Beneficial properties and contraindications of acai berries, their use for weight loss and in cosmetology

What is acai

Acai (Euterpa vegetable) is a palm of the genus Euterpa, common in Brazil. It is most cultivated in the state of Pará for its edible core and fruits, which contain many useful substances.

The height of the tree is 12-20 m, the diameter of the trunk does not exceed 15-20 cm. In the wild, the palm tree grows in damp places, along river banks in groups of 4-8 trees.

The fruit is a dark purple berry-shaped drupe, each panicle containing 500-900 fruits. The harvest is harvested twice a year; 25 kg of berries can be collected from one tree. Oil containing large amounts of palmitic acid is squeezed out of the fruit.

The acai palm is an important food source for the inhabitants of the Amazon delta. The Caboclo Indians traditionally received almost half of their nutrition from this crop. The plant is mainly grown for its fruits, from which a thick acai na tijela sorbet is made. The heartwood of the palm can also be eaten, but at present, the closely related species of jusar is usually cultivated to obtain this product.

Taste and smell

The taste of acai berries is ambiguous. To some, it resembles the taste of grapes, while others draw a parallel with the taste of raspberries. There are even those who have detected notes of nuts or dark chocolate in acai fruits.

Typically, acai berries are odorless. But some people still detect subtle notes of blackcurrant, blueberry or grape.


The chemical composition of acai berries is presented as follows:

  • vitamin A (retinol);
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • omega-6 and omega-9;
  • pectin (fiber);
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • anthocyanins;
  • phytosterols;
  • cyanidin;
  • amino acids: cysteine, lysine, methionine.

The fruits are high in calories. The calorie content of 100 g of product is 160 calories. BJU per 100 g:

  • proteins - 9.8 g;
  • fats - 54 g;
  • carbohydrates - 32 g.

Photo of acai berries

Health benefits of acai berries - nutritional value

Acai berries have more to offer than just high levels of antioxidants. They also supply many other electrolytes, trace minerals, amino acids and even small amounts of essential fatty acids.

Acai comes with a lot of nutrients, including:

  • Antioxidants (anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, protocatechuic acid, procyanidins and epicatechins, polyphenols, vitamins A, C and E)
  • Alimentary fiber
  • Healthy fatty acids, including monounsaturated fats and omega fatty acids ( omega-3 , omega-6 and omega-9, and fatty acids such as linoleic acid, palmitic acid and oleic acid)
  • Certain Essential Amino Acids
  • Plant sterols (B-sitosterol, campesterol and sigmasterol)
  • Small amounts of electrolytes ( magnesium , potassium, phosphorus and manganese ), B vitamins and trace elements ( iron , calcium , copper and zinc )
  • B vitamins (B1, B2 and B3)

Different acai products (powders, juices, teas, smoothies, etc.) will differ in terms of their exact caloric content and antioxidant value. As well as the ratio of fat and mineral content depending on quality and purity. However, estimates indicate that approximately 1 tablespoon of dry acai powder has about:

  • 70–80 calories
  • 5–6 g fat (mostly monounsaturated)
  • 2–3 g sugar
  • 3–4 g fiber
  • 1–2 g protein
  • Vitamin A – 15% of daily value
  • Calcium – 2% DV

Acai berries - truth or scam?

The first to promote the superfood acai berry was MonaVie. According to them, the fruits of the Brazilian palm tree prevent the development of cancer, heart disease and are effective for weight loss. After this, many companies, without checking this data, began mass production of dietary supplements and drinks based on acai fruits, which later led to scandals.

The first scandal was related to the fact that a sharp increase in the volume of exported berries led to the fact that the natives of Brazil lost their traditional and main source of food. As a result, the Indians began to starve, mortality increased and diseases began to spread more actively. It also led to serious problems in the ecosystem.

Another scandal arose over the mythical properties of acai. In fact, no research has been conducted regarding the healing properties of these fruits for the human body, and all the manufacturers’ claims were just a well-planned marketing ploy. In 2010, the American Federal Trade Commission made an official statement in which it was noted that this product does not prevent cancer and does not affect weight loss.

Another scandal arose against the background of the fact that many acai drinks contained no more than 10% natural juice, but at the same time they contained a lot of preservative E211 - sodium benzoate. When interacting with vitamin C, it produces a highly toxic substance - benzene, which can lead to obesity and cancer.

After these scandals, acai-based drinks and dietary supplements were banned in many countries. There is no accurate information about the benefits and harms of Brazilian palm berries and their full chemical composition. For this reason, it is up to you whether to use this product or not.

