What are the benefits of lentils for weight loss, and how to cook them correctly?

Lentils are a legume that is not very popular. But more and more people who adhere to proper nutrition are paying attention to it. After all, this cereal is very healthy, it contains the same amount of protein as meat, and it is better absorbed. It has a lot of fiber, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Therefore, lentils can be used for weight loss. With its help, you can easily get rid of excess weight, but the diet will be tasty and varied.

Is it possible or not to eat lentils when losing weight?

Legumes put a lot of stress on the digestive tract. They can cause increased gas formation and bloating. Therefore, they are not included in the diet. But lentils are the most easily digestible product among all legumes. It is nutritious and healthy. Therefore, lentils are ideal for weight loss.

Including it in your diet allows you to diversify it. Due to the fact that there are several types, different dishes are prepared from it. Moreover, they can be consumed even cold. The benefit of lentils for women when losing weight is that it provides the body with folic acid, magnesium, copper, and other microelements beneficial to health. And the main feature of this cereal is that it does not accumulate toxins, so it is the most natural, environmentally friendly food.

Lentil diet

During the lentil diet, dry and sprouted seeds of this crop are eaten. Sprouted grains contain much more vitamins and minerals than dry cereals, but first and second courses made from dry seeds are more filling. Therefore, it is recommended to add sprouts to salads as the main ingredient or an addition to raw vegetables, and to prepare porridges and soups based on boiled lentils.

With sprouted lentils

It is advisable to eat as much lentils as possible in the form of sprouts, especially since sprouted seeds contain even more useful substances compared to boiled ones. These are vitamins A, B, C, D, E and elements such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron, as well as high-quality plant proteins, antioxidants (effectively fighting free radicals).

The sprouts of this crop are characterized by a unique wealth of vitamins (since they are not destroyed by heat treatment), contain many mineral salts, trace elements, amino acids and enzymes. Moreover, sprouts dehydrate the body and help it remove toxins and waste.

How to choose lentils for sprouting

First of all, you should take whole grains, since crushed seeds do not germinate. It is also advisable to select the largest and full-weight seeds for these purposes.

How to properly sprout lentils

It is not difficult to germinate this crop; even a less experienced housewife can handle it without any problems.

Important! During pregnancy, women should take lentil sprouts with caution due to the possibility of developing diseases such as listeriosis.

How to get lentil sprouts:

  1. Lentil grains are placed in a plate and filled with water overnight. The amount of water should be at least twice the volume of the seeds. The grains should be well saturated with water overnight and increase significantly in volume.
  2. After soaking for 12 hours, the cereal is washed with running water; during washing, impurities are removed.
  3. The washed grains are laid out in one layer on a damp cloth or napkin placed on a flat wide plate. It is advisable to cover the germinated seeds with polyethylene to avoid rapid evaporation of moisture.
  4. The plate with beans is placed in a bright and warm place; As the moisture in the plate evaporates, water is added in small portions.
  5. After 3–5 days of cultivation, the lentil sprouts become long and suitable for consumption.

How to eat sprouts

They can be eaten raw, added to vinaigrette and other vegetable salads, for example, in combination with fresh tomatoes and lettuce. It must be remembered that the longer the germination time, the more fibrous the grains become. If someone doesn’t like the taste of raw sprouts, the sprouts can be steamed - steaming will help not to lose the nutritional value of the sprouts.

Video: recipe with sprouted lentils

Complete Lentil Diet

This diet implies that the basic diet will be based on lentil grains. Naturally, these legumes will be supplemented with other dietary products that will replenish the body of a losing weight person with the missing minerals and vitamins not found in lentils.

The weekly lentil diet chart is provided as an example only. A more precise menu should be developed by a professional nutritionist specifically for each person, taking into account the state of the body, benefits and specific needs.

  • breakfast : skim milk and whole boiled lentil grains;
  • lunch : durum pasta and lentil soup, raw or steamed vegetables;
  • dinner : grilled chicken breast with seasonal vegetables, 30 g of bran bread.
  • breakfast : boiled whole lentils with low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch : rice and lentil soup with raw or boiled vegetables;
  • dinner : baked fish with grilled vegetables.
  • breakfast : 3 bran bread crackers with sugar-free jam, coffee or tea;
  • lunch : lentil soup, rice and vegetable salad;
  • dinner : vegetable soup from spelled and legumes, whole wheat bread.
  • breakfast : boiled lentils with low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch : durum pasta with tomatoes, salad of lean meat and grilled vegetables
  • dinner : lentil stew with baked vegetables and 30 g of bran bread.
  • breakfast : 3 bran bread crackers with sugar-free jam, coffee or tea;
  • lunch : lentil risotto and seasonal vegetable salad
  • dinner : salad with arugula and Parmesan cheese, 30 g of bran bread.
  • breakfast : skim milk with whole boiled lentil grains;
  • lunch : sea fish soup with lentils, grilled vegetables, bran bread;
  • dinner : vegetable soup, lentil pate and salad, bran bread.
  • breakfast : low-fat yogurt and whole boiled lentil grains;
  • lunch : boiled durum pasta and lentils, raw vegetables;
  • dinner : lentil soup and omelette with two eggs, bran bread.

