Nutrition and disease. Recommendations from Professor I.P. Neumyvakina.

Tatyana Kartavtseva — Sep 18, 2021 No comments

Nutrition and disease. Recommendations from Professor I.P. Neumyvakina.

This is the name of the article to attract the attention of all of us to improve the health of the body with proper nutrition.

Every human illness has a cause. In most cases, the cause of any disease is improper food intake.

The cause of any human illness is acidification of the body , only this common cause causes any diseases that each person has their own... Methods for healing the body. I.P. Neumyvakin .

Professor of Medical Sciences I.P. Neumyvakin

Hello, dear readers of my blog.

Our health depends only on ourselves, our lifestyle, our habits and beliefs.

I am compiling a collection of folk treatment recipes based on publications and the Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin. This collection helps you quickly find the right folk recipe for treatment and apply it.

Traditional treatment recipes by diagnosis

The main cause of various diseases from improper food intake was substantiated by doctor, professor of medical sciences I.P. Neumyvakin.

Acidification of the body

Illiterate human nutrition leads to acidification of the entire body, which exposes one or another organ to disease. Acid-base balance - pH environment, this is the only indicator that we should have in our blood throughout our lives - 7.4

A person by nature should eat mainly alkaline foods (plant foods - vegetables, fruits, except sorrel) and a minimum of protein foods (meat products). With this diet, the pH environment in the human body is maintained at 7.4. Moreover, this indicator should not change throughout life. But we eat the opposite way, diseases haunt us.

Food for a person, on the one hand, can be medicine and on the other hand, it can be poison, i.e. undigested food in the stomach turns into waste and toxins.

White bread, confectionery and everything that is made from premium flour (without the outer shell of the grain - bran) are harmful food products that affect the entire body.

Neumyvakin about separate meals. Tips for losing weight from Dr. Neumyvakin


Excess body weight is a fairly serious problem that more and more people are facing. Sometimes it’s hard to bring your weight back to normal on your own. People lack sufficient motivation to stop eating junk food or engage in intense physical activity. Many in the struggle for an attractive body will try various methods that promise to improve metabolism and significantly speed up the fat burning process.

Be sure to try Dr. Neumyvakin’s diet, which will help you lose weight as quickly as possible. Fulfilling all the requirements will help your body normalize the level of acid-base balance.

Diet features

Dr. Neumyvakin’s diet is a special nutrition system that requires mandatory adherence to a number of rules. The doctor himself speaks. That this is not a diet, but a set of rules, the observance of which helps to cope with excess body weight. If you want to put it in order, you must follow these simple rules:

  • Completely stop eating dairy products, meat, eggs and sugar.
  • Carbonated drinks are prohibited.
  • It is strictly forbidden to consume red meat, which contributes to rapid weight gain.
  • You should not overeat - this puts additional strain on the body’s functioning.
  • Your diet should include as many foods as possible that are rich in fiber. This component has a positive effect on digestion.
  • It is strictly forbidden to drink food - you can drink 30 minutes before or after eating.
  • After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth.
  • If you don't want to eat, skip the meal. There is no need to force yourself.
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat after 7.
  • Try to always eat at the same time.

Taking soda for weight loss

Soda is an indispensable product in the entire weight loss system of Dr. Neumyvakin. He has developed many recipes that contain this product. The simplest way is to drink a drink with this powder - dissolve a teaspoon of soda in one glass of clean water.

Due to this, the process of fat absorption in the stomach is disrupted, which is why a person rapidly begins to lose weight.

Many doctors oppose this method, because they adhere to the following beliefs:

  • If you eat soda on the tip of a teaspoon, then no reactions will follow in the body.
  • If you eat a teaspoon of soda, the acidity level in your stomach will significantly increase. Flatulence and fermentation may also occur.
  • If you drink drinks with soda on a regular basis, carbon dioxide, water and table salt will accumulate in the stomach cavity. They begin to be rapidly absorbed by the walls of the stomach, which causes dehydration. The cardiovascular system and kidneys suffer from this, and changes affect the skin.

