Selecting effective exercises before bed for weight loss

Many people dream of having a good figure.

The best option to achieve results is training in the gym. But not everyone has this opportunity due to lack of funds and time. And some even prefer home workouts for the sake of convenience.

If the goal is to lose weight, it is recommended to choose the right set of exercises that will help you lose excess weight and form a beautiful, athletic body.

In this article we will talk about the features of evening exercises for weight loss.

Are exercises before bed beneficial: features of the effect on the body

Athletes know that the main thing is a well-established regime.

It includes not only the sleep and wakefulness routine, but also the regularity of eating and training. But the best time for serious physical activity is the first half of the day, when hormonal levels and the functioning of the body as a whole contribute to this.

Not everyone can exercise in the morning or afternoon. Work and accounting interfere. But in the evening, after finishing all their work, people often find a little time to take care of themselves.

The level of exercise in the evening should depend on how late the exercises are performed.

If you do heavy weight training or exhausting cardio training, you may have problems with your health and well-being. The bottom line is that such movements will sharply increase the heart rate, and accordingly, problems with falling asleep may appear.

In the evening, it will not be a full-fledged workout that will be useful, but something like exercise. It will help you achieve the desired result:

  • speed up metabolism;
  • overcome fatigue when it comes to moral and psychological stress;
  • relieve the spine, especially if it has been in a sitting position all day;
  • relax the muscles;
  • normalize breathing and heart rate.

All this will ultimately allow you to achieve the main goal - losing weight and toning your body. Such training will undoubtedly be useful.

Be sure to check out:

Learning to restore breathing after physical activity: useful exercises Basic exercises for all muscle groups: a strong and strong body at home Jumping on a trampoline: effective for losing weight How to maintain excellent physical shape after 40 years: choosing exercises

Exercises for weight loss in the evening - what are the benefits?

Evening exercises for weight loss are no less effective than morning exercises. The fact is that during the day the body uses energy from food and lipid reserves when necessary. In the evening, metabolism and the rate of metabolic processes decrease; the dinner you eat, if it is not dietary, will not have the best effect on your figure. Evening exercise will help you burn extra calories.

Another advantage of evening warm-up is its beneficial effect on the entire body. As a rule, people have sedentary work, after which it is more than desirable to stretch their muscles. This improves overall tone, well-being and mood.

The reason to do an evening workout is to improve your emotional state. As a rule, before going to bed we are disturbed by thoughts about the current day and plans for tomorrow. Physical relaxation allows you to calm down and make your rest truly useful.

Why you should do exercises in the evening - the main reasons:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • relieving fatigue after a working day;
  • light exercises allow you to straighten the spine and relieve accumulated tension in the muscles;
  • improvement of morale, stabilization of the nervous system;
  • weight loss;
  • normalization of the heart muscle;
  • improves sleep quality;
  • strengthening the immune system, improving the overall tone of the body.

What kind of physical activity is preferable in the evening?

In the evening, the body experiences maximum fatigue and tension, which is caused by physical and mental stress during the day. The goal of the workout is to relieve this tension, not make it worse.

Exercises immediately before bed should be relatively calm, without sudden overload. Working hard before bed is a bad idea, which can lead to problems with the heart, blood vessels, and nervous system. Classes take on a different character.

Personal characteristics must also be taken into account. As you know, people are conventionally divided into two categories: “night owls” and “larks”. It is easier for the former to stay awake in the afternoon; they go to bed later, but also get up later. The latter prefer to go to bed early, but also wake up early. This should also be taken into account when choosing a time for studying.

Before going to bed, you should focus on those muscles that were least used during the day. Most often, the emphasis is on the following movements:

  1. Warm up . Light muscle stretching, swings, as well as walking in the fresh air or low-intensity running are performed.
  2. Low intensity strength training You can perform a set of exercises with dumbbells, for example, lunges, squats. This will help keep your muscles toned.
  3. Abdominal exercises , as well as static training such as bridges, planks, and so on.

This will be quite enough, especially at the initial stage. The main thing is regularity and the absence of maximum stress for the body.

Important! Evening training cannot be “wear and tear”, so you should not constantly increase the working weight or the number of repetitions. But it is known that load progression is one of the main mechanisms of effectiveness. Therefore, it is important to add variety to the exercises, change exercises, alternate types of load, and so on.

Another option for a good workout before bed is yoga. It will keep your body in good shape and calm your nerves. But not everyone can master it on their own; at the first stage, you may need the help of an instructor or careful study of the materials.

If an athlete does not know where to start, then it is better to do a simple warm-up, perform light movements, but gradually look for different training approaches and techniques.

