How long does it take to pump up a girl’s abs: training features

Author of the article

Andrey Belozertsev

Drawing up programs for effective muscle mass gain.

A beautiful slim figure, a flat stomach, sculpted muscles - this is the dream of many girls; to achieve it, they go to the gym or work out at home, and try to limit themselves to “goodies”.

And the most annoying thing is when there is either no result at all, or it does not correspond to the efforts expended.

In this article, we’ll figure out how many days it takes to pump up a girl’s abs, what exercises are best to do to quickly achieve what you want, and how to properly organize a workout.

How long does it take to pump up a girl’s abs?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since the appearance of relief depends on the initial physical condition, the presence or absence of excess weight, and genetic predisposition.

In general, if a girl is slim, then after 15 days of regular and competent training she will be able to enjoy her first victory, and after about 30 days the cubes will be clearly visible.

Overweight ladies should first get rid of extra pounds, and only then start pumping up their abs.

Accordingly, the result will manifest itself only after 60-90 days.

If the excess weight is insignificant, then the stomach will become flatter in 30-45 days.

Previously, we told you how to pump up your breasts.

Important Rules

In order to demonstrate your new sexual forms to others as soon as possible, it is important to adhere to some rules that will help you achieve quick results. Namely:


An active lifestyle and proper nutrition will be a serious assistant in achieving your goal. In this rhythm, success will come much faster. To eat properly, you need to divide your daily diet into 5-6 small portions. It is advisable to start the morning with carbohydrates, and for dinner you need to focus on protein. It is better to forget about fatty and fried foods. Do not abuse sweets and alcohol. It is not advisable to eat after 19:00. After an intense workout, it is not advisable to drink anything for the first 30 minutes, or eat anything for 2 hours. If you need to get rid of excess fatty tissue, it is useful to run in the morning, do push-ups and pull-ups on the horizontal bar

It is important to remember that you cannot get rid of fat only in the abdominal area, because a person loses weight with his whole body, and not in parts. Exercises aimed at pumping do not help get rid of extra pounds.

If a person pumps up his muscles whenever he wants without systematic training, then you can’t even hope for quick “packs.”

Quick pumping of the press at home

If for some reason you can’t go to the gym, that’s a problem, you can pump up your abs to the six-pack at home, if you have the desire.

What you need to consider when pumping your abdominal muscles at home:

There must be a regularity of exercise; you cannot overdo it; for the first 3 days, the abdominal muscles will hurt at first, so it is important to apply the load gradually so as not to injure them even more; the more time spent on the exercise, the stronger and faster the result, but this is also not done right away; the exercises are performed sequentially. each group of abdominal muscles (rectus, internal oblique, external oblique, transverse muscle), gradually increasing the number of repetitions, the human body constantly gets used to the actual loads, so it is important to strengthen them periodically, otherwise there will be no greater results.

As an addition, you should use the plank exercise for 2-3 minutes after all classes.

The key to fast, beautiful abs is an intense rhythm, and not just the number of repetitions, as many people think! The ideal scheme is as follows: in 35 seconds you need to do about 15 repetitions of the exercise, then a proper rest for the muscles for 30–40 seconds and “let’s go” again.

For home exercises you may need: a mat, a gymnastic wheel, an expander, weights and dumbbells (they can be replaced with a plastic bottle of water).

How long does it take to pump up abs in the gym?

With time, desire and a gym membership, you can achieve quick results. Below is an example of one of the types of possible workouts for quickly pumping up the abs. The main thing is to start your training with a warm-up; an elliptical trainer is good for this (about 20 minutes).

Abdominal exercises target the upper abdomen first, then the lower abdomen:

  1. Starting position standing. Pull the cable with two arms bent at the elbow towards the lower abdomen.
  2. Hang on the horizontal bar, then raise your legs to your chest.
  3. In a lying position, pull your legs to your chest at an angle of 90°.
  4. Next is the supine position again. Hands clasped behind your head. Legs bent at the knees, heels pressed to the floor. You need to rise up, touching your elbows to your knees.
  5. Lie on a bench upside down at an angle of 45°, then raise your legs bent at the knees.

