Does wrapping with cling film help remove belly fat at home?

What is cling film wrapping

Excess folds on different parts of the body are fat and liquid accumulated under the skin. Even if you exercise regularly and follow a healthy diet, it is not always possible to get rid of unsightly sagging skin. Then many people, in pursuit of an ideal figure, resort to an additional method - wrapping with cling film. They are carried out simply: you need to thoroughly clean the skin at the site where cellophane is applied, if desired, treat it with additional weight loss products and wrap the body. Then it is advisable to put on warm clothes and spend at least half an hour in this form.

Recipes for night wraps

The key advantage of the procedure performed at home is its minimal cost. At the pharmacy you can buy various essential oils, algae (kelp), clay and other components for wraps, paying ten times less than for 1 session in a cosmetologist’s office. Before the first procedure, it is important to test for an allergic reaction, for which a small amount of the prepared mixture is applied to the bend of the elbow and observed for changes in the condition of the skin. In addition, the permissible session time should be observed to avoid allergies, burns, and other more serious problems.

With honey

The natural product is rich in vitamins, microelements, enzymes, which together have a beneficial effect on the subcutaneous tissue, moisturize and nourish the skin. Honey wrap at night helps remove excess moisture, relieve tissue swelling, and remove waste and toxins. After several sessions, the skin will acquire elasticity, a toned appearance and a beautiful, even color. For effective weight loss, you should mix buckwheat, linden or other honey with additional ingredients - mustard powder, grated ginger, green tea, etc. Wrap option:

  • mix 4 tbsp. l. honey with the same amount of mustard;
  • mix the mass thoroughly: if the consistency is too thick, heat it for a couple of minutes in a water bath;
  • Apply the mixture to problem areas of the body in a thin layer;
  • wrap these areas in several layers of film and leave for 30-40 minutes;
  • wash off the mixture with warm water and soap, moisturize the skin with nourishing lotion;
  • repeat sessions 15 times every other day.

With vinegar

It is better to use a natural, high-quality apple or wine product. Since vinegar can cause irritation and dry out the skin, it should be diluted 1:1 with water. In addition, a couple of drops of strong green tea will help reduce the activity of the component. It is forbidden to use the recipe below for people with dermatological problems and mechanical damage to the epidermis. Vinegar wrap recipe:

  • combine vinegar and water, keep the mixture covered for several hours in a warm place;
  • soak a piece of cotton cloth in the liquid and wrap it around problem areas;
  • wrap with cling film and a warm scarf/blanket on top;
  • after 1-2 hours, take a contrast shower with soap and moisturize your skin.

With oils

It is allowed to use one type of oil or combine several different ones in one mixture for body wraps for weight loss. Olive, lemon, lavender, lemongrass, myrrh, and juniper oils are recognized as the most effective for combating cellulite. Oil wrap recipe:

  • mix lemon, lavender, juniper oils in equal quantities;
  • soak the gauze section in a slightly heated mixture;
  • apply it to the problem area, cover with 2-3 layers of cling film;
  • wrap yourself in a warm blanket, and after a maximum of an hour, wash the product off your body;
  • repeat sessions 2-3 times a week (it is prohibited to carry out procedures at night for weight loss in case of skin diseases, irritations, allergic manifestations).

With chocolate

With the help of chocolate wraps you can effectively fight cellulite, improve metabolism, and restore skin tone. For weight loss, cocoa powder is mixed with other ingredients - olive oil, milk, mint essential oil, etc. One of the effective options for preparing the mixture:

  • combine cocoa (100 g) with warm water to obtain the consistency of sour cream;
  • mix the mixture with a paste of ½ banana and 2 tsp. honey;
  • distribute the resulting mass over the thighs and abdomen using a brush (take a hot shower first);
  • wrap yourself in cling film, put on warm clothes and rest for 40-60 minutes;
  • rinse off the composition, moisturize the skin with cream;
  • carry out procedures every 3 days for 1-2 months.


For wrapping you will need spice in powder form. Since cinnamon can cause allergic reactions, it is important to do an elbow test before the session to check your individual tolerance to the product. Recipe for night wrap for weight loss:

  • dissolve 50 g of powder in 20 ml of warm water, mix the composition thoroughly;
  • add 2 tsp. natural coffee and 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • apply the mixture to problem areas of the body, wrap them with film and put on warm pajamas;
  • after 1-2 hours, take a swim and moisturize your skin as usual;
  • To combat excess weight and eliminate the “orange peel”, repeat the described steps 2-3 times a week.