Evening exercises before bed

What exercises can you do before bed? Here's another exercise program to work on problem areas. The names “morning” and “evening” do not mean that you need to do two workouts a day. It is assumed that you exercise on different days, making sure to maintain sufficient intervals between workouts for muscle recovery.

It is ideal to train every other day. This is the minimum period of time sufficient to give the stressed muscles the opportunity to recover and gain mass.

By the way, girls should not be afraid of the appearance of excessive muscle relief: their natural hormonal “cocktail” helps men gain weight. All photos of muscular fitness beauties, whose figures are beginning to resemble men’s, indicate the use of drugs that affect the growth of muscle tissue (steroids and other “chemicals”). If you didn’t notice anything like that during the reception, then you shouldn’t be afraid of “oblique fathoms in the shoulders.”


There are many options for performing this exercise. Squats are distinguished:

  • with its own weight;
  • with weights (with dumbbells or barbell);
  • using an elastic band.

Let's consider each of the options so that you can, moving from simple to complex, increase the load as your endurance and muscle strength grow.

What is the best way to start training?

Classic squats are performed as follows:

  1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward with palms down or along the body, elbows soft.
  2. As you inhale, squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. We make sure that the knees do not extend beyond the tips of the fingers. The body moves forward slightly.
  3. We linger at the bottom of the squat for a couple of seconds, noting how the muscles of the buttocks and back of the thigh tighten.
  4. To maintain balance, you can extend your arms forward when performing a squat.
  5. As you exhale, we return to the starting position.

A little more difficult than regular squats is the exercise with an elastic band. Its length should be sufficient to be able to place your feet shoulder-width apart. The tape is located approximately at the level of the middle of the shins or at the level of the knees. The squat itself with an elastic band is performed in exactly the same way as a regular squat.

Gradually increase the load

The elastic gives additional load due to the fact that it requires additional effort to tension it between the legs.

Option for advanced athletes

Using free weights can significantly increase the load on the muscles of the lower torso and legs. You can start with dumbbells or a barbell plate, then take a barbell, and then a barbell with sufficient weight. It is important to remember that the greater the weight, the more stringent the requirements for the technique of performing movements, since the risk of damaging the knee joints increases.

The number of repetitions in performing squats is not an end in itself. Don't try to do a large number of repetitions in a limited period of time. What is important here is the smoothness and thoroughness of the movements. Only a deep squat with tension in the buttocks, which is performed as if you were trying to sit on the edge of a chair that is too far behind your back, can provide optimal load on the muscles of the buttocks and ensure the ideal shape of this part of the body.


A good workout for the leg muscles and at the same time for the cardiovascular system, since moving forward while simultaneously performing lunges is a serious load.

Lunges can be done both forward and sideways. If you don't have enough space to move around, you can use a treadmill. This will additionally set the speed of movement and will not allow you to slow down when the load begins to take its toll.

An excellent option for the fact that whoever wants is looking for opportunities

The technique of performing forward squats involves:

  1. Performing a sweeping step forward from a standing position. The movement is made while inhaling.
  2. The step should be so wide that when lowering the body, the leg that stands behind can almost touch the floor with its knee. The front shin should be perpendicular to the floor.
  3. While moving, keep your body perfectly straight.
  4. To take the next step, exhale and rise to the original position and repeat the movement.

When regular lunges no longer seem difficult, you can take dumbbells, a barbell, and then a barbell with weights. Using free weights will allow you to achieve the ideal shape of your legs in a short time.

Classic crunches

A standard and very popular abdominal exercise.

  1. We lie on our backs, join our hands in a lock at the back of our heads, bend our knees, which are spread shoulder-width apart, and place our feet on the floor.
  2. As you exhale, lift your head, neck and shoulders off the mat using the muscular force of your abs.
  3. We perform contractions of the abdominal muscles in such a way that the upper part of the body rises towards the legs and does not fall completely to the floor.
  4. While inhaling, we return to the starting position.

Video: Technique for performing twists, analysis of the main mistakes

The lifting height of the body can vary significantly. Movements of significant amplitude contribute to deep development of the middle part of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. Small and frequent lifts put stress on the lower third of the rectus abdominis muscle.

The number of repetitions is determined by the range of motion. You can start with 30 repetitions, divided into 3 sets, and then increase the number of repetitions.

Exercise "bicycle"

An excellent exercise that works most of the abdominal muscles at once.

