‍♀️ The best recumbent exercise bikes for 2021

Benefits of an exercise bike

The exercise bike can be recommended to both avid fitness enthusiasts and those who are just starting to exercise. This sports equipment is great for training the muscles of the legs and buttocks. In addition, during exercise on an exercise bike, the heart muscle, as well as the lungs and bronchi, actively work. In order to also train your abdominal muscles, experts recommend pedaling while standing, as if you were trying to climb a steep hill. Even those who experience back pain can exercise on an exercise bike: you will have virtually no stress on your spine. But people with heart disease should avoid exercise on an exercise bike.

Effectiveness for weight loss

How useful is an exercise bike for people who want to lose weight? Is he able to tighten his abdominal muscles and remove his stomach? In order to get answers to these questions, you should familiarize yourself with the following important points.

If the simulator is equipped with a computer program designed for weight loss, then this will help you achieve your goals faster. The “weight loss” program purposefully and effectively suggests solving problems related to organizing an optimal training regimen. Exercise helps effectively fight excess weight, but you need to exercise no more than five times a week.

The body must have the opportunity to rest and recover : a sample training program for weight loss should be four times a week for thirty to forty minutes, and the heart rate should be approximately sixty percent of the maximum heart rate for your age. Gradually, from training to training, you should increase the resistance of the pedals, but this must be done smoothly, focusing on your well-being.

Let us remind you that we have already considered a training program on an exercise bike for losing belly fat.

Also take note of the following information:

  • Active burning of calories occurs only if there is sufficient water consumption and a balanced diet;
  • It is necessary to follow the principles of a balanced diet. The menu should include protein products, vegetables, herbs, and cereals. It is important to avoid high-calorie foods;
  • If the calorie consumption during training is less than their consumption in food, you will not be able to lose excess weight;
  • Upright exercise bike models are great for weight loss, as they can provide the most optimal training regimen for burning fat;
  • The type of exercise bike can be any - mechanical, magnetic, electromagnetic. You can make the choice yourself, focusing on convenience, availability of necessary functions, price and other characteristics. It would be good if it had a calorie counter, speed control, and also counted the distance traveled.

Peculiarity! The waist size will decrease, and fat deposits in the abdominal area will disappear when two components are combined - regular exercise and avoidance of high-calorie foods.

What types of exercise bikes are there?

Exercise bikes can be divided into 2 main types:

  • horizontal
  • vertical

Recumbent exercise bikes have a low seat: to set the device in motion, you need to stretch your legs forward in a reclining position. Recumbent exercise bikes resemble a bicycle: their pedals are located under the seat. In addition, there are exercise bikes that are driven by the hands: they are used to strengthen the back muscles. Most modern professional fitness equipment is equipped with a computer that will measure your heart rate and help you control your exercise level.

Types of exercise bikes by design features

Mini exercise machines . Compact devices are designed for use in confined spaces. This exercise machine can be stored under the table or in any free corner in the room. The minimum set of functions does not reduce the effectiveness of training if the user is determined to achieve results. The design of the mini-simulator has only a lower part with pedals - this is the best choice for regular exercise, for maintaining good physical shape, for losing excess weight and strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Upright exercise bikes . The equipment looks like a regular bicycle, with the same arrangement of steering wheel, pedals and seat. Vertical models are used for intensive training, including for professional purposes. The wide functionality of the devices allows you to regulate the load, train leg muscles, give cardio exercise, burn calories, etc. Upright exercise bikes are recommended for people who do not have problems with joints and spine.

Recumbent exercise bikes . Unlike upright models, in recumbent exercise bikes the seat and pedals are located in the same horizontal plane. During exercise, the user is in a semi-sitting position, which significantly reduces the load on the back muscles. Horizontal exercise machines are well suited for gentle work on joints during recovery from injuries. A smooth increase in the range of motion allows you to adjust the intensity of the workout in accordance with the user’s condition.

Hybrid exercise bikes . The design combines the capabilities of vertical and horizontal simulators. The adjustment system allows you to adjust the seat height, the distance between the seat and the steering wheel, and the seating method according to the user’s wishes. Hybrid models are great for a family of several people of different heights and builds, as well as for those who want to diversify their workouts by periodically changing positions and working different muscle groups.

Folding exercise bikes . Compact folding equipment differs from other exercise equipment in its mobility. The device can be folded up at any time and taken with you on a trip. For convenient movement, the design includes transport rollers. Most folding models only have a pedal unit, so you will need a suitable chair, bench or bench for practicing. There are trainers on sale with full functionality, with a steering wheel and a seat, but they are more impressive in size and heavy in weight.

Portable exercise bikes . The main difference between portable equipment and mini-exercise machines is their small size. Portable devices are very small, consisting only of a pedal unit. You can spin the pedals with your feet and hands. Models require connection to an outlet, they are lightweight and mobile. The cost of portable exercise machines is low, but they are not convenient for intense training.

How to properly exercise on an exercise bike?

In order to notice the effect, exercise on an exercise bike must be regular. Depending on your goals - losing weight, maintaining good health or, for example, sculpted muscles - you can choose the appropriate intensity of training: from minimum (speed 14-15 km/h) to maximum (speed 30 km/h). Make sure that during exercise your back is relaxed and in a natural position, avoid arching in the lower back. Adjust the seat so as to avoid placing the brunt of the load on your arms. Imagine that you are riding a regular bicycle. Before starting classes, do not neglect warming up. Breathe through your nose. For classes you will need comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics. And try to drink more water! You can exercise on an exercise bike at home, but it is much more effective to do it in a fitness club under the supervision of a professional trainer. He will explain how to move, breathe and distribute the load correctly. This is very important, especially for those who are just starting their sports journey.

