Fitness for the face with Alena Rossoshinskaya. Home lifting gymnastics, video lessons

Principles of fitness for the face of Alena Rossoshinskaya

Unfortunately, the human body begins to fade after 25 years. Doctors have proven that if the mobility of the muscles of the human body were the same as that of the facial muscles, then by the age of 35 they would suffer complete atrophy, and the person would be doomed to absolute immobility.

It has long been noticed that people who often use facial muscles (actors, teachers) look much younger than their age. Face fitness gives you the opportunity to train your facial muscles. They will become firm and elastic, create a chiseled oval face, smooth out wrinkles, and return the skin to a fresh, pleasant appearance and healthy glow.

Face building is a set of exercises used to restore elasticity, youthfulness of facial skin and form a beautiful oval face.

Alena Rossoshinskaya has developed a facial fitness complex based on the following basic principles:

  1. Increasing the tone of the facial muscles through exercises. They improve blood flow, speed up metabolism in muscle tissue and, as a result, make the facial contour clearer, rejuvenate the skin and remove wrinkles.

    Facial fitness by Alena Rossoshinskaya includes various exercises to increase muscle tone.

  2. Carrying out self-massage. When exposed to muscle tissue, the lymphatic fluid washing the cells accelerates its movement, the pressure in them increases and restores the volume of the cells. Capillary blood circulation increases, the muscles and skin of the face receive more nutrients and oxygen, and toxins are eliminated faster.
  3. Training the muscles of the neck and chest. Based on the condition of the skin of these areas, others often judge a woman’s age.
  4. Performing exercises to tone biologically active points using acupuncture.
  5. Training the muscles responsible for the movement of the ears. When you move your ears, a natural face lift occurs, and tension in the muscle tissue is released. The existing, persistent grimace is removed.
  6. Study of the anatomy of the main facial muscles. This knowledge helps you perform exercises consciously and increases the effectiveness of your training.
  7. Mastering relaxation and relaxation exercises to effectively control your emotional state.

It is important to know! To get the desired result, you need to train daily. Regular exercise is the key to success.

Daily, 10-minute exercises will soon become a habit and restore youth and beauty to a woman’s face.

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Alena Rossoshinskaya

Alena Rossoshinskaya (April 13, 1979, 39 years old) - International expert on face fitness, founder of the “Smart Face Fitness” methodology, ideological inspirer of the development of an adaptive culture of face fitness in Russia and the countries of Europe and the East.

Specialist in physical rehabilitation, graduated from the Kiev National University of Physical Culture and Sports.

  • Advanced training: National Academy of Management under the President of Ukraine.
  • Master of the school of somatic integration of Dr. Chikurov.
  • Certified specialist of the "University of Paris UNIVERSITE de PARIS FACVLTE de MEDECINEVNIVERSITE de PARIS FACULTE de MEDECINE" in anatomical research (cadaver course)

By first education, he is a lawyer. Has a certificate of the right to engage in notarial activities. She worked in the state tax service in the department of legislative activities. After graduating from university, in parallel with her main work in the justice department, she lectured on family law at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy.

Since 2008, after an unsuccessful experience with injections, Alena began to look for other ways to rejuvenate and maintain facial beauty. She studied in America with the famous Carol Maggio, the author of the American gymnastics method for the face.

Since 2008, Alena has been actively researching the topic of natural rejuvenation, building up her expert experience:

  • I studied and tested various techniques on myself;
  • Mastered the rejuvenating and energetic practices of traditional Chinese medicine;
  • Regularly consults and maintains professional connections with renowned cosmetologists, plastic surgeons, experts in nutrition, dietetics, and physical wellness specialists through yogic and breathing practices;
  • Annually attends closed professional seminars on aesthetic medicine and cosmetology;
  • Takes professional workshops with recognized authorities in the field of beauty.

Also in 2008, Alena created her own facial fitness method “Ilovefacefitness”. Soon Alena opened the first face fitness studio - first in Ukraine, where at that time the face fitness culture was completely undeveloped, and then began to conduct training in other countries.

Over the course of 10 years, the technique was improved and adapted for women of different ages and cultures. Today, Alena Rossoshinskaya’s methodology is a synthesis of the best practices of European culture and Eastern experience in rejuvenating the body. It includes practices created by Alena as a result of many years of research, practice and observations of the long-term results of numerous students and clients.

Alena passed on her experience to her students for many years and raised real stars - successful face fitness trainers.

