 34.2/ 18/ 10


A serving (about 250 g) of stewed fish with vegetables, like here, a salad of any fresh vegetables (100-150 g), seasoned with 1 tsp. vegetable oil.

KBZHU: 208/ 30/ 5/ 17

Total for the day: Proteins 104 g Fats 52 g Carbohydrates 167.6 g and 1408 kcal B-J-U: 27% – 30% – 43%

Day #3

For today, make liver pate using one of the recipes described here. It will last for 2-3 days.


Oatmeal with berries, cottage cheese, coffee or tea

KBZHU: 316/15.9/8.2/44


Sandwiches with pate (three loaves or slices of bread, each with 1 tablespoon of pate), tea.

KBZHU: 244/24/5.2/25.5


A serving (300-350 g) of cabbage garlic puree soup with cream and cheese, a slice of bread, a boiled egg.

KBZHU: 312/16.7/12.5/32.5


Peanuts or any nuts (50 g). Green tea.

KBZHU: 275/13.2/22.6/4.9


Salad from any fresh vegetables, for example, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, pepper, garlic, herbs (volume 350-400 ml), season with 100 ml of low-fat kefir or yogurt. 1 baked or boiled fillet (half a whole chicken breast). Salt everything to taste.

KBZHU: 288/52.6/2.4/13.6

Total for the day: Proteins 122.5 g Fats 50.7 g Carbohydrates 119.5 g 1435 kcal B-J-U: 34% – 32% – 34%

Day #4

On this day you will definitely feel that you have no desire for sweets at all!


This time we will prepare the legendary, famous oatmeal pancake! Let it be with fish and cottage cheese.

Attention! The recipe indicates the amount of ingredients for 2 pancakes! If you eat breakfast alone, divide everything in half!

KBZHU: 354/22.4/12/37


Sandwiches with pate (three loaves or slices of bread, each with 1 tablespoon of pate), tea.

KBZHU: 244/24/5.2/25.5


Is there any leftover creamy soup from yesterday? Great! Don't forget a couple of slices of bread. If not, make any soup of your choice from these recipes. And you can eat another big apple.

KBZHU: 288/10/15.5/49.5

Afternoon snack

Banana kefir smoothie with honey. Portion - 350 ml!

kbzhu: 200/9/3/33


My favorite dinner option is salad. I suggest you try the pp recipe of chicken with vegetables and egg. The recipe on the website is for two! Your portion is half of what you got.

KBZHU: 324/36.5/18/5

Total for the day: Proteins 110.1g Fats 42.2g Carbohydrates 151.7g 1431kcal B-J-U: 31% – 27% – 43%

Day #5

I think you're already hooked?


On this day, I offer a protein breakfast option for variety - an omelette with vegetables and cheese.

Take 2 times less ingredients for 1 person!

KBZHU: 250/16.7/18/3


Fruits (1 small each, grapes - 100 g): banana, apple, pear, grapes. Their fruits can be made into a salad, or you can simply eat them. Coffee Tea

KBZHU: 259/3/0.6/60


Buckwheat with chicken breast gravy with mushrooms in cream (about 300 g of side dish and 100 g of gravy), cucumber or tomato.

KBZHU: 305/21.5/5.2/44

Afternoon snack

Sandwiches with pate (three loaves or slices of bread, each with 1 tablespoon of pate), tea.

KBZHU: 244/24/5.2/25.5


Baked fish with vegetables (serving - about 300-350 g), a glass of homemade tomato juice or fresh vegetables.

KBZHU: 330/55/5.3/15.2

Total for the day: Proteins 120 g Fats 34.3 g Carbohydrates 147.7 g 1388 kcal B-J-U: 35% – 22% – 43%


Let's start the day with a chocolate treat.


Banana-chocolate oatmeal (already prepared on the second day), coffee or tea, a piece of suluguni 30 g.

KBZHU: 357/15/9/5


Salad of carrots (1 large), raisins (1 tbsp, pre-steam with boiling water for 10 minutes, rinse well), apple (1 large). Season with 2 tsp. sour cream (fat content 10-15%). Coffee.

KBZHU: 231/4.5/2.7/47.4


Buckwheat soup (you can take pearl barley, bulgur, brown rice, lentils - whatever you like) with meat. Cook it the same way as chicken with noodles, but without the egg. I advise you to cook it again for a couple of days. A slice of bread with the same slice of low-fat cheese. Don't forget - a serving of soup is about 300-350 g!

