Diet for 3 days: minus 5 kg – fast diet

A quick diet that will help you lose 5 kg in just 3 days. Lose those treasured pounds thanks to an express diet without harm to your health! About everything in this article!

Adherents of diets know that weight loss results can only be achieved with the combination of several factors: low-carbohydrate nutrition, sports, and adherence to a drinking regime.
In 15-20 days it is permissible to lose up to 7 kg without harm to health. But what about those who need to fit into a tight dress that emphasizes the curves of the body in 3 days? There is only one solution - go on a strict diet. During this period, the weight will decrease by 5 kg, but not due to the loss of adipose tissue and the removal of water from the tissues. How many kg did you manage to lose in 3 days?
Use this blitz method in emergency cases no more than once every six months. Be prepared for the volumes to return a few days after returning to your normal diet. There is no guarantee that after suffering stress, the body will not go into accumulation mode, storing every calorie in reserve. However, you can do otherwise and use the method of short-term therapeutic fasting. With its help, it is possible not only to lose excess weight, but also to “restart” the body.

Losing weight without regaining lost pounds

Try to forget about water and food for 3 days. Don't be afraid, you won't die from thirst or hunger. In the absence of food, the hypothalamus turns on emergency mode and signal molecules begin to be synthesized in the body, normalizing the functioning of the endocrine glands. The next day, the synthesis of growth hormone increases sharply, which has a rejuvenating effect. It affects glucagon, a pancreatic hormone that accelerates the breakdown of glycogen in the liver, which supplies the body with energy. After a day, its reserves are depleted, and malaise appears, caused by the accumulation of decay products.

By the end of the second day, acytosis develops due to intoxication. It triggers a cascade of chain reactions leading to the destruction of pathological tissues and cells (autolysis). This process cleanses the blood of toxins, restores microflora and oxygen supply to cells. In short, the body synthesizes proteins from carbon dioxide and nitrogen. This is an indicator that in stressful situations, autoregulation mechanisms are automatically launched, supporting the functions of systems and the course of biochemical reactions.

The main thing is to get out of fasting correctly. For the next 3 days, sit on berry jelly, salads and juices. Eat soaked prunes, boiled figs and dried apricots. Gradually introduce:

  • vegetarian soups;
  • pumpkin puree;
  • baked apples;
  • crackers and grain bread;
  • drink decoctions and teas without sugar.

This principle of nutrition will improve the previous result, help the enzymatic system rebuild and not gain weight.

Alternative option for losing weight

In this case, you do not eat anything, but drink a lot of water. Suitable: spring, melted, distilled; Filtered and boiled are prohibited. You can drink mineral water provided it is diluted 1:3 with clean water. The use of decoctions and coffee is not recommended. Herbal teas and invigorating drinks provoke headaches. Exit the diet according to the system described above. In the first two days of fasting, your weight will drop sharply. On the third day the sharp loss will stop. The scale arrows will show only minus 500-700 g.

Extreme juice diet

If hunger is a priori unacceptable, then drink juices with pulp, mixing carrot and apple in half. Experiment with vegetable cocktails, mixing pumpkin with carrots, green apples with celery. Find your taste by changing the ratio of ingredients. If freshly frozen berries are stored in the refrigerator, make fruit drinks by adding 1 tbsp. honey per 1 liter. Products from the garden and vegetable garden supply fiber, vitamins, relax the intestines and cleanse the body. A fresh complexion after such a diet is guaranteed.

  • When depressed, drink grapefruit juice. It lifts your mood and cleanses the liver. Do not overuse, otherwise the feeling of hunger will increase.
  • Pomegranate regulates gastrointestinal functions and increases hemoglobin. It also removes excess water and has a choleretic effect.
  • Fresh spinach with cabbage cleanses the intestines like a broom and speeds up the metabolism.

Dark green vegetables like spinach are rich in magnesium, which lowers blood glucose. Stable sugar levels prevent extreme hunger and insulin spikes.

How to get out of a mono-diet

Since such a diet is quite difficult, after its completion many women break down, and as a result the body receives an even greater load, and the weight returns to its original place.

In order to avoid such problems, you need to know how to get out of a mono-diet:

  • Every day you will need to add a new type of food to your diet;
  • It is recommended to eat 6 times a day in small portions;
  • you need to drink a lot of water: this will help avoid overeating;
  • Vegetables should be included in the diet - preferably stewed or steamed;
  • you cannot abruptly give up foods that formed the basis of the mono-diet;
  • You should not give up fermented milk products, since they will also help normalize digestion and regulate metabolic processes.

