Awesome diet for 14 days: menu, recipes, photo and video results

The eternal struggle of women with excess weight becomes the reason for the creation of various diets and nutrition systems.
If representatives of the fair half of humanity set themselves the goal of losing weight as quickly as possible and getting noticeable results, then in this case, an awesome diet designed for 14 days will help achieve the desired effect. The name is fully justified, because the promised results of up to minus 8 kg in 14 days on this diet seem almost unrealistic.

Doctors say that this technique is extremely harmful to health and this diet is not even close to healthy nutrition systems. However, those who managed to limit their usual diet for 2 weeks claim that the results achieved are worth it. In 14 days you can lose from 3 to 12 kg and this is not the limit.

The awesome diet was not developed by professional nutritionists, but was proposed in one sports group “VK” and quickly won a lot of adherents. The author of this technique still remains unknown.

How and why it works

In fact, an awesome diet for 14 days is fasting, because the most high-calorie thing you can eat in

food - milk. The diet works on the principle of simply reducing the calorie intake and reducing food intake. The main rule is to eat only what is allowed on the menu.

Efficiency lies in the fact that the functioning of organs and systems requires energy, which we receive with food. When it enters the stomach, any food is broken down into useful components and thus becomes the necessary “fuel” for our life.

If you eat too much food, all the excess energy is transformed into a layer of fat, which is what will “feed” your body during these 14 days.

Awesome diet for 14 days. What results can be achieved?

I'm going to go on this diet. I’ll write about the results, if I fail, I’ll write anyway. So the diet is good, moderately hungry, but I think apple-kefir fasting will still be more effective, since it was on these days that the maximum weight was lost. But this diet is better than the astronaut diet. Ada: Hello everyone) Yesterday I couldn’t eat, I was thinking about food all the time. But I convinced myself that there were still two days left. And in a day I’ll eat something.

Ada: Hello everyone) Well, the diet doesn’t really suit me ((But I’ll stick with it until the end, the final result is very interesting. Ada: I follow the diet strictly. Natalya: I was on this diet. It didn’t suit me. Nastya: Good afternoon. Tomorrow is the last day on this diet. I hasten to write a review. The first 3 days were difficult.

I don’t know how much weight I lost. But she herself noticed that her stomach and sides had shrunk. In fact, this diet is a good start for a pp or long-term diet, such as Protasova. Belka: For the diet -8kg (from 68 to 60), but did not go out. Then I went to the sanatorium and ate everything. Natka: Hello everyone! Starting today I went on this diet and decided to try it)) I mostly ate like this, I think I can hold out.

The jeans are hanging, my husband said: “Take them off, they hang ugly on you!” So, the diet is real! I went on the Skinny Diet 3.01. I will count down every day, if you don’t see my name again, it means a failure. I hope this won't happen.

Sveta: Quite a strict diet, in my opinion. Everyone writes about how much they lost, but how does the weight behave after finishing the diet? I recently ate the Nutriko Daet complex. The weight also went away - in a week minus 4 kg, after 2 weeks the same, which makes me happy. Today I'm going on a skinny diet. I really want to lose weight. I read this diet and it seemed effective to me. Ana: I served all 7 days, I replaced meat with vegetables and potatoes with broccoli.

There are enough contraindications

An awesome diet is designed for 14 hard days, for a young audience of girls who want to get rid of extra pounds. Excessive thinness, which many young ladies so strive for, remains in fashion.

These are the results that an awesome diet can achieve for those with an average body composition. If there is already more than enough excess weight, in 2 weeks you will be able to achieve a stable healthy body weight.

But it is worth considering that such a diet, if there are contraindications, can lead not only to the loss of extra pounds, but also to a deterioration in well-being and health. Main contraindications:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.;
  • any heart disease and vascular problems;
  • kidney and liver problems;
  • depressive mood and unstable psyche.

Description and essence

It is currently unknown who is the author of the awesome diet. She appeared online on a popular resource and immediately won the hearts of many ladies.

“Awesome” is very tough, and in order to withstand it, you need to have great willpower or strong motivation. This course of nutrition is designed for 2 weeks. The reward for willpower and perseverance will be significant weight loss (up to 20% of the initial values).

Of course, such a diet has nothing to do with proper nutrition. But often this is the only way to quickly lose those hated pounds.

Judging by the reviews, “awesome” has helped many women lose weight and become slim. There are many fans of this food.

