The benefits and harms of pomelo for the body when losing weight

What are the benefits of pomelo fruit for weight loss?

The pulp of the fruit contains many useful components that, with a meager diet, will help provide the body with everything it needs. When consuming pomelo, performance increases and tone improves.

The lipolytic enzyme contained in the pulp of sheddock (another name for pomelo) ensures the breakdown of fat deposits. With this treatment, their removal from the body is much faster. Losing weight with pomelo is easy and without much harm to those losing weight. You can eat pomelo for weight loss at night, it is absolutely harmless.

The fibers from which the bridges in the pulp are formed are quite coarse, the stomach will not be able to digest them. They become like a lump inside, working like a brush, cleaning the gastrointestinal tract from debris.

The peel of the fruit is used in different countries to add to different dishes. It contains essential oils, bioflavonoids, which improve the functioning of the pancreas and can stop the growth of malignant tumors in the mammary gland.

Citrus enriches the body with potassium, which lowers blood pressure and normalizes cholesterol levels. It is also actively used in gerontology to obtain a rejuvenation effect.

When regularly added to food, the risk of strokes and heart attacks decreases. Citrus essential oils help the body suffer less from diseases of viral origin.

Pomelo health benefits and harms

Scientists know the great benefits of pomelo for the body when losing weight.
The special lipolytic enzyme it contains breaks down fatty deposits and then gradually removes them from the body. Losing weight is easy and completely harmless. The coarse fibers that make up the membranes of the fruit are not digested by the stomach. Becoming a lump, the fibers act as a brush, clearing the stomach and intestines of debris. Shaddock (the second name of the fruit) is not only a fat burner, but also a valuable product that saturates the body with potassium, which lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels in blood cells. Daily consumption of citrus reduces the likelihood of heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis. The fruit is also an antioxidant, blocking the influence of free radicals and bacteria on the human immune system, and sheddock essential oils protect the body from viral diseases.

Many people love such an exotic fruit, but do not know whether pomelo promotes weight loss. Shaddock was brought from Malaysia, has a thick skin, and a sweet and sour taste. In addition to useful substances and vitamins, citrus contains enzymes that break down fats, so nutritionists advise eating pomelo for weight loss. To avoid a deficiency of microelements necessary for the body, it is not recommended to adhere to a mono-diet with fruit for more than 3 days. You can use sheddock for fasting days and as one of the products when creating a diet menu.

The composition of BJU in pomelo is low, so we can safely classify the fruit as a product with low energy value. The calorie content of one fruit weighing about 800 g is only 145 kcal, and in 100 g there are no more than 32. There are 3 varieties of citrus: white, red and pink. The calorie content of each type differs by only 2-3 kcal. Composition of BJU per 100 g of product:

  • fats: 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates: 6.8 g;
  • proteins: 0.6 g.

Pomelo, or sheddock, burns fat by stimulating lipid metabolism. Acceleration of the fat burning process is achieved thanks to the lipolytic enzyme contained in citrus pulp. Nutritionists compare the effect of the fruit to a brush that cleanses the intestines of stale masses.

The composition of the fruit is rich in macro- and microelements:

  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • copper;
  • zinc, etc.

Shaddock is useful not only for losing weight, but also for improving the health of the entire body:

  • potassium lowers blood pressure and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • vitamins normalize cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis;
  • antioxidants prevent cancer;
  • essential oils help cope with viral infections.

In addition, the fruit strengthens the skeletal system and normalizes brain function.

Doctors recommend eating a slice of citrus fruit in the evening to relieve stress after a hard day.

Eating pomelo during a diet allows you to remove waste and toxins from the body, which ensures rapid weight loss.

Citrus is involved in accelerating metabolic processes, breaking down fats and carbohydrates.

How many calories

The energy component of the fetus is difficult to overestimate. Per 100 g of product there are:

  • 0.8 g protein;
  • 0 g fat;
  • 1 g dietary fiber;
  • 8.6 g carbohydrates;
  • 89 g water.

The calorie content of the fruit is only 38 kcal, so sheddok can, and even should, be included in the diet when losing weight.

Both overseas fruits promote weight loss. However, pomelo contains more potassium, fiber, and ascorbic acid. Consequently, sheddock prevents the absorption of fats from food, strengthens the heart and immunity.