How to perform the classic version of the “bicycle”:

  1. Starting position - lying on the floor, hands clasped at the back of the head, legs bent at the knees and hip joints so that the feet do not touch the floor.
  2. Raise your shoulders and upper third of your back above the floor.
  3. We begin to alternately reach with our elbow towards the opposite knee, while moving our legs as if we were pedaling.
  4. While one leg is reaching towards the elbow with the knee, the other must be straightened and kept at some distance from the floor.

We start with 10 repetitions in 3 approaches.

Hard, but very effective

Lying hyperextension

We form the ideal shape of the back, get rid of fatty “rolls” in the lumbar region.

Hyperextension is performed as follows:

  1. We lie face down on the floor, stretch our arms in front of us or place our palms behind our heads.
  2. As you exhale, simultaneously lift your arms, upper torso and legs off the floor.
  3. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds.
  4. Without releasing muscle tension, we return to the starting position.

We start with 10 repetitions.

The effect of the exercise can be obtained without any exercise equipment

If we talk about hyperextension, then the smoothness of movements is important. Do not strain your lower back unnecessarily: gently raise yourself above the floor and lower yourself smoothly.

Knee push-ups

Exercise to develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper back.

Push-ups are performed as follows:

  • Starting position: hands slightly wider than shoulders; the back, buttocks and hips are located in one line, the legs rest with their knees on the floor.
  • As you inhale, lower your body almost until your chest touches the floor.
  • As you exhale, push yourself up, straightening your arms.

Making the body harmonious

We start with 10 repetitions and 3 approaches. The number of repetitions can then be varied depending on endurance and training goals.

How long should your workout last at night?

The duration of the workout also needs to be chosen correctly. Excessively long exercise will only increase your heart rate too much, which can lead to insomnia, and short exercise will not be effective.

Selecting the required time is an individual question and depends on the exact time of classes, daily routine, body characteristics and other factors. At the initial stage, thirty minutes will be enough, a little exercise and stretching are performed (the time for running or walking is not taken into account).

Further, the training time can be increased, but it is not recommended to train for more than an hour and a half, unless we are talking about yoga.

When choosing the duration of a workout, you should be guided by the rule - the closer it is directly to sleep, the shorter and less intense it should be. If an athlete works out in the evening, around 7 or 8 p.m., and finishes training at least 2-3 hours before bedtime, then he can afford a full-fledged workout with a serious load, and if immediately before bed, up to half an hour before going to bed, then a forty-minute lesson will be more than enough.

The benefits of evening workouts

Evening workout

Sport is the key to a slim and healthy body. With the help of proper physical activity, you can quickly and effectively lose extra pounds and prevent many diseases. However, not everyone has the time and money to visit the currently popular gyms.

Fortunately, you can provide your body with sufficient physical activity at home. To do this, you can devote just an hour in the evening after work. Moreover, charging at this time has a lot of useful properties.

What evening workouts do for weight loss:

  1. Such exercises can significantly speed up your metabolism. Thanks to this, a large number of calories will be burned at night.
  2. Activities that seem to take away energy allow you to relax your body and relieve tension after a hard day at work.
  3. Also, evening exercises help improve blood circulation and relieve cramps. Thanks to this, their daily implementation will relieve pain from the joints and prevent the development of joint diseases.
  4. Training also helps normalize the psycho-emotional state.
  5. This method of losing weight is good because it allows you to train your heart and lungs.
  6. In addition, evening workouts help strengthen muscles and tone the body.

Effective complex

When training in the evening, do not forget that the muscles need time to recover, so performing the same movements every time is not recommended.

The most effective option is to train every other day or three times a week. The program can then be modified when the athlete gains the necessary experience.

The most common option is a three-day split.

For example:

Workout 1Workout 2Workout 3
Running or walking. On average about half an hour. Running or walking. On average about half an hour. Running or walking. On average about half an hour.
Warm-up, stretching.Warm-up, stretching.Warm-up, stretching.
Plie squats. 3-4 sets of 20 repetitions. Pushups. 5 approaches to the maximum. Leg raises to the side. 4 sets of 20 reps.
Lunges. 4 sets of 20 reps. Triceps push-ups. 5 approaches to the maximum. Single leg squats. 4 sets to the max.
Raising the pelvis. 4 sets of 20 reps. Plank. 3 sets for maximum time. Exercises with a fitness band, for example, leg raises, 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions, and then leg raises to the side, 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
Stepping onto the bench. 4 sets of 20 reps. Press.

As a result, we get two workouts for the lower body and one for the upper body. Subsequently, you can introduce more exercises for the arms and back, and if possible add equipment, for example, dumbbells.