In 2014, she wrote her first book about natural methods of facial rejuvenation. In total, Alena has published 7 books about facial fitness, anti-aging and beauty:

  • “How to get rid of wrinkles and other age-related changes.” Edition: 06/01/2015;
  • “Face culture: home lifting for the face and neck.” Publication: October 27, 2014;
  • “The age of happiness. How to rejuvenate your face in 20 minutes a day.” Publication: 12/02/2014;
  • “How to get rid of a double chin and restore the shape of your face.” Publication: 09/28/2015;
  • "Double chin. Express deliverance.” Publication: 07/24/2017;
  • “Face fitness. Express course.” Edition: 10/05/2017;
  • “Home face fitness. Exercises for healthy skin and facial muscles.” Edition: 04/03/2018;
  • Currently, her 8th book about facial expressions is being prepared for publication.

In 2021, Alena teamed up with 2 of her students and founded the International Face Fitness Academy (IFFA), where she is the founder, coach and ideological inspirer.

Over 10 years of practice, she has taught thousands of women around the world how to properly care for their faces during individual consultations and group trainings, which she conducts both in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe.

Since 2010, she has hosted the television program “Fitness for the Face” on the TV channel ZHIVI! The recordings are still available on the program’s YouTube channel, she has published dozens of articles about natural methods of rejuvenation in various popular publications, and regularly appears on various TV channels.

Her personal consultations included:

  • Martin Von Den Driesch - famous portrait photographer, worked with Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, Bill Gates;
  • Katarina Spiering is a film actress who has starred in 48 films: the TV series “Special Forces”, “Criminal Department”, “Free Letter” and others;
  • Tamara Vitalievna Galushka, mother of the famous singer Vera Brezhneva.

Alena also conducts personal consultations for VIP clients and high-status individuals, whose results she does not publish for reasons of professional ethics.

Alena is a successful trainer and businesswoman, a demanding teacher, an attentive mentor and simply a charming and wise woman. On her personal blog, she shares her experience and knowledge, talks about how to easily and simply return youth and beauty to your face, learn carefully and treat yourself and your health with love.

Training rules

Accurate adherence to recommendations and strict control over the implementation of the rules of the method are a guarantee of a successful result. Alena Rossoshinskaya created facial fitness to help women maintain the beauty of their skin, remove wrinkles and restore a healthy glow.

Class rules:

  1. When performing exercises, the trainee should not feel unpleasant or painful sensations. Although the impact of fingers on the skin of the face should be moderately strong.
  2. The training is always carried out with control of your actions in the mirror. Observing himself in the mirror, the practitioner does not make a mistake.

  3. It is necessary to allocate special time for studying. You can't be distracted while doing exercises. You need to focus all your attention on the exercise. If you have to be distracted, it is better to postpone the lesson for another time.
  4. To get noticeable results, within three weeks, you need to train regularly, twice every day. Optimally - in the morning and an hour before bedtime.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas and emphasis should be placed on them. You should perform exercises that affect them for a longer time, which will eliminate the problem.
  6. When working with problem areas, you must act carefully; the effects should not cause pain.
  7. You cannot train if you are feeling unwell: high temperature, colds, overwork. It is strictly forbidden to perform exercises within a year after corrective plastic surgery.

Advice! The main thing to achieve a goal is faith in success. The confidence that training will restore youth and beauty to the face helps to obtain a positive result in the shortest possible time.

A little about Alena Rossoshinskaya and her technique

Facial fitness or so-called face-building, which can be literally translated as “facial structure,” was developed more than 85 years ago. The idea of ​​working out the facial muscles in this way was enthusiastically received in Europe and the USA. In Russia, face fitness has been known not so long ago, and Alena Rossoshinskaya has been actively involved in popularizing this system.

She systematized the entire volume of previously known information on facial gymnastics and included it in her book, diluting the content with her own author’s techniques. So in 2014, a work entitled “Face Culture: Home Lifting for the Face and Neck” appeared on store shelves with a detailed description of the technique of performing anti-aging exercises.

Useful tips from Alena on caring for your face can be easily found on the Internet in the form of video tutorials. The popularity of facial fitness among women has increased many times after Alena began practicing this technique on the “Live” TV channel. Her face fitness program is complemented by lively interesting communication, various massage, meditation and relaxation programs.

Now let’s touch on the very concept of face fitness. This phrase covers a range of numerous exercises for the face, the action of which is aimed at solving certain problems:

  1. Droopy eyelids, tired look.
  2. Facial contours that have lost clarity.
  3. Double chin.
  4. Nasolabial folds, facial and age wrinkles in the bridge of the nose and forehead.

