How did Ariana Grande lose weight? “Before” and “after”: the secret of an amazing transformation

A lot of time has passed since the famous singer and actress Ariana Grande lost weight. “Before” and “after” became completely different periods in her life. Although even before her transformation the girl was not overly plump, she managed to get rid of unnecessary pounds in a relatively short period of time. How did she do it? The answer turned out to be surprisingly simple.

The key to a perfect appearance

While the whole world is chasing the revelations of “doctors” like Dukan, Ariana chose for herself the healthiest path to an impeccable appearance - veganism. This is not just a diet - it is a lifestyle that implies a voluntary refusal to eat products made from animal raw materials (or with its help). Most vegans come to their worldview after seeing a slaughterhouse with their own eyes, out of simple pity for the cows and rabbits killed for food, or following the desire to make the world at least a little better and kinder. For only a few (this is the reason why Ariana Grande lost weight), the “before” and “after” are separated not by ethics and morality, but by the need to improve their own health. Ariana suffered from hypoglycemia all her life, and only after switching to veganism did she finally find excellent health and inexhaustible energy. According to the singer, the main thing is health. And losing weight is just an added bonus to achieving your most important goal.

Ariana Grande Supplements


Grande says coconut water is the best drink in the world, and for good reason. It contains antioxidants, may help prevent kidney stones, and may also help regulate blood sugar and blood pressure.


Grande isn't the only celebrity to drink dandelion tea. It helps detoxify the body and is often used for weight loss.


Grande sometimes mixes cayenne pepper into her smoothies. It can improve metabolism, reduce hunger and improve digestion.


Vegans like Grande sometimes struggle to get enough protein, and vegan protein powders have become widely available in America and around the world. Grande, for example, is a fan of vanilla protein.


Grande puts cinnamon in everything, especially her favorite sweet potatoes. Not only is cinnamon delicious, it's loaded with antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory effects, and improves insulin resistance.

The essence of veganism

If traditional vegetarianism primarily implies abstinence from meat products, then strict veganism means complete liberation from everything produced from animal raw materials or using substances of animal origin.

So, Ariana first gave up meat, fish and poultry, then eggs and dairy products, and then honey, mushrooms, yeast and natural additives like lecithin. Of course, to improve your health, it’s not enough to just go vegan. Although Ariana Grande lost weight, before and after the transformation she did not eat processed foods: canned vegetables and meat, chips and other snacks, sausages and sausages, products with additives of artificial origin.

Such a life is harder than it seems at first glance, since even in the health food departments of stores you can find many boxes of oatmeal and packages of muesli with very ambiguous ingredients in their composition. Natural dark chocolate with the maximum content of cocoa powder may contain animal lecithin, and ready-made bags of multigrain porridge often contain milk powder or artificial flavors. Arians are simpler in this sense: in the USA there are special stores and departments in supermarkets that sell food products that are completely suitable for vegans.

Ariana Grande without extensions. Note: 4 beauty secrets of Ariana Grande

Agree, the main feature of Ariana Grande (25) is her high ponytail - she almost never appears without it. But the star has other beauty hacks!

Luxurious hair is Grande’s main pride. She takes special care of them. The star uses coconut oil daily, applying it to her ends. After this, the hair becomes softer and more manageable.

When it comes to makeup, Grande focuses on her eyes. And bright eyelashes, like her tail, became an integral part of her image. Over the past few years, the star has been favoring Covergirl's Bombshell Volume lengthening mascara (which, by the way, costs only $8).

According to the singer, you can create the effect of false eyelashes with it, the main thing is to very carefully apply several layers, combing the eyelashes after each one.

Ariana has admitted more than once that she feels much more comfortable without makeup (eyelashes, of course, don’t count). Therefore, she spares no effort in caring for her skin, which looks perfect even without foundation. Before going to bed, Grande washes herself with an acidic gel to cleanse her skin and exfoliates twice a week.

In addition, the singer is sure that nutrition affects the condition of the skin and hair. Therefore, Ariana follows a strict dietary regime. Since 2013, she has not eaten meat; her diet is based on fresh fruits and vegetables, soy tofu and plenty of fluids.

