Slimness in a short time. Dietary buckwheat soup

Buckwheat soup is a hot first course with the addition of buckwheat. Its dietary version is popular - buckwheat soup for weight loss, cooked in water or low-fat chicken broth.

Based on it, a short-term diet has even been developed that promises significant weight loss in a short period of time. True, nutritionists warn against such bold experiments on your own body, as they are harmful to health. But dietary buckwheat soup itself is recommended to be included in the diet of people who are overweight.


The effectiveness of a mono-diet on buckwheat soup is due to the low calorie content of this dish. The principle of the diet is simple. A 3-liter pot of soup is cooked per day, the total calorie content of which does not exceed 800-900 kcal. For several days (4-5) you can only eat this dish (no more than the specified amount per day).

Since 900 calories a day is very little for almost any adult, everyone with rare exceptions loses significant weight on buckwheat soup. Only on day 5-6 a little boiled chicken, fish and vegetables are added to the diet.

But doctors warn: mono-diets cause significant damage to health. In addition, gradual weight loss of no more than 4-5 kg ​​per month is considered effective. Weight lost quickly comes back after a while.

Calorie content of buckwheat soup

In fact, buckwheat soup is beneficial for absolutely everyone, both adults and children. And those who want to lose weight should know that it is also suitable for this due to its low calorie content.

Even when cooked with meat and fried vegetables, it has 50-60 kcal per 100 g of product. Moreover, those who constantly keep themselves in shape know very well the calorie content of many vegetables and can themselves combine the ingredients of the soup in such a way that this calorie content does not increase, but even decreases slightly.

By the way: Cabbage soup for weight loss: recipes

First meal

Hot first courses, prepared according to the rules of nutrition, contain a minimum of fat, but a maximum of healthy and light vegetables, herbs and aromatic spices. It is effective to include a bowl or two of light buckwheat soup in a balanced diet 2-3 times a week. The dish perfectly satisfies hunger and goes well with carbohydrate and vegetable diets.

How to cook

Among the popular recipes for light buckwheat soup are classic light versions with water and chicken broth, fish, and tomato. There are many variations of this dish. You can be creative and use any recipe you like. The main thing is to follow simple rules:

  1. Avoid options with fatty broths - beef, pork or lamb bones. The soup is boiled in water, light chicken broth (the chicken should be without skin and fat). You can use beef (but also without fat). Low-calorie varieties of fish, such as pollock, are suitable.
  2. Frying vegetable soup dressing in oil is also prohibited. Instead, onions, carrots and other ingredients are lightly stewed in water or cooked in a double boiler until half cooked.
  3. It is recommended to add less salt to diet dishes. Excess salt leads to fluid retention in the body. But there is no need to skimp on seasonings and spices. They will give the dish a delicious taste and aroma.

You can safely add low-calorie vegetables to any recipe to suit your taste. Celery, Brussels sprouts, and green beans are suitable.

Main conclusions

Buckwheat is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial nutrients for the human body. Dishes based on it have good nutritional value and a small amount of calories - this combination is ideal for losing weight. Diet soup with buckwheat:

  • cooked in vegetable or low-fat chicken broth. The meat base makes it more high in calories, and excess fats in the dish interfere with the natural process of losing weight;
  • contains fat-burning products (spices, onions, celery). They promote active digestion and calorie consumption for accelerated weight loss;
  • contains a minimal amount of salt, since excessively salty dishes provoke swelling and slow down metabolic processes in the body.

Buckwheat soup can be varied by adding fresh herbs, various vegetables or lean meat. The dish fits well into many dietary systems and can become the basis of a fasting day.

Do you often cook buckwheat soup? Share your secrets for preparing a diet dish.

If you share the principles of healthy eating, then buckwheat soup is a recipe that should definitely be in your culinary repertoire.

Everyone ate buckwheat porridge, but I think only a few others ate buckwheat soup. In Rus', buckwheat porridge was considered the food of heroes; it was the second most important Russian national dish after cabbage soup. Tasty, healthy and easy to prepare. Buckwheat soup also has all these properties. Its appetizing aroma and bright rich taste will appeal to both adults and children. This soup, eaten for lunch, will give you a boost of energy for a long time. We remember that buckwheat contains carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed by the body, maintaining a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Meal options

Preliminary preparation of ingredients:

  1. Vegetables and herbs are thoroughly washed, dried, and cleaned if necessary.
  2. Vegetables are cut to suit your taste.
  3. Before cooking, buckwheat is sorted out, washed several times with running water, and allowed to drain.
  4. Salt and spices are added to taste.

Peculiarity! Traditional set of spices and herbs for buckwheat soup: 2-3 bay leaves, black peppercorns (5-6 pieces), fresh dill or parsley. Spices are added 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Greens are poured directly into plates.

On the water

For this low calorie soup you will need:

  • water – 2l;
  • dry buckwheat – 70 g;
  • potatoes – 200 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • cauliflower – 200 g.

Put water on fire, add buckwheat to the pan. Fry the onion, carrots and cauliflower florets for a little (5-10 minutes) in a frying pan without oil. Peel the potatoes, boil them separately, and mash them into puree.