Both fruits are suitable for weight loss. You can prepare two-ingredient juices or alternate salads from these citrus fruits. A significant disadvantage of grapefruit is bitterness. Shaddock, on the contrary, has a pleasant taste and delicate aroma.

The exotic fruit diet is one of the most effective weight loss methods.

The tasty giant is of great value for the immune and other systems of the body. It boasts the following valuable properties:

  • Fights free radicals.
  • Heals wounds.
  • Stimulates iron absorption.
  • Protects against hypertension.
  • Reduces weight.
  • Helps digestion.

The high content of vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system, improves mood, and improves well-being. Doctors recommend including pomelo in therapeutic diets.

It is eaten when losing weight, to restore strength, and reduce fever. It speeds up metabolism, burns fat deposits, and gives energy.

A study on rats conducted in June 2021 by scientists at Jahangirnagar University (Bangladesh) found that pomelo extract reduced bad cholesterol levels by 41%.

Important! Pomelo is contraindicated for those taking statins. Chinese doctors from Huazhong Agricultural University pay attention to this. The fact is that it contains furanocoumarins. These compounds affect the metabolism of statins.

The product contains valuable enzymes and regulates sugar levels. The zest is rich in flavonoids, coumarins and limonoids. These substances have unique properties.

According to some studies, they block the division of malignant cells, support the functioning of the nervous system, and protect blood vessels and heart muscle.

Regular inclusion in the diet prevents strokes, heart attacks, and atherosclerosis. A high percentage of fiber relieves constipation and supports intestinal function.

Research shows that zest extract activates metabolism and supports the normal functioning of the endocrine system.

A medium-sized peeled fruit contains 230 calories. This is not much at all, considering the size. It contains fiber and amino acids. They keep you feeling full. Regular consumption will help you stay slim and get rid of extra pounds.

Pomelo contains a rare enzyme. It promotes the breakdown of fats and more complete absorption of nutrients. The fruit is used in diets as a “fat burner”.

The high content of antioxidants protects against the negative effects of free radicals and helps preserve youth for many years. It smooths out fine wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, and evens out the relief.

Bioflavonoids and vitamin P help normalize hormones. Essential oils slow down the growth of bacteria and have antifungal properties.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the fruit relieves the manifestations of toxicosis, and in the later stages it protects against edema.

The product improves metabolism, removes toxins and excess fluid. This has a positive effect on complexion. Pomelo reduces the risk of blood clots and helps lower blood sugar levels.

For beauty

Pomelo is an ideal raw material for home cosmetology. The anti-aging effect is manifested even when applied externally. Masks are made from the pulp. They moisturize, nourish the epidermis, and reduce sebum production.

Here's a recipe I especially liked:

  • Mash the pomelo slice with a fork.
  • Add 5 g of honey and 0.5 tablespoons of mustard oil.
  • Apply to face for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water.

The effect is visible after the first time: peeling disappears, pimples calm down, and the relief is evened out.

If the skin is oily, you can wipe it with pure juice. Dry - only diluted in half with water. With regular procedures, expect significant improvements within a month. The skin will become fresher without peelings and other “executions”.

For men

It is not for nothing that in eastern countries the pomelo is a symbol of health and strength. It will bring great benefits to men at any age. The product strengthens the walls of blood vessels and activates blood circulation. This is an excellent prevention of diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

The fruit will give you a boost of energy after intense training or physical activity. Calcium strengthens teeth and bones, and phosphorus is necessary for the functioning of the muscular system.

In some cases, a broomstick can be harmful. It is not recommended to eat it if you have an ulcer, gastritis or high acidity.

Like all citrus fruits, the giant fruit is a strong allergen. It is better for nursing mothers to abstain from it, while others should exercise moderation.

For chronic diseases, discuss the menu with your doctor, be careful!

Types of pomelo

This fruit comes in several varieties:

  • Pink. The core contains delicate pink pulp and a large number of seeds. Its action helps to further prevent helminths;
  • Red. The pulp is red, with a bitter taste;
  • White. The white core is pear shaped.

In addition to the listed characteristics, fruits are distinguished by weight and diameter. There are fruits weighing up to 10 kg and diameter up to 30 cm.

