Products that form mucus in the human body cause disease. Full list

The role of mucus in the human body

Even ancient healers considered mucus one of the important elements of the body. If a normal amount is produced, then the person is healthy. If the substance is in excess or, on the contrary, there is not enough, various diseases develop.

In the human body, many cells produce viscous substances. Their goal is to protect the cells of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary system. Mucus is also produced to protect the ears and eyes.

Its main functions:

  • acts as a barrier against bacteria and viruses;
  • provides immunity;
  • protects the walls of the stomach from aggressive hydrochloric acid and other substances contained in gastric juice;
  • ensures the movement of feces through the intestines;
  • promotes nutrient absorption;
  • responsible for moisturizing and softening in the body;
  • cleanses of everything unnecessary: ​​envelops and pushes out.

The main substance of the gel-like substance is water, a small percentage is protein, antiseptics, and mineral salts.

The influence of nutrition on human health: mucus-forming and mucus-free foods

According to calculations by scientists made back in the 20th century, the lifespan of any living creature on planet Earth should be from 7 to 14 periods of time during which its body reaches maturity. In a person as an individual and as a living being, maturity manifests itself on average at 20 years old, therefore, his life can last from 140 to 280 years, and this is not the limit.

Factors influencing human life expectancy

First of all, this:

  • nutrition with live and healthy foods,
  • proper breathing with clean and fresh air,
  • relaxation or relaxation of the body, this also includes rest,
  • as well as a system of various physical exercises to strengthen various muscles of the body.
  • Also, a huge role in a person’s longevity is played by his desire for self-realization and development as an individual during his lifetime.
  • We must not forget that everything in the body is interconnected: good health ensures a healthy psyche and good mood, and vice versa - a healthy psyche, faith in oneself and God is the key to good physical health and longevity.

Many nutritionists believe that a person’s health and illness depends 99% on the food he eats. By the way: just like in animals. A person should eat specific foods, avoiding eating foods that are not typical for him. In this article, we will consider human nutrition as the basis of life and health of the physical body, and will also touch upon the question of how to cleanse the body of toxins and waste at home.

In the last century and even now, various scientists are trying to prove that a person’s physical and mental activity should be ensured at the required level by consuming a certain amount of protein food in the daily diet. In fact, this is contrary to the laws of Divine nature, since any protein products act as an energy drink only for a short period of time. And then they break down in the human body into poisons.

Many people know that any substance of animal origin becomes very poisonous as soon as it is oxidized under the influence of oxygen, this is especially noticeable at higher temperatures, for example in the human body. Scientists have tried to prove that humans belong to the class of carnivores that eat animal meat.

At the same time, even Darwin's theory of evolution claims that man belongs to the family of monkeys, which are fruit eaters. But fundamental science does not consider the divine version of the origin of man at all. This bitter, funny and contradictory science lives and teaches us to this day.

In this article, we will briefly consider another possible way of eating, which in practice gives health and strength to a person to live long and happily in harmony with nature. This is eating live or “mucusless” foods.

Mucus-forming and mucus-free foods and their effect on the body

Mucus is a hidden disease of the human body; it arises and is secreted by the body as a response to a painful condition. Every disease, no matter what it is called or what the doctor calls it, is constipation, a blockage of one or another tubular system in the human body. Therefore, any specific manifestation of the disease is simply an unnatural stagnation of mucus in a specific place.

In the human body, there are points for the accumulation of mucus - these are: the maxillary and nasal sinuses, throat, stomach, and especially the entire digestive tract, intestines. Mucus and dirt in the digestive tract is the real and present cause of constipation and intestinal sludge.

The average person who eats traditional food constantly carries with him in the intestines approximately up to five kilograms (some people more) of unresolved feces and fecal stones, which release poisons, enter the bloodstream and poison the body. Therefore, cleansing the body of waste and toxins accumulated over many years will not be easy, especially at home. Think about it!

In every sick person, the body is a system more or less clogged with mucus. Such mucus is secreted due to undigested, unnatural, unresolved food substances accumulated since childhood. These are poisons and toxins, drugs and drugs of artificial origin. When this dirt accumulates and moves, for example due to hypothermia, the human body will secrete large amounts of mucus to neutralize these substances.

The person begins to feel sick or not very healthy. And also his mood changes, he becomes irritable and dissatisfied - this is instead of enjoying the cleansing of the body and natural processes. If the amount of mucus secreted is large, but there is no threat to life, nasal and throat congestion occurs. In this case, when visiting a doctor, a diagnosis of influenza or acute respiratory infection is made.