KBZHU: 405/38/8.6/45


Cottage cheese (150 g), grated small apple, mix, sprinkle with cinnamon. You can add any calorie-free sakhzam. Green tea.

KBZHU: 267/25.4/13.5/11


Diet tuna salad, which is ideal for dinner - light, satisfying and tasty. A serving is 350 g, so you won’t be able to go hungry.

KBZHU: 256/28/10.5/10.5

Total for the day: Proteins 111 g Fats 44.5 g Carbohydrates 169.6 g 1516 kcal B-J-U: 29% – 26% – 45%

Day #7

Weigh yourself before breakfast today! What's the minus on the scale?


Today we will have a protein breakfast again - an omelet with vegetables and cheese.

Let me remind you - take 2 times less food! Tea or coffee.

KBZHU: 250/16.7/18/3


A variety of fruits that you can eat just like that, or you can make a salad. 1 small apple, banana, pear.

KBZHU: 259/3/0.6/60


If you cooked enough soup yesterday, then today we don’t cook lunch, but finish what we have.

KBZHU: 405/38/8.6/45


50 grams of any nuts - walnuts, cashews. Maybe peanuts.

KBZHU: 275/13.2/22.6/4.9


For the evening, I suggest stewing cabbage with chicken breast.

KBZHU: 351/39/18/12


We have often mentioned that the love of food lovers for oatmeal is not always justified. Before training - yes, but on the rest day it is better to give preference to protein foods. Tired of omelettes - make cheesecakes.

Healthy cheesecakes

Number of servings:4 (16 pieces)
Serving weight:200 g (4 pieces)
Calorie content per serving:350 kcal


cottage cheese 2%, not grainy500 g
ripe banana1 PC.
egg1 PC.
large oat flakes75 g
cinnamon1 tsp.
dried cherries or other dried fruit of your choice90 g

  • 1Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • 2Soft the cottage cheese with a fork until smooth. Soften the banana until puree. It’s better to do this not in a bowl, but on a cutting board - it’s much more convenient and faster. Add banana puree and egg to the cottage cheese, mix thoroughly.
  • 3 Turn oatmeal into flour using a coffee grinder or food processor, or use ready-made flour. Add cinnamon to the flour, mix and pour into a bowl with the curd mass. Stir the dough until smooth, add the dried cherries and mix again until the cherries are evenly distributed throughout the dough.
  • 4 Cover a baking sheet with parchment. To evenly divide the dough into cheesecakes, we use an ice cream scoop with a push-out mechanism. In this case, you just need to take the dough, push it onto the parchment and press it lightly with wet fingers to give it the shape of a cheesecake. If you don’t have a special spoon, scoop up the dough with a regular spoon and roll it in wet hands until you get the desired shape, then place it on parchment.
  • 5Bake the cheesecakes for 20 minutes, then remove from the oven and place on plates. If desired, cheesecakes can be served with honey, yogurt or fresh fruit.

Let's buy for a week

All of the dishes listed above are usually made from affordable products that are not difficult to find on store shelves. To make your decision even easier, here is a grocery list for the week :

  • chicken fillet – 1 kg
  • low-fat sea fish (hake, pollock, etc.) - 1 kg
  • chicken liver - 0.5 kg
  • tuna in its own juice - 1 jar
  • low-fat cheese, preferably 2-3 varieties, to make it tasty. A couple of pieces of 100-150 g will be enough not only for you, but also for your family.
  • any nuts - 200-300 g;
  • vegetables - cabbage, onions, carrots, pekin, a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas, grapes) - see for yourself, if you take only for yourself, then 0.5 kg each. There won’t be enough, it’s better to buy more at the end of the week so that you have something fresh;
  • a small piece of red fish.

You will also need durum wheat cereals and pasta, oatmeal, milk, vegetable oil, spices and seasonings, cinnamon, vanillin, cocoa powder.

You will then see for yourself that this entire list of products will cost less than regular food for a week with sausage cookies. That is, you will not only lose weight, become healthier and more energetic, but you will also save money .


You can still treat yourself to carbohydrates for lunch. Useful, of course. Today we have stir-fry on rice - brown, unpolished or black - with meat and vegetables. Convenient for those who take food to the office - everything useful that you need for lunch fits into one container.