Each abdominal exercise should be done at least 15 times, with at least 2 repetitions. It's a good idea to run on the treadmill for at least 10 minutes at the end. Such an intensive training regime for 2 weeks will give a positive result in less than a month. You also need to know whether it is possible to pump up the press every day, to get results and answer how many times a week you need to pump up the press.

Specifics of training

How many months can it take to pump up a girl's abs?

Most often, it may take one month to achieve a good result, but it is extremely important to adhere to the recommendations of specialists.

Check them out:

  1. Perform a variety of exercises for all abdominal muscle groups.
  2. Exercise 2-3 times a week.
  3. Open each workout with a warm-up that will prepare the muscles for the load.
  4. Be sure to do cardio exercises (jumping rope, running, aerobics).
  5. It is best to train in the morning, which is the most effective time for burning fat.
  6. Each exercise should be performed slowly, smoothly, diligently. The principle is simple - it is better to do fewer repetitions, but with better quality.

Nutritional Features

Even the most powerful exercises will not help you achieve beautiful relief if you do not pay attention to your diet.

You can use:

  • protein foods (rabbit, chicken, turkey meat - boiled or steamed);
  • fish;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt);
  • fruits, vegetables (cucumbers, white cabbage, peppers, apples);
  • nuts;
  • porridge (oatmeal, rice, millet).

The recommended ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 50:25:25.

You should not think that fats are definitely harmful, they are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, which is why it is recommended to include olive oil and sea fish in the menu.

In another article, we discussed how to remove your butt.

The following are prohibited:

  • flour, especially white bread and pastries;
  • fat meat;
  • smoked meats and semi-finished products (sausage, sausages);
  • alcohol (primarily beer);
  • sweets.

It is important not to go on a diet, otherwise the body will not receive the necessary elements, and the muscles will have nothing to form from, but you need to eat correctly, in small portions - 6 times a day.

Myths about the press

Errors in working out the abdominal muscles are due to common misconceptions:

  1. You can’t pump up your abs every day, despite the myth. Muscle tissue needs to recover, so resting 48 hours between workouts is recommended.
  2. There will be no result even with the most intense training if you do not follow the above nutritional tips.
  3. Girls can use weights. Some are afraid to do this, believing that the muscles will increase in volume and the stomach will become visually larger. This will not happen if you take a weight of no more than 5 kg.

How often and how much to train

Many girls are interested in how long it takes to build beautiful abs if you exercise according to all the rules.

In order for the result of your efforts to become obvious after 30 days, you should exercise your abdominal muscles 2-3 times a week for 30-40 minutes, being sure to pay attention to your diet.

In addition, you need to pay attention to cardio exercises, jogging, dancing or jumping rope 2-3 times a week.

Each exercise is performed 10-20 times, be sure to do 3 approaches. Gradually the load needs to be increased.

The main mistake beginners make is to give their best and then not be able to get off the couch for a week.

This should not be done; it is important to take into account your physical capabilities and not overdo it.

How long to pump up the press?

There is no specific figure for how long it takes to pump up your abs. Everything here depends on the physiology of a person, his initial state of the body, as well as on his compliance with the prescribed rules. Let's start with the fact that until you are absolutely satisfied with your body, you need to pump up your abs regularly. Another thing is that it can and should be pumped throughout your life so that the muscles are constantly in good shape. But now we are talking specifically about getting results, so we will not describe this topic.

The approximate time for a not particularly overweight person to be able to pump up their abs is about 3-4 months. We do not take into account various additional techniques, such as massage, the use of special supplements or other procedures. Just nutrition, cardio and training. During this time, you can quite easily pump up beautiful abs, or bring the shape of your body to an acceptable level. It will be a little more difficult for obese people to cope with this, but they will also have a greater charge of motivation. Nothing gives more satisfaction than seeing your efforts bear fruit. In addition, the higher the percentage of body fat initially, the faster it will disappear after starting training and proper nutrition. So don't despair if you have to spend an extra month or two. The main thing is the result.

Effective abdominal exercises for girls

There are several powerful exercises that will help you achieve beautiful abs quickly, get to know them.

For upper abs

Exercises offered by experienced fitness instructors will allow you to work on this zone.