The essence of the diet is to consume minimal calories for two weeks. At the same time, the body must receive a sufficient amount of fluid.

When a person consumes excess food, the body inevitably begins to store fat. When food becomes extremely scarce, fat begins to melt, giving a person energy. The diet is based on this property of the human body. The fewer calories enter the body, the sooner fat reserves will be used up.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive sides:

  1. Results . During this period, fat is actively and efficiently burned, and if you exit the diet correctly, the result will be permanently consolidated.
  2. Simplicity . There is no need to invent recipes and constantly cook something.
  3. The availability of the diet, financially it is very democratic.
  4. It can be observed at any time of the year .
  5. The body is cleansed , as it is forbidden to eat any fast food and junk food.
  6. Effective for those suffering from stage 3 and 4 obesity.

At the same time, everything has its disadvantages:

  • it is possible to develop vitamin deficiency, because the body suddenly stops receiving vital substances;
  • immunity decreases, heart rate increases;
  • this is severe stress, which can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases and the development of psychological problems;
  • Various rashes appear on the skin, and its condition worsens due to a lack of vitamins.
  • already on days 3-5 fatigue and loss of strength are observed;
  • Physical activity is not recommended during this period.

To avoid a number of problems, we recommend consulting with your doctor.

Significant disadvantages

If you look at it on the one hand, the diet helps to correct your appearance and get rid of flaws in your figure. On the other hand, it can cause significant harm to health. The diet threatens the following troubles.

  • Stress. Starvation and lack of food cause the body to experience stress. Short-term complications such as irritation, sleep disturbances, and nervous breakdowns are possible.
  • Hormonal disbalance. Poor and unbalanced nutrition can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle and other “female” problems.
  • Weakness. Side effects of the diet include constant drowsiness and dizziness. The most dangerous condition for health is fainting.
  • Dehydration. Water is removed from the body, which is undergoing a severe test.

Diet can influence the course of a chronic disease, complicating it. Metabolism slows down, immunity suffers. The condition of hair and nails may worsen.

Efficiency: reviews, photo results

The awesome diet has its adherents and those who are categorically against it. So, after analyzing the reviews, as well as photo and video results of girls who adhered to an awesome diet, the following facts should be noted:

  1. This is a really effective way to lose weight; in 2 weeks of a strict diet you can lose from 5 to 12 kg, depending on your initial body weight.
  2. Green tea is a faithful assistant in the fight against extra pounds.
  3. This is a starvation system, as a result of which the body experiences stress and begins to use “fat reserves” for its functioning.
  4. Such rapid weight loss depends largely on your initial weight; obese people lose weight the fastest. If you want to lose extra 3-5 kg, it will be more difficult for you to do this.
  5. The achieved result can rarely be maintained, because after 14 days, women return to their usual diet.
  6. The diet is strict and these 14 days are extremely difficult to endure without breakdowns.

We invite you to get acquainted with the reviews of those who adhered to an awesome diet for 14 days:

I managed to survive 12 days out of 14 and once I broke down. But I personally am happy with the result; I managed to lose 7 kg. Of course, then 3 kg returned very quickly, but there is a result. I plan to repeat it some time later, but this time taking vitamins, since my hair began to fall out.

I have never been chubby, but over the past year I have gained a lot of weight due to health problems and taking pills. So I decided to try an awesome diet. As a result, I failed 3 times, but lost 5 kg. After the holidays I gained 2 kg, but the result is quite good in my opinion.

This is a difficult diet; you need willpower and motivation to stick with it. It was difficult for me to withstand these 14 days, during which I had a headache all the time and was weak. I managed to lose 12 kg, but 5 of them came back instantly.

“Awesome” diet: rules

You’ve probably seen headlines like “amazing diet with oriz for 14 days and you’re skinny” on social networks more than once. Have you looked at before and after photos of girls who have lost weight and decided to resort to an extreme method? Then you definitely need to study the four basic rules of its observance.

  1. Consultation with a specialist. Before you start losing weight, make sure you are absolutely healthy. We go for an examination to the doctor, get advice from a nutritionist. We remember that if you have any diseases, the situation can be aggravated due to an unbalanced and unhealthy diet.
  2. Vitamins. The table of products in the method is very meager. The body will not receive the necessary vitamins and microelements. Therefore, we purchase special complexes at the pharmacy. We consult with a doctor and choose the most suitable option, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.
  3. Physical activity regimen. During the diet, we reduce physical activity several times. Malnutrition and hunger will already deprive you of strength, so we don’t overload the body. We do not plan important events while losing weight, for example, passing exams or applying for a job.
  4. Full sleep. We maintain a sleep schedule. A good rest is necessary. We sleep at least eight to nine hours a day.

