Daily push-ups - what effect do they give, benefit or harm?

Push-ups are one of the simple and effective exercises with which you can keep your body in shape. Some people follow special programs and track results, while others simply do several approaches every day. Both claim that they get excellent physical activity. So is it really worth thinking about? Let's figure out whether it's possible to do push-ups every day, and what will come of it.

The feasibility of daily training

It is important to understand that doing exercises every day is definitely beneficial. But going to the gym every day and doing heavy strength exercises is rather harmful.

If you approach physical activity as a prevention of blood stagnation, heart disease and physical inactivity, then it makes sense to give it to yourself daily. But if we are talking about strength progress, gaining muscle mass, in this regard our body is not as fast as we would like.

Recovery of muscle fibers after active training occurs within 48 hours or more (you can judge this for yourself by soreness and lack of strength after training).

So, we conclude:

  1. Doing push-ups every day does not lead to the development of strength and muscle mass gain. The body simply does not have time to recover a day after the previous load. And, let's be honest, the load is not so great if you can easily repeat the workout the next day.
  2. But as exercise, to maintain muscle tone and prevent various diseases, push-ups every day will come in handy.

And, since there is no advisability of push-ups for increasing strength and mass on a daily basis, let’s talk about the “morning exercise” mode.

Can't do push-ups from the floor

If you can’t immediately start the classic type of push-ups, it’s quite possible to start with a simplified version, gradually complicating the approaches. During such training, it is necessary to understand that they are only preparation for the real load. It will not bring visible results, but will create a basis for further studies.

At the very beginning of training, you should not overload the body without proper preparation. It is necessary to do it exactly as many times as possible, since there is no stable habit of physical activity. Rest between approaches is required. The number of repetitions should be increased as you get used to it.

Types of push-ups

From the wall

This type is the easiest to start with. This type of physical activity will strengthen the muscles for subsequent complication of exercises, and get used to the desired body position.

Performed as follows:

  1. You should stand at arm's length from the wall, resting your hands on it at chest height, shoulder width apart.
  2. As you inhale, you should approach the wall, slowly bending your elbows.
  3. Simultaneously with exhalation, sharply push your torso into a vertical stance, straightening your elbows.

Perform 2-3 approaches in an amount of 50 to 100 times.

You can start doing 100 push-ups a day from the wall

Once the required number of repetitions has become easy to perform, you can move on to the next type.

From the table

Regularly doing push-ups in this way, you should gradually reduce the height of the support, aiming for the floor. The conditions for performing the exercises are the same as for wall push-ups, only the angle of the torso will be from 45º to 60º. You can start with 15 times in 3 sets, gradually increasing the load.

When the effort becomes minimal, you can complicate the exercise by doing push-ups from your knees or proceed to the next stage.

Reverse push-ups

They are easier to perform than when lying down, but no less effective.

  1. Starting position: sitting on a bench. The palms are placed on a bench under the projections of the shoulder joints. Straight legs extended forward.
  2. Move your pelvis forward from the bench, resting on your palms.
  3. As you inhale, the pelvis lowers to the floor, the elbows bend. You should lower yourself until your bent elbows form an angle of 45º.
  4. Exhalation is accompanied by pushing the body to its original position.

You need to start the exercise 10 times in 2-3 approaches, gradually increasing the load.

Knee push-ups

  1. Palms on the floor, slightly wider than shoulders, knees together. The back is straight.
  2. The inhalation is accompanied by a movement of the shoulders and chest towards the floor, bending the arms.
  3. Simultaneously with the exhalation, the elbows straighten and the torso returns to its original position.


This is the most complex of the listed types. You can start with 5 times and 3 approaches, and gradually increasing the load to achieve the desired result. The most important thing is the correct execution technique.

This type can be performed from three positions, taking into account the desired result:

  • if the emphasis is on training the pectoral muscles, a wide grip will do;
  • you need to work the triceps muscle - it is better to use a medium or narrow grip.

100 push-ups a day is a very realistic goal, however, its achievement depends on the correct execution of the techniques. When performing push-ups, the main attention should be paid to controlling the body tense in a straight line and even breathing.

The number of exercises and the number of approaches should be increased gradually, dividing the total number over the whole day. Starting, for example, with 15 - 20 repetitions, it is more productive to divide them between 3 - 4 approaches performed throughout the day.

The technique of performing the classic type of push-ups with equal conditions for achieving a single result does not depend on gender and age differences.

And accurate reproduction of its classic version implies adherence to the following positions:

  • Lying on the floor on your stomach, you should rest your palms on the floor. The arms are raised at head level, shoulder-width apart, and the elbows form an angle of approximately 45º with the torso.
  • Legs are shoulder-width apart (or feet are brought together), resting on the floor.
  • As you lower yourself to the floor, bending your elbows, you should strive to form a 90º angle between your biceps and forearm. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to touch the floor with your chest.

To avoid mistakes in performing exercises, you should learn several important points:

  • Your back should be as straight as possible during push-ups. The conditional line running from the top to the heels should not bend in the area of ​​​​the buttocks and back.
  • It is very important to control your breathing: lifting the body - inhale, lowering - exhale. If you lose your breathing, you need to stop and restore it.
  • To achieve the desired effect, the load must be optimal, but not exhausting. Regularity of training is of last importance (they should take place at least 3 times a week). Gradually you can reach the maximum possible number of exercises.

There are several common mistakes made during exercise:

  • the shoulders are positioned incorrectly (when the shoulders are pulled towards the ears, the triceps muscles are overloaded);
  • The arms are not fully bent and unbent;
  • arms are placed at the same level as shoulders;
  • joint pain is ignored;
  • shortness of breath;
  • incorrect position of the body.

An approximate program for starting training (first week) might look like this:

  1. Mandatory warm-up for all muscle groups.
  2. Do push-ups 5 – 8 times, break – 1 minute.
  3. Do 3 – 7 push-ups, break 1 minute.
  4. 5 repetitions, break 5 minutes.
  5. The next 3 sets are 5 repetitions with a 1 minute rest.

As the body adapts to the load, it is good to add 2 push-ups to each daily workout until a result of 100 repetitions is achieved.

Push-ups as exercise

Morning exercise often includes push-ups and squats (for the lower body). This is the simplest set of exercises that can raise blood pressure and tone a large number of muscles.

Therefore, these exercises are used as daily physical activity. Squats target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. And push-ups strain the core muscles, triceps, shoulders, and chest. The same starting position for push-ups corresponds to the “plank” exercise, which is designed to train the core muscles.

In general, the benefits of an exercise such as push-ups are as follows:

  1. If you do push-ups every day or every other day, your arms and chest are much stronger and more resilient than the average person.
  2. If you do at least 20 push-ups, there is a chance that you will be able to push away an opponent or a heavy object that has fallen on you in an unexpected situation.
  3. Push-ups are necessary to train breathing and increase blood circulation. And the latter is required for good health and the prevention of many diseases.
  4. Any workout is a reminder to muscles and joints of their functions. They even say about cars that it is “harmful” for them to stand in the garage for a long time.

Share your opinion! How often do you do push-ups?

Every day. For me this is a must.


Few times a week. When I train, I do push-ups at the same time.


Once a week - when I train my chest muscles.


I’m a romantic and a dreamer... Someday I’ll start doing push-ups... Probably!

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