Fresh apple: recipe, benefits, calorie content

Classic apple juice recipe

Fresh apple juice can be prepared very quickly and easily.


  1. Thoroughly peel juicy apples (it is better to take different varieties), removing the skin and seeds.
  2. Transfer the fruit to the juicer.
  3. Add a couple of tablespoons of liquid honey.

That's all: the drink is ready to drink.

Apple juice without a juicer - basic principles of preparation

To make the drink truly tasty, only ripe apples without wormholes or rotting are used to prepare it. Varieties with an ideal ratio of sugar and acid are suitable. If the drink is prepared from sour varieties, sugar syrup is added to it.

The apples are washed thoroughly. Remove the core and spoiled parts. Peel off. It is very important to properly prepare the fruit, otherwise the juice may quickly ferment.

As a rule, juice is prepared using a juicer, but if you don’t have one, don’t despair, the drink can be prepared using a meat grinder, juicer, grater, masher or diffusion method.

The fruit pulp is crushed, then placed on cheesecloth, folded in several layers, and the juice is squeezed out. The apple mass can also be rubbed through a fine sieve. The juice from the apples is poured into a saucepan and boiled several times. If the drink is being prepared for the winter, it is poured hot into clean jars and sealed, or cooled and drunk immediately.

By the way, squeezed apple pulp can be used to prepare baked goods with apples.


Fresh apple juice is considered one of the most popular drinks in dietary nutrition. It is recommended for use after training to quickly quench thirst and restore the body's strength, and also does not overload it with extra calories. Because of these properties of this drink, doctors recommend drinking it after operations, as well as in case of severe exhaustion of the patient.

Fresh juice made from apples contains organic acids, sugar, easily digestible carbohydrates, dietary fiber, fats and proteins. The content of vitamins B, C, P, PP, E is quite high. The healthy juice contains a large number of minerals, including calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, fluorine, iodine, sodium, phosphorus and others. It should be noted that fresh apple juice contains low calories - 42 kcal/100 g.

A natural product made from apples is used for diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder, urolithiasis, and atherosclerosis. Pectin, present in juice with pulp, normalizes intestinal function. The high content of organic acids and sugars in the drink promotes rapid recovery after heavy physical exertion. It is important to consider that fresh apple juice can be drunk no more than 1 liter per day.

The juice increases the body's resistance to infectious and colds, helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system, lung problems, and prevents the formation of kidney stones. In addition, the drink improves digestion and stimulates intestinal function. It has a beneficial effect on the body of people who have frequent bronchitis and lung problems.

If patients have diabetes, it is recommended to drink green apple juice. For obesity, nutritionists recommend preparing a drink from a mixture of apple, tomato and lemon juice in the following ratio: 4:2:1.

Fresh apple juice helps remove toxins from the body, so it is successfully used in rejuvenation programs. Drinking the drink has an absorbent effect and promotes skin cell renewal. With regular consumption of fresh juice, the color and condition of the skin as a whole improves, and the shine of the hair increases.

Cucumber-apple juice

This is a wonderful drink that promotes weight loss and simple health maintenance. It is often included in the menu of various detox diets, which help cleanse the body, remove toxins and other substances that disrupt the normal functioning of organ systems. Thus, by drinking a glass of juice, a person maintains his body in tone and improves his well-being.

This is a good option for breakfast or a snack that will help you recharge and refresh. The recipe uses a juicer.

Composition of ingredients

To make the drink you need to use only two ingredients - apples and cucumbers. Their quantity is calculated individually and depends on the expected volume of liquid. On average, for one glass of juice you need to use about 200 g of apples and 200 g of cucumbers.

Step-by-step cooking process

In order to prepare a refreshing cucumber-apple drink, you must follow the points described below:

  1. First you need to prepare the ingredients. Wash the products thoroughly. If desired, you can peel them, but to preserve the beneficial substances in the composition, it is recommended to leave it.
  2. Cucumbers are cut into two parts. Apples are cleaned of seeds inside and wormholes. The fruits are cut into small slices.
  3. Ingredients are added to the juicer. You can do this either simultaneously or alternately. As a replacement for a juicer, they suggest a meat grinder, food processor or blender, but the result will be a mushy mass. It will need to be further strained, separating the pulp from the juice. To do this, use cloth or gauze.

The drink does not require heat treatment, but it must be drunk as soon as possible, as it quickly deteriorates. The calorie content of this product is approximately 120 kcal. The juice will help not only cleanse the body, but also saturate it, satisfying the feeling of hunger for a long time.

