Diet for celiac disease

General rules of the skinny diet (1 week 7 kg)

The skinny diet 1 week -7 kg is rightfully called the most extreme. The low-calorie approach and severe dietary restrictions are a prime example of weight loss through actual fasting . The first week - 7 kg and further restructuring of the body aimed at stabilizing the weight and metabolism of the body allows you to lose an additional 2-3 kg. Some days are strict mono-diets on kefir, cucumbers or apples, and the rest can rightfully be called fasting days; they involve only drinking water or tea. Therefore, we can safely say that if you last 14 days and you will be skinny, the main thing is that the body does not undergo stressful situations, does not suffer from chronic diseases, and then such extreme fasting will give an excellent result on the scale.

How to Prepare for a Skinny Diet

In the first 7 days, staying on water, tea, and occasionally pampering yourself with kefir and apples is not an easy task, but, as experience shows, especially persistent girls manage to get involved and successfully overcome such a difficult “marathon.” Of course, in order not to break down on the first day, you need to prepare your body:

  • within a few weeks, give up any “harmful” and high-calorie foods;
  • switch to fresh vegetable salads within a week;
  • try to survive the whole day on drinking (fresh juice or kefir).

If all these stages are completed successfully and the body can withstand such a complex regime, then a thin diet is suitable for you and you can safely move directly to the proposed diet.

Exit from the diet, contraindications and several useful recipes

It is important not to forget about the correct and gradual exit both after a 14-day and after a week-long lean diet. It is recommended to switch to proper nutrition immediately after finishing the diet.

You need to leave the diet slowly to avoid the risk of gaining weight again. You need to introduce new foods into your diet gradually and in small quantities, drink plenty of fluids, and eat more fruits and vegetables. In the first weeks after leaving the diet, you need to completely eliminate flour and sweets from your diet.

In order to somehow brighten up such an uninspiring diet, some heroines who have gone through this path have come up with several useful recipes.


Soothing aromatic herbal tea.

To three tablespoons of green tea, add 1 teaspoon of chamomile and a bunch of mint, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for at least 20 minutes. Drink after diluting with water.

Lippia tea.

Those who cannot imagine their life without sweets will love this tea. For one tablespoon of green tea, take 1 tablespoon of lipia herb. Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave for about half an hour.

Fresh fruit.

A good alternative to Tetra Pak juices is homemade fresh fruit.

Fresh option in a blender: take 3 green apples, 2 ripe green pears and ginger root. Mix in a blender until smooth, after adding 8-10 ice cubes.

Fresh option in a juicer: squeeze juice from three grapefruits, two oranges, and a dozen tangerines. You can add a little mint for flavor.

Berry milkshake.

300g black currants, 200g blueberries, 400ml milk up to 2.5% fat. Mix everything thoroughly in a blender and drink the cocktail chilled.

Contraindications to the skinny diet

The use of a lean diet is strictly contraindicated:

  • children and adolescents under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant women;
  • people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • people suffering from diabetes, pancreatitis, heart and kidney diseases;
  • those who have any disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands.

A lean diet in rare cases can cause headaches, weakness, and abdominal pain, especially at the very beginning of the diet. As your body gets used to the new diet, your health will gradually return to normal. Nothing comes for free, agree!

As you can see, the diet is really not easy. And whether the result of your efforts is worth it is up to you to decide. The skinny diet is not for everyone, but if you are already desperate and no other ways to lose weight have been successful for you, then this diet may be the lifeline you have been looking for.

Authorized Products

The list of these products is very short, because a thin diet is a real marathon of fasting days and fasting, the menu of which includes only cucumbers, green apples, kefir and skim milk (skimmed milk).

Particular attention should be paid to tea; it is suggested to diversify it using fresh mint, lemon balm, and stevia herbs. This will help enrich the drink with minerals and make it easier to cope with hunger thanks to its calming effect on the nervous system.