And further, if the cleansing work of the human body continues and penetrates deeper, for example, into the lungs, then a lot of mucus is formed there, which tries to remove poisons. In this case, the circulatory system begins to work with increased friction, it produces a strong increase in temperature, and fever begins. Doctors in this case call this disease “pneumonia”. And such examples can be given in relation to any disease.

From the above, two conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Mucus is a natural aid for the human body in cleansing the body of poisons and toxins.
  2. And also the fact that these various kinds of poisons, toxins, drugs, preparations, and artificial substances can be excluded from consumption as food during a person’s lifetime. And then the body will not need to secrete mucus in such quantities.

Let's consider such a concept as a “mucusless diet” or nutrition with live foods as the most suitable “species” nutrition for humans.

Mucusless products

It is human food that is natural, living, safe, healing and nutritious for the entire body. These products include: all fruits, vegetables, berries, as well as nuts and green leafy vegetables, herbs.

Almost all root vegetables and vegetables, both raw and cooked, can also be classified as non-mucus-forming foods. They can and should also be used in the diet, following certain simple preparation rules. All other products, especially products produced in the modern food industry - without exception - are mucus and acid-forming products. This means they are harmful to humans.

Mucus-forming products

These are meat, fish, eggs, flour and dairy products, various kinds of surrogate food products, which are sold in huge quantities in stores. This also includes GMO food, “E” additives, dyes, thickeners, stabilizers, other mixtures, preservatives, condensed products. Drinks consisting of 99% components harmful to the body, as well as harmful counterfeits of everything that is called a drink - from children's juices to mineral water and soda, from beer to strong drinks.

Diet of live, non-mucus-forming foods

What does the human diet provide us with living, non-mucus-forming foods?

It has been confirmed that fruits and vegetables contain microelements that a person needs to obtain vital energy, and both in quantity and quality, they are superior to similar microelements in any other food products.

These elements or components go by different names and may be called “organized carbon” or “grape sugar.” Live foods contain all the salts and amino acids the body needs. Daily consumption of fruits, berries (except poisonous ones), as well as leafy greens, significantly improves overall well-being, since these products are the most suitable for nutrition by nature itself.

They can be used with virtually no restrictions, with the exception of individual intolerance.

It is also useful to consume raw juices from fruits and some vegetables..

For the most part, they are both medicine and simply carry a huge amount of microelements necessary for human health. The benefits of eating juices were discussed in the previous article.

Raw vegetables are absorbed by the body by about 5%, but they are also very important in the daily human diet, they contain a large amount of fiber, which works like a brush in the intestines, cleansing it of toxins and fecal stones.

Baked vegetables are absorbed better than raw ones, and practically do not cause acidification of the body, and in the form of puree soup or vegetable broth they are absorbed almost completely, only you need to eat vegetables without salt or with a minimum amount of it. In any case, during the cold season, baked vegetables are the best nutrition for most of the tissues of your body, your cells.

The best way to cook vegetables is over a fire or coals, but you can also cook them in the oven without foil or plastic bags.

To improve your health, you just need to bake vegetables in their skins: beets, carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, turnips, zucchini, sweet potatoes, eggplant. This gives a more diverse palette of beneficial microelements contained in vegetables when consumed. For example: potatoes should be eaten with baked peels, since it is the peels that contain an important element involved in the breakdown of potato starch. And many people remember with what great pleasure children eat potatoes baked over a fire, peel and all. About

Causes of mucus formation in the body

If mucus enters with food, it breaks down into glucose (like other sugars) and is absorbed. The body itself produces approximately 1.5 liters of mucus per day on mucous surfaces (nasopharynx, oral cavity, rectum), mainly due to the following reasons:

  • with frequent overeating, unbalanced diet with a predominance of mucus-forming products;
  • intestinal problems, constipation;
  • inflammation, infectious diseases;
  • harmful substances in the air that irritate the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • plant pollen that provokes allergies;
  • smoking;
  • some medications and cosmetics.

If the mucus is removed in a timely manner, then nothing bad happens. If the body does not have time to cleanse itself, then the slippery mass accumulates, thickens, turns into waste and a haven for bacteria.

The body's daily need for mucus

This amount is calculated based on carbohydrate requirements, since they are the main compounds responsible for the formation of mucus. The average consumption rate is 5-6 g of carbohydrates per kg of weight per day.

For an adult, this will be approximately 30-40 g. Therefore, when creating a menu, you should pay attention to the nutritional value and not get carried away with foods rich in sugars.

If a person has an ulcer or gastritis, his organs need additional protection, then foods that envelop and protect the gastric mucosa should be eaten in increased quantities.

On the contrary, if the body produces excess secretion, then you should not consume substances that form mucus in the intestines.

How long has this issue been studied?

