Super fast diet “Lesenka”: reviews of those who have lost weight and menu for 5 days

The “Ladder” diet is another way to lose excess weight. It contains several days of steps, following which you can get rid of 5-7 extra pounds. Refers to strict diets. Please remember that this article is for informational purposes only. For proper weight loss without harm to health, it is better to consult a specialist. The Dr. Bormental weight loss clinic employs highly qualified professionals who use their patented method, with which more than half a million people have already lost weight. The technique is described in detail here -.

Each step of the “Ladder” is one day of a strict diet. Such a low-calorie diet will allow you to get rid of not only extra pounds, but also extra centimeters in the waist and hips. The list of permitted products is very small. A person experiences hunger, and thanks to a calorie deficit, weight loss occurs.

The essence of the technique

A minimal calorie diet allows you to lose excess weight, but with such extreme weight loss your health often suffers. The main idea of ​​the author of the method, who preferred to remain anonymous, is a 5-day nutritional plan, in which each day is allocated to a separate mono-diet. Allowed foods and their quantities for mono-diets are strictly prescribed.

Many people who lose weight are satisfied with the result, since weight loss occurs very quickly. For clarity, you can draw a staircase of 5 steps, noting the calories lost every day - this can also serve as good motivation.

To enhance the effect of the diet, you can add a little physical activity, for example, walking in the fresh air or light exercise. It is worth remembering that intense physical activity can lead to exhaustion, since on a diet you may feel hungry and weak.


The “Lesenka” diet includes a menu for 7 days. It depends on the stage of the technique. Each day has a special diet.


At this stage, the body gets rid of everything unnecessary, preparing for weight loss. Water, apples and activated carbon cleanse the intestines of waste, toxins, harmful substances and fatty deposits. Diet ingredients act as sorbents, gently collecting excess and removing it from the intestines. For best results, activated carbon should be drunk 60 minutes before apples, the daily dose divided into 6 doses. Since the first day is a cleansing day, the purpose of which is to get rid of toxins and waste, it is better not to plan trips for this day, but to spend it at home.

Important: If during the first day of the diet you feel an increase in appetite from fresh apples, you can replace them with baked ones.

Menu for the first day:

  • 5-6 large apples (preferably green);
  • 6 tablets of activated carbon (can be replaced with another sorbent);
  • 1.5-2 liters of plain water (without gas).


After deep cleansing, which is a shock to the body, you need to strengthen the intestinal microflora. Fermented milk products: cottage cheese and kefir will cope perfectly with this. It is worth paying attention to the fat content of products and giving preference to low-fat options. Due to the intake of protein, which is not present on the first day of the “Ladder”, the feeling of hunger is dulled. To ensure you don’t feel hungry, you should divide the cottage cheese into three equal portions and consume it at equal intervals. Drink kefir in between cottage cheese.

Menu for the second day:

  • 1 liter of low-fat kefir (can be replaced with yogurt or fermented baked milk);
  • 600 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1-1.5 liters of plain water (without gas).

Energy replenishment

Over the previous two days, the amount of glycogen in the liver and muscles decreased. This threatens to reduce the effectiveness of weight loss and energy for life in general, since glycogen is the main energy reserve in the body. With the help of glucose, at this stage the body is saturated with energy, and the destruction of fat cells is started with renewed vigor. This is the day that helps you avoid stopping weight loss. The stage is considered quite hungry, since it consists mainly of raisins, and they are poorly satiating. Reviews of the “Lesenka” diet menu for 7 days advise during this period to eat literally one raisin every fifteen minutes.

Menu for the third day:

  • 2 large spoons of honey (for better absorption, dissolve in your mouth);
  • dried fruits compote;
  • 300 grams of raisins.


To avoid the destruction of muscle tissue and to saturate the body with essential amino acids, protein is needed.

Important: Boiled poultry breast starts the process of regeneration and construction of organs, tissues and cells of the body and has a positive effect on metabolism during the diet.