Benefits of pomelo for skin

Vitamin A in pomelo is not in such colossal quantities as C. However, it is enough to constantly thicken the dermis and improve blood flow to the surface of the skin, reducing the number and “rate of development” of wrinkles. In addition, it restores the structure of the epidermis, optimizing the penetration of ultraviolet radiation and acts as a natural shield against harmful solar radiation. Together, this can reduce pigmentation and stop sebum production, which causes acne.

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Another interesting observation from scientists is related to the scalp: a high percentage of liquid in pomelo keeps the scalp well hydrated and, in combination with vitamin C, “free” of bacteria. This helps get rid of dandruff, prevent damage to the follicle and, as a result, hair loss.

Other properties of pomelo

The coarse fibers contained under the peel, when eaten, dull the feeling of hunger. Because of this property, pomelo is recommended for people who want to lose weight. In addition, the fruit has a low calorie content of about 30 per 100 g. Thanks to this, you can eat a lot of it. Pomelo also contains components involved in the formation of bones and teeth. Eating it improves the immune system, as well as the functioning of the heart and blood vessels due to its high potassium content, so you can get into the habit of regularly eating a piece or two.

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The fruit has low BCG, so its energy value can be described as low. The calorie content differs among different species, but only slightly.

Pomelo has good taste, it is milder than other citrus fruits, and does not pose a particular danger to dental health. The pulp contains a large amount of vitamin C and a lot of B vitamins.

Pomelo will help relieve fatigue and reduce the severity of discomfort. It is recommended to eat it during feverish conditions and even diabetes. The rich pectin content helps lower blood pressure. Simply adding a slice of pomelo to your meals can significantly improve digestion.

Composition of pomelo

The properties of pomelo are in many ways similar to those of grapefruit. The latter is recognized by nutritionists as the most effective dietary product with a large range of vitamins. Pomelo, like grapefruit, has a rich composition of microelements. Citrus fruit contains:

This is a low-calorie fruit, 29-30 kcal per 100 g of product. Pomelo is ideal for diets and fasting days - it helps break down heavy proteins and fats.

Substances contained in pomelo contribute to the breakdown of malignant tumors. Benefits of citrus:

  • fat burning;
  • low calorie content;
  • beneficial effects during a restricted diet.

How to eat pomelo when losing weight

To get the maximum benefit from a fruit, you need to consume it according to the rules. First you need to pour boiling water over the entire fruit. Then peel and cut in half. Now you need to disassemble into slices and remove the mesh from them, which imparts bitterness (like grapefruit). The pulp obtained after cleaning can be eaten fresh or used in salads.

Low calorie content allows you to consume pomelo fruits at night - this will reduce the feeling of hunger without adding additional pounds.

It is useful to eat it to improve the condition of bones, teeth and gums. When eating a pomelo, the appearance of antibodies is stimulated, and the immune system is noticeably strengthened.


Diets for weight loss with pomelo supplements are varied. You can choose from the following options:

  1. Mono-diet. Can last up to three days. At the end it takes 1-3 kg. The diet should include: green tea, pomelo, mineral water, zero kefir - a glass a day. Sugar is not allowed.
  2. Three days. Lost 2 kg. Diet: coffee, vegetables, ginger tea, fruits, yogurt (low-fat), honey. It is best to eat during such a system as follows:
  3. Breakfast. Half a fruit, coffee without sugar;
  4. Dinner. Stewed vegetables, tea with ginger, sheddock (half);
  5. Afternoon snack. Fruit and yogurt salad with low fat content;
  6. Dinner. 1⁄2 pomelo with stewed cabbage and green tea, you can add honey;
  7. Two weeks. Allows you to lose from 5 to 6 kg. There are many products used here. Therefore, it is best to create a diet yourself, but you need to adhere to certain rules.

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Diet requirements

  • You cannot eat fried meat - only boiled, stewed, baked. You can drink chicken broth. Fish is not suitable for food during this period.
  • Vegetables can be eaten raw, as well as stewed and boiled. Mayonnaise is not allowed. Use olive oil to dress salads.
  • You need to eat low-fat cheese and cottage cheese.
  • Instead of sugar, you can use honey, but only 1 teaspoon per cup of coffee or tea.
  • During the diet, eat one pomelo per day. In the morning and in the evening.