Is it possible to lose weight with cling film?

Opinions vary about the effectiveness of losing weight using cling film. This happens for the reason that cling film on the stomach itself cannot in any way affect or break down the subcutaneous fat layer. It only causes the body at the site of the wrap to overheat, which causes increased sweating there, that is, fluid loss. When after the procedure a person replenishes lost water reserves, all the lost grams return to their place.

The auxiliary effect of body wraps during weight loss should not be underestimated. The procedure cleanses the skin, tones it using products applied under cellophane, tightens it, that is, affects the overall appearance of the problem area. If you add other weight loss methods to the wrap, such as diet, physical activity on a specific area, then you will achieve a noticeable result.

Nuances of night wraps

Cling film for weight loss overnight provides a more noticeable effect in the fight against cellulite and excess weight on the hips, abdomen, and other places. An important condition for the procedures is to ensure that the body remains motionless so that the applied mixture does not spread. At the same time, experts do not recommend leaving the mass on the skin overnight: the disadvantage of such sessions is the skin’s inability to “breathe” 2-3 hours after covering the tissues with film. In addition, increased temperature of certain parts of the body leads to the development of inflammatory processes in internal organs.

Violation of the rules for carrying out wraps turns an initially useful technique into a harmful greenhouse bath. Most experts recommend limiting the time the film remains on the body to 30-40 minutes, regardless of the composition of the recipe and the duration of the course. It is important to refrain from eating high-calorie foods before the session and not to depilate problem areas a couple of days in advance. In addition, do not tighten the skin with film, otherwise blood circulation and metabolic processes will be disrupted, which will lead to negative consequences.

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How to remove belly fat using cling film

The stomach is one of those places where excess fat deposits are most visible. This is especially true for women who have a natural predisposition to having a small layer of fat on their abdomen. This part of the body loses its shape after pregnancy, when the skin inevitably stretches and sags. Cling film can tighten the stomach, restore elasticity and silkiness to the skin, relieve swelling by removing excess fluid, and improve blood circulation in this area, which also has a positive effect on appearance.

Selection of masks and compositions for food wraps

To carry out proper wrapping with cling film, you need to carefully select masks, especially for hot and cold procedures.

When using any film coating, you should pay attention to multi-component masks or compositions; you can prepare them yourself by selecting the ingredients in advance:

Natural clays. All known types of cosmetic clays are used for wrapping; they differ in different effectiveness and composition, and contain microelements and beneficial substances in different proportions.

Food. The selection of food components for the mask is carried out based on the goal, honey nourishes and softens the skin, cinnamon activates blood flow, chocolate can speed up metabolism.

Essential oils. Experts categorically do not recommend using essential oils for masks in their pure form; they must be added in a certain proportion to the main composition, carefully observing the dosage.

To carry out an effective and efficient procedure, it is necessary to opt for high quality organic ingredients. This will help you get the desired effect after completing the course and will reduce the likelihood of skin damage, causing irreparable damage to the body and health in general.

How the wrap works

Cellophane wrapping is designed to increase body temperature in the problem area. The feasibility of this method is observed in those who suffer from swelling. The effect of the procedure is compared to the effect on the body of a sauna, where a person sweats due to the high temperature. While in cellophane, the body loses fluid for another reason. It blocks the pores and prevents the body from breathing. The temperature in the wrapped area increases by about 1.5-2 degrees, which promotes the active release of liquid, due to which the volume is removed.

Types and types of cosmetic wrap procedures

Thanks to the increased elasticity of the film, food wrapping at home is quite easy to do yourself.

To do this, you do not need to visit a prestigious cosmetic center or a specialized office; however, there are several types of procedures that can be reproduced independently:

Simple wrap. Widely used by those who exercise at home, multiple layers of elastic material allow for ease of movement or obstruction during workouts, increasing efficiency and effectiveness.

Cold wrap. For this process, masks are selected with the addition of components that have cooling and refreshing effects; mint and menthol help to narrow blood vessels and have a positive effect on reducing the manifestations of varicose veins.

Hot wrap. The components selected for hot wraps enhance blood circulation and lymph flow, they affect vasodilation and help strengthen the endocrine and cardiovascular systems of the body, but have their own contraindications.