The bird should also be divided into 3-4 servings and eaten at equal intervals.

Menu for the fourth day:

  • 500 grams of boiled chicken or turkey breast (for better absorption, add greens);
  • 1.5-2 liters of plain water (without gas).


The “Lesenka” diet menu for 7 days is compiled taking into account the menu of each stage. At this stage, it is important to create a negative energy balance and smooth out the negative impact from the previous protein day. Fiber can handle this, since its calorie content does not cover the cost of digestion.

Menu for the fifth day:

  • oatmeal cooked in water (200 grams of dry product);
  • 1 kg of fresh vegetables and fruits (preferably seasonal);
  • 1.5-2 liters of plain water (without gas).

Preparing to go out

The main problem with losing weight is that the lost weight comes back after some time. To avoid such an outcome, you need to exit the diet correctly. This stage is aimed at preparing for exit. The basic principle is to gradually increase the calorie content of dishes. Soups made with lean meat are perfect for this, as they are easily digestible, speed up metabolism, remove toxins and normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

Menu for the sixth day:

  • 1.5-2 liters of plain water (without gas);
  • pumpkin soup.

Soup recipe: 750 grams of pumpkin, 5 large carrots, 3 onions, greens and one and a half liters of chicken breast broth. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, add water and salt. Fry the remaining vegetables, add to the pan, and cook until tender. Add boiled breast and greens.


The goal of the last stage is to consolidate the result of the week. At this stage, an increase in the calorie content of dishes is required to prepare for the transition to a normal diet. Rice porridge, full of vitamins and amino acids, copes well with this. It normalizes metabolic processes and the nervous system. Rice porridge cooked in milk doubles its positive qualities.

Menu for the seventh day:

  • rice porridge cooked in milk (200 grams of dry product);
  • 1.5-2 liters of water.

Pros and cons of the “Ladder” diet

The advantages of this diet include low carbohydrate content. The diet these days will be very organic, but due to the short duration, the diet is not very difficult to tolerate. According to supporters of the diet, over the course of 5 days-steps the body will receive all the necessary microelements; protein, fiber, carbohydrates and other useful substances will be supplied with the food provided by the system.

The diet menu is strictly marked, it is easy to find on the Internet, which means you don’t have to think much about what to cook for dinner today. A simple menu does not require much time to prepare. The provided products can be easily found in the store without spending a lot of money.

The disadvantages include:

  • A sudden change in the type of diet can lead to gastrointestinal problems, for example, aggravate some chronic diseases or cause constipation.
  • You should be careful when playing sports. Exhaustion caused by hunger can lead to nausea, dizziness, and fainting.
  • The pounds can quickly return when you return to your previous diet.

Advantages of the diet

The positive aspects of the “Lesenka” nutrition method include the following points:

  • A varied and balanced menu that allows you to reduce weight in a short time without consequences for the body.
  • Quick and effective elimination of subcutaneous fat , in 5 days from 2 kilograms.
  • After finishing the diet, the weight does not return for a long time.
  • Moderate physical activity allows you to maintain muscle mass and a sculpted figure.
  • Does not require calorie counting or additional study of food composition.
  • Dishes from the diet are easy to prepare and do not require additional culinary skills.
  • Available to every person, regardless of financial situation and status.
  • Effectively cleanses the body of toxins and waste accumulated over several years from poor nutrition.
  • At the end of the meal, appetite decreases and the size of the stomach decreases , which allows you to get enough of a small portion.
  • Metabolism improves.
  • From a psychological point of view, the “Ladder” diet is easily tolerated and goes without disruption.
  • Each stage improves the functioning of organs and vital processes.
  • It is allowed to be used by people who are obese and have a disease such as diabetes. Helps regulate blood glucose and bad cholesterol levels.
  • Sleep improves.

Who is the technique suitable for?