What can I add?

In order to make the taste of the drink more spicy and rich, it is recommended to add cinnamon to it. Just a little spice is enough - literally on the tip of a knife for one serving. Cinnamon will increase the tonic properties of the drink, help improve metabolism and improve immunity.

During the cooking process, you can mix cucumber and apple juices with pineapple. This fruit helps preserve beauty and youth, improves appearance, as it is a natural antioxidant. In addition, the beneficial effects of pineapple on metabolic processes help normalize digestion and accelerate weight loss.

This is due to the high content of bromelain, a special enzyme of plant origin that is involved in the breakdown of proteins. Eating a couple of pieces of pineapple after a hearty dinner, especially if it was mainly meat, helps the body cope with food better.

How to serve a dish

Cucumber-apple juice is usually served in a glass or goblet. Its surface can be covered with cinnamon. A slice of apple or a slice of cucumber attached to the edge of the glass works well as a decoration. Additionally, you can offer a straw.

The drink is served exclusively chilled. To do this, you can put it in the refrigerator or add a couple of ice cubes.

What can be found on the menu of fresh bars

The assortment of the fresh bar can include not only freshly squeezed juices, but also smoothies, mineral and sparkling waters, coffee, tea, light snacks and desserts such as fruit puree, muffins, cookies, ice cream and more. A smoothie is a thick drink in the form of berries and fruits mixed in a blender with the addition of ice, milk or juice. Despite the presence of food on the menu, the main emphasis is still on soft drinks and cocktails based on juices and/or milk.

Since juice bars are positioned as outlets selling healthy food and drinks, the assortment should be determined based on this concept. In a large shopping center, where several snack bars, pizzerias, confectioneries and other catering establishments will be located near you, it makes sense to expand the assortment not by introducing other dishes, but, for example, by developing new recipes for cocktails and fruit desserts. But if your juice bar is installed in an office center, in addition to drinks, you should think about making and selling various snacks. But even in this case, you should not deviate from the concept of healthy eating. For example, if you sell hamburgers, you still won’t be able to compete with “full-fledged” eateries, but you risk ruining the image of your company, which customers will no longer associate with a real juice bar.

Some entrepreneurs go even further when compiling the assortment of their bars. For example, in certain Moscow fresh bars you can buy not only juices, cocktails and desserts, but also extracts of various medicinal plants. Moreover, a 100 ml bottle with natural contents can cost the buyer 1.5 thousand rubles. Extracts and elixirs are positioned as an alternative to conventional vitamins and dietary supplements. True, it is difficult to say whether such products are in great demand.

When choosing a product range concept, some entrepreneurs proceed from the consideration that buyers of natural drinks care not only about their nutrition, but also about their health in general. That’s why, for example, Japanese juice bars even sell organic cosmetics. However, if you are planning to introduce organic cosmetics into your assortment, study the demand for it in advance and keep in mind that you will need to slightly expand your sales area and hire sales consultants with medical education.

The fresh market in our country is just developing, but its participants have already encountered the problem of positioning their products. If previously freshly squeezed juices and various cocktails based on them and with the addition of milk could only be purchased in expensive restaurants, which set a large markup on them, now the owners of juice bars are trying to break consumer stereotypes and promote their product as healthy, tasty and, most importantly, , affordable. True, they are in no hurry to reduce the markups on it, since in this case the payback period for the point will significantly increase. Therefore, experts advise finding a compromise solution: for example, leaving the markup on freshly squeezed juices and smoothies at the same level, and creating the appearance of availability and low prices by reducing the retail cost of various other drinks based on them (cocktails, fresh juices with ice and ice cream).

Application for weight loss

Until recently, it was believed that a glass of natural freshly squeezed orange juice, drunk in the morning, promotes rapid weight loss. Now modern nutritionists have begun to hold the opposite opinion.

When consuming juice along with beneficial vitamins and minerals, the body receives a large portion of simple carbohydrates, which do not satisfy hunger at all, but only increase blood sugar levels. This increases appetite and causes sudden bouts of hunger. When dieting, it is more advisable to eat a whole fruit, which can satisfy hunger for 1.5-2 hours.

Orange juice, which is considered low in calories, does not promote weight loss or rapid weight loss if consumed in large quantities.

Nectar is effective only in combination with a properly selected diet, and it is better to take it after a meal or as a small snack.