To increase the level of impact, masks with heating components can be preheated to a comfortable temperature in a steam bath.

The film coating does not absorb masks and the compositions used, so such procedures are highly effective and must be carried out with strict adherence to technology.

Advantages and disadvantages

The method of losing belly fat using film wrap can affect the body both positively and negatively. It brings effective results, although it cannot be called ideal. This is demonstrated in the following table:

Quick results due to immediate removal of liquid.The lost volume is returned by the liquid drunk afterwards.
Improved skin condition.Dehydration, which is not always beneficial.
Availability and low cost.Rash and irritation may occur.

Possible contraindications for various diseases

Film masks must be applied carefully to delicate areas of the skin in certain parts of the body, observing the time interval of the wrap.

By wrapping the lower abdomen with cling film, you can get rid of the fat layer, if you do not use warming masks or components that stimulate blood circulation.

Any type of wrap is contraindicated for diagnosed diseases such as hypertension and gynecological infections.

It is better to avoid this type of cosmetic care throughout pregnancy and lactation, which is important for those who suffer from problems with skin diseases.

How to do a wrap

If you want the procedure to bring maximum results, simply wrapping your body is not enough. You must first conduct several useful sessions:

  • First of all, cleanse your skin. A scrub is suitable for this, which will remove dead cells.
  • Massage the area you will be wrapping. The massage will increase blood circulation, warm up the skin and prepare it for the action of the film, due to which the greenhouse effect will occur faster.
  • Apply a special cream (for example, anti-cellulite) or a mixture you prepare yourself, which will help achieve a weight loss effect.
  • Now comes the turn of wrapping. You need to apply cellophane tightly in several layers, but without squeezing the body. It is advisable to wear warm clothes over the top.
  • If desired, time in the film can be spent playing sports or relaxing. Physical activity increases heat and sweating. The wrap can last from 20 minutes to 1 hour depending on how you feel.
  • At the end, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin and apply moisturizer to it. Hydration is useful to avoid irritation, sagging or lethargy due to large loss of fluid in this area.
  • The course lasts about a month with 2-3 procedures per week.

How to use film for weight loss

Using this product to lose weight is quite simple. You just need to wrap the problem areas on the body with film and walk like this for about an hour. To achieve the best result, it is better to wrap areas with excess fat several times. In this case, the greenhouse effect will be more intense and sweat will begin to be released in much larger quantities, which, of course, will speed up weight loss with the help of cling film.

In addition, losing weight with the help of cling film will help girls and women fight the notorious “orange peel”, which unnerves many no worse than being overweight. This procedure can be carried out both at home and in the salon. For this, in addition to a special film, anti-cellulite products are also used, which are applied to the skin before wrapping with cling film for weight loss. And to enhance the effect, it is recommended to wear any pants or tight shorts on top.

How to remove belly fat using cling film and how long should you walk like this? The time for this procedure can vary from half an hour to an hour. Sometimes, with some types of wraps, you can even lie down under a blanket or warm blanket, and sometimes it is recommended, on the contrary, to move intensively, do housework or do exercises.

Wrapping with cling film for weight loss

Before you start using the film, the skin must be prepared. To do this, you need to thoroughly massage it and rub it with a scrub, which may include the seeds of a variety of fruits, sea salt, seaweed or even ground coffee beans. The use of such a product will allow anti-cellulite cosmetics to penetrate the skin better and faster and enhance the expected effect.

You can also use natural products or masks during this procedure that will help achieve the desired result. If there is no time to prepare special solutions, then you can simply smear the problem areas with honey, wrap them with seaweed or seaweed.

Essential oils, which will perfectly tone the skin, can be excellent helpers in losing weight using film. You can make a fairly simple mask using ten drops of citrus essential oil, a pinch of ground coffee and a spoon of honey. All these components must be diluted in warm water, then applied to the areas that need correction and wrapped in film.

You can use mixtures of blue clay, which are extremely beneficial for the skin. You can buy masks for wrapping ready-made, or you can prepare them yourself. The main thing is that there is no allergy to them. Solutions that include green tea, mustard powder, seaweed, clay, and honey are considered the most effective.

The mixtures for the wrapping procedure must be homogeneous; they must be applied to the skin in a thick, dense layer while they are still warm. The film must be fixed so that it fits closely to the body, but does not cause discomfort.

After the end of the procedure, the film-sauna for weight loss is removed, and the mixture used is washed off in the shower with warm water. After that, you can apply a tonic or anti-cellulite cream to the already dry skin.