This diet is suitable for those people who urgently need to lose a few kilograms. This method of losing weight may not be long-term, but the effect will still be noticeable. In addition, the ladder can help in the first stage of weight loss. And then you just need to maintain the result. It is best after these 5-7 days to switch to proper nutrition, monitor the amount of water you drink, and exercise.

Before starting such a diet, you should consult with a specialist, since this type of nutrition has a number of contraindications.


Before you go on any diet, you should always consult your doctor.

The Lesenka diet has contraindications:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • gastritis, ulcer;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

The first step is “cleansing”

On this day, when starting a diet, the body is cleansed of all harmful substances. On the first day you need to eat apples, as well as activated charcoal. Apple pectin is a substance that triggers cleansing processes in the body. Activated carbon is a natural absorbent; together they will speed up metabolism and also start the process of destroying fat cells.

With the help of activated carbon, the processes of decay and fermentation are eliminated in the body. The body naturally rids itself of toxic substances. The first stage of the diet will allow you to remove waste, toxins, poisons, gases from the body, and also start the process of losing weight.

Myths and misconceptions about Ladder

Myth 1. “Diet allows you to lose weight quickly”

A person loses about 2 kg of weight on the first day. However, losses occur not due to fat deposits, but due to the removal of feces, toxins, and excess water from the body. This happens thanks to the intake of Activated Carbon.

In the future, excess fluid will leave the body, which is the merit of the protein menu. As a result, you will be able to “lose weight” by another 2 kg.

The following days are aimed at the process of getting rid of excess fat. But the body is not able to lose more than 150 g of fat per day. Therefore, muscle mass is used, which is the main disadvantage of the diet. At the same time, a person sees an amazing result on the scale. However, during the entire diet he lost no more than 80 g of fat. Everything else is feces, water and muscles.

Myth 2. “The weight will not come back”

Even if, after completing the diet, you stop eating sweet, fatty and fried foods, the arrow on the scale will still creep up.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Feces will again accumulate in the intestines. When a person regularly eats food, this process is irreversible and natural. Some feces come out and new feces take their place. Thus, the 2 kg lost during the diet will come back.
  • The reserves of excreted fluid will be replenished. Therefore, the plus of two more kilos after the diet is provided by water.
  • The muscles will be renewed, although not too quickly. However, this will definitely happen, so not two, but three or more kilos will come back.
  • All the lost fat will return, and with a reserve. An organism that has experienced a glucose deficiency will begin to store fat for future use. Thus, having lost 8 kg, a person will receive a much larger gain in the future.

Myth 3. “Diet is good for health because it cleanses the body”

  • Cleaning. Taking activated angle along with harmful substances brings out beneficial microflora, interfering with the well-functioning processes of intestinal functioning. If you take more than 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, the risk of side effects increases. To avoid dehydration, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day, not a liter, as indicated in the diet rules.
  • Recovery. The next day is aimed at restoring the intestinal microflora. In fact, it is impossible to completely improve the functioning of the digestive system in one day with the help of kefir. Kefir will only worsen the situation by provoking fermentation processes in the intestines, deprived of microflora.
  • Stage energy. This is a harmful stage of the diet, since alternating carbohydrate and protein days is only suitable for people who are professionally involved in sports. This technique will help them lose weight, as they experience enormous physical exertion. In ordinary people, glucose will be stored in fat.
  • The construction stage is another harmful stage of the diet. When a person eats only protein foods throughout the whole day, he puts a lot of strain on the kidneys and does not “build” muscles. The lack of pectin and fiber will lead to constipation, which is highly likely to happen the very next day.
  • The fifth day, which is designed to burn fat, is also useless. It is simply impossible to do this in one day.

The second step is “restorative”

After active cleansing, the body needs help in recovery. Good helpers will be: kefir, cottage cheese, water. However, on the second day the body is cleansed, since kefir and cottage cheese also contribute to this. It is recommended to make kefir yourself, or purchase kefir with a minimum percentage of fat content.

Many people note that the first results are visible already on day 2. This removes excess water from the body, since kefir and apples have started active kidney function. The weight loss occurred due to the loss of a large amount of feces.

