Callanetics. Exercises for beginners. Weight loss classes, video lessons with Tatyana Rogatina, Inga Dubodelova, Ekaterina Rykova. Reviews and results

Callanetics classes

This unique training system involves static load. When choosing this method to keep your body in good shape, you need to know that there is no usual alternation of exercises, when the muscles first tense and then relax. An important component that beginners should carefully monitor is breathing. When practicing callanetics, you need to breathe exclusively through your nose. In order for fat deposits to begin to disappear, exercise regularly and strictly follow the recommendations. Choose the right video for you below.

For beginners

The goal of practicing callanetics is to achieve harmony of mind and body. This helps you maintain excellent physical shape at any age. Many people like slow gymnastics because of its smoothness and clear pattern of exercises. If you do them one after another, the training will be effective, and the result of incorrect loads will not be reduced to zero. It is important to take care of the correct diet. It is strictly forbidden to start exercising on a full or empty stomach. Check out an example workout for beginners below.

The system of slow gymnastics, developed at one time by ballerina Callan Pinkney, continues to improve. If you dream of a toned figure, but cannot find time to exercise outside the walls of the house. The video below will help you. Callanetics video lessons from Ekaterina Rykova are created on the basis of the classical training system - that’s why good results from these trainings are guaranteed. Work out at home at least three times a week to feel how slim and toned your body becomes within a month.

For weight loss

Train the whole body to lose weight, but do this while performing movements with a static load and following the correct diet - this is the main position of the callanetics system. Regular exercise will help strengthen your muscles, regardless of your fitness level. If you are health conscious and prefer to lose weight using gentle physical exercise, this system is ideal for you. Practice “Callanetic video lessons for weight loss” with Tatyana Rogatina at home, doing the exercises at a time convenient for you.

Make your body slim and fit in just a couple of weeks based on a set of effective exercises from Tatyana Rogatina. This experienced instructor has created her own technique that allows you to maintain muscle tone without resorting to dynamic loads. By doing the exercises, you will achieve impressive results: the body will become flexible, toned, excess fat deposits will disappear, and immunity will increase. To get the effect, you just need to regularly practice the video tutorial below, performing the exercises correctly.

To strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen

Correcting your figure requires some effort, and it is not at all necessary that it be dynamic physical activity. Callanetics, as a type of fitness, is a set of slowly performed exercises that help strengthen all muscles. By getting rid of fat deposits on your stomach and back, you will be able to significantly tighten your body in these areas. Together with stretching, these exercises help only if the unique system of exercises is performed regularly. A nice bonus to training will be beautiful posture and improved metabolism.

Under the guidance of an experienced instructor, classes are much more effective, because his task is not to give up in order to achieve the desired result. You don’t have to go to the gym to do this; such classes are now available online. In video classes aimed at working deep muscles, static exercises alternate with stretching. By studying with an experienced instructor in the callanetics video lessons below, you can achieve what you want: get a slim figure, beautiful posture, good mood, feel like a happy and healthy person.

Home workouts

For callanetics, it does not matter where the training is carried out: in the gym or at home. The unique system, thanks to its calm rhythm, is conducive to home workouts. Disciplined people will be able to quickly get involved in the exercise regime, although after a few weeks, impatient people will notice positive results. Systematic home workouts for an hour a day will help you radically transform your body. Don't give up on your desire to tighten your muscles, lose extra pounds to make your body fit. Use the video below.

Even beginners can perform the basic level of a unique body training system that replaces hours of aerobics. To restore flexibility to the body and make the figure fit, it is necessary to stretch the muscles. A video course on callanetics will help you achieve an ideal figure, because static loads combined with proper breathing improve metabolism and activate the fat burning process. Use the video below if you want to get your body back into shape in a couple of weeks.

Bodyflex, Pilates and callanetics: what is the difference, what is better, what is more effective?

Bodyflex is a set of exercises based on proper breathing. The creators of the technique claim that with the correct distribution of oxygen, the efficiency of movements can be increased.

Calorie burning occurs faster. It is based on accelerated aerobic respiration . Oxygen improves metabolism and blood circulation.

The basis of the Pilates is the connection between mind and body . Joseph Pilates argued that exercises become most effective if you achieve complete concentration on the action being performed.

Every movement must be conscious. The complex, like bodyflex, includes correct rhythmic breathing.

