Rules and nutritional features to pump up a girl’s butt

Main differences in butt shapes

It will be easier for any girl to highlight her strengths and hide her figure’s flaws if she correctly determines what type of buttocks are shaped. Although there are many more subtypes, there are 4 main varieties: round, triangular, square, heart-shaped:

  1. Owners of a round butt have the same width of the pelvic bones and waist, while the buttocks themselves are spherical in shape, protruding back.
  2. A triangular butt resembles the shape of the English letter “V”, widening at the top of the buttocks and tapering downward.
  3. A butt that looks like an inverted heart or the letter “A” is characterized by a more massive lower part.
  4. The buttocks, forming a square shape, look flat from behind, while the width of the pelvis and waist coincide.

The beauty of a woman's butt

The beauty of a woman's butt depends on:

  • On the degree of development of the gluteal muscles of all groups;
  • From the width of the waist and pelvis bones;
  • From the ratio of the width and length of the bones of the waist, small pelvis and hips;
  • From the condition of the subcutaneous fat layer on the waist and buttocks.

There are 4 types of shapes of female buttocks:

  1. “Inverted heart” or “A-shape buttocks.” It is characterized by a thin waist, rounded buttocks, and the absence of folds and sagging on the sides. The ratio between waist and hip circumference is 0.7. Such buttocks have a small upper part, but a very voluminous middle with developed muscle tissue. The transition from the lower back to the base of the legs is very sharp. Such a butt looks great in tight clothes, thongs, bikinis and, of course, in the absence of them. You can enlarge such a butt visually, without actually increasing the mass of muscle tissue. On the contrary, due to dietary nutrition, the waist size decreases and against its background the buttocks begin to look very attractive.
  2. “Round shape of the buttocks” - adorns women who have the same width of the waist and pelvis bones. The volume of muscles is large and makes the contours of the butt convex, but toned. Such women stand out for their magnificent appearance, which is visible under any clothing. Enlarging such a butt is not difficult, but you need to make sure that it remains firm and does not sag. You need to understand that the shape of the butt is more important than its mass and volume.
  3. “V-shape of the buttocks” - stands out for the rich muscle mass under the waist, which then begins to decrease noticeably closer to the legs. This type cannot be considered beautiful and most women dream of correcting it in order to look more feminine.
  4. “Square buttock” – characterized by equal width of the waist and pelvic bones and a flat butt. There are practically no bulges. The buttocks are more like a man's. Clothes hang on them and they look very unattractive. To look attractive, a woman needs to increase the volume of her butt below her back, otherwise she will look like a board.

Every woman dreams of beautiful buttocks, but their paths to achieving their goals are different. For some, it is enough to preserve what nature has given them, while others will have to put in a lot of effort to enlarge their buttocks.

How to eat to have perfect buttocks

The buttocks, like other parts of the human body, consist of skin, muscle and fat tissue, which must be nourished in the right way.

If you consume the appropriate products according to the developed scheme, it is quite possible to reduce the volume of fat, increase muscle mass and correct the appearance of the buttocks.

Proper nutrition for the buttocks includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but not all foods containing them are suitable. Food is taken in small portions strictly by the hour, the last time - no later than 2 hours before going to bed. During a diet, it is better to consume at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

Nutrition for buttock growth: an example of a balanced diet

Proper nutrition when training the gluteal muscles is not only a portion of a famous brand protein shake or a capsule of expensive BCAA. If you really want to get a bigger butt, you need to completely rethink your daily diet and not just rely on sports nutrition.

In addition, there is no need to place excessively high hopes on some special food products that “grow muscles faster.” You can gain significant muscle mass by eating regular and affordable food. The main thing is to maintain calorie standards and nutrient balance.

Pros and cons of the diet

If the diet is chosen correctly with the participation of a specialist, and if it is carefully followed, then this will not only help correct the shape of the buttocks, but will also contribute to the overall health of the body. However, the diet is not suitable for everyone: dietary restrictions cannot be imposed on those who suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

One of the negative consequences of the diet will be a weakened immune system. This effect occurs due to the fact that the consumption of sweet foods is limited, which leads to a deficiency of fatty acids and weakened vascular activity.

How to dress to visually enlarge your buttocks

If it is not possible to make your butt attractive, then it will look round and firm when you choose the right outfit.

Tight trousers accentuate your shape best. Even if you have a flat figure, your butt will be rounded off by a pair of tight-fitting jeans with back pockets. It is better to choose trousers with a high waist, light blue or white. There are special models of denim clothing that have special gel inserts in the right places. These butt enhancers will help solve the problem of a flat butt.