What wraps to do to remove belly fat

There is only one method of film wrapping, but there are many auxiliary means. They have a lot to do with whether cling film helps you lose weight. To enhance the effect, you can use various means, such as coffee, honey, vinegar, red pepper, clay, algae and much more. The most effective ingredients are those that are natural. You can try out different formulations of your own to see which ones work best. If there is severe discomfort, the session should be stopped.

With honey

A natural product that is useful in all respects is honey. It contains many nutrients and is not only used internally. Due to its positive effect on the skin, it is an active component of many masks. Honey is famous for its anti-inflammatory effect, its ability to trigger metabolic processes and saturate the skin with essential microelements. You can apply it under cellophane in its pure form, just warm it up a little in a water bath. To achieve additional properties, honey is mixed with milk, essential oils, and mustard.

With vinegar

Another common wrapping option is vinegar. It is considered a good aid in the fight against cellulite. It is recommended to use grape or apple cider vinegar in a concentration of no more than 3%. You can either rub it on your skin or soak a cloth in it and wrap it around your waist. The product is applied cold without heating; you can add a few drops of essential oils to the vinegar, but it is better to first test the effect of such a mixture on a small area of ​​skin to avoid irritation.

With coffee

Natural coffee beans are an excellent helper in maintaining youthful and healthy skin. Coffee perfectly cleanses, tones and rejuvenates. For wrapping, natural ground coffee or coffee grounds are used, which remain after preparing the drink. A few tablespoons of coffee are diluted with warm water to a paste, then applied to the skin. There are recipes where coffee is mixed with lemon, sea salt, honey, and seaweed.

What to put on your stomach under film for weight loss

Do-it-yourself spa treatments are just as effective as salon treatments.
Below are effective types of film wraps for weight loss. Soda

For wrapping you will need the following ingredients: cling film, warm water and cloth. The solution is prepared from a proportion of 1 liter per 10 g of soda and stirred. Before the procedure, apply the scrub to the abdomen and sides to achieve the best effect. Soak the cloth in the solution and cover the area. Wrap the top with cling film. The piece of fabric should fit snugly to the body.

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After 15-20 minutes, remove the film and take a shower.

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Ingredients: honey in the amount of 6 tbsp. l, aromatic oil of tangerine or cypress 3-4 drops.

Heat the bee product in a steam bath until liquid and mix with oil. Cover the surface of the flabby abdomen and back with ointment, wrap it in cellophane.

How to remove belly fat with honey and is it real? The answer is yes, if the procedure is carried out regularly. The active ingredients of the mask will open the pores, penetrate the cells and saturate the blood vessels and dermis with vitamins and microelements that are important in the process of losing weight.


The wrapping technology is as follows:

  • Take half a glass of mustard powder and pour into a bowl of water;
  • stir until you get a paste;
  • Apply the mixture evenly to the abdominal area;
  • wrap slowly with film;
  • put on a warm jacket and wrap yourself in a blanket;
  • lie in bed for 20-30 minutes;
  • Rinse off the mixture with warm water and apply moisturizer.


Ingredients: water and apple cider vinegar 9%.

Mix the components together in a 1:1 ratio. Soak a cloth in the solution and apply it to the problem area. Wrap with film.

During the session, monitor your reaction. If you feel a burning and tingling sensation, wash the composition off the skin, otherwise there will be a burn.

When applying the recipe at home, take a break between each subsequent procedure of 2-3 days.

People with cardiovascular diseases and during menstruation should not use vinegar.


Ingredients: 1 tbsp. l cinnamon, red pepper 1 tsp.

Mix the ingredients in a bowl and add a few drops of water to make a thick paste. Apply the mixture in a thin layer to the problem area and cover with cellophane. The procedure time is 20-30 minutes.

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Thanks to the pepper fat burning session, metabolism accelerates, the condition of blood vessels and skin improves. Due to the pronounced antioxidant effect of both products, you can achieve your goal in a short time.


Ingredients: coffee grounds 2 tbsp. l, hot red pepper 1 tsp. Mix the indicated ingredients in a container until smooth and apply to the skin. It is better to apply with gloves or a brush so that the hot seasoning does not get on your hands and then on the mucous membranes. Wrap with film for 20 minutes. At this time you will feel warmth, which enhances the effect of coffee. The method helps to remove fat from the abdomen and excess fat from the sides.


