Interval running - what is it and how to run correctly

Recently, debates about the importance of jogging for health have not subsided: some believe that such physical activity has become obsolete and brings nothing but pain in the joints, others, on the contrary, are sure that only with their help can you burn extra calories and lose pounds. While the parties continue to conflict, trying to find the truth, you can choose a more relevant and modern version of cardio training called interval running - what is it and what problems does it solve, read on.

For weight loss

Interval training is usually understood as those that include alternating periods of sports activities and rest. At first glance, such exercises may seem quite simple, but in reality they quickly bring noticeable results and allow you to achieve tangible progress.

According to a series of studies, interval activity is one of the most effective ways to burn fat. In terms of effectiveness, it surpasses even cardio exercises that are so popular today.

In 2009, scientists from the Canadian McMaster University, Jonathan Little and Martin Gibala, carried out a comprehensive research project designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the training. Over the course of two weeks, the researchers analyzed the results of cycling exercises consisting of several short bouts. It was assumed that a person should first work hard, and then take a breath and rest. The time of exhausting stress and relaxation was the same - thirty seconds each.

The conclusions drawn from the study were stunning. It turned out that an hour and a half bike ride is equivalent to five minutes of intensive work using innovative technology.

Mobile apps for interval training

Mobile applications make life easier for runners: they calculate the required speed and distance individually to suit your requirements, tell you when to change the pace and what part of the workout has already been completed. Each application offers its own advantages, so we have prepared a whole list where you can choose exactly what you like.

  1. The My ASICS program allows you to quickly create a training plan to achieve the necessary results for athletes with different levels of fitness (beginners, experienced participants, marathon runners). Warm-ups are provided and a compass is built-in.

The program is designed to include a set of individual lessons

  1. The Endomondo application allows you to develop training sets, keep a history of loads and route distances. Synchronization with the programs of other people is provided for competition in the quality and complexity of the route traveled.

You can create playlists in the application

  1. The RunKeeper program records the speed and duration of runs, and the complexity of the route. It is possible to compile musical selections according to your own taste.

In addition to the standard set of functions, you can download master classes from popular trainers for a fee and organize collective training sessions.

Why is it needed?

Interval running training has a number of undeniable advantages over classical interval running:

  1. By developing endurance, they help you learn to run long distances and increase speed.
  2. Systematic alternation of relaxation and activity modes promotes rapid and uniform burning of calories as energy consumption increases.
  3. The unusual type of training task does not injure muscles and helps avoid thinning of bone and joint tissues (problems that professional runners often suffer from).

In addition, jogging is a way to lose weight without losing muscle mass. Accelerating metabolism, it launches weight loss processes and allows you to quickly get into the desired shape.

Basic rules of training

It is worth considering that interval training will only bring benefits with the right approach. If you do not follow the principles of such jogging, you can harm your body.

The basic rules of interval running are:

  • mandatory warm-up, including jerking your arms, swinging your legs, squats, jumping, etc.;
  • You can move on to interval training only if you have mastered normal running at a moderate pace for 40–60 minutes;
  • You should start jogging quite slowly, as the adaptation process takes several minutes;
  • segments with moderate intensity should be 2–3 times longer than sprint segments;
  • during “quiet” intervals, breathing and pulse should level out to normal values; it is wrong to be out of breath while jogging;
  • the total duration of the run should be 15–20 minutes;
  • You need to increase the load gradually, increasing the speed or duration of high-intensity intervals.

Since interval training is a heavy load and serious stress for the body, it should be done no more than 1-2 times a week. On days free from such activities, you should run at a moderate pace for 40–60 minutes, that is, according to the usual pattern.

You can train in the fresh air (in a park, stadium, forest) and at home (on a treadmill). The first option is preferable if the air outside is really fresh and clean. It is not recommended to run near roads, as in this case you will have to breathe in exhaust fumes.

A treadmill in the gym or at home is an excellent option for those who are unable to run outside due to bad weather conditions or lack of a suitable place.

There are practically no differences in activities for women and men. The only thing worth considering is that guys usually run faster than girls. Therefore, the speed in the found training programs must be adjusted to suit you.

