Mallow flowers Sudanese alexandria leaf application indication. Growing wild mallow, Sudanese

Composition and beneficial properties of Super Slim

The tea contains herbal ingredients such as:

  • Sudanese mallow;
  • alexandria leaf (senna);
  • rosehip berries;
  • Melissa.

In addition to the unflavored drink, teas with natural flavors are available. You can buy tea with the following flavors:

  • raspberries;
  • strawberries;
  • strawberries;
  • tropical fruits;
  • lemon;
  • mint;
  • peach;
  • black currant.

Tea has many beneficial properties due to the components of the drink.

Sudanese mallow (stockrose) flowers contain a large amount of vitamins that help increase the body's defenses. In addition, the herbal product has a strong diuretic and choleretic effect, which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Polysaccharides and pectin contained in flowers remove harmful substances from the intestines. Thanks to this cleansing effect, mallow promotes weight loss.

Alexandria leaf has a strong laxative effect due to the anthraglycosides contained in the plant, which irritate the receptors of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, reducing the secretion of secretory fluid and increasing the number of contractions of the walls of the large intestine. In addition, senna helps remove excess fluid from the body, as a result of which puffiness goes away and cellulite decreases.

Rose hips improve the functioning of the digestive tract and physical performance, stimulate collagen production, normalize water-salt balance and accelerate metabolic processes. In addition, rosehip has a diuretic, choleretic, tonic and anti-inflammatory effect.

With tea you can speed up your metabolism and strengthen your immune system. Despite the beneficial properties of tea, you should consult a doctor before drinking.

Useful properties of Super Slim

Choosing a hydrolate for a particular skin type

  • For fatty ones.
    Here you need products with an astringent effect - they normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and help cleanse the pores. These are hydrolates of sage, mint, lemon balm, rosemary, pine, neroli.
  • For combined.
    Products for such skin should reduce sebum production in oily areas and moisturize the epidermis in the rest. Hydrosols of sage, neroli, and green tea cope well with this task.
  • For the problematic one.
    The epidermis, suffering from acne and inflammation, needs products that cleanse well and relieve itching. These include hydrosols of chamomile, cornflower, rosemary, mint, tea tree, hyssop, and orange flowers.
  • For dry.
    This type of epidermis needs intense hydration and relief from flaking. This effect will be provided by hydrolates based on jasmine, rose and ylang-ylang.
  • For the sensitive.
    In this case, products are suitable that moisturize and nourish the skin, but at the same time soothe it, relieving irritation. Hydrolates of rose, chamomile, witch hazel, and jasmine have these properties.
  • For normal.
    This type needs to maintain tone and refresh color. This will be provided by hydrosols of cornflower, lavender, verbena, calendula, and orange flowers.
  • For those suffering from rosacea.
    To reduce spider veins and remove redness, you need products that stimulate metabolic processes and tonic blood vessels. Floral water based on rose, witch hazel, neroli, and chamomile copes with these tasks.
  • For age.
    She needs products that help speed up metabolic processes, improve elasticity, and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. These are hydrolates of lavender, ginseng, rose, lemon balm, sage, lime.


Natural cornflower hydrolate 100%, 100 ml, Levrana

500 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

Features of drinking tea

According to the instructions, to prepare herbal tea, which contains Sudanese mallow, lemon balm, rose hips and Alexandria leaf for weight loss, you need to fill 1 filter bag with 200 ml of hot water, and then leave the drink for 20 minutes to brew. The product should be consumed during meals in the first half of the day, ½ glass 2 times a day. Duration of treatment is 14-21 days. A repeated course can be carried out only after 30-60 days.

It is contraindicated to drink this herbal tea if:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • intolerance to any tea components;
  • acute gastrointestinal diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

How to take tea for weight loss

Mallow in cosmetology

To create homemade cosmetics, we will use the following recipes:

  1. For rashes on the face. Pour 30 grams of dry raw material into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter. We wipe the skin 3 times a day.
  2. Moisturizing mask. Grind 10 mallow petals into powder, add 1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese and cream, mix. Apply to the skin, hold for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  3. For strengthening and rapid hair growth. Mix equal parts of mallow flowers and leaves. Pour into a thermos, pour boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Rinse your hair with the resulting liquid after each shampoo.

