Step aerobics: effectiveness for weight loss, step aerobics exercises, video for beginners

Step aerobics is a low-impact cardio workout based on simple choreographic movements on a special hill (step platform). Step aerobics is a very popular class in group classes due to the effective and at the same time gentle load on the joints.

Step aerobics is equally suitable for both beginners and advanced. At the same time, you can do step aerobics not only in the fitness room, but also at home. To do this, just purchase a step platform and choose a suitable video training for yourself. Let's figure out the benefits of step aerobics and how to do it correctly.

Step aerobics: what is it?

If you want to get a healthy and beautiful body, then be sure to do cardio training on a regular basis. This is a great way to get a good figure, train your heart muscle and develop endurance. There are many different types of aerobic workouts that will help you keep your heart rate up and burn calories over the course of an hour of exercise, but one of the most popular cardio options has become step aerobics.

Step aerobics was created in the 1980s by trainer Jean Miller during a period of growing popularity in aerobics and fitness. While recovering from a knee injury, Jean, on the advice of an orthopedic doctor, worked on her joints by stepping on a small box. Successful rehabilitation gave her the idea to create training using elevated walking. This is how a new sports direction appeared - step aerobics, which very quickly became popular all over the world.

Research has shown that step aerobics can help prevent osteoporosis and arthritis. This is also a great way to train your cardiovascular system and burn up to 500 kcal in 1 hour of exercise. Step aerobics has a comprehensive effect on the body, and the shape of the legs, buttocks and abdomen is especially well corrected. Exercises on a step platform help eliminate particularly difficult problem areas, which are located on the outer, back and inner thighs.

What is the essence of step aerobics?

So, step aerobics usually consists of a set of basic steps connected into combinations. The level of difficulty of steps and links depends on the specific lesson. The workouts are accompanied by rhythmic music and take place at a fast pace. For classes, special plastic platforms with a non-slip surface are used. Step platforms have adjustable heights, so you can increase or decrease the difficulty of your workout.

Typically, step aerobics classes begin with a warm-up and basic steps. Gradually, the basic steps become more complex and combined into links. If you have chosen a lesson for beginners, then the combinations will be simple - no more than 2-3 steps in combination. Intermediate and advanced classes include not only more intense movements, but also higher tempos and more complex versions of the exercises. Therefore, at first it may not be easy for you to repeat the movements in sync with the trainer.

A step aerobics workout usually lasts 45-60 minutes. The lesson is continuous and of increasing difficulty; as a means of rest and recovery, you will periodically return to walking on the spot. If you have not had physical activity for a long time, then it is better to start with regular walking without step to avoid poor health or even heart problems. Some trainers sometimes include exercises for the arms and abdomen at the end of the class to balance the load, since step aerobics mainly loads the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Step aerobics experienced its peak in global popularity in the late 90s. New trends in group fitness (HIIT, crossfit, TRX) have slightly displaced step aerobics classes. However, even now step classes remain in demand among many lovers of cardio training. Walking on a platform is a more gentle load than impact jumping programs, so in terms of safety they will give odds to many other types of aerobic exercise.

Types of step aerobics

If a group lesson is called “step aerobics”, then this assumes a classic lesson for approximately an average level of training. It is assumed that you can make the activity easier or more difficult by changing the platform level. However, it is always better to take a trial lesson to get an idea of ​​what the program is all about, as this often depends directly on the coach's vision.

If we talk about the types of step aerobics, we can highlight the following:

  • Basic Step. Training for beginners, where basic steps and simple combinations are learned.
  • Advanced Step. Training for advanced practitioners who have already had experience with step. As a rule, it includes complex ligaments and jumping exercises.
  • Dance Step. A class for those who love dance choreography. In this program, steps are combined into dance sequences, which will help you not only lose weight, but also develop flexibility and grace.
  • Step-comb o. Step aerobics, in which you will find many complex combinations of movements, are therefore suitable for coordinated people. But the intensity of this activity is higher.
  • Step Interval. The workout is done at an interval pace, with explosive intervals and calm recovery intervals. Ideal for quick weight loss.
  • Double Step. A workout that uses two step platforms to increase the effectiveness of the workout
  • Power Step. A workout that also uses strength exercises to tone muscles.