The results of the “Awesome” diet can impress even skeptics. But you shouldn’t think that they come easy. You need to have remarkable willpower and serious motivation for the success of the enterprise.

Preparatory measures

During the preparatory stage, it is worth following a certain diet so that the body can later adapt to extreme conditions with minimal losses. We prepare for the technique for one week. We are taking the following measures:

  • we refuse everything salty, fried, fatty;
  • gradually removing baked goods;
  • exclude sugar, but leave honey in small quantities;
  • we include vegetables, fruits rich in fiber, and nuts in the menu;
  • We reduce the amount of animal products.

A day or two before the start of weight loss, we unload on liquid dishes and foods: herbal teas, light soups and broths, fermented milk drinks.

How to get and consolidate results

According to reviews, there are still results (from 2 to 12 kg), but the main difficulty is to consolidate these numbers. To do this, you need to get out of it correctly and not continue to overeat, but control your diet. It is also necessary to avoid breakdowns during these 2 weeks, which is especially difficult.

To achieve a quick and much-desired result, we recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • the doctor's consultation;
  • taking a vitamin complex;
  • It is better to cancel active sports for this period and just walk more in the fresh air;
  • carry out body wraps, massages and relaxing baths;
  • full sleep.


Reviews and results of the awesome diet are very different. Women are divided into two groups: some are delighted, others are negative about such a strict diet.

Anna, 35 years old

I have known about this diet for about two years. I tried to sit on it three times, but always lost. It lasted me a maximum of a week. But even during this time I managed to lose 3-4 kg. But my sister held out on such a “hunger strike” until the end. I lost almost 11 kg. She says that when you are hungry, you need to be distracted by something. This makes the diet easier to tolerate.

Elena, 28 years old

I had to go on such a diet, since my husband had already begun to stare at slender girls. I am only 28, and I began to weigh 85 kg. This is with a height of 165! Got fat after giving birth. I ate a lot, then took hormonal pills, and this is the result. I went through the preliminary stage and went on a diet. The first day was surprisingly easy, but then HELL began! I wanted to eat constantly. I couldn't go into the kitchen at all. After a week I lost 3 kg. I know that this is not enough for my weight, but my body did not want to give up the accumulated fat. But in the second week the weight dropped by 6 kg. I'm happy with the result. Now I don’t sit on it, I just try to eat right. The weight is slowly coming off.

Marta, 18 years old

I always wanted to be skinny. All my friends weigh about 50 kg. I tried a huge number of different methods of losing weight, but the results were not impressive. Then I saw reviews on the Internet about a diet with a funny name - awesome, I immediately thought, this is what I need. The diet is very strict, but you can endure it. But the result is great!

Alena, 30 years old

The diet didn't help me at all. That is, she might have helped me, but on the third day I simply fainted at work. The doctor at the hospital spent a long time finding out what was bothering me, until I myself admitted that I had gone on such a strict diet. As a result: they sent me home, told me to eat well and not experiment like that again. I had such a bad experience, but some people manage to survive to the end!

Therefore, before embarking on a diet called “kickass”, it is necessary to study the advantages and disadvantages. If you do decide to follow it, choose the right period of time and do not get overwhelmed.

The article was checked and approved by Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, a practicing family doctor - see the authors of the site

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Menu for every day

To stick to a great diet, your daily diet should be like this:

  1. Exclusively green tea.
  2. Low-fat kefir. 4 meals, 200 ml each.
  3. Only mineral water without gas.
  4. Water + 1 apple per day.
  5. Milk (low fat). 1 liter per day, divided into 4 doses.
  6. Green tea, maybe with honey.
  7. Milk again, no more than 1 liter.
  8. Water + 2 apples.
  9. 1 liter of kefir.
  10. 2 cucumbers.
  11. Green tea.
  12. 1 liter of milk.
  13. 3 apples per day.
  14. Mineral water.

The essence and features of nutrition

The technique really allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight, but that’s where its awesomeness ends. The first thing that should arouse suspicion among those losing weight is the authorship of the method. The awesome diet was not invented by nutritionists or even general practitioners, but by ordinary Internet users far from medicine. One cannot hope for a balanced diet, much less complete safety for health.

