Will low-fat cottage cheese be harmful when losing weight: properties, BZHU, benefits and harms

Cottage cheese is very healthy, it contains vitamins, minerals, beneficial bacteria, etc.

It is recommended to be included in the menu for adults, children, the elderly and sick people.

The question of whether it is possible to eat cottage cheese on a diet while losing weight is quite relevant.

According to nutrition experts, it is even recommended to include the product in the menu; the main thing is to know how to choose it correctly, when to eat it and what to combine it with.

What the experts say

According to nutritionists, cottage cheese is a valuable product that can itself become the basis for a diet. There are various methods for losing weight using fermented milk products. With regular consumption, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are normalized, the condition of the skin, hair, and nails improves, thanks to the high calcium content.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

Cottage cheese is especially useful for those people who have problems with the growth of bone and cartilage tissue, persons under 24-25 years of age (due to the still active growth of bone tissue), athletes involved in heavy and contact sports (stimulates the growth of bone and cartilage tissue, allows you to accelerate the processes of restoration of these tissues after physical exertion and/or injury). It is strongly recommended to eat cottage cheese during recovery from bone fractures or damage to the joint apparatus (especially cartilage). Because due to the high calcium content and the presence of vitamin D in the product, the restoration of damaged tissues is accelerated. Mature and elderly people, regardless of the severity of physical activity, are recommended to regularly eat cottage cheese. After all, it not only allows bone tissue to recover faster, but also prevents the leaching of calcium from the bones, which is necessary for the formation and maintenance of the strength of bone beams (they form the structure of the bone). The indication is justified by the physiological characteristics of the body at this age, when all people experience a decrease in the calcium content in the bones, causing them to become fragile, easily injured and broken. At the same time, at this age, the ability of bones to recover decreases, and the activity of their resorption (splitting) processes increases. Calcium prevents bone resorption processes at any age.

Some people who are losing weight don’t know how to eat it correctly to lose weight. To ensure that the product brings only benefits, experts advise following the following rules:

  1. Use only fresh product. Old cottage cheese not only loses its beneficial properties, but can also cause food poisoning or the development of an infectious disease, since microorganisms actively multiply in it.
  2. Give preference to cottage cheese with a fat content of 1.8 to 5%.
  3. It is not recommended to combine lactic acid products with sugar. It is better to use sour cream, yogurt (low fat), honey, or any plant products.
  4. Eat milk concentrate 1-2 times a day.
  5. Before consumption, make sure you are not allergic to lactose.
  6. It is better to eat cottage cheese in the first half of the day.

If a person adheres to these recommendations, he will be able to normalize his weight and improve his health.

Important! To absorb calcium from dairy products, vitamin D is necessary. In the body, it is produced in sufficient quantities under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The natural source of ultraviolet radiation is sunlight. Therefore, in order for the microelement to be maximally absorbed by tissues, it is necessary to regularly go outside and take walks in the fresh air. Complexes will be an alternative source of vitamin D, but the availability of this substance is lower in them. Therefore, the best option is to be outside.

Anna Moroz, trainer

According to a highly qualified trainer in fitness and bodybuilding, cottage cheese is not suitable for dinner if a person wants to lose weight. This is due to the fact that during sleep the body recovers, this process is accompanied by the production of somatropin (growth hormone). This substance promotes the breakdown of fat. Milk concentrate contains casein, which provokes an increase in insulin in the blood; this hormone inhibits the action of somatropin, as a result, fats burn more slowly. In addition, due to a decrease in the synthesis of somatotropin, the activity of restoration processes in tissues, especially muscles, decreases, and this leads to the fact that muscle growth proceeds more slowly and in smaller volumes than is possible with the recommended time consumption of cottage cheese. Therefore, it is better to eat this product during the day.

Yulia Bastrygina, nutritionist

According to a leading nutritionist, it is important to choose the right fermented milk product. Therefore, before purchasing, study the composition; it is recommended to buy a natural product. During the diet, it is better to avoid sweet curd products. The nutritionist advises purchasing cottage cheese with a fat content of 2 to 4%; it contains more nutrients and will not spoil your figure. High-quality milk concentrate cannot be cheap, so do not be tempted by tempting promotions, rather think about your goal. The optimal portion of cottage cheese for those losing weight is 200 g per day.

