How to speed up your metabolism and lose 4 kg in a week?


Before a vacation or celebration, people think about the question of how to lose 4 kg in a week. There are many diets that will allow you to get the desired result in a short time without putting in much effort. By combining diet and regular physical activity, you can lose more than 4 kilograms in seven days, but such weight loss can be dangerous for unprepared people.

The best option for losing excess weight is to select balanced or mono-diets that affect metabolism and help transform the body's reserves.

How to properly prepare for a diet

If possible, a few days before you start losing weight, you should switch to a proper diet. PP involves avoiding alcohol, fatty and fried foods, marinades and much more. A smooth transition to a diet menu will allow you to achieve long-lasting results, and will also make the process of losing weight easier. If someone losing weight does not have the opportunity to prepare in advance, then before the diet it is best to do a fasting day. For a fasting day, any of the mono-diets can be chosen, or clean drinking water can be consumed instead of meals.

Diet rules

Now there are many popular diets that show good results even in the most severe cases. All of them are effective only if a number of rules are observed. The first of these is the refusal of a number of products:

  1. Carbonated drinks, juices with added sugar, alcohol, coffee, strong black tea;
  2. Marinades, sauces;
  3. Canned foods, semi-finished products, fast food, meat and sausages;
  4. Baked goods, white bread, chocolate, sweets;
  5. Fried and fatty foods, spicy foods, snacks.

It is impossible to lose 4 kg without changing your diet. You should also drink at least two liters of water daily. Mineral water without gas is best suited for this purpose. You can drink green tea throughout the day. The substances contained in the drink help remove toxins from the body and also promote smooth weight loss.

How to lose 4 kg in a month

Losing 4 kg in a month is considered a smooth, rather than sudden, weight loss, which is absolutely harmless to health. According to scientific estimates, the average person is able to burn about 200 grams of fat per day, subject to diet and regular exercise. To lose weight, you need to lose about 130 grams of fat daily - this is less than the above norm, so strict measures to combat excess weight with this approach will not be necessary. All you need is to make some adjustments to your usual menu and start training regularly.

No harm to health

How to lose 4 kg in a month without harming your health? It’s very simple: start eating right, and also slightly increase your physical activity. Under such conditions, the weight will go away completely and irrevocably, the main thing is that after losing weight, do not immediately eat kilograms of all kinds of high-calorie goodies, but make healthy, balanced nutrition a way of life. The basic principles of this technique:

  1. You can eat everything, but allow yourself foods from the unhealthy category (fried, fatty, flour, sweet, smoked, salty) only occasionally.
  2. Limit sugar and salt in all forms.
  3. If possible, avoid industrially produced food, preferring natural homemade food.
  4. Love porridge, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  5. Try to constantly be in motion.

No diets

The best option for gentle weight loss would be to slightly reduce the calorie content of your daily diet to 1200-1500 kcal and add a little cardio exercise. Running, swimming, fitness, breathing exercises, even regular walking are good for weight loss. And as for calories, they can be easily planned in advance using special calorie programs, where all the groups of nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates - will be correctly calculated.

No training

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to train at home or in the gym and you don’t know how to lose 4 kg in a month, you can try to lose weight without physical activity, but only with dietary restrictions. Then you need to remember some important rules:

  1. Limit your diet according to the principles of proper nutrition.
  2. Refuse late dinner in favor of a glass of low-fat kefir with a spoonful of bran.
  3. Eat small meals, do not pass on food, do not wash down food.
  4. Monitor the amount of liquid consumed.
  5. Forget about high-calorie snacks on the go.
  6. Calculate the calorie content of the daily diet and the ratio of BZHU according to the scheme: breakfast - 30%, lunch - 10%, lunch - 35%, afternoon snack - 10%, dinner - 15%.

Types of diets

Among the variety of diets for weight loss, you need to choose the option that is most suitable for a person. For lovers of fruits or individual products, there are a lot of mono-diets or menus made up of certain products. If a person really loves meat, then during a diet he does not need to give up his favorite food, since there are protein diets and other variations based on this product.