Who is it suitable for?

The key principle of jogging is to alternate between activity and calm modes. Although this approach is effective, beginners should not attempt it without prior preparation. If you switch to such activities earlier than six months of regular cardio exercises, you can provoke serious problems with the heart and blood vessels.

For those who are just starting to practice the “torn” technology, the standard lesson time should not exceed 30-40 minutes, of which only 20-25 are at the stage of grueling actions. You can increase the distances you run and the number of approaches only after a couple of months.

Interval training program

Program complexes are divided by time and distance. They differ in the principle of drawing up a training program and everyone chooses what suits him best. When selecting a complex, it is advisable to consult with specialists to adjust your sleep patterns and nutrition.

By time

The timed method is suitable for trainees who do not know the exact distances of the path along which they will run - in the park or on the embankment. For classes you will need a watch or stopwatch. The technique involves alternating acceleration and rest. To lose weight, experts recommend long runs at moderate loads.

When planning a lesson, it is not recommended to combine cardio and strength exercises. The warm-up before exercise and the final cool-down include 10-15 minutes of running.

By distance

When planning a program, you can focus on the length of the route when crossing verified sections of the route - a stadium with a given footage, already familiar sections in the park. The running route includes:

  • 1 lap of acceleration;
  • 1 lap for rest;
  • 2 laps of acceleration;
  • 1 circle rest, etc.

You can measure the distance and build a program based on the footage - 400 m acceleration, 800 m load reduction, 800 m acceleration, 400 m rest. Plan the number of laps and length of routes according to your level of training.

The time factor is less noticeable and can therefore affect running speed, while the distance at which you can see the finish line, for example, is more stimulating. Give yourself a specific distance and you will be able to complete it a little faster.

Interval running: training program for weight loss

Jogging, which helps break down fat, ensures quick and healthy shedding of extra pounds without harm to your health. Since a constant alternation of types of sports activities is expected, it is recommended to practice at the stadium - it’s easier to time the intervals.

Although such a sprint requires considerable energy expenditure, obvious progress can only be achieved if tasks are systematized and carried out consistently. In other words, you need well-designed weight loss plans, which can be divided into two categories: for experienced athletes and beginners.

The main differences between the programs are reflected in the table below.

Activity pattern/heart rateFor beginnersFor experienced
Fast cut400m/130-150800m/140-160

Key principles

The start begins after a classic warm-up - running at a convenient and comfortable pace for about 10-15 minutes. Next, the alternation of intervals begins, which can be calculated using two methods:

  • by duration;
  • by distance.

The first one is suitable for those who are used to running with a watch and have no idea about the mileage of the route. The training organization algorithm is presented in the table below.

Duration in minutesNature of the exercise
1+1Acceleration, then rest
5Restoring breathing, finishing the workout

The algorithm for distance exercises is built in the same way, but the meters traveled are taken as the reference system.

Interval training for beginners

Interval running puts a lot of stress on your muscles and joints. Therefore, beginners who have not been involved in sports or running are not recommended to start getting acquainted with physical activity with IB. Before mastering high-intensity IB training, you should jog regularly as a preparation for 1-3 months. This will prepare your body for higher and heavier loads and will make it easier for you to master interval running.

If you feel that you are physically and psychologically ready for interval running, in this case experts recommend performing short periods of acceleration - up to 50 m, so as not to disrupt and maintain a stable breathing rhythm. The periods of slowing down the pace are longer than in standard interval runs.

Interval training overloads the cardiac system, so the intensity of exercise increases gradually. At the initial stage, prolonged acceleration is not recommended.

  • Increase your acceleration periods by a few seconds with each subsequent workout.
  • The intervals should be uniform according to the principle - 50-200-50-200 meters, 100-200-100-200 meters.
  • Alternating between stable and medium-intensity regimens is safe.

If you're just learning the basics of interval running, run with app guidance. They will automatically calculate the number of intervals, speed and training time, making training much easier.

Medium distance techniques: 800–1500 meters, 2–3 kilometers

Running distances depend on preliminary preparation and endurance. It is quite obvious that for a person far from the sports world, it will be difficult to cover a distance of a couple of kilometers in an accelerated mode. Beginners are advised to choose simple routes 800-1500 meters long without steep descents and ascents.