In order for our body to remain fit and slim longer, we must regularly expose it to physical activity in the gym. Strength training and cardio are the best ways to burn excess fat and build strong muscles.

Face fitness is a technique based on the same principle. A specially developed program contains a set of exercises that allow the facial muscles to maintain their elasticity even under the pressure of age-related changes. Systematization of these exercises, according to Alena Rossoshinskaya, significantly increases the tone of the facial muscles and improves tissue metabolism. Increased blood circulation allows the skin to remain fresh, smooth and healthy longer with an even tone.

Facebuilding introductory lesson

The first lesson of the complex presents warm-up exercises that warm up and prepare the muscles for training. This part of the complex is performed before each lesson. The second part is devoted to actions that will allow trainees to feel the muscles of their head. The warm-up cycle consists of the following exercises.

Exercise nameDescription of the technique
CardingComb your head with energetic movements, starting from the periphery to the center. The movements should be intense to create a feeling of warmth in the scalp. This stimulation of the skin helps increase blood flow.
Warming upIt is necessary to grab the roots of the hair and gently, in a circular motion, pull the skin with hair away from the skull. The skin on the entire surface of the head should move very well relative to the skull, hard areas are worked on additionally. The exercise is quite painful, but you need to pay great attention to it.

The next part of the warm-up consists of exercises that affect active biological points of the head. Stimulation of these points leads to an improvement in complexion. The impact is made with the tips or knuckles of the phalanges of the fingers. You should only press on the points; you cannot rub these places. The pressure should be strong, and you should feel the bone of the skull when applying pressure. The exercise is performed 10 times.

Alena Rossoshinskaya developed fitness for the face taking into account techniques that allow activation of biologically active points:

  1. The first point is at the base of the eyebrows, press the tips or knuckles of the phalanges of the index fingers to the skin and apply pressure. The impact should be slightly painful. Apply pressure so that the skin does not move, neither rub nor rotate, but simply press.
  2. Move your fingers two centimeters above your eyebrows. Repeat pressing movements. Over time, the painful sensations will pass, and there will be no unpleasant moments.
  3. Warming up the bridge of the nose and sides of the nose. Very carefully, using air movements, rub the side of the nose with the pads of the index and middle fingers. You can't pull the skin. The implementation of the effects should be monitored in the mirror; the appearance of creases, wrinkles and folds when rubbing is not allowed.
  4. The next point is at the base of the nostrils of the nose, the pressure should be strong, slightly painful.
  5. Use the knuckle of the index finger of your right hand to press on the point between the nose and lips.
  6. Move to the place between the lips and chin, carry out the impact
  7. The next two symmetrical points are located under the base of the fangs on the lower jaw.
  8. Go to another pair of points located on the most protruding part of the zygomatic arch. You need to place your fingers on the bone.
  9. Act on two symmetrical points located at the tragus of the auricles.

These exercises form a warm-up complex and should be done every morning after waking up. They will provide a person with a boost of energy for the whole day and allow them to maintain a beautiful appearance.

The next part of the lesson is devoted to actions that ensure the development of the skill of sensation and awareness of the facial muscles. First, relaxation and breathing exercises are performed. You should mentally imagine a beautiful and healthy image of the face that you need to strive for.

Take a deep breath, hold your breath for five counts. Exhale deeply, breathe according to this system for a couple of minutes, tuning into the image of youth and beauty. It is advisable to feel the muscles of your face when performing breathing exercises. Listen to the forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheeks, under-eye area, temple area, scalp, back of the head.

Description of exercises for awareness of facial muscles:

  1. Place your fingers at the base of the nostrils on both sides and gently press on these places 4 times. After each press, you should try to feel how the muscles push your fingers back. Record these sensations.
  2. Move your fingers to the inner corners of your eyes and press 4 times, trying to push your fingers back with this place.

Repeat this exercise:

  • on the outer corner of the eye;
  • on the lower eyelid;
  • on the upper eyelid;
  • between the eyebrows;
  • put your hands on your forehead;
  • move to cheeks;
  • on the lower part of the chin;
  • on the nasolabial lines.

When performing the impact, you should feel the pulse of the muscles and imagine the movement mentally. If you don’t succeed right away, you don’t need to be upset, you should train regularly and this feeling will come with time.