Step warm-up

Step aerobics for weight loss includes several stages. First of all, you should do a general warm-up. The following simple exercise is suitable for this: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, completely relax, keep your arms free along your body and your back straight. Start by taking steps sideways and back and forth, then use your arms to swing. The duration of the warm-up ranges from 5 to 7 minutes. During this time, all muscle groups have time to warm up, and the body has time to prepare for the main load.

Basic exercises

Then comes the main stage. In a nutshell, its meaning is to perform rhythmic movements, climbing onto and descending from a platform. It is customary to distinguish 2 types of step programs: basic and dance level. In addition, there is the so-called “weighted direction”. It has its own qualification with the introduction of Arabic numerals.

So, let's look in more detail at what step aerobics is. The exercises included in it will help you get your body in the right shape. After warming up, begin taking steps onto the platform. This must be done alternately, at a moderate pace for 5 minutes. After such manipulations, you can begin performing special exercises. They need to be done in a certain sequence, from simple to more complex:

  • Rise onto the platform with your right foot, swing with your left, then change legs.
  • Rise onto the platform with your left foot, tense your buttock muscles and move your right leg back, changing position.
  • At a fast pace, step on the edge of the platform with your feet one at a time.
  • Classic push-ups from a platform.
  • Place the platform on the last level, place your leg on it, bent at the knee, support must be placed on the other leg, standing on the toe. Do 15-20 stops.

Advantages and disadvantages of step aerobics

Step aerobics has a number of benefits that have made it one of the most popular group classes. But step exercises also have a number of disadvantages and contraindications, so they are not suitable for everyone.

Advantages and benefits of step aerobics

  1. Step aerobics is one of the most effective types of cardio exercise for losing weight and getting rid of excess fat. In 1 hour of exercise you can burn 300-500 kcal.
  2. Step aerobics classes are much safer for joints than, for example, running, plyometrics, and jumping rope. With comparable results and energy costs, you will get a relatively low impact on the leg joints.
  3. This is an excellent workout for the lower body, which is the most problematic for the fair sex. You will tone the muscles of your thighs and buttocks, tightening and improving their shape. Moreover, steps on the steppe help dry out the legs and reduce their size.
  4. Step aerobics classes are suitable for the prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis, which is especially important for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  5. When you do step aerobics, you force your heart and lungs to work more efficiently and make them healthier. Such training reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases several times.
  6. Regular step aerobics classes will help you maintain a healthy weight, avoiding problems associated with excess body weight: diabetes, stroke, metabolic disorders, joint pain, heart problems.
  7. Step aerobics will help you develop endurance, which will be useful not only during training, but also in everyday life. For example, when climbing stairs to a high floor, during long walks, or climbing uphill. Step aerobics also develops coordination, agility and a sense of balance.
  8. You can independently adjust the difficulty of the workout by changing the height of the step platform. The higher the platform level, the stronger the load you will receive.
  9. Step aerobics consists of weight-bearing exercises that are ideal for increasing bone density and maintaining bone tissue. This will not only make you more mobile, but will also help prevent bone disease in adulthood.
  10. You can do step aerobics not only in special classes, but also at home. There are also free video lessons for beginners, thanks to which you can learn the basics of aerobics on the steppe.

