Proven runic staves for weight loss

This is what Runa Liposactor V looks like

On numerous web forums and social networks, you cannot find attitudes of people who have struggled with excess weight. For this purpose, they used weight-loss runes and obtained a measurable effect. Does this seem like it could be taken seriously? Active, regular exercise, dieting, finding a sustainable diet is what you should rely on when you need to lose extra pounds, not a few vintage magazines. But do you need to make such funny conclusions without reading more deeply about the topic? However, it deserves more detailed consideration.

Is it possible to lose weight with runes?

You must understand that busting wands itself is not a great remedy for excess weight. If you blindly rely on your own strength, and you don't change anything in your diet and lifestyle, no miracle will happen. From runic formulas you can organize metabolic processes, influence hormonal levels, but above all - set your mind on the right wave, stop trying to criticize and reduce excess weight. You must remove all the garbage from your head, all the “anchors” that we charge you morally and tune in to a good, enjoyable process of losing weight. Runic staves and formulas will be reliable companions on this path. Their help will be useful in:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • Setting the mind to lose weight, remove internal locks and tune;
  • Promoting acceptance of dietary changes;
  • Treating weight loss as a challenge, not a torment;
  • Increased mood.

If you rely only on runic symbols, without any effort on your part, the entire “fall” will likely weigh less than 3-5 kg.

For more measurable results, you should combine the help of Runic poles with serious work on them.

Runic magic

Runes are letters of the ancient alphabet, each of them has a deep mystical meaning. These signs are a cultural magical heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation. Over the centuries, the meaning and style of letters have changed. This happened due to the fact that they reflect all nine worlds of Scandinavian mythology. Therefore, the changes in the universe that occurred were reflected in the design and meaning of the signs.

Runic symbols are useful in the following cases:

  1. For protection against energy of any kind. Sometimes from darkness, then they protect a person. Either from light, then these inscriptions cause damage.
  2. To cleanse or restore energy, for example, after an illness, at a time of grief, before a difficult task.
  3. For predictions.

If you wish, you can get rid of excess weight - runic magic is also effective in this. Unhealthy fatness is usually caused by stagnation or improper flow of energy. There are special staves that can improve the health of the body and allow you to lose weight.

What runes are used in formulas

Now - more about runic symbols most often used in recipes for weight loss and what they influence. The information is presented in the form of a table.

runeWhat does it do
fighterInner strength and power
Uruzhealth, vitality
Raidophysical activity
WunoAccepting all changes as self-improvement
HagaladCealing with internal locks that make weight loss
nothingFighting dark energy, expansion of outer and inner youth
THISslower, weight gain
YeraRestoring spiritual and physical balance
SoviloFilling the body with solar energy, unfolding and removing fats from the body
BerkanaReduced weight loss from stress and anxiety
Mannazloss of appetite
lagoonRemoving toxins from the body
DagazReducing fat deposits in a specific area of ​​the body

Runic formulas for weight loss

To achieve a quick weight loss goal, use several runes at the same time. Formulas consist of symbols aimed at achieving a goal and reinforcing the effect of each other. Signs can be depicted in a column or in a line. The sequence cannot be broken.


The combination reduces appetite, promotes rapid fat burning, and elimination of waste products. Since the Yera and Soul signs are used twice, their effect is enhanced. Using the formula, a person feels a surge of energy. Strength and desire to work appear, and mood improves. Changes in the body occur gradually, without negative effects on organs and systems.


Ideal for people with excessive appetite. Mannaz suppresses dependence on taste sensations. A person begins to eat only when he feels hungry. Gets full quickly and doesn't overeat. The other three runes enhance the effect of the first, filling the body with positive energy. The combination suppresses the desire to eat stress and eat in front of the TV. Encourages physical activity.


Aimed at reducing discomfort during a strict diet. Helps limit the consumption of large amounts of food, get rid of hated kilograms in the hips and abdomen.

The formula improves appearance. Sagging skin tightens and becomes more elastic. Runes cause a surge of strength, protect against apathy and depression, give vigor and activity. Despite fasting, a person’s performance remains intact.

How weight loss bets work

If Runic is a means of happiness or Love-attracting Runes work more in the external field, creating favorable conditions, with weight loss fighters there is a different situation. Their action occurs directly inside a person.

Working on the mind, improving metabolism, eliminating appetite late in the evening and at night, hormonal stabilization - all these processes occur with the help of weight loss agents.

However, they will not be effective if the individual is based on change.

Important! Runes will give a truly noticeable effect only in combination with your own efforts: regulating diet, physical activity, and most importantly - the pursuit of good results!

