Corset for osteochondrosis: 6 questions and answers

Why is a posture corrector prescribed?

The main indication for using a posture corrector is stooping in adults and children. This violation consists of several components:

  • The shoulders “shift” and “go forward.” In the long term, this leads to shortening of the pectoral muscles and weakening of the interscapular muscles. This condition, in turn, is the main cause of pain in the thoracic spine.
  • Functional kyphosis of the thoracic region. In a relaxed state, the muscle tone of the posterior group is slightly lower than that of the anterior group. The abdominal muscles maintain a bent position and contribute to the strengthening of the chest “hump” - kyphosis.
  • Displacement of the neck and head anterior to the midline of the body. A heavy head, when sitting awkwardly or using smartphones, tends to “go” forward. The long-term existence of unfavorable symptoms reinforces this situation.

Rules for wearing an orthopedic product

Any medical technique works effectively only if the rules and dosage are followed. Moreover, rarely does any assignment work in isolation. The most lasting and tangible results are achieved only by the combined use of several procedures or medications. Slouching is most often caused by muscle dysfunction. In order for the muscular system to develop or recover faster, two methods are needed - active and passive. Passive – regularly wearing a posture corrector. Active – doing proper physical exercise. Therefore, the first rule of using any back corsets is daily therapeutic exercises. This is the only way to ensure that the results achieved will be maintained even after you stop using the corrector. It is better if the regimen and type of physical therapy is prescribed by a doctor or rehabilitation specialist.

Second rule: it is advisable to wear the corset no more than three hours a day (unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor). The greatest loads on the spine occur in a sitting position. Wear a corset if you need to sit for a long time - the ribs of the product not only support your back, but also actively remind you to “straighten up.” The posture corrector is worn on a T-shirt or other underwear. This way, wearing it will be comfortable in any weather and level of physical activity. In many products, support is provided by metal stiffeners. It is better to model them according to your back.

What harm can a corset cause?

“Any medicine is poison. And everything just depends on the dose.” — The well-known statement is relevant for any treatment methods. Patients who understand the capabilities of the corrector and wear it according to the rules note lasting and tangible results. Those who violated most of the conditions for using the product, of course, may not get the effect.

The main “horror story” associated with corsets is: “Once you put it on, you can’t take it off again” or “With a corset, the muscles atrophy.” Such statements make sense only if the rules for selecting and wearing a corset are completely ignored. Let's look at some postulates associated with postural disorders:

  • Any back problems begin because some muscles are already atrophied. That is, even before using the corset, the muscles work somehow differently. And the main idea of ​​the corrector is to create the most favorable conditions for eliminating muscle weakness.
  • Shortened or stretched muscles always work poorly. Even short-term “straightening” of the back and neck improves the condition of the muscles and enhances the effect of therapeutic exercises. Long-term (correct) wearing of the corrector has a positive effect on the length of muscle fibers.
  • A lazy person never recovers quickly. If the patient thinks that all diseases can be treated only by taking pills, injections or corsets, the treatment will be of little use. The basis of recovery is the patient’s active participation in changes in his life. If the use of the corrector is supplemented with competent physical activity, normalization of working and sleeping conditions, the result will be really fast and noticeable.

Posture corset for stooping

A posture corset is suitable even for people without diseases or defects of the spine. A sedentary lifestyle is an indication for purchasing the product. The corset is suitable for adults and children. The effect of correction will accelerate in combination with exercise therapy or a swimming pool. The product helps correct disorders, but this is only part of the treatment - physical exercise is no less important.

Experts divide posture corsets for stooping into soft and hard. In most cases, doctors prescribe soft models; hard products are used after injuries and for serious problems with the spine.

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the design of the product. It is better to choose corsets with flexible stiffening ribs and wide elastic bands that are secured with Velcro. The size of the model is selected according to individual parameters: height, waist and hips.

Back muscles may weaken if the corset is worn for a long time. Therefore, it is better to monitor the time spent in the product. Typically, such corsets are worn only in the initial stages of posture correction.

How and where to choose and buy a posture corrector?

The correct posture corrector is an excellent tool for comprehensive improvement of the condition of the back muscles. The product must be suitable for its purpose, shape and size. Undoubtedly, the quality of the corset is also decisive.

Depending on the severity and location of the problem, you can use small breast correctors or full-fledged corsets. It is better if the wearing regimen and duration are prescribed by the attending physician. Massagers, insoles and muscle stimulators enhance the effect of the corrector.

Buy high-quality and certified posture correctors at Medtechnika Orthosalon. It is in these stores that you can be sure that the product will be selected correctly. Specially trained consultants are ready to answer any questions and always help you find the most effective proofreader.

Fitness corsets

Fitness corsets are designed specifically for gyms. In the “Waist Trainer” corset you will keep your back and spine straight during strength exercises and cardio exercises; it will not allow you to perform exercises with an incorrectly curved back. The latex layer promotes weight loss, provides a thermal effect, removes excess fluid from the body, which means the waist, back and stomach decrease in size faster and faster! It is recommended to wear such a corset no more than 6 hours a day.

Yu-moms agreed that the corset is comfortable, soft and pleasant to the body. The fasteners are soldered tightly, so you don’t have to worry about tearing them off. The thermal effect is felt even in everyday life. But in the gym, the corset fulfills its tasks to the fullest: it does not press anywhere, does not move, keeps the stomach and back in the desired position, it is comfortable to exercise, the abdominal muscles are toned, while breathing evenly, sweating increases significantly. Of course, it is impossible to do yoga in such a corset; it is designed for cardio and strength training.

