How Angelina Jolie lost weight: effective diets for weight loss

The idol of millions of TV viewers, Angelina Jolie, lost a lot of weight in 2015. This caused a storm of discussion in the media and unrest. The most incredible versions of the screen star's rapid weight loss have appeared. For the first time, information that Angelina Jolie had lost weight to 37 kg appeared in the Western tabloid National Enquirer. The editors referred to data received from an anonymous but reliable source, and supported the loud headline with an obviously photoshopped photo in which Jolie’s figure was distorted even more than it actually is. Various magazines and newspapers began to put forward their own versions of the weight loss of the world-famous star. We will look at them to understand why the idol’s body actually changed so much.

Version No. 1: anorexia

It can be seen that Angelina Jolie lost a lot of weight in the 2015 photo, so journalists immediately began discussing the topic of anorexia. It is known that this problem has already overtaken the actress twice, at the age of twenty due to teenage problems, and in 2007 after the death of her mother. The tabloids put forward several versions of the disease:

  • tense relationship with her husband Brad Pitt (the couple is now divorced);
  • dissatisfaction with one's own appearance;
  • too busy work schedule.

There is no official confirmation of the version of anorexia; in addition, Jolie herself gives recent interviews without commenting on this information. However, it can be assumed that the actress, who monitors her health very carefully and is the mother of 6 children, would not give up food voluntarily.

Version No. 2: cancer

Journalists suggest that Jolie has lost a lot of weight due to a serious illness that she does not want to advertise. Her mother, grandmother and aunt died of cancer, so the predisposition to this disease is most likely passed on genetically in the family. The actress herself recently had both breasts, fallopian tubes and uterus removed to reduce the risk of cancer. The tabloids claim that it was after this that she lost weight by leaps and bounds. However, Angelina’s relatives assure that her health is fine and she has not been given any fatal diagnoses.

Angelina Jolie lost weight to 34 kilograms

Angelina lost a lot of weight due to the stress of her divorce.


Angelina did not previously have an enviable appetite, but now it seems that she has completely lost it. The actress is nervous about the divorce and eats almost nothing. As a result, Jolie is rapidly losing weight. According to those around her, she weighs only 34 kilograms. Relatives are afraid that if this continues, she may end up in a hospital bed.

“She doesn’t eat anything at all,” a source told the American portal “The arms have become thin, like sticks, and the bones are visible through the skin. She's too thin.

The star had had an eating disorder before: a year ago, Jolie was suspected of anorexia - as insiders said, then she weighed only 36 kilos. And now it weighs even less!

“She has reached a weight that is simply life-threatening,” comments New York therapist Stuart Fisher.

Angelina had problems with weight before: a year ago she lost weight to 36 kilograms.


Angelina always ate in fits and starts, ate dry food and preferred to live on snacks consisting of nuts and berries. Now, as insiders say, her eating habits have only gotten worse.

“Relatives are afraid that if this continues, she will end up in the hospital and will be fed through a tube,” they say.

Angelina is too worried about how the divorce is going. She is especially infuriated by the fact that Brad Pitt was recently cleared of child abuse charges. The FBI has officially closed its investigation into the incident on the plane when the actor got into an argument with his 15-year-old son Maddox.

In January 2021, Jolie amazed everyone with her thinness at the premiere of the film Kung Fu Panda 3.


By the way, Pitt has also lost noticeable weight over the past two months. According to those around him, he lost 9 kilograms.

Angelina is so mad at Brad that she didn't even let him see the kids for Thanksgiving. Pitt spent the holiday on the tropical islands of Turk and Caicos in the Caribbean. A close friend kept him company. And this is not a woman, but a man.

Version No. 3: UN Goodwill Ambassador

The way Angelina Jolie lost weight can be seen in the photo with the naked eye. Representatives of the media immediately began to associate such changes with the actress’s position as UN Goodwill Ambassador. Allegedly, the star constantly travels to third world countries, sees people who are always starving, and out of solidarity, she also decided to give up food. However, this version is one of the most implausible. The mission of a goodwill ambassador is to help those in need, and without the strength received from food, this will not be possible.

Version No. 4: nutritionists’ mistake

Fans and journalists believe that the actress lost weight due to a mistake made by nutritionists. Allegedly, they put her on the wrong diet, and Angelina Jolie lost even more weight than she had planned. There is also no logic in this version of events proposed by the press. After all, even if Angelina began to lose more kilograms than she expected, what prevented her from stopping in time?