Application rules

Runic formulas for weight loss are best used on the body around the abdomen.
Alternative ways are on a piece of paper that you always have with you or in your own photograph. If this is the first reference to runic Statks, you haven't come up with your own formula. Because runes have to behave very carefully, so if you do not have enough experience and knowledge, then it is better to get to one of the well-established testable models. The most important thing is the presence in the formula of the most important Run Hagalaz, Vung Tau, Er.

What you need to know to apply

In order for the rune ritual for weight loss with a reservation to be effective, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm of actions during the ritual:

  1. Apply a combination of runes to influence the weight loss process on a photo, on the stomach or on an amulet. Runic tattoos are also often made for men and women to enhance the effect.
  2. When drawing signs, it is necessary to pronounce an effective clause for stav.
  3. Upon completion of the ritual, the signs are activated using one of the existing methods (more details later in the article).

If within two weeks the effect of the runes has not manifested itself, it is necessary to pay more attention to each stage of the ritual and repeat it.

Most magicians consider losing weight with the help of powers called upon by runic signs to be an absolutely safe ritual. This is due to the fact that the impact goes directly to the operator, without suppressing the will or interests of others. However, it is worth adhering to some rules so that the forces do not charge for the result:

  1. Carefully think through the text of the slander so that the words have an unambiguous meaning and cannot be misunderstood by the forces called upon with the help of runic signs.
  2. Use proven staves, the effect of which has been tested by experienced magicians.
  3. Invest only positive emotions in the desire to change your life with the help of runes.
  4. After each ritual, thank the signs for their work.

Each bet has its own activation period, so if in the first hours or days you do not feel a noticeable effect, then you should wait a little. Under no circumstances should you lose faith in the effectiveness of runes.


If you do not have enough experience and knowledge, then it is better to use one of the well-known and proven formulas. The text should be compiled independently for each of the runes or for the entire formula. It is not necessary to come up with some intricate text about pathos: the main thing is that it contains a sincere intention to help oneself, and this can be expressed in the simplest, most understandable words. One firm offer is enough.

Important: it is better to write the text on a piece of paper in advance. This will help them speak when they expect it.

Activation and deactivation

Once a rune is identified, the verse must activate it. You can activate in several ways:

  • through breathing;
  • Fire;
  • blood;
  • air;
  • Earth;
  • water.

Each of them is quite simple and does not take much time. Another method is to activate the runes through meditation and visualization. This is not about marking the body or any other surface. The formula is activated by the power of thought, focusing on the present moment and believing in your wonderful capabilities. This activation method is suitable only for people with developed imagination, intuition and spatial thinking.

When a runic stanza achieves the desired weight loss results, it is deactivated. It is enough to wash off the marks drawn on the body; when applied to paper, wood or other surfaces, they must be burned out. During the deactivation process, it is necessary to express gratitude to the runes for doing their job.

How to correctly apply, activate, intend and negotiate staves

Runes can be drawn with black, blue, green or red marker. It is advisable to use a new marker. It is best to apply the runic stave for weight loss in the lower abdomen, where the lower chakras are located. The lower chakras are responsible for carnal pleasures. Runes in the area of ​​the lower chakras will help achieve better results. They will also protect against negative environmental energy and have a positive effect on internal organs. To achieve weight loss, you need to draw symbols on the left side of the abdomen. A suitable sign for runes is also the left palm.

Runic symbols can be applied in horizontal and vertical directions. You need to write symbols on your stomach, moving from the right side to the left or from the head to the feet. The formula should be applied to the palms in the direction from the wrist to the fingers or from the thumb to the little finger. To draw a complex shape on the body, you can use a stencil. The pattern is drawn on paper, then slits are made along each line with scissors. The stencil is applied to the body and a line is drawn through the slots with a marker.

Ancient symbols recommend drawing with a caveat. A reservation helps to strengthen the effect of a stav or formula. You can lose all those extra pounds, achieve rejuvenation and slimness with a reservation made during the application of runic symbols.

The reservation must be pronounced in a low voice. When drawing a symbol, you must name it. Then you need to name your goal and how to achieve it. A person must say how many kilograms he wants to lose. During the reservation, you can ask to speed up the process of losing weight or improve the condition of your skin. After all wishes have been expressed, you need to name all the runes again. This is how ancient symbols are activated.

When the marks wear off, they need to be reapplied. You need to draw symbols until the desired result is achieved. After this, the drawing must be deleted. When washing off the formula, you must mentally thank the higher powers for your help.

You can draw runic signs on a piece of paper or on objects made of natural materials (wood, stone, clay). A piece of paper or an object with runes should be carried with you in a secret pocket. After losing weight, you need to burn the piece of paper with the symbols, then thank the runes. A talisman made of stone or clay must be buried in the ground.