Weight loss using this method occurs due to an almost complete fast for two weeks. The body does not receive enough calories to provide the body with energy, so it draws them from its “rainy day” reserves - fat deposits. Gradually they are burned, and the person loses weight.

Everything would be great if the influence of diet were limited to this, but in fact, more complex processes occur in the body. Along with food, not only calories are supplied, but also nutrients and useful components for the stable functioning of all organs and systems.

In the absence of food, the body has to find them in its own reserves, for example, proteins are drawn from muscles. If a persistent nutrient deficiency occurs, exhaustion occurs with its accompanying symptoms - dizziness, headache, fatigue, apathy, irritability and even fainting.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that during a diet, metabolism slows down, since the body regards the onset of hunger strike as difficult times and tries to slow down all the processes occurring inside. This can be compared to hibernation in animals, only in a less radical variation.

When the diet ends and a person switches to his usual diet, the wise body believes that if a hunger strike occurs once, it is necessary to prepare for its possible repetitions. And the best way to do this is to store body fat in large quantities. As a result of this, all the lost kilograms are returned to the person with interest.

The list of disadvantages of an awesome diet is supplemented by the fact that due to a lack of useful components, immunity is reduced, hormonal balance is disrupted, and this is fraught with negative consequences that cannot be predicted. In addition, the external condition also suffers - nails become brittle, hair splits and falls out more intensively, and the skin becomes dull and unhealthy in appearance.

But the technique also has positive sides. In addition to the fact that it allows you to achieve impressive results, there are advantages in the diet itself. A person will not have to spend money on meat or fish for 2 whole weeks, and the side dishes will remain untouched until the end of the diet. Cooking will also not be stressful - within 14 days all dishes will be initially ready to eat, so you can set aside time for your favorite activities.


Since the diet is very strict, there are no special recipes here. The only thing you can do is diversify your diet with baked apples and cucumber salad.

Diet salad recipe

On the day when cucumbers are allowed, prepare cucumber salad and season with tbsp. olive oil.

Apples baked in the oven

Wash the apples, cut off the cap from the tail side, remove the seeds and core. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, place the apples, and pour 1 tsp into the hole. honey, cover with a lid and place in the oven to bake for 20 minutes.

Preparing for the diet

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The first thing you need to do is see a doctor and undergo a thorough examination. It is better if it is a professional nutritionist who can assess your health and tell you exactly whether you can afford such exercise. If you don’t think about it in time, you can worsen chronic illnesses.

If you have diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines, you should avoid such experiments with your diet. The situation is similar with diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In general, any chronic illness imposes certain obligations, in particular, high-quality and nutritious nutrition.

In the next two weeks, the body will suffer from a serious lack of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you need to discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking full-fledged complexes to replenish the missing substances. If you do not pay due attention to this rule, you may encounter problems such as hair loss or premature skin aging.

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You need to avoid physical activity. An “awesome” diet is too hungry for the body to spend energy on training.

You definitely need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Lack of sleep coupled with severe dietary restrictions will lead to headaches and irritability.

From the above we can conclude: the “awesome” diet is not suitable for everyone. Yes, it is effective, but you have to pay for it by being too strict in your diet.

The right way out

To consolidate the results of an awesome diet, the correct exit from it, which also lasts 14 days, is very important. It is important to gradually introduce new foods into the diet and in minimal quantities. So, for the first 3 days it is better to eat fermented milk products, as well as zucchini and pumpkin. On the 4th day - porridge cooked in water, as well as steamed omelet. On day 12, you can introduce meat and fish into your diet.

According to reviews from those who adhered to an awesome diet, your result depends on the correct way out of it. To keep your weight at the same level, you need to eat carefully, give up flour, sweet, salty, fried foods, and follow a drinking regime.

If you combine this diet with a vitamin complex, you will be able to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, skin rashes will go away and its condition will improve. The awesomeness of this diet lies only in the rapid weight loss, otherwise it is very tough and far from the easiest.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you start losing weight, you need to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.


  • allows you to quickly lose weight;
  • the diet does not require cooking;
  • a detox effect is observed, the body is cleansed of waste and toxins;
  • the habit of eating in small portions is formed.