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Colorful Diet

A colorful diet allows you to get rid of 4 kg in a week. The main principle of losing weight using this menu is a daily change in diet. On the first day you need to eat white foods:

  • Rice;
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • Chicken breast;
  • Fermented milk products without additives;
  • White fish (pike perch, hake, pike);
  • Cauliflower.

All food should be consumed in small portions throughout the day. You should refrain from consuming large quantities of carbohydrates. The second day involves eating red foods:

  • Veal;
  • Beet;
  • Red bell pepper;
  • Strawberry;
  • Cherry;
  • Tomatoes.

Although red grapes are on the list of allowed foods, you should not abuse them, as they contain a large amount of carbohydrates. The third day involves eating green foods:

  • Parsley;
  • Broccoli;
  • Asparagus;
  • Gooseberry;
  • Avocado;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • Salad.

On the third day, you should pay much attention to salads made from fresh vegetables and herbs. Next comes Orange Day:

  • Pumpkin;
  • Carrot;
  • Orange;
  • Apricot;
  • Nectarine;
  • Marble cheese;
  • Mango;
  • Sea ​​buckthorn.

The fourth day is very rich in carotene. Vitamins have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. On the fifth day, the menu must be composed of purple products:

  • Red cabbage;
  • Black currant;
  • Blackberry;
  • Basil;
  • Plum;
  • Eggplant.

Purple foods have a beneficial effect on the kidneys and help the body remove excess moisture. The sixth day menu consists of yellow food:

  • A pineapple;
  • Corn;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Sweet yellow pepper;
  • Pomelo;
  • Yellow varieties of apples.

Most yellow foods contain large amounts of vitamin C. The last day is called clear and should consist of only water. If it is difficult for someone losing weight to stay on water alone, then low-fat kefir or yogurt without additives can be introduced into the diet.

How athletes lose weight

It is necessary to lose extra pounds so that your strength characteristics remain at the same level. How to shed pounds wisely? The athlete needs to remember that the gap between his normal figure and that required for competition should not be more than 4-5 kg. In this case, the fighter will be able to reach the desired number in a short time. Weight loss without loss of strength is carried out in the following ways:

  • Limit or stop drinking fluids. This method can be practiced for no more than 24 hours. About 3 kg are lost per day.
  • Stimulation of sweating. Dry sauna, shower and hot bath, and cardio training remove fluid well. A loss of 2-4 kg occurs per day.
  • Purgation. The method helps to get rid of 2 kg without loss of performance. Using an enema or mild laxatives, accumulated toxins are removed.
  • Diet. For a fighter to feel strong, he needs the entire complex of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and nutrients. You need to eat, but the quantity and quality of food is completely different than with normal proper nutrition.
  • Taking diuretics. Diuretics remove 4-5 kg ​​of fluid. The method can provoke an imbalance of electrolytes and a decrease in strength indicators.

Lose weight in a week

Seven days for weight loss is enough to achieve your goal. During this period, you can resort to dietary nutrition, slight fluid restriction and stimulation of sweating. How to lose weight before a competition in a week without consequences for the results of the competition and health? Start with nutritional correction - focus on protein foods and fats. Take a hot shower every day and do vigorous exercise.

Lose weight quickly

In a couple of days you can reduce body weight by removing excess fluid from the body and cleansing the intestines. Approximately 5 kg can be removed from the digestive tract with the help of laxatives. Colon cleansing is a gentler procedure than taking diuretics, since there is no strain on the kidneys and heart. More detailed information on how to quickly lose weight before a competition is outlined below.

Buckwheat diet

There are a lot of options for buckwheat diets and the choice of a specific menu depends only on the capabilities of the person losing weight. The buckwheat diet will allow you to quickly lose 4 kg. While some people can easily stick to a mono-diet, for most people who are losing weight, eating one product for 7 days is a difficult task. Those who want to try their hand can start with a mono-diet, and, if necessary, switch to a more balanced menu.