Selezneva Ksenia, nutritionist

A well-known nutritionist and gastroenterologist advises avoiding low-fat cottage cheese when losing weight. It has worse taste, it contains chemical additives (flavors, stabilizers, sweeteners), and sometimes trans fats. After eating it, a person feels even more hungry, since cottage cheese with zero fat content is saturated with carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed, forcing the person to eat it again. And the salts in milk concentrate retain excess fluid, straining the heart and kidneys. Give preference to semi-fat cottage cheese (1.8-5%). It is more natural and contains beneficial substances. And in order not to gain weight by consuming it, just control the portion - no more than 200 g per day.

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Benefits and contraindications of low-fat cottage cheese

A classic dietary option is cottage cheese made from low-fat milk. This product is low in calories while maintaining protein value.

This component is often prescribed as an auxiliary dietary supplement in the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • heart disorders;
  • obesity;
  • hypertension;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, colitis, enteritis);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • damage to the gallbladder and liver.

    Benefits and contraindications of low-fat cottage cheese

The healing effect is due to the beneficial properties of the product:

  • low-fat cottage cheese improves intestinal motility;
  • restores lipid balance and general metabolism;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • strengthens bones, improves the condition of hair and nails;
  • normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • serves as a prevention of oncology;
  • increases hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

Cottage cheese is a source of phosphorus and calcium. The protein contained in the product is perfectly balanced in amino acid composition. Finally, the real benefit of low-calorie cottage cheese for the body is the presence of fermented milk bacteria in it, which ensure “order” in the intestinal flora.

Contraindications for use are associated with reduced digestibility. A minimal amount of milk fat leads to the fact that the product contains little cephalin, phospholipids and lecithin, which are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. This “minus” can lead to metabolic disorders.

Another disadvantage of low fat (vitamin D) is the body's reduced ability to absorb calcium. Low-fat cottage cheese is considered a “poor” source of fat-soluble vitamins. The above disadvantages cannot be considered significant and can cause harm to the body if a person eats rationally and variedly.

Benefits, harm, composition, energy value, contraindications

To understand how useful a lactic acid product is, you need to study its composition:

  1. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU).
  2. Retinol.
  3. Thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B9.
  4. Vitamin C.
  5. A nicotinic acid.
  6. Iron.
  7. Calcium.
  8. Potassium.
  9. Magnesium.
  10. Unsaturated fats.
  11. Organic acids.
  12. Water.
  13. Saccharides, etc.

There are 4 types of milk concentrate: low-fat, semi-fat, full-fat, granular.

The energy value of each type is different:

  1. Low-fat cottage cheese (up to 1.8%) contains from 90 to 105 kcal per 100 g.
  2. Bold (from 1.8 to 9%) – from 135 to 160 kcal/100g.
  3. Fat (from 9 to 22%) – 230 kcal/100g.
  4. Grainy – 150 kcal/100g.

Beginners losing weight are interested in the question of which cottage cheese is better. If you want to get rid of extra pounds and improve your health, then choose a product with a fat content of 1.8 to 5%. It is healthier (calcium, vitamins, and minerals are absorbed faster), tasty, and will not cause fat accumulation (with moderate consumption). Cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% is also allowed for weight loss, the main thing is not to eat more than 150 g per day.

The fat content of milk concentrate affects its composition, for example, half-fat cottage cheese contains 16 g of proteins, 9 g of fat, 3 g of carbohydrates.

Fermented milk product has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Quickly absorbed.
  2. Accelerates metabolism and fat burning.
  3. Accelerates the processes of restoration of cells of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Stabilizes blood glucose levels.
  5. Being a source of protein, it allows you to maintain the balance of extra- and intracellular fluid, thereby preventing the development of many dangerous diseases, including the cardiovascular and urinary systems.
  6. Strengthens bones.
  7. Positively affects the functions of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  8. Strengthens the immune system.
  9. Maintains hemoglobin levels. Accelerates the formation of red blood cells (erythrocytes).
  10. Improves vision.

