Functional training: what is it and what is it for?

The stage of body correction in individual zones should be combined with dietary adjustments and training. Only a professional can competently draw up a training plan. Today that guru will be Janet Jenkins. This woman is a Hollywood trainer. She promises everyone who follows her special program the correct shape of the hips and buttocks and a beautiful, athletic belly.

A unique trainer of his kind has taken a leading position in the list of popular fitness instructors in America, whose services are used by world stars. Among them is the famous American singer and producer Gina Jackson. Janice's biography says that in her youth she tried her hand at various sports, and then acquired an education in the field of medicine, where she carefully studied the section of nutrition. The experience she gained was useful in creating training programs and helped her become famous throughout the world.

Training program

Jenny Jenkins focuses on high-intensity cardio training . In her opinion, there is no better way to train problem areas. Janet has also developed comprehensive training sessions in which ladies not only lose weight, but also strengthen their body tone and skills in sports.

  • The “Stretching” program starts with strength training, mainly to burn fat deposits and pump up muscles. Each lady can choose her own level of difficulty. Ends with muscle relaxation. The lesson lasts for an hour. The yoga program is not as intense, but is also good for correcting problem areas such as hips and buttocks.
  • The signature program from a Hollywood trainer, called “Hollywood Trainer,” includes training in 2 stages. The first one is for beautiful hips and buttocks, and the second one is for the stomach. The program combines a number of sports areas: Pilates, kinesthetics and classical fitness aerobics. This is its main feature.
  • The Cardio Kickboxing program is part of the Hollywood Trainer comprehensive workout. Suitable for those who like to dance.

Janet Jenkins

A black American athlete from a poor family, born on the outskirts of Ottawa. There were three children in the family, and their mother raised them alone. The girl always loved outdoor games and, as a schoolgirl, participated in all sporting events. Poverty oppressed her, so by playing sports, she gained confidence, she saw and felt her physical superiority over her rivals.

After graduating from college, Janice pursued three majors in sports medicine and nutrition. I took up coaching and started my own blog on the Internet. Her recommendations were valued, resulting in record views of her vlog reaching 20 million.

Film and stage stars started talking about the coach. Currently, Jenkins is an ambassador for Nike and a personal trainer for such stars as Pink and Alicia Keys.
She has many self-developed programs, such as “butt correction”, “ideal abs”, “bikini” and others. One of these programs is attended by the famous and well-known Janet Jackson, whose abs, hips and buttocks we can see at her concerts. Despite her age, she looks amazing.

Beautiful belly from a Hollywood trainer

An intense, fiery and slightly extreme set of classes with a Hollywood trainer will help you burn excess fat deposits and tone your flabby body. The first part of the correction from Janet Jenkins according to the program “The Hollywood Trainer” prepares the muscles in 20 minutes. Classes are designed for different muscle groups: both internal and external, as well as oblique, rectus, back, and lumbar muscles. The trainer claims that the set of exercises is complex, and therefore the training is carried out intermittently, at first the duration is about 30 minutes.

It is recommended to use a set of exercises together with aerobic training if the goal is to get rid of fat deposits. Exercises pump up the abs well. Regular exercise 2-3 times a week for 3 months will definitely give results in the form of a toned stomach. The exercises are not designed to pump up muscles, but work with the abdominal muscles located inside, so the stomach will remain feminine without relief.

Toned buttocks

One of the problem areas in women that requires constant attention is the buttocks. A complex from a Hollywood trainer will also help make this wonderful part of the body ideal. In addition to training for perfect abs, Janet Jenkins offers a similar training program for the buttocks. You will need: a spacious room, a shaping mat and a bottle of water.

A 20-minute exercise for the abs and waist is divided into 3 blocks. First block - 10 minutes, exercises in a standing position:

  • we start with squats;
  • moving the legs forward, backward;
  • lateral abduction with balancing on the second leg.

The second block - exercises are performed on all fours, as well as swinging the legs, up, to the sides, while the leg is bent or straightened.

At first it will be hard: it will seem that your legs are falling off, your muscles are like stone. But over time it will become easier, you will get used to the loads, your muscles will become toned, your thighs will become strong and smooth, your buttocks will tighten and take on a rounded shape. In addition to the legs, the workout affects the entire body. Lightness and grace appear in movements.

The third and final one is a block for working out all problem areas. It is advisable to alternate “ideal abs” with “correction of hips and buttocks” from Janet Jenkins.

Pros and cons of the program

1. With Janet Jenkins you will train absolutely all the muscles of the abdominals, buttocks and thighs from all sides.

2. The workout lasts only 20 minutes, during which you give serious stress to problem areas of your body.

3. The “Ideal Abs and Correction of Hips and Buttocks” program does not require dumbbells or any additional equipment. You exercise exclusively with your own body weight.

4. Janet Jenkins is a very energetic and positive trainer. The classes are intense and interesting.

5. The program has been translated into Russian. The trainer comments on each exercise, so the workouts are very easy to understand.

6. If you have long been looking for a program to create a flat stomach or slender legs, then the Hollywood trainer is perfect for you.

1. There is no warm-up as such in training. Before class, be sure to warm up your body by lightly running or jumping for 5-7 minutes.

2. The program does not include aerobic exercise. By doing it regularly, you will probably strengthen your muscles, but losing weight without cardio training is almost impossible.

3. The effectiveness of local weight loss has long been questioned. There are more and more arguments in favor of an integrated approach to training.