Partial Lentil Diet

This diet requires a person losing weight to only have one meal of lentil grains per day. You can choose from breakfast, lunch or dinner. But since people are usually at work during the day, and preparing such a lunch can be difficult, these days it is recommended to eat a lentil dinner or a lentil breakfast.

Eating lentil dishes normalizes blood sugar, so it should be included in the diet of diabetics.

Taking lentils in the morning

For breakfast, you can make lentil soup or porridge. To prepare these dishes, the brown (red) variety of this legume is usually chosen. When cooking the soup, add a little shallot and half a carrot and parsley root to the legumes. The soup will be ready no later than 20 minutes from the moment it boils.

To prepare porridge, take double the volume of water in relation to the volume of crushed grains, for example, for a glass of lentil seeds - two glasses of water. The duration of cooking porridge also does not exceed 20–25 minutes. Neither soup nor porridge should be salted under any circumstances.

Find out how lentils differ from peas.

For dinner

In the evening you can prepare a hearty lentil stew. There are no hard and fast rules or recommended proportions for preparing such a dish; you can use various vegetables that you have in the house. These can be: red pepper, cabbage, onions, carrots, celery and parsley root. The main condition for successful cooking is the use of thick-walled dishes or a saucepan.

All vegetables are cut into large pieces and placed in a saucepan. The vegetables are lightly stewed, after which chopped tomatoes or tomato paste, herbs and a little water are added and cooking continues. Salt is not used in dietary nutrition. The saucepan is covered with a lid, and the legumes and vegetables are simmered over low heat until the products are completely softened.

What foods can you combine lentils with?

Despite their richness in nutrients, legumes contain little or no amino acids. Such missing components include tryptophan, which is necessary for the production of the hormone of happiness or serotonin, so it is recommended to supplement legume dishes with products that have the necessary substances in abundance.

  • This:
  • pumpkin;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • oatmeal;
  • bananas;
  • wheat germ.

Consumers typically purchase legumes in the form of dry grains. During drying, minerals do not “leave” from the seeds, they can only lose some vitamins, so it is worth enriching lentils with foods that are rich in vitamins: sprinkle lentil soup generously with parsley, add grated carrots or apples to a salad or bean porridge, etc. An extra dose of vitamins in a legume dish, especially vitamin C, will also greatly improve protein absorption.

  • Herbs that will ease digestion and improve the taste of legumes:
  • mint and garlic;
  • coriander, cumin and ginger;
  • sage, thyme and oregano;
  • basil and dill.

Did you know? During the Renaissance, the standard of beauty was a full female figure with curvy hips and bust, as well as fat deposits in the abdominal area. An indispensable attribute of a beautiful body was the presence of cellulite; however, this concept appeared only towards the end of the 20th century.

The benefits and harms of lentils for weight loss

To understand why this cereal helps you lose weight, you need to consider its composition. It contains a lot of easily digestible protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is nutritious, allows you not to feel hungry for a long time, and prevents overeating.

Other benefits of lentils for weight loss:

  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and intestinal microflora;
  • helps cleanse the digestive tract of waste and toxins;
  • does not contain fat;
  • they are low-calorie - only 119 kcal per 100 g;
  • saturates the body with many essential nutrients, prevents the development of vitamin deficiency;
  • a large amount of protein and nicotinic acid stimulates the fat burning process, but muscle mass is not lost;
  • During the lentil diet, there are no attacks of hunger, fatigue or decreased mood.

But this product is not suitable for everyone. You need to know everything about the benefits and harms of lentils for women in losing weight before you start consuming them. It is not advisable to eat any legumes for people who are prone to flatulence or have stomach diseases. But in this case, any diets for weight loss are contraindicated. Lentils can only be harmful if consumed in excess. After all, it contains a lot of protein and fiber. They create a burden on the digestive system and kidneys. In addition, if used incorrectly, it can cause the formation of kidney or gallstones.

Lentils - a dietary product

100 g of boiled lentils consumed by a person gives the body about 116 kcal. However, despite this calorie content, the product promotes weight loss. As a result of the studies, it became obvious that in people following both high-calorie and low-calorie diets, adding pods to the daily menu caused significant weight loss compared to control groups.

Interestingly, according to the test participants, even a diet with a normal amount of daily calories, enriched with lentil grains, led to weight loss. This is explained by the fact that the product contains a high content of soluble fiber, which delays gastric emptying and promotes a long-term feeling of fullness.

The high protein content, in turn, stimulates the secretion of cholecystokinin and GLP1 (glucagon-like peptide), compounds that stimulate the feeling of fullness. WHO recommends eating lentils as a means to reduce the risk of overweight and obesity. The product can also be recommended to people suffering from diabetes, since due to its fiber content, the culture has a low glycemic index.

Did you know? Lentils were one of the first plants domesticated by humans, along with wheat, barley and peas.

Composition and calorie content

The biological value of a protein depends on its amino acid composition. It is necessary that it contains all essential amino acids in appropriate quantities. In plant foods there is always a deficiency (there is none or not enough), which means that the protein cannot be fully used by the body. Lentils have a high percentage of protein and a relatively good amino acid composition. Lentils are characterized by high nutritional value.