Recipe with soda

Soda is a universal product. Previously, it was used exclusively for baking and washing dishes. Many modern experts share the opinion of Dr. Neumyvakin that drinking a drink with this powder really allows you to get rid of extra pounds. At the moment, Dr. Neumyvakin’s diet consists of the following stages:

  • Cleansing the body - in order for soda to have the most beneficial effect on the body, it is necessary to cleanse it of harmful waste and toxins. When the organs are clean and functioning fully, the excess weight will go away.
  • The preparatory stage takes place over the course of a week. During this period, you can eat exclusively plant foods - you must completely exclude fried and spicy foods. Also, for 3 days you can drink exclusively apple juice and do cleansing enemas.
  • Direct bowel cleansing – carried out over 4 days. During this period, the person is given cleansing enemas with chamomile infusion or beetroot juice.
  • Cleansing the kidneys and liver - the duration of this stage is 2 days. On the first day you need to drink half a glass of magnesia in the morning and evening. The next day in the morning, drink a glass of rosehip decoction, and then lie down for half an hour with a heating pad under your right side. After an hour, repeat the procedure.
  • Cleansing the pancreas – the duration of this stage is a week. In the first three days you should carry out special activities, then rest for a week and again 3 days of manipulation. On the first day, mix a glass of olive oil and lemon juice in equal proportions. After this, lie on your back with a heating pad under your right side and consume 3 tablespoons of this product every 25 minutes for several hours. The next days you need to do cleansing enemas. After a week, repeat the procedure.
  • Cleansing the joints – the duration of this stage is also a week. In the first three days, you should drink half a glass of bay leaf decoction before each meal. Then take a break for a week and repeat the therapy again.
  • Cleansing of blood and blood vessels - carried out within a week. To do this, you need to prepare a ginger-honey infusion. Take 15 grams of this root powder, add water and boil for 15 minutes. Then add a spoonful of honey to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly. Drink half a glass of the prepared product before each meal.

Body Ph

A shift in the acid-base balance in one direction or another means illness.

A shift in blood pH to the alkaline side is alkalosis, and a shift in blood pH to an acidic environment is acidosis.

If you maintain a Ph environment in the body of 7.4, a person will be healthy.

Normalizing the Ph environment of the body means practically improving a person’s health, using not only nutritional skills, but also a healthy lifestyle and physical activity.

With age, the body produces 25 - 30% less digestive juices, including hydrochloric acid. The diet of an elderly person should be less than before, but drinking water is mandatory.


Ekaterina Zapashnaya is 26 years old. I didn't think baking soda had such properties. During the 10-day course I lost 4 kilograms. I did everything according to the plan, while trying to balance my diet according to the advice of Dr. Neumyvakin. I don’t particularly like sports, but I live on the 10th floor, and instead of doing squats and other exercises, I walk to and from work. Yes, the first couple of days I felt a little nauseous, most likely out of habit. But then everything went away, now I don’t feel any discomfort. I will repeat the course in a month, because... I want to lose more weight.

Ksenia Vladimirova is 37 years old. Most folk recipes are thoughtless recommendations of one or another “nutritionist” and “healer” who often do not cure, but cripple. Due to the problem of excess weight, I developed a lot of complexes. I tried many different diets, but the results were only temporary. Constant stress on this basis only worsened my situation. I read on the forum about the Neumyvakin weight loss method and, frankly, didn’t attach much importance (I thought it was another torment for the body). However, numerous reviews on various resources convinced me to try, which I did. I don’t know how to describe my admiration, but in 2 months of taking a soda solution, alternating with a soda bath, I managed to lose as much as 9 kilograms! Now I’m taking the recommended break and going back to battle! Thank you Ivan Pavlovich from all fat people like me!!!

The video shows a lecture by Professor I.P. Neumyvakin about losing weight and improving the health of the body.

Water for the body

Water for the human body is all biochemistry and energy. Without water, not a single biochemical reaction occurs in the body. One and a half liters of water are spent on these biochemical processes in the cells of the body. Pure water, not compotes, not tea, not coffee...

To compensate for fluid in the body, you need to drink one and a half to two liters of water daily, but not immediately, but gradually accustom yourself to drinking water correctly.

The main thing is what kind of water do we drink? The water should be clean, structured , alkaline and should be drunk on an empty stomach, in a warm state - it immediately passes along a small path into the duodenum. It is thanks to this alkaline water that we live.

Drink water on an empty stomach 5 to 10 minutes before meals, or one and a half to two hours after meals and at least two liters per day.