It is believed that Arnold Ehret, a naturopath, nutritionist, fan of raw food and separate nutrition, as well as the author of books on nutrition that are interesting not only to specialists, but also to ordinary people who are far from this science, was the first to raise the question of the effect of mucus-forming products on the body.

However, Arnold Ehret's table, demonstrating the relationship of various products with each other and their mutually opposite components that extinguish harmful properties, is nothing more than the supplemented work of Ragnar Berg, a German biologist and chemist who was the first to study the effect of food on the condition of the mucous membranes.

Berg, in turn, built on an earlier work by Ernst Leopold Zalkovsky, published in 1870. It was this learned doctor who first spoke about the deposition of “clumps of mucus” in the intestines and the formation of excess mucus in the brain, stomach and other organs. Zalkowski's research was based solely on work done in the anatomical theater, that is, on what the doctor saw during autopsies.

Zalkovsky did a truly gigantic amount of work in terms of collecting and analyzing information, which included determining the relationship between nutrition during life and the state of organs after death. Of course, the doctor could not establish the exact diet of all the organisms he studied, but nevertheless, the patterns derived by the scientist turned out to be correct. This was confirmed by Ragnar Berg with his research at the beginning of the 20th century.

Berg, unlike his follower Ehret, did not promote any diets, but was engaged in scientific research, having worked all his life for pharmaceutical concerns. The most famous work of the German biochemist was the food additive “Basica”, produced since 1925 by the Volkmar Klopfer concern. The composition of this dietary supplement is still considered the most optimal among all food additives that compensate for the lack of calcium in the body.

In Arnold Ehret’s famous book “The Healing System of the Mucusless Diet,” from which all the tables used by nutritionists who support the “mucusless” diet are taken, Berg’s table is given, which Ehret himself writes about in detail in the preface to this section.

The original title of Ehret’s book is Arnold Ehret “MUCUSLESS DIET HEALING SYSTEM. A SCIENTIFIC METHOD OF EATING YOUR WAY TO HEALTH.” The essence of his work is that he adapted the ideas of his predecessors, and the so-called “Ehret Table” is an exact copy of the tables of Ragnar Berg, but in Ehret’s version, products that have gone out of everyday use, such as animal blood, dandelions and much more, are excluded.

Signs of excess and lack of mucus in the body

When the diet contains a small amount of carbohydrates, then little gel-like substance is produced. The stomach will be the first to suffer from its lack, which leads to gastritis and indigestion.

Due to a decrease in the protective barrier of the nasopharynx, immunity decreases, a person more often gets the flu, and easily catches a cold. Against this background, lethargy, weakness, fatigue, apathy, and depression develop.

Excess mucus begins to accumulate in the respiratory system, stomach, and maxillary sinuses. The first manifestations of “too much” are a constant runny nose, a wet cough with sputum. This is how the body removes excess viscous mass.

Over time, they are joined by bronchitis, asthma, adenoids and other ENT diseases, and pneumonia. Also, an excess of mucus will be indicated by a swollen face in the morning, constant bags under the eyes, and increased salivation.

Excess weight can also be caused by an excessive amount of secretion that is not excreted.

What foods form mucus in the human body

The most common causes of rhinitis are bacteria and viruses, but it can also be caused by an unbalanced diet, for example, mucus-forming foods. These include:

  • milk, so snot from dairy products is not that uncommon in children;
  • food rich in starch: potatoes, baked goods, noodles;
  • among cereals: rice, oatmeal, legumes;
  • pork;
  • oysters, as well as seaweed;
  • bananas, pumpkin, melon and mushrooms.

This list can be supplemented with medicinal herbs: marshmallow rhizomes, flax and plantain seeds, coltsfoot, orchis.

Ragnar Berg's table: products that form mucus in the human body table

In the tables of nutritionist Ragnar Berg, foods are divided into two groups. Some of them bind acids and promote the removal of mucus. This is the right food. The second group provokes the formation of acidic compounds and the release of secretions by the body. Such foods irritate the gastric mucosa and are best avoided or minimized in the diet.

Ragnar Berg's table

Ehret table: mucus-forming and mucusless foods

Nutritionist Arnold Ehret came to the conclusion that the most necessary substance for the human body is glucose. Meat and other animal proteins provoke excess mucus, which interferes with the normal absorption of the monosaccharide. Therefore, he compiled a scale of products based on their mucus-forming ability.

According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda is not so strict regarding food of animal origin. This science recommends not completely eliminating mucus-forming foods, but adding more spices to them, then excess secretion will not be released (Kapha will not go out of balance).