In Russia, only 2 drinks based on acai fruits that have passed safety tests are distributed legally. These are "MonaVie Active" and "MonaVie EMV".

Acai berry[edit | edit code]

Acai Berry
Also Known As: Euterpe Vegetable

(lat. Euterpe oleracea), Amazonian acai (açaï d'Amazonie), acai extract, acai palm.
Acai berry

What is it[edit | edit code]

Contains approximately 70 calories per 100g. It is a small, reddish-purple berry that can be found on the Euterpa vegetable palm family, native to Central and South America. Acai contains phytonutrients called anthocyanins, which have antioxidant properties. Like other fruits, acai berries are an excellent source of dietary fiber. On the market, the berry in question is advertised as a means of reducing excess weight, improving the functioning of the immune system and reducing inflammation, and therefore it is often sold in the form of frozen pulp or juice, and is also sometimes simply added to various drinks, cocktails and dishes.

Impact on the body[edit | edit code]

The mechanism of action of acai berries on the body is not yet fully understood and studied, but it is believed that anthocyanin with its antioxidant properties has a certain effect on the production of unstable molecules (free radicals). This mechanism protects the body's cells from damage that occurs during periods of severe stress, including stress received during training, and can give the athlete additional strength to combat the overwhelming stress caused by inflammatory processes, as well as to restore the immune system, the poor functioning of which can negatively affect the body. way to affect the athlete’s athletic performance.

Improving athletic performance[edit | edit code]

A number of researchers believe that acai berries may help reduce various types of inflammation and help the immune system function. It seems possible in this way to maintain the health of an athlete during a period of intense training. Moreover, when consumed along with other vegetables and fruits, acai berries can help you lose weight.

Scientific research[edit | edit code]

Although the antioxidants in acai berries are thought to have some beneficial properties, scientists estimate that less than 5% of the anthocyanin found in acai berries is actually absorbed by the human body. Experiments have shown that the amount of anthocyanin absorbed increases sharply when the berries in question are consumed in the form of frozen pulp or juice; however, due to the relatively small size of the object, the experimental results seem relatively controversial [1]. It is interesting that some animal experiments have shown a connection between the immunostimulating properties of acai berries and the polysaccharides (chains of sugar that are found in the plant) contained in these fruits [2]. Obviously, additional research in humans is required to draw more complete conclusions regarding the mechanism of action of acai berries on the body and to determine more specific practical recommendations. Of course, the consensus among scientists regarding the berries in question is that, by and large, eating fresh acai berries is considered a beneficial measure; on the other hand, to date there is no objective scientific evidence to confirm the positive effects (weight loss, reduction of inflammation, improvement in athletic performance) of sports nutrition and special supplements based on acai.

Recommendations for use[edit | edit code]

The antioxidants found in the juice and pulp of asa are absorbed quite well and these berries can be included in any form in a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. The use of sports nutrition and special acai-based supplements is not recommended due to the lack of sufficient evidence.

Safety of use[edit | edit code]

Acai berries are safe to eat whole, but the safety of acai-based sports nutrition and supplements has not yet been confirmed.

Beneficial features

The rich chemical composition of the Brazilian acai berry provides the following benefits for the human body:

  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system - eating berries helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol, normalizes blood glucose levels, prevents the development of ischemia and atherosclerosis;
  • increases immunity;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • eliminates toxins, waste and harmful substances from the body;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • increases sexual desire;
  • eliminates fatigue, gives a boost of vigor;
  • increases mental activity;
  • fights sleep disturbances;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, eliminates stress and minimizes the risk of compulsive overeating.

This is the main indication for taking acai berries.

Release forms

You can find a large number of products on sale that contain acai berries. Most often, these products come in the following forms:

