Non-standard Brin and weight loss: myths from a trainer, rules of nutrition and training

Childhood and youth

Yaroslav Brin was born in the small working-class village of Vydrino.
The boy's childhood was spent in a rather tense atmosphere, since in the 90s there were many crime stories in the village. The coach often recalls how, with the arrival of spring, the residents of Vydrino had to observe the bodies of dead people among the melted snow. As a child, Yaroslav was prone to being overweight, which became the reason for ridicule from his peers. He studied well, attended music lessons and even wrote poetry, but this only encouraged the guys who considered the boy a “black sheep.” Everything changed literally one day when he saw Mike Tyson fight for the first time. This event became a real impetus for 14-year-old Yaroslav, and he began to actively engage in sports. The beautiful name “gym” hid a damp basement where former prisoners and bandits came to box.

After graduating from 8th grade at a comprehensive school, Brin moved to the city of Slyudyanka, where he entered an online school. On the very first day, the young man got into a fight with his classmates, for whom the “conflict” ended with a trip to the hospital. During his studies, Yaroslav became seriously interested in exact sciences and psychology, which later allowed him to enter ISU.

Yaroslav Brin's training and weight loss programs - reviews


I appeal to those who are always losing weight and thirsting for a slender body! I'm 53. I've never been slim or graceful, even as a child. Moreover, in childhood it is very painful (children are cruel!). Therefore, I have been losing weight my entire adult life, and, as always and with many, with varying degrees of success. We've tried all kinds of diets that exist (how old we are!), we even invented our own - for example, chocolate - there are only chocolates - and I also lost weight on it! But my lifelong dream of wearing shorts was out of reach! On the Internet, in search of the best diet (what to eat to lose weight) and exercise (I have always been involved in sports, I am a former parachutist), I came across witty statements such as “only your massage therapist will lose weight from a massage” in texts full of humor and self-irony, where They explained to me very clearly why I am the way I am now. And I got hooked on Brin! Further more! I'm already at FM4M-2018! Information is not even a sea, but an ocean, and the World Ocean, you can really drown! And so it happened! Considering that she already knew everything, the smartest and “unique snowflake” did not do it at all as prescribed by the program - as a result, there was no result that she expected! Alas, it’s my own fault! But I'm a Capricorn! I'm stubborn - 2021 has come - and I'm back in action! Now everything is according to plan - as I said, so I did! YAAAAAAAAA! Minus 10 kg - was 67 - now 57 with a height of 162 cm! I saw my abs, and even the veins on my stomach and arms. I still have some work to do on the bottom, but I hope I can do it! It is not just informative, but also fun, intelligible, with comments, answers to all questions, even if you are stupid. What I learned from Brin, of course, can be found, but he brought everything into a specific program of nutrition, exercise, motivation, everything is laid out on shelves and chewed for the toothless. You just have to get up and do it - this is the only way and no other way! And now about those armchair commentators who talk and write about what they don’t know! These arguments are complete nonsense, complete blah blah blah of a person who considers himself the smartest! Did it and it didn’t work?! It can’t be like this, something will happen, a negative result is also a result, but you will know what not to do! It doesn’t work out for those who sit on their butts and dream about Katya Usmanova’s buttocks, or go to one workout and oh, they don’t grow! bad program! Brin cheated! Walk for a month 4 times a week, don’t eat anything, and don’t overeat at all - and you will see the result! I saw it and I'm happy! Of course, not everyone, but I don’t intend to stop! Many thanks to Yaroslav Brin for the magical kick-off and the most secret secret, which you will also find out if you take part in FM4M!


Before 2012, there were already some scraps of knowledge on the topic of a healthy lifestyle and active weight loss. The sad thing was that I had been in the process of losing weight since birth, and the result was somehow not particularly pleasing. By 2012, my figure became a little less like a cola, I already knew who B Zh U and Kcal were, I was quite familiar with the gym. I went through an active phase of getting to know the swimming pool, cling film, thermal belts and shorts, hala hoop, shaping, teas and diet pills, therapeutic fasting and even the Slavic clinic (a long and terrible story with short-lived results and breakdowns). The result of this kind of acquaintance was problems with digestion, eating behavior (the residue remains to this day), the cardiovascular system, and joints.

Of course, the information received from Yaroslav very clearly structured the process of changing lifestyle in such a way as to get the maximum result. In view of the fact that all the necessary topics are explained to the level of a person who does not know biochemistry, physiology, etc., information from Yaroslav is perceived easily and remembered very quickly. If I followed all the recommendations, my health gradually returned to normal, although I had not set this goal.

As it turned out, following the direction vector prescribed by Yaroslav gave a huge benefit to the condition of the whole body and I did not end up in intensive care by the time the diagnosis was made. Brinomanov could not come to the meetings either due to her health or because of her hairstyle ala “Yaroslav Brin”)))

In February 2021, SLE and dermatomyositis were diagnosed. It is not contagious; a reaction to the last vaccination was identified as a possible cause. It was very sad to receive my diagnosis. After seeing the tests, the doctor was surprised that I was still walking!!! And then it started: a bunch of tests, handfuls of hormones, injections, cytostatics and other pharmacy and hospital chemicals.