Diet for Kapha dosha (body constitution)

Consequences of lack and excess of mucus in the body

Excess mucus in the body leads to structural changes in the skin. At the same time, a person begins to suffer from diseases associated with the respiratory system, and the normal functioning of the genitourinary system is disrupted. It is important to note that an excess of mucus causes tumors and inflammation. Excessive mucus content in the body leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the functioning of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted.

From the point of view of Ayurveda, excess mucus can be determined by the following signs:

  • overweight,
  • lack of appetite,
  • frequent nausea
  • loss of taste
  • frequent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections,
  • feeling of coldness and heaviness.

However, lack of mucus also causes imbalance of the doshas. A deficiency of mucus in the body sharply reduces a person’s immunity, so there is a constant lack of strength and energy. A depressed state that persists for a long time can lead to depression, the consequences of which are difficult to predict.

One thing is obvious: a deficiency, like an excess of mucus, does not bring anything good to the human body. Ayurveda knows a huge number of ways to remove mucus from the body, but such procedures can only be performed under the supervision of a doctor, after appropriate consultation. Only an Ayurvedic specialist can determine the specific procedure and its duration based on the specific situation.

Can we help ourselves if there is no Ayurveda specialist nearby? Of course, for this we need to know which products are classified as mucus-producing and which are mucus-forming.

By adjusting our diet in accordance with this list, we can significantly help our body.

Basic principles of the mucusless diet

Arnold Ehret's mucusless diet is based on the following theses:

  1. Eat only when you really feel hungry.
  2. Eat only vegetables and fruits, and in raw form.
  3. Set aside one day a week for fasting: completely fast, drink only water.
  4. Meals should be without mixing different foods.

You should change your diet gradually or practice an approach such as a cleansing diet for a week or 10 days. Read more about nutrition without mucus-forming foods in the article at the link.

Nutritionists have compiled a rating of foods that prolong colds

Photo: TASS/Alexander Alpatki

Scientists and nutritionists have compiled a ranking of foods that should be avoided during a cold because they can prolong the illness. This was reported by the Komsomolskaya Pravda website.

1. Nuts

This is a too high-calorie product that a sick body does not need. In addition, nuts contain quite a lot of fat, so they are difficult to digest. And the top layer of many nuts can irritate and dry out the throat, so they are not recommended for upper respiratory tract diseases.

2. Raw vegetables and fruits

They are needed at the very beginning of the disease and at the end, when the body needs to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals. If the elevated temperature lasts for a long time, then intestinal function slows down. And fiber from vegetables and fruits is a difficult-to-digest substance. Therefore, it is better to steam, bake or stew vegetables to soften the fiber.

In addition, the acids from oranges, lemons and tangerines not only irritate a sore throat, but also create an acidic environment in which bacteria readily multiply.

3. Alcohol and coffee

A “drink of strong drink” will help at the very beginning of the disease, if the disease was caused by bacteria. Alcohol is useless for viral diseases. At the same time, alcohol slows down the body’s reactions, weakens the immune system, and also harms the liver, which is already loaded with the removal of toxins. Coffee dehydrates the body, which is simply unacceptable when you have a cold.

4. Dairy products

All dairy products have a mucus-forming effect. that is, they slow down the treatment of a runny nose and the removal of sputum from the lungs. However, kefir and low-fat yoghurts help intestinal function. To relieve these side effects, add some ginger or turmeric. These spices will not only remove the mucus-forming effect, but will also warm you from the inside.

5. Cookies and cocoa

Excessively high-calorie sweets, buns and chocolates reduce the activity of the immune system. Sweets can suppress the activity of white blood cells - beneficial cells that protect us from viruses and bacteria. In addition, the sweet film on the throat wall is the best environment for bacteria to multiply. The only exception is honey, it has an antibacterial effect, contains a lot of useful substances and stimulates the immune system.

6. Fried meat, jellied meat and fast food

Fatty, high in calories, hard on the stomach and intestines. A sick body does not need an abundance of meat products at all. The same goes for hamburgers, fries and other fast food. 7. Potatoes

Contains starch, which can also thicken mucus, making it difficult to treat runny nose and cough. The same, by the way, applies to all starch-containing products, including jelly.

What can you eat?

Ordinary chicken broth with vegetables was recognized as the healthiest dish for sick people. Scientists from the USA have discovered a special substance called carnosine in chicken broth, which has a powerful immunostimulating effect. This substance is not found in other products. In addition to the fact that hot liquid improves the movement of mucus in the respiratory tract and helps relieve symptoms of flu and colds, chicken broth improves the protective function of the cilia of the respiratory tract. That is, it not only relieves symptoms, but also suppresses runny nose, cough and sore throat. In addition, it is recommended to drink alkaline mineral water, herbal tea, including ginger, as well as freshly squeezed carrot juice - vitamin A from it promotes the formation of antibodies.

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