Do not have snacks between meals , but drink water. Let it be in sips, but you need to drink one and a half liters of water a day.

Enemas with soda for weight loss

The anti-obesity system developed by the professor also involves the use of soda enemas that cleanse the body. During a cycle of enemas with soda you can get rid of 3-5 kg.

  • 20 gr. dissolve baking soda in a liter of clean water (temperature within 37-40°C);
  • Do an enema and try to keep the solution in the intestines for 20-30 minutes.

Enemas should be performed 2 times on the first day (morning/evening). Then for a week, 1 time per day with an interval of every other day.

During feeding

- when we eat, it forms:

  • Glucose is sugar, it is a product that is used to supply energy to cells
  • carbon dioxide
  • water

The thing is that when we often eat foods made from finely ground flour, the body's glycemic index quickly rises, this puts a huge burden on the pancreas, which contributes to the formation of a terrible disease - group 1 diabetes, which leads to disability and insulin dependence.

Candy, sweets, confectionery, when everything melts in the mouth, this leads to terrible diseases.

There is food of a certain category, there is carbohydrate food - all coarse cereals, vegetables, fruits - complex and simple carbohydrates, proteins - protein foods, this is meat and meat products, between them there are fats, they are present in both.

The food should be coarse, in combination with living nature, the coarser the porridge - buckwheat, rolled oats, etc., the better for the body.

Boiled food, for the body to identify elements useful to it - iodine, phosphorus, germanium, etc., is almost empty.

Animal proteins are meat products that we eat; to process them in the stomach, we need very strong hydrochloric acid - gastric juice.

But we have the habit of washing down our meals with tea, compote or water and diluting the gastric juice, the concentration of which decreases. Due to the insufficient concentration of gastric juice, meat is not completely digested by the stomach, which leads to the formation of poisons that poison the body and cause illness.

Neumyvakin about nutrition in oncology. Contraindications for use

The main problem of many people, and especially those who suffer from serious illnesses, is that they are constantly looking for a panacea for all diseases and an elixir of youth. Even the method developed by a professor and doctor of medical sciences can be questioned, moreover, it has a lot of contraindications for use:

  • It is quite logical that you should not take soda if you have low acidity, and calcium bicarbonate is also the cause of ulcers and gastritis;
  • It is worth giving up sodium bicarbonate if you have frequent heartburn and high acidity; soda can normalize acidity, but it does not treat the causes of high stomach acidity
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of allergic reactions to soda solution;
  • Patients with the third stage of cancer should not use the Neumyvakin method;
  • People who have congestion in the intestines and are prone to constipation should refrain from treatment.

In addition to medical contraindications, do not forget about the quality of the main ingredient. NaHCO3 must, at a minimum, have an acceptable shelf life. You can check the quality of the mineral by mixing it with vinegar. If it does not react to acetic acid, it should not be used. Don't forget about the dangers of overdose.

Author of the video

talks about how to use soda to remove waste and toxins from the body. Several application schemes are proposed for consideration, and the author has tested each of them on himself. You will also learn when it is highly undesirable to use this treatment method.

If a person gets sick

Learn to drink water correctly. Drink water on an empty stomach 5 to 10 minutes before meals, or one and a half to two hours after meals and at least two liters per day.

The body's brain cannot live without water , for which the body takes water from the blood, from the skin, from all organs so that the brain works. In the brain, the metabolic process occurs very quickly and a lot of dirt accumulates - hence Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and headaches. And the reason is there is no water in the body.

If a person is sick, under no circumstances should you eat meat. The body does not have enough strength to process meat; meat is an acidifying product. The more meat we eat, the faster the body gets sick.

But we are accustomed to eating meat. There is a way out - if we eat meat, then we need to include 3-4 times more plant foods in our diet. We are talking about fresh meat from the market and in no case American bush legs.

Salt for the body

Salt is necessary for the body, but keep to the norm of 6 g (about a teaspoon of salt). Too much salt is harmful and should not be overused.

It is better to use sea salt, coarsely ground.

Iodized salt

Iodized salt supplements the lack of iodine in the body. Thyroid diseases in the country are 70 - 80% due to iodine deficiency in the body. Lack of iodine in the body leads to diseases such as autism, nervous system diseases, mental disorders, etc.

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