Article: "Games and exercises with a hoop" article on physical education

A hoop is perhaps one of the most effective sports equipment for weight loss that can be used at home. This is especially useful for those who want to get rid of extra centimeters in the area of ​​the sides, waist and buttocks, because these are the areas that are actively working when you work with a weight loss hoop.

Spinning the hoop over your head

The exercise works your shoulders and arms, teaches you to keep your back straight, and improves coordination. The rotation occurs on the palms folded together. First, practice with each hand separately, without lifting it - for beginners, the hoop often slips down and hits the head or shoulders. Principle of operation:

  1. Place the projectile on the edge of your palm in the crease of your thumb.
  2. Start rotating the hoop using your wrist movement. Try doing this separately with your right and left hands.
  3. Place your palms together and do the same on both of them at once.
  4. When you can confidently rotate the halahoop horizontally, slowly raise your joined hands above your head without stopping the rotation. Keep your body straight, elbows slightly bent. Important: rotate the projectile clearly between your thumb and forefinger.
  5. Perform the exercise for 30–40 seconds. Do 4-5 repetitions.

Tree pose triceps press

The main load in this exercise goes to your arms, but in addition you use your hips, which are under constant tension. Bonus: improved balance. Work algorithm:

  1. Stand straight, raise your right leg, bend it. Place your foot on the inner side of your left knee.
  2. Take the hoop with a narrow grip at one point and lower it behind your head. The wrists point outward.
  3. While maintaining balance, bend your elbows to lower the projectile lower, straighten it back. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each side.

Seated crunches with legs raised

A great way to strengthen your abdominal muscles, hips, improve your back condition, and use your arms. You can use any hoop, but the heavier it is, the more difficult the task. Action plan:

  1. Sit on your buttocks, raise your stretched legs at an angle of 45-60 degrees relative to the floor.
  2. Grasp the halahoop with both hands with a wide grip.
  3. Lean back a little, turn to the left. Place the projectile in front of you, reach for it.
  4. Deflect again and do the same to the right. Repeat the exercise 20 times on each side.

Does a hoop help remove bulk?

Many people wonder whether it is possible to remove their belly fat with a hoop. Of course, it is possible, but in combination with proper exercise, you need proper nutrition. You need to start classes with 2 minutes, gradually increasing the time. One minute of exercise burns 15 kcal.

But there is no need to expect rapid results; volumes will decrease gradually. To improve the effect, you can use anti-cellulite creams, massage and warm relaxing baths. There are also some contraindications, so hula hoops cannot always be used by everyone. It is worth giving up classes:

  • immediately after eating;
  • on critical days;
  • for problems with the pelvic organs;
  • after recent surgery;
  • for gynecological diseases;
  • for discomfort and pain during exercise.

Walking with a spinning hoop

This is a good way to add variety to hula hoop exercises for the waist, give additional stress to the hips, and tone the buttocks. There are several options for this workout that load different muscle groups. Basic version:

  1. Place the hoop on your waist, holding it with your hands.
  2. Swing the projectile and send it into rotation. Support with the movement of your hips.
  3. When you feel the hoop automatically flying around your waist, try taking small steps forward and backward.
  4. Then start walking around the room. Perform the exercise for 5–10 minutes, gradually increase the duration to a quarter of an hour. The workout puts a lot of stress on the abs.
  5. To complicate the task, move the apparatus to your hips, while walking, keep the tempo with rotations at the same level. Take small steps - this will help not to drop your halahoop.

Outdoor switchgear with gymnastic hoop

General developmental exercises with gymnastic hoop for 4th grade.
Author: Maria Aleksandrovna Kuznetsova, teacher of adaptive physical education and therapeutic physical education, GKS(k)OU "Kotovskaya special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type", the city of Kotovo.
A set of general developmental exercises with a gymnastic hoop for 4th grade.
Goal: prepare the body for the upcoming work. I. Starting position: legs apart, hoop below:

1-hoop up, raise on toes; 2-starting position; 3-4 - too.

General guidelines: back straight, chin raised. When rising onto your toes, hold the position for 2.3 seconds. II. Starting position: narrow leg stance apart inside the hoop:

1-hoop up; 2-starting position; 3-4 – too.

General guidelines: when lifting the hoop up, your arms are straight, your gaze is directed forward. III. Starting position: wide stance with legs apart, hoop up horizontally:

1-tilt to the left; 2-starting position; 3-tilt to the right; 4-starting position.

General guidelines: arms and back are straight, breathing is even. IV. Starting position: legs apart, hoop vertically behind your back:

1-pulling the hoop back; 2-starting position; 3-4 – too.

General guidelines: back straight, chin raised. The exercise is performed at an average pace. V. Starting position: legs apart, hoop in front of you, at chest level:

1-crossing arms, right hand on top; 2-starting position; 3- crossing, left hand on top; 4-starting position.