Algorithm for an inexperienced runner:

  • The first stage is a warm-up warm-up. Is 800 meters or ten minutes. It is forbidden to run to exhaustion, since the key goal is to prepare the muscles. Run at a calm rhythm, working your legs and using your arms. The pulse should remain at 100-110 beats per minute.
  • The second stage is the increase in power. Is 200 meters or one minute. The speed increases, the pulse increases to 150 beats.
  • The third stage is relaxation. 400 meters or three minutes. The tension gradually subsides, breathing and pulse are restored.

This is followed by another 3-4 repetitions. At the end, it is recommended to do a little stretching to prevent muscle clogging.

Algorithm for an experienced athlete:

  • The first step is warming up. Is one kilometer or ten minutes. Run at a moderate pace, legs are actively rearranged, arms are swung for a comprehensive workout of the muscles. Pulse rate – up to 120 beats.
  • The second step is intensive work. Half a kilometer or two minutes, the pulse increases to 160. The average speed is 12-13 km/h.
  • The third step is slowing down, recovery.

The total length of the distance traveled is about 5-6 kilometers, 3 of which occur during the period of intensive participation.

What is interval running and why is it needed?

Interval runs alternate between running faster and slower, but do not involve stopping or walking during the workout. The intense load is replaced by a reduced load, but the movement continues with a light jog.

Interval running (hereinafter referred to as IB) is an intense load and in order to master the technique you will have to bother a little more than with a regular jog in the park. But at the same time, interval running is the best way to burn fat. It is the alternation of the pace of movement that causes tangible changes in the body. There are several types of training:

Fartlek technique - playing with speed

Continuous running with random changes in speed from fast sprinting to walking. There is no clear pattern in the training complex - you choose the speed, duration and number of intervals yourself. But if you need a clear plan, then it is better to use another technique, where everything is scheduled down to the minute. Also, beginners may not calculate their strength and overdo it in the first interval, wasting all their strength and energy. Designed for beginner runners.

Repeated run

Repeat running is performed over long distances of 1-3 kilometers and is therefore suitable for more advanced runners. You must run the segment giving all your best until you are completely tired. After which time is given to restore breathing and pulse. After resting, the distance is covered again at an accelerated pace. The number of repeated runs depends on how you feel. Repeated running teaches the body to use lung capacity to its full potential and improves blood supply to the body.


Sprint training is based on alternating “fast” and “slow” segments and is suitable for trained athletes and people with regular physical activity. Develops endurance, running speed and effectively burns calories. You divide the distance into several sections: with maximum tension and at an easier pace - jogging, for recovery and rest. But you cannot use it constantly in training. This load should be dosed - once every 10-14 days.

Tempo workouts

Designed for short distances and involves increasing the pace after completing each section of the training route. The technique is included in sets of exercises for athletes to develop endurance and increase the speed of running distances. The technique is recognized by experts as the most difficult to master.

An unusual acceleration technique is a good stress for the muscles and body. After jogging, muscles intensively spend calories to restore fibers, and metabolism accelerates.

Interval running scheme: how to run correctly to lose weight

Ragged jogging is a powerful stimulus for launching catabolic and metabolic processes. By activating internal metabolic stages, they burn calories and remove fat.

To lose weight, act in the following mode:

  • Five minutes are allotted for warming up - without at a comfortable pace.
  • Next comes an acceleration of 25-45 seconds.
  • A couple of minutes are allotted for recovery.
  • The exercise is repeated.

Interval training should include less than five repetitions - only with such a load will it be possible to achieve rapid weight loss. It is noteworthy that the stomach and sides “go away” first, and only after that the problem areas begin to be worked on.

More details in the video -

Contraindications. Who shouldn't run intervals?

Interval running is a fairly high-intensity workout and you need to be prepared for it. But first, be sure to check if your case is on the list of contraindications to running. Classes are prohibited for the following diseases:

  • joint pain;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • dyspnea;
  • arrhythmia;
  • colds during treatment;
  • postoperative period, recovery from infectious diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • obesity (you will need to lose weight before training).