The grain and semi-fat product helps to lose weight and is suitable for feeding children, pregnant women, nursing women, the elderly, and sick people. And full-fat milk concentrate is suitable for building muscle mass. However, due to the high content of carbohydrates and fats in it, such a product must be consumed strictly within the portions determined for a specific weight, height and physical activity, otherwise you can gain not only muscle, but also excess fat tissue.

Despite the benefits of cottage cheese, it can be harmful:

  1. There is a risk of allergy if you are hypersensitive to lactose.
  2. With regular consumption of fatty foods (from 9%), the level of cholesterol increases and the likelihood of obesity or atherosclerosis increases. The latter leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and the development of oxygen starvation in the tissues.
  3. Cottage cheese aggravates the patient’s condition with pathologies of the kidneys, gall bladder, and urolithiasis.
  4. Grainy and low-fat cottage cheese should not be eaten if there are gastrointestinal disorders.
  5. An expired product provokes intoxication. If the milk is poorly processed, the milk concentrate may be contaminated with pathogenic microbes (Escherichia coli).

Important! Only with proper and moderate consumption will cottage cheese bring benefits and speed up weight loss.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

Excessive consumption of fatty cottage cheese leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of arterial vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to the tissues. As a result, they do not receive the amount of oxygen necessary for correct functioning, and their “work” is disrupted. The condition can be chronic or acute. In the first case, the body adapts to the state of tissue hypoxia (lack of oxygen in them). And in order to compensate for oxygen transport, new vessels begin to form, supplying oxygen to the tissues. The acute condition is much more dangerous and can be life-threatening. In this case, the body’s tissues are not able to quickly adapt to working in hypoxic conditions and begin to die. A striking example is myocardial infarction. Also, atherosclerotic plaques lead to the formation of blood clots on the walls of blood vessels. In addition to the fact that a clot disrupts blood flow in the vessels, it can also break off and be transported through the bloodstream. When a blood clot reaches a vessel through which it cannot pass, it becomes blocked and acute tissue hypoxia develops, which leads to tissue death.

Why low-fat cottage cheese is valued by nutritionists

It is thanks to the low fat content in the composition that the calorie content of this product ranges from 90 to 110 kcal per 100 grams and depends on the fat content of the milk used in production. The minimum percentage of fat content is 0.1%, although cottage cheese with a content of 1.8% is more often found on store shelves.

Low-fat cottage cheese is valued by nutritionists for its high protein content and is often included in the menu of not only dietary, but also sports nutrition. Animal protein forms the basis of the product - about 81%.

Low-fat product: myth and reality

The fat content of a low-fat product differs:

  1. Low-fat (0%): BZHU – 71 kcal/100g, proteins – 16.5 g, fats – 0 g, carbohydrates – 1.3 g.
  2. Low-fat (0.1%): BJU: B – 11.9 g, F – 0.1 g, U – 3.61 g, calorie content – ​​76 kcal.
  3. Nutritional value of low-fat cottage cheese (1%) – 80 kcal, B – 16.5 g, F – 1.1 g, U – 1.8 g.
  4. The energy value of a product with a fat content of 1.8% is 101 kcal, B - 18 g, F - 1.8 g, U - 3.3 g.

Quite popular for weight loss is cottage cheese, the fat content of which is 2%, it contains 103 kcal/100g, 18 g of proteins, 2 g of fat, 3.3 g of fat.

There are many myths about low-fat fermented milk products:

  1. Cottage cheese with 0% fat content does not contain lipids. All products (except green tea) contain a small amount of fat. Fats are necessary for the formation of a number of biologically active substances, the formation of cells and their functioning. Therefore, their deficiency causes much more harm to the body than excess.
  2. A low-fat product only brings benefits. Fats are useful for the normal functioning of the body; in their absence, the condition of the hair and skin deteriorates, and the functionality of the reproductive system of women is disrupted. Low-fat cottage cheese may contain chemical additives as well as artificial trans fats. With frequent use, metabolism is disrupted, immunity is weakened, and there is a risk of diabetes.
  3. Low-fat fermented milk product gives a feeling of fullness. In fact, after consuming it, a person feels hungry within a few minutes.
  4. A low-fat product contains protein. Its amount in this product is significantly less than in regular cottage cheese.