Training plan for beginner girls:

  • Mon: Workout for slender thighs and firm buttocks
  • VT: Interval training for body tone and weight loss
  • CP: Low Impact Cardio Workout for Weight Loss
  • TH: Upper body workout (arms, stomach, back)
  • PT: Circuit training to get rid of problem areas

Disadvantages of step aerobics

  1. Stepping exercises are less impactful on your joints than running and jumping, but if you are worried about your knee joints, then this type of fitness can aggravate this problem. If the problem with the joints is acute, then it is better to pay attention to Pilates classes.
  2. Step aerobics is very diverse and has practically no single template. Each instructor brings his own characteristics to the teaching of lessons, so not all classes are equally effective and of high quality.
  3. Exercises on the step involve the muscles of the legs and buttocks, while the muscles of the upper body will not receive enough load. In addition, step aerobics must be supplemented with strength training to comprehensively improve your body.
  4. Step aerobics puts stress on the Achilles tendon, which is located just above the heel of the foot. If proper technique is not followed, platform steps can cause injury or rupture of the Achilles.
  5. Step aerobics uses combinations of steps and sequences that can take time to learn. During the first lessons, students often get confused in their steps and do not keep up with the trainer, which discourages them from doing step aerobics.

Contraindications for step aerobics:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Diseases of the joints of the legs
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • High blood pressure
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Large excess weight
  • Pregnancy and postpartum period (3 months)
  • A long break from fitness activities (it is better to start with regular walking of 5-7 km per day)

If you have other medical conditions that may prevent you from exercising, it is best to further consult with your doctor.

The effectiveness of step aerobics for weight loss

Is step aerobics effective for losing weight? Before answering this question, let's remember the basic principle of losing excess weight. Your body begins to lose weight when you consume fewer calories than your body can burn. Regardless of training, if you eat less than your daily calorie intake (creating a calorie deficit), your body begins to use fat from its reserve reserves for energy.

Cardio exercise is a great way to burn calories, which is why step aerobics is effective for weight loss. In one hour-long session you can burn one full meal, which means it will bring you closer to your desired goal faster. In addition, step aerobics tones muscles, affects subcutaneous fat by increasing blood circulation, gives energy and relieves stress (which will help avoid overeating).

Of course, there are more energy-intensive workouts that will help you burn more calories in an hour of exercise than during step aerobics. But you need to understand that they will probably be more impactful and traumatic than step classes. In addition, step aerobics specifically reduces volume and dries out the lower body, rather than making it heavier.

A new type of aerobics and its advantages

This type of training consists of performing a variety of exercises using a special platform, which you need to climb up and down from during the workout.

  • high efficiency;
  • the level of physical activity is accessible for beginners and sufficient for professionals;
  • simplicity of the exercises - you can master the course on your own without a special mentor;
  • no expensive training equipment required;
  • exercises adapted to home conditions;
  • safety and prevention of various diseases, including problems associated with blood pressure, the circulatory system, and blood vessels;
  • general strengthening of well-being and improvement of mood;
  • formation of correct posture; acceleration of metabolism (the weight loss effect continues after completion of the workout);
  • strengthening muscles and losing excess weight.

In one hour of exercise at a moderate pace, you can lose about 500 calories, which is equivalent to lunch or a whole portion of sweets.

The main advantage of step aerobics is its simplicity - you do not need special training or a lot of equipment. You don’t have to be young and beautiful to play this sport - even grandparents can try themselves in this field if they wish. Such exercises allow you to strengthen the muscles of the legs, buttocks, lower back, and also form correct posture, and if you add dumbbells to your equipment, you can also work on the upper half of your body. In addition, those who want to lose extra pounds will find these exercises extremely productive.

Step aerobics for beginners

If you have never done step aerobics and are just planning to start, then be sure to look at the features of the classes, basic exercises from step aerobics and recommendations for clothing and shoes for training.

Step aerobics for beginners: 10 features

1. Be sure to remember the correct body position while performing step aerobics exercises: knees slightly bent, back straight, stomach tucked in, buttocks tense, shoulders straight, gaze directed forward.

2. Steps must be taken with the entire foot on the platform so that the heel does not hang down.

3. In step aerobics there are no steps in two counts - at least four. This is due to the fact that you not only need to move along the floor, but also climb onto the platform.

4. In step aerobics, unlike classical aerobics, there are no reverse steps.

5. At first, in step aerobics classes, it will probably be difficult for you to repeat the exercises after the instructor. You may even get lost and confused in your steps. This is absolutely normal, after 3-4 lessons you will feel much more confident.