How to prepare Sudanese mallow and Alexandrian leaf?

To preserve the beneficial properties of medicinal plants, they must be properly harvested. When harvesting mallow, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Stockrose flowers should be collected during the flowering period along with the calyx or just the petals;
  • the most useful are dark-colored flowers;
  • Drying flowers is required in the shade in a well-ventilated area; laying them out in the sun is strictly prohibited;
  • Dried parts of mallow should be stored in paper bags for up to 2 years.

Senna leaves are collected only when they are fully developed. They need to be plucked from the stem and dried in ventilated areas or special dryers. You can even harvest wild species of Alexandria leaf.

Senna fruits must be harvested after they are fully ripe. During 1 season, leaves are collected up to 3 times. The first collection is carried out in August, then - after 1-1.5 months and the last time - before the onset of frost (if the leaves have time to grow). Alexandria leaf, whose properties remain unchanged for 2 years, is recommended to be stored no longer than this period.

How to prepare Sudanese mallow

A beautiful and useful mallow plant came to us from Asia Minor, the properties of which are successfully used in folk medicine to this day. You can find annual varieties if you need to create a new composition in your flower bed or flower garden every year. You can plant biennial plants like Sudanese mallow and wood mallow. Or you can look for a perennial. These peculiar flowers have a wide variety of colors, except blue and light blue. Therefore, they look great in any place in the garden: in flower beds, in secluded corners near benches, in flower beds.

All hollyhocks are drought-resistant and love sunny, bright places and abundant watering. In folk medicine, the pulp from the leaves of this plant is used as an antiseptic for wounds. Gargling with decoctions helps with colds.

Perennial mallows

We plant this type of plant in the soil with seeds in mid-May - early June. They usually do not germinate together. The germination period lasts from 10 to 14 days. You can plant the seeds immediately in a permanent place, or you can grow them in a kind of nursery for further transplantation to a certain plot of land. Perennial mallows are also planted in seedlings. But planting in the ground should be done only in early August, because the plant produces a rosette of leaves in the first year, and shoots out a stem with buds only the next year. The distance between plants should be 50-70 cm, and for the winter it should be covered or mulched with peat. Perennial mallow blooms only in July and continues flowering until early October, gradually opening more and more buds.

This plant is biennial and needs to be grown in seedlings. It is advisable to treat the seeds with potassium permanganate. I don't always adhere to this wish, but the flowers grow tall and large. When the seedlings grow up, I plant them in disposable or peat cups so as not to damage the roots when planting. And only then in September I plant it in the place of future flowering. Usually, in all garden plots, corners enclosed by a fence look very uninviting. And if your fence is made of mesh or simply does not have much shade, then Sudanese mallow will turn these places into wonderful bright corners that will always attract the attention of your guests and delight you.

Advantages of hydrolates compared to other herbal products

Flower water contains bioflavonoids, vitamins, acids, glycosides, phytoncides, as well as a small amount of essential oil. The penetration of these substances into the skin is not hampered by fiber - it does not enter the hydrosol.

All this, it would seem, is typical for a decoction, but hydrolate is a more gentle product in terms of its effects. After all, it does not contain heavy components of the decoction - salts, dyes, mucus, which often cause irritation of the epidermis.

If we compare hydrosol with pure essential oil, their cosmetic functions are largely similar: both products moisturize, soften, cleanse, and relieve inflammation. However, essential oil must be diluted before use, as in concentrated form it can cause burns, hyperpigmentation and irritation. And even diluted, it cannot be used on delicate or problem areas of the epidermis. And flower water is immediately ready for use and has no restrictions on use.

Natural rose hydrolate 100%, 100 ml, Levrana

500 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

Malva woodland

This plant is often planted as an annual, although in fact wood mallow is also a biennial plant.
Its stems, unlike other types of mallow, need to be supported or tied to a tripod. When flowering ends, the stem needs to be cut. Mallow flowers are very bright and attract insects that feed on nectar. The mallow flower is a wonderful honey plant and bees love to collect pollen and nectar from it. We always plant this plant not far from the hives and plant vegetable crops nearby so that the bees attracted by the bright flowers pollinate them too. Look what beautiful and delicate inflorescences the forest mallow has; the photo clearly demonstrates its exquisite forms! I really like mallow, which is easy to grow. Sudanese mallow - properties, applications
Sudanese mallow or hollyhock is grown as a perennial plant, and in most cases it is grown simply for beauty. But Sudanese mallow has many beneficial properties.