On day 2, the body receives a large amount of protein - this allows the body to recover after stage 1. Some experts note that after a strong cleanse, the body is able to absorb protein much better.

The entire 2nd stage is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the body, as well as reducing fat deposits.

Ladder steps

It is recommended to start the diet on Monday. It is important to remember that changing days is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, significant harm to the body can be caused.

So, let's look at the features of each stage.

First stage

At the initial stage, the body is completely cleansed of accumulated harmful, toxic compounds and toxins. Thus, the body prepares for rapid weight loss.

On the first day, it is recommended to consume fresh apples, charcoal and water in unlimited quantities. The presence of a significant amount of pectin in fruits helps neutralize hunger, and charcoal eliminates unnecessary substances. The daily intake of apples is 1 kg, and tablets are 12 pieces. Don't forget about clean liquid.

At the initial stage, negative effects of the medication may be observed in the form of:

  • presence of hunger;
  • increased gas formation and bloating;
  • stool loss or constipation.

Second stage

After a serious cleanse, on the second day the digestive system needs to be restored. Dairy products – kefir and cottage cheese – are actively used for this purpose.

The combination of water and fermented milk ingredients improves intestinal motility, as well as replenish the lack of beneficial microorganisms and protein. It is on this day that metabolic processes are launched.

Due to the large loss of energy on the second day, the following reactions can be observed:

  • weakness;
  • fast fatiguability.

Third stage

Day 3, step 3, is considered energetic, as it allows you to saturate the body with easily digestible carbohydrates and is considered the most delicious.

By eating a small amount of raisins and honey, you can compensate for the lack of nutrients and improve your emotional state. It is allowed to make a decoction or infusion from dry fruits.

Fourth stage

Restoration of protein balance occurs on day 4 of the “Lesenka” diet. Poultry meat without fat and skin is boiled without adding salt; in addition, fresh herbs are allowed.

The low-calorie pulp is well digestible and replenishes the lack of beneficial amino acids for improved functioning of all organ systems. At this stage, protein helps replenish the reserves of building material for muscle formation.

Fifth stage

The final stage is fat burning. It is necessary to eat foods rich in fiber. It is she who is involved in the process of burning fat deposits.

In science, this effect is called “negative calories.” This is explained by the fact that a person feels full, but at the same time the energy value of the products is minimal.

The third step is “energy”

On day 3 of the diet, you may feel slight weakness - this is due to energy malaise. Over the previous two days, the body had lost a large supply of glycogen. Losing weight without it slows down, so at stage 3 it’s worth deceiving the body a little. It’s worth starting to eat raisins, honey, and sweet dried fruit compote. These products are high in calories, but they contain healthy sugar. Glucose is needed by the body for energy. Useful glucose, which is contained in honey and raisins, does not contribute to the growth of body fat. Dried fruits will deliver potassium, iron, and magnesium to the body.

"Burning" step

On the final day, fat burning occurs due to the creation of a negative energy balance in the body (calorie intake is less than expenditure). High fiber foods will help maintain this balance:

  • vegetables, fruits - 1 kilogram;
  • oatmeal (dry) - 200-300 grams.

These foods are low in calories, but will require a large amount of energy to digest the food. The person will be full, and the body will burn fat.

Some useful tips:

  • It is recommended to cook oatmeal in water without sugar with a small amount of salt. To do this, pour boiling water over oatmeal (not instant cooking) and leave overnight. In this form, all useful substances will be preserved.
  • It is not recommended to eat grapes and bananas as fruits. They contain a lot of calories and glucose.
  • Potatoes and green peas should be excluded from vegetables as they contain a lot of starch.
  • You need to drink at least a liter of water.

On the final day you can lose 1-2.5 kilograms.