Some advantages

Ariana Grande has lost weight (“before” and “after” can be seen in the photo), but still has not officially admitted that she was going to get rid of those extra pounds. According to the star, she was primarily counting on a quick victory over hypoglycemia. A beautiful figure and flawless skin are pleasant additions that would not be possible without adopting a healthy lifestyle and avoiding eating animal products. And the most interesting thing is that Ariana did not have to reduce her portions - she continues to eat the same amount as always, she just maintains her ideal shape.

Personal life

Creativity and personal life are closely connected in Priyanka’s fate. The actress is credited with having affairs with famous Indian actors. Moreover, among them are not only the famous bachelors Harman Baweja, and, but also fathers of families. Among the famous married actors, Priyanka's list of boyfriends includes, and. The actors' wives have always been militantly opposed to Priyanka and forbade their husbands to act in the same films with the attractive brunette.

Priyanka has a particularly close relationship with Shah Rukh. The passion arose on the set of the film Don-2, which critics compared to the Hollywood action film Die Hard. The actor’s wife categorically forbade her husband to date the young beauty, but the Indian film actor still did not miss the opportunity to court Priyanka. At the same time, Shah Rukh Khan was not going to leave his wife and three children.

The press has also repeatedly reported that a famous Hollywood film actor could allegedly become the actress’s husband. Journalists from India reported that the Scottish actor even came to filming with Priyanka in Jaipur, but the couple did not officially confirm this information.

Priyanka's fans continue to follow the personal life of their favorite on social networks. Fans hope to learn new details by watching the news on the star’s Instagram account.


You can, of course, lose weight on a vegan diet alone. However, to keep your body in shape, you need to remember about sports training, which helps maintain muscle tone, burn additional calories and form feminine curves, while preventing the accumulation of fat on the sides, hips and waist. Would you like to know in detail how Ariana Grande lost weight? Before and after the diet, she strictly adhered to her workout regimen, doing difficult exercises to the music of Nicki Minaj and Bruno Mars. According to the singer, fiery songs help her ignore the grueling training and seem to transport her to a magical world.

Ariana practices hiking and loves cycling. In addition, the girl loves to dance and will not refuse to demonstrate a couple of good moves to high-quality music, even when she is wearing shoes with twelve-centimeter heels.

Although Ariana Grande has lost weight, the diet, the menu of which is briefly described above, would not have allowed her to achieve such stunning results if the singer had not devoted so much free time to sports. It is noteworthy that she prefers to spend the rest of the day actively, often walking for a long time with her beloved dog. In addition, every day the beauty devotes ten to fifteen minutes to meditative practices, calming her mind and soul, tuning in to overcome the problems of the coming day.

Ariana Grande's fitness program

“Not a gym fanatic”

Besides her crazy busy schedule, Grande says she's not crazy about going to the gym.

. She gets a lot of "practice" chasing her puppy around the yard and hiking in the Hollywood Hills.

Photo from the personal Instagram profile of the star @arianagrande

High heel workouts

Grande says nothing burns more calories than dancing in 4-inch heels.

Rock out on the elliptical trainer

If she goes to the gym, Grande might do a spin session or work out on the elliptical machine

to the musical accompaniment of Bruno Mars or Nicki Minaj.

Meditation and relaxation

Grande meditates daily to relieve stress from her non-stop schedule.

Daily dose of activity

Ariana Grande says regular movement benefits her more than focused workouts. She walks at least 12,000-14,000 steps every day.

Low costs

Since she's often on the go, Grande's workouts are quick and easy and don't require any equipment.

Smart workouts

Grande works with celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak

, who is a pro at creating effective, safe workouts for Hollywood stars with little time to spare.

Multi-tasking moves

Ariana Grande does lunges that improve core stability, balance, flexibility and strength, and can be a great counter to sitting for most of the day. Planks also work the whole body.