Despite a bunch of pills and hormones, the proportions have changed only in the cheeks (alas, Cushing, even with a diet, makes itself felt).

Many thanks to Yaroslavuza for the priceless information!!!!! Thanks to this, I survived Cushing and other side effects with treatment and illness with minimal consequences, I preserved my joints, muscles, and cardiovascular system to the maximum, and did not let fat take over. The restoration continues to this day. Apparently I came across an intelligent doctor who, seeing my test results, etc., agrees with the recommendations that Yaroslav gives. And he gives recommendations to everyone both on MG and FM, and on the block and on his other channels!!!

At the moment, the weight fluctuates within three kilograms, depending on the dose of hormones, BUT except on the cheeks, these kilograms are not particularly noticeable.


Oh, these numerous attempts to lose weight. How many of them have there been in my 43 years...

Yes, I lost weight. Even once for 30 kg. And for some reason all these kg came back... I reached (or lost) up to 101 kg. The condition was critical: it was difficult to move, shortness of breath, varicose veins, the back was falling off, the knees were cracking, in general, the situation was not at all inspiring. The name of Yaroslav Brin was mentioned on one of the mother’s forums. That's how I came across his blog. I read articles avidly.

And I felt that this was what would pull me out of the fat swamp forever.

This is how I became a member of the 2015 Master Group.

The whole year, every week, training webinars, homework, reports...

Nutrition system, training system. And a bunch of tools for independent use. And only a small part of all this is about weight loss. Setting goals, searching for internal resources, analyzing mistakes and illusions.

It started out tight and swayed for a long time.

I was afraid to go to the gym. I was afraid of physical activity. I was afraid of change.

The first step is I'm in the hall.

Tenth - and I can already run for 10 minutes on the elliptical.

Forty-five - and the barbell is in my hands.

Wow. And it turns out I CAN.

I can move instead of sitting stuck to the sofa all day.

I can give up my favorite treats.

I can conquer my fear and start doing something new, completely new.

Set a goal and reach it.

The most important thing I have learned this year is Do.

I lost 21 kg in a year. There are still about 15 kg left. She opened her own small business.

I will definitely not return to the swamp. I'm on the way to a super body (and then I'll definitely dare to post my Before and After photos) and I'm already moving through life without shortness of breath or crunching.


I'm Oksana. I want to tell you how GREAT my life has changed thanks to Yaroslav Brin.

A sedentary lifestyle, lack of sports, and proper nutrition led to the fact that I began to gain weight: (At first, I “struggled” with this myself with various diets, which did not give the desired result and the weight returned: (

During my second pregnancy, the weight increased even more, and I was also terribly swollen, my self-esteem was falling lower and lower, I absolutely did not want to look at myself in the mirror.

To say that I wanted to lose weight and regain my former confidence would probably be disingenuous, because only now I understand that if there is a desire, then there is always the opportunity to realize it.

Quite by accident, I “stumbled” upon Yaroslav Brin’s blog. And when, right on my birthday, I received a letter from Yaroslav about MG, I realized - it’s now or never. I decided it was time to get my body and thoughts in order.

Since October 10, 2015, I completely trusted Yaroslav, and I am very happy about it.

Yaroslav's project is not just a guide to losing weight, but complete support in changing your entire life and attitude towards it.

Thanks to Yaroslav, I learned to think correctly, eat right, and most importantly, I love myself again. :)

My result is minus 20 kg. Beautiful slim body, self-confidence and the belief that I can do anything!!!

To everyone who still doubts their abilities, I say - there are no unattainable goals, there is a lack of desire, and a person who can teach them to believe in themselves.

Yaroslav can be called a Teacher, Mentor, and just a very interesting person!

Yaroslav, thank you for the result! Thank you for making me believe in myself and start living!


Many times I tried to lose weight, I went on diets, the diet was unsaturated, so I often failed. But somehow I came across Yaroslav Brin’s “before and after” photographs. I didn’t have to choose for a long time, I started training according to his program, in 4 months I lost 15 kg and acquired a beautiful figure. I am sure that Brin will continue to give people hope and help them achieve their goals.


After the birth of three children, my figure was no longer attractive. Diets did not bring the desired effect, they only caused harm. Somehow I accidentally came across a book by Yaroslav Brin and started looking for information about him on the Internet. The choice fell on the FM4M project. As a result, over the entire journey of the project I lost 30 kg. I became stronger mentally and physically.


I started gaining weight when I was a student; I was doing a lot of harm to my body from overeating and dieting. There was a complete food imbalance. I decided to lose weight according to Yaroslav Brin’s program. I excluded unauthorized foods from my diet, started exercising, and consuming healthy foods. After 4 months, my figure looked toned and athletic.


https://v_dguk.ukr/ru/%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B0_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%85 %D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D1%8F%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0 %B2%D0%B0_%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0-r983801.html

In my review I want to write about the system for building a beautiful, toned, slender body, which Yaroslav Brin introduces.