Step five – “burning fat”

Day 5 of the diet is aimed at actively burning fat. By this day, the optimal energy balance has been restored in the body. With it, the body receives fewer calories than it expends. This simple rule underlies any weight loss: you need to spend more calories than you enter the body with food. By adhering to this rule, you can avoid the return of extra pounds in the future.

On day 5, it is recommended to consume foods that have little energy value, but to process them the body activates all energy resources. Such products include: cereals, vegetables, fruits. To digest fiber, the body must expend much more energy than it does with these foods. Fiber also has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

The essence of the diet

“Ladder” is a diet with a small amount of carbohydrates and minimal calories. Such restrictions are a great stress for the body. This condition can aggravate chronic diseases (especially gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases) or, on the contrary, sharply increase body fat. Therefore, this diet is designed for only 5 days. In such a short period of time, the body will not have time to enter a state of stress, but will have time to lose extra pounds.

The “ladder” includes 5 steps.

Table of permitted products

The 5-day ladder diet has a clear list of foods that are allowed for consumption. It is worth noting that you cannot add new products to your diet, or remove any of those listed below. Allowed products include: apples, low-fat cottage cheese, fruits, lean chicken meat, vegetables, honey, dried fruits, kefir, as well as drinking, still water.

All permitted products are as beneficial as possible for the body:

  • Green apples are consumed on the first day along with activated carbon. This tandem will allow you to remove excess toxins and waste from the body. Cleansing the body occurs through feces, in the most natural way possible. This promotes effective weight loss.
  • Cottage cheese and kefir should be low-fat. These products will support the intestinal microflora and also help avoid problems with constipation, bloating, and gases.
  • On the third day, when glycogen reserves are minimal, raisins and honey will saturate the body. These foods will supply glucose, which is necessary for normal functioning. Glucose is responsible not only for energy, but also for the process of losing weight and optimal brain function.
  • Eating a hearty meal on day 4 will keep you from breaking down. The protein found in chicken or turkey is necessary for building muscles, as well as normalizing blood circulation.
  • Fiber, which is found in vegetables and fruits, allows you to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as consolidate the results of weight loss.

The table below shows examples of foods that are allowed during the 5 days of the diet. The content of KBJU is indicated per 100 g of product.

Bell pepper1,30528
Oatmeal porridge3414100
Low-fat kefir2,81440
Boiled chicken breast3020,5140
Boiled turkey fillet251130
Compote without sugar0,801460

How to avoid a breakdown

Some tips from experts on how not to give up and reach your goal:

  • keep a diary and monitor your food intake;
  • come up with interesting recipes;
  • psychological attitude that you will soon have a slim figure;
  • sleep 8-10 hours, lack of sleep increases appetite;
  • for following the rules of the diet, reward yourself with shopping or going to the cinema, theater, beauty salon;
  • hang photographs of people with beautiful figures on the refrigerator, write inspiring phrases;

Table of prohibited products

With this type of diet, all other foods are prohibited. You don’t have to study the benefits and harms of KBJU potatoes, beef, and other products. With such a phased diet, they are prohibited. Your diet should consist exclusively of those foods that were prescribed above.

Each of the 5 days should have maximum effectiveness for losing weight. And any other products that contain starch, salt or flour will slow down this process. In this case, the diet will no longer be effective.

Any alcoholic drinks are also prohibited.

Diet products


The list of ingredients used in the “Lesenka” diet is small, the replacement of which is prohibited.

Each of the 5-day food products has its own special purpose for the body:

  • Apples allow you to remove harmful and toxic compounds naturally and prepare for weight loss.
  • Fermented milk components improve intestinal microflora and prevent the development of dysbiosis. Reduces the risk of flatulence and constipation.
  • Raisins and bee products are saturated with natural sugar. They give the body additional strength and energy, improve brain function.
  • Poultry meat - supports the construction of muscle tissue and normalizes the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Oatmeal, fruits and vitamins are rich in fiber. They help consolidate the results of the “Ladder” diet.

