Fresh pineapple apple recipe. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

a brief description of

Pineapple juice can be drunk both before and after meals. If you drink the drink on an empty stomach, it will have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa (but only in healthy people). If you drink natural fruit juice after a meal, you will not feel a feeling of heaviness in your stomach.


High-quality pineapple juice tastes very soft and quite sweet, but with hints of sourness.


Pineapple juice has a delicate, pleasant aroma without any foreign odors.

Daily consumption rate

It is advisable to drink the fruit drink fresh. The daily intake of pineapple juice does not exceed 1 liter. At the same time, you need to drink this volume gradually, and not all at once.

Interesting information about the fruit

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is amazing in both form and content.
His homeland is Brazil. Thanks to Christopher Columbus, the whole world learned about this fruit. Today it is grown all over the world. The main exporter is Hawaii. By the way, this fruit is the main one on the New Year's table in China. At its core, pineapple is a herbal plant; it is grown in fields. And not on palm trees, as many people think! The plant can reach 1 meter in height. In total there are more than 80 varieties of it.

Details below.

How to choose?

Fruit juices are drinks that are made either from fruits (called directly pressed juices) or from concentrate (the container must indicate that the juice is reconstituted). Manufacturers of such products often use concentrates because they are easier to transport and store. In any case, the method of preparing the drink must be indicated on the label.

Granulated sugar should not be added to high-quality juice. As for ascorbic acid, it is even allowed by GOST. This is due to the fact that the acid additionally saturates the product with vitamin C and also acts as a preservative.

To choose the right pineapple juice, you must first pay attention to the amount of carbohydrates indicated on the package. This information makes it clear how many fruit components are contained in the drink. © The more carbohydrates, the tastier the natural juice (without additives). If granulated sugar is present, this can increase the amount of carbohydrates in the drink.

Pineapple juice can be sold in a plastic container or in packaged form. However, glass packaging is considered the most environmentally friendly, but juice in such a bottle will cost much more than in plastic or bags.

After purchasing pineapple juice, the drink should be poured into a glass glass. If there is sediment and slight delamination at the bottom, then there is no need to worry. This is as it should be, since pineapple juices come with pulp.

The liquid should be light yellow in color. According to GOST, slight darkening is allowed. However, there should be no brown spots in the drink.

If the pineapple juice tastes a little bitter, it means that low-quality fruit (for example, unripe) was used to produce it. It is better to refuse such a product.

How to do it yourself?

To make your own pineapple juice at home, you only need two ingredients - ripe pineapple and granulated sugar.

To get natural juice, you need:

  1. Completely peel the fruit using a sharp knife.
  2. Cut the pulp into pieces 1 centimeter thick. The core of the fruit must be removed as it will not be useful.
  3. Place the pieces of fruit in a blender and add about a couple of teaspoons of granulated sugar (the amount of sugar may vary, as it depends on taste preferences).
  4. Grind the contents of the bowl for 3 minutes. After this, the juice is ready for consumption.

Pineapple juice can be served with ice cubes. However, if the drink is intended for a child, then it is better not to use ice.

The liquid must be consumed immediately after preparation, since bacteria begin to multiply very quickly in such a drink. You can also store the juice in the refrigerator for about a couple of days.

If desired, pineapple juice can be supplemented with other berries or fruits.

How to store?

Pineapple juice should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator compartment. It is better to pour the drink into a clean, sterilized glass container with an airtight lid. The product has a shelf life of three days.

Store-bought juice in a closed plastic container is stored for about 9 months, and packaged juice – 12 months. If the drink has already been opened, it must be drunk within two days.

Use in cooking

In cooking, pineapple juice is used to make smoothies, fresh juices, cocktails, jelly and jellies.

The drink goes well with fruits such as passion fruit, papaya, kiwi, banana, pear and apple. You can also mix pineapple juice with vegetables. The result is a wonderful and healthy fresh fruit and vegetable dish. Often, a pineapple drink is supplemented with carrot juice.

To quench thirst, the described product is mixed with orange juice and ice cubes. This cocktail will not only quench your thirst, but also refresh you on a hot summer day.

Benefits and harms

Pineapple juice (freshly squeezed) is very good for health, because its chemical composition includes vitamins, potassium and phosphorus. The drink helps fight obesity.

The product also contains a special substance - bromelain, which is a complex of enzymes with high biological activity.

The beneficial properties of pineapple juice are due to the fact that it:

  • relieves spasms;
  • normalizes digestive activity;
  • supports the body during the off-season;
  • normalizes intestinal function;
  • relaxes muscles;
  • burns fat.

The product described is a low-calorie food and is therefore included in the diet menu.

In addition, to improve memory, doctors recommend drinking pineapple juice twice a week. Regular consumption of the drink helps get rid of blood clots and swelling.