Diet on pomelo and kefir

This diet allows you to burn from 1 kg of fat per day. To do this, prepare three fruits and half a liter of kefir (low-fat). Throughout the diet, you need to eat citrus pulp, monitor fluid balance, that is, drink one to two liters of water in addition to kefir. It is best to take this course a couple of times a month. This method cannot be used by those who are allergic to citrus and want to lose weight.

Here is a diet option in which you need to eat two fruits a day.

  • In the morning - a piece of hard cheese, empty tea or coffee, slices of half a sheddock fruit.
  • For a snack – half a fruit, one hard-boiled chicken egg. It is better to consume such food by processing it into a smoothie, which is diluted with clean water.
  • For lunch - a vegetable stew with a piece of steamed fish or meat. You can mix salad instead of stew.
  • Afternoon snack – half a pomelo.
  • For dinner - a boiled egg, vegetable salad, a medium-sized apple or pear. One cup of herbal tea with honey.

You can serve porridge for breakfast if you are going to spend several days on this diet. In this case, the afternoon snack is supplemented with half a banana.

Salads with pomelo pulp

During a diet with pomelo, you can make delicious salads with citrus pulp. Here are some recipes.

  • Pomelo salad with shrimp. You will need 150 g of frozen shrimp, one clove of garlic, 50 g of cream cheese, two boiled eggs, half a sheddock fruit, dill and salt. The shrimp must be thawed and placed in boiling water for a couple of seconds. Peel the broom, remove the film and seeds, cut the pulp into cubes. Grind the eggs. Blend cheese, garlic and herbs in a blender. Mix all ingredients and add salt.
  • A tasty and healthy dish is made from pomelo with lettuce. You will need half a large fruit, several leaves of green salad, a little olive oil, ground pepper, and salt. The film is removed from the slices, the pulp must be cut into pieces. Tear or chop lettuce leaves. Mix everything, add salt, pepper and oil. It is very tasty to eat this dish with a piece of whole grain bread.
  • Pomelo lemonade. Take a medium-sized fruit, remove the peel and squeeze the juice from the core. Mix the resulting liquid with water in a 1:1 ratio. You can add fresh or frozen berries to the resulting drink.

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If eaten frequently, citrus fruits can cause intestinal problems and the appearance of kidney stones. Eating sheddock is also prohibited for people with the following diseases:

  1. Stomach ulcer;
  2. Kidney diseases;
  3. Gastritis;
  4. Colitis.

When planning to eat pomelo while losing weight, you should carefully monitor your own body. Abuse will not lead to anything good. It is necessary to add other foods to the diet - protein, vegetables. It is necessary to refrain from eating fruit if you are allergic to citrus fruits or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

You should not eat pomelo on an empty stomach, or immediately after breakfast or lunch - you must wait at least half an hour. You can safely eat pomelo at night when losing weight, but so that at least an hour and a half passes between eating it and going to bed. It's better to put it in a salad or make a drink.

Contraindications for the pomelo diet

  • It is forbidden to eat with the active use of pomelo for people who have peptic ulcers, nephritis, colitis in the acute stage, gastritis with high acidity, hepatitis.
  • A strict taboo is an allergy to any citrus fruit.
  • Also contraindications for following a diet containing pomelo are periods of pregnancy and lactation, adolescence and childhood.
  • The diet is not recommended if the body is generally unwell, during the period of some illness, or shortly after undergoing surgery.
  • Before starting a diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

How to choose citrus for food

Pamela is a fruit whose benefits and low calorie content are very valuable for weight loss. To get the maximum benefit from consuming it, you should be more careful when choosing fruits.

Fruits with a hard peel are ideal for use during diets. It must be clean, without traces of rot or stains. Soft, matte-colored fruits that retain dents when pressed are no longer fresh. You should not choose unripe fruits - they do not contain the required amount of useful elements.

The benefits of pomelo for the body when losing weight consist of a certain content, which allows you to fully saturate the body even while following a strict diet. Therefore, it is necessary to choose ripe fruits for consumption.

You can store purchased pomelo even at room temperature, but the period for this is short and lasts only a few days. You can store them in the refrigerator for about a week. We are, of course, talking about unpeeled fruits.

If you need to preserve the pomelo longer, you can squeeze the juice from the pulp and store it in the freezer, placing it in trays for making ice cubes.

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