Sudanese mallow can grow up to 2 meters in height; it decorates gardens with its flowering from July until autumn. Mallow flowers are large, collected in a spike, and look very decorative.

Contraindications and possible harm

When studying the benefits of mallow for the human body, experts do not find conditions in which the plant is harmful. However, this only applies to herbs collected in ecologically clean regions. The only contraindication to taking medications is individual intolerance.

Wild mallow, unlike garden mallow, often grows near roads and accumulates toxins during its development. Field plants also receive recharge from groundwater, which may contain harmful substances. The use of a contaminated product can lead to symptoms of poisoning and the development of allergies.

What medicinal properties does Sudanese mallow have?

Sudanese mallow contains tannins, bitterness, mineral components, starch, phytosterol, and plant mucus.

Thanks to this composition, mallow has an expectorant effect. But it is rarely used as a separate remedy. Most often, mallow is combined with other plants, and in complex therapy it has a fairly good effect, helping to cope even with bronchitis.

Infusions and decoctions are made from rose stock, which have an anti-inflammatory as well as astringent effect. These infusions treat stomach diseases and intestinal disorders.

A useful infusion is prepared from mallow flowers to treat diarrhea and kidney disease. It also helps with problems with the throat and oral cavity.

Another healing property of mallow is its diuretic. Therefore, those who want to lose a couple of kilograms and remove excess water from the body drink an infusion of mallow.

Application, subtleties of ancient therapy

Mallow has long been used in various areas of human life: magic, cooking, medicine, gardening. The popularity of a plant can be judged by the frequency of use of its name. For example, mallow gave its name to a sewing machine and a series of cosmetics. There is even a shade of green with this designation.

The mallow flower is popular among modern landscape designers. As you can see in the photo, it is planted along hedges and in flower beds near houses. Garden and wild plants are used to create food dyes, and Asians use the leaves of the grass to prepare salads and first courses. Mallow extract is used in the production of baby creams and cosmetics with anti-aging and regenerating properties.

However, it is the medicinal effects of mallow that are most famous. To this day, the recommendations of ancient healers are applied:

  • for lotions, infuse the herb for at least 2 hours;
  • squeeze out the mallow juice during flowering;
  • To prevent baldness, we prepare products from mallow juice and vegetable oils;
  • We drink mallow tea warm, in small sips;
  • to eliminate boils, apply fresh mashed leaves to the inflamed area;
  • for problems with potency in men, we use only wild mallow in the form of infusions or tea;
  • when treating ulcers we use crushed seeds;
  • to enhance the expectorant effect, prepare the infusion for 10 hours;
  • When creating infusions, add water brought to a boil to the herb and boil the plant for at least 20 minutes.

Recipes for common diseases

During therapy we use recipes known for several centuries:

  1. Pancreatitis. We collect mallow juice and dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1 teaspoon of raw material per 200 ml of liquid. Cool to room temperature before use.
  2. Inflammation of the spleen. Mix mallow with chamomile, green oats and Chernobyl in equal parts. Fill with water at the rate of 450 grams of mixture per 5 liters of water. Place on the stove and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Strain and pour into a filled bath. We take water procedures 2 – 3 times a week for 15 minutes.
  3. Bronchitis and other conditions accompanied by an unproductive and debilitating cough. Take 2 teaspoons of dried mallow leaves or roots. Pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 hours. Strain, drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 – 4 times a day. You can also gargle with this infusion.

Features of harvesting Sudanese mallow

In order for infusions prepared from mallow to be beneficial, it is very important to correctly collect the raw materials and prepare them. To do this, you need to remember only three rules:

  • Sudanese mallow flowers are collected during the flowering period along with the calyx, or exclusively the petals themselves.
  • The darkest-colored flowers are considered the most useful.
  • You need to dry the collected flowers in the shade, in the open air. Store in a breathable paper bag in a dark place.