Low-fat cottage cheese is recommended for use for hypertension, as well as for people with high cholesterol concentrations to prevent atherosclerosis. Healthy people can afford milk concentrate with a fat content of 1.8-5%.

Attention! Trans fats are carcinogens – substances that provoke the development of malignant tumors. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to avoid consuming trans fats.

A good choice in pursuit of health or a pointless waste of money

Low-fat cottage cheese is a fermented milk product prepared by fermenting milk with a fat content below 3%, followed by removal of whey.

It is important to know that it is impossible to prepare milk with a fat content of 0, so manufacturers who write this figure on packs are deliberately deceiving customers.

The energy composition and amount of macro- and microelements in this fermented milk product of different fat contents are practically the same.

Vitamins that low-fat cottage cheese is rich in:

No.Vitamin nameContent per 100 grams of product
1.RR4 mg
2.WITH0.5 mg
3.IN 10.04 mg
4.AT 20.25 mg
5.AT 50.2 mg
6.AT 60.2 mg
7.AT 940 mcg
8.AT 121.3 mcg
9.N7.6 mcg
10.D0.02 µg

Minerals that low-fat cottage cheese is rich in:

No.Mineral substanceContent per 100 grams of product, mg

The product also contains small amounts of minerals, measured in micrograms per 100 grams of product:

No.Mineral substanceContent per 100 grams, mcg

The amount of minerals and vitamins depends on the quality of the milk from which the fermented milk product is made.

Nutritional value of low-fat cottage cheese:

No.SubstanceContent per 100 grams of product, g
2.Mono- and disaccharides3,3
4.Organic acids1,2

Find out how to choose low-fat cottage cheese in the store from the video.


When dieting, it is not recommended to consume curd mass. Firstly, it contains more calories, and secondly, numerous chemical additives are used during its preparation, and poor-quality raw materials may be used, which significantly increases the risk of food poisoning or the development of an infectious disease.

High-quality cottage cheese is created on the basis of cottage cheese, butter, sugar, and dry fruits. The label indicates the composition, calorie content, and manufacturer's address. It is usually stored for about 3 days.

It contains beneficial bacteria, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and organic acids. Its only drawback is its high calorie content.

Attention! If the shelf life of the curd mass is from 5 to 7 days, then you have a low-quality product that can cause poisoning, allergies and other disorders.

How to use, should you eat at night and with what?

Doctors recommend eating cottage cheese in the morning and afternoon, as it takes a long time to break down (about 3 hours). However, many people feel hungry in the late afternoon. Then the question arises whether the product can be eaten in the evening. For dinner you are allowed to consume 2-3 tbsp. spoons of protein concentrate.

Not everyone who is losing weight knows whether they can take milk concentrate at night. A person can eat a small portion of the product 3-4 hours before going to bed. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to fall asleep due to the feeling of heaviness. If you consume cottage cheese after the specified time, most of the carbohydrates from the product will turn into fat deposits.

Those losing weight are interested in the question of what to eat cottage cheese with. During the day it can be combined with honey, fresh and dry fruits, berries, vegetables, and herbs.

The question of what to eat milk concentrate with in the evening is quite relevant. A salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, paprika, cottage cheese, kefir, herbs and garlic will relieve hunger for a long time. At night, you can mix milk concentrate with honey, raisins, dried apricots, or make a curd and berry smoothie. The main thing is to eat 3 hours before bedtime and in a minimal portion.

You can eat low-fat cottage cheese at night, especially if you have already consumed a portion of a low-fat product during the day.

Is it possible to prepare low-fat cottage cheese at home?

Skilled housewives often prepare cottage cheese, including low-fat cottage cheese, at home. The calorie content of a product prepared at home differs little from that of a store-bought product and averages 108 kcal per 100 g.

The proportions of the amount of milk and the product obtained at the output are 3 to 1. Accordingly, to obtain 100 grams of the finished product, you should take 300 grams of raw materials.

It is not recommended to use store-bought milk when preparing it, since it often contains normalized (powdered) milk, the benefits of which are much less than when using farm milk.

First of all, you should remove the cream from settled milk; it is always on the surface and has a slightly yellowish color.

The most delicious cottage cheese is prepared using sourdough.

