How to cook PP pancakes: 15 dietary and low-calorie recipes

Many people mistakenly believe that diet and flour dishes are two incompatible things. They refuse pastries, bread and adhere to a strict diet. But such sacrifices are not at all necessary!

Every day, those losing weight experiment with new and new recipes so that they can enjoy low-calorie dishes. Take oatmeal pancake as an example, the recipe for which very quickly gained popularity among people leading a healthy lifestyle. This is a universal dish on pp, which is quickly prepared, contains a minimum of calories and maximum benefits!

Today we invite you to try baking real PP pancakes according to a dietary recipe, which you can safely include in your diet if you are on a diet.

PP pancakes made from corn flour

Corn flour is rarely used in baking, and even undeservedly! Unlike wheat flour, this flour contains much more fiber, which contributes to the weight loss process. It is fiber that improves intestinal motility and helps remove toxins. This is why corn dishes are often included in the diet when losing weight. Another important factor is the diuretic effect. Corn helps remove excess fluid from the body, which is important for proper nutrition.

Pancakes made with corn flour will fit perfectly into your diet and will be an excellent breakfast!

To prepare you need:

  • 75 grams of corn flour. 100 grams of such flour contains 330 calories, which is the same as wheat flour, but there are more benefits!
  • 200 grams of milk. We will use low-fat milk, this will reduce the calorie content of the finished dish.
  • 1 egg
  • Sweetener according to your taste. You can add any sweetener, but do not forget to give preference to natural ones!
  • A pinch of salt

Simply combine all ingredients and stir thoroughly. Be careful as cornmeal tends to settle, which is why you will need to stir the dough constantly as it bakes.

PP pancakes made from rice flour

Have you heard about rice flour many times, but have you never used it? Completely in vain! Besides the fact that this flour is gluten-free, it also has a ton of other benefits! First, rice flour can be made from either white or brown rice. You can choose the type of rice flour that suits you best. Remember that brown rice flour contains much more fiber and is suitable for dietary nutrition. Secondly, this flour contains choline, which perfectly cleanses the liver. And thirdly, baked goods with this flour turn out especially tender and airy.

So, you will need:

  • 1 chicken egg
  • 150 grams of rice flour. We will use white rice flour.
  • 250 ml milk. Let's take skim milk 0.5% fat. This will reduce the calorie content of the finished dish.
  • Natural sweetener. It is good to use stevia.

First, beat the eggs with sweetener and a pinch of salt. Then add flour and mix everything thoroughly.

These PP rice pancakes will not only be an ideal breakfast, but also the basis for PP cakes! You can safely use them instead of cakes and grease them with any pp cream! Napoleon recipes are often prepared on rice pancakes!

Rice flour pancake recipe video

Fitness recipe for pancakes made from rice flour for slim women. The pancakes turn out thin and no worse than those made from white wheat flour.

To prepare we will need:

  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • stevia or any other sweetener to taste or sugar 2 tablespoons;
  • rice flour – 2 cups;
  • starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • soda; - lemon juice;
  • salt;
  • olive oil.

Bon appetit!

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