Face culture. Alena Rossoshinskaya – book analysis

Alena Rossoshinskaya, who recently published the book “Face Culture,” declared herself the author of the Face Culture system. Despite the fact that the Faceculture system existed several years before Mrs. Rossoshinskaya opened the first facial gymnastics salon, since she became the new author of this system, the site of the same name amicably decided to carefully study this new revolutionary system.

And at the same time, we decided to make a gift for those who do not yet have Alena Rossoshinskaya’s book “Face Culture” - to collect on one page all “her”, “author’s” exercises (Mrs. Rossoshinskaya declared herself the author of the Face Culture system, moreover, a revolutionary system, that is, having in itself something that no one had offered before).

Comments are probably unnecessary.


In fairness, it should be noted that not everything in this book is plagiarism. Not everyone. For example, Alena’s story that she has been injecting hyaluronic acid since she was 25 years old (by the way, Alena is now only 35 years old) is true. Some of her thoughts are also, indeed, hers. (Tatyana Chekalova, the real author of the Faceculture system, disclaims authorship of these arguments). You can find what Alena Rossoshinskaya copied from other facial gymnasts in another publication dedicated to her book. And here I would like to dwell on what Mrs. Rossoshinskaya is the author of.

Here is a story about what a face consists of. This is HER story. For those in the know, this is not a fake, this is a scan of page 19 of the book “Face Culture” by Alena Rossoshinskaya

For those who suddenly buy these lines (after all, the title says that we are talking about osteopathy, and therefore something scientific), here is the definition of what visceral fat is, from the medical encyclopedia:

Visceral fat (also known as abdominal fat) runs mainly along the front of our body, accumulating near the internal organs, mainly at the waist line. Visceral fat surrounds our liver, kidneys, and various parts of the digestive tract. Its task is to prevent internal organs from freezing.

There is some visceral fat even in the deep layers of the neck (in particular, the pharynx is protected by the intracervical fascia, one of the components of which is, indeed, the visceral plate). But the neck is not the skull. And visceral fat, which is internal fat , cannot in any way constitute the external frame. Especially the faces. The face has the hypodermis, a deep layer of skin that is loose tissue made up of fat cells. On the face, the hypodermis lies directly on top of the facial muscles.

But, probably, the author of the book was very worried (and she had something to worry about - she had to steal so much!!!), and mixed up the lecture notes, or simply forgot that there is hypodermis on the face, and not visceral fat at all...

Another blunder by Mrs. Rossoshinskaya:

More precisely, the entire page here consists of continuous blunders. To begin with, a comparison of a certain girl and a certain grandmother, who are “definitely from the same national group.” No professional will compare the incomparable. Perhaps, except for the “revolutionary” Rossoshinskaya. No laws are written for revolutions; you can even compare a cat with a ram...

If we are talking about scientific comparison, you can only compare a face relative to yourself, or, indeed, the faces of blood relatives, provided that they are typologically similar.

But the most interesting thing here is the explanation for the appearance of jowls (bags on both sides of the lower jaw, which at the dawn of the beauty industry plastic surgeons called “jowls” or “bulldog cheeks”)

If Mrs. Rossoshinskaya had decided to study anatomy, she would have learned that the buccal muscle has a rigid attachment (that is, attachment to the bone) ... in the temple area - it is attached to the sphenoid bone.

In general, you understand - the temple has slipped, and therefore jowls have formed on the lower jaw - yet it is simple, revolutionary, and most importantly, there are incomprehensible, and therefore scientific words. And many will believe this.

Well, now let's look at revolutionary exercises.

As a warm-up, Alena took several exercises from the wonderful program of Alexander Shishonin. Unfortunately, the exercises only work when done in a comprehensive manner, and not when they are taken out of context to fit into this book. Therefore, if you want to learn about these neck exercises in more detail, it is better to refer to the original.

We did not look for analogues to the exercises from the revolutionary magazines “Peasant Woman” and “Rabotnitsa”, where it is recommended to support the chin with a fist and lower the lower jaw, as well as slapping the face.

Let's start with the second exercise. There will be no more comments.

Although it will. Alone, right now. Below the exercises there will be links to the originals. Some exercises, in general, are found in books and on the Internet quite often. But, take my word for it, the sources where Alena took the exercises are indicated here. The same ones from where she unauthorizedly took exercises for filming the second season on Channel Live. Just believe me. If in doubt, maybe this will at least convince you.

Original – by following the link, you will find out the true cause of jowls and how to eliminate them.