100 g of lentils contains:

  • 12–14 g of prebiotics;
  • 48 mg calcium;
  • 7–9 mg iron;
  • 700 mg potassium;
  • 50 mcg selenium.

In addition, lentils are also a good source of vitamin A, thiamine, folate, vitamin K and vitamin E. Due to their high potassium and folate content, lentil consumption has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. Folic acid is necessary to reduce the concentration of homocysteine, a compound that increases the risk of atherosclerosis. Potassium is also very important for heart health.

Thanks to the prebiotics found in the seeds, the product has a beneficial effect on bacteria in the intestines. Compared to other legume seeds, such as beans or beans, this crop contains small amounts of phytic acid. This acid, forming salts with some elements in the digestive tract, disrupts their absorption.

Did you know? Lentil porridge is one of the most ancient dishes; it began to be prepared back in
the Stone Age. Presumably, this was the main food of the builders of the Egyptian pyramids.
Therefore, the less phytates in the product, the better the absorption of nutrients. Considering that the average daily requirement of an adult for this element is about 14 mg (men need 10 mg, women - 18 mg), lentils can satisfy a significant part of it.

There are several varieties of this plant: brown, green, yellow, etc. All varieties have very similar properties, but brown lentils are more demanding to prepare. It is great for making soups, pies and bread.

Six types of lentils:

Green lentils have a very delicate taste. It is easy to prepare and can be used as a filling for dumplings or croquettes. Lentils should be combined with grains or meat products to increase the nutritional value of the protein.

Benefits and harms for women

The positive effect of lentils will be noticeable to anyone who decides to include this product in their diet. Eating lentils promotes a healthy lifestyle and shedding extra pounds. It is enough to consume the seeds of this crop in an amount of about 50 g (weight before soaking) two to three times a week to notice the first positive effects.

Even without special diets, you can lose weight, improve your figure and well-being. Your blood condition will also improve. The most important thing is that a diet rich in legumes will significantly prolong a person’s life and improve its quality. There will be no heart problems or bad cholesterol, and you won’t have to worry about diabetes or anemia, which can easily occur in modern lifestyles.

Another positive aspect is the availability of the product, as well as its extremely low price, making it easy to replace other carbohydrates in the diet. Even a small package of legumes will be enough for 5-7 meals, and the product can be stored for a long time in the form of dry seeds.

Lentils are also much easier to cook than beans or chickpeas: they don't require long soakings or multiple changes of water; most recipes simply involve tossing the lentils in water and bringing to a boil. Lentil seeds are a great addition as a thickener for soups, and a good substitute for potatoes or rice. There are many recipes for making salads, snacks and even pates from lentil seeds.

  • Lentil diet is not recommended:
  • pregnant and lactating women, since such food for the mother will not provide the fetus with enough nutrients necessary for healthy development;
  • children and adolescents (for the same reason);
  • women during menopause, because during this period it is very important to consume the required amount of dairy products, fruits and vegetables;
  • people suffering from liver or kidney diseases, since in these cases you need to be especially careful about the amount of protein consumed daily;
  • patients suffering from low blood pressure due to lack of salt and sugar in the diet;
  • people with an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia.

Important! It is worth remembering that due to the high fiber content, lentils can cause flatulence and bloating. Dealing with this unpleasant aspect is quite simple - just add cumin, thyme or ginger to the prepared dish to reduce the formation of gases in the intestines or completely eliminate them.

When is the best time to eat lentils when losing weight?

You should find out what time is best to consume this product. When eaten in the morning, lentils will provide the body with energy and allow you to skip breakfast for a long time. You can eat porridge, toast with lentil puree or salad. But this product is easily digestible, so you can even eat it for dinner, the main thing is not to overeat.

Benefits of lentils for women's health

The properties of lentils are very beneficial for the female body due to its physiological characteristics.

Since it does not contain cholesterol, and also helps reduce its level. It contains very little sugar and therefore stabilizes its level in the blood. It is not surprising that lentils are also recommended for diabetes. This is not a panacea, but it is good as additional support for the body.

Features of consumption largely depend on the type of disease, but lentils are suitable for both types of menus.

According to research, women are slightly more likely to develop diabetes than men. The higher the age, the higher the risks. Therefore, after 55 years, women should eat lentils more often.

Lentil diet

There are two ways to lose weight with this product. The first option is a gentle diet. It consists of a variety of dishes, and 1-2 meals should be replaced with lentils. You just need to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet: exclude everything fried, fatty, flour, and sweet. It is healthy to eat cottage cheese, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and whole grain bread. This diet lasts 2-3 months, weight loss is slow but stable.

A strict lentil diet should not last longer than a week. It consists only of this cereal. You need to eat 4-5 times a day, each meal is lentil dishes. They should be eaten without salt, oil, or spices. In the evening you can drink a glass of 1% kefir. During this week you can lose 3-5 kg.