Infusions from Sudanese mallow are prepared in the same way as from wild mallow, which we wrote about a little earlier. When using prepared infusions, remember that, despite the absence of contraindications and little knowledge of the properties of this plant, you still need to handle it carefully.

Alexandria leaf is a plant that can be classified as a member of the legume family. It has the appearance of a subshrub with a fairly straight stem. This plant has bright yellow flowers. The fruits look like flat beans, in the middle of which grow from 6 to 8 small seeds. The period when the plant begins to bloom lasts from June and ends in September. The fruits begin to ripen in October. Alexandria leaf is a low plant, its maximum height is no more than a meter. It can have a positive effect on the human body. The leaves of the subshrub have more beneficial properties.


Most often, bush leaves are used to make raw materials. But there are many recipes where you need to use only fruits. Alexandria leaf has quite varied properties. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the large intestine. This remedy is a fairly good laxative and also a choleretic agent.

Helps with diseases such as:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • acute conjunctivitis;
  • various skin diseases;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • for liver problems.

Methods of use

The above tool can be used in the following variations:

  • decoction;
  • infusions;
  • pills;
  • powders.

In the fight against excess body weight, as well as against toxins and fecal deposits, the Alexandrian leaf helps tremendously. Tea made from it is best suited to achieve these goals. It contains a large number of different active substances that give the drink laxative and antiseptic properties.

You need to know that consuming Alexandria leaf will not harm the human body. The process of losing body weight occurs due to the fact that intestinal function is stabilized.


You can collect it yourself. Leaves are collected twice a season, but it is better to do this in August. At this time they are already starting to turn a little yellow. The fruits, as well as the leaves, contain a very large amount of organic acids and other useful substances. It is thanks to them that various ailments in the large intestine are treated.

The prepared tinctures help with pain in the joints. If you take fresh leaves of the Alexandria leaf and just one liter of Cahors, you can prepare a very healing infusion. This remedy will perfectly help cope with chronic constipation.

Alexandria leaf for weight loss has very good reviews, especially in cases where diets do not show the desired result, as well as if symptomatic constipation occurs. You just need to know the correct recipe for preparing a decoction or tincture. It is necessary to take the drug at regular intervals, usually 2 times a day. The dosage should be approximately half a glass.

Cleansing the body

Alexandria leaf is recommended for use for weight loss. It is able to cleanse the intestines as much as possible, which will help normalize its functioning, improve motility and, in turn, significantly reduce the process of fat absorption. A positive result will be noticeable after about 2-3 days, but changes will be felt within 6-8 hours from the moment of using the product.

There is another name for the Alexandrian leaf - it is senna. This drug has a very gentle effect on the body. If we compare it with various other medications, then Alexandria leaf for weight loss has positive reviews in most cases, since it quite gently restores and shapes stool.

What is hydrolate for face, body and hair?

This product is obtained by steam distillation.
How it all happens: plant material is placed over boiling water and hot steam is passed through it, which is thus saturated with substances useful for our appearance. Next, the steam is cooled and divided into fractions - essential oil and liquid. The latter is a hydrosol, also called hydrosol and floral (floral) water. You can make hydrolate at home, but for this you will need special equipment - a distillation cube or alambic. And don’t forget that making it yourself requires time, effort and appropriate skills. It’s easier to buy a ready-made product, especially since stores offer a variety of options, including those for which it is quite difficult for a non-professional to find the source material.

Natural lavender hydrolate 100%, 100 ml, Levrana

500 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

Cooking yourself at home

To prepare a healing infusion at home, you need to take one tablespoon of the plant, grind it very well, and then place the whole product in a bowl where one glass of boiling water has already been poured (the water must be boiled). This infusion should be left alone for about eight hours. After the specified time has passed, you need to strain the mixture through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

There is another way. You need to take ¼ liter of boiling water and pour in about two tablespoons of raw material, then you need to heat this broth for about half an hour, but not in direct contact with gas, but through a water bath. Next, the prepared mixture must be cooled for approximately 35 to 45 minutes, then filtered well and squeezed out the raw materials. The amount of prepared infusion must be brought to the initial amount. The method of use is quite simple. You need to drink 0.5 glasses twice a day - morning and evening.