The transition to a regular diet should take about 2 weeks.

Kefir mono-diet

The recipe for losing weight using dairy products is familiar to everyone. During the day, drink a glass of fresh kefir 6-7 times a day. If you are hungry, eat cucumbers. A vegetable with a negative calorie content will definitely not harm your figure. For variety, beat it in a blender bowl along with kefir, adding a couple of sprigs of herbs. You will get a diet smoothie. This diet contains only 600 Kcal.

Quick diet with cottage cheese

The low-fat product (0.2%) contains substances that help burn fat. The process is associated with calcitriol, which is involved in lipid metabolism and regulates the content of intracellular macroelements. Ideally, it is better to prepare it every day at home. Only fresh cottage cheese contains beneficial bacteria necessary for the intestines.

Easily digestible protein is well absorbed, supplies the body with building materials - amino acids, and saturates for a long time. In addition, unloading on cottage cheese is easily tolerated. Adding herbs or berries produces different flavors.

  • On the first day, eat 500 g of cottage cheese in 5 doses + green tea with ginger.
  • In the second, add 2 apples + tea with spice.
  • On the third day, instead of apples, eat a salad with cucumbers, spinach, dill + rosehip infusion.

Menu for a three-day fruit and vegetable diet

A 3-day diet based on eating only one type of fruit helps to achieve the best results.

If your choice for weight loss is a mono-diet for 3 days “minus 5 kg” - remember that you need to eat several times a day, but in small portions.

It is strongly not recommended to follow it for more than 3 days, since such fasting can negatively affect your health.

Despite the fact that following such a diet may be difficult, the body will not suffer, as it will be saturated with all the necessary substances.

If you hold out and don’t break the rules, you can get rid of 4 kg in 3 days.

Experts also say that no matter what fruit you choose, you can eat no more than 2 kg per day.

The most popular one-component diets are based on the following products:

  • bananas;
  • apples;
  • grapefruits;
  • pineapples.

If it is difficult to last 3 days on one product, you can change the mono-diet “minus 5 kg” a little by eating a different type of fruit every day.

Read the popular article in the category: Low-calorie foods for weight loss. List and Table.

How to maintain weight after a 3-day mono-diet

Watch what you put on your plate. The body must receive the required amount of protein. It is involved in metabolism and performs a number of other important functions. Moreover, it takes a lot of energy to split it.

  • Within 3 days the volume of the stomach decreased. Therefore, eat only 200 g of food at one time. To avoid stretching your walls again, get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  • Eat 5-6 meals a day and drink plenty of still water.
  • Eat at least 30 grams of fiber.
  • Drink teas with ginger, add ground cinnamon to black coffee. Supplements speed up metabolism by 14% and stabilize sugar.
  • Skip the salt. Cumin and other brightly flavored spices enhance the thermogenic effect of proteins.

Diet for 3 days

Why do express methods work and what is the mechanism of a diet for three days minus 5 kg? In such a short period of time, weight is lost due to the release of fluid from the body. The diet for fast mono-diets contains foods that help remove maximum excess water in a short time - vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products. Many foods, including alcohol, salt, sugar, fatty, fried, smoked foods, must be avoided. You should absolutely not enhance the effect of the diet with diuretics and laxatives - this can lead to a sharp deterioration in your health.

Kefir diet

Kefir is a common product for weight loss and is ideally used as a diet minus 5 kg in 3 days. A mono-diet on kefir is easily tolerated and does not cause discomfort. The main recommendations are:

  • Use a drink with 1% fat or low fat.
  • Drink plenty of fluids - plain water, green tea.

The benefits of kefir - it not only helps you lose weight, but also strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and helps eliminate toxins accumulated in the body. This is a hearty drink, it:

  1. rich in protein and beneficial microelements;
  2. inexpensive;
  3. does not require additional processing.

Buckwheat diet

Buckwheat is a favorite product of residents of Russia and Eastern Europe. A buckwheat diet for 3 days will help you lose weight up to 5 kilograms, and without much effort. Benefits of the buckwheat diet:

  • High calorie content (100 g gives 335 kcal) will fill you up for the whole day.
  • Plant protein gives you strength.
  • The cereal contains more than ten useful microelements: iron, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, zinc, magnesium, vitamins B and P.

The daily diet during this mono-diet is boiled buckwheat without butter and salt, water. It’s easy to prepare buckwheat for weight loss:

  1. a glass of cereal in the evening is filled with 2 glasses of boiling water;
  2. keep until morning and consume.