Lentils in the diet of pregnant women

I have already said that the zinc in this product contributes to the normal functioning of the reproductive system. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the uterus and ovaries. This is an important element during puberty. It is needed for normal growth. That is, in theory, zinc alone already makes lentils a product recommended for consumption by those who are thinking about procreation.

But the presence of double the daily value of folic acid and almost the daily value of iron in 100 grams of lentils makes them a particularly valuable product for young women. Including those who are still planning their pregnancy.

Even before conception, lentils can help improve the functioning of the reproductive system. Although, if there are medical problems, you should not make a drug out of it in an attempt to solve them. During pregnancy, it will contribute to the normal growth of the child in the womb.

And all other microelements will work as they are supposed to and ensure the normal functioning of all the baby’s developing systems. In addition, they will help the expectant mother deal with some unpleasant symptoms that occur during pregnancy. For example, with headaches, migraines, loss of energy, etc.

However, during the first trimester it is advised to abandon it. Because for some, it can intensify the symptoms of toxicosis during this period.

Lentil recipes for weight loss

It is recommended to prepare a variety of dishes, then the diet will be easier to maintain. There are many recipes with lentils for weight loss. This product goes well with vegetables, herbs, and white meat. Preparing such dishes does not take much time. Even after heat treatment, the benefits of this product do not decrease. But you need to know how to cook lentils for weight loss correctly. There are several rules:

  • choose only fresh cereals for cooking, without any unpleasant odor or dark spots;
  • Before cooking, soak in clean water for several hours;
  • Lentils are best boiled, stewed or cooked in a slow cooker.

The most popular lentil dishes for weight loss are porridge, soup, puree, and cutlets. It is stewed with vegetables, with chicken, and added to salads. You just need to choose the right variety.

Types of Lentils

There are several types of this cereal, differing in color and taste. But all of them are suitable for preparing any dishes and can be used for weight loss.

  • Red is the most popular. It has a neutral taste, which allows it to be combined with different foods; it boils quickly and is easily digestible. It is a source of energy and vitamins, improves metabolism.
  • Green is the healthiest, normalizes digestion. Therefore, such lentils are often used for weight loss. Suitable for preparing crumbly porridge and salads. It has a sharp piquant taste.
  • You can often find yellow lentils on sale. This is not a separate variety, but a variety of green. It is also useful, but it boils down quickly.
  • Brown is most suitable for making soups. It has a delicate nutty aroma. It is useful even for people with gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Black is rare. It has small, hard-to-cook grains and a strong taste.


You will need 1 cup of red lentils. It is recommended to soak it for at least a few hours. At this time, simmer 1 carrot and 1 onion a little in olive oil and water. Cut a couple of potatoes, put them and the soaked cereal in a broth made from lean chicken meat. Instead of potatoes, you can use 2 tablespoons of rice.

When the cereal becomes soft, add the fried vegetables. Add a spoonful of tomato paste and spices. Thyme and ground pepper go best with this dish. You can serve the soup with sour cream.


This is the simplest dietary dish. If you cook it without salt and oil, it improves intestinal function and lowers cholesterol levels. This porridge is consumed for breakfast to cleanse the body or during a strict diet. It is best to cook it from the red or yellow variety; it will turn out soft, and from the green variety it will be crumbly. You will need 2 cups of water per glass of cereal.

But there is an option for preparing more delicious porridge. Before the end of cooking, you need to add fried carrots and onions, grated garlic and spices. This dish can be made in a slow cooker with the “Stew” program.


The red or yellow variety can be pureed. This is not only a dietary dish, but also a good side dish for meat or fish. You need to cook porridge from soaked cereal and water 1:2. At the end of cooking, add bay leaf or fried carrots and onions. Cook covered over low heat for 20 minutes. After this, leave the porridge and drain off the remaining water. Grind in a blender, serve with chopped dill.


This dish is also called flatbreads. To prepare them you need to cook the porridge. Then it, together with the onion, is passed through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender. Add a raw egg, 2 tablespoons of flour, salt, pepper to the resulting mass, knead well. Make cutlets. They can be fried in a frying pan in olive oil. A more dietary dish will be obtained if you put the resulting flat cakes on a baking sheet and bake them for 15-20 minutes. Serve with greens.


For a dietary salad, green lentils are used, which do not boil over. It will require fried onions, bell peppers, and carrots. Mix everything, add salt, grated garlic, spices, herbs.

The second version of the salad is with pumpkin and cheese. You need to fry the pumpkin pieces in olive oil with Provençal herbs. Mix with cooked lentils, add butter, pieces of cheese.

Other lentil recipes for weight loss

With a gentle diet, the menu includes various dietary products. It is especially often combined with meat or vegetables.