General guidelines: arms straight, chin raised. The exercise is performed with increasing tempo. VI. Starting position: wide stance with legs apart, hoop up, vertical:

1-hoop to the right; 2-starting position; 3- hoop to the left; 4-starting position.

General guidelines: keep your back straight, try not to bend your knees, toes pointing towards you. VII. Starting position: narrow legs apart, hoop up vertically:

1-hoop to the right; 2-starting position; 3- hoop to the left; 4-starting position.

General guidelines: back straight, gaze directed forward, toes away from you. VIII.Starting position: narrow stance with legs apart, hoop on the right:

1-get through the hoop; 2-starting position on the left; 3- climb through the hoop; 4-starting position on the right.

General guidelines: do not lift the hoop off the floor, look forward. IX. Starting position: standing in a hoop, hands on the belt:

1-jump from the hoop to the right; 2-jump, starting position; 3- jump to the left; 4-jump, starting position.

General guidelines: back straight, gaze directed forward, elbows pointing straight to the sides.

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Lunges in motion

A very effective exercise for the hips, back, abs, and balance development. In all variations, you cannot support your body with your hands and must maintain a straight spine only with muscle strength - this increases the load on the body. The exercise is suitable for losing weight in the legs and abdomen. Basic version:

  1. Press the halahoop to your lower back and spin it. Stretch your arms to the sides, keep your body straight.
  2. Take a big step forward with your right foot and lower into a lunge. Both knees are bent at right angles.
  3. Without losing the projectile, return to the starting position. Perform all steps for the left leg. Do 15–20 repetitions for each.

If you have learned to rotate the hoop on your waist and wrists, try complicating the exercise:

  1. Take the projectile with your palm, straighten it, start rotating on your fingers folded together.
  2. Raise one arm vertically, keeping the halahoop in motion. Take the free one to the side, keep it parallel to the floor.
  3. Without dropping the projectile, lunge forward and to the sides.
  4. Perform 15–20 repetitions on the right and left legs. To complicate the task, move the projectile in rotation along the arm from the hand to the shoulder and back.

The benefits of exercises with a hoop

Exercises with a hoop or hula hoop, by the way, were known to ancient people.
So, according to archaeologists, people began making hoops no later than 3 thousand years ago. For example, in Egypt, children dried vines, weaved them into a hoop and rotated it. For a long time, hoops were just fun, although there is evidence that spinning a hoop was recommended by ancient Greek doctors for obese people. But the hoop became a widely available and popular sports equipment only in the middle of the 20th century. Obviously, a hoop, as an exercise machine, is very effective in the fight against excess weight, it helps you lose weight, make your figure slim and toned, especially in the waist area. But what other use is it? So, exercises with a hoop not only give us a figure to look forward to, but also:

  • a pleasant pastime - the hoop makes the fight against extra pounds an extremely pleasant experience;
  • help in training the muscles of the arms, back, legs and shoulders; using a hoop provides many options for stretching exercises;
  • effective organization of time - by rotating the hoop just 10 minutes a day in the waist area, you will feel a significant effect in reducing and strengthening it;
  • development of coordination of movements, flexibility, strength, sense of rhythm, artistry;
  • normalization of intestinal function.

Jumping through a hoop

This exercise comes from gymnastics. It develops coordination and stimulates weight loss. Unlike jumping rope, similar exercises with a hoop put a high load not only on the legs, but also on the arms: the muscles of the wrists, forearms, and triceps. You can burn up to 200 calories in half an hour. Features of choosing a projectile for such an exercise:

  • The heavier the equipment, the more difficult it is to work with it, so the hula hoop is suitable only for experienced athletes. For beginners, it is better to take a simple metal hoop.
  • To be able to fully rotate the projectile, it must have a large diameter: from 90 to 120 cm. Place the hoop next to your leg: if it reaches your thigh, buy it.

Jumping scheme:

  1. Take the halahup with both hands in front of you, lower the bottom edge to your ankles. The brushes face the back side outwards.
  2. Swing the bottom of the hoop forward, spin it back - a full circle over your head, while simultaneously making a jump. The hands remain at the level of the hips or waist - depending on the diameter of the equipment, do not tilt the body.
  3. Repeat the exercise 15 times. The task can be made more difficult by moving your arms to the side and jumping over the right or left side.

Types of hoops

The simplest hoops are made of plastic, aluminum and steel. Plastic ones are suitable for children due to their light weight, they are best taken for exercise, the diameter for children should be about 80 centimeters. For teenagers who want to improve their figure by twirling a hoop around their waist, plastic ones are not suitable. For modeling your figure, exercises with several plastic hoops are only suitable. To improve blood circulation, you can spin massage hoops with special balls, but for them, children must be of middle school age and older. There are also complex accessories, with different sensors that show heart rate and other indicators.

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