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One popular diet option looks like this:

Day of the weekBreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MondayBuckwheat, poached egg, glass of kefir.A slice of rye bread, 100 grams of feta cheese, fresh apple juice.Chicken broth, grilled vegetables, green tea.A glass of low-fat yogurt, 4 biscuits.Buckwheat porridge, steamed hake, vegetable salad.
TuesdayAn omelette of two eggs, two slices of hard cheese, a slice of gray bread, green tea.Cottage cheese casserole with apple, low-fat kefir.Vegetable soup, steamed buckwheat meatballs with mushrooms, fruit smoothie.Baked apples with cottage cheese, compote without added sugar.Buckwheat, boiled turkey, grilled vegetables.
WednesdayBuckwheat porridge, baked chicken breast, sliced ​​vegetables, apple juice.Fruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt.Rabbit soup with buckwheat, vegetable salad, green tea.Vegetable casserole, berry juice.Buckwheat porridge, veal and steamed vegetables, green tea.
ThursdayBuckwheat, stewed rabbit, sliced ​​vegetables, green tea.Fruit smoothie, a slice of brown bread, two slices of hard cheese.Chicken noodle soup, grilled eggplant, fresh apple juice.A glass of low-fat kefir, 2 oatmeal cookies.Buckwheat, baked turkey, sliced ​​vegetables, green tea.
FridayOmelette, steamed buckwheat meatballs, fruit smoothie.Plain yogurt, 2 oatmeal cookies.Vegetable soup, veal stew, green tea.Cottage cheese casserole with berries, apple juice.Buckwheat porridge, chicken breast and steamed vegetables, low-fat kefir.
SaturdayBuckwheat, grilled beef, vegetable salad, green tea.Baked apples with cottage cheese, compote without sugar.Chicken broth with 2 poached eggs, stewed vegetables, vegetable smoothie.Yogurt with berries, 4 biscuits.Buckwheat, boiled turkey, sliced ​​vegetables, green tea.
SundayBuckwheat porridge, steamed rabbit, tomatoes, green tea.Fruit smoothie, cottage cheese casserole.Chicken noodle soup, steamed vegetables, fruit drink.Low-fat kefir, 2 oatmeal cookies.Boiled buckwheat, grilled veal, stewed vegetables, green tea.

Diet for a week

You can easily lose 4 kg in a week with a one-week diet. The menu includes various products that alternate daily. On the first day you need to drink mostly water. A drinking day also allows you to include low-fat yoghurts and kefir, sugar-free juices, and smoothies in your menu.

Be sure to read: How to quickly lose weight 4 days before a holiday event?

The second day is vegetable day. You are allowed to eat any vegetables in any quantity. The main requirement of the vegetable day is the absence of heat treatment of products. Salads can be seasoned with unrefined vegetable oils. The following oils are best suited for these purposes:

  • Corn;
  • Linen;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Sea buckthorn;
  • Sesame.

The third day, like the first, is drinking. The fourth day involves eating fruits and berries. For variety, you can make a fruit salad and top it with plain yogurt. You should refrain from eating grapes and bananas in large quantities.

The fifth day is protein. During the fifth day of the diet, you can eat white meat and fish, eggs, and cottage cheese. You can eat no more than 0.5 kg of food throughout the whole day. If necessary, someone losing weight can add a glass of yogurt or kefir to their diet.

The sixth day is also a drinking day. On the seventh day, you need to gradually exit the diet. To do this, it is better to adhere to a proper nutrition system.

Frequent split meals will allow you to refrain from overeating in the first days after finishing the diet. If you follow all the rules of the diet, you can lose 4 kg or more in 7 days.

Effective diets for a week

The most popular diet options showing how to lose 4 kg in a week:

  1. Developed by French nutritionists. The point is fractional nutrition, the separation of food of plant and animal origin. For breakfast you can eat either a boiled egg and yogurt, or a piece of fruit. Drinks allowed are tea or coffee without sugar. For lunch - a portion (100 g) of boiled vegetables, boiled lean meat, stewed fish. For dinner, prepare a light vegetable salad or eat low-fat cottage cheese. As a snack, it is permissible to drink a glass of kefir, warm milk, broth, and eat yogurt without additives.
  2. Kefir diet. You should consume kefir for breakfast, lunch and dinner (it is better to choose 1% or 2.5% fat content). It is also allowed to eat small portions of boiled chicken breast, cottage cheese and fruit. It is advisable to make the seventh day a fasting day and not drink anything except kefir and still water.
  3. Buckwheat diet. It differs from kefir only in the main product: instead of kefir, you need to eat boiled buckwheat without oil and with minimal addition of salt. Nutritionists recommend not boiling buckwheat, but pouring boiling water over it in the evening, so it will retain more of its beneficial properties and have fewer calories.
  4. A diet of grapefruit and eggs is popular. For example, for breakfast eat 2 boiled eggs and a grapefruit, for lunch - an omelet and herbal tea, and for dinner - grapefruit and scrambled eggs again. Eggs are high in protein and vitamin D, while grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, which helps burn fat.