Best Products for Butt Enlargement

When deciding what to eat in order to make your figure pleasantly convex from behind, you need to understand that vegetables or cereals themselves will not perform a miracle and will not make your buttocks perfect. It is important to maintain the necessary proportions when preparing dishes, adhere to a diet, alternate foods, and also pay attention to sports exercises. Taken together, these measures will help achieve the desired result.

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Greens are an excellent source of amino acids in a butt diet. Foods such as leafy greens, cucumbers, and Brussels sprouts are eaten individually or as a salad.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes, being a fairly high-calorie product, help your butt grow. When used in the correct dose, the product even helps burn belly fat.

Protein cocktail

A protein shake is a source of easily digestible protein. If the body receives the daily protein requirement, this not only helps to build muscle mass and improve the appearance of the buttocks, but also normalizes well-being.


Eating steak will help ensure the supply of protein, including for increasing the volume of the buttocks. By eating a piece of meat, a person reduces the feeling of hunger during the day and night, increases attentiveness and concentration.

Brown rice

Cargo, as brown rice is otherwise called, is often recommended by nutritionists; it tastes slightly different from the usual white rice. This rice ensures the formation and normal functioning of muscle tissue cells, promoting weight gain. In addition, with regular use, cardiovascular activity improves, the condition of the skin and hair improves, and the nervous system is strengthened.


The exotic fruit is known to everyone who is losing weight. When dieting, avocado protects against iron deficiency anemia and digestive problems. The product is rich in plant protein and fatty acids, which when included will help give the buttocks the desired shape.


Spinach is a popular vegetable in Europe, which is also gradually gaining fans in our country. The product is used to build muscle mass, helping to gain a rounded, beautiful butt. A spinach diet helps to lose weight and cleanse the body, and also improves the condition of blood vessels and the heart, preventing diseases of the digestive system.


Nutritionists agree that the morning meal is very important both when losing weight and when modeling a figure, and oatmeal occupies a leading position in the list of healthy breakfast foods. The protein, fiber, carbohydrates and fats that make up oats are surprisingly easily absorbed by our body. At the same time, the main property of grain is that the absorption of nutrients occurs slowly, which means that the feeling of hunger will not come for a very long time.


Chicken is loved by bodybuilders because it contains complete protein of animal origin, which accelerates muscle growth, allows you to “dry out” while maintaining muscles and losing fat. This means that by eating chicken breast, you can easily fill up the required amount of buttocks. In addition, the cost of the product is more profitable than the meat of other animals as a source of protein.


Even fatty fish will help increase muscle mass and at the same time reduce body fat. This happens due to the fact that the product contains polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 group, which not only do not contribute to the gain of fat mass, but, on the contrary, activate fat metabolism. In addition, fish is rich in various beneficial micro- and macroelements and is easy to digest.


The relatively high protein content of nuts will help build muscle in the buttocks. The great advantage of the product is that it does not require any preparation: the nuts can be eaten immediately after purchase. In addition, vitamin E in the product helps stop the development of plaque in the arteries and expand the channels for delivering blood and nutrients to cells.

See also

How to stop overeating at night, advice from a psychologist and what exercises to do


Quinoa is a unique grain and one of the few plant foods that contains a complete protein with all nine essential amino acids. Protein acts as a “building material” for muscles, and it’s difficult to build a beautiful butt without consuming it enough. In addition to protein, quinoa contains large amounts of iron and plant fiber.


An egg is one of the most versatile and affordable foods for gaining muscle mass, including buttocks enlargement. This is due to the high content of high-quality, complete protein. Eggs are easy to find and easy to prepare.

Cheeses and cottage cheese

Cheeses and cottage cheese are an excellent source of protein, which is so important for buttock enlargement. Low-fat dairy products are more suitable for dietary nutrition. The high calcium content helps strengthen bones, and vitamin B in the products contributes to better absorption of the microelement.

General rules

Almost half of the muscle tissue in women is in the buttocks. Of course, their beautiful shape adorns a woman. This depends on the development of the gluteal muscles, the width of the pelvic bones, and the fat layer on the buttocks. You can correct and improve your shape through training and proper nutrition, since it is possible to control the ratio of fat and muscle mass. Strength training for an hour 3 times a week will help increase muscle mass, and proper nutrition is necessary so that muscle tissue does not decrease (are not lost).

A diet for buttock enlargement must be complete and balanced: the body must receive the required amount of proteins, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.