  • The drinks are an excellent multivitamin supplement to include in your daily diet. Regular consumption of this drink helps strengthen the immune system and accelerate metabolic processes in the body, which has a positive effect on weight loss. This product is recommended as an additional source of energy. The drink goes well with a drinking or detox diet. The main disadvantage of this form of release is the high risk of purchasing a counterfeit and not natural juice. You can buy the original juice from Now Foods, the price for 1 liter starts from $30. Among those who are on a diet, the 48-hour acai detox liquid from Garden Greens, AcaiCleanse (price for 947 ml is 2066 rubles) is especially popular.
  • Natural oil - has a positive effect on the skin and hair condition. The organic composition of the product helps smooth out the first wrinkles, giving the facial skin elasticity and firmness. In addition, the oil can be used as an additive to nourishing masks and creams. It can be used for anti-cellulite wraps along with other oils. According to advertising, this product eliminates stretch marks, enhances collagen synthesis in cells, and makes the skin silky. You should pay attention to Acai Oil Treatment products from Amazon Series, Mohani, Cadiveu.
  • Powder - recommended to take 1 tsp as a dietary supplement. daily morning and evening, diluting this amount with 200 ml of water or other liquid. Systematic use of this product helps cleanse the body of toxins, waste and other harmful substances, increases protective functions, improves cardiac function and reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. Another benefit of the powder is that it provides additional energy. Recommended manufacturers: Medoveya, Xian Frank Herb Biotech, Royal Forest, Gifts of the Pamirs, Now Foods, Navitas Organics, Sunfood, California Gold Nutrition.
  • Natural fruits - their consumption has a positive effect on the processes of cleansing the body and the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Capsules are a dietary supplement containing berry extract that have a powerful antioxidant effect and are the most purchased form of acai fruit. They are useful for those who are on a diet or adhere to the principles of vegetarianism. Drink 2 capsules once a day with meals. Famous brands: Acai Berry from Natrol (USA), Paradise Herbs, 21st Century.
  • Acai bowls are protein drinks that are part of sports nutrition and contain the main component - acai berries. It is healthier and more correct to use them frozen, but you can also use powder. It is added to cocktails, smoothies, and yoghurts, which are drunk immediately after training. This drink promotes rapid muscle recovery, provides additional energy, and activates fat burning processes. Berry bowls became especially popular thanks to the martial arts master and jiu-jitsu Carlos Gracie, who created a special diet for athletes that bears his name. Classic acai bowls include strawberries, bananas, and granola.
  • Vitamin complexes - contain acai fruit extract; they are taken during weight loss to prevent exhaustion. Produced in capsule form, the most famous brand is Life Extension.

Appearance (photo) of acai berries

How to use it correctly

Like many other fruits, acai is, of course, best used fresh for food. The berries spoil quickly, so the unprocessed product can only be tasted in Brazil and other regions of Central and South America where the Euterpe palm grows.

Acai is exported in the following form:

  • Freeze-dried berries. Lyophilization is a gentle drying process in which a substance is frozen at a very low temperature, then heated using a vacuum chamber, thereby extracting excess moisture from the product.
  • Dried fruits (you can find both whole dried berries and in the form of a powder that can be added to any dish); when dried, the product retains 80-85% of its beneficial substances.
  • Acai oil, this product is used mainly in cosmetology. When added to various creams, the oil provides vitamins, moisturizes the skin, and protects it. With regular use of oil extract, you can prolong the youth of your skin and prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles. The oil is also used to rub into the hair, which reduces split ends and dandruff disappears.
  • Frozen fruits. The product processed in this way retains many healing properties. In addition to berries, jam is frozen.
  • Acai juice concentrate. This product can be diluted with water in proportions of 1:5.
  • Various additives are also made from berries in the form of tablets, powders, and suspensions.

Uses of acai berries

Acai fruits are widely used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology and for weight loss. Below is more detail about each of these uses.

In cooking

Acai fruits are widely used in cooking. They are used to prepare salads, desserts and added to baked goods. On an industrial scale, acai fruit powder is added to sauces, ice cream and yoghurts. In Latin America, soft, alcoholic and energy drinks containing Brazilian palm fruit extract are very popular.

In medicine

In medical practice, the fruits of the Brazilian palm tree are used as a prophylactic against various diseases. The plant substances present in the fruits prevent cell aging processes.

Experts recommend that people with diabetes include acai fruits or juice in their diet, as they normalize blood sugar levels. At the same time, excessive consumption of this product can lead to the opposite effect, that is, to an increase in glucose levels.

In cosmetology

Many cosmetics manufacturers use acai extract to make cosmetics. The most popular are creams, lotions and gels with acai fruits.

According to the manufacturers, the plant pigment anthocyanin present in the product is effective at the first signs of skin aging, and phytosterols heal and intensively moisturize the dermis.

For weight loss

Most often, acai berries are consumed by those who are on a diet and dream of becoming slimmer. This is due to the fact that fiber gives long-lasting satiety, improves digestion processes and absorption of substances, accelerating metabolism. Acai powder and capsules are commonly used for weight loss.