Surely, Jolie controls her own weight and critically evaluates her own appearance, so the thinner star clearly could not “delay” her figure correction.

Angelina Jolie's Atkins diet

The Atkins diet has long gained many fans around the world, including Angelina Jolie.
This diet consists of several stages: the first of them is designed for weight loss. The second stage can be called stabilizing, and the third can be used in practice throughout life. So, in the first cycle, Angelina Jolie’s diet, or rather the Atkins diet, involves a complete rejection of foods that contain large quantities of carbohydrates and fats. These are flour products, confectionery sweets, sugar, fatty meats, sausages, and fatty sauces. At the second stage, such products can be gradually and step by step introduced into the diet, albeit in very small portions. When weight stabilization is achieved, initially “forbidden” foods become “allowed”, however, not often and not in large quantities. An approximate diet menu - its first cycle, which is specifically designed for weight loss - looks something like this: Breakfast: 300 g of baked fish, 1 fresh cucumber, green tea without sugar.

Lunch: 300 g of mushrooms with cheese, 2 hard-boiled eggs, a portion of green salad.

Dinner: 200 g of boiled meat of any kind, 200 g of boiled cauliflower.

The technique developed by Jolie turned out to be very effective and allowed her to say goodbye to 3 extra pounds in just a week. But too harsh a diet resulted in unpleasant consequences in the form of dizziness and weakness. So Angelina added solid food to her diet.

In its final version, Angelina Jolie's diet is a very gentle weight loss method that does not cause stress. The diet consists of several stages, the duration of which is selected individually depending on the result:

  1. During the first stage, it is necessary to exclude all foods that contribute to weight gain. At the same time, weight loss occurs rapidly. At the moment when only a few kilograms are left to lose the desired result, you can move on to the second stage.
  2. The second step of the Jolie diet allows you to eat prohibited foods, but you need to add them gradually and in small portions. In this part of the diet, weight is lost more slowly, but weight loss does not stop. Once the desired effect is achieved, all that remains is to complete the final stage of the diet.
  3. Stage three involves consolidating the results obtained. Previously excluded products are returning to the daily menu. Every day their volume increases and is brought to the usual norm.

Thus, despite her age and height, Angelina Jolie’s diet allows her to maintain a constant weight. And for a long-term effect, the actress does not stop physical training throughout the diet and upon its completion.

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Jolie's version

The actress herself does not agree that she is too thin and tries not to pay attention to fiction about her figure. Jolie cites the strong emotional shock associated with the death of her mother and the cessation of lactation as the reason for her rapid weight loss. She assures that she does not adhere to special diets, but only tries to eat healthy food.

However, the frantic pace of life often leads to the fact that meals have to be skipped; Angelina can replace a full lunch or dinner with a snack of nuts on the go when she does not have time.

Now the actress has another shock - a high-profile breakup with Brad Pitt. Fans are concerned about how Jolie will survive this event, because she is susceptible to deterioration in her health due to worries. But, as the latest photos show, everything is fine with Angelina.

She is actively involved in social activities, working on filming new projects and spending all her free time with her children. She looks pretty good, and it seems that she hasn’t lost a single kilogram during the divorce process.

Angelina Jolie: Maleficent and anorexia

Let's take a break from politics and talk about the world of cinema, especially since the Cannes Film Festival recently ended in the south of France, and the premiere of the film “Maleficent” with the participation of Angelina Jolie took place in Los Angeles.

We will talk, however, not so much about the film, but about the actress herself, who is drying up right before our eyes. The transformation of a recent sex symbol into a painfully thin woman is perhaps one of the most notable stories in today's Hollywood.

The terrifying but beautiful, vengeful but fair, dark fairy Maleficent, performed by Hollywood's first beauty Angelina Jolie, has also appeared on Russian screens.

The old story of Sleeping Beauty, told in a new way. Not the evil machinations of an insidious witch who forced an innocent girl to prick herself with a needle and fall asleep for years, but a story of betrayal and revenge from the fairy Maleficent herself, cruelly deceived by her lover, the father of that very girl.

For this role, Jolie received $15 million and, according to Forbes magazine, became the highest paid actress in Hollywood.

In the case of Maleficent, this is Angelina Jolie's absolute fit in the role. She blinded herself, she built this role, and everything, even some strange angles that exist in this script, perhaps from the point of view of the logic of the narrative, they are all smoothed out, precisely thanks to the image that Jolie embodies on the screen.