Crunch with bent knees

Allows you to pump up the oblique and rectus muscles.

It's done like this:

  1. Take the starting position: lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, positioned so that the shins are parallel to the surface, feet connected. The arms are bent at the elbows, lying on the back of the head, the hands are not connected, the elbows are directed in different directions.
  2. The abs should be tensed, pulling in the stomach.
  3. Lift your neck and shoulders off the surface without changing the position of your legs.
  4. Hold the position for a few seconds.
  5. Lower your shoulders and neck, repeat.

Do 3 sets, 10-15 repetitions each.

See another article on how to remove hips.


This is a very popular exercise at home that allows you to work the rectus and oblique muscles.

The technique for performing it is quite simple, so even beginners can include “Bicycle” in their training.

Experts are confident that regular exercise will help you achieve a flat stomach, waist and beautiful definition, and get rid of extra pounds.

It's done like this:

  1. Take a supine position. Bend your knees, place your hands on the back of your head, your lower back pressed tightly to the surface.
  2. Perform leg movements, simulating pedaling an imaginary bicycle.
  3. When the left knee rises to the chest, it is necessary, rounding the back, to turn the body towards it so that the knee touches the right elbow. It may not work out right away, but touch is what you should strive for.
  4. Repeat with another pair of knee and elbow.

The main secret to success when performing the “Bicycle” is to do all movements smoothly and slowly.

There is no point in chasing a large number of repetitions; it is much more important to work out the muscles efficiently.


Another great exercise that girls can use to tone up their abs in 3-4 weeks.

It's done like this:

  1. Lying on your back, raise your legs straight (to approximately form an angle of 45° with the floor surface).
  2. Perform a series of crossing movements without bending your legs.

It’s better to start with 20-30 repetitions, do 3 approaches, and gradually the load should increase.

If performed correctly and slowly, you can work out your lower abs and side abdominal muscles well.

For lower abs

You won’t get an ideal stomach if you don’t pay due attention to working on your lower abs.

Find out the most effective exercises you can do at home.

Reverse twist

It is important to perform it only with the abdominal muscles, with a small amplitude.

It's done like this:

  1. Lie on your back, raise your legs, bend your knees, and pull your heels towards your buttocks. Bend your arms at the elbows and place them at the back of your head.
  2. The legs do not change their position throughout the entire exercise. Using your abdominal muscles, you should slightly lift your pelvis above the surface, while simultaneously pulling your knees towards your chest.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Perform 8-15 repetitions, do 3 sets.


Another basic effective exercise that will help pump up your abs, form beautiful abs, as well as strengthen your back muscles and improve your posture.

It's done like this:

  1. We start lying on our backs, arms extended, legs straight, closed.
  2. As you exhale, simultaneously raise your legs and arms, try to “fold” like a pocket knife.
  3. At the peak point, try to linger for a couple of seconds and only then return to the starting position.

You need to repeat 5-15 times, do 3 approaches.

For beginners, the exercise may seem difficult, so it is better to do fewer repetitions, but work the muscles properly.

Gradually, the “Folding Knife” will work out better and better, so the exercise can be complicated.

The options are:

  • with full amplitude, touching your toes with your hands;
  • with half the amplitude - touching your knees with your hands;
  • holding the ball.

The secret of success is that when lowering your legs, it is best not to put them on the floor, but to keep them suspended all the time, this will create additional stress on the abdominal muscles.

Right angle

Another powerful exercise that helps pump up your lower abs and make your muscles more resilient.

It's done like this:

  1. We start by lying on our backs, hands under our buttocks, legs straightened.
  2. Inhale, and as you exhale, raise your closed straight legs to form an angle.
  3. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  4. Lower your legs while inhaling, but do not touch the floor with them, in this case the abs will work more intensely.

If the exercise does not work at first, then you can perform alternate leg lifts.

More experienced people, on the contrary, can increase the load by working out on a bench or lifting a fitball with their feet.

We work the oblique muscles

We figured out how much time it takes to pump up a girl’s abs - about 4 weeks of regular training, which must include exercises for the lateral abs.

Some are afraid to do them, believing that pumped up muscles will make the figure more voluminous, the silhouette will become H-shaped, and the waist will disappear.