In addition, mineral water is an important component of many fasting days. Carbonated bottled mineral water will not suit you. It is best to find a natural source, for example, a nearby spring, stream or well. It’s good if you can get water from a well, otherwise, go to the pharmacy and ask for water that is delivered in glass bottles from sources of all-Union significance, for example, Morshyn, Yesentukov, Svalyava, Borjomi, Truskavets, etc.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
baked sweet and sour apples0,50,512,359
baked sweet apples0,50,324,089
fresh mint3,70,48,049
dried mint19,96,022,2285
stevia tablets0,00,068,0272
skim milk2,00,14,831
milk 0.5%2,80,54,935
kefir 0%3,00,13,830
kefir 1%2,81,04,040
Ryazhenka 1%3,01,04,240
curdled milk 0.1%3,00,13,830
Activia kefir 1%2,91,04,539
mineral water0,00,00,0
green tea0,00,00,0
* data is per 100 g of product


A skinny diet is not recommended by doctors due to the fact that it can undermine the health of even those who have not previously had problems. It disrupts the functioning of many organs and systems, which entails various complications and side effects. The most obvious contraindications are:

  • hereditary pathologies;
  • autoimmune diseases (including diabetes);
  • BMI within the normal range (calculated using Quetelet’s formula)
  • eating disorders;
  • problems with the nervous system and psyche;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • any pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • age up to 18 and after 60.

Before losing weight, it would be a good idea to undergo a medical examination to identify any contraindications.

Fully or partially limited products

Like many diets, the skinny diet suggests giving up starchy foods, sweets, fast food, alcohol, etc. The main rule is low calorie foods and, as a result, little consumption per day, because you only lose weight if you consume fewer calories than you burn. Therefore, you need to give up any simple carbohydrates, proteins, and especially fats and make it a rule:

  • drink unsweetened tea;
  • only still water;
  • no fried or smoked;
  • no snacking on the street or eating sweets, bars, sandwiches;
  • no salty.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

fried potato2,89,523,4192
canned corn3,91,322,7119


canned pineapples0,10,114,057


potato chips5,530,053,0520
salted popcorn7,313,562,7407

Flour and pasta


Bakery products




Meat products

fried pork11,449,30,0489
liver pate11,628,92,5317
veal cutlets23,031,012,0375


boiled sausage13,722,80,0260
sausage with/smoked servelat24,040,50,0461
blood sausage9,019,514,5274

Alcoholic drinks

white wine Muscat0,00,05,082
red dessert wine0,50,020,0172
* data is per 100 g of product

What is a skinny diet

The skinny diet refers to extreme methods of weight loss that negatively affect health, but at the same time give amazing results. Some people who are losing weight claim that they can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight in a week, while others can boast of an even greater result, namely, minus 12 kg in 7 days. This is why the skinny diet is often searched online as “unreal weight loss of 12 kg in 1 week.” But how realistic is this stated result? Let's figure it out.

This diet is popular among many women who dream of a slim figure. At the same time, it causes certain concerns among specialists, so before you start losing weight, you should weigh the pros and cons.

In most sources, the authorship of the technique is attributed to doctors who used this nutritional system in the treatment of obese people in the 80s. There is no official confirmation of this information, and besides, the percentage that doctors could be the creators of such a harmful method of losing weight is small.

What are the harms of diet? The skinny diet is a low-fat, low-carb, strict eating system that causes many side effects. In addition, you need to enter the diet correctly (1 week) and exit correctly (2 weeks). And the feeling of extreme hunger is extremely difficult to withstand, both from a physical and psychological point of view.

Weight loss on a lean diet occurs due to the maximum reduction in caloric intake of the daily diet. Suitable for skinny diet for losing weight legs? To a certain extent, yes, but it’s still better to go on a low-level diet if your goal is to reduce the volume of your buttocks, hips and legs.