If you have flat feet, experts recommend using special insoles. It is important to assess your general well-being during training and if you experience increased heart rate or dizziness, consult a doctor.

Experts recommend not exceeding the permitted number of workouts during fat-burning exercises and monitoring the body’s condition to prevent exhaustion.

Proper training for burning calories: recommendations from amateurs and professionals

Most people prefer interval running because of the ability to increase intensity, as well as the abundance of options for alternating repetitions of acceleration and rest. The mentioned factors allow you to organize the training process in accordance with individual physical characteristics and problems.

When drawing up a training program, the following rule applies: the better the preparation, the lower the activity-recovery ratio. It can be explained in more detail using a simple example: the initial ratio was 1:4, then, as abilities grew, the time allotted for recovery was reduced, and the duration of intensive tasks, on the contrary, increased.

Correct interval running for burning fat is organized according to the following system:

  • The first repetition is a 1:3 ratio, where 1 is active work (30 seconds), 3 is rest (90 seconds).
  • The second is 1:2, where work is 30 seconds, rest is 60.
  • The third is 1:1, where both intervals last 30 seconds.
  • Fourth – 2:1 (intense loads for the first time exceed the duration of the recovery period – 30 seconds versus 15).
  • Fifth - 3:1, when the energy-consuming duration increases by 15 seconds.

The proposed program is suitable for beginners in training and helps to see results in the shortest possible time. Professional athletes should choose a more grueling training option, otherwise they will not see progress.

What are the benefits of interval running?

Due to its specificity, interval running helps you achieve maximum results in a short period of time. By doing this workout, you can increase muscle endurance, strengthen your cardiovascular system, and burn fat tissue. Due to the constant change of pace, the body begins to expend more energy than necessary. As a result, you burn twice as many calories. Plus, interval running is a good way to add variety to your workout and challenge yourself.


Basically any running can be used as a way to lose weight. However, interval training is one of the most effective and popular. It allows you to start the fat burning process in the shortest possible time, and the effect after training will last for 24 hours.

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Interval running puts a lot of stress on the cardiovascular system. This means that it requires mandatory preparation. It is necessary to develop a certain base, strengthen muscles and ligaments. Therefore, if you are a beginner, I recommend that you first practice regular running at a low heart rate, and then switch to interval running.

How long should you run?

Having understood the basic principles of the described technique, you will probably want to know what its total duration should be. It should immediately be noted that high intensity and productivity allows you to abandon the daily mileage. Even a couple of high-quality workouts a week will be enough for comprehensive weight loss.

Those who are in one way or another connected with the sports world may doubt the effectiveness of the described sports tasks. However, a recent study published in Applied Physiology confirms that seven interval running sessions over two weeks lead to the burning of 36% of fat cells.

Another study, organized by Canadian scientists, found that three jogging sessions per week provide a rapid loss of kilograms (up to 2.3 kg) and a gradual increase in VO2 max (a particularly important indicator in the process of losing weight).

How to choose a running speed for weight loss

When creating a program for weight loss, it is necessary to extend the training time. The segments at an average speed increase; the tempo increases should be short. When selecting speed, the level of training of the person is taken into account:

Program 3 workouts 3 times a week for 21 days

5 minuteswarm-up: walking
30 seconds70% of maximum effort; 90 seconds slow/walking
30 seconds75% of maximum effort; 90 seconds slow/walking
30 seconds80% of maximum effort; 90 seconds slow/walking
30 seconds85% of maximum effort; 90 seconds slow/walking
30 seconds90% of maximum effort; 90 seconds slow/walking
30 seconds100% of maximum effort; 90 seconds slow/walking
5 minutesjogging/walking
  • if you haven’t trained before, start with race walking;
  • during initial physical training (6-12 months), choose an average speed for overcoming obstacles - 5-6 km/h;
  • for athletes with average training (1-1.5 years), a speed limit of 7-9 km/h with maximum load is suitable;
  • highly trained runners (2-3 years) can accelerate at speeds of 9-12 km/h;

It is not recommended to increase the speed above 12 km/h at any level of training.

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