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Exercises for the area around the eyes

Lesson program for eyelid rejuvenation and lifting:

  1. Perform a warm-up routine and breathing exercises.
  2. Exercise for the eyes. It is very useful for both beauty and human health. When training, do not allow eye movements to become painful. Raise your eyes as high as possible and stay in this position. Lower it as far as possible and pause. Repeat these movements 6 times.
  3. Turn your eyeballs as far to the right as possible and hold. Then go as far to the left as possible and stop. Do it 6 times. When training, make sure your back is straight. Imagine that the top of your head is tied by a thread to the ceiling and the thread is stretched.
  4. Look straight ahead, perform three circular movements with your eyes with maximum amplitude. Start rotating clockwise and then continue counterclockwise. You can close your eyelids.
  5. Look straight ahead. Open your eyes wide, as if in great surprise. Close your eyelids tightly. Do the exercise 6 times. It is necessary to ensure that wrinkles do not appear on the forehead. The skin on the forehead can be held tightly with the palm of your hand.
  6. The following exercise is called “Glasses” and is performed 5 times. Place your index fingers on the brow ridges, and your thumbs on the zygomatic arch, without pressing them too hard against your face. Holding your hands in this position, open your eyes as wide as possible and stay in this position. Then close them tightly and hold. At this moment, a feeling of skin tension appears. Watch in the mirror to avoid wrinkles and folds.

  7. The next version of this exercise. Don't remove your hands. Open your eyes wide and stand still. Then squint your eyes slightly, but don’t close them all the way.
  8. Lower eyelid lift exercise. To do this, you need to learn how to shorten it. Looking at yourself in the mirror, tilt your head and look at yourself from under your brows. The trainee should be able to see the whites of his eyes. We shorten the lower eyelid, as if covering the eye. If wrinkles appear, carefully place your fingers in the corners of the eyes and, without pressing, gently hold the skin. Only the lower eyelids should work. The face is relaxed.
  9. Raise your head and do a finger shower. Lightly tap with your fingertips under the lower eyelids; movements should be light and superficial. Relieving residual stress. Then you can blink your eyes very quickly. Do breathing exercises. You can’t overuse this exercise; do it no more than 2-3 times a week.

Advice! You should strive to smile more often. This action has a good effect on the facial muscles of the cheeks.
You need to communicate more often; conversations create a positive impact on your facial appearance.

By talking, a person trains his facial muscles, which helps eliminate wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin.

Fitness for the face. Reviews by Alena Rossoshinskaya

This woman is honest in her beliefs. She immediately says that even with regular and effective training, at 50 you will not look 18. Age is invincible.

But still, by doing facial exercises, you will have a toned face without saggy cheeks even at 80 years old.

And you should remember that the effect will be noticeable only with systematic training. And don't forget about simple facial skin care.

Nourish your skin with your favorite creams and masks. Sometimes you can pamper yourself with salon treatments, there will be no harm from it.

And Alena Rossoshinskaya also advises pampering yourself after each workout with a mug of your favorite drink or a two-hour bath. This way you will form a certain reflex. You will associate face fitness with something pleasant and relaxing.

Correct performance of facial fitness exercises

If you want to achieve good results from training, there are a number of mandatory rules:

  1. Performing a set of exercises while standing in front of a mirror. This way you will monitor the correctness of your training.
  2. Daily training twice: in the morning and in the evening.
  3. During your workout, you should focus on how you feel. There will be no result if you are distracted.
  4. It is advisable not to exercise during illness. Wait for recovery.
  5. If you do not want new wrinkles to appear instead of getting rid of old ones, then do not stretch the skin too much.
  6. When choosing a specific complex, you should perform it from beginning to end, even if there are no defects in some areas of the face that it affects.

Do your workouts alone, because while doing the exercises you may look funny, and jokes from family or friends will distract you when, as was written above, you should be focused on your feelings.

For an oval face

The group of masticatory muscles is responsible for the appearance of the oval face; it is located on the side of the ears. Relaxing the masticatory muscle and stretching it allows you to bring your face to a beautiful, youthful state.

To form a beautiful oval face, you must perform the following exercises:

  1. Do a warm-up routine with breathing exercises. Prepare yourself psychologically.
  2. Exercise two points “Two points”. The lips are closed, the distance between the teeth is one millimeter. Place your palms on your cheeks, imagine that one point is at the level of the beginning of the auricle, and the second at the level of the end of the auricle. Open your mouth and feel how the distance between these points increases, the chewing muscle stretches. Stay in this position for one minute.

