Why do you need to play sports? article on physical education on the topic

Why don't more people play sports?

One of the main reasons is laziness. She is as old as the man himself.

People constantly find excuses not to go to training and lie on the bed. Most believe that we are a soul, and there is no point in pumping up the body if it is not immortal. This is what the ancient Greek philosopher Plato thought. He elevated the soul above the bodily shell. Therefore, intellectual work surpasses physical work in popularity.

Plato's idea was adopted by the Romans when Christianity began to spread. These ideas also passed there, although the Bible does not say a word about the immortal soul, in the form in which Plato perceived it, and what’s more, it denies the afterlife.

Thus, the idea has taken root in the consciousness of modern man that intelligence is the path to development, and physical labor is the lot of slaves.

Another reason is that people tend to associate physical strength with lack of intelligence. This is a wrong point of view, since with the right approach, sports contribute to development even more than mental work.

The benefits of sports

Scientists unanimously say that playing sports is the key to intelligence. Many books on self-development contain a lot of facts about the influence of physical labor on the brain. If you look at modern society, you will notice that not only adults are chained to the sofa. Many children and teenagers cannot get out of their gadgets all day long. This lifestyle will not have a good effect on mental abilities. In the future, such people will suffer from diseases of the back, heart, and flat feet.

It has also been proven that playing sports allows you to use your brain to the maximum, increases concentration and creativity.

Sports activities bring many benefits:

Practical exercises for the brain

If you organize yourself, you can find the benefits of sport not only as physical training, but also as the development of the practical side of mental abilities. Even during ordinary cleaning of the apartment, the brain strains more than when solving mathematical problems.

Developing an organized person

Sports require not only regular training, but also organization. An incorrect load schedule will only aggravate the problem, so a person needs to think through every step.

Why play sports? Ten reasons

A sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that your appearance becomes unclear, blood pressure rises, appetite disappears, bones become fragile, muscles become flabby and painful, you quickly get tired, your mood deteriorates, and a period of depression often sets in. A simple medical norm for human movement is 15,000 steps (10 km) per day.

If you lived many centuries ago, you would have to move a lot to get food, build a home, make clothes, etc. In addition, you would run races, dance national dances, compete in throwing, ride down mountains, play in various games that require good physical fitness.

Nowadays, it doesn't take much physical effort to clothe and feed yourself, but you still need exercise. Why are exercises necessary?

1. The most important reason to exercise is to improve your health, strengthen your heart, and control high blood pressure . Exercises performed regularly help resolve potentially dangerous blood clots and slow down the aging process of the body.

2. When you exercise actively, oxygen reaches literally every cell of the body, so your skin improves and sometimes acne disappears. Blood circulation is activated and reflexes are improved. With regular exercise, the functioning of capillaries (small vessels), the condition of which determines the most important functions of the body's organs, improves.

3. Sports activities tone muscles , make them strong and resilient. They become more elastic, and you become fit, attractive, sexy and flexible. Your joints gain greater range of motion. Exercise helps you achieve and maintain your ideal weight, something that diet alone cannot achieve.

4. Thanks to sports exercises, you can control your appetite because the amount of endorphins released by the brain increases. They protect the body from feeling hungry until it really needs to be recharged.

5. Exercising helps counteract chronic fatigue by increasing vitality and increasing your body's energy level. They provide extra oxygen to the brain and make you more energetic throughout the day.

6. Regular exercise promotes deeper and more restful sleep at night because it stimulates the production of endorphins, which help relieve nervous tension accumulated during the day (people who are sedentary often experience emptiness at the end of the working day, which does not happen with active people who simply feel the feeling pleasant fatigue). Sports exercises help prevent depression and insomnia not only because they relieve nervous tension, but also because they reduce excess adrenaline and hormones in the body that contribute to stress.

7. Playing sports also strengthens self-confidence and increases self-esteem : you feel that you can improve your health and appearance, no matter what your age and physical condition.

8. Exercise stimulates metabolism (accelerates metabolism) and intestinal motility . Exercising makes it easier to quit smoking. It is known that athletes who quit smoking cope with heavy loads more easily, since their oxygen supply to their tissues improves, which, of course, becomes worse when a person smokes.

9. Good physical training helps a person recover faster from serious illnesses, surgeries, injuries, childbirth, since strong muscles have a greater ability to utilize oxygen than flabby ones, and the more oxygen they receive, the faster the functions of organs and tissues are restored. Strong, trained muscles have a much greater recovery potential than weak and flabby muscles. Some hospitals require patients undergoing chest or abdominal surgery to complete a special exercise program for several weeks before their scheduled surgery.

10. You may want to exercise to relax or improve your mood . Tests conducted by M. Carmack and R. Martens show that people who run for this reason get a much greater emotional charge from exercise than those who exercise only because someone told them how useful it is.

Each person can find their own reasons that motivate them to start exercising. One girl spent a whole year training in weight lifting and karate for self-defense. Another decided to get rid of her back pain by swimming a mile five times a week and doing special exercises for her abdominal and back muscles. I personally know a guy who became an excellent boxer. You should have seen how weak and skinny he was before classes started. He was constantly called dystrophic because his ribs were sticking out. After a year of regular boxing training, no one said anything like that to him...

Remember that it is not too late to start exercising and even take part in competitions at any age, regardless of your health status.