“After taking off the corset, I was practically wet through and through, I drank a lot of water throughout the entire workout. Towards evening, when preparing for bed, I noticed that the skin on my stomach became smoother and more elastic.”

“It fits very tightly, so much so that I sit with perfect posture, despite the fact that it ends under the chest. As soon as you try to slouch, it becomes very uncomfortable.”

“The effect of the corset exceeded all expectations! The stomach and sides were all wet, but since the lining is made of cotton, the sweat does not flow, but is evenly absorbed into the fabric)) there was no discomfort during the exercises, the back was kept in the correct position.”

More information about the line and recommendations

How to choose the right one

The rigidity and time of wearing the corset is determined by the doctor. To determine the size of the product, you need to measure your waist and hips (measurements are taken without clothes). Otherwise, the patient is guided by his preferences and financial capabilities, since the market now offers a wide range of orthopedic structures. When deciding which material is best to choose a corset from, you should consider the following parameters.

OptionsFabric productKnitted fiber product
ComfortThe body sweats moreThe body breathes
Therapeutic effectComes slowerIt comes on faster due to the fact that the orthosis fits better to the body
Can be worn nakedWear only on a cotton T-shirtCan be worn naked
AestheticsThicker, visible under clothesThinner, almost invisible under clothes

Corsets with suspenders will be convenient for motorists. When getting into a car, you can simply unfasten the corset, it will rest on your shoulders.

Indications and contraindications

Most often, a corset is prescribed for pain in the sacrum and lumbar region caused by various neurological and orthopedic disorders, such as osteochondrosis, protrusion and herniated intervertebral discs, radiculitis, lumbago, the recovery period after spinal injuries and surgical interventions. In addition, prophylactic wearing of an orthosis can be recommended for athletes and ordinary people during significant physical activity.

The use of a lumbosacral corset is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin in the lower back.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Abdominal wall hernia.
  • An allergic reaction to the materials from which the product is made.
  • Immediately after applying warming agents to the skin.

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Myth 2: A narrow waist makes a woman more attractive.

Anya Pavlova, burlesque diva

I really love the silhouette of clothes with an accentuated waist, be it a belt or a corset, but is a loose, high-waisted empire silhouette less feminine? This is a matter of taste and organic selection of clothes to match how the girl sees herself. Even in burlesque, which may seem to many to be the epitome of old-fashioned femininity, not everyone uses corsets. Personally, the “rectangular” silhouette of the 1920s, where the waist and hip lines are draped by a loose dress, is much closer to me for the stage.

I have two stage corsets, both made to order to my measurements. If the corset is well sewn, it does not restrict movement; rather, it feels like a very, very tight hug. The moment of the first fitting is usually quite painful, but after that the body and the corset get used to each other, you understand how tightly it should be laced, whether something needs to be hemmed from the inside, whether the bones are digging into the body somewhere, whether the cord needs to be replaced with tape or vice versa.

I am often asked if I would like to be born in a different era. And I always answer that, of course not. Of course, I am incredibly interested in the aesthetics of the 1920s, the music of the 1930s and the literature of the 1980s, but right now you can wear a corset and be a feminist, or cut your hair very short, fundamentally not shave your armpits and at the same time be a housewife, a mother of three children, or work as a lawyer during the day, and in the evening to dance burlesque. I don't think that girls who choose to wear a corset in everyday life do so for the sake of men or to conform to traditional canons of femininity. Rather, it is the desire to look the way you yourself consider beautiful and interesting, to turn into an ideal version of yourself. And this usually means quite strong self-discipline, attention to detail and absolute freedom of choice. All my extravagant acquaintances regularly laugh and talk about how men tell them that they look more interesting and “more real” in jeans and without makeup.

Classification of corsets

  • Soft models are lightweight and easy to use for everyday use, but are not intended to correct significant anatomical deformities. They are used mainly for vertebral hernias, chronic radiculitis and for unloading skeletal structures. Wearing this design stimulates blood circulation and eliminates the spasmodic state of blood vessels.

Soft products are not suitable for treating scoliosis. Chenault corsets can only be of semi-rigid and rigid types.

  • Semi-rigid products - effectively eliminate muscle spasms, have a massage effect and a warming effect. The use of a semi-rigid corset is recommended for preventive purposes to prevent traumatic damage to skeletal bones and to distribute mechanical loads evenly.
  • Hard type – prevents further deformation of the spine, protects the vertebrae from damage. When designing such orthopedic products, the individual characteristics of the body structure, the localization of the destructive process, and the degree of the disease are taken into account.

What does a corset look like and what functions does it perform?

The Chenot corset is a rigid structure made of medical thermoplastic. It is made from an individual impression, which is taken from the patient’s body. Inside the structure, pelota are located in a certain way, which affect individual areas of the spine. On the outside there are free cavities into which the curved section “pushes out”.

When worn daily, the corset allows you to return the spine to its original state, correcting the curvature. In this case, the pressure on the corrected areas is applied in such a way as not to cause additional complications.

The bandage does not affect the patient’s motor functions in any way, which means wearing it does not lead to muscle tissue degeneration.

It is impossible to buy a ready-made corset; it is made only to order. Only based on the results obtained, a plaster cast is made, which is adjusted to the ideal look.

To order a Chenot corset, patients usually go to orthopedic salons. After wearing the brace for a long time, the patient needs to be examined again, as the spinal deformity will decrease. Specialists will either adjust the parameters of the existing product or offer to manufacture a new one.

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