To prepare 500 grams of cottage cheese you will need: farm milk (1.5 liters), sourdough. Preparation procedure:

  1. From the settled milk (put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours), skim the cream; it is always on the surface of the milk and has a slightly yellowish color.
  2. Place the milk on the fire and bring it to a temperature of approximately 40-45°C.
  3. Add starter; kefir is best for this role - 1 tbsp. a spoon will be enough.
  4. Remove the milk from the heat and wrap it tightly with a towel or blanket so that the milk cools as slowly as possible (we create favorable conditions for the proliferation of lactic acid bacteria).
  5. After complete ripening (after about 6 hours, the milk should turn into a dense mass), put it back on the fire and, without bringing to a boil, heat over very low heat for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally (during heating, the dense mass will turn into cottage cheese and whey) .
  6. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool so that the curd grains swell and become softer.
  7. After cooling, place the mixture on a sieve lined with several layers of gauze, and, twisting the gauze tightly, let the remaining whey drain for 1-2 hours.

Having a low calorie content, soft low-fat cottage cheese can become the basis for many dietary dishes, low-carbohydrate and low-protein diets. This product is most often used in desserts and snacks.

Diet dishes

You can prepare many delicious and low-calorie dishes from cottage cheese:

  1. Sandwiches:
  • chop the greens;
  • mix cottage cheese with sour cream (low fat);
  • peel and crush a few cloves of garlic;
  • add herbs and garlic to the curd mixture;
  • Spread the mixture onto the diet bread and place a piece of tomato, cucumber or paprika on top.
  1. Curd and vegetable salad with avocado:
  • pick Chinese cabbage with your hands;
  • chop avocado, tomatoes;
  • mix grainy cottage cheese with vegetables, spices, olive oil.
  1. Fruit salad with cottage cheese:
  • cut peach, banana, kiwi;
  • add cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt to the fruit, stir.
  1. Casserole:
  • mix chopped herbs with garlic, salt, pepper;
  • add cottage cheese there, stir;
  • grind hard cheese (low fat), add to the base;
  • beat the whites until thick foam is obtained, mix with the remaining ingredients;
  • Pour the mixture into a baking tray and bake until golden brown.

Cottage cheese goes well with many foods, the main thing is to choose low-calorie ingredients.

Important! Since cottage cheese is a protein product, its abuse leads to disruption of the kidney filtration apparatus even in healthy people. Those who have kidney pathologies can consume cottage cheese only if they strictly adhere to the portions recommended by the doctor.

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Dairy products for weight loss

Curd breakfast with sour cream - a high-calorie blow to the waist?

The method of preparing a dietary breakfast of cottage cheese with sour cream has a significant impact on its energy value. How many calories are in cottage cheese with sour cream - one of the most favorite morning breakfasts for children and many of those who watch their weight? To calculate the calorie content of a practical, tasty and healthy breakfast, it is necessary to take into account the fat content of the sour cream used: 10-15% product contains 100-110 kilocalories, and 35% sour cream – 350-375 kcal!

You also need to pay attention to how many calories are in the cottage cheese that you will combine with sour cream: low-fat (55-110 kcal) or semi-fat 5% product (145-155 kcal). In addition, by using fillers - nuts, dried fruits, honey, jam or sugar, the cook significantly increases the calorie content of the finished dish. If low-fat cottage cheese with 10-15% sour cream for breakfast can provide 250-270 kcal, then a full-fledged dessert with nuts, honey and dried fruits can cover a third of the daily amount of required calories.

Main conclusions

As you can see, cottage cheese can be consumed when losing weight, the main thing is to follow the following rules:

  1. Choose a fresh, natural product.
  2. Give preference to semi-fat lactic acid concentrate from 1.8 to 5%, it will bring more benefits than low-fat.
  3. Eat cottage cheese 1 or 2 times a day, no more than 200 g.
  4. Eat cottage cheese and dishes made from it in the first half of the day.
  5. In the evening, consume the lactic acid product 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  6. Combine milk concentrate with honey, dry and raw fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

When consumed correctly, cottage cheese satisfies hunger, saturates the body with useful substances, accelerates metabolism and fat burning. If you have kidney disease, it is recommended to consult your doctor or urologist or nephrologist regarding the rationality of consuming cottage cheese.

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