Menu (Meal Schedule)

First dayfreshly brewed large-leaf green tea, possibly with jasmine, but without sugar, honey or saccharin;
Second dayno more than 800 ml of low-fat kefir, that is, a maximum of 4 glasses of fermented milk drink with a fat content of up to 1%;
The third daygreen or herbal soothing tea with lemon balm or mint, you can use stevia as a sweetener;
Fourth daynon-carbonated mineral water, not artificially enriched with carbon dioxide and preferably from natural sources;
Fifth daybaked or fresh green apple, mineral water;
Sixth day1 liter of skim milk;
Seventh dayfreshly brewed green tea, perhaps with the addition of mint or lemon balm, but without sugar, honey or saccharin;
Eighth day1 liter of skim milk (skimmed or otherwise lean milk) or skim milk;
Ninth day2 baked or fresh green apples, water;
Tenth dayno more than 1000 ml of low-fat kefir, that is, a maximum of 5 glasses of fermented milk drink with a fat content of up to 1%;
Eleventh day500-600 g of fresh cucumbers;
Twelfth dayfreshly brewed green tea, perhaps with the addition of mint or lemon balm, but without sugar, honey or saccharin;
Thirteenth day1 liter of skim milk;
Fourteenth day3 baked or fresh green apples, water


On fasting days, it is recommended to stop drinking plenty of tea 2-3 hours before bedtime, so as not to overload the kidneys and not provoke swelling.

If it is difficult to adhere to such a meager diet, then first you can try a lighter version of the lean diet for 7 days.

First day200 ml of yogurt and 1 liter of milk;
Second day200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 1 liter of any freshly squeezed juice (grapefruit, orange, carrot, etc.);
The third day200 grams of boiled potatoes in their jackets, water;
Fourth daya portion of boiled fish, up to 1 liter of freshly squeezed juice; fifth day 1 kg of green apples, water;
Fifth day1 kg green apples, water;
Sixth daya portion of boiled lean meat and juice;
Seventh day1 liter low-fat kefir

Skinny Diet: The Way Out

An almost complete lack of solid food is stressful for any body. In this regard, after finishing this diet, it is very important to begin preparing for a healthy diet. So, the way out of the skinny diet should be as follows:

  1. On the first day, eat whatever you want. The main thing is not to overeat.
  2. The next day you are allowed to eat only 200 grams of cottage cheese and juice.
  3. 200g fish with juice.
  4. 4 potatoes, baked in their jackets, and juice.
  5. No more than one 1kg apples and water.
  6. 200g of boiled meat without adding salt and juice.
  7. No more than 1 liter of kefir and purified water.
  8. Eat whatever you want.
  9. Repeat day 5.
  10. Repeat day 6.
  11. Repeat day 7.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • No need to count calories.
  • The food requires virtually no cooking time.
  • Significant savings on products.
  • Meaningful results on the scale.
  • Due to the meager diet, it is quite difficult to adhere to the proposed menu.
  • The development of anorexia and exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.
  • The condition of the skin and hair may deteriorate, so it is best to take multivitamins in parallel with the diet.
  • Not suitable for people who lead an active lifestyle and work every day.


To lose weight on a skinny diet, you will have to not only limit your diet, but also change your lifestyle.

A week before switching to a new menu, you need to gradually remove harmful foods from your diet. Today, give up alcohol and carbonated drinks, tomorrow - from snacks, processed foods and fast food, the day after tomorrow - from fatty and fried foods, etc. Reduce salt intake daily.

During severe attacks of hunger (even while losing weight), drink small sips of plain or mineral water.

It is necessary to stay in the fresh air as much as possible, avoid emotional and physical stress, and rest more often. The only physical activity allowed is walking and minor cleaning around the house. Sports activities should be stopped for a while.

If side effects appear too often and clearly, the diet should be stopped and an alternative should be found. You need to be especially careful with fainting - if there is at least one, you should immediately consult a doctor to exclude harmful consequences for health.

Since the skinny diet lasts only a week (the main part of it is without entry or exit), it is advisable to take a vacation during this time. It will be difficult to work: decreased concentration, severe weakness, drowsiness, constant fatigue syndrome are constant companions of such a hunger strike.