When the buckwheat is cooked until half cooked, vegetables and potatoes are added to the pan. Mix well so that the mashed potatoes are evenly dispersed in the water, cook until tender.

With tomatoes and garlic

This recipe will appeal to tomato soup lovers.

Dish ingredients:

  • water – 2 l;
  • dry buckwheat – 70 g;
  • tomatoes – 400 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste – 2-3 tbsp;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves.

Place water with buckwheat on the stove. Scald the tomatoes, peel them, cut into small cubes. In a frying pan, simmer the onion, carrots, tomatoes and tomato paste in a small amount of water.

When the buckwheat is cooked until half cooked, add vegetable dressing and finish cooking the soup. Squeeze the garlic into the finished dish and leave to brew for 20-30 minutes.

Important! The amount of ingredients in the soup varies according to taste. This tip works for any recipe. For example, they take more buckwheat, but less vegetables, or vice versa.

With Chiken

Classic buckwheat soup with chicken broth.

Required Products:

  • water – 2 l;
  • dry buckwheat – 70 g;
  • skinless chicken (any part) – 150 g;
  • onion – 50 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • potatoes – 200 g.

Boil the chicken broth, remove the chicken, strain the broth, add buckwheat to it and start cooking. Lightly simmer the onion and carrots in a frying pan. Cut the potatoes into strips, remove the bones from the chicken and cut into pieces. When the buckwheat is almost ready, add the remaining ingredients to the pan and finish cooking the soup.

You can add a pinch of turmeric to this dish when cooking. It will not affect the taste, but the chicken broth will turn a beautiful golden color.


Buckwheat soup recipes for weight loss

These recipes can be used for any soup diet, and can simply be adopted by those who have become a fan of a healthy diet.

Classic buckwheat soup


  • buckwheat – 200 g;
  • potatoes 3 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • onions – 2 heads;
  • butter – 1 teaspoon;
  • greens - a small bunch;
  • bay leaf, black peppercorns, salt - to taste.
  • water ‒ 2 l

Instructions: Boil water, add salt and put a whole onion in it. Finely chop the potatoes and one carrot and add them to the pan, adding pepper and bay leaf. While they are boiling, fry the remaining onions and carrots and add them to the soup. We wash the buckwheat well, sort it and add it to the rest of the soup ingredients, then cook until tender. At the very end of cooking, remove the whole onion from the soup and add butter and finely chopped herbs.

Dietary buckwheat soup with chicken

This light chicken broth soup is prepared without the usual potatoes, and the vegetables are not pre-fried. Thanks to this, its calorie content is minimal, but its taste and appearance do not suffer at all.


  • chicken fillet – 1 pc.;
  • buckwheat – 80 g;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • zucchini – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • greens (dill, parsley) - a small bunch;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Instructions: First prepare the chicken broth. Wash the chicken fillet well, cut into small pieces and place in a pan with water. During the cooking process, constantly remove the foam so that the broth becomes transparent. While it is cooking, we prepare the buckwheat - wash it, sort it and fry it in a frying pan until a characteristic aroma appears. 20-30 minutes after the broth starts cooking, add buckwheat to it and cook the soup for another 10 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the onion into rings, grate the carrots and place them in the pan. After 3 minutes have passed, add to the soup the pepper cut into rings, and then the zucchini, which we cut into cubes. After 2 minutes, add the tomatoes cut into slices. Now the soup can be salted and peppered, and after 10 minutes it is ready. After the soup is removed from the heat, add finely chopped herbs to it. Before serving, let it sit for 15 minutes. By the way: The 1000 calorie diet

Advice! If you want to make the soup truly dietary, then after boiling, drain the broth, add water to the chicken again and continue cooking. Such a broth will be less calorie and more transparent.

By using various light soups, you will not only significantly diversify your daily menu, but also provide unusually light and healthy food to your stomach. And adding porridge for weight loss to this will really bring you closer to a healthy diet. Regardless of the type of cereal, they are all rich in fiber, which can cleanse the intestines and remove toxins, have a high content of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, the benefits of which are not even worth mentioning, are easily digested and quickly absorbed by the body.

And the result of such nutrition is a healthy complexion, vigor, toned figure and excellent mood.

And for those who find it difficult to sit on buckwheat soup for a long time, we suggest paying attention to fasting days on buckwheat, which can be arranged once a week.


Low-calorie buckwheat soup is a hot first course for a diet. Such soups fill you well, as the stomach volume is filled with warm liquid, but they also contain few calories. As a result, they help cope well with the feeling of hunger, which is very important in the fight against extra centimeters.

Dietary buckwheat soup is good for its versatility, since buckwheat tastes well with chicken, fish, and almost any vegetables and herbs. This means that the cooking recipe can be selected taking into account any taste preferences.

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Chicken soup with buckwheat in a slow cooker

Chicken soup with buckwheat in a slow cooker is prepared very quickly and does not require specific skills: the device will do everything itself, you just need to activate the desired mode. For this recipe, chicken fillet is used as the lowest calorie part, but you can use other parts of the carcass if desired. Vegetables can be varied: instead of root celery, take stem celery, or do without it altogether.

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