6. The higher the step platform is located, the more intense the load. Beginners should choose a height of 10-15 cm. More experienced practitioners should choose 20 cm. Gradually, the height of the projectile can be increased. It has been established that every plus 5 cm added to the height of the step platform will provide an additional 12% of the load.

7. You can make your step workout more challenging by using dumbbells or weights on your legs or arms.

8. Half an hour before your workout, drink a glass of water and be sure to take a few sips of water every 10 minutes during your workout.

9. If your gym offers step aerobics of several difficulty levels, then it is better to choose a class for beginners, even if you have good physical fitness from other workouts.

10. Remember the movements first with your “legs” and only then with your “hands”. Engage your arms only when the lower body has fully mastered the movements.

Basic exercises from step aerobics

To make it easier for you to master step aerobics, we offer you several basic step aerobics exercises in visual pictures.

1. Basic Step

Step onto the step platform with both feet alternately. Performed in four counts.

2. V-steps or V-steps

Step one step at a time with both feet on opposite corners of the step.

3. Step with shin overlapping or Curl

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform and swing your left foot back. The heel should touch the left buttock. Then do it on the other side.

4. Step with knee lift or Knee up

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform, bend your left knee and pull it towards your stomach. Then do it on the other side.

5. Step with leg lift or Kick up

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform and throw your left foot forward. Then do it on the other side.

6. Touching the floor

Standing in the middle of the step platform, alternately touch the floor with one foot and then the other.

7. Pull your leg back

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform, and take your left foot as far back as possible, without bending it at the knee. Raise your arms in sync with your legs. Then do it on the other side.

8. Leg abduction

Step your right foot onto the step platform and take your left foot to the side without bending it at the knee. Move your arms to the side synchronously with raising your legs. Then do it on the other side.

More complex step aerobics exercises

We also offer you examples of more complex exercises that trainers can add to programs for advanced practitioners:

1. Platform jumping

2. Jump over the platform

3. Jumping with legs abducted

4. Jumping in place

As you can see, in advanced classes, trainers can also include jumping exercises. If you have discomfort while jumping, then it is better not to jump, but to perform a low-impact version of the exercise (just walking).

Jenny Ford YouTube channel for the gifs .

Clothes and shoes for step aerobics

In step aerobics, it is very important to choose comfortable sports shoes. It is better to exercise in sports sneakers with non-slip shock-absorbing soles, which reduce the load on the joints. Shoes should fit tightly on the foot and support the arch of the foot, this will help protect the feet from injury. If you are predisposed to varicose veins, you can wear thick tights to class.

There are no special requirements for sportswear. The most important thing is that it is comfortable and does not restrict movement. It is better to choose high-quality breathable material. Please note that it is better not to wear long, loose-fitting pants: there is a risk of injury when stepping onto the step platform.

Limitations and useful tips

Step aerobics for weight loss has a number of limitations that should be kept in mind. Before you begin the active phase of exercise, you should visit your local physician and get permission to exercise.

Contraindications, as a rule, include:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • diseases related to the knees;
  • heart diseases;
  • excessively overweight.

In order for classes to bring only positive and beneficial results, it is recommended to take certain precautions. Training should be carried out no more than 3 times a week. In addition, during classes it is necessary to monitor your well-being, not limit yourself to drinking water and not try to adapt to someone else’s rhythm. Remember that losing weight too quickly can be fraught with various difficulties; in 7 days you should lose no more than one kilogram.

Step aerobics at home

Is it possible to do step aerobics at home? Of course you can! If you don’t have the opportunity to go to group classes or your gym simply doesn’t offer step aerobics, then you can train at home.

What do you need to do step aerobics at home?

  • Step platform
  • Some free space
  • Comfortable sports shoes
  • Suitable music or ready-made video workouts

Everyone will find sports shoes and a small square of space in the room; free music and ready-made video workouts with step aerobics are freely available on YouTube. The step platform can be replaced with a suitable object 10-20 cm high (for example, a small bench). If you don't have anything to replace it, you can purchase a step platform.