For me this is something! What I've been looking for for a long time. When I was losing weight, unfortunately, I didn’t know about Yaroslav Brin. I often went to bodybuilding sites and read, read, read. I knew that such a fitness system, which has existed for decades, could not be wrong.

Yaroslav Brin also offers free video lessons. Everything is written about this in great detail on his website.

Yaroslav Brin's blog has a lot of interesting motivating articles, photos and videos. Just look at the video where Yaroslav loses weight in 4 months, from 104 kg. up to 72 kg. Specially corroded to prove that a beautiful figure is in our hands!!! Everything is achievable in this life!!!

Yaroslav Brin's articles are a motivator for all aspects of life. Very inspiring not only to build a beautiful figure!!!

I'm glad I found Yaroslav! I highly recommend that people interested in this topic check him out!

I have excellent results using his system!

A month according to Yaroslav’s system (I’ll attach a photo later, many are still dissatisfied):

Waist before-77, after-66

Hips before-103, after-94

Chest before-96, after-90

Now I have a training diary. Nutrition has improved significantly. Yaroslav pays a lot of attention to taking additional supplements: flaxseed oil, fiber, vitamins.

I highly recommend finding and visiting him!!!

Student years and first job

After entering the university, the guy immediately enrolled in the boxing section. During his 5 years of study, he trained intensively in the university gym, where he prepared for the upcoming competitions. Thanks to his perseverance, Yaroslav took 1st place at the arm wrestling championship, which also helped him gain authority among his classmates.

The successful defense of his thesis motivated Brin to continue his graduate studies in Marketing and Management. In parallel with studying higher mathematics, the future coach literally “absorbed” literature on fitness and proper nutrition. Thanks to a deep study of the “theory”, Yaroslav is freed from attending a course of lectures and subsequent exams in physical education.

Studying the basics of management and marketing was not in vain - Yaroslav Brin took the post of director of the Railway Junction in the city of Slyudyanka. However, due to the biased attitude of management, he was forced to leave his position, which was the beginning of his coaching career.

Marina Musikhina

We quote (hereinafter the author's spelling and punctuation are preserved):

“Awakening aspects of the Gods is a long and difficult process; the task of such Souls is connected not only with Enlightenment in general, but also with the implementation of the plan of the Gods. The gods direct aspects to interact with our world in human bodies so that their energies are grounded and dissipate that dense energetic layer of destructive energies that covers the Earth. A young woman who lives and fights cancer came to me. Her restraint and patience indicated that she was a fairly mature person. Even if we are talking about illness, it is still important for me to see the Soul in order to understand the power of the energy of the one who turned to me. I was pleasantly surprised when Athena emerged from the Source. I have never come into contact with Athena - not in meditation, not in working with people. The girl’s soul was an aspect of this Goddess, and of course, all circumstances pushed the woman towards Awakening. The illness taught her humility and acceptance, this will help her realize her task, Athena said that she would help. It is important to know and understand that aspects are a God-given chance for people to correct those conditions that lead to the destruction of civilization... Will the aspects now living in bodies be able to awaken and cope with the task??? The question remains open... To be continued…"

Treatment by the gods. Great, add it to the register of medical specialties, it’s high time.

However, officially educated doctors also begin to fool around as soon as they fall into the tenacious spider web of Instagram. Otherwise how to explain this?

Well-deserved fame

At the beginning of 2011, Yaroslav Brin created an official YouTube channel dedicated to proper nutrition and fitness. In his videos, the trainer shares his personal experience in losing weight, and also reveals the main secrets of proper nutrition and creating individual training programs. A professional approach allowed Yaroslav to win the attention of many viewers who managed to overcome excess weight only thanks to his unique technique.

Projects "FM4M" and "Master Group"

The trainer also regularly publishes reports in which he shows the weight loss results of his players. The project involves men and women who want to give their body an attractive shape. In his FM4M project, which lasts 16 weeks, Brin trains participants so that they can independently create a diet aimed at losing weight and an effective training program. Brin also has a second project, “Master Group”, this is a year-long program aimed at improving various areas of life, from health and sports, to money and relationships.

Books and wishes

Yaroslav Brin wrote his first book, “myths about dietetics,” in 2010, and in 2014, the second book, “Trading Fat for Willpower,” was published. In it, the video blogger offers his own step-by-step instructions for losing weight, analyzes popular diets, and debunks myths about losing weight.

The book “Trading Fat for Willpower” is available absolutely free online.

The blogger himself admits that in the future he wants to create his own brand of effective fat burners, insisting that the productivity of existing supplements “tends to zero.”

Yaroslav also dreams of opening a network of fitness clubs that will work according to his training methods. Clubs will be created with a focus on results, and not on maximum monetization of the client.

Yaroslav Brin is an interesting multifaceted personality. He plays several musical instruments, was in a rock band, and wrote poetry. He is an exemplary family man, raising a son with his wife. At the same time, he manages to engage in sports and business. Yaroslav is an example for everyone who needs motivation!

Photo transformation: before and after

Yaroslav Brin gained and lost excess weight three times. Thanks to hard training and a scientific approach to nutrition, the athlete only improves his figure every time. Brin is distinguished by an excellent athletic physique, relief and a minimal percentage of body fat.

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