  3. Exercise “Perfect oval”. Open your mouth and strive for the jaw to open as wide as possible, close your lips. Open your mouth to the first stop, without causing pain. Do the exercise slowly and gently 20 times.
  4. "Resistance". Open your mouth. Insert the index and middle fingers of the left hand into the mouth under the lower teeth, and the thumb of the right hand under the upper teeth. Press against the roof of your mouth. Try to close your jaws and offer resistance with your hands. Hold for 10 counts, constantly resisting with your hands.
  5. Place your fingers at the junction of the jaws and make light rotational movements in each direction. This action relieves tension and relaxes the masticatory muscle.
  6. Do breathing exercises.

Advice! Deep, full breathing increases the circulation of oxygen in human blood and improves the metabolism of body tissues.

How to form a beautiful lip contour

If you want to get rid of wrinkles around your lips and make them more attractive, then regularly do the following exercises:

  1. To warm up, slap your lips in a relaxed position, as if pronouncing the letter “P”. After this, you will be ready to start training.
  2. Press your palms to the corners of your lips. Move your lips as if you were blowing a kiss. During exercises, the corners of the lips should not move.
  3. Open your mouth so that it resembles an oval shape. Then pinch the corners of your lips with your fingers and try to imitate a fish with movements, stretching and lowering your mouth. During this exercise, the cheeks should not tense.

If you regularly photograph your face, this will serve as excellent motivation, as you yourself will notice the result.

Face culture for the forehead

Alena Rossoshinskaya created fitness for the face taking into account techniques that smooth the skin of the forehead and help restore its former beauty.

Exercises to smooth the forehead skin and rejuvenate the face:

  1. Do a warm-up routine and breathing exercises
  2. First exercise. Place your palm on your forehead, tense the frontalis muscle so that the skin on your forehead wrinkles. Press the palm of your hand tightly against the skull, providing resistance and not allowing it to wrinkle. Do it at a fast pace 100 times.

  3. Place your palms on your forehead and slightly raise your eyebrows with your hands. Look down at your chest. Stay in this position for 20 counts. Constantly looking at your chest. Perform the exercise 3 times.

  4. Place your middle and index fingers on your forehead. Middle fingers above the eyebrows, fixing them. Hold the skin of your forehead and try to bring your eyebrows together. Do not allow the skin to move. The face does not tense up, only the eyebrows work. Do 10 times.
  5. Relieve tension by tapping your eyebrows with your fingertips.
  6. Perform a breathing complex.

Advice! You should remember to care for your facial skin, moisturize it and cleanse it thoroughly.

Facial fitness exercises from Alena

Fitness for the face with Alena Rossoshinskaya is divided into exercises for such areas of the face as the forehead, eyes, cheeks, neck, and the overall oval of the face.

Exercise to smooth out facial wrinkles on the forehead

  • Place your hands on your forehead so that your fingertips touch in the middle;
  • Gently, with light, stroking movements, massage the skin from the center to the edges;
  • Do 3 reps.

For beautiful eyes

Exercise 1:

  • Place your hands on your face so that they cover the skin under the eyebrows, under the eyes and the top of the cheeks;
  • Apply pressure using light pressure on these areas;
  • Leave this position of your hands for a few seconds, and then relax your hands;
  • Do these movements three times.

Exercise 2:

  • Focus the index fingers of both hands in the corners of the eyes, at the bridge of the nose;
  • Hold for a few seconds;
  • Do the exercise 3 times.

To create beautiful cheeks

  • Place your fingers on your cheeks;
  • Press firmly, press gently;
  • Maintain this position of your fingers for 4 seconds;
  • Relax your fingers;
  • Repeat 3 times.

For plump lips

  • Place your hands so that they cover your lips and the area around them, that is, horizontally;
  • Press lightly and hold this position for a few seconds;
  • Do 3 sets, with short breaks. One minute is enough.

For a toned face

  • Massage your face for a minute, moving your fingers over the entire surface with light “tapping” movements;
  • Press your palms firmly against the skin, closing it;
  • Press and hold for 5 seconds;
  • Spread your palms to the side. But they should not come off the skin;
  • Repeat the exercise three times.

Other exercises from Alena Rossoshinskaya on video

Double chin gymnastics:

Exercises to get rid of swelling:

Using her example, Alena Rossoshinskaya proved that a young and attractive appearance is available at any age. Women pay large amounts of money to surgeons and massage therapists, although they can maintain youth on their own at home.