And when I see men and women of advanced age who compete with young people on equal terms in a fitness club, I am imbued with deep confidence that health is the norm, muscularity and fitness are a gift from God .

Such people can afford a lot even at the age of 50 or more: make love, walk with a cheerful gait down the street, look decent on the beach, not run to the doctor every week. Movement is life!

Roman Pomazanov FITNESS FOR SMART PEOPLE ggym.ru

Tags: sports, physical activity, healthy lifestyle, physical education, reason, exercise, sports, physical training

About the benefits of physical education and sports

Exercise, regular fitness classes, exercises performed in the gym - all these are significant health benefits. Modern people have begun to understand that smoking and alcohol are harmful to health, so such habits should be abandoned in favor of physical education and sports.

A trained person tolerates various overloads, cooling, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, infections, and viruses much better. The benefits of physical education, especially choosing activities that are individually suitable for you, will help develop endurance, increase lung capacity, and strengthen the heart muscle.

Regular physical exercise effectively strengthens the human skeletal system. People for whom physical education has become an integral part of life are able to easily cope with physical, emotional, and stressful situations. Efficiency increases greatly, and a person quickly loses excess weight.

It is absolutely not necessary to spend time and a lot of money visiting gyms to get the maximum benefit from physical exercise. Simple walking, included in the daily routine, with regular exercise, can save a person from many health-related problems.

Recently, various types of gymnastics have become widespread. There are athletic gymnastics, Pilates, calanetics, stretching, and fitness yoga. You can engage in similar types of physical education both in sports clubs and at home.

The benefits of physical education undoubtedly lie in the regularity of exercise. Approximately a year of constant training will necessarily improve the physical condition of the body. Physical education, according to doctors, is a significant decrease in the level of blood clotting. This irrefutable fact proves the need for physical education for people at risk for patients with vascular diseases, as well as those who have suffered myocardial infarction and stroke.

Choose physical education classes according to your taste, physical capabilities, and age group. Exercise regularly, constantly monitor your well-being, change your loads to get all the benefits for your body. Know that the time spent in the pool, on the treadmill, in the gym is not wasted. Take care of your health!

Adults from 18 to 64 years old

It would seem that there is such a big spread! However, WHO does not really make further divisions into age categories. The organization notes that if there are no medical restrictions due to chronic diseases, infections, or pregnancy, then the recommendations are applicable to all adults
. Otherwise, if you have any disease or condition, you must first consult with your doctor to choose the optimal load. Physical activity of adults is mainly associated with household chores, additional sports, and exercises.

Many people walk or bike to work, which also counts as physical activity.

WHO recommends that adults under 64 years of age engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week. If a person’s health allows it and he wants to get additional benefits from playing sports, then these indicators can be increased to 300 and 150 minutes, respectively. Various combinations of moderate- and high-intensity exercise programs are also possible. The exercises themselves should be performed in sets lasting at least 10 minutes. Exercises to strengthen various muscle groups should be done at least 2 times a week, and preferably more. In Russia, there are GTO standards - there are special training programs for them, then you can pass them and receive a special medal. The GTO exists specifically to instill a love of sports among the population and reward the most active. Full details about the program can be found on their website. At the age of 20-30, it is best to make fitness a habit. Hiking, cycling, tennis, lifting weights, walking, running, yoga - the number of options is huge, especially when you take into account the fact that different sports can be perfectly combined with each other. After 30-40, metabolism begins to slow down a little, so it is very important to pay attention to all the signals that your body gives you, but not to stop training. Muscle weakening will be more noticeable in your 50s and 60s, so exercise can help prevent excess muscle loss and maintain cardiovascular and respiratory health. Remember that in sports it is important not to overdo it, so if you cannot run three kilometers, it is better to run at least one or even 500 meters, but every day, than just sitting at home.

Improve character

In addition, it has been proven that playing sports helps improve self-esteem and increases self-confidence. A person begins to believe that he is capable of achieving more. He especially feels joy for life during activities that take place in the fresh air. This includes mountaineering, cycling, diving, and jogging. By engaging in such sports, a person has the opportunity to get rid of negativity, bad mood, and also enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Sport helps make the nervous system more balanced. It puts thoughts and feelings in order, promotes the development of willpower, as well as determination. The question “why you need to play sports” has not been asked by such people for a long time. They simply feel much happier than others. When playing sports, the human body produces endorphin - the hormone of happiness. Its production especially increases during intense training. However, the load must be dosed and correspond to the body’s capabilities. It is also necessary to strictly follow the safety rules corresponding to the chosen type of physical activity.

Prevention of depression

What is sport for besides physical health? Scientists have proven that sport affects mood. Moreover, the relationship between the psycho-emotional state and physical activity can be traced at the cellular level. When a person begins to exercise actively, blood circulation increases and breathing also quickens. Cells receive more nutrition in the form of oxygen, and the feeling of fatigue and drowsiness disappears. That is why, from childhood, parents instill in their children the knowledge that they need to do exercises every morning. After all, it helps keep your body in shape, drive away sleep and prepare for a new day.

Sport trains the body and brain. It has been proven that playing sports is a very good prevention of various diseases, including diseases of the nervous system. If a person devotes at least two to three hours a week to physical exercise and sports, he can easily protect himself from various mental disorders - stress, neuroses. The susceptibility to all these problems is reduced in trained people. On the other hand, they are less likely to become depressed and more likely to overcome life's obstacles.

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