Hollywood Coach Program Advice

Doing only this program is not the most effective type of fitness. If you want to lose weight and burn excess fat, include aerobic exercise in your training plan. For example, it might look like this:

  • PN: Hollywood trainer – Perfect abs
  • VT: Hollywood trainer – Correction of hips and buttocks
  • SR: Cardio workout
  • TH: Rest
  • PT: Hollywood Trainer – Perfect Abs
  • SB: Hollywood trainer – Correction of hips and buttocks
  • VS: Cardio workout


Reviews for Perfect Abs and Correction of Hips and Buttocks:

You can adjust your fitness plan depending on your individual preferences and characteristics. You can choose a cardio workout in the article: The best home aerobic workouts that are suitable for everyone.

Other programs for the press and more

Advanced programs for the press

There are also other programs for the press, more complex in level.
One of them is called “For abs and stretching.” Class time is 40 minutes, of which the first 20 minutes are aimed at working the abs, and the second 20 minutes are aimed at stretching and gaining flexibility. The pace of the exercises is slow to protect the muscles during stretching exercises. “Training for the abdomen with a fitball” also belongs to the more complex Janet Press programs. It is intended for those who perform fitball. The lesson is very intense, aerobic, lasts 60 minutes. The abs are worked out comprehensively with all muscle groups throughout the body. As a result, you quickly get pumped up abs with a reduced fat layer. This shaping will help shape any woman’s figure from the nine types.


Full body workout routines

In addition to programs for the abs and thighs, Janet Jenkins has developed others - “Yoga and Pilates”, “Power Yoga”, “Yoga” and many others.

Cardio kickboxing is Janet's favorite high-intensity discipline, as a result of which you can strengthen your muscles and lose weight.

“Die in an Hour” - which includes acceleration, cardio with jumping, and strength exercises with dumbbells.

Janet's success

She is a unique fitness trainer. At the moment, I owe my success only to myself. Since school, she has been interested in sports, which helped her in life. Fitness classes strengthened her character and predetermined her future life. The family was low-income and her mother had to raise three children alone.

Jena received a college degree in nutrition and sports medicine. This knowledge helped her in the future when creating her own programs. Working as a trainer, she succeeds in running her fitness blog, collaborating with The Huffington Post magazine and achieving 20 million daily visitors. Thanks to this, Janet becomes famous in “star circles.”

Merits of a Hollywood trainer

Currently, Jenny is the President of the Hollywood Coach Association. Many celebrities take training from her: American actress and singer Carmen Electra, singer Alicia Keys, actress and singer Queen Latifah and others. She recorded about 330 training videos.

Janet (sometimes called Janice) has lived in her home in the Hollywood Hills since 2010. So, helping the “Stars” improve their bodies, she herself became a “star trainer”. For 27 years now, Jenkins has been doing her favorite thing and her popularity is growing. On Instagram, where she already has about 500 thousand subscribers, her photos constantly appear, displaying all the main events of her life.

Hollywood Perfect Abs Trainer Program

Her fitness program “Hollywood Trainer” is also a huge success because it has many excellent results and positive reviews. It consists of two parts: “Ideal abs” and “Ideal hips and buttocks.” Each is 20 minutes. The main condition is regularity of classes.

The first part of “Ideal Abs” is not a set of crunches or light exercises “for the tail”, these are well-thought-out exercises with smooth transitions from one to another. During their execution, the deep and external abdominal muscles are worked in all directions. During exercise, the muscles of the lower back and the entire back are simultaneously tightened.

This set of classes is comparable to a time bomb: it seems that nothing is changing, but after two weeks the effect is obvious. The main thing is to record the result every day (waist size, weight).

The second part, “Ideal Hips and Buttocks,” is aimed at strengthening the inner thighs and the riding breeches area. The exercises are performed first standing and then lying on the mat. But if someone wants to not only strengthen muscles in these areas, but also get rid of fat, then Janet recommends adding aerobic exercise and adjusting their diet. Then beautiful hips and buttocks are guaranteed to everyone who is not lazy and follows all of Janet’s recommendations. An unscrupulous attitude towards classes here (as in many other things) will not work.

Relief training

Combined training perfectly draws the relief. Why does this happen? When performing any training program in the gym with a nutritional deficiency, there is a decrease in volume, weight loss and a change in the amount of adipose tissue in the body. The combination of exercises helps maintain muscle tone and prevents muscles from breaking down.

At the same time, reducing the total amount of subcutaneous fat allows you to achieve a certain dryness of the silhouette. The muscles begin to appear through the skin more prominently. Alternating loads does not allow you to significantly increase the volume of muscle tissue and reduces fat reserves. The ideal schedule is one or two such workouts per week. More often than not it's not worth it.

Pros and cons of the program


1. This is a pure aerobic workout with which you can burn extra calories and lose weight well.

2. The program is built on elements from kickboxing: various swings of arms and legs, so you will work on problem areas such as the stomach and legs.

3. Janet Jenkins mixes up your workout with dance moves, so you'll burn fat not only effectively, but also positively.

4. Crunch Super Charged cardio workout will help you develop endurance and improve the functioning of your cardiovascular system.

5. This is an interval workout that offers both explosive work and minutes of rest. This method allows you to achieve maximum results in a short time.

6. The program cannot be classified as advanced. This is a confidently average level that almost anyone can do.

7. The lesson does not require additional equipment.


1. Even though this workout is based on kickboxing, there is a lot of jumping in it. Therefore, those who are not recommended for shock loading should not engage in it.

2. Aerobic exercise will help you burn fat, but strength training is needed to work on muscles. Therefore, do not forget to supplement this program with functional load.


With Kickbox Party's positive cardio workout, you'll not only burn maximum calories in 45 minutes, but also boost your mood throughout the day. Make it fun and easy with Hollywood celebrity trainer Janet Jenkins!

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