  • It’s delicious stewed with chicken breast and tomato paste. It is better to use red lentils; boil them until tender. Separately, pieces of chicken breast, carrots, onions with spices are stewed in a frying pan. 5 minutes before readiness, add tomato paste and cooked cereal.
  • You can make meatballs from lentil puree. You need to add an egg, 4 tablespoons of crackers, 2 tablespoons of ground walnuts, 2 cloves of garlic, and spices to 200 g of puree. Knead into small meatballs. They need to be fried in olive oil. Serve with diet sauce or vegetables.
  • It turns out delicious if you stew lentils with vegetables. You need to fry the onion, carrots, add tomatoes, garlic, lentils and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Varieties of lentils: which one to choose for weight loss

There are several types of lentil cereals. Each of them is suitable for preparing first and second courses:

  1. Red lentils are used for cooking porridge and purees, as the product boils quickly. The neutral taste of a legume dish allows it to be combined with meat, fish, and vegetables. Dietary fiber in red cereals regulates metabolic processes. Bright beans contain substances that are a source of energy.
  2. Tender brown lentils are used to make soups. This product is suitable for consumption by elderly people and people with dysfunction of the digestive tract.
  3. Black grains of the legume product have high antioxidant activity. The peculiarity of the cereal is that it does not boil well. But black beans will decorate salads and soups whole.
  4. Green lentils are the healthiest. Unripe grains will relieve intestinal problems and force the organ to more actively process food. Salads, cereals, and soups are prepared from green cereals. Uncooked grains are suitable for preparing a side dish.

All types of herbal products will benefit people trying to lose weight. It is important to choose the cereal that suits a person’s tastes. Although green lentils are considered the healthiest, red ones are also easily absorbed by the body.

Reviews about lentils for weight loss

All nutritionists recommend including this product in your diet. And those who have tried it at least once eat it all the time. Reviews note that lentils have a pleasant, unusual taste. And its regular use helps improve digestion and lose excess weight. Women like this product because it is easy to prepare, it can be combined with any dishes, and it allows you to diversify your diet.

Using lentils correctly can make the weight loss process easier. After all, it not only improves digestion and fills you up. Dishes with it turn out delicious, which allows you to stick to your diet.

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Benefits of lentils

As you can see from what was written above, lentils contain the most potassium and phosphorus.

Potassium is extremely beneficial for soft tissues. It is of great importance for cardiovascular health. Potassium maintains optimal intracellular pressure and fluid composition of cells. It plays a big role in maintaining the acid-base balance in the body. Ensures proper muscle contraction, which has a beneficial effect on the heart.

Without phosphorus, the normal course of chemical reactions in cells would be impossible. It is present in every cell of the body. Phosphorus is present in tissues that form the skeleton, teeth, nerve cells and the brain. It is involved in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

Without phosphorus, many processes in the body would be impossible, including breathing and even thinking.

A lack of magnesium causes tooth decay and weakening of bone tissue.

Calcium is also necessary to strengthen teeth and bones and prevent osteoporosis.

Iron is beneficial for the hematopoietic system and in sufficient quantities prevents the development of anemia.

Thanks to sodium, the normal process of transmission of nerve impulses occurs. This is one of the conditions for the normal functioning of the body.

Zinc is beneficial for the body's immune system. He is responsible for its formation and normal functioning. Stabilizes metabolism, improves cell regeneration. Without it, normal functioning of the reproductive system is impossible. Zinc directly affects the development of the ovaries and uterus.

Copper, among other things, is responsible for the normal absorption of iron.

Thanks to manganese, the process of normal absorption of nutrients is possible. He is also responsible for the production of food enzymes.

Selenium is important for normal metabolism and is a strong antioxidant.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Marina, 27 years old, Odintsovo

I heard a lot of good things about the lentil diet, but I never dared to try it on myself. What was most confusing was that all legumes cause increased gas formation, and this creates considerable discomfort during the day. Then I read in more detail about the beneficial properties of these beans and the amazing results of losing weight on them, after which I finally dared to take a risk. I started with the extreme option, but lasted only 3 days, because I was tired of the constant feeling of fatigue and the desire to eat at least something other than porridge. I switched to a classic balanced diet, in which I replaced only dinner with lentils, and simply ate healthy throughout the day. The results are already starting to please me - I lost 5 kg in a month, but this is very good for me, since I always lose weight slowly.

Lyubov, 46 years old, Kazan

I recently started using lentils as an option for a fasting day. I hold this event every Saturday or Sunday. Previously, I unloaded on kefir, apples, and rice. And when I learned about the benefits of lentils for weight loss, I decided to experiment with them. I specifically choose weekend days when there is no physical or intellectual stress, so that there is no loss of strength. I have been practicing this type of unloading for a year now and have no problems with being overweight. I think eating lentil porridge is a great way to keep fit.

Valentina, 19 years old, Ivanovo

I chose a quick option for extreme weight loss using lentils before the vacation to get my figure in order. But nothing good came of it. After a day I couldn’t even look at the porridge, let alone eat it. But she forced herself to eat at least a little. On the third day, heaviness appeared in the stomach; it seemed that it was not digesting the contents at all. Severe bloating also began, so the stomach did not shrink, but, on the contrary, became larger. With great difficulty I survived the week, although for the last two days I did not drink anything except water. Of course, I lost 5 kg during this time, but they all came back very quickly, so all my suffering was in vain. I do not advise resorting to such drastic measures.


There are two ways to use lentils for weight loss:

  • as part of a healthy, balanced diet by replacing 1–2 main meals;
  • in an extreme version of the diet, the menu of which consists exclusively of lentil porridge.