The source of energy with which the exercises are performed is the abs and abdominal muscles.

Callanetics, in turn, involves performing static stretching exercises, which, despite their apparent simplicity, are quite complex and require physical training.

Callanetics is a set of stretching exercises

IMPORTANT: These three types of fitness complexes differ in the features of performing exercises and approaches to understanding them. It is difficult to assess which of these methods is more effective. You need to independently choose the type that suits you best.

Reviews about callanetics classes

I wanted to lose weight, I wasn’t happy with the extra 8 kg. I don’t like active activities, so I was looking for an alternative and found video tutorials on callanetics on the Internet. At first it was hard to believe, but I decided to try. The result was stunning - my body became toned, I lost weight, even my face became younger. I think these are ideal workouts for those over 35.

At first it was difficult for me to practice callanetics. Then I got involved and noticed that my body became slimmer, and I was especially pleased with my legs. I noticed progress in my general condition, the circles under my eyes disappeared, my skin became fresher. I like to train in the morning: the movements are smooth, the music creates a good mood. Callanetics energizes you for the whole day; even coffee doesn’t give you the same feeling.

A charge of harmony for the body - this is how we should talk about the callanetics system. I tried it myself and saw how great the results are. I’m glad that I no longer have to look for a suitable complex for the winter. You don't even need to leave your home to train. I work out three times in the evenings, my stomach and hips have tightened, especially noticeable in my clothes, which have become exactly two sizes larger.

Article updated: 09.11.2015


The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Callanetics: a set of exercises for intensive weight loss

Excess weight worries many people. It causes aesthetic discomfort and provokes serious health problems, so it is necessary to combat it. There are many wellness programs aimed at losing weight. And one of the most popular is callanetics for weight loss, which attracts with its simplicity and lack of force loads, but at the same time remarkable effectiveness.

The difference between callanetics and other programs is that its poses are quite uncomfortable. However, this is precisely the point, since all muscle groups are involved in such exercises. Callanetics at home is an aerobic workout , during which a large amount of oxygen enters the blood and accelerates metabolism. Thanks to this, you can quickly get rid of excess fat. Holding your torso in an uncomfortable position for a couple of minutes increases energy expenditure without much activity. As a result, the muscles do not grow, so the figure becomes harmonious, feminine and toned.

The effectiveness of callanetics

Callanetics exercises are effective for weight loss, and this effectiveness is determined by the following factors:

  • All muscle groups are given the same and uniform load.
  • As a result of exercise, metabolic processes and fat burning processes are accelerated.
  • a large amount of oxygen enters the blood , the process of removing triglycerides from fat cells will be accelerated, and the flow of valuable nutrients will improve.

However, a callanetics course is useful not only for your figure. It makes it possible to improve posture, ensure joint flexibility, strengthen muscles and increase endurance, improve reaction and coordination of movements.

How to practice callanetics: basic rules

In order for a set of callanetics exercises to achieve the desired results and bring only benefits, follow certain recommendations. These include the following:

  • Movements should be slow and smooth. Do not make jerks or sudden movements. The essence of callanetics is precisely in static poses and muscle tension, which allow you to get good results.
  • All callanetics exercises involve holding the body in the achieved position for 1-2 minutes. However, if you are a beginner, you can start with 10-15 seconds. Even such a short period will still be productive. However, over time you will need to increase the time.
  • Be sure to control your breathing. Don't hold it too long, it should be deep and even.
  • It is advisable to consult with a specialist before starting classes to make sure there are no contraindications.
  • Ideally, it is better to choose an individual complex with a specialist. It can be aimed at specific areas of the body, for example, there is callanetics for a thin waist, hips, buttocks, legs. The exercises are quite simple and can be done at home.
  • To get good results, be sure to watch your diet. It is advisable to exclude quickly digestible carbohydrates and easily digestible fats and harmful high-calorie foods from the diet.
  • It is recommended to exercise three times a week for 60 minutes . When you manage to lose weight, you can reduce the number of classes to 1-2 per week - this is enough to maintain weight.
  • If you experience pain or serious discomfort during exercise, stop exercising and consult your doctor. The repetition can be only 20 at first, and then move on to the full program (up to 100).