Detailed Products Table:

Vegetables and greensWhite cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers, sweet red peppers, celery, asparagus, spinach.
Fruits, dried fruitsApricots, oranges, cherries, pears, kiwis, peaches, apples, raisins.
Flavor enhancersHoney.
Dairy productsKefir 1%, low-fat cottage cheese.
Poultry meatBoiled chicken breast, boiled turkey fillet
BeveragesWater, herbal teas, unsweetened dried fruit decoction

For variety, still water can be replaced with herbal tea, natural freshly squeezed juices from unsweetened fruits, a drink with ginger and honey.


The use of ingredients other than those permitted is strictly prohibited. Therefore, you don’t have to think about whether potatoes or beef will be harmful or not. After all, they simply cannot be included in the diet during the “Ladder” diet.

The presence of large amounts of fat, starch, sugar, salt and flour in prohibited foods will slow down the process of removing fat deposits.

Detailed Products Table:

VegetablesPeas, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, squash, radishes, beets, beans.
NutsWalnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts.
PorridgeBuckwheat, semolina, millet, rice.
Flour and pasta productsPasta, pancakes, dumplings, pancakes, dumplings, bread.
SweetsJam, jam, sweets, cookies, ice cream, chocolate, sugar, condensed milk.
Meat productsPork, lard, veal, lamb, bacon, ham, sausage, frankfurters.
FatsVegetable oil.
BeveragesAbsinthe, brandy, vodka, beer, cola, coffee with milk and sugar, energy drink.

When following a dietary diet, it is prohibited to eat fried, salty, canned, or spicy foods.

“Lesenka” diet menu for 5 days (diet regimen)

Please note that during the day you need to divide the portions so that there is enough for 5-7 meals. A sample menu for 5 days might look like this.

The first day

At the first stage, you need to eat up to 1.5 kilograms of any apples per day. During the day you need to monitor the amount of water you drink. Every 2 hours you should drink 1-2 tablets of activated carbon. Their number should not exceed 10 per day.

Second day

On the second day, you need to eat 500-600 g of low-fat cottage cheese, drink about 1 liter of water, as well as 1 liter of low-fat homemade or store-bought kefir. For taste, you can add a pinch of vanillin, cinnamon or a sprig of mint to the cottage cheese.

Day three

Day 3 is the sweetest. Throughout the day you need to eat about 400 g of raisins. It is better to give preference to light varieties. You also need to consume 2 teaspoons of honey, and also cook 1.5-2 liters of dried fruit compote without sugar. It is better to divide honey evenly into 4 doses of half a teaspoon.

Day four

Meat day, during which you eat about 500 g of boiled lean poultry meat. You must drink at least 1 liter of water. Meat can be prepared in different ways, for example, stewed or baked. For taste, you can add greens and herbs. The most important thing is to avoid salt, oil, mayonnaise.

Day five

On the last day of the diet, you need to eat 200-300 g of oatmeal. The main thing is to cook porridge without sugar, salt, or seasonings. On the last day, you are allowed to eat a kilogram of vegetables or fruits (except bananas) and drink 1.5-2 liters of water.

"Construction" step

On this day you are allowed to eat no more than 500 grams of boiled chicken or turkey. It is recommended to boil, bake or stew the breasts without salt or oil. The body will be saturated with amino acids, proteins and proteins. You also need to drink at least 1 liter of water.

Tips for day four:

  • Turkey fillet is preferred as it is considered more valuable.
  • Divide the boiled meat into several small portions and eat it at equal intervals throughout the day.
  • It is recommended not to use salt, but if this is not possible, then it is better to choose sea salt.
  • On the fourth day, you are allowed to additionally make a salad from a small amount of greens (1-2 tablespoons), seasoned with olive oil.

The fourth day helps you lose weight by 500-1300 grams.

“Lesenka” diet menu for 7 days

The diet menu for 7 days is almost no different from the five-day one. The first stage is also considered cleansing. During this period, the body experiences a feeling of hunger. During the day you need to eat about 1 kg of apples, drink 2 liters of clean water, and also take 1-2 tablets of activated carbon every 2 hours.