In the first case, a nutritious diet is assumed, providing a person with all the necessary nutrients, so it can be followed for a long time. In the second, only water and porridge are allowed, which creates severe stress for the body, so you can stick to such a diet for no longer than 1 week.


The classic use of lentils for weight loss is based on the fact that dishes made from them are consumed for lunch and/or dinner, completely replacing a full meal. The rest of the time, you are allowed to eat foods of your choice, but if you need to lose weight, you need to stick to proper nutrition and give up high-calorie foods. Proper selection of products guarantees a smooth loss of extra pounds, and also prevents the appearance of the so-called “boomerang effect.”

For weight loss with lentils to be truly effective, it is recommended to adhere to the following menu options:

For breakfast (to choose from):

  • 1 cup of muesli, filled with the same amount of natural yogurt, 1 fruit;
  • sandwich of 1 whole grain toast with a slice of hard cheese and tomato;
  • 2 slices bran bread and 2 tbsp. l. honey

For lunch and afternoon tea (also optional):

  • 1 sour or sweet and sour fruit (except bananas, mangoes, grapes);
  • 200 ml natural yogurt with berries;
  • whole grain bar.

During the diet, you should eat lentil dishes for lunch and dinner. Recipes for their preparation are given below based on 2 doses (2 servings). The usage pattern could be like this:

  • day 1 – lentil pancakes;
  • 2 – vegetable lentil soup;
  • 3 – two-egg omelette, lentil puree soup;
  • 4 – lentil-rice porridge;
  • 5 – lentil-potato puree;
  • 6 – lentil-meat soup;
  • 7 – lentil dumplings with mushroom sauce.

The given weekly menu can be repeated as many times as necessary to achieve the desired result. As a rule, with this diet you can consistently lose 4–6 kg per month. The diet is perfect in cases where you need to slightly adjust your figure and switch to a healthy lifestyle. You can stick to this nutrition system for an unlimited time, but 1–3 months are usually enough to achieve your goals.


This option for losing weight using lentils involves completely replacing all components of the diet with lentil porridge without salt and adding oil. You can eat porridge in unlimited quantities, but besides it you are only allowed to drink water - at least 1.5–2 liters per day.

This diet can be maintained for 3 to 5 days, but not more than 1 week. As a result, you can lose 3-5 extra pounds. But it should be understood that each body is individual and the rate of weight loss depends on its initial indicators, metabolic rate and other factors.

In order for the effect of an extreme diet to last for a long time, you need to properly exit the diet. After the end of the period of losing weight on lentils, you should gradually introduce meat, flour, sweets and other high-calorie foods into the menu. In addition, breakfast should always include porridge from any cereal, and dinner should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Nutritionists also recommend introducing lentil dishes into your lunch meal at least every other day, and having a fasting day on them once a week.

Beneficial properties of popular types of lentils for the female body

There are many types of lentils, but the most popular are black, brown, green and red.


This type of lentil contains a large number of essential substances. At the same time, its boiled calorie content is only 116 kcal per 100 grams, which makes it a suitable product for dietary nutrition.

Among the beneficial properties of red lentils for the female body are the following:

  • high magnesium content, which maintains the tone of the vascular walls and prevents the development of ischemia;
  • a lot of insoluble fiber, which helps get rid of constipation and other intestinal problems;
  • replenishes iron deficiency, which is important for expectant mothers and nursing women;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
  • replenishes the deficiency of vitamin B9, which is involved in the control of hemoglobin levels;
  • increases energy and vitality;
  • a complete source of protein.


Green lentils were bred in France, but they got there from the Mediterranean - the French only slightly improved this species. Growing and harvesting green lentils is not easy - farmers do this in August and “by tooth” determine the level of grain hardness.

Green lentils are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber - both are very beneficial for the body:

  • Soluble helps digest food, protects the body from changes in blood sugar levels, reduces the level of low-density lipoproteins, which prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Insoluble does not disintegrate under the influence of water, which protects the intestines from toxins and makes the digestive system work actively. Insoluble fiber also creates a favorable environment for the development of healthy intestinal microflora.

Green lentils are considered useful for increased excitability and a tendency to nervous disorders. Facilitates the progression of urolithiasis, colitis and ulcers, and prevents the development of oncology of the female genital organs. It is recommended that pregnant women include this species in their diet, as the substances it contains have a beneficial effect on the development of the unborn child.


Another name for black lentils is beluga. The reason for this was the grain size of 2-3 mm and their black color, which is why they look like black caviar. The pigment that colors lentils black has antioxidant properties, which is the best prevention of all malignant and cardiovascular diseases, as well as premature aging.

Its main feature is the environmental friendliness of the grain - it does not accumulate nitrates, radionuclides and toxins throughout its entire life cycle.

Most nutritionists recommend consuming sprouted black lentils - they are prescribed for hypo- and avitaminosis, liver and biliary tract diseases, hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases, stress and chronic fatigue. The composition of this species is similar to others, but the content of all nutrients is slightly higher.


Brown lentils have a bright, nutty flavor. Its benefit lies in the fact that it is indispensable in the treatment of tuberculosis and other pulmonary diseases, as well as in injuries to muscles and bones.