  • a strict system is stressful for the body, metabolic processes are disrupted;
  • there is a decrease in activity, dizziness and fainting may occur;
  • the body's immune functions decrease;
  • sudden weight loss leads to the appearance of premature wrinkles and sagging skin due to the destruction of muscle fibers.

Quitting the diet

No less important stage than the process of losing weight itself. If you immediately give up all restrictions and start eating as before, you will at least get digestive problems. The stomach begins to ache, the absorption of nutrients is disrupted. As a result, the body, already exhausted by the diet, continues to suffer from a lack of nutrients.

Within two weeks, the body becomes weaned from normal nutrition. Therefore, leaving the diet should take at least 14 days. The calorie content of the diet increases every day in small portions. New products should also only be introduced one at a time.

Approximate two-week diet:

  1. On this day, raw vegetables and fruits are allowed as much as you want, as well as 2-3 boiled eggs.
  2. The second day is cottage cheese-kefir day: during the day, half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese is washed down with one liter of 1% fat kefir.
  3. Once again, eating raw fruits and vegetables from the heart. Today you can drink 1 liter of kefir or juice from carrots, apples, plums.
  4. Meat day: 500 grams of boiled chicken breast, which can be replaced with lean fish, combined with 1 liter of kefir.
  5. The fruit and vegetable diet is repeated on the third day.
  6. Now you can add 15% sour cream to 500 grams of cottage cheese, washed down with 1 liter of kefir.
  7. We return to the fruit menu.
  8. The variety is increasing: 1 egg, 300 grams of boiled chicken meat, complemented by a salad of any vegetables.
  9. We dilute the fruit menu with 150 grams of beef and vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil.
  10. On this day, it is recommended to limit yourself to 2 pieces of rye bread and 150 grams of steamed fish, but you can not limit the amount of cucumber-tomato salad, washing it all down with 0.5 liters of kefir.
  11. Today the menu consists of 4 pieces of rye bread, a 150-gram piece of beef, 2 eggs, vegetable salad and 0.5 liters of kefir.
  12. We return to the fruit and vegetable menu with 1 liter of kefir.
  13. There is very little left: 300 grams of chicken meat, 2 eggs and vegetable salad.
  14. Last day: fruit as usual, 4 boiled potatoes and 1 liter of kefir.

During a two-week abstinence from high-calorie foods, it is recommended to drink green tea or mineral water.

Diet features

Everyone who tried the diet and strictly followed the rules noted active weight loss. But it should be taken into account that for women with a small amount of extra pounds, after 3-4 days they lost from 1 to 2 kilograms, after which the process slowed down and in the end the result was no more than 4 kilograms lost. Yes, this is a decent result if you take the timing into account. It is not possible to find out whether they managed to lose as much as 8 kilograms, because only a few were able to reach the finish line. An awesome diet for weight loss, according to reviews from women on forums, is one of the toughest. It is advisable to spend fasting days on such a diet, but following this for 2 weeks is “ruining your health.” After 5 days, the girls note that their hunger is uncontrollable, their concentration of movements has decreased significantly, as has their performance.

Remember! Experts are against such methods of losing weight, but recommend doing fasting days for 1-3 days in order to get rid of waste and toxins.

If an Awesome Diet is so necessary, you should definitely check your body for contraindications before starting. It is also important to limit yourself to the minimum duration of such a diet, while using special multivitamins. Another important condition is the correct exit. Only if such conditions are met can the body be kept healthy.

Diet options

If you plan to lose weight in just 2 weeks, then this will be express weight loss. It is characterized by a sharp reduction in the calorie content of foods.

The difference between the norm and what you will consume reaches 800-1000 kcal (in the most severe options). Roughly speaking, instead of your normal 1500 kcal per day, you will live on only 700-800.

Only with this regimen can you achieve truly stunning results, losing a whole pound of weight. With a softer regime, the deficit is only 200-400 kcal, which will allow you to lose no more than 5-6 kg in half a month.

“14 days and you’re skinny” (awesome)

Some diets are based on the cuisine of different countries. They attract those losing weight, first of all, with their exoticism.

After all, now you can buy in stores absolutely any products previously unknown to the residents of our country. Many are very similar to each other, and some are more likely to represent standard principles of healthy eating than to refer to the observance of a certain regime with a national flavor.

English (“Thin waist”)

This 14-day diet option, originally from the UK, evokes associations with stiffness and strictness of tradition. And for good reason: this diet is quite complex and involves alternating vegetable and protein periods lasting 2 days.