In order to treat diseases such as atherosclerosis, you need to prepare 15 grams of rose hips, several birch leaves, mint, carrots, burdock root and, of course, Alexandria leaf. All of the above ingredients must be crushed, then mixed and poured with one liter of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 1 hour. After time, it is necessary to consume half a glass of the decoction three times a day, preferably after meals.

In order to cure colitis, you need to prepare in advance in equal quantities Alexandria leaf, fennel fruits, caraway seeds, mint, St. John's wort, plantain leaves, chamomile flowers, immortelle flowers. After all the components have been collected, you need to mix them well, and then pour two tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let the broth brew for about 35 minutes, then strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth, which is folded several times. You need to consume 100 grams of the prepared decoction before meals.

Features of use

It is also recommended to alternate the Alexandrine leaf with any other means for losing body weight, so that there is no addiction. Moreover, it is necessary to remember that there must be moderation in everything, since if the dose is significantly increased, then many unpleasant consequences are likely to occur. A person may begin to develop intestinal dystrophy, or the lining of the stomach will be severely irritated.

Before you start using the above product, no matter in what form, you must first consult with a qualified specialist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

When choosing plants for a flower garden, mallow is not the first thing people think of. However, novice gardeners come to the same conclusion as experienced professionals: without mallow you won’t have a beautiful and spectacular flower garden! Therefore, mallow is a perennial plant with a centuries-old history, and is still loved by many today. It looks good in the landscape of a small summer cottage, and near elite cottages. Mallow is summer and sun, brightness and beauty, calm and serenity. Let's take a closer look at this amazing flower; mallow deserves our attention.

Let's start our acquaintance with a botanical description that provides basic information about the plant.

mallow flower

Mallow is a herbaceous plant, a member of the Malvaceae family. An erect, tall plant can reach a height of 80 to 250 cm.

Growing on a stem, foxtails have a rounded shape, the edges of the leaves are notched. The size of the leaves varies depending on the location. In the lower part of the plant they are larger; the higher on the stem they are located, the smaller their size.

The funnel-shaped flowers are collected in inflorescences and decorate the upper part of the plant, starting at a height of 100 cm and above. The flowers are large, with a diameter of 6 to 12 cm, and can be simple, semi-double, or double. The colors of the flowers are varied: white, shades of yellow, pink, red. After flowering ends, fruits appear on the plant - many segments formed into a dense ring. When ripe, the fruit ring is divided into these independent segments.

The flowering of perennial mallow lasts almost the entire summer, from June to September.

Description of the mallow flower and its characteristics

What is mallow? This is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Malaceae family. In total there are more than 25 species, and a huge number of varieties of this plant. In the wild, the flower grows in Asia, America, and Europe. It can be one or two years old.

Beginner gardeners are interested in what mallow looks like? This plant is from 30 to 120 cm in height, with a bare or pubescent stem. Its leaves are rounded - heart-shaped with 5-7 petals. The inflorescences themselves resemble bells. Their diameter varies from 8 to 12 cm. The mallow plant amazes with its variety of colors. The flowers are: white, pink, violet, purple, red, yellow and black. It begins to bloom in June and ends at the end of August.

Types and varieties of mallow

Having gone through a thousand-year history, today's mallow delights with the diversity of its species and varieties.

Sudanese mallow

Sudanese mallow, which is also called Sudanese rose, is a biennial and grows as a shrub or tree plant. It reaches a height of up to 3 meters, and is distinguished by large bright red flowers from 7 to 10 cm in diameter. It is attractive not only for its flowers, but also for its fruits, which are used to make delicious drinks. Doctors are also interested in Sudanese mallow, for whom the beneficial properties of the plant are important. Decoctions and infusions of Sudanese mallow have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and diuretic effects.

Mallow wrinkled

Mallow wrinkled variety Chaters Double Pink

Rugosa mallow is also known as rose hollyhock. Flower growers love the varieties of this plant developed by breeders. Dwarf or tall hollyhock flowers fit harmoniously into flower beds, allowing you to realize any design ideas for the site.