The step platform is sold in sports stores. Its average cost ranges from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles. The price depends on the quality of the material, strength, coating, stability. Also, the price of a step platform depends on the number of levels: usually there are two-level and three-level ones (i.e. you can set 2 or 3 heights, respectively).

Let's look at examples of step platform models.

Step platforms up to 2500 rubles

Step platforms from 2500 to 5000 rubles

Step platforms from 5000 to 8000 rubles

Reebok Step Platforms

The optimal dimensions of the step platform: length 0.8-1.2 meters, width 35-40 cm. The height of the step is usually 10-15 cm with the possibility of increasing the height to 30-35 cm. The first 2-3 weeks of training at home is better Set the step to the minimum height to master the basic exercises and adjust the correct position of the feet. Gradually increase the height of the step and complicate the level of training.

When purchasing a step platform, pay attention to its surface. It is important that it is non-slip, preferably with a rubberized top. In step aerobics, movements are performed quickly, so with any awkward movement on a sliding surface, you can simply fall.

Basic elements and technique for their implementation

For beginners, step aerobics turns out to be more difficult than expected. Before mastering the steps, you need to remember the main rules: the heel should not hang from the platform, take 2-3 sips of water every 10 minutes of exercise, choose breathable, elastic clothes. An increase of 5 cm in platform height gives +12% to the load, so start from the minimum. The correct body position is:

  • straight back, stomach pulled in;
  • legs slightly bent;
  • buttocks are tightened and tense;
  • shoulders straightened, gaze directed forward.

The first of the main steps in any combination is the Basic Step. Standing in front of the platform, take a step onto it with your entire foot, then place your second leg next to it. Then they step back with the first foot, onto the floor, and place the second foot next to it. This counts as one step.

The second step is Knee up (no up) with a knee lift. Stand with one foot on the opposite corner of the platform (crosswise), bend the other and pull it towards the stomach. Then the legs are placed alternately on the floor.

During steps with the knee raised on the steppe, the muscles of the thighs and buttocks are well worked out.

V-step steps - feet are placed on different ends of the platform in turn. The limbs form an English V. When performing such manipulations, you must be careful not to slip off the stand.

A few more steps are performed in the same way as a no-up, only when climbing onto the platform, the leg does not go to the stomach, but forward, to the side, an overlap or a backward swing is made. There is also a variation of the basic step, when the foot does not fall to the floor at all, but only touches it.

Basic Step

Knee up


Step aerobics: video lessons for beginners and advanced

You can do step aerobics at home using ready-made videos that are available on YouTube. Jenny Ford offers a very good video channel with a wide variety of workouts . This trainer specializes in step aerobics, so on her channel you can find programs for both beginners and advanced.

There is also an excellent video channel for home fitness - t hegymbox . They also have program options for different fitness levels (see link to step aerobics playlist). Music for step aerobics can be found on the Israel RR Fitness channel.

1. Jenny Ford: Step Aerobics for Beginners (30 minutes)

2. Step aerobics for beginners (30 minutes)

3. Step aerobics for all levels (25 minutes)

4. Step aerobics: entry level in Russian (30 minutes)

5. Step aerobics: intensive training in Russian (30 minutes)

From the history of fitness

Fitness and step aerobics are similar in many ways. It is no coincidence that the founder of the latter sports direction was the famous instructor J. Miller. The program was developed by her at the time of the injury, but the impressive effect amazed the woman so much that after some time the rhythmic training resulted in a new sports course. There are also several secrets that will help make your workouts more effective:

  • Skip a heavy lunch before class.
  • Drink in small sips during exercise.
  • If you feel any discomfort, stop immediately.
  • Don’t try to immediately achieve significant heights; build your own training program smoothly.

Step aerobics is the future

Step aerobics for weight loss is becoming more and more popular every day. Reviews about this type of sports training are always found only in a positive way. The exercises are convenient to perform both in a group and individually. You can visit a club, or you can practice at home to your favorite music. Easy, understandable, but very effective exercises will not only help you gain a new figure and say goodbye to extra pounds, but will also provide a positive charge for a long time.