Not all people are allowed to carry out film wraps. Artificial overheating of the body can be dangerous in some cases. In addition, wraps must be carried out with caution, because sometimes it causes allergic reactions, irritation, peeling, and rashes. Contraindications to using this method as a way to lose weight are as follows:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • urinary tract problems;
  • diseases of the genital organs in women;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The cling film method can be ineffective and even dangerous

Remember: warming up your body extra in the gym is risky. This is a colossal load on the cardiovascular system. In hot weather or in a stuffy room, it is better to avoid thermal fabrics altogether to avoid overheating. You also need to use cosmetics under the film with caution: check if you have allergies, and keep them on the skin for no longer than the time specified in the instructions. It is also important to rehydrate, otherwise you may lose too much fluid.


In addition, thermal wraps are strictly contraindicated in the following cases:

  • hypertension;
  • renal, cardiac, pulmonary failure;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.


Lilya, 26 years old

I have been actively involved in sports for several months, but I could not eliminate the small fat layer on my stomach and sides. I started using wraps. I applied a mixture with pepper under the film. This method warms up the body very much. After a month of regular procedures, the volume of the abdomen decreased by 5 centimeters. I wear the film while playing sports.

Tatyana, 35 years old

I made wraps with honey. She conducted sessions three times a week. After applying the film, I went about my normal household chores. During physical activity, the body heats up well, but I couldn’t stand it for more than half an hour, because it gets very hot, the honey flows out and sticks, which is not very pleasant, but after three weeks about 2 centimeters disappeared from my waist.

Irina, 24 years old

Does wrapping with cling film help remove belly fat? For me, yes. This tidies up the skin on the stomach and legs. I do the procedures in the evening or at night. For the film I use ready-made cosmetic creams. They are easy to apply and don’t require any fuss with home remedies. I often apply anti-cellulite cream. I don't gain extra pounds.

Natalya, 31 years old

I tried doing wraps several times. I bought anti-cellulite creams, sometimes I made different masks myself, but I didn’t like the result. If you measure your waist immediately after wrapping, you can notice a decrease in volume by 1-2 centimeters, but the next day the size is the same. The liquid returns and nullifies all efforts.

The practice of home wrapping with cling film

The result of the procedure directly depends on how correctly it was carried out, so it is important to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies and learn useful tips.

What you need

To carry out the procedure you will need:

  • Film. It is best to use a film specially designed for wraps, which is produced by manufacturers of professional cosmetics - it is denser and fits better to the body. However, stretch film (can be found in the disposable tableware section of the supermarket) or regular cling film will also work.
  • Composition for wrapping (see table below).
  • Body Scrub. You can use any store-bought product or make it yourself: mix ground coffee, finely ground salt, cane sugar, corn grits, crushed apricot kernels with water, unrefined vegetable oil or shower gel to a paste consistency.
  • Scarves or woolen scarves for warmth, loose clothing or a sheet. You need to take those that you don’t mind getting dirty.
  • Blanket or blanket.

Cornmeal mixed with oil or shower gel is a good scrub to prepare the skin for wrapping.

Today's review will be about a slightly unusual product - wrapping film from Guam. This is the second time I buy this film. Last time this film was enough for me for 2 courses of anti-cellulite wraps. Since one course consists of 15 wraps, it was enough for 30 times. For me, this is very economical, because I bought regular cling film twice for a course of wraps. The texture of Guam film is a little denser than cling film. The first time I saw it, I thought that because of its density the film would not stick to the body. I was wrong, the film adheres perfectly to the body, creating a “steam room effect.” During the wrapping process, the film does not tear. The roll is comfortable to hold in your hands and does not slip out. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that due to its density, the skin under the film sweats more, that is, excess liquid quickly leaves the body. I didn’t notice any disadvantages in this product, only advantages: + cheap + affordable + does not cause discomfort + convenient to use + helps in the fight against cellulite.