Popular varieties of wrinkled mallow:

  • Majorette Mixed is a dwarf plant 60-75 cm tall, decorated with large semi-double flowers. The color of the flowers is varied.
  • Pinafore Mixed is a medium-sized compact shrub (90-100 cm). There is a simple or double mallow of this variety; there are also flowers with shiny, glossy petals. The color of the flowers is also different.
  • Chater's Double Strein is a tall variety of hollyhock rose, reaching two meters in height. Another distinctive feature of the variety is its large flowers, the diameter of which reaches up to 15 cm. The flowers are densely double, so they are often compared to peonies.

Musk mallow

Musk mallow variety Alba

Musk mallow is a fairly compact plant. Its height usually does not exceed one meter in height. The charm of this species is given not only by the delicate, medium-sized flowers (diameter up to 5 cm) of whitish or pink shades, but also by the bright aroma.

The following varieties of musk mallow are highly valued:

  • White perfection is a dwarf plant (55-60 cm). The shape of the bush and its snow-white flowers, which densely cover the branches, fully justifies the name of the variety.
  • White Tower - reaches a height of 70 cm, also memorable with its pure white hue. Mallow flowers of the White Tower variety perform well not only in a flower bed, but also as a cut flower for a bouquet.
  • Pink Tower - medium-growing variety (70-100 cm). Delicate flowers of pinkish shades make a good composition with white mallow.

Do you want your flower beds to be pleasing to the eye throughout the summer? To do this, you definitely need to find a place for mallow in the flower garden, and also learn how, where, and when to plant this beautiful plant so that it will delight you with its abundant flowering for many years.

Mallow - photo

So, we have figured out the main types of mallow and the rules for caring for them. To finally decide to plant this beautiful flower, we bring to your attention a selection of photographs. Perhaps in a year or two you will observe such lush blooms not only in the photo, but also in your own garden. Enjoy watching!

Purslane (80 photos): types, reproduction and care

Getting ready to plant perennial mallow

Mallow is not particularly demanding on conditions and care. However, it is impossible to do without compliance with the basic requirements necessary for the successful development of the plant. Advice from professionals will help you grow mallow that will be admired by your neighbors and guests.

Selecting a location

When deciding where to plant mallow, you must first of all take into account that it prefers areas well lit by the sun. The plant will develop well in the shade, but gardeners will have to come to terms with the fact that in the shade the mallow will bloom less abundantly and luxuriantly. It is advisable that the landing site be protected from strong winds. Its gusts and drafts can damage a tall plant. Mallow petals are delicate enough to withstand strong winds, which can also damage the upper part of the plant with its flower stalks.

It should be noted that mallow does not like transplants. This is due to its branched root system, which is damaged when the flower is transferred to a new location. Therefore, it is more correct to immediately choose a place that will become permanent for the flower.

The soil

Light soil that allows air and moisture to pass through well will help you grow beautiful mallow. If the flower is to be planted on depleted soil, regular soil fertilizing will be necessary for the development of the plant. And when planting wrinkled mallow (rose hollyhock), loam is best suited - soil in which clay and a significant portion of sand predominate.

In any soil, it is necessary to provide good drainage to prevent the roots from becoming soaked.

Mallow propagation methods

Perennial mallow is propagated in one of three main ways: growing from seeds, planting seedlings, and cuttings.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Typically, mallow seeds are sown in summer, in June. Seeds are sown on a dug up area, placing them directly on the surface of the soil and sprinkling with a thin layer of soil.

Mallow sowing seeds in the ground

The gardener determines the distance at which plants need to be placed from each other depending on the type of flower. More compact and low-growing plants can be sown at a distance of 40-45 cm, tall ones require more space, so they are sown at a distance of 60 cm.

You can also make shallow furrows in the soil and plant the seeds in them.

Sown seeds need to be watered regularly. In the third week after planting, the mallow seeds will sprout. The first flowers will appear on the plant in the second year of life.

In autumn you can also sow perennial mallow. The sowing technology is changing somewhat; now small holes up to 3 cm deep need to be prepared for seeds. The intervals between holes also range from 40 to 60 cm and depend on the plant variety. Loose soil or peat is used to sprinkle the seeds. Autumn crops of mallow need to be prepared for winter by carefully covering them with leaves.