To increase the benefits, fresh orange juice can be mixed with other dietary products. It goes well with carrot, beet, apple, pomegranate and banana nectars.

Mint and celery root will give the drink a unique refreshing taste and tone well. A mixture of orange and pineapple juices burns extra calories perfectly. This drink, combined in a 1:1 ratio, quickly breaks down fat.

Recipe for beetroot and apple juice

For those who are on a diet, the best drink would be fresh beetroot and apple juice. It must be prepared immediately before use.

Use a juicer to process half a raw, peeled beetroot, a few thick stalks of celery and one cored apple. Simply stir the resulting drink and drink immediately.

Natural apple juice

This is an excellent diet option because no sugar is used in the cooking process. The minimum number of components and a simple recipe allow anyone, even those unfamiliar with cooking, to make the drink.

The juice can be stored for a long time, which allows you to keep it as reserves for the winter. This method uses a juicer to make preparation easier.

Composition of ingredients

To get fresh, home-made juice, you only need one ingredient - apples. Their number largely depends only on the desire of the person. The size of the fruit also matters. On average, about 500 ml of juice comes out of 1 kg of fruit using a juicer - approximately 2.5 glasses.

If you decide to make the drink by hand, you need to take more apples. This is due to the fact that a significant part of them is consumed during the preparation process, and 1 kg of fruit will yield little juice.

The variety of fruit is also important. For this recipe, it is recommended to choose apples with moderate acidity and a high sugar content so that the drink is sweet. But these are just the wishes of the author. In fact, both sour and sweet and sour fruits can be used to make juice - it all depends on taste preferences.

It is only important to take into account that sour fruits will produce the same juice, so it is recommended to sweeten them additionally. A drink made from such apples can also harm people with sensitive stomachs and lead to the development of serious diseases of the digestive tract. In addition, sour fruits damage tooth enamel.

Freshly squeezed apple juice, the benefits and harms of which have long been determined by nutritionists, cannot be made from all varieties. So, for example, Arkad yellow and Grushevka Moskovskaya are too loose and soft, and therefore you cannot get a large volume of drink from them. It is better to choose juicy, elastic fruits that give a lot of juice.

Step-by-step cooking process

To prepare the drink yourself, you must follow the following recipe:

  1. You need to prepare the apples. First of all, you need to thoroughly wash and peel them, removing the peel. If the fruits have rotten spots or wormholes, they should be cut out. The result should be only clean, white pulp.
  2. Next, the fruits are sent to the juicer. If you don’t have one, you can use a meat grinder and pass the apples through it. In this case, the result will not be pure juice, but a mass of fruit pulp, which must be squeezed out manually. To do this, you should use a piece of cotton fabric or several layers of gauze. Fruit pulp is spread on it, from which the juice is then squeezed.

  3. It is recommended to warm up the drink further. This is important, first of all, so that the juice is stored for a long time and can be stored for the winter. If the juice is not pasteurized, it will be stored for a maximum of 10 days. In a situation where a person does not plan to store the drink, this step can be omitted. The product must be heated to a temperature of 90°C. You can tell that the juice is warm enough by the small bubbles that appear on the surface of the liquid. However, you should not bring it to a boil. The foam is removed from the surface yourself.
  4. If you plan to roll up the drink for the winter, you need to prepare jars. They should be thoroughly washed and pasteurized.
  5. The juice is poured into jars and securely closed with a lid.

The calorie content of the drink is approximately 90 kcal per glass, which makes it suitable for dietary nutrition.

What can I add?

Various spices will help give the juice an unusual taste. Not only will they make it more spicy and interesting, but they will also help add health and figure benefits.

So, for example, an apple will complement well:

  • Cinnamon. This is a powerful remedy for strengthening the immune system and fighting colds. The spice helps improve overall tone and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, thanks to cinnamon, you can improve your mental abilities, because it has a beneficial effect on visual memory and helps you concentrate on any material.
  • Carnation. This is a natural and effective antiseptic that allows you to get rid of various bacteria inside the body, for example, staphylococcus or tubercle bacilli. In addition, cloves are a natural pain reliever.
  • Orange zest. First of all, it is useful for its high content of vitamin C, which helps fight colds and increases the immune system's resistance to viruses. In addition, the zest has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and improves appearance due to its antioxidant properties.
  • Juniper berries. Known for their anti-inflammatory effect. They are a natural antipyretic. Berries also have a positive effect on the digestion process, which is important during a diet.