What is Step Basic?

This type of aerobic exercise was developed by fitness instructor Gina Miller quite by accident when she was trying to restore her knee after an injury. Instead of a simulator, she used ordinary steps, for which she developed special exercises. Feeling how effective they were, Gina created a whole complex for working at elevated levels, thereby laying the foundation for Step Aerobics.

Step aerobics is a successful combination of aerobic and strength exercises on platforms of different heights, which are performed to energetic music.

The necessary equipment for training is a platform, which has special requirements. It must be strong, stable and wide enough so that a person of any height and build can easily stand on it with both feet. As for height, it all depends on your goals and level of training: the higher the platform, the more effective the exercises will be, but also the more difficult it will be to complete them.

Types of step fitness

You will probably be surprised that this fitness area includes about 200 different exercises. For this reason, there are several types of step fitness depending on intensity and complexity.

  1. Children's step aerobics is a very interesting type of physical exercise for children, since the class includes many complex exercises with interesting games that are sure to captivate any child.
  2. Double Step - this type is distinguished by the presence of two platforms for training, which help to use more muscles.
  3. Step-interval - training includes aerobic and strength exercises, due to which effective fat burning occurs.
  4. Step-combo is a very interesting option for those who love to dance, because it includes many dance sequences and movements that are quite difficult to perform. However, this option is more suitable for those who have good physical fitness and good coordination.
  5. Step-advanced - this option is characterized by the presence of complex dance elements, so it is more suitable for those who are not beginners.
  6. Basic step - what is it? This is the name of the most gentle option for beginners, characterized by ease of exercise.

History of origin

This type of fitness appeared in the 80s, when American classical aerobics instructor Jean Miller, having injured her knee, was forced to walk up the stairs to speed up her recovery. And it really helped her! After which the idea of ​​creating a fitness center on the steps arose in her head. However, such an idea was difficult to implement in gyms for large numbers of people. For this reason, step platforms were invented, which were an elevated rectangular surface 50 centimeters wide and 15 to 30 centimeters high. The height of the step platform depends on the physical fitness of the person. For the first lessons, it is advisable to choose lower platforms.

What muscles are being worked?

Step aerobics can be safely called a universal workout, because it involves elements of choreography, strength and cardio exercises, and at the same time, classes are conducted in a playful way to rhythmic music.

By choosing Step Basic to improve your figure, you can be sure that noticeable results will be achieved in the shortest possible time. This type of fitness practice is incredibly dynamic and burns calories very quickly; An additional bonus is the development of major muscle groups, strengthening of the cardiovascular system and a noticeable increase in endurance of the entire body.

Since the main load goes to the lower part of the body, it is quite natural that the legs work the most, in particular the thigh muscles and calf muscles. It should be remembered that the higher the platform, the stronger the impact on the floor, and the greater the load on the legs. Accordingly, as a result of such training, the muscles will become more prominent and toned, with a beautiful shape. If the goal is to reduce the volume of your legs, then you should opt for a low platform.

However, not only the legs are involved in step aerobics: the arms move in concert with the whole body and also receive their share of the load, especially if the trainer decides to introduce elements of strength training and suggests picking up small dumbbells.

Another undeniable advantage is excellent coordination of movements, truly royal posture and flying gait!

Muscle tone

Exercises on a step platform make the body fit, improve posture, develop flexibility and endurance. Physical exercises help to work out all muscle groups comprehensively, but most of the load falls on the legs. Intense aerobic exercise helps:

  • strengthen the buttocks, back surface and adductor muscles of the thigh;
  • work the deltoid muscles, biceps and triceps of the arms (using dumbbells or water bottles);
  • strengthen your abdominal and lower back muscles.

To avoid injury, do a warm-up first. This way the body will prepare for the upcoming load, the muscles, joints and tendons will warm up, and the heart rate will increase. Then they move on to the main complex and at the end do a cool-down to restore pulse and breathing.

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