But is it safe to lose weight with the help of these miracle berries? According to official medicine, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Federal Trade Commission (USA), there is no evidence-based scientific basis for the benefits of acai. At the same time, on the Internet you can find many reviews about the negative effects of the product on the body, rather than about the fact that it actually helped you lose weight. Therefore, whether you should lose weight with acai berries or not is up to you to decide. By the way, some compare acai fruits with goji berries, although these are different products that can have different effects on the body’s functioning and weight loss processes.

Health Benefits of Acai Berry

1.Beneficial properties of acai berries - very high content of antioxidants

Most of acai's health benefits come from its extremely high antioxidant content . Therefore, they are considered to have a high "ORAC" score.

ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. This is a scale that measures the antioxidant properties of foods. ORAC values ​​are used to classify foods based on the amount of antioxidants they contain based on weight. And the acai berry is very close to the top of the list.

Purple acai berries actually get their distinct color from the high concentrations of certain pigmented nutrients they contain. Especially anthocyanins, found in many reddish-purple berries. It is believed that the concentration of antioxidants in acai is 10 times higher than in red grapes. Acai also contains 10-30 times more anthocyanins than red wine!

Antioxidants are “free radical scavengers.” Therefore, they help slow down the process of oxidative stress, which leads to deterioration of the body and the development of diseases over time. Acai berries are especially effective at removing superoxide and peroxide. In fact, they have been proven to have the highest rating of any food product reported to date. This is compared to peroxyl radicals measured using oxygen radical scavenging tests.

By helping the body remain more resistant to the effects of free radicals, acai is beneficial to almost every system in the body. Cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, neurological, immune, etc. While more research is needed on this topic, it may also help prevent the formation of cancer cells.

2.Beneficial properties of acai berries - improve skin health

For thousands of years, people have used antioxidant-rich foods and herbal remedies, including acai and other berries, both topically and internally. It has been used to prevent skin degradation and keep it firm and healthy.

Dark spots, wrinkles, sagging and discoloration are all due to free radical damage to the skin. More people are now turning to acai oil and supplements to help get rid of scars, stretch marks, crow's feet and dry skin. Consuming plenty of antioxidants also helps the body repair damaged skin cells faster. And therefore a more youthful appearance is maintained.

3.Benefits of Acai Berry - Helps with Cognitive Functioning

Eating plenty of antioxidant-rich brain food is a natural way to improve focus and memory.

Inflammation and oxidative stress are two major causes of cognitive problems. These include memory loss, dementia and other age-related mental disorders. Through the process of suppressing biological activity that disrupts the integrity of cells, acai cellulose fractions have a protective effect on brain cells. This may have implications for improving cognitive and motor function.

Studies have shown that fractions extracted from acai contain brain-healthy nutrients. Including anthocyanins such as cyanidin, delphinidin, malvidin, pelargonidin and peonidin. Along with phenolic substances such as catechin, ferulic acid, quercetin, resveratrol, as well as synergistic and vanilla acids.

Acai may also protect against the damaging effects of stress, including hormonal imbalances and increased cortisol levels. This is why some consider acai to be an “adaptogen.”

4.Acai Berry Benefits - May Help Control Appetite and Boost Weight Loss

Why is acai bowl good for weight loss? Some experts believe that the acai berry may have certain appetite suppressant abilities. This is due to the fact that they influence various hormones that control blood sugar levels and feelings of hunger, satiety and fullness.

It appears to help improve metabolic functions that help the body better absorb nutrients, break down food, eliminate waste, and regulate insulin secretion.

It is possible that acai helps break down fats and carbohydrates, and also helps reduce the desire to overeat. This is a direct way to help maintain a healthy body weight.

Benefits of acai berries - promotes healthy digestion

The acai berry offers a good dose of fiber. But it seems to improve digestion in other ways than most high-fiber foods do. Acai cleanses have become popular because of the way they support liver and kidney function. These organs do the job of processing and removing waste and toxins from the body.

In addition to their ability to work as a kidney and liver cleanser, they are also a natural colon cleanser. This means that they prevent the accumulation of harmful and undigested substances in the colon. Where these substances can cause constipation and other digestive problems.

By improving metabolism in general, acai berries can speed up intestinal transit. By preventing food from fermenting in the intestines and causing bloating, gas and constipation.

Acai Berry Benefits - Offers protection against heart disease and diabetes

Although acai is known for its antioxidants, it is also considered an anti-inflammatory food. Because berries contain some monounsaturated fatty acids. In addition to fiber and phytosterols, these all help strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Research shows that regularly drinking acai juice has a positive effect on blood lipid levels and may protect the heart.

Acai is surprisingly rich in monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid, the type found in heart-healthy olive oil.