Every seventh day is a fasting day, implying a minimum amount of food. Few are able to withstand such experiments on their diet.

But if your willpower does not fail you, as a result of the “weight loss” marathon you will lose 7-8 kg, without particularly starving. Diet helps get rid of toxins in the body.

Therefore, it is especially recommended for those who have undergone a long course of antibiotic treatment.


  1. All dishes are steamed or grilled.
  2. The use of salt is prohibited; it is recommended to replace it with spices or seasonings.
  3. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink 1 tbsp. l. olive oil - this will speed up cleansing of the body and improve digestion.
  4. During the diet it is necessary to take a vitamin complex.
  5. The diet begins with two fasting days, during which you are allowed to eat only 2 pieces of black bread.

Authorized Products

For two weeks we eat a limited list of foods: a variety of vegetables (except potatoes), oatmeal, buckwheat and rice; all kinds of fruits (apples, citruses, pineapples and pears are a priority, but you can treat yourself to bananas and avocados); some nuts.

A variety of spices are allowed and can be added during cooking. The most difficult are the first five days of the diet.

To avoid being too hungry, you can drink a glass of warm or hot water before eating - this will give you a feeling of fullness.

Protein days menu

  • Breakfast - coffee with milk, two toasts with butter and honey.
  • Second breakfast - tea with sugar, a piece of black bread.
  • Lunch - 200 g of meat broth, a piece of fish or meat, vegetable salad. We wash it down with tea and a slice of bread.
  • Dinner - 200 g of lean fish or meat, two eggs, a glass of milk or kefir.

Vegetable days menu

  • Breakfast - 750 g of fruit.
  • Second breakfast - vegetables, juice.
  • Lunch - light vegetable soup, vegetable stew, light salad and fruit mousse.
  • Dinner - fruit, juice.

On a fasting day, we eat 1 kg of allowed fruits and actively drink clean water - at least 2 liters per day.


The diet is aimed not only at rapid weight loss, but also at improving the health of the entire body. The result is a weight loss of up to 7 kg, strengthening the immune system, improving the condition of the skin and blood vessels.

The diet is designed for 2 weeks, it is classified as non-fasting and allows you to lose weight without weakness and dizziness. The basis of the diet consists of products that promote the active breakdown of subcutaneous fat: lean meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits, fermented milk.

It is allowed and recommended to drink green tea and herbal infusions.

Potatoes, bananas and grapes, and fatty meat are absolutely prohibited. Naturally, you will have to exclude from your diet all foods harmful to the body: smoked foods, salty foods, sweets, etc. It is not recommended to increase the duration of this diet - its maximum duration is 14 days. It is recommended to repeat no more than 3 times a year with an interval of 4 months.


The Bulgarian diet is divided into three stages of different durations, each of which involves the consumption of a certain set of foods.

1-4th (vegetables and fruits)

  • 1 day we eat any vegetables. Priority is given to bell pepper. In total, no more than 1 kg is allowed. In this case, meals should be every 2 hours.
  • 2nd - unlimited amount of fruits (except forbidden ones).
  • 3rd and 4th - one egg, 300 g of vegetables and fruits, a cup of coffee in the morning.


Mono-diets differ from others in that they are based on one or two products. They must be consumed daily throughout the entire period of weight loss.

The rules for such a weight loss program may vary. For example, restrictions are imposed on all other products, and you can only eat the main one.

Or it is allowed to eat the main ingredient of the menu without restrictions, and the consumption of everything else is strictly limited by the rules. In any case, the goal is to reduce the number of calories entering the body and force the body to obtain energy from fat deposits.

Such diets for 14 days are not very useful, because they are not balanced - the body does not receive enough vitamins and substances necessary for it. Therefore, it is imperative to take vitamin complexes.


A simple and popular technique, based on eating buckwheat. This program is quite effective because it allows you to lose up to 12 kg in half a month. On average, the body receives no more than 900-1000 kcal per day. Due to the resulting deficit of 500-600 kcal, a person loses weight.

Benefits of the diet

  1. Not expensive and simple - everything you need can be bought at any store.
  2. There is no hunger - you can eat as much as you want, but only from the list of allowed foods.
  3. Easy to prepare - all food for the next day is prepared the day before.
  4. Due to the high fiber content in buckwheat, the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed.
  5. Buckwheat is rich in vitamins and minerals, which helps even out your complexion and normalize your metabolism during weight loss.