Important! Even if you follow the diet to the end and achieve the desired results, you do not need to extend it for more than 1 week. The health effects may be irreversible.

Skinny diet: reviews and results

The skinny diet is considered one of the most difficult, but its results are impressive. Its name itself hints at the effectiveness of the diet plan. Those who followed the lean diet reported that they were able to lose 7-10 kg.

Of course, reviews of the 14-day skinny diet are not very positive, since many complain that this is not a diet at all, but simple fasting. But they forget that nutritionists have planned their diet in such a way as to minimize the consequences of abstaining from food, saturate the body with useful minerals, cleanse it of toxins and completely reset the metabolism. Of course, if you immediately jump on food, the weight will return quickly, but if you work on your mistakes and realize all your dietary problems, then a thin diet will help you adapt to proper nutrition.

You will also be able to wean yourself from overeating, because in 2 weeks the normal physiological size of the stomach will be restored, and, unfortunately, overextension of the muscular walls of the stomach is a problem for many today, especially for people who are obese.

Results and reviews of the Bone Diet

Girls who have tried the bony diet leave a lot of positive reviews and photos of how slim they have become. That is, despite the danger, they are willing to take risks for the sake of significant weight loss in a short time. Plus, youth, a positive attitude and the desire to achieve results smooth out the negative aspects and justify the efforts.

Positive reviews about the bony diet

Svetlana, 37 years old: “... I like the thoughtfulness of the method, the diet allows you to very quickly get used to a meager menu and already on the 5-6th day you stop feeling hungry. What is important is the psychological attitude and motivation to be beautiful and impressive, to comply with modern trends.”

Yulia, 28 years old: “... For me, the nutrition was enough to run in the morning. I’m used to maintaining weight, but when I needed to prepare for a photo shoot, drastic measures were needed - an extreme but effective bone diet.”

Olga, 21 years old: “... There’s no time to cook, I’m studying and working, sometimes I forgot to have a snack at all, and the bony diet contains protein, vegetables, which are very important for a young girl, and carbohydrates - so we always have time to splurge on candy and chocolate.”

The result of losing weight in 10 days on a bony diet

Diet price

Skinny or thin diet for 14 is very budget-friendly. You will need to spend 650-750 rubles and purchase several packs of low-fat milk, kefir, cucumbers and green apples. You can spend more on mineral water, a variety of aromatic teas and stevia - from 250 to 1000 rubles.

More financially expensive is a shortened and lighter version of the diet, one day of which can cost 120 rubles (for example, the first on yogurt and kefir) and over 300 rubles (for example, the sixth, including boiled beef and freshly squeezed juice). On average, you will have to shell out at least 1.5-2 thousand rubles per week.

Basic principles

The lean diet is a low-carb, low-fat, strict diet. Causes many side effects, it is difficult to withstand due to severe hunger. It requires at least a week of preparation, it lasts (in the classic version) 7 days, and another 2 weeks will be spent on getting out of it and rehabilitating the body after suffering stress. Principles:

  1. Minimum fats and carbohydrates in the diet.
  2. A week of fasting consists of 3 mono-diets and 3 fasting days (they alternate with each other). Plus the seventh - as preparation for the right exit.
  3. Recommended mono-diets: cucumber, kefir, apple.
  4. Fruits and vegetables should only be consumed fresh.
  5. On fasting days, you are allowed to drink water (regular and mineral), tea (green and black, but without additives), juices (unsweetened, freshly squeezed), fermented milk drinks with a low fat content (1%).
  6. Limiting salt.
  7. Be sure to drink mineral water to provide the body with microelements.
  8. Weight loss course - 1 week. Repeat no more than twice a year.

Results can reach from 2 to 7 kg per week. Depends on initial weight, metabolic rate, individual characteristics, physical activity, and accuracy of adherence to the recommended diet.

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