A small 2011 study examined the effects of acai on metabolic syndrome. It is a term used to describe a condition determined by various risk factors for cardiovascular disease and/or type 2 diabetes. The study examined changes in reactive oxygen species and metabolic pathways in a small group of overweight adults after taking 100 g of acai twice daily for one month.

After measuring glucose, insulin, cholesterol and triglyceride levels before and after the study, subjects on average experienced improvements in their fasting glucose and insulin levels. As well as a decrease in total cholesterol and a borderline significant decrease in LDL cholesterol levels.

Researchers concluded that acai may help overweight adults reduce their risk of heart disease and diabetes. Although more research on a larger scale is still needed.


If you plan to take acai berries for weight loss, then you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Before starting a diet, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist, therapist or nutritionist.
  2. It is best to eat freeze-dried or frozen, but natural fruits. They are consumed instead of an afternoon snack or lunch.
  3. In order for the effect of eating berries to be effective, while losing weight it is necessary to give up junk food, exercise and reduce the daily caloric content of foods.
  4. Consuming a serving of acai berries before training will enhance your performance and increase your calorie expenditure per session.
  5. While taking acai berries, you should drink at least 2 liters of clean water without gases per day.

Acai berries in a beautiful plate

How to use acai berries

Can you eat acai berries raw? Yes, however you may have trouble finding them. One of the biggest obstacles to growing, selling and using them is that they are very perishable and delicate. Especially at high temperatures. Like all other berries.

It is said that the acai berry begins to spoil within 24 hours of picking if left and not dried. This makes it difficult for suppliers to grow and ship berries. It also makes it difficult for growers to dry the berries or extract their nutrients to make supplements without damaging important phytochemicals.

  • The natural degradation process of acai berries can occur very quickly. This results in the loss of many of their most beneficial compounds. Therefore, living outside Brazil, it is better for us to buy dry or powdered acai berry.
  • Many retailers offer acai in forms such as freeze-dried powders, dried pulp, frozen juices, purees, teas and supplements that retain valuable nutrients.
  • While it is becoming easier to find pure acai powder, you can also find it added to concentrated antioxidant supplements. Or extracts that also use other berries, cherries and grapes.
  • As for where to buy acai berries, look for frozen acai purees, powder, supplements and other products at health food stores or online.

If you decide to consume acai berry products, we recommend considering the following options:

  • Now Foods, Acai SuperFruit Juice, 946 ml
  • Dynamic Health Laboratories, Acai Gold, Certified Organic 100% Acai Juice, 946 ml
  • Natrol, Acai Berry, 1000 mg, 75 Veggie Caps
  • Now Foods, Freeze Dried Acai, 500 mg, 100 Veggie Caps
  • Now Foods, Liquid Acai Concentrate, 473 ml
  • Natrol, Diet Acai Berry, Superfood Acai & Green Tea, 60 Veggie Capsules


Can acai berries harm the human body? Yes, if you take them and use them in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • age under 18 years;
  • tendency to allergies and obesity;
  • any types of disorders (nervous, intestinal, nutritional);
  • pathologies of the heart, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract.

At the same time, if the product is consumed in excess, this can lead to an imbalance in the acid-base balance and a sharp increase in blood glucose levels. For this reason, people with diabetes should not overuse berries. Since there is no reliable and accurate information about the effect of this product on the human body, it is advisable to avoid acai berries during lactation.

In all other cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using the product.

Recommendations for use

The most simple way to consume acai is to add berries or powder from them to drinks, dairy products, and desserts. The fruits are often used as an ingredient in salad dressings.

This ingredient gives dishes a spicy, sweetish taste. Berries go especially well with vegetables and fruits, the most suitable among them being pumpkin. In Brazil, there are national dishes made from pumpkin with the fruits of Euterpe.

You can prepare the following dishes with Acai berries:

Tartlets with meringue and mixed berries

  • Grind a handful of Acai with the same amount of red currants, sugar, keep on low heat for 5-6 minutes;
  • Place thinly rolled dough into tartlet molds, perforate the bottom with a fork, and bake for 10 minutes. at a temperature of 190 C, then remove the baskets and let cool;
  • Meringue: beat the whites until thick foam, add powdered sugar, beat until you get a meringue;
  • Fill the tartlets with a sweet mixture of berries, place meringue on top, bake for 10-15 minutes.