Lentils for menopause and PMS

Lentils are considered to be a “female” product, as they help cope with premenstrual syndrome. Lentils are also recommended to be consumed during menopause - this product is rich in isoflavone, which, in turn, is a plant analogue of estrogen, the main female hormone.

Lentils help women fight the following problems:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • increased fatigue;
  • nervous disorders;
  • frequent constipation.

Composition and nutritional value of lentils

Lentils rank first among all other legumes in terms of vegetable protein content - they are easily absorbed by the body and nourish it well. According to vegetarians, lentils can replace meat, because the amount of protein in them is about 60%. But there is practically no fat in this plant, which is its advantage.

There is a huge variety of different minerals and trace elements in the composition. Lentils also differ from other legumes in their calorie content - the calorie content of some varieties is about 300 kcal per 100 g.

The chemical composition of lentils includes:

  • Microelements – boron, iodine, cobalt, iron, fluorine, zinc, molybdenum.
  • Macroelements – potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium.
  • Vitamins – beta-carotene, tocopherol, folic acid, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin.

Lentils contain unique substances - isoflavones, which suppress breast cancer. And folic acid in 100 g of product contains about 90% of a person’s daily requirement. Soluble fiber, which is also included in the composition, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The energy value of lentils is:

  • proteins – 24 g (96 kcal);
  • fats – 1.5 g (14 kcal);
  • carbohydrates – 46.3 g (185 kcal).

Energy ratio (proteins/fat/carbohydrates) – 33% / 5% / 63%.

Benefits for skin and hair

Lentils have found wide application in the world of beauty - they are used for washing, improving the condition of the skin and strengthening the hair structure.

Lentil flour has a beneficial effect on hair and face. It is a valuable product with a high content of vitamins and microelements, the complex effect of which makes it possible to obtain a rejuvenating effect. Also, a lentil mask has the following effects:

  • regenerates;
  • restores;
  • protects;
  • nourishes;
  • moisturizes.

Tissue regeneration occurs due to vitamin E - it promotes tissue restoration and healing of microcracks. The rejuvenating effect is achieved with the help of vitamin B1 - it prevents the skin from aging, as it forms a special film around it. Potassium is responsible for the level of skin hydration, and calcium eliminates roughness and softens the dermis. Iron restores and saturates cells with oxygen.

Face masks based on lentil flour have an amazing effect, especially if you combine it with a dairy product, such as sour cream. This serves as a good restorative.

Lentil flour can also be used as a hair mask - regular use improves the hair structure, and in 10-15 procedures it can be completely restored. Such masks involve the use of oils, which gives the hair softness and shine.

Lentil flour diluted in water is a real salvation for women whose hair is prone to oiliness - regular application of this paste for half an hour helps remove all dirt from the scalp.


Like all legumes, lentils have a unique effect on the body, so they may be contraindicated for weight loss if you have certain health conditions, including:

  • pathologies of the genitourinary system, difficulty urinating, uric acid diathesis;
  • chronic joint diseases, in particular gout;
  • renal failure, tendency to form kidney stones;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pancreatic dysfunction;
  • biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis.

Important! To find out whether you can eat lentils for weight loss, it is not enough just to read the list of contraindications. Quite often, diseases occur in a latent form, and they can only be detected during a medical examination. Therefore, it is not recommended to start such a diet without consulting a specialist.

Excessive consumption of these beans can cause dry skin, making them an undesirable food for any skin condition. Also, elderly people should not use lentils for weight loss. This is due to the fact that it contains too many purine compounds, which are difficult for the body to tolerate in old age.

In any case, when choosing to lose weight on lentils, you must take into account that the lifestyle of each person makes its own adjustments to generally established dietary patterns. This should not be underestimated, since when a low-calorie diet is combined with increased physical activity or active sports training, a loss of energy can occur, as a result of which there is not enough energy to complete daily tasks. Or, conversely, by following a fairly nutritious diet with a sedentary lifestyle, it is impossible to achieve the desired weight loss effect. Only the balance of three components - health, lifestyle and nutrition - can provide optimal results in the pursuit of slimness.

How many calories are in boiled lentils per 100 grams?

The main value of lentils is that, along with high nutritional value, they have extremely low calorie content. 100 grams of boiled product contains only 119 calories (one hundred grams of dry cereal - 332 calories). This figure becomes even lower if you take calcined grains. It may vary slightly in one direction or another, depending on the type of heat treatment.

For comparison:

  • 100 grams of boiled beef contains 220 calories;
  • 100 grams of Russian cheese – 348 calories;
  • 100 grams of porcini mushrooms – 277 calories;
  • One chicken egg contains 153 calories.

By consuming just 100 grams of lentils, a person receives 25 grams of vegetable protein and 12-13 grams of plant fiber.