Apple diet

In our country, apple is a favorite and popular fruit. Minimum calories, maximum useful microelements - a three-day diet on apples will get you back in shape in a short time. An approximate mono-diet ration is one and a half kg of apples and an unlimited amount of water per day. If you have a strong feeling of hunger, a couple of spoons of honey are allowed. 3 days is the most optimal period - sticking to the diet longer is not recommended.

Do not forget about contraindications - gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, high acidity) it is better to choose another product for weight loss. Fruit acid, which is contained in apples, can irritate the walls of the stomach and increase gas formation. If unpleasant symptoms occur, it is better to stop the diet.

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Chocolate diet

Are you planning to combine business with pleasure? Try the chocolate diet and you will learn how to lose 5 kg in 3 days. You should not go on such a mono-diet if you have problems with the liver - during the diet there is an additional load on it. Judging by reviews, a chocolate diet for three days is super effective - up to 7 kg are lost during this time. The diet will consist only of chocolate and black coffee. Basic principles of the diet:

  • You can consume 100 grams of milk or dark chocolate per day, washing it down with coffee without sugar.
  • You need to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day, and only two hours after eating chocolate.

Banana diet

Another “delicious” diet for 3 days minus 5 kg. The pulp of the fruit contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, which are good for the heart and help remove fluid from the body, so losing 5 kg in 3 days on bananas is quite possible. Don't forget about serotonin, it is also found in bananas and improves your mood. Nuances and options for the banana diet:

  • 4 bananas per day and an unlimited amount of still water.
  • 8 fruits per day, but the kilos lost will be less.
  • Nutritionists recommend protecting your stomach the day before and the day after the diet, and not eating fatty, spicy or fried foods.

Rice diet

Rice is a product with unique properties, especially brown, unpeeled rice. How is rice diet beneficial for the body?

  • harmful substances from the body;
  • normalization of water-alkaline balance;
  • Rice contains beneficial minerals and many vitamins.

Losing weight in 3 days on rice is a guaranteed loss of three to 5 kg without harm to the body. During the diet, consume only boiled rice (a glass of cereal per day) and plain water or green tea. The mono-diet is tough, but easily tolerated, because rice saturates well. If necessary, you can extend the diet to 5 or 7 days, but additionally take potassium and magnesium supplements.

Curd diet

Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product; it is a source of calcium and phosphorus for the body, which strengthen teeth, nails, and improve hair condition. The dairy product is good for the gastrointestinal tract, does not contain many calories and is easily absorbed by the body. The cottage cheese mono-diet is very popular; it works to remove fluid and normalize intestinal function. Like all diets for 3 days minus 5 kg, it puts a decent load on the body; it is not recommended to follow it for longer. Curd diet diet:

  • Option 1 – only cottage cheese and water.
  • Option 2 – apple juice or green tea is allowed.
  • You need to drink approximately 2 liters of fluid per day.

The fat content of the dairy product also plays a big role. Low-fat (0%) cottage cheese is suitable for those who want to “get dry” with regular strength exercises. Rules:

  1. Only about 1 kg is taken and divided into five to six meals.
  2. For those who just want to lose weight, it is better to choose curd mass with 5% fat content (approximately 500-600 g), it is more filling, and milk fat will help you painlessly endure the restriction in carbohydrates.
  3. Dried fruits are sometimes added to lunch - dried apricots, raisins, but not much.


A pleasant procedure polishes the body and skin, and saturates it with useful substances. Preliminary massage improves drainage, eliminates interstitial edema and prepares for the procedure. Apply locally an application of micronized kelp, cinnamon with honey, green tea leaves or salt to the prepared skin, wrap in film and insulate on top.

If you have not resorted to express diets before, intuitively select one of the proposed options and test it within 24 hours. If you get into the habit of fasting once a week, you won’t need to resort to a radical diet.

What regime to follow during the mono-diet period

Nutritionists are often asked the question: which mono-diet to choose in order to lose extra pounds?

According to most experts, the most effective diets were those based on the consumption of:

  • kefir and cottage cheese;
  • buckwheat;
  • apples;
  • citrus fruits.

When following any mono-diet, you must also adhere to the following rules:

  • in order to make it easier to tolerate such a diet, it is recommended to start with fasting days;
  • You need to drink at least 2 liters of distilled water per day;
  • You will need to eat several times a day, the portions should be quite small;
  • Even if the product is chosen incorrectly, you should not interrupt the diet.

Note! Experts say that such diets are not the best choice for people suffering from kidney and liver diseases.

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