The juice will also be useful for those diagnosed with atherosclerosis, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. Patients who have recently suffered a stroke should drink pineapple juice.

The drink contains vitamin C, so it is recommended to drink fruit juice during a cold to increase immune protection.

In addition, pineapple juice should be drunk for sore throat, kidney disease, and also to remove toxins from the body.

However, pineapple juice can be harmful to the human body. The drink is contraindicated to drink if:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • in the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

It is also not recommended to give pineapple juice to children under three years of age. Children after one year are only allowed a mixture of pineapple and some other juice in a small volume.

For women

For the female body, pineapple juice is valuable because it contains bromelain and serotonin, which are useful for losing weight.

Drinking this drink helps get rid of urinary tract infections that can occur in women.

Pineapple juice also prevents the risk of developing cancer.

For men

Pineapple juice will be useful for those men who engage in heavy physical labor. Freshly squeezed juice contains many minerals and vitamins that help restore strength.

Pineapple drink is good for male potency. Firstly, the folic acid contained in the drink increases the production of estradiol, a hormone that normalizes spermatogenesis. Secondly, the juice contains special substances that help sperm survive in the female body.

Spices for men

Various herbs are important for health. In addition to enhancing immunity, they also have tonic properties, which are especially beneficial for men's health. Since ancient times, healing spicy mixtures have been added to food and it has been noticed that there are spices and herbs that have a positive effect on male activity. Eating herbs improves mood and helps fight stress. Many factors are important for health, for example, healthy sleep, healthy food, but no matter how strange it may seem, spices can also play an important role in the quality of health. Here are the main spices that will increase men's immunity and add strength and energy.


Its properties are known as a powerful aphrodisiac.
The pleasant taste of cinnamon
perfectly diversifies many salads, drinks and desserts.
Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, dilutes blood clots, and activates metabolism. It is also rich in minerals. Cinnamon helps the brain activate processes, normalize neural signals, get rid of excess salt in the body, and is useful for diabetics because it reduces insulin sensitivity. Participates in the activation of gastric secretion, which leads to a rush of blood to the genitals, and therefore improves the quality of men's health. Coriander
In dried form, using
in large quantities, you can achieve euphoria. Dried cilantro is added to dishes to diversify the usual taste of the dish and improve your mood.


This spice has a sweetish spicy aroma and a slightly pungent taste. The spice is added to a variety of dishes - from soups to cold appetizers. Cardamom

increases activity and performance.


This spice harmonizes perfectly with meat dishes, and it also promotes strong attraction between partners, as it is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs. Add marjoram

in sauces, soups and meat.


Traditional cuisine is not complete without dill. Dill is especially good for men

as the best source of minerals, vitamins C and K, potassium and iron. Increases potency, appetite, gastric secretion, improves the functioning of the heart and metabolic mechanisms in the body due to the high content of essential oils.

CuminCumin is the healthiest spice, indispensable for all athletes and just men who respect physical training. Cumin seeds help the body stay in shape by activating metabolic processes, which increases the body's ability to better absorb the necessary substances. Cumin is generous with iron, which is positive for blood hemoglobin

The blood is better saturated with oxygen, which is extremely important during training


The king of spices - they talk about saffron

. This herb contains many mineral components, natural ascorbic acid, a wide range of vitamins (A and B), flavonoid inclusions and safranal, which have antioxidant properties that fight cancer and give youth to the body.


A spice suitable for both sweet and savory dishes.
about ginger
that it cures almost all diseases. If you regularly use it in dishes or tea as a seasoning, you will soon notice an increase in vigor and activity. Ginger thins the blood flow, enhances the body's protective functions against diseases and viruses, participates in metabolic processes, helps the body get rid of toxins and wastes more quickly, relieves fatigue, lethargy, irritability, and acts as a potent aphrodisiac.


This modest spice contains many biologically active substances in its composition. To the most useful components of barberry

include: mineral salts, tanning components, alkaloids, beneficial acids, vitamin complex (vitamins K, E, C). Barberry is useful for maintaining the health of the liver and gallbladder and removes toxins from these organs. Barberry is recommended for diabetics and people prone to tumors and formations in the body.

Garlic Garlic

is the most traditional antibiotic in nature. When consumed daily, it is able to protect the body from many pathogens and viruses. In addition, it has an analgesic effect and fights toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. Eating garlic will significantly increase a man’s immunity and give him strength for love achievements.

When shopping for spices, keep these tips in mind. Men's health depends on healing beneficial plants that can be added to the daily diet and make food appetizing and as healthy as possible.

Pineapple juice for weight loss

Pineapple juice is useful for weight loss, since the drink contains both vitamins with enzymes and microelements necessary for the body.