You can give magical energy to a shower gel, cream, scrub or shampoo. To do this, the ancient formula or stave is applied to the container in which the cosmetic product is located. While taking a bath or shower, the formula will have the necessary effect on the body.

You can apply runes to a bar of soap or a vessel of water. If you speak to the water, the results will appear faster. Water is poured into a glass and a formula is drawn on its surface with the index and middle fingers. At the same time, you need to name the runes that are part of the formula. Then you need to say your wish.

Proven weight loss bets

It's time to learn about the most common runic formulas that will help you lose weight and cleanse your body at the same time.

"Weight Loss #1"

The first and most popular stav rune for weight loss contains the following important runes:

Dougie (two).The heart of the formula symbolizes the desire and goal of losing weight.
EvazIt guides the process in the right direction
Turisazremoves internal blockages and clogs that prevent you from focusing on the process
Kenazit works to burn fat.
Berkanasoftens the process
Laguz (two)helps remove toxins from the body
AlgizProtect yourself from stress and anxiety.

"Weight Loss #2"

This formula differs from “Weight Loss No. 1” in its composition, the meaning of each rune and the end result. The opinions of people who turned to the help of “Weight Loss #2” are full of delight: in addition to weight loss, external rejuvenation and noticeable renewal of the skin occurs.

This drug contains:

Hagalazfights negative attitudes that cause weight gain
Turisazremoves detergents and toxins from the body
Laguzdoes the same
Hagalaz-Fehu-Raidothis combination helps improve metabolism, break down fat, and also affects the mind, eliminating the desire to overeat
Turisaz-Era-Perththis combination rejuvenates the skin, leaving it fresh and radiant, and revitalizes the body
Laguz-Dagas-Algizthe trinity strengthens the general immune system, helps to complete the process well

"Menu from the Trap"

The runic combination “Trap Menu” is an ideal recipe for losing extra pounds for people who have big problems with self-discipline and willpower. Those who consider themselves lazy can turn to this combination for help. The “trap menu” consists of exactly the following runes:

Teyvazbrings energy, vigor, fills with health, gives a slim and beautiful figure
RaidoIt arouses interest in an active lifestyle and sports, and also helps burn more calories during physical activity.
TurisazReduces subconscious cravings for unhealthy foods: spicy, starchy foods, cakes, etc.
Inguzthe root rune in this combination, which includes all other runes, is responsible for accelerating metabolism and general order in the body

"Liposuctor V"

As you know, liposuction is a procedure that involves removing fat from the body by specialists in a laboratory setting. Not surprisingly, there is a runic formula that can simulate the liposuction process without physically disturbing the body! It's called Liposactor V. People who have benefited from this combination have reported fantastic results. The process is simple, the fat is gone and your overall health is greatly improved. “Liposucker V is probably the most effective fleece formula for weight loss.

Important: when you come up with the conditions for this combination, you must begin with the words “May the power of the runes ...” and end with the phrase “az framkvema.” It means "yes" in Icelandic.

The Liposactor V formula includes the following runes:

Hagalazsupports the destruction of fat cells
Turisazdoes the same.
DougieRemoving fats, waste products, toxins from the body
Wunobrings moral satisfaction in the process of burning fat
Soulu (two)helps in burning fat during exercise, is responsible for adrenaline
Inverted Fehu - Teyvaz - elven rune “O”This trinity opens a kind of “gate to the ground” where fat disappears irrevocably.
NautizHe develops the ability to limit his food, choose what is most needed, and create an optimal diet for himself.

Tip. People with heart problems add one instead of two Saul runes to the pattern or replace them with the Algiz and Berkan runes.

Runic symbols for weight loss

To lose weight, only 12 magical elements are used. The runes for weight loss are as follows:

  • Dagaz;
  • Kano;
  • Isa;
  • Mannaz;
  • Soul;
  • Uruz;
  • Laguz;
  • Berkana;
  • Fehu;
  • Vunyo;
  • Yera;
  • Hagalaz.

All these symbols restore metabolism, improve hormonal levels, eliminate the causes of obesity, help you go on a diet and increase willpower so as not to “relapse.”

Long forgotten, but some still use Bagirka, Zerk, Lia, Turizas. Unfortunately, the staves using them have been lost.

How quickly do runes work?

Of course, it's nice to know that runic staves for weight loss can work quickly. This inspires and motivates for further action. But how to maintain your mood if the effect is not observed quickly? It doesn't matter, everything is ahead. The main thing is not to panic. The end result is worth the effort.