What muscles work?

Regular training on the simulator helps achieve the following goals:

  • Weight loss.
    To burn fat during exercise and not build up muscles, choose a program with a low load but high intensity. The pedals rotate evenly and smoothly.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
    Cardio programs typically combine intervals of active work with periods of rest. Regular training significantly increases endurance and improves heart function.
  • Pumping up individual muscle groups.
    The simulator is set to a high level of load and the calf, thigh, and gluteal muscles are actively trained. Blood circulation in the legs increases, which is a good prevention of varicose veins and reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Exercise bike or treadmill?

Many, especially beginners, amateur athletes are often interested in what is better: an exercise bike or a treadmill? It’s not easy to give a definite answer to this question, because both sports equipment have their fans. The main disadvantage of a treadmill compared to an exercise bike is its high price. In addition, training on it requires a slightly higher level of physical fitness. And there are more contraindications in the case of a treadmill: for example, it is categorically not recommended for those who complain of problems with the spine. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is best to seek advice from a specialist who will not only help you choose the right projectile, but also calculate the load you personally need. the La Salute fitness club will do everything possible to ensure that you not only benefit from exercising on an exercise bike, but also get maximum pleasure.

What muscles does the exercise bike affect?

1) Quadriceps (quadriceps femoris)

– one of the largest leg muscles, loaded when bending and extending the knee, simply cannot help but be involved when exercising on an exercise bike. In fact, it accounts for most of the load and the first results become noticeable precisely on the quadriceps.

2) Biceps femoris (back of the thigh)

- the opposite muscle to the quadriceps, responsible for extending the thigh and bending the leg at the knee joint. Due to the fact that when exercising on an exercise bike, your legs make circular movements, the hamstrings are loaded slightly less than the quadriceps, developing and strengthening.

3) Hip flexors

– or, to be precise, the psoas and iliacus muscles. Muscles that are small in size and located in hard-to-reach places are also well worked out when exercising on an exercise bike, which is almost the only way to load them well.

4) Calves

– gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, which make the legs beautiful, slender and toned. Extremely difficult muscles to pump, which are difficult to load and work well. However, when you press the pedals of an exercise bike, when the leg bends at the knee and the foot extends, both muscles work quite intensely, which has a positive effect on their appearance.

5) Tibialis anterior muscle

– located in the front of the lower leg. Its purpose is to bend and straighten the foot. There is no point in pumping it up; the main thing is to strengthen the tibialis muscle in order to avoid foot injuries. It also loads well when you press the pedals of the exercise bike.

6) Buttocks

- one of the most important muscles, which, fortunately, can be pumped quite easily, including on an exercise bike. During exercises on it, the gluteal muscles work similarly to the quadriceps muscles of the thigh, which helps to strengthen, develop and give them that very desired, rounded shape.

7) Abdominal muscles

– come into play during intense training, serving the respiratory function and helping the hips flex (lateral abdominal muscles). For the abs, of course, there are more effective, autonomous exercises, but complex training on an exercise bike also contributes in every possible way to their development and burning of the fat layer, behind which the very “cubes” are hidden.

In general, the abdominal muscles, especially the rectus abdominis, work much more when exercising on an exercise bike than it might seem at first glance. Because they are in a tense position literally constantly, they are faced with the task of maintaining balance, maintaining the tilt of the body (and keeping it in this position for 20-30 minutes, not to say easy) and even in forming correct posture. And an exercise bike helps do all this.

In addition to all of the above, we can note the beneficial effect of an exercise bike on the joints of the lower body (ankle, hip and knee). The load on them is an excellent prevention of arthrosis, osteochondrosis and even radiculitis.

And if you train on an exercise bike at a good pace, with maximum load and using resistance, you can engage the muscles of the chest and partly the arms (although the load on them will be quite insignificant when compared with isolated exercises).

Well, the comfort of use, independence from weather conditions and ease of operation only add to the attractiveness of the exercise bike.

An exercise bike is a popular type of cardio exercise machine that allows you to improve the functioning of your heart and blood vessels and quickly lose weight without harm to your health. With its help, the main muscle groups are strengthened.

What muscles work during training? How to organize a lesson to lose weight faster? This is what we will talk about next.

How do you know which muscle groups to train?

Some people want all muscle groups that an exercise bike can “turn on” to be involved at once. However, you need to take into account the characteristics of your body.

So, for those who are obese and prone to varicose veins of the lower extremities, it is best to train on horizontal exercise machines,

so as not to strain your back and not strain your blood vessels too much. What muscles work on an exercise bike in this case:

  • gluteal – especially large,
  • abdominal abdominal muscles - but only if you try really hard, that is, during exercise, pull in your stomach (but don’t stop breathing calmly),
  • quadriceps - the front of the thighs in front of the knees, adding resistance increases the load,
  • femoral biceps - the back muscles of the thighs,
  • soleus and gastrocnemius muscles.

So, if you mainly have problems with excess fat deposits in the abdomen, buttocks, thighs,

then before strengthening your back and lower back, you need to put your figure in order so that instead of benefiting your training, it does not bring harm.

For those who have a slight weight gain and need training not only to reduce the volume of the hips, but also to strengthen the muscles of the arms, back, and lower back, an expensive magnetic exercise bike

, what muscles work on it? This model requires a seat like on a racing bike, that is, the head and pelvis are at the same level.

This position increases the load on the upper body, due to which the muscles of not only the lower extremities, but also the back, lower back, and arms are worked out.

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