The second day is recovery. On this day it is necessary to consume kefir and cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content.

The third day is energy restoration. Here, just like in a simple diet, you need to eat up to 300 g of dried fruits, for example, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried apples, pears. You can add a couple of spoons of honey.

Day 4 - construction. It is recommended to consume about 500 g of lean chicken meat. The cooking method can be any, the main thing is not to fry, do not use salt, oil or mayonnaise. For taste, you can add a little (about 50 g) of any greens.

Day 5 - fat burning. To minimize the feeling of hunger, add bran. The main diet should consist of vegetables and fruits.

From day 6 the diet changes slightly. Since its duration has increased, it is important to revisit the muscle building process. Day 6 - protein. It duplicates day 4.

On the final seventh day, you must drink unsweetened coffee or tea. You can also eat fruits, vegetables, herbs, about 200 g of oatmeal, and bran.

Disadvantages of the diet

Like any dietary food, the “Ladder” method has its drawbacks:

  • It consists of a complex of mono-diets that adversely affect a person’s well-being. They are used exclusively for fasting days. 5 such days can cause adverse reactions of the body in the form of: nausea, increased weakness, dizziness, severe hunger, digestive system upset, increased gas formation, colic and severe pain in the stomach, depression and insomnia.
  • Additionally, you need to take vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Requires maximum patience and restraint.
  • Only a person who previously constantly ate incorrectly can lose 3 kg in 5 days. Basically, in a given period of time you can lose about 1.5 kilograms.
  • By returning to the usual menu, the weight will return. Therefore, after a diet, it is necessary to observe small healthy restrictions in food.

In case of failure

Before starting such weight loss, it is important to prepare yourself psychologically, for example, to find motivation. It is on this that endurance depends. People who are losing weight note that it is much easier to lose weight if you diagrammatically depict a staircase. And then every day celebrate progress in the form of lost kilograms. It is recommended to depict the staircase as brightly as possible, adding bright colors. It is best to hang it in a visible place, such as on the refrigerator or desktop. So, seeing progress, the desire to eat something forbidden will fade into the background.

In case of failure, the diet will need to be started again.

Don't beat yourself up too much for a breakdown. Even if this happened, you need to pull yourself together and return to your usual diet for a while. And after some time, try this type of nutrition again.

How not to break down?

To avoid breakdowns, it is recommended to prepare psychologically for this diet. To do this, you need to schematically depict the staircase and the route to climb it. It is desirable that each step be decorated brightly and attract attention. Attach this piece of paper to the refrigerator, at your workplace or anywhere else, and at the end of the day, note the weight that has already been lost.

If a breakdown does occur, then there is no need to blame yourself. After some time, it is recommended to try again.

Quitting the diet

It is important not only to last all 5 days without breakdowns, but also to finish the diet correctly. This will largely determine whether the kilograms return after some time.

After losing weight, you need to return to your previous type of diet gradually, without rushing to any food. Of course, it is better to stick to proper nutrition. By excluding all sweets, flour, and fried foods from the diet. This is the only way to guarantee that excess weight will not return to you.

There are several simple rules that will help you quit the diet without harm to your health:

  • Continue to monitor your portion sizes. Over the last 5 days, your body has become accustomed to receiving small portions, while the total calorie content of the diet was low. You should not immediately return to fatty foods, increasing the total calorie content several times.
  • Introduce foods into your diet gradually, no more than 1-2 times a day.
  • Chew your food thoroughly. This way you can be satisfied with less food.

Don't stop exercising. Running, walking, swimming - all this will have a positive effect.

Basic rules of a multi-stage power system

A graduated diet for 5 days, 7 days or more, specially designed by nutritionists. The sequence cannot be changed. Experts say you can lose 8 to 10 kg. They prepare for the system in advance, purchase all products, postpone trips and holiday feasts. If a failure occurs, the diet is allowed to be used after six months.