However, if we want some quick changes, there is a little trick. You need to apply the runic formula to your water bottle and drink only from it all day. Another option is to draw runes on the soap so that the spell will work every time you wash your hands. These same methods cannot be additional, but are the main ones in turning to the help of runes. For example, a person for some reason refuses to draw on his body. A bottle of water, soap and a piece of paper that you carry with you at all times are good alternatives.

How runes will help you lose weight

Ancient symbols have energy that can influence the energy field of people. Signs change the direction and strength of energy flows, changing the functioning of the body. They have a gentle effect on a person without causing any unpleasant sensations. Ancient symbols reduce cravings for unhealthy foods and increase interest in activities that require physical activity. Being under the influence of runes, a person changes his lifestyle. He follows a diet without experiencing physical or mental suffering.

Runes help people who are trying to change their lives. If a person does not want to change anything, ancient signs will not help him. To remove fat deposits, you need to eat less and move more. The energy of the runes will help a person survive the critical period less painfully. With its help it is easier to achieve a lasting effect.

Recommendations for the safety of applying runes

Finally, there are a number of useful recommendations for using runes for losing weight on the body. Keep these tips in mind and try to follow them, as runes are quite dangerous.

  1. Before you use the formula, you must be absolutely sure that it is correct. You should not use a random sequence of runes or even pseudo-runes, just proven options.

Applying runes to the body just for beauty, without a clear purpose, is the latter. These are bad jokes that can bring great sadness.

  1. Inverted or mirrored stav runes are no less dangerous. They should look exactly like the original!
  2. When applying runes to the body, setting the mind to successfully achieve a result is a fundamental point. Confidence in the right path is the secret of runic formulas.
  3. The use of sticks for weight loss on the body should only take place in the absence of illness, depression or common malaise. The energy field should be positive, without unnecessary burdens.
  4. This ritual should be performed in privacy so that no one can catch you in the process. At the same time, you should not hide your desire to turn to the help of runes to your dearest people, but the process of applying them ensures the absolute absence of prying eyes.

Runes from different countries

There are a huge number of varieties of runes all over the world. Here are a few of them:

  • Anglo-Saxon (Northumbrian);
  • Germanic (Armanic);
  • Norwegian (Scandinavian)
  • Egyptian;
  • Irish (ogham);
  • Greek;
  • Finnish.

And each symbol or alphabet has different meanings. The methods of drawing are also different.

You should carefully study the theory of runic writing so as not to harm yourself and others.

Sometimes it is appropriate to use an amulet with symbols for weight loss

Proven runes for weight loss

Still denser than cardboard. Gabriella 42 4. Thanks to the author! Becoming very good.

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With the glyphs on You, I wasn’t sure that they would work on me, so as an experiment I applied it to a small piece of paper and activated it with my breath and blood in the center. I kept the leaflet at home. It started almost instantly: dizziness and a buzzing in my head. I added staves to help with Smile of Good Luck and Absolute Victory. I began to give preference in nutrition to dairy and vegetable dishes. Subcutaneous fat has been redistributed, resulting in an improved silhouette of the figure.

On the scales minus 2 kg, agreed on 5 kg per week. Raccoon and Unicorn 40 9.

Registration Forgot your password? New Posts Hide Right Panel Show Right Panel. Runes for weight loss. This topic contains runes for maintaining weight, for losing weight, eliminating the causes of excess weight, controlling appetite, restoring metabolism. Elm from Esgal.

For now, I’m writing about the preliminary results - it definitely reduces appetite and protects against overeating. At the moment when the calorie requirement is reached, the “I don’t want more” switches on by itself. But in my case, I have to update it regularly, because the attacks are such that all the papers with bets are constantly torn.

Fealka Ancient signs give rejuvenation if the runic weight loss formula is created from equal parts - individual signs.

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Each sign carries its own energy and affects a person. They are used in combination. In order for runic symbols to work, in parallel, a person does work on himself.

He refuses toxic and harmful food, puts his body in order - this starts internal metabolic processes. The moral side of treatment with runes is very important: if there is no trust in the staves, then the result will be unsatisfactory. Runic formulas are created for complex effects.

The signs work separately, but together, reinforcing each other, they act for several days.

The Isa rune affects the human physical body. The sign stops weight gain and stops its accumulation within a few days. Isa provides the primary result when the weight stops at a certain point.

If you use the rune separately, then after stopping its work, the practitioner is obliged to engage in intense physical activity.

The Yera rune is a sign of spiritual purification. The ancient symbol brings relief, liberation. Yera is used to drive away fears, get rid of attachments or bad habits. For this reason, the symbol serves to treat psychological dependence on food. Without Yera, therapy for eating problems works much worse. Protects Degas from anorexia, as a result of panic fear of gaining weight again. The fleece provides correct but rapid weight loss.

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