To avoid overeating, avoid seasonings, salt and sugars. It is very important to eat buckwheat in its pure form. Since this is a rather bland product, you won’t want to eat a lot of it - just to curb your appetite and get rid of the feeling of hunger. This is the main trick of this program.

What to cook and eat

The night before, steam 0.5 kg of buckwheat with 1.5 liters of boiling water. Wrap the pan with buckwheat and leave overnight. This way you will have food for the whole next day. You can eat it in quantities that are comfortable for you. Take it with water, tea or unsweetened coffee. If it seems that there was not enough porridge, next time you can steam 100-200 g of cereal more.

In a milder version of the diet, in addition to buckwheat prepared in this way, you are allowed to drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir every day. Since weakness and dizziness often occur due to a lack of sugar in the diet, you can supplement your diet with dried fruits if desired. But you should not eat more than a few of them per day. Alternatively, you can add a spoonful of honey to the porridge.



  1. Comfortable period - surviving two weeks on a reduced diet is not so difficult. Usually even the most impatient and unrestrained people can do this.
  2. Efficiency - in 14 days you can lose a lot of excess weight. Minus 14 kg is a real result that can be achieved without much hardship. Moreover, the result of losing weight will be more sustainable if you exit the two-week diet correctly and do not return to your previous diet.
  3. Safety - usually no harm is done to the body during this period. Especially if you choose gentle options and do not limit yourself in consuming the necessary products.

Skinny diet for 20 days

This weight loss program is more gentle and is actually a continuation of the classic seven-day skinny diet. The proposed daily diet is divided into 4-5 meals.

The daily menu is as follows:

  • Days 1–7 completely repeat the seven-day diet;
  • Day 8 – low-fat kefir (200 g), stewed vegetables (several servings), boiled chicken breast (200 g);
  • Day 9 – juice (1 l), low-fat cottage cheese (200 g);
  • Day 10 - juice (1 l), boiled low-fat fish or any seafood (200 g);
  • Day 11 - juice (1 l), boiled potatoes (4 tubers);
  • Day 12 – green apples (5‒6 pcs.);
  • Day 13 – juice (1 l), boiled beef (200 g);
  • Day 14 – low fat kefir (1 l);
  • Day 15 - menu at your discretion, you are allowed to allow yourself something from your usual diet, but within reasonable limits;
  • Day 16 - green apples (5-6 pcs.);
  • Day 17 – skim milk (0.8 l), boiled beef (200 g);
  • Day 18 – low fat kefir (1 l);
  • Day 19 – low-fat cottage cheese (200 g), non-carbonated mineral water (unlimited);
  • Day 20 – low-fat kefir (1 l), apple (1 pc.).

Reviews and recommendations from doctors

Of course, one cannot expect positive comments from qualified doctors about such a strict weight loss system. Few nutritionists will advise it, because this is a direct path to deterioration of health. But, if there is an urgent need to use the technique, doctors give some advice.

Since the diet is very poor not only in terms of nutritional value, but also in relation to a number of useful substances, it is necessary to purchase pharmacy vitamins for the period of weight loss. It would be better if it was a full-fledged complex.

Metabolic disruptions are also possible, which can lead to weight gain. For this reason, doctors recommend organizing a competent exit, similar to what is prescribed after fasting. After all, an awesome diet is essentially similar to it. The recovery will last exactly as long as the weight loss technique itself. In this case it is 2 weeks. And during this period, the calorie content of foods and dishes should increase very slowly. For the entire period, the need to eat in small portions remains, and to refuse to eat before bed.

For 1-3 days, the base of the diet is low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese and kefir. As well as plant foods, but without coarse fiber. For example, pumpkin and zucchini, from which puree is made after cooking. The same is done with non-acidic varieties of apples. By the end of 3 days, you are allowed to cook some soft porridge in water: it can be rice water or thin oatmeal porridge.

From day 4, eggs are introduced (1 piece per day), vegetable broths and other fruits and vegetables: carrots, cabbage, persimmons. From 7 days you can add sour cream, butter, and cheese. This is where salt comes into play.

It is advisable not to include meat in the menu until the very end of the release or to include it in the diet for days 12-14, choosing the lightest versions: chicken fillet, lean veal. It must be boiled and crushed. Serving size – up to 100 g. In addition to the fact that such a way out of an awesome diet will allow the body to adapt to rough food, it will also consolidate the result.

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