Number of servings:3
Serving weight:300 g
Calorie content per serving:400 kcal


chicken breast½ pcs.
rice noodles2 bunches (150 g)
mushrooms200 g
carrot1 medium (100-120 g)
frozen broccoli florets8-10 pcs.
cashew40 g
green onions3 pcs.
toasted sesamea handful of
ginger10-15 g
garlic4 cloves
olive oil4 tbsp. l.
Sesame oil2 tbsp. l.
soy sauce4 tbsp. l.
spices (salt, pepper, chili)taste


  • 1Cut the pre-frozen chicken into thin slices up to 1 cm thick.
  • 2 Boil the rice noodles according to the instructions on the package.
  • 3Chop the garlic and peeled ginger into small cubes and divide them into two piles.
  • 4Thaw the broccoli and drain the liquid.
  • 5 Peel the carrots and cut them into thin ribbons with a vegetable peeler.
  • 6Wash the mushrooms and cut into 4 parts.
  • 7Chop the green onions into small rings.


  • 1 Heat the wok, add two tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of sesame oil. Add half the garlic and ginger to the wok, after 10-15 seconds add the chicken in one layer. After 30-60 seconds, turn over all the pieces and continue to fry them until cooked. Place the entire contents of the wok on a plate and return the wok to the heat.
  • 2In a hot wok, add the remaining two tablespoons of olive oil and one of sesame oil. Add the second half of the garlic and ginger to the wok, followed by the mushrooms, broccoli and carrots. Cook the vegetables for five minutes, stirring constantly. We do not reduce the fire.
  • 3 Return the chicken to the prepared vegetables, add soy sauce and boiled pasta. Mix everything thoroughly, cook for another minute and turn off the heat.

1500 calorie diet rules

In order for your nutrition plan to give maximum results, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. You need to eat often, but in small portions (the best option is 5 times a day). This way you will be able to avoid hunger pangs, reduce the risk of breakdowns, and speed up your metabolism.
  2. It is better to start the morning with a glass of warm water - this helps activate the intestines. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.
  3. You should have dinner no earlier than 4 hours before bedtime. If you go to bed at midnight and have dinner at 5 pm, then your body will have to fast for 14-15 hours. This causes stress and puts the body into hoarding mode.
  4. Food cannot be fried, but can be steamed or grilled, boiled, baked, stewed.
  5. Don't forget about physical activity. Regular training will help make your body more resilient and fit, and excess weight will go away faster. Any activity is suitable, be it aerobics, jogging, swimming, dancing, or long walks in the fresh air.
  6. Rest is another important factor. You cannot bring the body to a state of physical or mental exhaustion, as this affects hormonal levels and can slow down the process of losing weight.
  7. It is important to count calories and control portion size. Pay attention not only to dishes, but also to drinks - tea, coffee, compotes also have energy value.

Counting calories will give an objective picture of your diet.

What is the daily calorie intake for men and women?

Energy needs are based on several factors: frequency of training, type and intensity, body composition and size, goals.

There is no single formula or general recommendations. To determine your energy balance, such as appetite, weight, mood, body fat percentage, and overall health, try different tools.

The human body at rest spends about 60% of calories simply on its natural processes. The number of calories you burn at rest is called your basal metabolic rate (BMR) or metabolism.

The more muscle mass you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate (BMR). To create a more muscular, lean and sculpted body, you need to increase the rate of calorie burning per day.

The rest of the energy is divided between activity and digestion. 30% of energy (calories) is intended for physical activity, and 10% is spent on digestive processes. This is why you can burn more calories by eating smaller meals more often.

How to calculate basal metabolic rate

To determine your basal metabolic rate (BMR), or in other words, how many calories your body burns at rest, use the following formula:

  • W = weight in kilograms
  • H = height in centimeters
  • A = age in years

Men: GV = 66.47 + (13.75 x W) + (5.0 x H) - (6.75 x A)

Women: OOV = 665.09 + (9.56 x W) + (1.84 x H) - (4.67 x A)

Calories concept

A person needs to eat in order to charge his body with energy, receive vitamins and various microelements necessary for its normal functioning. Each product has a certain calorie content, that is, energy value. The energy obtained from food is necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body. The body consumes energy even when a person does not perform any actions.

Usually the energy value in kilocalories is indicated on products; some people make mistakes when calculating because of this and consume less than necessary. So 1 kcal is equal to 1000 calories, and in order to make the calculation correctly, you need to take this factor into account.

About methods of giving up sweets >>

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