Brazilian pudding

  • Pour 3 tbsp over acai, cherries and blueberries. water, add sugar, heat over low heat, stirring, add black currants. Cover the mixture with a lid, simmer until the fruit softens, then cool;
  • Pour this mixture into a colander placed over a bowl, hold in this form for several minutes so that the juice from the berries gets into the bowl;
  • Cover the bottom of the mold with a layer of pulp from white bread, pour a small amount of syrup on top, repeat this several times to form 3-4 layers of pulp and sweet liquid;
  • Pour the resulting mass with the remaining syrup, as well as a glass of orange juice, sprinkle with berries.
  • Cover the mold with the semi-finished product with cling film, place a plate on top, and leave for 6-8 hours;
  • Before serving, remove the film and quickly tip the pudding onto a plate.

Berry Jam

  • Mix acai, plums, currants with granulated sugar, put in the refrigerator for several hours;
  • Take out the mixture, add more sugar, stir, leave for 1 hour;
  • Pour in 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, stir;
  • Grind the berries with a mixer or through a sieve, pour half a liter of water into the mixture;
  • Cook the mixture over low heat, wait until it boils, keep on the stove for another 10 minutes;
  • Pour a spoonful of the resulting jam onto a plate; if it is ready, it will not spread; if it is a bit runny, then cook for a few more minutes.
  • The finished jam can be eaten immediately, poured into sterilized jars and closed with lids for storage.

Shortcakes with berries

  • Mix a glass of flour with a stick of butter, baking powder, stir until the mass turns into crumbs;
  • Add 3 tbsp to the composition. l. acai, sugar, pour in 200 ml. orange juice;
  • Knead the elastic dough, distribute it evenly on a greased baking sheet, bake for 30-40 minutes.
  • Cut the cake and serve for breakfast.

Mint sorbent

  • Add 5-7 tbsp to a glass of boiling water. l. granulated sugar, keep on the fire until dissolved, then put a sprig of mint there, keep on the fire a little more;
  • Add acai pulp to the resulting syrup, cook for 10 minutes;
  • Strain the resulting mass, add 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, cool;
  • Place the syrup in the freezer and keep it there for a couple of hours;
  • Decorate the sorbent with berries and mint leaves.

Berries can also be added to many other dishes; they go well with ice cream.

Due to its composition, acai berries are a very healthy product. By taking these fruits you can prevent many diseases and improve the condition of the body. But, you should not trust dubious dietary supplements and replace even the freshest berries with medications.

Acai is an excellent natural energy drink and a means of prevention, but is not a panacea for all diseases.


Vasilisa, 25 years old

I drank acai berries to lose weight. The excess weight didn’t go away at all, I even gained 2 kg. Now I’m on an oatmeal, coffee, liquid diet and exercise to get myself in order.

Ilona, ​​36 years old

On one of the sites I read about the benefits of acai fruit for weight loss. I decided to try to see if this product really works. For 2 weeks, I drank a glass of water twice a day with the addition of 1 tsp. acai powder. As a result, the weight was 3 kg, while I practically did not change my usual lifestyle.

Miroslava, 29 years old

Twice a year I take acai berries in monthly courses. I drink natural juice based on them and make smoothies. I noticed that after using them my health and mood improved. Although several times after using them I had diarrhea.

Acai berries are a superfood that is sure to find its admirers among athletes and those who adhere to the basics of proper nutrition. But should you eat them? Only you can answer this question based on the purpose for which you plan to use them. If the issue is excess weight, then it is better to pay attention to sports and remove junk food from your diet. You can improve the condition of the skin, for example, using plasma lifting or bio-reinforcement of the face, homemade masks with oatmeal, honey, gelatin, egg, yeast, sour cream or ice cubes. Remember, if you feel worse after eating berries, remove them from your diet and consult your doctor.

Acai Berry Recipes

Already bought acai and now you're looking for some ideas to start using it?

  • There is probably no more convenient way to use acai than by blending it into a smoothie. You can also easily create your own " Tropical Mango Acai Recipe " at home. This is a type of fancy breakfast made with mixed fruits/superfoods topped with granola. Use fresh, powdered or frozen acai along with other superfoods.
  • Another interesting way to use this berry is how it was traditionally used in ancient Amazonian cuisine. It was paired with various vegetables and potatoes/pumpkins to sweeten them and bring out their natural flavor.
  • For example, cuya is a type of traditional dish made using boiled pumpkin and acai bowl. Although you probably won't be able to find fresh acai berries to use in recipes. You can make a slightly sweet sauce or salad dressing using dry powder to add flavor to vegetables and herbs.
  • If you have acai juice, try adding it to lemon water, fresh green juice, or iced green tea.
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