Before starting callanetics at home, do a warm-up that will help prepare your muscles for stretching and warm them up. You can feel the effectiveness of such exercises by taking the simplest starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. After taking it, try to breathe evenly, tense your muscles and stay in this position for at least a minute. When you relax, you will feel a little tired. This is precisely the effectiveness of callanetics.

Callanetics for beginners: exercises for legs, hips, back, cellulite, static exercises

Callanetics for beginners: exercises for legs, hips, back, cellulite, static exercises

If you are new to sports and decide to take up callanetics, then you can do any exercises from this complex, but for less time or with a reduced number of approaches. The professional complex of this training system is designed for 40-60 minutes, for beginners - no more than 30 minutes. Now let's study all the callanetics exercises for beginners and try to repeat them.


Warm-up is very important for any workout. It helps warm up the body, speed up metabolism, enhance blood circulation and breathing. Light cardio exercise for 5-7 minutes or joint exercises are suitable as a warm-up. Today we will conduct joint gymnastics for you:

  1. Head rotation. Stand up straight and begin to rotate your head in one direction - 8 times, and then in the other - 8 times.
  2. Shoulder rotation. 8 times forward and the same amount back.
  3. Rotation with straight arms. 8 times forward and the same amount back.
  4. Bend forward . Hands in the lock, bend over and spring below - 8 times.
  5. Bend forward with hands on shoulders . Without straightening up from the previous exercise, place your hands on your shoulders and bend forward 8 times.
  6. Side bends . Feet shoulder-width apart, one arm up. Do bends in one direction - 8 times and then in the other - 8 times.
  7. Place your hands on your knees, squat down, and rotate your knees . One way - 8 times, then the other.
  8. Stretch your feet . First, one leg rotates on its toes in one direction, then in the other. Then do the same with the second leg.
  9. Jumping with clap . Stand up straight, then jump, spread your legs wide and simultaneously clap your hands above your head. This needs to be done 20 times.

The warm-up is over, now we proceed to the training complex.

Leg exercises

Callanetics for beginners: exercises for legs, static exercises

  • Stand by a chair, behind its back. Rest your arms on your back, spreading them wider. Bend your knees and stand on your toes. Knees point outward, heels joined together. Keep your back straight, move your pelvis towards the chair. Lower yourself 3 cm on your toes, and at the same time move your pelvis in the opposite direction. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Raise yourself again and move your pelvis to the starting position. Perform 3 reps.
  • Stand straight behind the back of a chair, raise your arms up . Place your right leg on a chair. Stretch your hands to your toes or as far as you can. Your back is straight - don't slouch. In the lowest possible position, make smooth movements with your torso towards your leg, as if swaying. Do this 20 times in position on each leg.
  • Now sit down with your back to the back of the chair . Move the body slightly away from the back. Grab the back with your hands, straighten your legs and pull forward. Bend your knees and pull them towards your body. Then straighten, toes pointing forward, and spread to the sides. Then do it together again, lower it towards the body, make your knees straight and place it on the floor. So do 10 repetitions.

Exercises for hips and abdomen

Callanetics for beginners: exercises for hips, back, cellulite, static exercises

  • Sit in a lying position on your mat, bend your knees, and spread your feet slightly apart . Your back and lower back are on the floor - do not lift your body. Place your hands on your inner thighs and apply force to spread them apart. Lift your body off the floor and stretch forward slightly. In this case, the lower back remains on the floor. Stop in this position for 20-30 seconds and then lower yourself to the floor. Repeat this 10 times.
  • The starting position is the same, raise your legs above the floor 20 cm . Raise your head and shoulders as well. Stretch your arms forward, lifting one limb up. The toe should point up. Return to IP and repeat the exercise with the second limb. Do 10 reps.
  • Get on your knees with your body straight. Hands are above your head, elbows straight. Place your palms together and try to reach up. Then sit down on your heels 20 cm from them, and make circles with your hips so that they go to one side or the other. You need to perform 5 repetitions on each side.
  • Still on your knees, rise straight above the floor, stretch your arms towards the ceiling . Slowly lower your body, and below - above your heels, stop and fix the position of your body for 15 seconds. Do this for 5 repetitions.
  • Make the previous exercise more difficult . Lower yourself to the bottom, and then forcefully push your body forward. Squeeze your buttocks, they should be tense. Stop for 5 seconds and return back to IP. You should feel how the muscles of the hips, pelvis and abs work, not the core. Do 10 reps.