However, if you approach training correctly, there will be no such negative effects. Get to know the most productive exercises.

Lateral twist

Allows you to work the oblique muscles and at the same time get a wasp waist.

It's done like this:

  1. Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet placed as close to the pelvis as possible.
  2. The right arm is bent at the elbow and placed behind the head, the legs are tilted to the left. The body is slightly raised above the surface.
  3. As you inhale, the left half of the body (neck and shoulder blades) stretches to the left.
  4. At the peak point, you should try to fix the position for a few seconds.
  5. Return to the starting position and repeat first for one side, then for the other.

It is very important not to lift your lower back off the floor; it is enough to perform 20-25 repetitions in each direction, 3 sets.

Russian twist

Another powerful exercise that allows you to work your oblique muscles, improve your posture, and achieve six-pack appearance.

It's done like this:

  1. Sit with support on your buttocks. Connect your legs, bend your knees and lift them slightly off the floor (your shins should be parallel to the surface). Bend the body slightly back. The arms, slightly bent at the elbows, are extended forward, palms joined.
  2. As you exhale, without changing the position of your legs, turn your torso to the left.
  3. Fix the position at the extreme point.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

When the exercise goes well, you can increase the load by picking up a barbell plate, dumbbells or fitness ball. Girls prefer a weight of no more than 5 kg.

Side plank on the elbow

A very effective static exercise that allows you to get rid of excess fat and quickly tighten your figure, however, it is quite difficult to perform and may not succeed the first time.

It's done like this:

  1. Lie on your side, legs straight.
  2. Place your support on your elbow and rise up, your palm perpendicular to your body. Legs - one on top of the other. The second hand can lie behind the head or be on the belt.
  3. The gaze is directed straight, the head does not droop. Breathing is deep and slow.
  4. Inhale, lift your buttocks off the surface and fix the position, maintaining balance. The muscles of the core, legs and buttocks are tense. Focus on the bent elbow and arm and the outer side of the foot.

If you cannot keep your legs straight at first, it is permissible to slightly bend the lower one at the knee.

You need to hold out for at least 15 seconds, otherwise the exercise will be useless.

After 2-3 weeks of training, you can replace the exercise with the following variations:

  • plank at arm's length (focus on the palm and the outer side of the foot);
  • star (support on the palm of a straight arm and foot, the second arm and leg are straight, raised up).

You can also use weights to increase the load.

Fitball training

You can also work your abdominal muscles with several exercises on a gymnastic ball.


It's done like this:

  1. Lie on the ball so that the middle of your back is pressed against it, your legs are bent at the knees and resting on the floor. The upper part of the body is slightly tilted back. Arms crossed on chest.
  2. At the exit, raise the neck and shoulder blades, fix at the end point. Do not throw your head back.
  3. Return to starting position and repeat.

To make it easier to maintain balance, it is better to place your feet shoulder-width apart.

Knee pull-up

Another powerful basic exercise that helps work your upper and lower abs.

It's done like this:

  1. Stand with your knees on the fitball, head down, the main weight concentrated on the ball.
  2. Move forward, taking turns moving your arms slightly forward until the ball is positioned under your hips and your body is in a straight line.
  3. The hands are strictly under the shoulders.
  4. Using your abdominal muscles, pull your knees to your chest, then straighten and repeat.


It's done like this:

  1. Lie on your back with your arms and legs extended.
  2. Take the fitball in your hands and lift it.
  3. Raise your legs straight and place the ball between your ankles. Lower while holding the ball.
  4. Repeat in the opposite direction: raise your legs with the ball and arms, take the fitball with your hands, lower your limbs.

Do all exercises on a gymnastic ball at least 20 times.

How long does it take to actually get pumped up?

So, we found out the maximum rates of muscle mass gain. At what speed can you gain muscle in reality?

  • Average for men: from 100 to 200 grams of muscle per week (this is about 0.5-1 kilogram per month);
  • Average for men: from 50 to 100 grams of muscle per week (this is about 200-500 grams per month).

Does such a set occur in reality? Usually people gain more or less. There are many factors - diet style, amount of salt in the diet, macronutrient ratio, quantity and quality of carbohydrates. In addition, weight is affected by stress levels, hormonal fluctuations in women, medications, and even a common cold.