Ariana Grande's exercise style

  1. Reverse Lunge:
    Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, take 1 step back and drop your knee before returning to the starting position. Alternate legs for 5 sets of 30 reps each or better.
  2. Walking Walk:
    Dip your knee deep into the floor as you walk forward. Do 30 reps of 5 sets.
  3. Skater Lunge:
    Move from side to side, bringing your knee toward the floor. Do 30 reps of 5 sets.
  4. Plank:
    From a hands-and-feet position, lift your hips and squeeze your abs as if you were testing your legs. 30 reps x 5 sets.
  5. Superman:
    Lying face down on a mat with your arms and legs extended, lift your chest and hips off the ground. Return to the starting position. Do at a decent speed, 30 repetitions of 5 sets.
  6. Glute bridge:
    lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet hip-width apart, hands under the buttocks. Raise your pelvis, resting on your heels, squeezing your gluteal muscles, trying to make a diagonal line from your shoulders to your knees. Pause, then slowly lower your pelvis back to the floor. Do as many lifts as possible in 2 minutes. This is another great antithesis to sitting.

Walk at least 12,000 steps every day.

Girls who follow Ariana Grande's training program achieve truly amazing results! Source:

Amazing options

It is quite possible that many girls who love music will want to repeat the path she has taken and update their appearance exactly as Ariana Grande did. The singer's height, weight and volume truly make her a stunning beauty. With a very small height of 155 cm, Ariana weighs only 48 kilograms and has a surprisingly proportionate figure. Although many journalists took advantage of her amazing transformation to accuse her of anorexia and hiding an eating disorder, the singer never suffered from such ailments. She can not be called either skinny or fat - Ariana Grande lost weight in order to gain healthy, not anorexic, shape.

Ariana Grande: height, weight and body measurements ^

As you know, a beautiful, slender body requires diet and regular exercise – these are the rules that actress Ariana Grande adheres to.

If before losing weight she could not be called too thin, now her figure is a role model for many. It is worth noting that Ariana categorically does not recognize fasting, as she believes that everything should be in moderation.

When people saw that the famous American singer Ariana Grande had lost a lot of weight, they decided that a strict diet was to blame, but this is not at all the case: in her words, she simply gave up junk food, and the kilograms began to literally melt away.

Even before losing weight, Ariana Grande’s height and weight were 155 cm and approximately 57-60 kg, respectively, but now the girl weighs only 47 kg.

Clothing and shoe sizes

AriesTaurusTwinsCancera lionVirgo
AriesTaurusTwinsCancera lionVirgo
Bust81 cm
Waist61 cm
Hips81 cm
Bra size80A
Bust size1
Clothing size2 (US) or 32 (EU)
Shoe size (feet)6 (US)

She loves to meditate and take walks, and does this with enviable regularity. Those who want to change their figure in the same way as Ariana herself did, need to increase physical activity, otherwise quick results should not be expected.

Ariana Grande's body measurements: 81-61-81 (chest-waist-hips)

When Ariana noticeably lost weight, advertisements for newfangled fat-burning products began to appear on many websites, saying that they were the ones who helped the singer get her figure in order. She herself dispelled all doubts, saying that she did not take any pills, but lost weight precisely thanks to a change in diet and sports.

Ariana Grande: height 155 cm, weight 47 kg

Ariana Grande lost weight: before and after

It is not possible to find out how much weight Ariana Grande has lost, because she kept her previous weight secret all the time. Now she has absolutely ideal proportions, and all thanks to a healthy lifestyle.

As the singer admits, nutritionists helped her choose a weight loss program, and now she plans her own diet, which takes a lot of time, because... you have to carefully choose products, and not buy the first ones you see.

Weight loss secrets from Ariana Grande

  • You need to play sports, walk and dance more - this replaces cardio training;
  • Water is her eternal companion, and it’s difficult to meet Ariana without a bottle of mineral water, because liquid plays an important role for the body;
  • Nutrition – 70% of success: you can’t eat sweets, flour and fatty foods. The actress herself, like many girls, loves chocolate, but allows herself to eat it only on rare occasions.

Tips for fans

The singer gives a number of very specific recommendations to fans who decide to repeat her achievements:

  • When switching from food of animal origin to plant origin, remember that it is necessary to make up for the primary protein deficiency with something. Eat more beans, peas, lentils, tofu and soy products.
  • To ensure a regular supply of healthy fats, eat more nuts, nut butters and avocados.
  • It is necessary to monitor the intake of iron along with vitamin C. Iron is found in seeds, tofu, spinach, broccoli, figs, prunes, dried apricots, etc., vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, and leafy vegetables.

And the most important thing, as Ariana emphasizes, is maintaining your own health. A healthy body is never full - it automatically takes on a naturally slender shape.

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