Caps Lock

Table: examples of compositions for wraps

  • Gloria, “Anti-cellulite wrap: orange in chocolate”;
  • Kosmoteros, “Wrap: Complex mask with algae”;
  • Mixit, Extreme Cold Wrap;
  • KORA, “Mud cream mask: Anti-cellulite wrap”;
  • Guam, Fanghi D'Alga, etc.
  • mustard and honey mixed in equal proportions;
  • unrefined vegetable oils, heated in a steam bath, in pure form or in combination with essential oils (2-3 drops per tablespoon of base): olive, almond, shea, sesame, peach vegetable oils and essential oils of citrus, mint, cinnamon are best suited , lavender, juniper, eucalyptus;
  • cocoa powder, diluted to a paste consistency with boiling water and cooled to a temperature of 35–40 °C;
  • clay mixed with water to a creamy consistency;
  • crushed kelp leaves, soaked in warm water for 15 minutes;
  • coffee grounds;
  • ground red pepper and cinnamon (2 teaspoons each), olive oil (2 tablespoons);
  • dry ginger diluted with olive oil to form a paste.

GUAM algae-based wraps helped me a lot, but I was actively working out in the gym + before the Skin Tonic wrap, all this together gave an excellent result - reduction in volume and weight + smooth, tightened skin, no cellulite... you can’t achieve a visible effect with just one wrap. We need a complex!


Carrying out the procedure

The procedures can be divided into 3 stages.

Preparatory stage

Before the procedure you must:

  1. Cleanse and moisturize your skin by taking a shower or bath.
  2. Treat your body with a scrub, paying special attention to problem areas.
  3. Wash off the composition.
  4. Wipe dry.

The wrapping composition can only be applied to clean skin.

When using formulations with burning components, there is no need to scrub; this can lead to pain and, in some cases, injury to the skin.

Main stage

The actual wrapping is done like this:

  1. Apply the previously prepared composition to problem areas.
  2. Wrap treated areas with film.
  3. Insulating the top with a scarf or handkerchief is an optional step, but it is recommended to do it to enhance the effect.
  4. Wrap yourself in a sheet or wear loose clothing.
  5. Lie down for 10–60 minutes under a blanket or blanket.

The session time depends on the product used. For store-bought ones, the manufacturer indicates the duration of the procedure on the packaging; homemade ones can be kept for 30–60 minutes, but if the composition contains burning components (including essential oils), this time is reduced to 10–15 minutes. If during the procedure you feel discomfort or an unbearable burning sensation, you should immediately wash off the product.

You cannot leave the wrap with cling film on overnight. For long-term compresses, only gauze or cotton fabric can be used.

Features and stages of the procedure

Everyone can use cling film. This is where its versatility lies. If you combine 2-3 methods, you can easily achieve your goal and lose weight around the waist.

To burn fat, wrap yourself in cellophane and go for a run. Run anywhere: on the trainer, in the park, at the stadium, around the room. The main thing is to achieve maximum load. Exercise 2-3 times a week for about 30-60 minutes.

It is important to feel comfortable during this time. Exercise should be energizing and bring joy.

  • Wraps with cling film for effective weight loss without difficulty

This is a pleasant and effective way to quickly get a flat tummy and burn excess fat. The mixture options will please you. Choose depending on your goals and taste preferences.

Do you appreciate the gifts of the Dead Sea? Use salt and mud. After the procedure, you will become thinner and regain the smoothness and elasticity of your skin.

Orange, grape, chocolate masks will help you relax and enjoy the session. Close your eyes, turn on the music and imagine that you are in an expensive spa where the best cosmetologists are working on your beauty.

  • Slimming film in combination with abdominal exercises

Mask + polyethylene + exercises – the right formula for successfully combating extra centimeters. Wrap up and pump your abs for 20-30 minutes. You will see the first results after a week!

Wrap recipes

Honey wrap . You can make a wrap with honey. The scheme is almost the same. Cleanse the skin, massage and apply honey. You just need to prepare the honey - warm it up a little. And we apply this warm honey in a thin layer on the stomach. You can add ground cinnamon. We wrap the film in several layers and rest for about 20 minutes.

Honey has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It will be cleansed, and toxins will leave the body along with sweat.

Wraps with cling film using soda . Prepare the mixture: mix a little baking soda with sea salt and water. Check the consistency, don't add too much water. It must be applied to the skin so that everything does not run. We follow a proven system: take a shower to expand the pores, massage the stomach and apply a mixture with soda. Wrap the film around the stomach and hold the mixture for 20 minutes. Next, rinse off and apply cosmetic cream.

Clay wrap . Fast and very easy way. We buy any clay at a pharmacy or store. We dilute it with water to a thick porridge. Apply to the stomach, wrap with film and hold for 20 minutes. After the procedure, rinse everything off with water and apply cream.

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