The main thing is to start and not stop there, devoting 15 minutes to face fitness every day in the morning and evening. By combining exercise with an active lifestyle, proper nutrition and drinking at least one and a half liters of water per day, you can naturally maintain your youth and health.

Tags: Facial gymnastics, rejuvenation

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For the bridge of the nose

The following exercises are suggested:

  1. Perform a warm-up routine and breathing exercises
  2. To relax the bridge of the nose, place three fingers of your right hand so that two are at the beginning of the eyebrows, and the middle one is in the area of ​​the third eye. Using the fingers of your left hand, press the skin in the center of the forehead, at the beginning of hair growth. Pull the forehead skin upward. Using three fingers of your right hand, make light, pulsating movements upward and slightly to the sides. Press very gently on the skin. Perform the exercise for a minute.

  3. Exercise "Coin". Imagine mentally that there is a coin in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. With mental effort you need to try to throw it up. You can close your eyes. This exercise helps you control the bridge of your nose and stop frowning. Perform the exercise for 3 minutes.
  4. Relax and gently tap the forehead area with your fingertips. Make 100 tapping movements.
  5. Do breathing exercises.

Advice! Try not to eat highly salted foods; salt retains water in the body, and this leads to swelling and edema.

Try to control the balance of water in your body, you need to drink the required amount of water and this will provide your face with elastic and youthful skin.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Facial massage according to the system of the Japanese doctor Asahi Zogan.

For cheeks


  1. Do a warm-up and breathing exercise cycle.
  2. Inflate and deflate your cheeks 15 times slowly and the same number at a fast pace. Do not wrinkle the skin on your cheeks under any circumstances. To do this, press them lightly against your teeth with your palms.
  3. Puff out your cheeks and roll the air from one side to the other 15 times slowly and also at a fast pace.
  4. Puff out your cheeks strongly, close your lips with the palms of your hands, and linger in this position for five counts. Perform the exercise 9 times.
  5. Relax.
  6. Press the index fingers of your palms tightly to the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. While holding this position, smile. Do 4 times.

  7. Relax. Run your fingers across your face from the mouth to the ears, slightly kneading the muscles.
  8. Breathing exercises.

Gymnastics for lips

Sequence of classes:

  1. Do a warm-up and breathing exercise.
  2. Exercise "Toad". Wrap your lips behind your teeth, and as you exhale, make light patting movements with your lips. We fix the cheeks with our fingers. Perform 10 times slowly and 10 times quickly.
  3. Relaxing lip massage. Using your index fingers and thumbs, move the surface of your lips from the center to the edges.
  4. "Kiss". Fold your lips into a tube and stretch them forward.

  5. Place your hands so that your index fingers are pressed to the corners of your lips. Make a sound with your lips, average between the sounds “U” and “O”, 15 times.
  6. Relax, pat the area around your lips with your fingertips.
  7. Repeat the “Toad” exercise.
  8. Take your lips with two fingers, like a duck’s beak, and stretch them.
  9. Make a breathing complex.

Features of facial fitness from Alena Rossoshinskaya

Alena Rossoshinskaya has developed her own set of exercises, which is aimed at training those facial muscles that are little involved in everyday life. This allows the muscles to tone and tighten, improve blood circulation, and enhance nutrition of the subcutaneous tissues and epidermis. Thanks to these exercises, the skin becomes smooth and even, fine wrinkles disappear.

Fitness instructor Alena Rossoshinskaya supplemented the traditional gymnastic technique with elements of massage, relaxation and meditation.

The basis for achieving success should be love and respect for oneself, when a woman wants to become even better.

From the double chin

Alena Rossoshinskaya developed fitness for the face taking into account techniques that help remove a double chin and restore self-confidence.


  1. Perform a series of warm-up and breathing exercises.
  2. Place your palms inside each other, and press the outer side of your hand to your chin. Slowly and firmly press your head on your hands, and provide resistance with your hands. Do 10 times.
  3. The same exercise, do it once, only stay in tense police position for 10 seconds.
  4. "Cat". Extend your tongue as far as possible and make lactating movements. Perform the exercise 20-25 times.

  5. Relax.
  6. "Cobra". Stick your tongue out of your mouth as much as possible and make circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise.
  7. Lips closed. 1 mm between teeth. Press your tongue onto the area behind your upper teeth. Move your tongue down and press it against the area behind your lower teeth, then alternate these movements. While pressing, hold for 3 counts. Do the exercise 20 times.
  8. Tap on the chin.