Planting seedlings

To transplant mallow seedlings to a permanent place in the summer, from July to August, sowing seeds for seedlings begins in March. As when grown from seeds, their flowering begins the next year after planting. However, with early planting of seedlings and, accordingly, early transfer of plants to a permanent place in the ground, flowering is possible already in the year of planting.

Mallow sowing for seedlings

Cups should be prepared for future sprouts. They should be spacious and large: the plant and its roots will need space. The cups are filled with soil mixture. It is advisable to use special soil for flower planting.

The technology for sowing seeds is the same as when sowing them in the ground. Several seeds are placed on the surface of the soil and lightly sprinkled with soil. Then each glass of seeds is spilled with water. For normal development, keep the container with peat cups in a warm place (not lower than 18°C), avoiding drafts, and water it regularly.

Picking mallow into the ground is possible, but not necessary. If you want to dive, you should wait until the third full leaf appears on the plants. For picking, the strongest sprouts are selected, which then continue to grow in a greenhouse or in a room with a constant room temperature, waiting to be transferred to a permanent place.

But you can continue to grow seedlings in the same spacious peat cups in which the seeds sprouted.

It is useful to take the container with seedlings out into the open air 7-10 days after planting. In this case, adaptation to street temperatures will be easier.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings are usually used when they want to plant a specific variety of flower they like on a plot. Cuttings can be carried out in spring and summer. In spring, the cuttings are cut off at the bottom of the plant, closer to the root. In summer, the cuttings are cut from the stem.

If the cutting method is chosen for plant propagation, you should prepare for the procedure in advance and disinfect everything necessary:

  1. A knife that must be very well sharpened. The sharpness of the knife should allow you to easily and effortlessly cut the required part of the plant.
  2. Crushed charcoal. Used to sprinkle the flower cut.
  3. A pot with soil mixture for planting cuttings.

The procedure for cutting mallow is traditional. The cuttings are cut, the wounds are treated, and after the surface of the wound has dried, they are planted in a prepared flower pot and watered abundantly. The cuttings remain in the pot until transplanted into the ground. Cuttings do not always give the desired result; it requires experience and a certain skill. Therefore, more cuttings are harvested than the number of flower plantings expected. The more experience the grower has, the better the ability to take cuttings of mallow.

Planting mallow in open ground

Soil for mallow

The mallow flower is very light-loving, so choose open sunny places for it, but if you decide to grow hollyhock in partial shade, this will not be a big hindrance to its growth and development. It is very important that the mallow is protected from drafts and strong winds, which easily break the long stems of the plant. The soil on the site should be well-drained, fertile, deeply cultivated and moderately moist. Such a condition as fertility is especially important when growing double varieties of stockrose. Mallow is not afraid of drought, but can die on damp soils. Poor, heavy and too dry soils are not suitable for the plant.

When to plant mallow in open ground

Mallow is grown from seeds using seedlings and non-seedling methods. Annual varieties and types of mallow are grown through seedlings. The seeds are pre-soaked in warm water for 12 hours so that they are saturated with moisture and germinate faster. The preferred soil for seedlings is the following composition: peat, compost, sand, turf and sawdust in equal parts.

Sowing mallow seeds for seedlings is carried out at the end of March or beginning of April in separate peat pots, since the tap root of the plant does not tolerate transplanting and picking well. The pots are filled with nutritious seedling soil, moistened, and the two-year-old mallow seeds spread on the surface are sprinkled with a 1 cm thick layer of soil. Then the pots are placed on a common tray, covered with film or glass and kept at a temperature of 18-20 ºC. Shoots should appear in about two weeks, and the coating can be removed, but you need to acclimate the plants to room temperature gradually, starting with 10 minutes without film and gradually increasing the duration of the sessions. Seedlings sown in a common box at the stage of development of the first true leaf are thinned out so that the distance between them is at least 3-4 cm. Caring for seedlings consists of regular watering and ventilation, and when the seedlings develop three leaves, hardening procedures begin. Mallow is planted in the ground in the second half of May, when the threat of return frosts has passed.

Biennial and perennial mallows are sown directly in open ground in early May.