Still from the film “Wanted” (2008, directed by T. Bekmambetov)

Plump lips, sharp cheekbones, slender body. For 10 years now, the beauty Angie has been constantly making it to the top of the sexiest stars.

Here she is in the role of the mother of Alexander the Great (stills from the film “Alexander” , 2004, directed by O. Stone). Olympia. Proud, bright, seductive.

But Angelina is an insidious seductress in the film “Temptation” (stills from the film “Temptation” , 2001, directed by M. Christopher).—9F9wwQ-yw

Antonio Banderas' hero, Cuban merchant Luis Vargas, had no chance of resisting Jolie's destructive love spell.

Temptation with Jolie was filmed in 2001. But what is happening to Angelina now?

Friends and fans are very concerned: the actress is turning into a skeleton.

She melts before our eyes. The weight dropped to critical levels: from the usual 56 to 42 kilograms. This is with a height of 173 cm.

When she came to the premiere of Salt in Moscow, everyone saw that she was very thin. And this is painful thinness, and it is not clear what it was connected with. But we know that she had the operation in order to prevent the possibility of developing a cancerous tumor, which caused the death of her mother.

It all started with the death of my mother in 2007. Since then, the fit and athletic actress began to rapidly lose weight.

The tragedy became such a serious stress for Angelina that she simply stopped eating.

Sharp collarbones stick out from under clothes, and dresses cannot hide bony knees.

A source close to the actress laments: “She was one of the most beautiful women in the world, but now her appearance can safely be called sickly. I couldn't believe what I saw when she stepped out of the limousine in Cannes. Her dress did not fit her beautiful body, but simply visible bones. It was practically hanging on her.”

By the way, Russian artist Nikas Safronov met with Jolie several times and even made sketches of her face. At different times. In the first sketch there is a healthy, beautiful American woman, in the second there is a sickly actress with sharply defined cheekbones.

Now Jolie says about herself that she works a lot and eats very little, simply forgetting about this natural need of the human body (stills from the film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” , 2005, directed by D. Dayman).

So, is it still a diet? A day she allows herself only a handful of nuts and a few vegetables, and also a special diet of “ancient grains”: millet, buckwheat and quinoa.

As a result, Angelina Jolie was included in the ranking of the most anorexic stars along with actress Nicole Richie , British singer Amy Winehouse , and model Candice Swanepoel .

“This can only be called anorexia. Why? Because, most likely, this is a refusal, maybe already unconscious, a refusal to eat, because there is already such a limit, a period when you no longer want to, and there is already an extreme state in anorectics, when they want to get better, but they can no longer, because at some point the body stops receiving information, stops accepting food, and, unfortunately, the body no longer has the strength to form fragments to digest these food products,” says Rimma Moisenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences, nutritionist .

“Hands like sticks, a figure more and more reminiscent of a hanger - all the stunning appearance of the actress is a thing of the past. It seems that she is actually struggling with anorexia,” writes the Western press

And George Clooney , making fun of Jolie’s husband, Brad Pitt, even called her: “this is a terrible, ugly wife who hangs on Brad Pitt.”

Brad Pitt himself doesn’t think so. He supports his wife, both morally and physically.

Here's Brad touchingly leading Angie down the carpet in Los Angeles on May 29 at the premiere of the film Maleficent.

Jolie is dressed in a dark gothic outfit with a long train of black shiny fabric, which highlights and emphasizes her thinness.

Then Brad stopped to sign autographs and immediately paid for it. He was attacked by Ukrainian hooligan journalist Vitaly Sidyuk. He punched Pitt in the face and broke his sunglasses. By the way, this is the same Sidyuk who tried to kiss actor Will Smith ; grabbed the legs of actor Leonardo DiCaprio ; and even tried to get under the skirt of actress America Ferrera .

Artist Nikas Safronov is inclined to see this Angelina Jolie as a new Jolie, hitherto unknown.

“She already reminds me of Madonna. When a person changes, gains depth, gains philosophy in his eyes and wisdom, you, reflecting, begin to rejoice that you succeed. I have a picturesque portrait prepared, unfortunately, never finished, but there are two sketches where she is completely different. So unusual and bright. And so tired and sad.”

However, artists see everything in their own way, but in reality, not all Hollywood actresses successfully overcome the 40-year mark. Jolie is having her own midlife crisis, and perhaps she will come out of it without losses, only by changing her roles and roles, and perhaps the viewer will not want to perceive an Angelina Jolie who will no longer be a worldwide sex symbol. And this is the biggest risk for her.



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