  • The basic rule is to include sufficient protein in your diet. Protein is a building material for muscle tissue. With its deficiency, it decreases. The best protein foods for building muscle mass are lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, milk, and fermented milk products. It is also contained in products of plant origin (hemp seed, chia, hemp flour, soy products, soy flour and milk, quinoa, legumes, tofu).
  • Cereals are sources of complex carbohydrates. Preference is given to whole or coarsely ground cereals: pearl barley, buckwheat, barley, wheat, oatmeal, brown rice. Including fruits and vegetables in your diet will also provide carbohydrates and fiber. Every day you can eat 3 servings of vegetables or fruits and herbs.
  • Healthy fats should be represented by vegetable oils rich in vitamin E, omega 3, 9, 6 fatty acids. A well-known representative of monounsaturated fatty acids is omega-9, which is found in olive oil. It should be used for dressing salads, as well as corn, flaxseed, sesame oil and walnut oil. If we take all fats as 100%, then 60% of the diet should be monounsaturated fats. Nuts and seeds are also sources of healthy fats, which also contain vegetable protein, vitamins and minerals. The best nuts for nutritional content are pistachios, almonds, pine nuts, cashews and walnuts. The amount of fat is 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 30 g of nuts or seeds.
  • Eat often and in small portions. Long breaks and feelings of hunger should not be allowed. During breaks between meals, the body can use nutrients from muscle mass. Therefore, in addition to main meals, snacks (one or two) throughout the day are required. Breakfast must include complex carbohydrates (porridge, natural whole grain muesli without sugar and flavor enhancers, bread), which provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety. For lunch, you can prepare a meat or fish (or seafood) dish. Any vegetable salads are suitable as a side dish, the fiber of which increases satiety and slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. All legumes contain soluble fiber, so the feeling of fullness after them lasts a long time. For snacks, it is most rational to use fruits, berries, nuts, dried fruits, kefir or yogurt.
  • Prepare food by boiling, stewing or baking. Heat-treated and overheated fats will not be beneficial.
  • Exclusion of semi-finished products, fast food products and those containing preservatives.
  • Drinking regimen: 1.5-2 l/day.
  • Significant limitation (exclusion) of simple carbohydrates: sweets, sugar, white pasta, rich pastries, white bread, confectionery, jam.

To enlarge your buttocks, you need to combine proper nutrition with exercises for the buttock muscles. Strong physical activity will make your buttocks beautiful. Useful in this regard are running at an average speed for half an hour every day, walking up the stairs (30 minutes daily), walking at a fast pace, and jumping rope. Three to four times a week, special strength exercises for the buttocks are needed. 1.5 hours before training, you need to eat a portion of carbohydrates (possibly with proteins), and after that, be sure to eat a protein dish. You can drink a fermented milk product before bed. Within two months you can change and improve the shape of your buttocks.

What attracts men's attention? Of course, a beautiful and toned butt. But not all women can show off their buttocks

Unfortunately, for many they do not have sufficient volume and a beautiful shape by nature. So what should we do? Is it possible to quickly enlarge the buttocks at home? Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! There are many ways to do this, which we will talk about now.

Vegetarian foods for butt enlargement

A vegetarian diet for increasing the volume of the buttocks is distinguished by the fact that all the proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for the formation of attractive roundness come from foods of plant rather than animal origin. It must be remembered that despite the absence of meat in a vegetarian’s diet, the body must receive a sufficient amount of protein to build muscle mass.

As a source of protein, you can use foods such as mushrooms, nuts, legumes, vegetables, grains, and cereals.

How to eat properly when training?

The only way to monitor the correctness of nutrition and diet composition is to keep a food diary, prepare food and weigh all ingredients. Otherwise, it is completely impossible to determine how much protein, fat and carbohydrates are contained in a particular serving.

  • Increase your total caloric intake
    Do not forget to monitor caloric
    intake - it should be at least 10-20% higher than normal, otherwise the body simply will not have enough calories for recovery and the energy necessary for subsequent muscle growth.
  • Monitor your nutrient balance
    If you're looking to gain muscle rather than fat, it's important to not just increase calories, but also monitor your protein, fat, and carbohydrate percentages. Fats
    should account for 1 gram
    . for every kg of your weight, for every kg of body weight you need about 2 grams. proteins
    , the rest is
  • Eat carbohydrates before your workout
    . The ideal option is a portion of carbohydrate-rich food 2-3 hours before training. If you go to the gym early in the morning and you do not have the opportunity to have a full breakfast before training, then immediately after waking up you need to take a portion of a gainer (20 grams of protein and 15-20 grams of carbohydrates).
  • It is not necessary to use sports nutrition
    . Sports nutrition benefits only in one case - if you do not have the opportunity to eat nutritious food. Otherwise you can use regular food - it's cheaper and much tastier
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