Other exercises aimed more at general physical fitness are also suitable for evening training. For example, these could be simple squats, various leg raises, walking, and so on. At the first stage, you can perform such an activity each time with the same program, and then, as it becomes more difficult, divide it into two or three days.


Separately, it is necessary to say about the plan for conducting general developmental training at home. If time allows and there is a need for training, then it can also be done in the morning. However, there are a few things to consider when compared to charging.

Morning workout:

  • requires additional time for breakfast and its absorption (working out on an empty stomach is bad, as over time there will be an overexpenditure of energy).
  • creates additional stress on the heart due to thick blood (during sleep, the body does not receive water, its total amount in the body decreases, which makes the blood thicker). To thin the blood, you need to drink 1-2 glasses of water 10-15 minutes before starting exercise;

General developmental training exercises must begin with a warm-up. Next, you should do exercises for individual muscle groups.

Exercises for the abs:

  • from a lying position, we raise our legs together at an angle of 45 OC upward, without lifting our lower back from the floor, several approaches 5–7 times;
  • from a lying position, we raise the torso to a full sitting position, with the legs bent at the knees, but closed together; when lifting, we alternately turn the body to the right and left, several approaches 10–15 times;
  • from a lying position, we raise our legs and, holding them in weight, do scissors, several approaches 5–7 times;

We jump in place on both legs, then alternately on the right and left.

Stretching exercises:

  • from a sitting position, we spread our legs as wide as possible, and then reach with both hands to the tips of the toes, first of the right foot, then of the left; after that, we bring our legs together and reach with our hands to the tips of our toes, several approaches;
  • from a sitting position, stretch the right leg to the side, directing the weight of the body to the left, bent at the knee; after that, we transfer the weight from the left leg to the right, while stretching the left leg and bending the right at the knee, several approaches;
  • from a lying position with bent knees, closed tightly, we reach the floor to the left of the body (the back and shoulder blades do not come off the surface and remain in a straight position), then to the right of the body, several approaches.

We do a light jog, after which we stretch our entire torso up towards the sun.

Morning training is over.

Main conclusions

Losing weight is possible if you follow a daily routine and follow the recommendations in terms of nutrition and exercise. Going to the gym will not be available to everyone, just like working out in the morning. Therefore, many people study at home, almost before bed.

In such a situation, movements of light and medium weight, with little or no weights, are perfect. Otherwise, you can overload the body, which will cause difficulty falling asleep, disruption of the routine and, accordingly, a number of health problems.

Advantages and disadvantages of exercising before bed

Evening training has a number of advantages over training at any other time. Therefore, they are the ones most often used by those losing weight.

Benefits of Evening Workouts

Pros of evening workouts:

  • Such activities help some people get rid of the feeling of hunger. Eating before bed often causes obesity.
  • If you conduct such exercises before bed, their effectiveness increases because after them the person does not have dinner. This means that increased metabolism consumes fat deposits. Right during sleep, the muscles begin to consume energy from them.
  • You can always find time for such exercises. They are free and you don’t need to travel anywhere to take them.
  • To exercise at home, it is not necessary to purchase special sportswear. You can simply exercise in loose and comfortable clothes.

Although such training has a number of advantages, it also has some disadvantages.

Disadvantages of evening exercises:

  1. Not all people stop feeling hungry after such training. Some people, on the contrary, having spent some of their energy, begin to experience a strong desire to eat.
  2. Jumping and other exercises that create noise are contraindicated for apartment residents in the evening. Because it may disturb the neighbors.
  3. Most people work out at home with less zeal than in the gym.
  4. An excited nervous system after exercise may prevent a person from falling asleep.

Be sure to read: Yoga in the fight against cellulite - 5 unique asanas for a beautiful body

Evening exercise is really good for your health. Moreover, they can be carried out both at home and on the street. Therefore, it is in the evening that most working people go out to train.


Lie on your stomach, straighten your legs, lift them above the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows, place your palms on sliding cloths at shoulder level. Raise your body, sliding your hands forward along the floor and through the circle to the sides, at the same time spreading your legs to the sides so that your body assumes a star position. At the same time, continue to keep your hips weighted. Return to the starting position, bringing your legs together again and completing the circle with your arms.

  • Recommended reading: exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides


Exercise at night for weight loss is a very good option for getting rid of excess weight, for activating the necessary processes, strengthening the immune system, and losing weight. The main thing to remember is that training should be daily, evening and full-fledged. At the same time, it is very important to eat right, to focus exclusively on high-quality and tasty foods that will not fill the body with waste and toxins.

Sources: effektivnaya-vechernyaya-zaryadka-dlya-pohudeniya-v-domashnih-usloviyah/

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