  9. Pinch the area under the chin.
  10. Place your hands on your neck and do 5 circular rotations towards the center.
  11. Breathing exercises.

Video tutorial on face sculpture from Alena Rossoshinskaya

The facial fitness program from Alena Rossoshinskaya consists of several 13-minute lessons. They demonstrate in detail the technique of performing exercises to train the facial muscles in problem areas:

  • around eyes,
  • in the area of ​​the forehead and bridge of the nose,
  • around the cheeks, lips,
  • on the chin and neck.

Each lesson contains exercises dedicated to working on a specific area of ​​the face, as well as aimed at improving posture and losing weight. Alena Rassoshinskaya herself, in the course of video lessons, clearly demonstrates the correct exercise technique. Thanks to these courses, you will learn to feel your own facial muscles and work with them correctly, which will help you maintain youth for a long time. You can familiarize yourself with the basic principles of Alena Rossoshinskaya’s technique by watching a video lesson in which a fitness trainer will show you gymnastics techniques for the skin around the eyes.

We also recommend that you read Alena Rossoshinskaya’s advice on how to easily tone up:

Just thirteen minutes a day with Alena Rossoshinskaya will help you maintain youth and beauty for a long time.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage

All influences should be superficial, light, like stroking. The fingers do not slide over the skin, but move along with it.


  1. We shake. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. You need to rise on your toes and fall sharply onto your heels. Lower yourself relaxed, shake yourself. Perform the exercise 30 times.
  2. Move the palm of your right hand from the shoulder to the center of the chest, and in the opposite movement bring the palm under the armpit. Do it 5 times. Change hands.
  3. Place your hands crosswise, thumbs resting on your collarbones. As you inhale, raise your arms up, and as you exhale, lower them down. Perform 5 times.
  4. Place your hands on your neck and make circular movements towards the center.
  5. Place your fingers higher under the ears at the border with the cheekbones. Perform circular movements.
  6. Repeat the neck and collarbone massage alternately 5 times.
  7. Do a cycle of repetitions in the sequence of massaging the area under the ears, neck, and collarbones 2 times.
  8. Place your fingers on your chin under your lips and perform light circular movements.
  9. Move it under your nose and perform circular movements towards the center.
  10. Place your fingers near your nostrils and repeat.
  11. Above the side of the nose, massage.

  12. Place your fingers in the corners of your eyes and make circular movements.
  13. Return to the nostrils and repeat the massage.
  14. Repeat on the side of the nose and in the corners of the eyes.
  15. Place your palms on your cheeks, make 5 light movements towards the center, expand your arms, clasp your face from the sides, massage. Move to a point under the ears, make circular movements. Return to the cheeks, repeat. Then massage the side surface of the face again.
  16. Using your index and middle fingers, work on the area under the eyes, make 5 circular movements to src=”” class=”aligncenter” width=”604″ height=”371″[/img]
  17. Move to the inner corners of the eyes. Then massage the outer corners of the eyes. Repeat the cycle.
  18. Go to the eyebrows, repeat the cycle 2 times, the inner part, the middle and the outer part of the eyebrows.
  19. Do 2 cycles of massage on the forehead: center, middle and temples.

  20. Repeat exercise No. 4.
  21. Repeat exercise No. 3.
  22. Do breathing exercises.

Home lifting with Alena Rossoshinskaya: video tutorials

A procedure called “Lifting” allows you to tighten the skin of the face, while the oval of the face is restored and age-related wrinkles disappear.

Fitness trainer Rossoshinskaya has created a set of exercises for the face, which allows you to tighten and rejuvenate the skin in all problem areas without expensive medications, plastic surgery and expensive medical procedures.

By performing exercises from the fitness complex for facial rejuvenation from Alena Rossoshinskaya, women will regain their former beauty and become even more irresistible.

Article design: Oksana Grivina

Interesting Facts

Quite a few interesting things are known about Rossoshinskaya:

  • lives in the United Arab Emirates;
  • in 2013, Carol Maggio, who is a famous author of courses on facial gymnastics and creator of unique exercises, allowed Alena to use her technique in her face fitness;
  • in 2014, Rossoshinskaya published a work entitled “The Age of Happiness: How to Rejuvenate Your Face in 20 Minutes a Day.” In it, she gives advice to women on how to keep their facial skin toned and recommends doing exercises using her method.

Rossoshinskaya is of the opinion that the face is the calling card of any person, not just women

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