Protein diet

A diet based on protein foods will help you quickly lose 4 kg. The main food for losing weight is:

  • Meat;
  • Cheese;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Eggs;
  • Fish.

In the process of losing weight, you must refrain from consuming carbohydrates and fats. Instead of cereals, it is better to eat fresh vegetables. All meats and cheeses should contain a minimum amount of fat. The protein diet has one main contraindication - impaired kidney function. Chronic kidney disease can become aggravated if the diet menu is incorrectly selected.

Diet for quick weight loss

To lose excess body weight, you need to adhere to a special nutrition system. For 1 kg you need to consume 30-45 kcal, 4-4.5 g of carbohydrates, 1-2 g of fat and 2.4-2.5 g of protein. Such indicators should be reached gradually. As you approach weighing, the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 50 g per day, while the percentage of proteins increases. A diet for weight loss should be rich in fiber, which will help avoid constipation. 1-2 days before the competition, the total amount of food does not exceed 1-1.5 kg.

What can you eat

High physical activity of an athlete requires a lot of energy. The fighter gets it from protein foods, fats and a small amount of simple carbohydrates. What you can eat when you are losing weight and drying your body:

  • lean meat, chicken;
  • lean fish and seafood;
  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • hard cheese;
  • soya beans;
  • kefir;
  • fresh non-starchy vegetables, fruits (oranges, apples, prunes).

How to get out of a diet correctly

Lost kilograms quickly come back if you exit the diet incorrectly. The main reason why rapid weight gain occurs is uncontrolled food consumption. After finishing the diet, you must follow the principles of proper nutrition for a week:

  1. Fractional frequent meals;
  2. Refusal to consume harmful foods;
  3. Compliance with drinking regime.

While losing weight, nutritionists recommend exercising regularly. Performing exercises after finishing the diet will help you maintain your figure in shape, as well as smoothly and further reduce weight. Daily walking will provide the body with the necessary amount of oxygen and improve metabolic processes.

Monthly weight loss program

In order to motivate yourself to succeed in losing weight, strictly follow the terms of the diet, without even thinking about failures, and ultimately get the desired expected result on the scale, you need to create your own individual weight loss program. In other words, this will be your personal step-by-step instructions for action: what, in what quantity or for how long, when, etc. Here you should write down absolutely all your steps on the path to a slim figure: calorie content of foods and meals, time and duration training, etc.

How to calculate weight loss

There are mathematical formulas for calculating your ideal weight, the time to eliminate extra pounds, and the number of calories your body needs to lose weight comfortably. You can find them on the Internet and calculate the necessary numerical values ​​of these concepts yourself. It’s easier to calculate such data using calorie counters, of which there are a lot on the Internet. A special program will help you navigate the weight loss conditions in your specific case and build your own weight loss schedule for the month, based on your current parameters.


It would be useful to draw up an individual training plan to lose 4 kg in a month. It should include the basic exercises for a month for losing weight, which you plan to do during regular exercise at home or in a fitness club. You can create such a program with the help of a trainer, who will recommend what types of physical activity will be most effective for your weight loss, or on your own, based on tips and popular video workouts on the Internet. It is important to indicate in the plan not only the names of the exercises, but also the number of approaches or duration of execution.


Before you plan to lose 4 kg in a month, you should decide how you will adjust your menu. We must remember that, in order to avoid health problems, nutrition should always be complete and balanced. Eating only dietary low-calorie vegetables for a whole month is a big mistake, because the body also needs fats and proteins, and these are meat, cereals, dairy products and other foods . You should always monitor a healthy balance of nutrients in your daily diet, recording all the values ​​​​in your 4 kg weight loss program per month.

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