How to plant mallow

On the leveled surface of the training flowerbed, make holes 2-3 cm deep at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other and place two seeds in each. Then the holes are sealed and the surface is lightly compacted. Shoots will appear in one and a half to two weeks. At the stage of development of three true leaves, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving only one, stronger plant in each hole. The seedlings of two-year and perennial mallow are transplanted to a permanent place at the end of August or beginning of September. Planting mallow in the fall is done at a distance of half a meter between the holes. Tall varieties of stockrose are usually planted near arbors, southern walls of buildings and hedges so that the plants are protected from strong winds.

When planting seedlings in the ground, the holes are placed at the same distance as when sowing seeds, but their depth should be such that seedlings in peat cups or the root system of a seedling with an earthen ball can fit in them. After filling the holes, the area is watered.

Mallow care

Caring for perennial mallow is not difficult. Even gardeners just starting to create a flower garden can easily cope with this.

Caring for perennial mallow in the open field consists of systematically following certain actions.


Moderate watering of the mallow allows it to grow safely. In central Russia in the summer, it is enough to shed flowers abundantly 1-2 times. In the southern regions or when the temperature rises above normal, during persistent hot weather and drought, the watering regime is slightly changed. Under such weather conditions, it is advisable to water the mallow every 2 days, increasing the volume of water. But if this is not possible, the mallow will normally tolerate a dry period with regular watering (1-2 times a week) and increasing the volume of water.


Systematic loosening of the mallow helps to provide the roots of the flower with access to air, as well as to free the plantings from weeds. The main task of the gardener is to exercise extreme caution when loosening the soil. This will help prevent damage to the root system, which leads to the death of the plant.

Top dressing

Every year it is recommended to add organic fertilizer (peat, humus or compost) to the soil. Application rate - per 1 sq. m - 3 kg of organic matter. In addition, crushed peat or compost is useful for mulching the soil. In the spring, before budding, the plants are fed with specially developed complex mineral fertilizers for flowers.


Given the high growth of certain varieties of perennial mallow, as well as the relative fragility of the flower, it should be given additional stability in case of strong winds. To do this, grown plants are tied to a peg. To prolong the flowering of perennial mallow, its faded, diseased or dried parts are regularly removed.

Disease and pest control

Mallow is a disease-resistant plant. However, with excessive watering or prolonged heavy rainfall, the flowers may become sick.

Fungal diseases such as spot, powdery mildew, leaf rust, mosaic virus, and stem cancer require surgical intervention. In addition to removing diseased leaves, the plant is helped by the use of one of the antifungal drugs (for example, Trichodermin, Phyto-Doctor, Mikosana-B, colloidal sulfur solution, Bordeaux mixture 1%, etc.) in accordance with the instructions.

The appearance of aphids or spider mites can also harm mallow plantings. If they are detected, you need to treat the plants with insecticidal preparations (for example, Fitoverm, Kinmiks, Fufanol, etc.).

Now you know how to grow mallow. Following these simple planting and care standards will allow you to enjoy it for a long time. And everyone who sees your flower garden will remember the poetic lines: “How the mallows bloom in July, God, how they bloom!”

Caring for hollyhocks in the garden

How to care for mallow

In the future, stock rose care consists of watering, weeding, fertilizing, protection from diseases and pests. Tall plants need to be provided with support so that their stems are not broken by the wind: a tall peg is driven into the soil next to the mallow and tied to it. It is advisable to remove faded flowers to prolong the flowering period.

In the first year, perennial mallow forms only a rosette of leaves, and a peduncle with a spike-shaped inflorescence will appear in the summer of next year. The annual plant usually blooms from June to August.

Watering mallow

Mallow is a moisture-loving plant, so the soil in which it grows must be kept slightly moist at all times, however, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. Watering is carried out in such a way that drops of water do not fall on the leaves. Water is used that has been settled and heated in the sun. The best time for watering is early morning or evening after 16.00.

Feeding mallow

One-year-old mallow in open ground does not need fertilizer, but hollyhock, grown in a biennial or perennial crop, is fed twice during the season: after sowing and in mid-August. Universal complexes for garden flower crops are applied to the soil as fertilizers. Organic matter in the form of compost or humus is best used as a mulch layer.

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