Back exercises

Callanetics for beginners: exercises for the back, against cellulite, static exercises

  • Take a chair and sit on it facing away from the back . Place your hands on the chair and rise so that your back is straight and your chin does not drop - 20 repetitions.
  • Stand straight, legs wider . Raise your palms up and stretch, while simultaneously drawing in your stomach. Now bend your knees, stretch your arms in front of you and bend over - keep your body straight and straight. Stay in this position for 60 seconds. Then move your palms back and bend your body. The chin is pulled forward. Return to IP. So you need to do 5 repetitions.
  • Raise your arms at shoulder level, spread them to the sides, palms facing up. Slowly move your arms straight back. Bring your palms as close to each other as possible. The shoulder blades are brought together as far as possible. Do 50 reps.
  • Stand up straight, tilt your body forward, touch your hands to the floor . Wrap your arms around your legs from behind, keeping your body pressed to your legs. Feel the muscles in your back and buttocks stretch. The knees should be straight. Rock straight, down and to the sides. Do 10 swings on each side.

Exercises for cellulite

Callanetics for beginners: exercises for cellulite, static exercises

  • Sit on the floor near a chair on your left buttock . Place your left hand on the chair. Bend your left leg in front of you, extend your right leg to the right and back. Hold the chair with your hands, lean to the left and lift your right leg up. Then smoothly move your right leg up and down or forward and back. Repeat the movements for each leg.
  • The starting position is the same, but the hands focus on the floor . Extend your right leg and lift it slightly up. Hold this for 60 seconds. Return to IP and repeat on the other leg. You need to do this for 10 repetitions.
  • Starting position: kneeling. Place your hands on the back of the chair. Strain your back and tilt your body back, pushing your pelvis forward. The foot is on the floor, the knee is raised and tilted to the side. Count to 5, lift your left foot a couple of centimeters and move your knee back. Return the leg to the IP. Repeat the position for each leg.
  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward, hands holding on to the chair behind you. Bend your knees and pull them towards your body. Then straighten your legs and lift them as high as possible on the floor, spreading them apart. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Static exercises

Callanetics for beginners: static exercises

Sit on a gymnastic mat, slowly raise your legs, stretching your arms forward. Stay in this position for 60 seconds. Do 3-5 repetitions.

Callanetics for beginners

Lay your body on its side on the mat. Now begin to lift your torso up so that your arm is straight and the other is above your head. The body must be held on the side of the foot and one hand for 60 seconds. Do at least 3-5 repetitions.

Callanetics for beginners: exercises

Sit on your legs with your knees bent. Move your body back as far as possible, stretch your arms forward. Hold this for 60 seconds. Do 3-5 reps.

Contraindications for exercise

Despite the benefits of practicing, callanetics for weight loss, videos of which allow you to understand how to do it, are not allowed for everyone. Beginners should practice moderately. But for those who suffer from bronchial asthma, heart and vascular diseases, problems with the spine and musculoskeletal system, exercise is completely contraindicated.

Women who have had a cesarean section should stop exercising for the first 1.5 years after the procedure. If you have problems with your vision, you should consult your doctor. You should also not exercise in the first year after any surgery. Caution is needed with varicose veins. If you have hemorrhoids, you should refrain from squats. You should also not exercise during the recovery period after any infectious diseases.

Callanetics for beginners: contraindications

Callanetics for beginners: contraindications

Callanetics has no age restrictions. But this is a serious strain on the muscles, so it is not suitable for everyone. Contraindications for beginners are as follows:

  • Bronchial asthma
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Hypertensive crisis
  • Oncological diseases
  • After surgery

Important: Don't forget to consult your doctor!

Callanetics lessons with video online

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Callanetics, its discussion, reviews and results

Modern science has invented an innumerable variety of techniques to combat excess weight and maintain good physical shape. Almost anyone can choose a system that suits them perfectly.

Some people, due to lack of time, hope to get rid of fat deposits through a diet, others actively engage in physical exercise in a fitness club or even at home.

The best results are usually achieved by those who combine physical training and proper nutrition. However, for various reasons, not every person benefits from active exercise for weight loss or strength training.

In this case, the ideal solution would be to practice callanetics, which does not overload the body, but, nevertheless, allows you to achieve impressive results.