Spices are especially good in the autumn-winter period. In this case, the apple juice can be heated. This drink is a good alternative to mulled wine.

How to serve a dish

Freshly squeezed apple juice, the benefits and harms of which are explained by the peculiarities of its composition, is served mainly chilled. To do this, you need to put the drink in the refrigerator in advance or add a few ice cubes directly during serving. The juice is traditionally served in a glass or glass.

You can garnish the drink with a slice of fresh or dried apple. It is attached to the edge of the glass. You can also add a straw.

Orange-apple fresh juice. Step by step recipe

  1. Before cooking, cool the fruit in the refrigerator.
  2. Peel the orange and apple and cut into slices.
  3. Place all ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth.

Fresh juice with a nuclear supply of vitamins is ready. This orange juice recipe is an excellent option for a detox program, since apple and chokeberry do an excellent job of cleansing the intestines and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire digestive tract. In addition, this drink will be an excellent replacement for morning tea for those who have decided to lose weight by summer, because orange is an excellent fat burner. “I love to cook” wishes you a bon appetit and be healthy! And be sure to try fresh watermelon for weight loss and fresh berry.


Apple pie “Tarte aux pommes” There are countless recipes for apple pies, and even those that are considered “French”, namely

Tarte aux pommes

, also almost every village has its own. But all tarts, not just apple tarts, have one common feature: a thin crispy base made of shortbread (sometimes puff) dough, and they are baked in a special low form with a wavy side. You can, of course, bake it in a regular springform pan, but then it still becomes more of a pie than a tart.

The difference between French pastries is that they are not cloying, but moderately sweet, and apple tarts are a very clear example of this. There is a minimum of sugar here, so the cake bakes perfectly, browns, but does not burn. And for apples, the French came up with an absolutely brilliant move: they are not sprinkled with sugar before baking, and they bake, acquiring a beautiful “tan” without burns, but then the top of the finished tart is smeared with jam, most often apricot.

To do this, it is heated until it becomes liquid, and a thin layer is applied with a brush to the apples, like varnish or glaze. The top of the tart becomes shiny, the jam softens the acidity of the apples, and the whole product takes on a finished and elegant look - “like in a confectionery shop.”

Tartes aux pommes are also good because they can be baked quickly, with virtually no preparation, they are relatively low-fat, very apple-y, and they can be flavored to suit your taste and mood with vanilla, lemon or orange zest, cinnamon... And one more great advantage: they cool quickly and can even be eaten warm and served with chantilly (whipped cream) or vanilla ice cream!



How to select and store

Industrially produced orange juices are much inferior to natural drinks obtained at home, since they do not contain as many vitamins and nutrients.

Depending on the original product, proportions, production process and various additives, the composition of a drink purchased in a store may contain different percentages of natural juice.

It is best to purchase nectar, as it contains 20-50% natural juice, and fruit juice about 15-20%.

The orange juice drink is only 10% natural, and the powder concentrate is completely an artificial mixture.

When purchasing, you should always pay attention to the shelf life of the product indicated on the packaging. The longer the period of use, the less natural the drink. Opened packaging should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

It is advisable to consume freshly squeezed orange juice orally within the first 2-3 hours after squeezing. When interacting with air, it gradually begins to lose its beneficial qualities, so ideally it should be drunk immediately after preparation. If, however, the product is made for future use, then it should be stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator.

A small pinch of citric acid or a few drops of lemon, which are added to the finished juice, will help protect the drink from souring.

Orange-apple fresh juice

We recommend preparing an incredibly tasty and very healthy drink from oranges, apples and chokeberries. Orange-apple juice has many beneficial properties. To prepare it we will need the following components:

  • 100 ml water;
  • apple;
  • orange;
  • 10 chokeberries.

Before you start cooking, keep all ingredients in the refrigerator. Peel the apple and orange and cut into slices. Place all ingredients for fresh apple juice in a blender and blend until smooth. The resulting drink has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire digestive tract.

Apple-melon fresh

A rather interesting combination in taste can be obtained by combining components such as apple and melon, the taste of which perfectly complement each other. If you do not need a large amount of juice, you can do without a high-capacity apple juicer and use a blender or small device. To prepare a delicious refreshing fresh juice we will need:

  • cane sugar;
  • a couple of large apples;
  • 300 g melon.

We peel the apples from the core, remove the melon from seeds and skin, and prepare juice from the fruit. Lastly, add a little cane sugar to it.

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