There are a number of rules to achieve results:

  • Drink 1-2 liters per day. pure water, herbal tea and chicory are additionally allowed.
  • Try to eat foods without sugar, dyes and preservatives, as they have a bad effect on the body and the process of losing weight.
  • Limited nutrition will have a bad effect on the quality of hair, skin and nails, so multivitamins are purchased.
  • If the diet is violated at stage 1 or 2, you are allowed to return to the beginning. If the breakdown occurs later, it is better to reach stage 5, but the effect will be much less than expected.
  • You cannot change your diet.
  • It is unacceptable to reunite days.
  • It is necessary to eat small meals 4 to 7 times a day to reduce hunger.

Ladder is an unbalanced nutritional system and creates stress for the body, so it can be used no more than 2 times a year.

Diet "Lesenka": reviews and results

You can find many positive reviews on various forums. For example:

“My height is 163 cm, and my weight is 70. A sedentary lifestyle, snacking, alcohol - all this affected my figure. Thanks to the ladder, I was able to get rid of 5 extra pounds. At the same time, without experiencing much hunger. I started walking more, walking home instead of taking the elevator. The result pleased me. Almost six months have passed, I continue to monitor my nutrition. Weight remains stable." — Julia, 33 years old.

“The diet didn’t help me at all. I can’t deny myself food, eating only cottage cheese all day, and I just hate raisins. Therefore, if you have the same problems, it’s better not to suffer, but look for something else.” — Victoria, 21 years old.

But there are also negative reviews indicating that such a diet is not suitable for everyone. On any given day, a person may begin to experience severe discomfort. In addition, not everyone manages to lose the promised 5-7 kg, and during the recovery process serious problems with the functioning of the digestive system may arise.

Diet results: before and after photos

Judging by the reviews of doctors, the diet is a kind of protein-carbohydrate alternation, with which you can lose 3-4 kg, which is only due to the low daily calorie content - less than 1500 kcal. But after completing the nutrition system, the weight will return. Stomach problems, metabolic disorders and deterioration in the structure of hair, nail plates and skin are also possible.

Those losing weight are happy with the results if they want to quickly remove swelling and extra pounds, but not everyone is able to lose significant weight in 5 days. Sometimes it is less than 4 kg. Most of those who have experienced this system confirm that it will not give a long-term effect. When returning to a normal eating style, the weight rises, sometimes even more than it was before.

The ladder allows you to lose weight due to the loss of accumulated water.

The Lesenka diet and its menu for 5 days help to get results, however, it is different for each woman. What matters is a person’s age, initial weight, and individual predispositions of the body. The system is rather unloading and temporary in nature, but is quite suitable for a quick effect. It is important to take vitamins, since the diet is not rich in a variety of foods.

The benefits and harms of the technique

Like any method of losing weight, the miracle diet “Lesenka” has its advantages and disadvantages. It will not only allow you to reduce your weight and get in shape, but will also have a beneficial effect on the body due to effectively developed stages of weight loss. High-quality cleansing of the digestive system and liberation of the entire body from waste and toxins will improve the functioning of all organs. The “Ladder” diet with a detailed description of the degrees has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, heart muscle, liver and gall bladder. After a course of weight loss, the functioning of the nervous system is restored and metabolism returns to normal.

The disadvantage of the diet is the insufficient supply of vitamins and microelements to the body. This can lead to weakness, fatigue and dizziness.

Important: Particular caution should be exercised during the diet by people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The presence of ulcers and gastritis can cause pain, flatulence, and bloating. People with endocrine system disorders should not get carried away with dieting. Unstable hormone levels can cause negative consequences in women: disrupt the menstrual cycle, cause disturbances in the reproductive system, and lead to problems conceiving a child.

The diet can be harmful to pregnant women and nursing mothers. During this period, you should not limit yourself in nutrition, as the body needs a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. Before starting a diet, it is important to undergo examination and consult with your doctor.

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