Callanetics for pregnant women

It is not prohibited to practice callanetics during pregnancy. However, you need to dose the load depending on your physical condition and stage of pregnancy.

In the third trimester, it is worth making your classes easier. Expectant mothers should not rush and try to do everything. Before starting classes, you should consult your doctor.

IMPORTANT: If there are no contraindications, it is better for the pregnant woman to check with the trainer exactly what exercises need to be performed and with what intensity.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to callanetics.

What is callanetics

Callanetics is a set of exercises for all muscle groups, developed by the American Callan Pinkney based on yoga exercises. It allows you, while working out at a calm pace, to receive a fairly high workload on almost the entire body.

The high energy consumption when performing callanetics exercises makes it an excellent method for losing weight. In one hour of callanetics, the body burns as many calories as it does in 7 hours of shaping or 24 hours of regular aerobics. Agree, it's impressive!

Callanetics: before and after

Callanet is a working technique. After 14 days of training, the results are already visible.

The centimeters at the waist decrease, the stomach goes away, the legs become more graceful. The technique will help you lose, with constant exercise, about 10-20 kg in 3-6 months.

Provided you regularly practice callanetics, the results will be noticeable within a few weeks.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to combine exercise with proper nutrition. The results depend, of course, on the physiological characteristics of your body and age.

How to practice callanetics

To achieve maximum effectiveness in practicing callanetics, you must follow the following rules and recommendations:

  • Follow a diet - exclude fatty and flour products from your diet, give up smoked and spicy foods, and alcohol. Remove foods containing fast carbohydrates from your menu. Eat more vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of clean water daily – up to 2 liters.
  • When you start practicing callanetics, train 3 times a week. Each workout should last at least 1 hour. After a month of such classes, when the first results are already visible, the number of classes can be reduced to two or divided into 6-8 workouts, each lasting 20 minutes.
  • When you achieve the desired results, the number of classes can be reduced to one per week.
  • Perform all the exercises of the complex as clearly as possible; during training, try to fully concentrate on your body.
  • each workout with a warm-up to prepare your body for the exercises. Finish your workout with a series of muscle stretching exercises.
  • Exercise on an empty stomach - the last meal before training should be no later than 2 hours before it starts.
  • During training , try to avoid sudden movements, perform all exercises smoothly, at a calm pace.

You can read the reviews and results of people who practice callanetics in the article “Callanetics, its discussion, reviews and results.”

Callanetics video tutorials

Especially for you, dear readers, we have selected some of the best callanetics lessons with videos for beginners, in which experienced trainers comment in detail on the training process and demonstrate how to perform all callanetics exercises.

Callanetics with Callan Pinkney

This video translated into Russian is unique, because you can conduct a lesson on callanetics with the creator of this system, Callan Pinckney, who clearly shows how to perform the exercises and comments in detail on each of her actions.

Expert review:

This is a unique video material, because it gives you the opportunity to get first-hand information and see the canonical execution of all callanetics exercises.

Callanetics with Ekaterina Rykova

Recording of a training session with a well-known callanetics instructor in the CIS - Ekaterina Rykova, in which she describes in detail each movement performed during the lesson.

Expert review:

Rykova’s method is somewhat different from standard callanetics. It places a lot of emphasis on breathing during class, as the classes are quite intense and lack of air can cause dizziness and nausea. However, this technique allows you to achieve very good results.

Super Callanetics

Super Callanetics is a set of callanetics exercises for those who have been practicing this type of gymnastics for a long time.

By increasing the complexity of the exercises in the complex, the load and, as a result, the effectiveness of the training process increases several times.

Using this video, you can conduct a callanetics class under the guidance of the famous trainer Elena Konyaeva, who will show you all the intricacies of her method.

Expert review:

Do not rush to start performing this complex if you are just starting your callanetics studies. It may be too difficult for you and lead to unpleasant health consequences.

Callanetics with Inga Dubodelova

Another original method of callanetics from our compatriot, who made the basis of her complex not yoga asanas, but dance steps. Exercising to music will give you a good mood and excellent physical shape.

Expert review:

This technique is more dynamic than others. It is more suitable for women who want to maintain their physical shape or get rid of fat deposits in problem areas.

When training using this method, it is important to maintain rhythm and breathe correctly.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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