The benefits of pineapple juice for losing weight are due to the fact that it:

  • low calorie;
  • breaks down proteins;
  • burns fat;
  • stimulates the digestive process;
  • well absorbed by the body.

You can do a fasting day twice a week using pineapple juice (a liter is required) and the fruit itself (a couple of kilograms). This amount of food should be divided into 5 servings. In this case, the consumption of other foods and liquids, with the exception of clean water, is not allowed. However, it is not advisable to drink fruit with it.

Thanks to this fasting diet, you can lose up to two kilograms.

After each meal, be sure to rinse your mouth with water.

Who should not eat this fruit?

However, pineapple is not only completely beneficial; there are people for whom even the ripest and sweetest fruit can cause harm.

  • Firstly, this fruit is not recommended for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, gastritis, and high acidity. After all, the juice of the fruit can greatly irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • Secondly, due to the abundance of acids, fruits should not be carried away by people with obvious problematic tooth enamel. But if you really really want to enjoy a slice, do it, but immediately rinse your mouth with warm water. You cannot brush your teeth - this will further damage the enamel exposed to acids.
  • Thirdly, this fruit has contraindications for allergy sufferers, since pineapple is an active allergen.
  • Fourthly, unripe pineapple can harm pregnant women, because it can provoke uterine contractions.
  • It is also better not to give this fruit to children under 6 years of age.
  • There is also an opinion that pineapple juice neutralizes the effect of hormonal contraceptives. Therefore, be careful with it if you use them.

Application in cosmetology

Pineapple juice is used in cosmetology to prepare face masks. Fruit juice is very good for the skin. However, the drink contains acids, so the cosmetic product should not be left on the face for more than 15 minutes.

If your skin is irritated or very sensitive, it is better not to use masks based on pineapple juice. Also, drops of juice should not get into your eyes. If this happens, eyes should be rinsed thoroughly with water.

Facial compositions, where the main ingredient is pineapple juice, help restore the elasticity of the skin, and also give the skin freshness and smoothness:

  1. Oatmeal flour (a tablespoon) must be stirred in pineapple juice (a couple of teaspoons), and crushed pineapple pulp (2 teaspoons) must be combined with warm honey (a teaspoon). After this, the two ready-made mixtures need to be combined. Apply the mask to your face and neck area. Cover your eyes with cotton pads soaked in warm green tea. After 10 minutes, the product must be washed off. Under the influence of the mask, your face will sting a little, but there is no need to worry: this is exactly how the acids of the juice work. At this time, the skin is cleansed and smoothed, and the cells are cleansed of toxins.
  2. The recipe for the mask is exactly the same as in the first version. However, warm coconut milk is used instead of oat flour. Mix all the ingredients together and apply to the face (the mask should be warm). Within 10 minutes the composition will thicken. After this, the product must be washed off first with warm milk and then with cool water.

To achieve the desired effect, procedures are performed 10 times within a month.

Interesting recipes

Pineapple can be used at home as a strong remedy for calluses and corns. It's simple: you just need to apply a piece to the affected area overnight. In the morning, steam your skin and then carefully remove excess skin.

Pineapple mask for dry skin: beat the fruit pulp and milk in a blender in equal doses. Heat the mixture, apply 10 t on your face, then rinse. This mask perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, giving it tone. It should be done 2 times a week.

There are different types of pineapple salads, here I will share with you a very unusual recipe. Mix 300 grams of chopped red fish, canned pineapple cubes, and a chopped small head of Chinese cabbage. Season with a mixture of 3 spoons of sour cream, a spoon of lemon juice, salt and pepper, a spoon of olive oil, a spoon of tea mustard. Stir and sprinkle pomegranate seeds on top.

The benefits of pineapple are obvious and it is not for nothing that it is called food for the stomach. For a healthy person, this fruit has no contraindications. For the rest, great attention should be paid only to the first four points of restrictions on its use.

Fans of pineapple juice cite several interesting facts about this type of drink:

  1. Just 1 glass of juice helps to significantly activate digestive activity and increase the enzymatic activity of gastric juice.
  2. If you add pineapple juice to dessert and eat the dish after the main meal, the drink will help you quickly digest the food you eat and relieve the heaviness in your stomach.
  3. A glass of freshly squeezed juice helps against motion sickness during long trips.
  4. Juice from unripe fruits should not be used for drinking. The drink burns your lips and also has a laxative effect.
  5. Pineapple juice is the main ingredient in the popular alcoholic cocktail Pina Colada.

Pineapple juice is not only very tasty, but also an extremely healthy drink for women and men. In addition, based on this product, other drinks and cocktails are prepared that are distinguished by their excellent taste. However, you should not get too carried away with fruit juice, so as not to worsen your health, especially if there are contraindications for use.

Below you can watch a video about the benefits of pineapple juice.

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