Sometimes people cannot gain an ounce simply because they are exposed to work and family stress, and stress increases calorie expenditure. Some people suffer from lack of sleep, while others suffer from sleep quality. Therefore, calculating weight gain in advance is quite a difficult job.

In strength sports, usually an 8-12 week cycle allows a novice athlete to add 3-5 kg ​​of weight, taking into account the fact that he monitors nutrition. But the training differs significantly from bodybuilding - a large amount of work in basic exercises and a relatively small amount in auxiliary exercises. It is also significant that before a competition a strongman can lose 2-3 kg of “water” weight, when the microtraumas of the muscles heal and the muscles stop holding weight. This well-known effect allows you to plan weight categories. And fitness beginners can judge the actual weight gain and its speed.


Abs training program for girls

It is very important to include in your classes a variety of exercises designed for each abdominal muscle, only in this case a tangible result will be visible after 30 days.

You need to exercise 2-3 times a week, choosing exercises to work the upper and lower abs, as well as the lateral muscles.

Be sure to start with a warm-up and finish with a stretching exercise or a series of bends.

Complex 1

If you wish, you can also use ready-made sets of exercises for the abdominal muscles.


  • twisting with bent knees;
  • right angle;
  • jackknife;
  • side twist.

Complex 2


  • bike;
  • scissors;
  • reverse twist;
  • jackknife;
  • side plank (first resting on the elbow, then on the straight arm).

Complex 3


  • scissors;
  • crunching on a fitball;
  • reverse twist;
  • Russian twist;
  • moving the fitball.

Each is done in 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions; between sets and exercises, rest is allowed for no more than 45 seconds.

What are some useful exercises?

Body lifts. Performed on a gymnastic mat. It is advisable to secure the legs somewhere beforehand. This could be the edge of a bed or bench. Your hands can be placed behind your head or held in front of you. From a lying position, we lift the torso up to an angle of approximately 90 degrees. We fix ourselves in this position, then lower ourselves again and repeat the procedure.

It is important not to hunch your back too much while doing this and make sure that you do not help yourself with your legs. The optimal amount of work is four to five sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Can be done at home. Twisting or lifting with torso rotation. Essentially the same as body lifts, but they have a number of distinctive features. Performed on a gymnastic mat. It is advisable to secure the legs somewhere beforehand. This could be the edge of a bed or bench. You can place your hands behind your head or in front of you. From a lying position, we lift the body up to an angle of approximately 90 degrees, in this case we must not only lift it, but also make a turn to the side - alternately to the right and to the left. We fix ourselves in this position, then lower ourselves down again and repeat the procedure. It is important that the exercise is performed correctly: do not hunch your back too much and do not help yourself with your legs. The optimal amount of work is four to five sets of 15-20 repetitions. Can be done at home. Folds. What is the point of this exercise? We lie down on a gymnastic mat, legs and torso lie completely on it. Then from this position you need to raise your legs bent at the knees and your torso up, while it is important to connect your palms behind your legs, making a kind of clap. Next, lie down on the gymnastics mat again and repeat everything from the beginning. It is important to work synchronously with your torso and legs. The optimal amount of work is four to five sets of 15-20 repetitions. Can be done at home. Roman chair raises. The Roman chair is a special exercise machine that looks like an inclined bench with special fastenings on top. You secure your legs to these fastenings, lie with your back on the back of the Roman chair and from this lower position begin lifting your torso to an angle of at least 90 degrees with the hip joint. Your hands can be placed behind your head or held in front of you. We fix ourselves in this position, then lower ourselves down again and repeat the procedure. It is important not to hunch your back too much while doing this and make sure that you do not help yourself with your legs. The optimal amount of work is four to five sets of 15-20 repetitions. If you have special equipment, you can do it at home. Vacuum. Purely static exercise. Its essence is that we keep the stomach pulled in for some time, maintaining tension in all muscles. This hold can last from 10 to 40-60 minutes. Some athletes vacuum throughout the day. The idol of all bodybuilders, Arnold Schwarzenegger, especially loved this exercise. Can be done at home.

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