Benefits of different types of lentils

In healthy nutrition and folk medicine, several varieties of the plant are used, which have their own specific characteristics and properties:

Lentil type Short description
Red Contains the most iron compared to other varieties. In this regard, it is recommended for use in the treatment of anemia
Green Due to the increased fiber content, it is recommended for the prevention of constipation and restoration of intestinal function. Fruits of this category are characterized by good taste
Yellow It is a variety of green lentil without shell. In this state, the product loses the vast majority of its mineral components, but retains its taste.
Black Contains a significant amount of ascorbic acid, which is beneficial for the treatment and prevention of colds

Sprouted lentils

The body most fully assimilates the plant in the sprouted state. It has the following health benefits:

  • improved absorption of methionine occurs, due to which the digestive process is normalized;
  • gas formation is reduced;
  • There is a better absorption of a number of substances by the body, such as magnesium, iron, potassium.

To increase the health benefits, it is recommended to boil the product and prepare various foods based on it (soups, cereals).

Lentil diet, menu for 7 days (Meal plan)

The most gentle method of losing weight is a 7-day diet, which allows you to get rid of 7 extra pounds. In between meals, be sure to drink plenty of water or weakly brewed green tea.

Day I

  • baked apples with honey 4 pcs.;
  • a glass of green tea.
  • thick lentil soup;
  • 1 apple.
Afternoon snack
  • skimmed milk;
  • a teaspoon of honey.
  • low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of fresh berries.

Day II

  • muesli with low-fat kefir;
  • green tea.
  • boiled fish;
  • Lentil puree.
Afternoon snack
  • 1 ripe persimmon.
  • pumpkin puree with lentil flatbread;
  • curd sauce.


  • low-fat natural yogurt with the addition of apple and pear pieces;
  • green tea.
  • Lentil flatbreads (200 g).
Afternoon snack
  • medium handful of raisins.
  • bell pepper and green pea salad;
  • liquid lentil porridge.

Day IV

  • muesli with skim milk;
  • green tea.
  • boiled lentils with oven-baked vegetables.
Afternoon snack
  • a handful of almonds (10 pcs.).
  • low-fat yogurt with added fruit;
  • the vinaigrette.

Day V

  • low-fat natural yogurt with added dried fruits;
  • green tea.
  • lentil porridge.
Afternoon snack
  • mixed berry puree.
  • curd and berry mix;
  • lentil flatbreads.

Day VI

  • bread with lentil pate 2 pcs.;
  • green tea.
  • vegetable puree with lentils.
Afternoon snack
  • grated carrots with added honey.
  • lentil soup cooked in mushroom broth.


  • curd and berry puree;
  • green tea.
  • Lentil hedgehog meatballs.
Afternoon snack
  • 1 ripe persimmon.
  • Steamed fish;
  • lentil porridge puree.


There are several varieties of lentils on the shelves in Russian stores. They differ somewhat in their appearance, shape, color and properties. All types contain a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients, but each has its own cooking characteristics. Red lentils, or as they are also called, Egyptian lentils, are more suitable for weight loss. Compared to other varieties, it cooks faster and has a milder taste. You can follow the recommendations, or you can rely on your personal preferences, because... Everyone has a different taste perception.

  • Green. This variety of lentils is more suitable for salads, because... practically does not lose its shape after cooking. It takes 20-25 minutes to prepare. When boiled, the calorie content of green lentils is 120 kcal.
  • Brown. Has a mild nutty taste. More suitable for preparing first courses. It takes 20-25 minutes to cook. Calorie content – ​​110 kcal.
  • Red. Suitable for making porridges and purees, because... boils down pretty quickly. Cooking time – 15 minutes. Calorie content – ​​up to 100 kcal.
  • Yellow. A version of green lentils only without the shell. It only takes 15 minutes to cook. Calorie content – ​​105 kcal.
  • Black. The most expensive variety of lentils. Suitable for preparing vegetable and meat stews and side dishes. Cooking time: 25 minutes. Calorie content – ​​100 kcal.

Many who are planning to lose weight have a question: how much lentils should they eat so that the weight does not gain, but goes away. Indeed, if we draw an analogy with other cereals, at first glance it may seem that the presented diet can only increase weight, and not vice versa. But this is not true: simple lentils will prevent you from gaining extra pounds. But if you cook purees and soups with fatty meat broths, and eat white bread, then your weight can really go up. The lentil diet for weight loss requires following simple rules:

  • soak cinnamon and green lentils for 8 hours before cooking;
  • follow the drinking regime (green tea, plain still water), lentils love water.

Lentil soup recipe

Recipe ingredients:

  • chicken breast - 400 g;
  • lentils - 200 g;
  • potatoes - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • celery - 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper (red and yellow) - 1/2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • turmeric - 1/2 tsp;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • greens - for decoration.


  1. Rinse the lentils, cover with cold water and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Wash and peel all vegetables, thinly chop celery, onions, potatoes, carrots and bell peppers into cubes.
  3. Wash the chicken breast, pat dry with paper towels and cut into cubes.
  4. In a thick-bottomed saucepan, heat 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and fry the chicken in it. Then remove the meat from it.
  5. Fry the carrots, onions, celery, and bell peppers for a couple of minutes, adding another 1 tbsp if necessary. l. oils
  6. Place the chicken back into the pan, add salt, pepper, turmeric, add potatoes, add hot water and bring to a boil.
  7. Add the lentils, cook for 20-25 minutes, adding the bay leaf at the end.
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